f. TAGE EIGHT i .IS-?. r.I TntTD" ..rWT.lV7r..'Y.Aa?ttITAS .K03JW0 MOTJMGrtt I ,AR0O35tO-T8A3 yjiag DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST 13, 1021. 1- ,4? 1 TWELVE PAGES It's.thelFaceVThatCounts! PastimelArcad 0 Sun.-Mon. Children, 5c Adults, 20c Sfef love .; Pi HeAMATiC ABlLnV' 3 ' Hundreds of people ask every day. NOTORIETY 37. the moviea- Her. ,h. ;.-..: "" ooes ' ,aKe into AI.TA SUXPAY AND MOYD.VT MAJM1I HAItrr IIOI.K FITS ItKISR IAXIFXS Probulily there Is no artiste of the screen todMy nhose appparance and personality better fit tom-b', harum earum roles than do Hiss Bebe Dan Ih'. Kealart has wisely chosen to present her In Just such roles, and '.with Filmer Harris to prepare such rtdry opens, living and having consid erable joy in a mountain shack. With them is Rosemary Merriilew daughter of one pf them. Her father ia killed In a gun-battle and she is sent to her aunt in Alabama, an ultra-fastidious old dame with an exaggerated sense of her own aristocracy and a desire to marry her own daughter' off to the richest young man in town. Rosemary amusing stories for her, and Major , interfere with this schedule. Dr. Tom Maurice Campbell to direct them, the public Is always assured of a fun treat When saucy Bebe comes to town. She will appear at the Alia Theare Funday and Monday in "A March Hare." and the continuous laughter which greets her escapades Is strong testimony that she lived up to her title rl very successfully. Lizbeth Ann Palmer is the only daughter-of a harassed Los Angele? millionaire, and to olrtain a respite Irom the excessive stimulation of Liz bet Ann's society, he sends her off, with a spinsterish cousin for chap . erone, to visit his sister-in-law in New York. STIME Sl"XIAY AXn MOXDAY ' A classic of colloquial American literature has been given life on the wreen in "Desperate Youth," which will be the principal attraction at the Pastime Theatre i-'unday with Gladys Walton in the starring role. ' The story wait filmed at Universal City from "A Kentucky Cinderella.' by F. Hopklnson Smith. - Harry B. Harris directed it, using a popular cast in the etar'a support. Two old prospectors are seen as the Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, aa they cannot ach the diseased portion of the eai. Catarrhal Deafness requires constitu tional treatment. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is a consiitutional remedy, latarrhal Deafness ts caused by an in famed fondilion of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is nftamtd you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when it ia entire ly closed. Deafness la the result. Unless the Inflammation can be reduced, your hearing may be destroved forever. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE acta through the blood on the mucous Jfcir faces of the system, thus reducing U Vn fiamnuttlon and restoring normal condi tions 1 1 Cirrulnrs free. All Druggists. J. J. CheneT A Co.. Toledo fhlo Dcwling, the prospective son-in-law. becomes infatuated with her, thereby complicating the plot. " , With delightful humor, good drama ond fidelity fo Smith's popular story. "Desperate Youth' is said to serve Misg Walton as one of her best Univer sal starring vehicles. ,'-' Such screen favorites as Harold Miller, J. Farrell McDonald, Louis Willoughby; Muriel Oodfry Turner. Hazel Howell, Lucy Harris and James Blackwell, play the important charac ter roles in the production. ARCADE ' SI X DAY AMI MfiVDAY In 'The Isle of Conquest,"' Jv'orma Talmadjre's new Select . specia, the charming star again demonstrates that there is no height of expression too loftly for her. Her versatility is generously drawn upon as she journeys through the roles of an innocent convent girl to ah un happy wifehood and thence to a !ne of isolrion upon a tropical island with a ,lone man companion, there to find complete happiness and contentment. Always pleasing and capable, the star ascends to the full height of her emo tional talents and holds the interest from beginning to end. "The Isle of Conquest' is "a fast mov ing drama treating With a young girl's marriage to p. wealthy wastet, through the efforts of a designing mother. Later, the yacht upon which they are cruising is wrecked and she finds her self safe upon an uninhabited island with a stoker from the ship's hold. Months of isolation kindles within them a mutual love and, all hopes of rescue having perished, they are pre paring to enact their marriage rite when suddenly her husband appears to return her to hia world of sham. Here the circumstances become tragic, con cluding with ajt unexpected and sen sational climax. The play was adapted tp the screen by John Emerson and Anita Loos from arthur Horjiblow's novel, "By Right of Contient,'and nraj directed by Ed ward Jose. Tt will appear at the Ar cade theatre Sunday and Monday. 1 rw weT 1 Picture starriKJ , ' . r 1.- vip- 1 r ' ' Monday Children, 10c Adults, 35c f , rrt jr. c A- HP A Sunday ; Ju 1 jtI Monday Children, 10c Adult, 35c 9" COMEDY AN AWFUL BULL HUGHES 10 REPRESENT U. S. AT CONIFERENGE :VASltiXGT0,"Aug. IS (1. N. Secretary of Stato Hughes bus been! named by President Hanging chairman of the American commission at the disarmament conference, has been an nounced at the white house. The' president, in advising Secretary Hughes of bis appointment. Informed him f'-om this dav oil the state de puiti.icnt will be, given complete re spont ibility for makinr," all arrange ments for the conference and for con ducting all preliminary negotiations. Adopted to the screen by John irWtson and Anita Loos from Arthur iU.rnblow's fair.oiis novels "By Right of Conquest." Diieoled by Edward Jose LOVE ROMANCE ADVENTURE A glll- Kailing the se.is of happiness A gill A man the only survivors of a shipwreck A typical, 'tropical isle Prospects of a life-long isolation The birth of love And then came -I1EK Hl'SliAXD! A Picture of Thrills and Beauty! COMEDY "HOME SPUN HERO" iTUiii'iTiiiL' -dn-iuUr.u"'' ttifWTrriTrfT!TrrTrTTrr?rr 7 J : ,'.'jitoiMiiai.iw.a 1 -.p,.v.rr - The ebe Daniels March Hare YOU KNOW BEBE ; 1 ' ' Or you think you do. Hut this fusrinatinj? coiid little had girl opens an entirely new bittf of trickrrin this' rol licking comedy. . ' . v- '-.. , -, . INTERNATIONAL NEWS PARAMOUNT MAGAZINE, . ALIA' Today . v . J: jiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiintiiiH GASTLE GATE COAL PHONE FIVE FOR FUEL CHILDREN Vj Complete Change of Program ELAINE IIAMMERSTEIN in ADULTS 5."! THE GIRL The coal that meet. your1 requirement1?. See that you "get the genuine .for storage. ' . . ; Cleanest, Hottest and Most Economical '. B. L. BURROUGHS He Has It! 'i llllllllllllllllllHilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll IIIIIDItllt llllllllllll'lliniUIIIIIIIII FROM NOWHERE 'i t ; to Motorist Do vour tires need ml THE SHOE THAT HOLDS ITS SHAPE When you purchase a pair of W. L Douglas Shoes f you are getting the best shde value for 1 the price that money can huy. f WA8HINOTOX, Aug. 13. t!T. P.) Senator Hiram Johnson tohl - 'thf I'nlted I'rca America had heen "bilked" Ions enough, whiu asked re KailinK the fight to have,the I'nited States army of occupation in Germany hrouttht Jiome, and hi refasaj lo Kive 8'Tetar' -Melon blanket authority Jli refund! or the allied debt. He declar ed Germany already , owes JlMII.OOO, 0i0 for the army of oi;Tallon and will not pay until other country obll. Ifationa Jff discharsed. The. l'nitel Htatts Is now pnyilKt a million month ly for the upkeep of the Rhine army, Johmton declared, aysertinK it is "time the troops are brouhi home. He aaid the I'nited Hate was ipptin:. ftie shoK end on the money the European nations owe, while we nvc urt-n careful to py our obliKatioiis, inlud Inir money to Great Jiritain expended for transport of our troops to Jh"j fighting zone. ul 9 .- Sail- lijr 1 A. EKLUNl) BURSTING ITALIAN DAM CAUSES LOSS OF LIFE MILAN. Auu. 13. (I. N. B.) Two hundred fifty jwrwrnn were drowned by the biirntiriR of the srjo dnni hear fhlntui. c-trlin2 to infurmaliort' re canizin ' We'll fix tliein ' llic rlglit way., , JUST PJIOjNE OR RTiING TTIEAVTO US. V , ' ' We self ' V GOQDRTCH, "UPiUNSWICK, PENNSYLVANIA V; t)IJ)FIET J) AUTOMOPiILE TIRES . Pendleton Rubber & Supply Co. 1 W A Gripping Drama" of Sunshine and Storm. ' FOX SUNSHINE COMEDY "THE SIMIV' . In Addition 35 MINUTES OF MUSIC, SONGS AND DANCES Ted Howland's Musical Revue Gl RLS GI RLS- GI R ES : New Songs New Dances 305 E. Court St. ft Wholesale and Retail. WM. DUNN, Mg. Phone 135 E3 Arcade Children, 25c Adults, 50o . Cast of 5t Two Years to Produce ( v m , Love, Laughter, Tears 9 REELS THAT SEEM BUT 5 Tho It' inaiicc of a Simiis Mm mnl n Wilful woman ' Th" true Mory or tlio Wtlo l'n-ncli milliner whom the - ' wIkiU' world isimo lo know im Madamo Jin llnrryi ' Int;mate Drama Mighty Spectacle ' De Luxe Presentation FIRST NATIONAL ATTRACTION lliliM ceived here. I ;S3 Main M.