East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 15, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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People Here and There
Jl. M. Crommolin of Pendleton la at
llirt Uenson, Oregon Journal.
ChurlnH A. Carter has returned after
a week spent ut lllnirhum Bprlnifs.
.1. '13, Anderson, Helix farmer, wan a
visitor In I'endlctoi) today on busl
F. P. Falrchlld of Pendleton Is a
guest at the Hotel Benson. Oregon
C.'w. Pu'ulii. Will H. Frye and Pr.
IK A. Bchnelder of pilot Hock were
visitors in Pendleton yesterday. .
E. O, Oreenuwuld of the Inland Km
pi re Hank left today for Hldawuv
Hprinirs whero he will upend -his "va
cation. Put 1-onerffnn of Pendleton, full of
pep, push or prosperity, Is telling hlH
Portland frienda about the forthcom
ing Hound-l!p. Oregon Journal.-
George Young, former proprietor of
the Delta Ice cream parlor at Pendle
ton hut now a resident of 1m firande,
is transacting business In Portland.
Oregon Journal. I
II. T. McKnlght who has been here
during the punt 18 month left today
for Dillon, Mont., whore ho expects
to work during harvest. le formerly
made IiIh home In Montana, .
T. A." Hughe and Dr. Tt. J,
Vnn?;.n, of Ileppner, arrived In Pen-
lleitn by motor yesterday. fr.
Vu.ghan left last evening for Buker
and will return here tonight to Join
XI r, Htm-he
Harold Hatlon. Pendleton youth
who he von fame as u swimn.cr fy"
the Muitnt.ni.ih Athletic Club, Is here
from Portland, He Is visiting rela
tives nn,! while here Is acting a J. r-
nengor at the Western l.nlon orfwe
during ih absence of . Willlitm t'irv,
who is spending a vacation at Vny
ette, ."dar.o. '
NKWS Nf)l R? l
In New lxH.-atlii.
The I'endletiin Shoe Shop Is now
located In Its new (farters on Court
I liriliA MP "l-l f i Mtiiiim
ITOUr IHtllNir
.Vanicil Administrators.
11. n. fcitunlleld and fleorge II. Cop
plnfier h:ivo been appointed Joint nd
inn.istiiilois of the estate of the late
Thon as Thomas of Kcho.
Scout" to Meet
The Coy Scouts, Troop 1, will meet
tonight ui the city hull. Thj n ecting
has been called for "o'clock o.' !('.
J II, Cornellson, scout mastar, w.!l be
In chaige,
' I Secure Marriage fjoeiiwti.
!, :.. c I or Milton. I Mucuses to wed have been granted
I'rcrt Pennlon, courtty agent, Is In lo Johr K. Kelly, a painter, and Edith
Hecks, both' of Frcewater; and to
Archie Vernon Simmons, a laborer,
itr.rt Vl inle itevena Moore, clerk, both
i f Pendleton.
Round the Sport Circle
International News Sporting lxlitor
XKW YOltK, Aug. 15. (I. N. S.)
Kir Thomas Upton, one of the grand
est and without a doubt the giimest
rportsmnn the world ha ever known.
Is Robot to try once more lo lift the
historic America's Cup.
Fourt Imes, over a period of twenty,
two yea'rs, has Sir Thomas attempted
to win hack the 8'lver trophy, oriKtn
iilly hung up In England and won and
held In America ever since the first
race around ,the Isle of Wight, seventy
yeirs ugo the 2 2d of this month. Four
pictures of his fight with Champ Jack
Dempsey. No doubt he gets groggy
every time he looks at the fourth
A Dempsey-Willard shindig Is just. In
I thy offing at this writing. Tex Hick
nrd Is feeling the big Kansnn out nil
seeking to druw out the public as well
Tex Is a shrewd bird. He pays more at
tention to public opinion than he does
to the fighters, and Wlllard's chances
of getting a match promoted by Tex
will depend larsely on what the boxin;
timns this great yachlmnn has met ! puhllc and the press say of It.
.... ,t... l.iif hft h,.a n.t ! .....
Jlillon today carrying on follow-up
worl; in the fruit orchards. .Mr. Hen
nlon recently held thinlnng demon-
ulrntlons in t'n cast end of the coun
ty. '
Dr. Brimdngo Returns.
Dr. It. H. Hrunduge ha returned
home after a month spent In the Fos
ter Heulth Home at Clarkston, Wash
Ington. A course In the treatment of
cancer was taken by the physiclun
during hi absence.
.Mr. McCoy In Oiurge
Mr. C. U McCoy will bo In charge
of the office of Dr. H. S. McKensde,
eye, ear nose' and throat specialist.
during his absence. Dr. and Mrs. Mc
Keivle left today for a. motor trip to
Portland, Seaside und Crater ijike.
They will return here September I.
Italn Palls Yesterday.
Pendleton and I'matilhi county In
general were visited by a heavy rain
yesterday. Although the majority of
the harvesting ha been completed,
Hoinn farmer have not finished und
tbe rain will cause a delay. It I the
second to occur during the 1&21 har
Finrc vxnr.R controi,.
PHIUADKU'HIA, Aug. U,. (!.'. P.)
Fire which took a toll of fix lives
and caused a million doll'kr dumage
to the plunt of the Atlantic, Iteflning
Company was controlled idiortly
after noon.
Market I t nciinuged.
POnTI.AND, Aug. 15. (A.
flrnln I unchanged
Mis Maude Wilkins of Port
land, Say Life Was a Bur.
den Now Like a Different
"I'm only on my second bottle of
Tanlac. but the relief I have already
received hits been so wonderful I want
to let everybody who suffer like I did
know about this good medicine,'1 said
MIsh Maude Wllklns, 1016 Glenn Ave..
Portland, Oregon.
"For year! didn't eat a meal wlth
oiu suffering ngonle nfterward, and
nt times I hud awful spell of nausea
end was unable to retain even a glas
of water on my stomach. I had rag
ing headaches nearly every day and
often mirh blinding spell of dlr-xlnesa
that I would have to grab . hold of
something to teady myself r I used
to dread to see night come, n I knew
It meant hour of restlessness for me,
rnd I was so worried and miserable
nil the time that life was Just a bur
den. "I'm Just like a different, person
now, lor Tanlke ha benefited me In
every way. My appetite I ravenous
and I never have a touch of Indiges
tion. In-fact my health now seems
to he perfect, but I'm going to lake
A little irforo Tanlne Just to be nre
that by recovery Is complete. Tanlac
Ik certainly the best of all medicines."
Tanlao I sold In Pendleton by
Thompson's Drug Store and hy lending
druggist everywhere.
Having disposed of my husines 1
nm closing up my account. Every
one knowing themselves to he In
debted to me plcuse settle at once,
otherwise your account will have to
be placed with a collector.
( biers (irnmlson Here.
Jim Allieott, a grandson of old
Chief Joseph, one of the picturesque
chaructcr In the history of the Cuy
use and t'matilla Indians, was In
Pendleton today on bnslnes. The old
chief father was Tu Wa Toy and his
grandfather name wa Wa I-a Moot
kin. Jim Allieott I living on the
Leave for Prisoner.
Deputy Sheriff Dave Lavender left
today for Helena, Mont., to get ly
Hill, wanted here for larceny by
bailee. Tint ha been wanted here for
several v.ei.ks, but he was taken in
tow by tbe Montana authorities and
recehtd u sentence there on e.tiothcr
ith disappointment, but 'he has not
given up hope. He will make his fifth
attempt in 1923.
The next challenger will b Sham
rock V. Sir Tom will build her next
year and sail her across the broad
reaches of the Atlantic to try his lurk
once, more over the- famous Sandy
Hook course. Announcement of Lip
ton's intention gave the American
sporting public a thrill of deepest al
miration for him. He ha spent thotis
From this distance a Willard-DeroP
sey match, providing Willard really
can and honi-stly will get Into condi
tion, look like thp only logical one In
the near future, and It will probably
bp niade in due time. Tint we also be
lieve that Willard should prove his fit
tiefs in a physical way by taking on at
least ono big husky before he meets
Dempsey. A good many boxing fans
rave often speculated on what a Wil-lard-Fulton
match would be like, and
and upon thousands of dollars in his it appears that such a match ought to
To Condemn Klght-of-uay
Suits by the county ngainrt the
Cun .l ham Sheep Co. and a?'ilust
.Mark A. Stortevant and Alma Stinle
v.int. Un a been filed by It. I. Kee.tor,
dlblrb t attorney to secure condemna
tion of l.i n fls owned bv the def ?i,d:iits
:i a right of way for the Oregon-
'A'ashinyton highway.
Are liCavliig IVnilleton
Dr. Dale Kothwell, well known op
tometrist who ha practiced In Pen
dleton for the past 12 year, ha dis
posed of hi office equipment and rec
ords to Dr. K C. rtichey, of Portland,
who ha been with the Columbia Op
llcul Co. of that city. Dr. Kothwell's
plan are not yet complete but he ex
pect to locate In'Seattle where he Ik
making nrranKetnent to purchase the
Wegner Optical Co. After selling
their residence Dr. and Mrs. Kotn-
well will leave for tho Sound city. Dr.
and Mr. Hichey are to arrive here
this week and Dr Richey will take
charge at once. He I a young man
and come to Pendleton well recom
mended. He is graduate of the Do
keyser Institute of Optometry. Di
fticbey, who I an O.-A. C. man. served
In the 1'nlted Stales army during the
recent war ond wit a lieutenant.
WASHINGTON', Aug. 15. (U. P.)
Premier Briand ot France, notified
Secretary Hughe that he personally
will attend the Washington disarma
ment conference. ,
(Continued from page 1.)
Sheriff Zoe Houscr Is in the neigh
borhood todoy where tbe crime wa
committed making investigations. The
party yesterday which examined the
premise consisted of the sheriff, the
county coroner and C. Z. Randall,
deputy district attorney.
Many crime have been committed
In the mountain near the scene of
the mysterv which now occupies the
ottentlon of officials, and the perpe
trators have managed to escnpe detcc-
U"a lest of the blood that stained the
nxe Is being mude to ascertain whether
It Is of human origin.
The possibility of suicide I not
given serious consideration by the of
ficials. The wound on the back of his
head 'considered too deep for it to
have possibly been caused by the man
striking himself as he leaped into the
well It was only 10 feet from the top
of the well to the surface of the water.
Aside from a gain of a fourth of a
cent In December and September
grain, the wheat market remains the
same today a on Saturday. Septem
ber wheat closed at 91.24 14 and De
cember at 1.26 K.
Following aro the quotations receiv
ed by Overbeck & Cooke, local brok
ers: Wheat
Open Hiph Low Close
Sept. 1.24 $1.2r,U 1.234 1.24
Dec, 1.20 1.27 1.2514 1.26 V4
?ept. .:,(!. .r,614 M
Dec. .r.5'4 .55 .55 .55,
Wheal Started strong but buying
power failed apparently and the mar
ket declined to a discount of about one
cent under Saturday's final price. Ex
porters took the offerings on the break
again giving strength to the market
and the entire loss waa regained. The
seaboard reported only a fair export
demand but advice from the Gulf
Intimated a large business wa being
dono nt advanced premium. Coun
try offering to arrive were light and
It i generally believed that- winter
wheat movement will be limited from
now on unless the prices are more at
tractive. Omaha messages estimate
that 75 to 90 per-cent of wheat to be
moved from that state has already
been shipped. The situation I gen
erally working into a stronger position,
if the early spring wheat movement is
well taken as many expect it to be a
higher range of prices I more than
likely to be established.
efforts to win a "mug" that originally
cost but one hundred guineas, and he
will spend . another small fortune In
his fifth try.
When the Shamrock IV and the
Resolute got away for their 1!20 series
sentiment was with the Liplon yacht
because of the gameness and persist
ence of her sponsor. So It will be
ogaln In 1923 when Shamrock V
spreads her wings in the breeze off the
old Hook. No one can Bay tnis senti
ment is a lack of loyalty. Such stick-tl-it-lvenen
deserves victory.
Lnrrv Hansen, the durable Dane,
has had 356 fights, but there's many a
durable husband who has him beaten
to a fraz.le. '
Michigan athletic are" going' to
hurry up in nil departments from now
on. Sports at Ann Arbor will be given
a new shot of ginger and It will be well
for al! rivals to look out for the Wol
verines. Why?
Well, old man "Hurry Co" Fielding
If. Yost I at the head of everything
athletic at Michigan. We could have
answered the question with just one
wor,l "Yost" a word that speaks
volumes to readers of tho sport pages.
For twenty long years Yost has been
the boss of Michigan football. In that
time he' has turned out ome of the
greatest gridiron team and stars the
country has ever known and his rec
ord is emblazoned with success after
success. He has won nioi wr
dictatorship -of all athletics at Michi
gan and no man was ever more de
serving. Good luck to you, ole "HurrS'
It may be a cruel cut, but we are
prompted to remark that Jack joim-
son will probably feel natural in every
State where he is burred.
fleorges Cnrpentier is studying the
be a good primer for Willard if he can
get Into-shape. Dempsey beat Fulton
in one round. If Willard cannot beat
the big plasterer he has no right to a
return match with Dempsey. In the
event of a Wlllard-Fulton match
Dempsey should aree to take the
China Special
This week's special is as attractive as
any we have featured.
at $1.00 a piece. These are articles which
retail from $1.50 to $3.00, but which we
are offering as a "Sawtelle Summer
Special," for $1.00. , .
See Our North Window
5 Special," for $1.00. . 1
Tbe Largest Diamond 1 balers In VMi 4ftgu
Pay Cash Receive More Pay L88
I Despain&Lee Cash Grocery
VA RIS, Aug. 15. (I. N. S.l If yo
reallv love your best girl hand her a
couple of quarter or a couple of 920 j
gold pieces with which to keep ner
stockings up.
Mile. Suzanne !nglen, woman ten
nic champion of the world, inaugurat
ed the fad. She found that the round
garter the only kind tlrey wear in
France bound her leg too tishtly and
shut off blood circulation. She discov
ered that by placing a French "sou"
or penny In the roll of her stocking,
twisting it several times pd then
tucking it in nt the top she had an ad
mirable garter.
French girls were quick to seize the
opportunity to demand gold pieces
and they are very rare In France of
their lovers. One French actress an
nounces that she now keeps hers up
with gold pieces Btudded with dia
monds, i
A special elevator running to every
floor of Atlantic City's newest hotel
proves a convenience to bathers, who
can reach the beach by means of a
tunnel under the board walk, with
which the elevator connects.
209 E. Court
Phone 880
Eagle Brand Milk
Per can 25c
Despain&Lee Cash Grocery
2SU9 Hi. Court rcone ocki
Pay Gash Cash Pays
SAX FHAN'CISCO, Aug. 15. (IT. I'.)
Grave doubts are expressed regard
ing the recovery of Newton Converse,
tho aviator who fell yesterday at
Marina when his machine went into a
tall spin. A little girl, 13 year of age,
riding with her father, was killed.
Tho girl's aged grandmother, seeing
the machine crash, collapsed, and Is
reported to be in a serious condition.
; Peaches for Canning
Now is the time for you to get your Canning
Phone 187
739 Main Street
ATirF.NS, Aug. IT,. (I. N. S.) The
(reeks opened n new offensive against
the Turkish Nationalists on the Anoto-
lian bnttlefront, according to Informa
tion from Smyrna. The Turks are re
tiring Into the entrenched positions
around Angora. Tho Ismid peninsula
Is now wholly cleared of Turkish
SAX FrtANCI.-'CO, Aug. 15. (f.
P.) AH hope of saving tbe stranded
vessel, Fan Jose, was abandoned
when the steamer Apns removed the
crew nnd officers and left the vessel
to break up. The steamer Homer Is
speeding south in an attempt to sal
vage a large portion of the cargo, but
the saving of the vessel itself Is hope
less. The waves are doing consldcr-
ible damage.
The dry enforcement office offlc'als
estimate that additional appropria
tion totaling 15,iMM,flnn will be
needed to stop the flow of 1'n.unr be
ing smuggled into the I'nlted State.
The Increased appropriations would
enable a coast guard service, a federal
prohibition unit to set up a blockade
off ihe Atlantic coast and employ sub
chaser to run dowu llijuor ships.
s , Mutual
Confidence and
GoodWill H Our
Message Daily!
Si Kg IK1 " " '"g-
;a tisiv,aF3 t
Best Values at
Amazingly Low
Prices Are Here
For You I
Styles In
Silk Plush Coats
Style 1 Button trim
nA 7ff med cuffs, but
S''' ton trimmed
tie-over belt and wide nat
ural Opossum collar make
this 34-Inch Coat f Peeo
Silk riush especially be
coming to the young tigure.
Black Venetian lined.
Style 10 Most effective
dJC A JC are the trlm
pt.O wings of but
tons on this graceful model
of Teco Silk l'lush which
add to Its tailored cross
over belt, mannish flap
pockets, and an eight incli
Upossum collar.
Style 5 Youthful In de-
In appearance,
this Peco Silk l'lush Coat
has a ' handsome collar of
Australian Opossum, bell
cuffs, flap pockets, a trim
belt with fancy ornaments.
Extraordinary Values at These Prices
fctibiUMifll "1 r infill iiiii 'l t'l" ,
i - 4 . i
$1475 to $ 39.75
W&r - lite,
W -. jC;:f . J
Style 7 One of the
(o "rC most effective
Pt. J ot ,he season's
designs, this Coat makes an
instant appeal to those who
want youth and smart style.
Collar and cuffs are fash
ioned of ring-tail Opossum
fur; pockets are flap style
and the lining Is Susque
hanna satlu.
Style 15 An exceedingly
tfJIC1? popular model
v4U' J of handsome
Teeo Silk Plush, finished
with 12-inch shawl collar
of imitation Krlmnier that
also forms a 9-inch banding
at bottom, of Coat and 0
luch bell cuffs. The Coat
is 36 inches long with a
generous skirt sweep of 69
inches; tailored side pock
ets nnd belt are attractive
features. Lined with black
Style 10 Style 5 Mj'ie .
7 has bsen a Ions c zce wo:nei1 ave cen ae to secura
nt these prices such a satisfying: selection 01 nanasome siik
Flush Coats!
Think of being at!e to buy a b:autiful Coat of rich silk plush,
fur trimmed, for less than -5 1
The Coats illustrated show the varied styles, the new bell cuffs,
trim tailored belts and becoming collars.
These Coats are made of Behrinr Seal Silk Hush. Pcco Silk Plush,
or Hudson Seal Silk Plush, all heavy nap, flue deep color and
remarkable lustre.
Style 1
Style 13
Going On Every Day in 312 Eusy Stores