EIGHT PAGES ' DAILY EAST OREGONIAK. PENftLETOJf, OREGON, - MONDAY EVE31NG, AUGUST 10, 1021 PACE SEVElf SSIFIE, For Kent, Etc., Classified for Easy Reference.' Notices, 'Business Opportunities, Locals, Lost, Found w CLA n ! r- ' I'LASSIFIKH AnVRHTMlNO " HAW Bet n l-polni Counting lis. oral- nary worns w in. uns. Firs Insertion, per line ..$.10 Each additional Each additional consecutive Insertion, per lln .. One month, every Issue, each Insertion, pr line .01 Bit month onnimot, every li eu e, eech Insertion per line .04 Twelve months contract, ev-. ary Issue, each Insertion, pir line 0$ Ad not run consecutively, inch Insertion, per line -.10 No ads tifken for leas than 1 llnea.. Minimum charge .. .26 FOll SALE Brunswick '-l'lnin 84 3. phonograph 1 AND 2 roomel apartments for rent 103 Ttislln ft M m ne1V e'yjf M MM M .: "il 'imlAilx1' ' i to- FOR RENT Inquire 40" KOIt RENT Inii roi'inH.- Two room apartment K. Court. J furnished hotisekeep--70 7 Lllleth St. VR HIU'B an exceptional good buy In n Fffd Roadster. $225. (Ml, terms Kills-Schiller Co., Phono 903. Survey the For your ffome orMsiiwss Sit LOST AND FOUND FOUND Bunch of key", owner may : have Maine by paying for this ad. ; WUT 34x4 V . SUvertowi. Cord, tiro, tube, rim. and tire cover, between pen- Jietnn, and Pi'ot , flock. Reward. THINK OF THIS' 1920 Ford tour Ing car,"lcctr;c lights, starter, looks Leave at E..O. Office. liko new, ut a bargain, will Rive terms. ICIIis-Schlller Co., Phone gits. I SAVE U. S. HALF MILLION LOST Large brlndle milch cow dry no brand visible long horns $100 reward If delivered to E. G. Stilt marsh ranch, louth of reservation. USED CAR EXCHANGE Handy Business Directory of Pendleton and Vicinity ThW Incectory especially handy for the out-of-town reader who may want the naml and address of responsible easiness" men Whi rep. umt the folUViii llnei. All an reliuble, rcaponsibli business concern! who stand ready to five you prompt service. . FOR RENT FOR RENT Apartment Phone 554. APT8. AND ROOMS ALT A APTS. FOR RENT-210-W. -Furnished; Apt. Phone POTt RENT Modern Apts.. close In Phone KC2. RbOM ANrS BOARD for (entlemen S15 PoM ft. ROOM AND HOARD lornien only ' 403 K.: Webb. . FOR,' SALE Kins Eight car in Rood : shape cheap for cash Phone ton-vv. FOR SALE Chandler car will take Ford as part payment. Phone 51, iii K. Court 8t. NOTICES , Nut Ire " have taken over the house mov ing outfit formerly operated by James Cc.-nfleld and are ready for all kinds of houpe moving work. WILSEY BROS. Phone J24-J 512 Clay St. ly IIAIIIU- U ROUKI'.S. International Xvwa Service Klaff t'orri'sponih'iit. ) VAKHIXUTOX, Aug. 15. Haifa liilhon dollars yearly can ho saved to the fulled States aluioat Immediately It the, dlKurmanient conference to be held In WaKliliiKlon th's full approves Ihe plan of the Harding HilmlniHlra tlon for subHtantial wdurtion In ar liiHincnts. accordiiiK to military and n val experts here. Vnihiiylnsiw, who may be correct, 1I ice llio uvirtK which reasonably may be vxixx-ied U result from llo 1 1 . .ed curtailment of the naval anil military esiniilinhmeiitx IiibU as , tulllon dollurs annually. Acceptlnn tli lower flciire, the.sum Raved the t' payers of the. I'nited States for t period of 15(1 years, compoundei! cxry five years at 5 per cent, would' c -.c- oViably exceed twelve hundfii l.illlons, or more llian four times hei,he W!iy (lf ponHon,t et.. For pri lUUTIiAXI V. & M. STAUE " IJMS 1 Leaving dally at S A. M. from Hotel Pendleton for Portland and way points, using twin six Packard touring ears. . Fare, $8.00 one way or $14.50 round trip. FOR SALE 1-ton Republio truck, , good shape will taki Ford in trade, wsy terms on balance. Oldsmoblle Co. FOR RENT 2 mite of room Ib i quire Penland tiros FOR RE.VT 3 furnls;iet: rooms 301 So. Main St., rhone 251-W. 4 Pendleton-Iriintilla Leave Pendleton t.illl Echo 0:15" Htanfleld :30 Herminlnn .9:65 Ke. Cmatllla 10:15 Leave Umatilla Hermhtton SiMrfiold Echo Ar. Vend. Auto 12:00 1:16 1:35 1:F6 1:16 Stage i 4 00 H.H t.ti 5:55 1:16 8:00 12.00 4:00 I 20 ' 12:20 4:20 8:46 12:45 4:45 0:00 1.00 6 00 10:15 '215 :lt Two Trips HiuHlay Leave Pendleton - g:H( a,' m Ml 4 .00 p. m Leave Cniatllla 1:01 a, m. and 4 00 p. m. Office Motor Inn Ganuri 722 Cottonwood at. flMine Hg -PKI.L A IMWWN Parcel delivered to ail way poliita. CATERPILLAR WORK CATERPILLARS, harvester!, gas en gines, automobiles and ' general blacksmithing. Roiind-I'p Carage :irks .Vi lK-TTHil. 212 "-st Who. CARPET CLEANING WE WASH and clean the finest rugs satisfactorily. References given We make fluff rugs from old carpets. Walla Walla R'Jg and Carpet Clean ing Co. Phone 177. LAUNDRY EVERT Article Lauiider.yl Perfectly. There's an agent In j-otir Uiwa. Troy Munriry, GardcD Si' DOMESTIC LACNORT 4l JC Tflarg Ht., 1'lione 0. W maln'alo a com plete mending department. - . . HEMSTITCHING CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS PARKER & EANFIELD, Designing,.' Engineering, Constructing, M years (V. STROtfLE, experience ir, concrete and brick con struction. 81 E. Third St., North Port land, Oregon. HEMSTITCHING at th Birlger Shop. Mail orders promptly attended to. HEMSTITCHING Mall order I j Ralph Hasaell. 417 Rush, Phmw J5, i'Ncvv and Second Hand Dealers FOR RENT Four room apt., lp per j mouth for t months. Phone 730-W AUTO ELECTRIC WORKS FOR nttXT Well furnished sleeping room with bath $10.00 month. Phono 248-M. - FOR SALE 1920 Bulck, almost new mechanically perfect driven only 7000 miles. Spauldlng spot light, bumper, 5 new tires with cover. Phone 102S-R. . FOR RENT Two . three room nished apt., with bath -one fur- wlth, )'E REPAIR anything electrical on , an siilomohlle. W. K. Chase (.. AUTO TIRES gas close In. Also furniture for sale and house for rent Phone 361-J. PENDLKTOX CtCLE CO. AJax, Ra- 'JAk'UND TOURING CAR In first class shape bargain will take Ford in trade. Ford roustabout, very rciisonahle. It will fun. R. M. Tarn it r, Phone 870, 513 Willow St. FOR SALE PASTURE for horaca, mules and cat tle $2.68 per month mountain range, good Brass, water and salt will get them and deliver them. Ad dress E. B. Kidder, Gibbon, Ore. WANTED ,yere and Savage Urea, Mrwt. 228 K. Court EYE SPECIALIST- 4 jawritauaaafeiaaii-iiiaiiariiawfcfniafiB' ' : dealer In new and ms- nr. hand BOOdS. Caib HlO TOT ' second hand gooda. Cheapest place, to buy household gooda, S10 K. CH Phone 2II-.W, , FURNITURE, repairing;. picking, crating, upholsteri.ig,. carpet elean ing 7 yean experienos 4Srand Rapid Mich. Furniture Co. All worn guar anteed. t 2 W. Wl St. ; t OSTEOPATH DR. (i. E. HOLT Osteopathic. Physl rian and Surgeon. Jodd Bldg., Tela- j phonea. Office S0; Realtfcn . L. 8. BEXTLEY & CO. Goodyear and Diamond Tires Tire service, oils and accessories. Alia and Garden Sts. GERTSON SI ARTY Gates Super , -Tretf tires 8.19 Cottonwood. Vul canizing and repairing. K.tR, E 4 LB Well turnlsnea Apt. , hno -cheap Phone S27-J. FOR SALE OR TRADE 1920 truck J.-M. Bryan, 210 Tustln Street. expenditures for nnnamcnl huve in- crcaaed In the I'nited Slates: In 1S50 tl'e iter capita CNpenliturc tvaH $1.77: in me $2.01: in mo, jt.ci : in iso, $5.20; In 1890, $4.75; In 1900. $.$; In 1910. $7.30 and In H18, $144.77. Kdiititlion lt'iiirrs l ean. In tl,e flpcal year ending June 30, 1920, the appropriations for the na tional government aggregated $'i,'3S(S, 55 1,0(111. (if this sum there was ex pended, for Ihe wtir '.and navy depart ment. $1.424, t.T8.(!fl7, or 25 per cent of the Millre amount: '$$.85.0(iii,noA. ori C7 per cent went for previous wars. In , IW SUITS CLEANED. fl.fiO at IH Iib'S, 107 W. Webb, phone (85 FOR SALE All kinds of Insurance, i J. H. Estca, 614 Main St., Phone $04. FOR SALE Two Blewelt HirreaMri Phone 14F11. FOR SALE 6 room house with bath and garage on north tide. For tarme write Box 123 Echo, Ore. FOR BALE Sevepal small cottages easy terms. Pendleton Investment Co., Phone 55. 115 Railroad St. total estimated wealth of the Vullui Slab t today. FOR SALE 5 room bungalow mod ern. Small payment down, terms mary functions of government $181 WO. 000 was expended, or about 3 ,,., Kt ., i per cent of the . whole. For public on balance. Call 615 W. High St. stated ' i rruincni paiu tni f i oo.v "'.""m. ri t rcaearch and educational development l'i the ,yen i reut l'rltnin, ll.e I'niteJ r j.iioo Ittiiy ami Japan wpent for I, 'I'tarv and naval purionea $10,442.-2-.i,101. This sum Is a little over $2, U00 000.WOU mote than all those na tions logethcr expended for military purposes In the' fourteen years extend ing from 1900 to 191 1. It has been CBtimatctl that In onlvr to pay for the tiomcmlou arirmmcnlB now. In con templation a tax e.iimileiu In $10 for FUR SALE Hatching eggs from thoroughbred single comb Rhode Island Reda 800 W. Webb, Phone SS( WANTED Fry Delta. cook Inquire PENDLETON RUBBER A SUPPLT CO. Rarney OldfieW. Goodrich 811- jlle vertown Cord and Pennsylvania Vacu um vup 3d is, ioun. WANTED A small steam boiler In- quire 869-W. WANTED Sewing at home-1028-J 120 Lee St. Phone AUTO TOPS WANTED GOOD CLEAN RAGS AT The East Oregontan office. GADWA'8 AUTO TOPS, PJata Glasa. Racks, Side Curtains 201 Eail i Court St. ... WANTED A girl for general house work for small family. Phone 2J8-W. LADY STENOGRAPHER, .bookkeep er, experienced in various lines, de sires position. Phono 363-R. AUCTIONEER COL. W. F. TOIINKA Auctioneer, Call at Sturgia & Storie'a Implement Co., for aal date. CANDTMAFINO hualneiw-start at home, everything furnished men, women, $30. On weekly Bon Boa Co., Philadelphia. Pa. WANTED Two ladies to travel, $30 week and expenses; s to work city and outside towns, $3 day. Room 15, Golden Rule Hotel, Mrs. Jones. this nation lavished the sum of $57,- l il.fl0, or 1.001 per cent of the whole . FOR SAU5S car oarts Red Split Ce- sum expended. ,1 6aT fcnce poats 7 ft. 8 centa each, in oiner worim, Iu, me i.o..n ,:- t. D cra Frank E. Bla r. Lowell. j Oregon. for the various de partments of. research, for the Incul cation of the principles of good citi zenship, for the Americanization of foreign elements and for such other educational work as the government every man woman and child in the ,, wnollv or , ,)Jirt ,h t-nMca ; wo.a. ...,.o ...v ... v , i states appropriated 1 percent cf f ve , War llio tircaltwt Ih-hIii. ' n a half billions of dollars, while (if the billions of ilollrrn raised ei.ch for wars, past ifnd expected, nearly bv evcrv conceivable Fort or tax- pel ceiu FDr SALE A nice home, cheap if taken at once; terms; also other lota cheap. Res. 115 Jane St., Phono 510-W. year ollon more than 90 per cent goes either to prepare for future wars or to pay Ihe expenses of wars that have already been fought. To ho fore spe cific, statistics show that .out of every dollar raised by taxation ninety-two cents Is spent for things resulting from or appertaining to war. Munt Pay for I'nst t ar. Many American statesmen assert that If the coming conference shall prove as successful ns It is reasonable FOR SALE OR TRADE Four 100 Ini. bulk wheat boxes for' common wheat rack Phona 1F4. O. H. Hampton. il'ir rolnary governmental functions. I for good roads, public buildings, ca pacious harbors, Irrigation projects, The cost of thin World War alone, , reclamation of swamp lands, pension both In lives ami In money, Is utmost ing-tho aged, educational work, sclen heyoud realization. Thirty millions nf'tirir research, and the like we Khali people per.shcd by weapon, by gas. expend 93 per cent of the whole, and .lUe.me or liuniicr. to say nothing of 1 for Hie armament nfnuch a police Full SALE 6 Caterpillar, ovar huuled in good shape for harvest stationary attachment Addreaa Box to expect the proportion f our future I joo, Pendleton. expenditures' will lie reversed; that . other millions who were hlljiiled or maimed; and it has been estimated thai If an cfirtmiuake (dimlil swallow up tne whole I'nited States Is could destroy no more wealth than was con sumed in tliat world colli lagi atioii. ' Although' the fulled Stutes enter ed the war somewhat later than tne other nations Its expenses we're great er during the comparatively short pe riod t Its parttclpa,U in than In all Ibo preceding wars 111 history In De cember, 1918, the month following the sinning of the armistice, our ex. pcndltiires were much greater than for all that period of seventy-two years bciore me civil war. During the single month of December we ex pended each day more money than In the first eleven years of our- nation hood. The following flares cut Interest ing! light upon the manner ' which Fur SALE 18 ft. gas combined har vester for sale cheap. Can be seen in operation on Sheldon Taylor farm In .Middle Cold Springs Phone 10F12. force as may be decided upon, 7 per cent. R Is recognized that this ob jective cannot bo fully attained for many years, however, for the wars or . the past must first be settled for. President Harding and Secretary of i State Hughes are Indulging in no, I'topinn dreams as to what may bo ac-1 compllshed, but arc proceed. ng about i their tusk In a thoroughly practical I and business-like wiiy. They know: that oomplete disarmament Is not pos slile In llio present day and age. bull they believe that if the great powers of the world get around n table and I face Hie facts squarely they can come, to some agreement which will make , possible a material reduction in ar-1 lnaint'iits thus enabling tho various i governments to lift from the should i f the people FOR SALE 1 span good work mules, weight about 2250, one span good work mules, weight about 2150. Also Ford truck, 1918 model, flat rack with Makes on side, gooTl condition. In- I ii I re Roy S. Neul. Bowman Hotel., FUR SALE Portland property $5000 terms. Seven room house, paved street, 4 lots, garage, barn, chicken coop, and run, berries, fruit trees, fine shrubs and roses. Address 709 Gerard St., Portland, Ore., Uni versity Tark. Pnr Sale 7 room house, north side, beautiful home. 5 room bungalow, north stde street paced. ' Houses In all parti of the clt, some on easy payments. Ijtrge and small ranches bolh alfalfa Better Vision si and vhoai, also dairy ranch, well part of the e,normoii' equipped. burden of taxation which- they now t-o. V. Kldcr ft Son , SIR Main St. Phone 993 MISCELLANEOUS Auctioneer A live livestock and farm sales auc tioneer. Large and amall sales given same careful attention. Office at Clemens & Ebcrt implement house. Satisfaction guaranteed. MARION FOSTER Phone 867 . , 505 E Court St. CLEANERS AND DYERS iJmS PHONE 473 JJLAJMNG AND PRESSING MODEL TAILORS A CLEANERS Pressing and repairing. Sin Vt. Webb St. Phone 821, Pendleton. Ore. FURNITURE I PAINTS, Wall Papsr. Picluia Frawi- Ing. U J. AtcAtfe, th Practtosi i r-ainl Man. Lowe Bros.. Paints.- ' 1 RADIATOR REPAIRING ' ALTA AUTO RADIATOR WORK 701 East Alta street. All makes of radiators repaired. Work guaranteed, C. B'.aslKTR, Prop.' " RESTAURANT NEW FURNITURE STORE It will pay you to come and sea Fisher be fore buying new and second hnd fur niture. 302 W. Webb St., Phons !98. FARM LOANS SNOW A DAYTON. IKE. Court St.. Real Estate. Fire Insurance. Farm Loans. See us about a loan. DRAYMEN AUTO TRANSFER C. E. WILLIAMSON Stand at Gnggd' Cigar Store. Phone 1075. PLAITING of ail kinds rhone 586 Mrs. Lev, lu$ Post hi. MRS. ADA FIELD Spirella corselier Phona 324-W. Address 514 Jane. RAG RUGS aud carpets. All kinds of fancy work. Wheeler's, 1300 W. Railroad St, WK ARE TAKING CONTRACTS tor wheat hauling. Phone 468, Oregon Motor Garage.. Brown A Rrady Undertakers and licensed embalm er. Calls night or day promptly at tended to. Lady attendant. Phone S3 FOR QUICK SERVICE Call Bud Cornfield, Phone o2. Crescent Cigar Store. Residence, Phone 1069-R. ATTORNEYS GEORGE W. COUTT8, Attorney at Law, Room 17, Bond Bldg. I. M. SCHAXXEP, Attorney at Law Office in Court House. R, L IvEA'f iR, Attorney at Law. r Room 24, Smith-Crawford Building. CAl.TEIl & SMYTHE, Attorneya al Law. 221 n. Poiirt St. ! TtMK CAR1 Phot. Hock Stage Fanrho Ktubblefield. Prop. Leaves Pendleton 7:00 A. M., leaves Pilot Rock 8:00 A. M. Leaves Pendleton Jl:fl A. M., leaves Pilot Rock 1:00 P. M. Leaves Pendleton 5 N0 P. M leaves Pilot Rock 6:30 P. M. Leaves Hotel" Pendleton and French Restaurant. 1 FEE & FEE, Attorneys at Law. flees In Despiiln Building. Of- i A. LOW Eli, Attorney and Counsel lor at Mw. Office in Dtl lB llldg S. A NEWBERRY, Attorney al Law federal Rtilulinc. TIM1C CARD ' Wreioii-Prndlcton Aulo fage Leaves Weston for Pendleton at 7:30 a. m. and 12:4,1 p. m. leaves Athena for Pcndlclon at 8:00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. - Leaves Adams for Pendleton at 8:20 a. m. and 1:211 p. m. , ' Leaves Pendleton lAIIen-Knlghf Co. Store ( foseWeston at 10:00 a. m. and 4 n. m. . O. H. McPHER RIN, Prop. PETERSON, Bishop ft Clark. At torneys at I.HW. Rooms 2 and 4 Smith-Crawford Itldz. JAMES B. PERRY, Attorney at Law. .Office over.Taylor Hardware tym pany. . RALEY, RALEY A STEIWER. Atlor neys at Iw. lfrice in American National Rank Builillns. FRED H. SCHMIDT, Attorney at Law. Room 81,' Smith-Crawford (Jlrte. BATTERIES PHILADELPHIA DIAMOND GRID BATTERIES guaranteed for II months. W. K. Oiaw Co .120 K. Conn St. Telephone t0, Pendleton. WHO MOVES YOU Is Just as Import ant as where you move. We' alio pack or store goods. We do country hauling Call J39. . Penland Bro Transfer, 114 W. Aha, THE QUELLE A good phc to SHOE REPAIRING NEW SOLES, Rubber Heel". LadhM French Wooden Heehi Repalrtn While You Wait. Pcndletos) 8a IhKliiial. : ' - " ". SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUTIC THE most up-to-date effectual lead ing aclence practised, K. F. rilhams, P. S. T.; N. D. Room 12 Peebler Bldg f MADE TO MEASURE PHOTOGRAPHER To Introduce our kodak wors we will finish Free one roll o4 one. print each. Ward Studio. TAILORS Carl E. lynnsecn, ICIkg Bldg. 617 Main St. phone 1 ANOTHER TRUCK LOAD OF HOME GROWN -MELONS WATER MELONS, YOUR CHOICE, 50c CANTALOUPES, $1.00 CRATE BASKET PEACHES, PEARS TOMATOES, ........ 4Q(. .v.-... The Dean Tatom Co. 36 , Gl0CC,yrE688 Meal Dcpt Phone BRINGING UP FATHER ! Reg. U. B. Patent Office - $. L iapjiss.sssssMasjJg"- - A ( f? :V 1 This new ' catcher's mask I dees awsy wllh the vertical la ra that ob struct the Alston of the man behind the bat. Frank Snyder, catcher of tho New York Clams. U tryintf out HELLO -MR JIiCit I I'M LOCKV TO TlND l I SHOULD bA.'Y OU AXE HVt e ClCeM - I THEjE. A.t. MrV.DC TO ORDER TOR T I OtONT KNONei THA.T OO tJMOrsEO -) ME - i s v xL By George McManus ( Om:xe-md urvre.Lt I j , C!) v j I 5ECUIEVE YOO I ( I O 1921 : ' X FtATuaf ttaviIT. IwC j i --, r 1 1 " ' " 1 ' tba i