1 1 . )'' t . vV' -' r i j-: ' i' - f- s TWELVE PAGES DAILY EAST OHEGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING,-AUGUST '13, 1821. PAGE FIVK ssaSsrs TTT-rr , -r , sr,, , , - People Here and There : - - i ,L, i C Murphy !h Hpi'mllng u ft' (lays to.lny tint nycwlerdny, thn muxlmtim Hum Wild 1'etn. ' 1 in l.n (!iuiiilt i'icIiib !fi. Mho minimum liim niRlil HuiiKarljm phranurttH have maile themRoh'm ut home urounrf the prem ,1. W. Utter, u wluiit fnr.ner or lhi"" ' l'ilili llook illHtrii't, wuh u Pendleton ,"in, snyx vlxitor toilny. "Injur ivenlher obHener. Iao Muurhiii fli-urge Drumhi'llpr, owner of a Hiring of hor:en that aiHimr In lh blue frontier lier'nriim mi of the North V'chi, wnM u vihltcir in I'ciiillclon en terilny. ' jii'iit In IVmlleton Ik not worryini; , 1'. A, l.onm-ftun, i''Kiflerpil. at the Hotel I'oitliinil. for h owim a colli storiu,"! liitt nt'rt Ice . erriuii factory. - OioKonliin, 'niK Aro I'oor, That crops in son. kpcIIoiih of Al lierta, Canada, are very poor thin year In a Htaternent of W. T, Hltil'V who )mn JliM returned from there where he has. tloldiiiKS. He failed to Ret a crop thin year on hlM land, dry wea ther dumuKiiiK the grain, and a hall Htorm cuttlntf what unnlvetl the drouth, I ('.. Ttiisoll llltt. nt'ent of the Idaho IiiHiininee Co., hnn relumed to J'cn- IKspliiy Mwt Interesting:, dlelon from I'llot Hock where he hus A dmplay of deer lieadH In the win heen for wvitiiI days thoklim on real down of the Kol Baiim -porting gouds estate on which hid company lias '"tore on Main mieet 1m attracting at- lunnH. Clark Wuller of U'alla Walla and well known lii f'endlelon Ih in u swrl Ihhh of Dr. David Hill to the extent that they are coming to the houne re ulurly now for mealK. Thin morning there were 11 that anowered roll rail for breaklRKt, and the family Is In rreai.liiK in nlz tvery day. The bird kvi hecomlng: very tame. oiih condition In a Seattle hoHpltal ao- for the three beut, Mr. Jliium Ih offer Inif prizes. Competent JudKCH will de c'de the winners. Wuior Ii l'lalwd I'endleton water Ih receiving praina from many I'endleton people who have vlKlted vaiioiiH localltleg thlH Hummer and who Htale that local drinking wa ter htm proved to be the best. Mr. and Mm. Clarence i'enland, who recently returned after a trip to WeaHide and ether pointH, Hiiy that the water here fxcels that of any city they vinlted durliiK the Hummer. ' Many I'lnwli llarvttit. tcntion. The heads, which are the ' majority of Lmalilla county property of locul people, ar Khown Im i wliesxt farmers w;ll by tonlnht have i biickBiouiid of evergreen boiiKhs. The heads ure beautiful upeclmens a ad cordin to a telegram received by his Hon John Walter who left at onfe to pe with his father. NEWSNOTES OF PENDLETON Ir. Iliitlerv "Iti'tnrns. Dr. II. H. Hatlery has returned WitlK'.HN I'MJlH'H lull. Harney Kolinn, who was being held by the city police as a witness to the alleuedMale of drills chained against Uert Swaney, escaped from the c'ty jail last nitilit. The door to his .-ell ippureiitly was unlocked from outside. 'the police said this morning, and from the Kant where he ha Iwen for Solmn evidently has made a getaway. wvcnil wet'ks taking post-giadoale .'Swane.v has been In Jail for wurk. . ' days.. The federal officials at Port-; rather poor land but the yield did noi ,,. land were notified immediately iiftxrifco below 20 bushels and averaged 32 WciitlH'r If i WnriiKT. ' the man's arrest but to date no reply ' bushels to the acre. Mr. Fisher also The weather Ih noticeably wsrnu-r from them has been heard. lalsed considerable Turkey Jted this finished harvesting operations. Others will have finished by next Saturday, ulihough harvest will not lie entirely finished in this county until the mid dle of September as the season, Is al ways late In the Cabbage Hill, Weston Mountain and Reed and Hawley .Mountain districts. Mr. -Farmer ' Bring in your produce and live stock. We pay tin; highest market pri ces at all times. THE TILE SUPPLY Phone 187 739 Main Street Pendleton CHAS. D. DESPAIN & CHAS. W. GOODYEAR Proprietor ' Diamonds . Gift That La.'t." liost treaurd rf nil genm and most enduring. -because !n'it BIiH HliowliiK. Turk'ey lied wheat grown in the Xo 111 region made a fine showing this year, nay- Charles Dalian and J. F, Kihhr, of N'olin, who are here today. Mr. Dallas recently finished harvest : inter 4H0, ncres and secured a yield of several i r.r.oa sacks. Nearly 100 acres was ytar and secured a good yield. Safe HUM forlNFANTS&l'iVALIDS ASK FOR s The Original 1 iorlnfiint,!ljvitljnil0rot InitChftdren J The Original FocJ-Dri:;k Tor All Ages i. . ' Avoid lmitAtiont ui Substitutes Plctl MltV.M1t-dQr.)n Knffrt l Powder No Cooking Nourihini- Disetible Pay Cash " Receive More Pay Less Despain&Lee Cash Grocery 209 E. Court I'honeSSO ! t;l..; lo Ilo Opened. liidii for the construction of 40,060 lineal feet of wooden guard fence at various points on the state highway in I'l.iatilla county and for a bridge over K.HBC (ittlch at Stanfield will be open i d al a meeting of the State Highway Co -Hi-ion to be held in Portland AiikusI sit. The bridge, according I" Meci;ioatlons. will require, appro! ir.ati ly CI) cubic yards of Class "A" tonctetc, !!(lt) pounds of metal rein forcement, 75 lineal feet of concrete handrail and HO cubic yards of excavation. I 'p.i:ir ;kts .wtriiKit PMILADEI.I'IHA. Aui. 13. (A. P.J Putie Kuth knocked, his 4tth nimer yesterday. The truest messenger of the finest sentiments Is the honest tribute of the diamond,, , "Sawlelies' for diamonds" Is so firmly i-ataMished in th.H locality that it is needless to Bay more. We feature Stone at $T,0, $7.-, f IOO -Jemeieo V QrJ. The larnewt Dlsinond I Holers In E1terD t : I 4 1 i most rare. ,' j II i ; -l a Pay as You Go W 11 Hold MivtillK. j A meeting for the discussion of the recent inspection of potato fields, and j of potato diseases, will be held by the 'Weston Community Club tonijiht at : V est on Mountain. Fred Hennion will ' eddress the meeting. Farmers of th I Wesli n and Peed and Hawley motm- Italn region and showing a marked In THE STREET CAJJ SYSTEM OF "PAYING AS YOU ENTER" WAS, INAUGURATED FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF DOING AWAY . WITH THE CONDUCTOR -"A LITTLE DE A V WEIGHT." KY GETTING CASH FOR OUR GROCERIES WE DO AWAY WITH HUNDREDS OF DOL LARS OF "DEAD WEIGHT." NO WONDER WE SELL FOR LESS. ; Despair. & Lee Cash Grocery 209 E. Court Phor. 880 Pay Cash Cash Pay? Britisher's ' Efforts to Cause Artificial Rain by Bombing Skies Meets With Ecbuke. P.y .NEWTON C. PARKE (International Kens Service Staff Correspondent.) LONDON, Aus. 13. An enterpris ing Jjuidon newspaper tried to break a long spell of drought by aliening the. heavens on two separate evenings with blanks and by dropping bombs from an areoplane into a few tiny clouds. The rain didn't come. And now the Hev. K. A. Phillips explains why God, according to the clergyman, was angry ftt the attempt to Interfere with th: normal processes of nature and with held a rainstorm that actually was on its way, giving France and certain por tions of England bounteous showers, but keeping London dry as a bone. "It is not right or proper to attempt to interfere with nature," Bald the Rev. ereyt in certified seed nnt.itoon nut r.H-ently 85 fields passed the tlrt ''"""I"- w,In "m' as ""' ' en i Ion test. Ihi imwN whose 1 ' . fieids were inspected and who hxve s!ion a tirogressive spirit are 'W . I,. l;ayitorn, Ernest Bryson, Paul Hop kmi:, 'itist Olson, Ferguson Hroy., V, K. Conlil. Cecil Hyatt, E. M. Jones, Wrnie U ilarr, ( W. Met-, H. V. Ci. on, ten, Will Hall, E. E. Tucker. Charier I, .May, Robert G. Tweedy, E. K. Fnust, Hoy Hyatt, J. W. Bowers, 1!. O. Blomgren, David W 1Tlrey lior "' Snnis, H. A. Ball, Carl Brulscher, IVi.l titnkhart, George M. CIol'SIoii. I'ennis, A. H. Klbbey, Hoy AV. I h-.iallen, Alex- McCorkell, XV. A. Jlc Corkell,, AV. A. McCorkell, E. L. TPti-hell, Charley Rose and Selmer 1 hon pson. ' A Pritish oil concern is using the ajrplane to locate oil In ' Venezuela. Oil-bearlmf lands in that part of the world are distinguished by the jinrtlnl destrtntlon of vegetation and photo graphs are taken of all likely looking sections of the country, as well as means of approaching by waterways or P ' B us in due time, and He will not fail us in thin matter." The first shelling of the air brought out Rreat enwda. Komhs and the kind of "maroons" -used to warn England of ,air raids during the war were fired into the heavens for more than two hours. The ncjcC morning two clouds, apparently about the size of ordinary bedspreads, registered appearance in the blue, hut that was all. The second bombardment brought no better results, though the sky be came overcast. Then the Daily' Ex press, urped on by a number of read ers who advised the newspaper to "shoot the clouds," sent up a plane equipped with smaH'bombs. ' The areoplane swung up above the clouds with bombs fixed at the end of a fifty-foot cable. The bomb-erf trailed' into the center of the clouds and Ret off by electricity. The current of displaced air resulting from the ex plosion sent the plane sliding off at an antrle of forty-five desrees. A few moments later the pilot drove back throueh the bombed cloud and emersr- ed damp from head to font, but the sufferers 9,000 feet below were sti!' parched. OPEN Sundays and Evenings ES T 1 Gas Oils Labor 30c Per Gallon 30c Per Quart $1 Per 'Hour For. Service Car Phone 780 ay or Ni&ht ii Newsome & Gumming For (he Itest Automobile Repairing. , , . , 701 W. ALTA ST, ' ' ' T E-5 rl el fl1 Is i ' Vith the number of automobile, trucks and motorcycles advanced to the point where there is now one mo tor vehicle to about every six adults In the country, attention continues to be tmiwfl on the nation's bill for tire abuse and the avenues through which savings can he effected. i Whereas ten yen in afro, according to data compiled by the Firestone Tire & Rubber Company, few tire buyers Kave much attention to the needs of tire care, today with tire prices nt the lowest level in history and with duality never so good, tho truck owner nnd motorist are Riving their tire erpiip ment lis much attention and rons!der Ing their tires ss of the same relative Importance fs the vehicles mechanism ee hndv. TWt neeour's in no mal! measure for the splendid avernce m'i- tv-o now roile 1 u by oo,t tires, for now they are allowed lo demonstrate all the worth built into them. The motorist Is ronllzlnsr. with IV eperator of tlw 1 pneumatic shod truck that to 'allow his tires to run on we-t nfter "week without checking up tn if the nir Inflation is nt normal, is t' run the chances of excessive stretch ing nnd heating, for, when soft, the cas'ng runs analyst a wave In the tren-" rubber which, under theS romlit!oB. win null ewny and separate from th tire's carcass. Another lltte ivflntio'' encel Is to retilnce the air rt least twice n year. Stale nir his a dot "or al in effect on the tube, say Firestone service experts. S53 551 HI PART?, Ane. r. . Tw hundred and fifty r.pvscn'a' : ' the American 1 e-lon have nriived They received mil tarv honoi i nM wee elu errd l y iho i.",ii '; v.li' EMAN TESTIFIE Declares L) di& E. Finkfcara's Vege table Compound to Be the Best Medicine for Girls and Wcraea Hamilton, Ohio. "I had such awful pains in my back I could hardly stand a on my leet and 1 was IIUVCI W1U1UUL a headache. If I walked up town I thought 1 would di op r 1 ifclt so bad I had to Sit ?t!.r, to hed nnd 1 wna ft --J not able to do much X mv housework. . , I would have hemor- :.. I rhages every two 1 weeks and dragging . ...Idown uains. I liad been feelmj badly for t) tree years and had two of the best doctors in the city, but I kept getting worse and only weighed 125 pounds. I saw your adver tisement and I took eight boxes of Lvdia E. Pinkham's Vegetablempound fab lets, four bottles Lydia E. Pinkham's Blood Medicine and your Liver Pills and noticed an improvement right away. Now I weigh 1X8 pounds and feel fine. Everybody tells me how well I look and asks me what I took and I always say, 'Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, the best medicine in the world for any sickness to which girls and women are sub ject. ' I will always have a good word for your medicine and you mav use my name whenever you wish." Mrs. Joseph Williman. TJ2 South 9th Street, Hamilton, Ohio. GOING UP " We announce an increase in the price of coal September 1st. Our mines have issued a new price list ef fective 'on this date increasing the price on "PEACOCK" coal Fifty Cents a ton; " ' " . " !t' V. Order Now THE COMFORT COAL OF m Smythe-Lonergan Co. Quality Quantity Service m zt ..'.-'. .- w t ft. gar w i r , .- . . .'t,.. -.t, j Lv.JiclitjiJ LIGHT-SIX COUPE RODSTK iifa j i vM.ta 1 "-wuj 1. j . ' $1895 l.o.fc. South Bend 9 V. r . ' - ."""' THE New Light-Six Coufe-Roadster, while it holds a strong appeal for any prospective user, is particularly suited to the requirements of the doctor, the salesman, tha field engineer or any other man whose professional or business duties demand a light-weight, cconomically-operated car for aii-season use. In reliability ii ii tradition rlly Stttdcbalier. And the measure of public appreciation of this and other Studebaker models is indicated by the fact that Studebaker (with the exception of one manufacturer of a well known and very low priced car) led tho world, during the first six months of 1921, in the number of automobiles produced and sold. This is a Studebaker Year WALLACE BROS. NEW PRICES OF STUDEBAKER CAR3 f. o. 6. Factories, tffectiv Junt Ut, 1321 . Tmwrimt Cri mnJ RoaJitmrm UCHT-JIX t-PASS. ROADSTER . '. $13C0 LK'.HT-SIX T(.JKING CAR .... IJJS SPF.ciAL-six i p ass. roadster . . . . iss SPECIAUS1X TOURING CAR .... SPECIAL-SIX 4 PASS. ROADSTER . . H it BIG-&IX TOURING CAR Cw mnj Star IW.HT-SIX 2 PASS. ClUPEOAt)irC LU.HT-SlX 5 PAS3. SKIIA.N . S?HIL-SIX 4PASS CiUR . Sff ClAlrX k-PASS. StLIA.M . IG-M 4 PASS. COIIPK i . Ilia SIX J PASS. SEDAN . . ALL STUDEBAKER CARS ARE EQUIPPED WITH CORD TIRES Li, I ' i II ' ItHHIilltlll'MI'IIMtl ,,!!l!!IH!!l!!!l!!iff !'i pi le t them us veterans return ns iu tnuufph. " " lllllllllltliflllll IHIHWIIMUIUIUI-