VA.' w W J TEN PAGES DAILY EAST OKEGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, ftJESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 1C, 1021. PAGE NINE CLASSIFIED ADS. lor Kent, Mc, tiassiiied lor Lasy lieierence. Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals, Lost, Found "WANT tLASsiriici) nviiinsiJiu 4 li AIICH But Id t-polnt Counting six oral s' nary word, to the line. Pirn In.ertlon, per line -.$.10 Knell ailuitinrial conaecutlv Inaortiun, per line Ono month, every Uaue, each Inkerllon, pit line Bin months contract, every la sue, each tiimrrtion per line Twelve month, contract, ev e - ery Ihmio, each limertlun, ' pir line Ada not run consecutively, each insertion, p-r line...... No ads Uken fur less than I line. Minimum charge for itrc.vr- upu 11 nicnt.- 3 rucim -I'lium 17 unfurnished !-M. FOR ItKNT Fiiriilslicil mom -with bath l'linno r3!l-V, Pull 410 Madi son St. JIT UKSIDKXCK nt 1013 Haley St., Ib for mile. Plume lion, or 603-1, Dale ltuthwell. LOST Stindity Aug. .14, ladies rain coat between (lll)lion and Pendleton. J'leaao return to 4U KaHl Welili St, WANTKI KiHicnteil Christian work er for work ulonir ChiiHi lans lines Salary' 121.01) week. Arid rem "61" cure IOiihI Oregoniun. kIvIiik Phono Xo, 1.1.11(1 PAII hy "I'nmfmt Ideal Foot Powder Co." for any cane of Peru plrultun, ililor, sealiled feel if it fulls to Mitlrructurlly relieve. AKk your druK gint or Kline man. WANTKI IMiK tiled woman Uneras ed in child welfare for .special em ployment In connection with Sex Hy Klrne work. Salary I'.m.oi) lo. Ad drni "Co" care Kast Orcironlan, giv ing phono No. and uddreK. WA.NTKIi Iti flned woman Interested In chllil IriMnlrvK and educational work fur reveral months special work iilon. these lines, iiilary 90.00 Mi)., mi tcmhlhtf. Addres "62" care Fast oregonlan, irivlng Phono nnd ad dreart. FOR 8ALK nil L.KASH 16,000 acres wheat land, o room rnttaKP nnd lotn. Small payments down, balance I terms. SO ai res to exchange for Pen dleton residence property. Pendle ton investment Co., 113 Railroad St., riiono ". p.y FP.AN'lv HETTY. Inleinational News Service Staff 0 iTcxpuntlt nt. NEW YORK, A us. 16 When we were kids we used lo play a name called "Ten Step".' 'in which whoever was "It" stood with cloned eyes and counted rapidly to icn. the others riislihiK from a sturtlm: point In an effort in be the f"s' counter. Anyone caiiMbt moviiiK after "ten" h:)d been counli'd had to o back and a' art over. It Is much the same game which wculd he Immigrants to the I'nited Sta vr play these days. The rules arc tin i.'-w "1-T. of 3 per cent" law, which inids like beer, hut which Is really Ho i u'tenipt to check linmlpration. Ol - ga and Carlo a ml Boris start from tne hi her side mid rash for Ihe land of the Iteo, trying to reach Ellis Island he, ore I tic qiinui man says "'ton" If he ent-hrs I hem on the move they 1 -ivu tr. go back and try all over again the lirst of next month. Thft new law, which has been effec tive for about two inonlhs lias cer tainly jn.zed up the business of Imral g rat lo ,i. It provides Hint the niiuil'ei of immigrant from any one couni.y be limited to 3 per cent of that na tion'B 191(1 population. And it has a joker which says that only 1-8 of that 1 per cent shnll come In In any one month. Niiw with a country like Herimv-.y, whh. h had iiboiit a million popubitli n lu lilO atnl has sent less than Mm here si rep the law been me effective last June, the new restrictions don't n atler very much. Rut when it comes to Greece, Poland, Turkey nnd po.-ne of the smaller nations, they are ciii'j'i; up their quotas In record time and l.oilering for more.. The Unii ul To Aid Mother i It R Harrlwn. sailed fir Ber lin In m-e' hi. m-'tb-r. Mrs. Mar m,..i n HurrlKon Mrs Harrison, n Amerl-an writer, was recently teleuaril fmin a Bolshevik prison WINS ST Mr'f 1 Survm the ForlJourHome LOST AND FOUND LOST 84x4 Silvcrtowr.. Cora tiro, tulie, rim and tire cover, between Pen dletnn and I'i'ot ITock. Ilnwuid. I.eava at K. O. Office. LOST Largo brlndlo milch cow dry n6 brand visible long horns- 110.00 reward If delivered to E. G. Sttltmiirsh ranch, south of reservation. NOTICES lOltTLAXO t & M. STA(.i: UNIX leaving daily at S A. M. from Hotel Pendleton for Portland and way points, using twin six Packard totirirm earn. Fare, $1.00 one way or $14.!0 rMinii trip. Not loo We have tnken over the house mnv- ina; outfit formerly operated by James Co-.-nfield nnd are ready for all kinda of house ninvlnit work. WILSET IiROS. Phone 224-J 012 Clny St. States Is still to them file land of freeotn, )id the report that tln'ir c mil. K Is about to he curtalU.l has raised n;i awful furor among in cui I inj; i:nioiurnnlK. I I'. r.-riifcrs In l'ur.v. If the lav.' merely stipulated Ibat I w hen a nation had sent us 3 per cent ! of Its mill population no more would l.i ailtvlltcd there would be no ibfn ci.liy: the (How conhl dimply le shipped back home, with Fncle Sam's restc's. nil ihts' 1-5 of 3 per en' each ;nc.-tli I'Usbifss has then a'l Enessi-ic v) tVn nt fitvt. It didn't taka the wily foreigner Inn? to ri.ti h rmo the joker ir turn the trick nua.'iist na. Eight litt.e in Hons tiHid up their uoti.s duriiv; . "ly, which was tho Hint month. vVnoii it fame ai'oy.i'l to'viuil the . f the i.n.imh. d:d the liners brinsin in." I jijriiils to thi." country 1"" '' Ith they wrrr lie li't- because of the month's na lu inn full, a'l '. put back ' T hey did l.ol. Much lo the 'l.'KUst, even 1'; tVe fitry of po" c hi' ilrcds of .'. ii'cr.o.'.n ciii.cns rtho i'.aiireiied lo be pa-sen. c-c. cisbt IU: transatlaiit c ll..e.' duo b. to in .li b' calmly delaye.l tb-'lr m cv I'crk until lb" fi st of th One i lie Mcsal: in II. ,s. a Hrcc k liner, .M:n 130 Air-.e -iriiii a'.oird. .iii,ied of Fire lslnr.1 Ju:v ; and despite the rape .''! 1 bM'i' tearing of the United Slates c'v.-c ,,,,,, i.iied inchi.r I I'd stayed there jur lltsidc. tho thrcc-mlle limit until US'. .nwrteil. The .lolicr Has a Brother. Several other liners, one big one ri in Italy among them, followed suit. )n the stroke of midnight, when July became August, there was n grami usb across the line. With a touting of whistles tho immigrant-i'earing vabadb swept down upon Kills Isl- niid. Their passengers wouiu nine been in excess of the first month quota, but this wan August now, and that was another matter. It Is reasonable to suppose, immi gration officials say, that this per- rmnncc w ill ho repented m ound Sep tember 1 and again the first of each month until at midnight, November 30, the last grand rush begin. To cope with the situation 11 hap been decided by local officials tnnr an surplus Immigrants shall be admitted upon personal bonds, it they can in them, until October 1. It is nopcu lint a federal law, somewhat less ex acting, will be enacted nernre inn time. It is believed that the rranicn ..r i I.e. nresent measure. Which is temporary, failed to sea tho jazzy ef fect of their legislation. So the immigrants who wait outside tho line until the new month hosim are really wasting their time, imcaus. ihev could get in, anyway, nut inej don't know It so the gnmo is Just as exciting as though it were real. BRINGING UP FATHER , THlt Ifj ONE NICHT OF THE s. WEEK THAT I fr MUST ,IT TO 111 OlNTX MOORES 0g , lii PLACE- WHAT r-'j VJI WILLI TELL Jd'rA orUusvwssSito USEP CAR EXCHANGE H)R SAX1S King Eight car in Rood shape cheap for cash Phone luiy-vv. roil KALE Chandler car will take J'ord us part payment. Phone 651 223 K. Court St. Wig HAVE an excejfional rood buy in a Ford Roadster, $225.00, terms Eilis-Schillcr Co., Phone 963. FOR PA LB 1 -ton Reptibllo truck, Kood shape will take Ford in trade, easy terms on balance. Oldamobile Co. Till X K OF THIS! 1920 Ford tour ing car, elect rlo. lights, starter, looks like new, at a bargain. AVIU give terms. Ellis-Schiller Co., Phone 96 :l. For SALE 1 920 Buick, almost new mechanically perfect driven only 7000 miles. Spaulding spot light, bumper, 5 new tires with cover. Phone 1029-R. OAKLAND TOURING CAR In first class shape bargain will take Ford In trade. Ford roustabout, very reasonable. It will run. R. M. Tarn Icr. I'hone 870, 518 Willow St. FOR SALE FOR S.VLK Brunswick Phono 613. phonograph FOR SALE Two Blewett Harrestirs . Phone 14F11. FOR SLE Well rurnlsheo boise -rheap Phone 627-J. Apt. FO(t SALE OR TRADE 1920 truck : J. JL Bryan, 310 Tustln Street. MEN'S SUITS CLEANED, $1.50 at Ilinil'S, 107 W. Webb. Phone 685. FOR SALE J. H. Estes, All kinds of Insurance. 614 Main St., Phone 604. FOR SALE 6 room house with bath and garage on north Bide. For terms write Box 123 Echo, Ore. FOR SALIC 5 room bungalow mod ern. Small payment down, terms on balance. Call 515 W. High St. FOR SALE Hatching eggs from thoroughbred single comb Rhode Island Reds S00 W. Webb, Phone 884 Ft Ml SALE 3 car loads Red Split Ce dar fence posts 7 ft. 8 cents each, f. o. b. cars. Frank E. Blair, Lowell, Oregon. FOR SALE A nice home cheap If taken at once; terms; also other lots cheap. Res. 115 Jane "St., Phone 510-W. FOR SALE OR TRADE Four 100 bit. bulk wheat boxes for common wheat rack Phone 1F4. O. H. Hampton. FOR SALE 65 Caterpillar., over hauled In good shape for harvest stationary attachment Address Box 100, Pendleton. FOR SALE Is ft. gas combined har vester for sale cheap. Can be seen In operation on Sheldon Taylor farm In Middle Cold Springs Phone 10F12. FOR SALE 1 span good work mules, weight about 22jO, one span good work mules, weight about 2150. Also Ford truck, 1918 model, flat rack with stakes on side, good condition. In quire Roy S. Neal, Bowman Hotel. l or Sale 7 room house, north side, beautiful home. 5 room bungalow, north side street paved. Houses In nil parts of the city, some in easy payments. Large nnl small ranches both alfalfa ind vhcat, also dairy ranch, well quipped. Geo. V. FJdcr & Son 811 Main St. Phone 993 OOrt'T "00 F-VECi jTOP THINKiHC OF COIH OUT ? Handy Business Directory of Pendleton and Vicinity ThH Directory la especially handy for the out-of-town reader who may want the name and address of responsible fcuains men who represent tb (oUwtrtttK lines. All are reliable, responsible business concerns who stand ready to give you prompt service. ; " '. . . , FOR SALE Portland property $5000 terms. Seven room house, paved street, 4 lots, garage, barn, chicken coop, and run, berries, fruit trees, fine shrubs arid roses. Address 709 Gerard St., Portland, Ore., Uni versity Park. FOR RENT APT8. AND ROOMS AlTA APTS. FOR RENT Furnished; Apt. Phone 210-W. " FOR RENT Modern APts., close In Phone 862. ROOM AND BOARD for gentlemen 515 Port St. ROOM AND BOARD lor men only 403 E.: Webb. 1 AND 2 roomed apartments for rent 402 Timlin St. FOR RENT 2 suite office room In- ouire Penland Bros. FOR RENT Two room apartment Inquire 407 E. Court. FOR RENT 2 furnished housekeep ing rooms. 707 Lilleth St. FOR RENT 3 furnisnea rooms 301 So. Main St., Phone 251-W. FOR RENT Four room apt month for 2 months. Phone 730-W FOR RENT Well furnished sleeping room with bath $10.00 month. Phone 248-M. FOR RENT Two three room fur nished apts., with bath one with gas close In. Also furniture for sale nd house for rent Phone 369-J. PASTURE tor horses, mules and cat tle $1.69 per month mountain range. Rood erass. water and salt will get them and deliver them. Ad dress E. B. Kidder, Gibbon. Ore. WANTED WANTED A small steam boiler In quire 869-W. WANTED Sewing at home Phone 1028-J 120 Lee St. WA N'TED GOOD CLEAN RAGS AT The East Oregonian office. WANTED A girl for general house work for Bmall family. Phone 23S-W. LADY PTENOGRATHER.. bookkeep er, experienced in various lines, de sires position. Phone 363-R. CANDTMAITJNQ business Start at home, everything furnished men. women, $30.00 weekly Bon Bon Co., Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED Two ladies to travel, $30 week and exnenses: S to work city and outside towns, $3 day. Room 25, Golden Rule Hotel, Mrs. Jones. MISCELLANEOUS PLAITING of ail kinds phone 588- Mrs. Lee, $t6 Tost St. MRS. ADA FIELD Splrella corsetiere Phone S24-W. Address 614 Jane. RAG RUGS and carpets. All kinds of fancy work. Wheeler's, 1300 W. Railroad St. WE ARE TAKING CONTRACTS for wheat hauling. Phone 468. Oregon Motor Garage. Brown & Brady Undertakers and licensed embalm- era. Calls night or day promptly at tended to. Lady attendant. Phone 63 TIME CARD Pilot Hock Staav Fnncho Stubhlefield, Prop. Leaves Pendleton 7:00 A. M., leaves Pilot Rock 8:00 A. M. Leaves Pendleton 11:n0 A. M., leaves Pilot Rock 1;0 r. M. Leaves' Pendleton 5:00 P. M., leaves Pilot Rook 6:30 P. M. , Leaves Hotel Pendleton and French Restaurant. TIME CARD Weston-Pendleton AM" Stage Leaves Weston for Pendleton at 7:30 a. m. and 12:45 P- m. Leaves Athena for Tendleton at 8:00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. Leaves Adams for Pendleton at 8:20 a. m. and 1:20 p. m. Leaves Pendleton (Allen-Knight Co. Store( for Weston at 10:00 a. m. and 4 p. m. O. H. McPHERRIN, Prop. Reg. U. S. we:itiF xcs-o'c WOULDN'T HAVE. TO THINK eOv f" VT - ir vt'M . 7l'- - - ''te'fca o vvT MM L- Aato gtago 12:09 1:11 1:16 1:F6 1:16 :0 K.16 :J t:Rt :U Umatilla Hermlttoa Stanfleld Echo Ar. Vend. 8:00 12:00 4:00 -20 12:20 4:20 8:46 12:46 4:46 9:00 1.00 6.00 10:16 2:16 1:16 Two Tripe Sunday Leave Pendleton 1:00 au ftftd 4.00 p. m. m. Leave Umatilla l:0 a. m. and 4:00 p. m. Office Motor Inn Game ' 722 Cottonwood Bt. I'hone 8A8 PELL DAVTXN Parcels delivered la all war points. AUTO ELECTRIC WORKS We REPAIR anything electrical on an automobile. W. E. Chase Co. AUTO TIRES Pendleton-Umatilla Leave Pendleton .00 Echo :15 Stanfleld 9:30 Hermiston t:bt Kt. Umatilla 10:1a Leave . PENDLETON CYCLE CO. AJax, Re- $15 peri.vere and Savage tires. 228 E. Court St reft. L. S. EENTLEY 4 CO. Goodyear and Diamond Tires Tire service, oils and accessories. Alia and Garden 8t. GERTSON & MARTT Gates Super--Tred tires 639 Cottonwood. Vul canizing and repairing. PENDLETON RUBBER ft SUPPLY CO. Barney Oldfield, Goodrich 811 vertown Cord and Pennsylvania Vacu um Cup. 305 E. Court. AUTO TOPS GADWA'8 AUTO TOPS, Plate Glass, Backs, Side Curtains 201 East Court St. AUCTIONEER COL. W. F. TOHNKA Auctioneer, Call at Sturgis & Storle's Implement Co., for sale dates. Auctioneer A live livestock and farm sales auc tioneer. Large and small sales given same careful attention. Office - at Clemens & Ebert implement house. Satisfaction guaranteed. MARION FOSTER Phone S67 505 E. Court St. AUTO TRANSFER C. E. WILLIAMSON Stand at Griggs' Cigar Store. Phone 1075. FOR QUICK SERVICE Call Bud Cornfield, Phone B2, Crescent Clear Store. Residence, Phone 105 9-R. ATTORNEYS GEORGE W. COUTTS, Attorney at Law, Boom 17, Bond Bldg. LJkl. SCHANNEP, Attorney at Law Office In Court House. . R. 1. KEATOR, Attorney at Law. Room 34, Smith-Crawford Building. CARTER A SMYTHE, Attorneys at Liiw. 221 E. Conrt St. - FEE & FEB, Attorneys at Law. Of- fices in Despaln Building. S. A. LOWELL, Attorney and Counsel lor at Law. Oflirc in Despnln uiug, S. A. NEWBERRY, Attorney at Law Federal Building. PETERSON, Bishop ft Clark, At-i torneys at Law. Rooms 2 and 41 Smith-Crawford Bldg. JAMES B. PERRY, Attorney at Law. Office over Taylor Hardware Com pany. RALEY, RALEY STE1WER, Attor neys at Law. Office in American National Bank Building. FRED H. SCHMIDT, Attorney at Law. Room 21, Smith-Crawford Bldg. BATTERIES PHILADELPHIA DIAMOND GRID BATTERIES guaranteed for 18 months. W. E. Oiase Co., S20 E. Court St. Telephone 209, Pendleton. Patent Office MA'CC.IE'CARLIN - IF vou let r-i- our ToNit,Ht - 1 "WON'T C0 OUT Cilts THI EEK O I v .- .- 'ism? CATERPILLAR WORIC CATERPILLARS, harvesters, gas en gines, automobiles and general blacksmithlng. Round-l'p . Oarage, Parks St NelH-rga'tl, 212 West Webb. CARPET CLEANING, WE WASH and clean the finest rugs satisfactorily. References given, We make fluff rugs from old carpets. Walla Walla Bug and Carpet Clean ing Co. Phone 1677. CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS PARKER & BANFIELD, Designing, Engineering, Constructing, 16 years experience in concrete and brick con struction. 61 E. Third St., North Port land, Oregon. EYE SPECIALIST CLEANERS AND DYERS, PAVTORIUM PHONE 473 CLEANING AND PRESSING MODEL TAILORS & CLEANERS Pressing and repairing. 304 W. Webb St. Phone 321, Pendleton, Ore. FURNITURE NEW FURNITURE STORE It will pay you to come and see Fisher be fore buying new and second hand fur niture. 302 W. Webb St., PhOTirl8. FARM LOANS SNOW & DAYTON, 117 E. Court St., Real Estate, Fire Insurance, Farm Loans. See us about a loan. DRAYMEN WHO MOVES YOU Is just as import- int as where you move. . We also pack or store goods. We do country hauling Call 339, Penland Bros. Transfer, 114 W. Alta. MADE TO MEASURE ' Carl , E. Franseon, Elks Bldg. BARTLETT for canning, they are just right now. OUR CANTALOUPES BY THE ,.f ' CRATE ARE VERY CHEAP Get a crate, they will keep several days, as they are fresh and home grown. . . . 1.00 CRATE. . The Dean Tatom Co. Meat Dept. Off . ' Grocery Dept. COO Phone 0D I Phone &00 AH- OCPS'T -Of- (T) j FErOrsE-r; fit. fNw Mm LUIL . LAUNDRY EVERY Article Laundered Perfectly. There's an agent In your town. Troy laundry, 008 Garden St. DOMESTIC LAUNDRY 401 E. Court (it., I'hone 60. We maintain a com plete mending department. 'HEMSTITCHING HEMSTITCHING at the Singer Bbop. Mail orders promptly attended to. HEMSTITCHING Mall orders Ulrs. Ralph Hansen, 417 Bush, I'hone 995. New and Second Hand Dealers V. STROBLE, dealer in now and see ond hand goods. Cash raid tar second hand goods. Cheapest place to buy household goods, 210 E. Court Phone 271-W. . FURNITURE, repairing, packing. crating, upholsteri.ig, carpet clean ing 7 years experience Grand Rapid Mich. Furniture Co. All Worn tuai1 anteed, 318 W. Webb St." , OSTEOPATH . ' DR. G. E. HOLT Osteopathic physi cian and Surgeon. Judd Bldg., Tele phones, Office 80S; Residence 8H6-J. JjmSSS, PAINTS, Wall Paper, Picture Fram ing. I J. McAtee, the Practical Paint Man. Lowe Bros., Paints, i RADIATOR REPAIRING I ALTA AUTO RADIATOR WORKS 701 East Alta street. All make of radiators repaired. Work guaranteed, C. Blasberg, Prop. RESTAURANT THE QUELLE A good place to. SHOE REPAIRING NEW SOLES, Rubber Heels, Ladle French Wooden Heels Repairing While You Wait. Pendleton BDoe Hospital. SUGGESTIVE .THERAPEUTIC THE most up-to-date effectual lead ing; science practised, E. P. Gloaosi, P. S. T.; N. D. Room 12 Peebler Bid. PHOTOGRAPHER To Introduce our kodak work w will finish Free "one roll and one print each. Ward Studio. ' t TAILORS 847 Main St. Phone 1W By George McManus TUESDAY - NIGHT CORNED BE! AND ' CABBAGE bt Intl F.tus ti.vict. Inc. lbs c. J 8 i.c: l a aftisY wijntiishwrispMMB-