s PASS WI3S - -4 i - -V n UWMCC M NIGHTSONiSLAND A ' San Jose Shows Danger of Newest Model, Nifty Light 55, B E A'U T Y STRENGTH POWER- ; CfO M'F?OlR. T Breaklne up: Officer and Will Soon be in Transit for T Grew Still Aboard. Pendleton Haynes : Dealers. 'DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST 13, 1921. 1 1 1 If r II t1 " MAX DIKOO. Aug,. 13. (U. P.) Thirty five passengers and five moni tor of the crew of the wrecked steam- cj., tma renchnri hera none the r I gull u"" . . - worse for the wur, after a night spent ...- I lunn.ll nn.il thntiuitrhllu iin 1'cllMUill 'IIU UIIMU lliuuoin'-n of screaming birds. It Is understood (tint a storm was rising ana me mcum-i ' cr Qrlffdu was forced to abandon her" stand oy me pun jone, wniun suunn danger of breaking up with the offl hts and crew still aboard. Destroyers v 111 probably leave here to go to the vessel's aid, . E PHILADELPHIA.- Aug. II. (IT. P When oucnliiK . bottle of olive, if tiu.v irlvu off a. ranld, offenstve odor, thov should be thrown away, be cause they are poison, according to Dr. Randall C. llosenbwgcr, professor of hygiene and bacteriology at Jeff or son College. Dr. Kosenborger has been carrying on experiments to find out how to de toet uolsonous olives. Good olives have a pleasantly aromatic odor, he said. The poisonous olives smell a lit tle stronger than roquttfort cheese, und the liquor is clouded. The poison Is known as bacillus butullnus. It Is found more fre quently In ripe olives than In green ones, probably because the ripe vari ety are really ovr-rlpe and possibly In an early state of decay, Itosenbcr- gr said, . ' , I)r Keecnbergcr carried on fcxtcn ive experiments with guinea pigs, white mice and rabbit. ,. " FITZGEHALD, Ga.. Aug. 13. (I. N. H.) Moonshine whiskey, market eas ier; Footloose" variety, 70c per pint. This is the latest quotation reported to Chief of Police Charles F. Dixon by George Jordan, a negro, who dropped a pint bottle of corn liquor.' It was broken and eprend olfactory evidence of the presence of the forbidden distil lation, which was detected by the chief standing ner.rly. Mating he had paid seventy-five cents for tha -pint, the darky said: ... "Yassuh," that's tol'abls cheap but eevrything else is cumin' down an' I spect Hruor' irottr-eoni aowi. o. Anyway, dis is footloose liquor. Don't you know what footloose llqur Is? It's lu kin' what ain't bolted an boun'wlf uo Gov'mont seal." . Tl 81DNET, O.. Aug. 13. I. X. S.) Deer hunters from all over tho United States are gathered hero today for the sixty-third annual picnic and shoot of tho Deer Hunters' Association, which Is taking place at the fair grounds here. Llfe-slscd targets of moose, deer anil bear have been erected, and liberal prizes go to the best shots. Older members of the association, which was formed when all this game was plenti ful In this region, remember well when It was unnecessary to provide targets fur tho membership. We realise the amazing age we urc living In whrr we know that the man who Invented the throe greatest every day features of civilized progress ore still hale and hearty.' ,t . . ..''. - Thomas A. Edison, Invented the elec tric light, Alexander Graham Hell in vented the telephone, Hlwood Haynes invented tho motor car , '., , .. We are so accustomed to al( three of these that we must make a effort to realize that a few years ago the elec tric light, tho telephone and the motor car were curiosities. Xot many people believed they would ever bo practical. ' i , ' "f". - . : ! . lA carriage ran without horses, light miraculous. Each of them 'patiently tulked to each other at the same tlnit-J worked to create something practical a, thousand miles apart, v ,, 1 .- Yet not one of the' three mehi men tloned as these iiiwntors, .appear to camo from a vacuum and two men have sat down and' tried io do the something which wouW nerve, hu inanity. Each of them had foresight had vision, Xone of them cared two whoops for ridicule ot' crltlclsm. El wood Haynes saw- his invention sweep tho world Inside of a-quarter of a century. Ills first cir stands today In the Smithsonian Institution, where you will also see Edison's first Work and Bell's first telephone. : Elwood Haynes was born October 14, 1857 at Portland, Indiana. After an excellent education In fhemlstry nnd biology, which hd followed by do Ing work in the mechanical field, he completed bis plans for the actual con-' slructlon of hi thoraetem- carriage" In 12. In the same year ho moved to Kokomo, Indiana, and on July 4,- 181)4 ho drove the machine for the first time. - 5 ; - t ,,. v. , ' V . ' t - ' , j . 'cw Models Coiuliue ' ' H. A. Clodfelter, In charge of WIh tribution tor Oregon and ft part of Washington for the Haynes company, was here this- week. Arrangements have been made for the shipping to Pendleton of a carload of the Haynes "65" new models. The carload will soon Im in transit, ani on thelc arrival the. machines will ho shown by?ase and Alfred at the Haynes Service nd Hales Co. on Cottonwood street."' ., a REALTY TRANSFERS I - -; 1 C. 1, SI. . It. Cinderella A. Itoedcr to Hunan Mckle, $3260, lots 11 and 12, blk Ireland's add.. Milton. Jesse Martin to J. H. Wonser, 8E. 1-4 HE. 1-4 Sec. 36, Tp. 6, N 36. J. N. Simmons to Clarence L. Morse, 32O0O, N. 1-2 NE. 1-4 NW. 1-4 SE. 1-4 Bee. 35, Tp. 6. N. It. 35. ' ' . Jessie 8. Vert to Hugh J. 'Dell, $1, lots 4, 6, and 7, blk "11" South Pen dleton. H. G. Hayea to Vcrna V. Hayes, ft, lots 4 arid 9, blk. 12, Ralelghs add., Pendleton. ; II. n. lilcliinond it Jennlo Li tl,c, 125, N. 1-3 lot 4, blk, 2, Helix. REPARATIONS COMMISSION HAS VISIONS OF 'HALL OF MIRRORS'.IN DREAMS PARIS, Aug. 13. (I. X. 8.) If the offices of the German Reparations' Commission is any- thing to go by no one need over fear the Germans are golrtjE a to '- -. t'lc T-eaty of Versailles. TJk W svtrjr pkic ot the commis- sum iiang pictures of the cha- teau of Versailles and various parts or the town. A place of honor waa found for a large nlc ture of the Hall of Mirrors, where the treaty was signed, and this Is surrounded by pictures of 4 the ceremony of June 2D, 1919, prominent among which are photographs of the arrival of 4 the German 'delegation and the enthusiasm of French crowds., after the signature. The only thing one does not see framed is 4 the treaty itself. This probably hangs in the German Foreign Office In Berlin. t Condition of roads In Pnker,' Mal l:aur itorrow.. Uuiatllla, , Union and Wallowa counties, by. II. II. Baldock, division engineer. Pendleton to op of, Cabbage " Hill, iiucndamiEcd. , , " ' Cabbage Hill to llllgard, rough county road. ' . . Hiigurd to La. Grande, under con struction; requires very careful driv ing. ' - . La Grande to Hot Lake, paved and macadamized. Hot Lake to Union., under construc tion; follow detour along foothills, or turn off across valley 3.1 miles east of Sanllorlum; valley road closed frem. S a. m. to 11 a. m. and from 12 ni. to 5 p. m. Union to Telorasel, under construe tlon for macadam, , very rough;. uo d tour available except, through' Ladd Canyon, turning wet at end of pave n.ent out of LA Grande; a jfalr road with a 7.2 per cent grade. Telucaset to Raker, good; one turn out at small bridge between North Powder and Haines. ltaaer to Xclaori, fair county rood. Nelson to Jlmulngton,' - under con struclion; It Is suggested that motor lets continue using 'finryttetoura 'until the work Is finished, both for the con venience of themselves and tho con tractors; there Is the choice of two de tours. Slsley creek and Rye valley: Slsley creek Is considered the better of thi two; there are one or two steep pitches on these detours. v Huntington to Welser, via Olds Fer ry, first seven miles rough. Welser to Ontario, under construq- tlon; rough; keep to tho Idaho sldo. Ontario to Vale, ' getting chucky with dust holes. Vale to Uurns, very bad to Crane; lVo,' there on fair. v Vale to Unity, via Ironside, good drive slow through loose gravel near Jaiulcson. ' ' " UnKy to Tralrle City,' good county road.. ! - i Ra'ao" to Halfway, first ten miles macadamised; balance county road In fair condition.' La Grande, to Island City. paved. Island City to 'Elgin, county road in good condition. , . Through Wallowa, canyon, Under construction, very rough. Wallowa canyon to Wallowa, rough; take hillside road at left at. head of canyon; do not eross , smull wooden bridge at head of canyon; drive slow- near new construction at head of can yon; drive slow from half mile west of Wallowa river bridge near Wallowa railroad crossing. , Wallowa to Enterprise, fair; rough In places: best road from Wallowa to tvans. lc. Alexander bridges; valley roud from I.ans to Enterprise- road over Lewis hill east of Lostlne clo-ed; drive slow over new gravel. Enterprise to Wallowa Lake, fair; detours veil marked. Pendleton to Washington state line, paved; detour around bridge at I'iue Mountnir t miles from Pendleton. Pendleton to Pilot Rock, good graveled irost of the way; nbo.it a mile of (I ist road on new grading. Pilot Rock to Heppher, fair county road. . Heppner to lone, requires very slow driving, detours well' marked. lone to Gilliam cdunty lino, rough and dji.ty. rnder construction between Morgan, and Cecil GREATEST OFFERINGS THE NEW 1 9 22 HAYM ES 55 F. O. Bi F A C.T O RY This is our first announcement, of the new 1922 Haynes 55 and 75 models in accord with our cus tom of introducing at this time of the year our most advanced ideas in motorcar production. These two new Haynes offerings give the motorist the fullest ad vantage, not only in price, but in obtaining cars which express proved pr inciplesof desirability which otherwise would not be available for many months. Tfca Haynes 55 is' a new production possessing many desirable developments and refinements. The body is greatly beautified. A full five-passenger touring car, with a 121-inch wheel base and the famous, velvety powered Haynes-built, light-six motor, it surpasses all expectations at the low price $1785, L o. b. factory. The utmost in style, economy, durability and per formance has been given this light-weight car. Individual fenders and individual aluminum steps ' fit gracefully into its semi-sporty lines. Exterior side cowl lights, cord tires and genuine leather uphol stery add to its appearance. Mechanically, the new 1922 Haynes 55 more than fulfills your expectations for ruggedness, dependability and reserve power. Your dealer will take your order now. This will insure prompt delivery. We recommend and urge you to inspect the ( new 1922 Haynes 55 at once and make your reservation. , The Haynes 55 is also manufactured in the five passenger Sedan at $2835 and the two-passenger Roadster at $1835. ' THE' NE W 1 9.2 2 w ft A pi ' w j A fiery easy HAYiMfcb 13 jr ti 1 1 13 F. O. B, 'FA.CTARy Several months in advance of the Usual time of presentation of such a car comes this new 1922 Haynes 75, priced fully a thousand dollars below what you would ordinarily expect it to be. The newly developed, big, powerful, Haynes-built, six-cylinder engine, perfected after many months of careful scientific research, equipped with the new Haynes fuelizing system, assures power, flexibility and acceleration even greater than ever before enjoyed with the always popular Haynes power plant. Larger valves, larger intake and exhaust mani folds, thermostatic engine heat control and other decidedly advanced features emphasize the distinct advantage of the Haynes 75 motor alone. ' The new 1922 Haynes 75 has a more rugged chassis and in lines and finish, as well as fittings, is com pletely a 1922 idea. The seven-passenger touring car offers the extreme of luxury and utility in such a production, and the price $2485, f. o. b. factory is in keeping with the Haynes policy of extend ing to the purchaser every benefit of the organi zation's manufacturing and distributing methods. The Haynes 75 is also available in the four-passenger Tourister at $2485, the two-passenger Special Speedster at $2685, the five-passenger Brougham at $3185, the seven-passenger Sedan and Suburban at $3485 each price remarkably low. All the new 1922 Haynes 75 models have a 132-inch wheel base. Cord tires are standard equipment. , The new 1922 Haynes 55 and 75 models are the result of more than a quarter of a century of fine auto mobile manufacturing by the oldest automobile institution in the United States. Consequently, the Haynes 55 and 75 models represent the combined skill of a corps of engineers who alone possess the accumulated experience of such an extensive period. i ' ' ' . THE HAYNES AVTOMOBflE COMPANY, Kokomo. M. EXPORT OFFICE: 17I5 Droadw.y.New York City.U.&A. , (AU price quof,ar I. o. b. factory) IIAYNES'SALES & SERVICE CO. 122 Cottonwood St. Motor Inn Garage Phone 80S a 1 8 9 3 THE HAYNES IS AMERICA'S FIRST CAR 1 9,21 E E locally nicknamed 'TNT" togi-thcr vith stills, juifs. bottles and . other containers, were scattered over the Oehrlng: burn. E SIGOI KXKY, la., Anff. 13. (IT. P.) Klve brothers filled the .Siyour- ney Jail here this week. At that, the family npl'aivmly was not big cnoiiKh, for their arrest fol- owed 1'tbo much lalklni:." wherein ono related to u friend their prosper ity in the- Rentle urt of bootlegging. Now thA.five Gehrlng brothers, with their hired man, are awaiting' trial. Evidences of brewing on a large scale were discovered by the officers. Forty gallons of powerful corn whisky . CITY r DOMKSTIC III.ISS London, Aug. 13: i. x. s.) Xa. vestock. In Kssex, claims to bo the happiest village In England. At the annual village fete one of tho features was a cnnipetitlun for a gam mon of bacon fur the happiest married couple. But every married pair In the town entered for the competition and claimed the prla and the committee got out of their dilemniH only by w lth drawing the competition and issuing an apology 1n which they alluded to the difficulty in' coming to a decision In what was apparently "the happiest villas In Englund,'1 ' Kegaru'less of the outcome of the spirited controversy now racing over the comparative advantages of aircraft and battleships as America's first line of defense, both the I'nlted States army and navy are to have more light-er-than-nir ships orders for three large dirigibles and 3S observation balloons having just been plawed with The Goodyear Tire. & Rubber Com pany, Akron, Ohio. I'. K. Coe. manager aeror.atlc sales at Los Angeles announces that two pa trol and scouting airships of ISO.oaO cuUia et gas capacity will be bulltj Either motor can driva both propel for the navy and will be completed next spring. A dirigible of similar sine but of a special Goodyear design will be completed for the army by Novem ber. All three will be tested at the Goodv ear-Akron air station. Tho military airship to be built for the army will have new features or de-! sign that makes it the most up-to-date craft in eilher arm of the service. It I will be the first dirigible in America to have It motors In the car instead of in separate power units. Two propel lers will be driven by bevel gears at u two to one ratio with transmission placed on outriggers instead of the motors driving direct to shafts. This will allow the engines to run -while the propellers are. idle by throwing out clutches, and will a:so permit propel lers to be reversed a new feature that will permit greater facility in landing. ' lers In tho event that one motor devel ops trouble. AVith both motors in board, they can be overhauled in flight much easier than if they were on out riggers, as in the present types of air ship. ' The army ship -will bo 1 TO feet Imn; and 43 feet In diameter. It will lie powered by two 125 horse-power Aero marine motors which will operate at 1600 revolutions per minute, but ow ing to tho reduction gear, the propel lers will make but Him revolutions per minute, giving great eff;rlem-v til higher speeds. A speed of 60 miles an hour Is expected. The ship s "celling" is lO.Otli! feet. ' JOHNSON' I llTOIl- NEW YORK. Aug. 13.-- (I, X. A William Johnston triumphed over It. Xorris Williams, u former Harvard Btar. In- three straight sets In tho fi nals, ot aii lavitaUva (ournaaivut Iht, , J JfnV . .4CS&Vk.