DAILY EAST OfcEGONIAM, PENDLETON, OREGON,' TUESDA? EVEIIIINJ, AWtfCT 10, 1021. paqs ms TEN PAQES JiKlfiQ J. W. Maloney -tunv(J' tliiiL loi-nlnir from HeaKlde where he han t: Will SttltAer' waVhere tbrtliy from moraine from 8ealde where he han t.'rnatllla. ben fox..two weeks with his family on j . , ..''' a vacation. An soon as harvest la f Ur. E.,f Gibson has returned after finished on the Mnloiiey mnrhe,la Bojmirh at Ijklah. '.-'",''. , j-furoici aiuionev win u .m. iuui. j ilrtvlntr tho rur oaCK wnen wie luioiiies L return (Leader,, was a, , bUHineuH vinitur In Clark Kvood, editor of the Weston " IS lHH'UTIN'G THOMAS KO M . I.OMUKR ' "All mertloliie and doctors rur stom nch trouble proved worthless In my case. Kverybody recommended some thin ejwf and nothing helped, so I he. cjime a doubting Thnmas as to any cure. ;V'hlle In 'rt! Iuts a party Iiraised' JIayr's Wonderful remedy bo highly that I bought a Untitle and I; am now u doubting Thomas no long er." It ( a stmple,' harmless prennra tlon that' removes the i-attari hal mu c;un from the Intestinal tract and al leys the Inflammation which causes practically all stomach, liver and In testinal ailments, Including appendi citis. One dose will convince or money if funded. Druggists everywhere. femfleton today.' Spence Bentley has gone, to Port land .where 'he was railed on account of the Illness of Mrs. Bentley who has been there for some time under doing niedlral treatment. . j. ,.t, -,... .... ; T CHICAGO WHEAT MARKET ' People Here and: I here . SHOVS SLIGHT OEGLI wSOFMMllf:l nrarPUHn'nmpraQ DAVIS' REPORT SHOWS 5,735,000 UNEMPLOYED In Mat Jloii KdlotC. ". 1 Si t J. T. Browrfhas presented a petition agkliiK that he be appointed adminis trator of the estate of the late Matt Jepson. The 'estate Js said to be val ued at about $200. ('lose 11.2214 1.23 , .55 ' .53 market WASHINGTON, Aug. 16. (A. P.) The best available estimates' show R. 735. 000 unemployed, according to I the report of Secretary Davis to the in nate today. Sues On AWwtiut. ' Claiming that W. T. Illgby owes him for harvesting work done last fall. A, V. Lucas has brought suit to recover $351.07. A part of the claim is made for grain bags which the plaintiff avers were delivered to the defendant. The plaintiff Is represent ed by Peterson, Bishop and ClarK. . GOING UP We announce an increase in the price of coal September , 1st. Our mines have issued' a new price list ef fective on this (ate increasing the . price on "PEACOCK" coal Fifty Cents a-ton. Order Now C'ao Is (jonti'ntied. ' The case of Mis. Jane ' Doe Hull, charged with tho possession of Intox icating Ih)uor, which came up for a hearing In the county court Saturday was continued for one week. The li quor found consisted of 85 bottles of beer, and 35 bottles of wine.. The continuance was granted when the de fendant was called to Portland to be at the bedside of her mother, who Is in n hospital there. . 1Ik Man lined. , ".'.', '. Al Moore, Echo man, was fined 1250 this morning In. the county court bv JuilKe I. .M. Schannen when he en- 'fered a plea of guilty to manufactur ing Intoxicating liquors. About a pint of moonshine was- found In his pos session this morning when Deputy Sheriff Rldgway raided , the Moore home. The apparatus, Which ' con sisted of a still and a quantity " of mash, was located in. the garret. Thu wheat price declined ' today. September wheat closing at 11,22 1-2 and December wheat at $1.23 3-4. Yesterday September wheat closed at 11.24 1-2 and December at $1.29 3-4. following are. the quotations re ceived by Overbeck & J?ooke, local broktrs: ... ' Wheat. I ,' Open High ' Low Sept., $1.24 $1.25 $1.21 Dec. . 1.2Mi ,L2 1.2314 Corn. ' Sept. . .54"' .57 ' ; .55H Dec- .5ft .55 ' .53 Wheat The action of the" today was a surprise to moot of the trade who had expected that the sap port of export buying .Would be suf ficient to maintain prices. The weak ness In coarse' grain showed evidence of restrained buying :jower and scat tered, liquidation resulted in a set back of more than three cents from the high point of the early session. Thore was little evidence of any sea board demand of consequence' in the futures market. Although about the close a message from New York esti mated foreign sales for the day ' at more than 2,000,000 bushels. Cash premiums at the gulf; which were ad vanced, one cent yesterday were re ported weaker today with increased offerings from the. . sonthwest. Spot premiums In the local market were also somewhat' ' easier. When the spring wheat movement gets under way. It. to likely that doinestic millers will have little dlfficulty'in satisfying their requirements, but in the mean time If exporters continue to take our Wheat ort breaks as they are now do ing, prices cannot be expected to suf fer any drastic declines. GIRLS! LEMONS' WHITEN SKIN AND BLEACH FRECKLES s Jiqwtze the juice of two lemons Into a hottle containing three ounces of Orchard White, which any drug store will supply for a few cents, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of harm less and delightful lemon b)rach. Mas sage this sweetly fragrant lotion Into the face, neck, arms and hands each day, then shortly note the beauty and Whiteness of yolirTfMn. Famous stage beauties use this lem on lotion to bleath and bring that soft, clear, rosy-white complexion, also as a freckle, sunburn, and tan bleach be cause It doesn't Irritate. tice makes It possible for the railroads to charge twice as much for a haul sponsible for the shipping of Oregon wool to Portland, rather than to Bos ton directly by rail, as the normal' movement would be, according to the contention of '.he wool growers. FOrilTKBX MONTHS OLO (Continued from oage 1.) The fire department did excellent work and were able to save the lower floor and kept the fire from spreading to nearby buildings. The blaze was difficult to fight as there were eiyht partitions In the upper floor which made it hard for the fire department to make headway.. 1 r i -sil $1.00 China Special ' This week's special is as attractive as any we have featured.! ; HAND PAINTED CHINA at $1.00 a piece. ' These are articles'which retail frorrj $1.50 to $3.00, but. which we are offering as a "Sawtelle Summer Special," for $1.00. See Our North. Window - - ; Cn inc. -fjeujeietr n The r.argrst Dlaraon4 Dealer In Eilro Cnrefoa. Quality . THE COMFORT COAL - ...... f "T , ; ' ' ' 1 ' ; I Sm y tlie-Lonergan Co. Quantity Service fifrk IWvorci s, .... SuliS for divorce have been filed In circuit court In two cases. Ruth Wl ley U(iiialli n seoks'a divorce from Neil l.lKuailen on the grounds of cruel and Inhuman treatment.. The couple married on Christmas Pay in 1919. according to the complaint That the defendant was In the company of an other woman on different occasions and that at one time he left his bed at night, dressed and accompanied a party on a trip are charges made by the plaintiff. A auit has been filed by Lena B. Bennett against Carroll, 3. Dennett, but the papers were 'wltfi drawn by counsel shortly after' filing. Fee and Fee, represent both . plain tiffs. . , . .;...'' " "' . , . ' According to the Journal' of Medi cine, approximately 75 per cent of our 22,000,000 school children are phy sically defective. iflC MEMBERS VOTE AGAINST MEASURE j 1 1 1 WAfflllXCTON'; An, li.d, N.'si) Charging that the tax revision bii the republican majority of the house ways and means committee prepared,! falls to give relief to the "poorer classes of tax payers," the democratic members of the committee voted solid ly against reporting the bill and the measure was formally reported out by the republican majority. Torrelaln money for Guatemala has been designed In Germany. If accept-, ed it will replace the hard rubber coins now In circulation. Climatic condit ions prevent the use of paper money. lATCAL MAX (Continued from page 1.) depending on the distance from tho terminal. In other words, what prar- Jtmk GateBhcklea ( Jcea Iihas Hat Tine tea flavor Pay Cash : Receive More - Pay ls I Despair. & Lee Cash Grocery HH K.'f urt , x-uuue ow.. i v . i ' Selected .. " . where it Eagle "Brand Milk Per can 25c' I Despain&Lee Cash Grocery - 1 ni oon 209 Hi. Court moaeoou Pay CashCash Pay? J : eessss UTTLE C0NVENINCL5, SQUIRE: EDGEGATE He Improved Hisv Office : by Carrying Out Those Ideas ' BY LOUIS RICHARD VOJrt6 MAM '. HAS l THE SQUiftZ. VI- Turk e d I'M ANtnn TO .5E HlfA Soon) 7R0UEY CO'i WILL MUX FAIL IF : . ftV, W . ). ! ( yS Slf? r5' ' -HE'i -her '-' THU 0RNlHb-13dT TOtl 0 owe HEffi. SO I LEFT tOT or THE MSr VYOHO v EFFICIENCY- IF CPPlED OUT- youn office To tEET Aiy OFFICE BO e)5 VOU CM Af HERE r 1 - , r-, To tEET Aiy I I OFFICE BO V f KV'lK f at HERE J i i i i . ' I k7 yes t 3uwd I DID Stt LKTLZ WITH A T BASKET I . . n 1 1 BEDTIME PENCIL PICTURES ; ., AA theater tonight . W ee a ia- ' ; . .vorlt picture. Som rtnows hm-. train pictures, some like ocean pic ' Al A) tures. and some tike pictures. L iHsrold belongs to thQ last class nd when you'vs followed tne uoi A3 you'll set wbat his faortte pictures tfel Uhw' 'J; t 'r- - rPAST PRESENT r V jiK i.UTJ -J' -11 v. y is- r-iB .14 . srzZ- .22 11 lO 'Pi BILL BLOW THC MWHINIST WHO C0UI.O Mv0Kf TWO' FOR PAST and PRESENT - PAST AND PRESENT HENKJ Will. VootAwe .. ME. TO Hl LAlIE.6 CUE CWp "CONCEPT Tonight ? lb RENEWING- .. pj. ! ACOUA INTAKE- 4ffiKihtt while z-4 v y FOP. N Y'-' TO V? ., h SHOW "T - up - o 0 Qt- i rMTHUN TiOhS' ON -MAX CONCfeK'f ' weviiCNT GO 2. KTePS Tr ltrtR TNOSk 0 HEMS Ci'CKLE H'i jNOAy ' 1917 ra hwe to ivt fTTVTe. vou in! fur tAiiwV -swC?v TRUE TO LI ! s v. j ; r . j itiAl . Bet tmt Tha Dlttfieufa.-. WeBefore we er e marked you "Just whut Is the differ fca hetweMi aid that I would . s look the am n optimist and u peaa mUtr ti-ked to yon ai the years rolled away. the Thin Man. . , Huiband-Yet.aodItnwitlt "Well." repl.ed the Fat Man "a? i Wifa Oh i believe It. I haven't had cptlnilt taken to( k of wlint he l:a i : 1 i. . . a. i.l..,! t,A. Qtiwlr .if ttlt.vt - ...I. . iit . j ho hay uj llflf Dad. ! Victor's father told him he wou!d gie hiin $C every moutU that he re eeiTCil "A" In everything. HU teacher sa d. "1 am atrald you will break your father." ' His father was a lawyer. I.nrkln; oerloua lie said, "I have hern 'i inU tr.g l wbu'.d gie Ulm a quaitor every time he won a eKao." 4 W 1 W : Umc Li i " I ' Colli 1 E lmirrtvoJ. , Au'it Mary wts kk.'ns oug'-nuts when Oc.trrdc w.nc hi. Vbi cl!J ate one pf tho cr.)ies, then rnfd, "O, auntie, tl-s.e nrt4l'y fo-1'! l::t thcyM Is if voii itnua t'sior otaj' ntr Uttlfr botejlr -. , ... . A) (Of AU3"t "e .'t f O ' U-" . v. - " v - - Z2 . , -':PISA ... -.-rtfj'-' 3g'v r niw'.r .,il.... -"ij-r-..--y-- The Daily Touch r'.:t Knew All About His "Vena. you'll have to think up lomi better aa "Mot tier." e d the son, "I made a, cusp for ataylug out at night!" LiiotiJ.e ' when 1 select?! rher.ilo. 0 Ert it Is iot'W ll!tY3 ciSl W '"" " H0 tlwaaJ."-f courae oi studv la bow. I want to Mrs. Com Plain John Henry, waat'a l.i: ji':istrouo'.u innienJ." wrrjns with the car; II squeaks awful T ' Tiie ftto;Jir waix.ieUw eye of her Iter Hubmiity 4 natural, tfjfrjfcl'ai tot tajdl qyajj tiejp ugijila Iron )4 Utt lt"i t