t N'-r' JOURTEEN PAGES FOURTEEN PAGES DML AST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY EVENINQ, AUGUST 12, ,1021. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN,-PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY EVENING, AUGUST 12, 1021. PAGE NINE Our August Cleanup Sale Is a Final Clear ance of All Summertime Merchandise necessary to make room for Hew Fall Merchandise Yonwillfimla ttl.irlwiii.lof llarfpins lliroiidiout nr ihylUnoU Deparlmcnl. Mo.vlKm.lUc o( every .1.. '. ' "I'',! :,,! .hi,, nocKl at l.m.u-all value, that will iisl.mM. you w,.1. lhe.r low- ness in Drier. COME AND COME EARLY. i pne HK-nclicd Hope Musdin, Yard Yide, lie 3G inches wide, full bleached muslin, soft finish and very desirable for needle purposes. Good quality strong muslin, properly manufactured, and finished. August Cleanup Sale, yd. 11c 36 inch Crack-a-Jack Nainsook, yard, 13c Full bleached and 36 in. in width, nice grade, soft finish Nainsook for underwear, etc. August Cleanup Sale, 2 vards for 23c Fine Cambric Mudin, a yard, 13; ?,G inches in width, full bleached, nice quality for un (lermuslins, etc. You'll find it pays to shop at The Peoples Warehouse. August Cleanup Sale, 2 yards for 25c Unbleached L. L. Mus lins, a yard, 8c, 13c, Ittcand20c These numbers are all L. L. quality muslin and 36 inches wide. The better numbers are of finest texture, strong and durable grade, suitable for aprons and house dresses. August Cleanup Sale, a yard 8c, 13c, 18c and 20c Empire Bed Sheets; Cleanup Price 31.19 81x90 in. in size, full bleached in a good medium weight; smooth, even weave. August Cleanup Sale, Saeh $1.19 HEAL MONEY SAVERS Sheetings, Pillow Tubing, Sheets and Pillow Cases are Priced Specially Iv. Our quality sheeting is of excellent quality, smooth, even weave, washes, well and will stand hard wear. 72 inch Unbleached Sheeting, special value, a yard... 49c SI inch Unbleached Sheeting, special value, a yard 51c IK) inch Unbleached Sheeting, special value, a yard 39c 72 inch full Bleached Sheet ing, special value, a yd. 51c SI inch full Bleached Sheet ing, special value, yard 59c 1)0 inch full Bleached Sheet ing, special value, yard 64c 30 inch full Bleached Pillow Tubing, special value, yd. 31c 42 inch full Bleached Pillow Tubinsf, special value, yd. 39c 45 inch full Bleached Pillow Tubing, special value, yd. 43c Oueen of the Home Bed " Sheets, Now $1.59 81x90 in. in size, excellent quality, smooth, even weave, and will stand rough use and are easy to launder. Fine for home or hotel use, good full size. August Cleanup Sale, Each SI. 59 Queen of the Home Pil low Cases at 34c and 39c 42x36 and 45x36 in. in size, made from good quality mus lin, well sewed and will give good satisfactory service. August Cleanup Sale, Each 34c and 39c. Toile du Nord Dress Ginghams, Ad. 19c 27 inch fine dress ginghams; bitr assortment to choose from in "Toile du Nord," "Red Seal" and other well known brands; a good range of plain colors, checks, plaids and stripes. August Cleanup Sale, a yard 19c 32 in. Dress Ginghams, a vard 23e Dress ginghams 32 in. wide; nurse stripes and a few plaids; a good supply of plain blue chamhray ginghams for men's shirts and house dresses. August Cleanup Sale, a yard 23c Dreamland Quality Bed i Ladlassie Cloth, Yd. 26c i . r- i o t . . . . . Sheet?, now j&i.ov Note the large size, 81x99 in. in size. A good kind for hotel, apartment and lodging house use. August Cleanup Sale, Each $1.39 Like Devonshire, it's one of the best, strongest and most dur able cloths for children's wear, men's shirts and women's dresses. A good selection of patterns to choose from. August Cleanup Sale, a yard 26c French Ginghams and Tissues, a yard 69c 32 incites wide in plain colors, checks and handsome plaids, beautiful quality and fast col ors, tissues have a silvery silk stripe running through it. August Cleanup Sale, a yard 69c 36 in. Standard Percales, a yard 19c and 24c Full 36 inches wide; a large assortment of light and dark new fall patterns -to choose from, including the new coin dots and block'patterns; splen did quality for all uses. Priced Specially Low, a yard 19c and 24c Fine Shirting Madras, a Yard 39c Splendid fine quality shirting madras, in handsome assorted striped patterns; mercerized pongee finish. August Cleanup Sale a yard 39c Beach Suiting, 36 inches wide, 39c We show them in a good range of shades. They are especial ly good foi" making of suics and skirts, splendid for service and looks good too. August Cleanup Sale, a yard 39c Our Aligns Cleanup Sale Points the Way to Greater Savings;. Our Entire Slock of White Goods, One-Third Off. 33 1-3 Percent Discount Al lowed on all Purchases of Cot ton Skirtings, Lace Cloths, Dimities and other fancy ma terials, shown in our white goods stock. Marked Down l or Quick Clearance 33 1-3 Per Ct. 10 in. Fancy and Plain 'Voiles, a yard 23c You'll still find a fair assort ment to choose from and we have cut the prices regardless of former costs. In this lot -you will find former values up to 75c per yard. August Cleanup Sale, a yard 23c Belter Grade 'Voiles, a yard 49c 40 inch dress voiles, conventi onal and floral patterns and plain Colors; some have silk stripes or plaids running through the material. Regu lar values in this lot to $1 yd. August Cleanup Sale a yard 19c Our Best Grade Geor gette and Chiffon Voiles a vard 74c All handsome new patterns, and you will find regular val ues in this lot up to $2.00 per yard. It will pay you- to anti cipate your needs for next year at these prices. August Cleanup Sale, a vard 74c White and Colored Or gandy, yd. 49c and 9Bc 45 and 40 inches in width; white and colored organdies, fine and sheer; excellent qual: ities; almost a full range of shades for your choosing. They are regular values at 65c to $1.50. August Cleanup Sa! a yard 49cnd 98c August Clean-Up Sale in Our Wen's Department Offers the most wonderful Cash Saving Bargains ybVve seen in years. It's a bona fide Cleanup Sal of all Summer Merchandise, every thing except contract goods is included. We advise early shopping as many lots and numbers will be closed out soon after the sale opens. " . ' 1 "' ' w SALE BEGINS SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 13TH, AND CONTINUES ' FOR THE HE AlAIN4)EJU)FTIlEMONTIf. ;! A SMASHING CLEAN UP OF MEN'S SUITS that includes every suit, of every description, in our immense stock. The best makes in America, Hart, Schaffner & Marx speciaf , values, Hirsh Wickwire hand-made garments, Clothcroft special serges and worsteds, Styleplus values that have no equal. " It's the highest grade, most dependable stock of men's clothing in Eastern Oregon, and they are all reduced for a speedy cleanup. Here are the reductions, read them carefully, then come and save from 13 percent to one-half on the price of a good suit that you can wear all fall. t , , ,v f, , ' , , T.., . v .... - We have divided our stock of suits into six big lots as follows : ' ' ' real .Himiial-Eent1 w M m tti at ' t j i PENDLETON'S (illEATEST J)EPARTAUiN'l,iS,roiiE OPJSONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT SALES IN ITS IHSTOHY, "THE AC GUST CLEANUP SALE," WHEN AN ENORMOUS S3()(),(i()0 STOCK OF FINE MERCHANDISE WILL PE CLEANED OI ALL ITS SEASON'S, ENDS GOODS THAT REMAIN IN SMALLOR BROKEN LOTS. lu iimauguralinglhis Big Sale the one big thought has con.-lanlly been placed before the entire organi lion CUT THE PRICE TO THE QUICK Alu'-e such radical reductions that no "season's goods" can possibly remain cut tho price jvgai-tlless of the value or the present rn'irket iirice of the merchandise. It is a mutual sale we give you the big reductions and you help us to clean up the big stock. EVERYTHING HAS HKEN CUT NO RESEIIVATIONS (except contract goods). r - , . . Every department has bent his shoulder to the wheel that ou may ht one oi the Biggest Sales in the store's history. , , Remember ihe Opening Date, Saturday, August 13 NOS. A, B & C ARE REDUCED ONE HALF Which makes them sell as follows: $15.00 Suits, August Cleanup Price.. $7.50 $17.50 Suits, August Cleanup Price.. $8.75 $20.00 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $10.00 $25.00 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $12.50 $27.50 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $13.75 ,$30.00 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $15.00 $35.00 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $17.50 $40.00 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $20.00 NOS. G, II & I ARE REDUCED 30 PER CENT. Which 'makes them sell as follows: 3 5 TV, n 'i -, v REAL SAVING DAYS Every article reduced in our Dry Goods department. On merchan dise not advertised we will give 10 per cent less regular price. "ffhe Great Annual Event DRAPERY AM) CURTAIN FABRICS AT CLEARANCE PRICES SI R VI ES OUR UNDERSELLING H)WER. TIPS FOR THRIFTY BUYERS Our Dry Goods department offers you 10 per cent off on any article not advertised. We are determined to break all records in value giving. Sun-Fast Draperies, yard $1.19 Sun-Fast Madras Drapery Fabrics, "G inches wide in mixed colors of rose, blue, brown, green and mulberry; handsome for curtain drapes and nu merous uses to beautify your home. Regular values up to $2.00. August Cleanup Sale, a yard $1.19 Save 2.") Per Ct. Less Reg. Co-l. Handsome Cretonnes and Silkolines 36 inches wide, both in light and dark patterns, floral and bird designs, and vou will find a splendid assortment to house from. Plan now for your home comforts. Our entire stock is included. ugust Cleanup Sale, 2 Per Ct. Off. Figured Curtain Nets in Three Big Lots, 49c, 69c and $1.19 Beautiful figured and plain curtain nets in the new handsome designs, 3G to -1-1 inches wide in ivory, white and ecru color. Curtain Nets, regular values from 0;c to 75c, August Cleanup Sale, yd. 49c Curtain Nets, regular values from 8.x: to $1.25, August Cleanup Sale, yd. Jc Curtain Nets, regular values from $1.50 to 82.15. Aug. Cleanup Price, yd. $1.19 Save 25 Per Ct. on .Drape Veils Alluring drape veils in all the prettiest patterns and color combinations of the season. August Cleanup Sale 25 Per Ct. Saved. THAT CLEARLY DE.MON- Ouick Clearance Price on Reads at 59c Large assortment to choose from, grad uated cut glass crystal beads in amber, green, blue and amethyst colors; also pearls and beautiful jets. Kegular val ues to $1.50. August Cleanup Sale, choice 59c Save One Third on Pretty Neckwear These are practically all from recent shipments and you will find a new, clean stock in all the latest styles, in ve:itces, collar and cuff sets and separ ate collars. August Cleanup Sale, You Sale 33 1-3 Per Cent. cite F$ fimmmm $15.00 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $10.50 $17.50 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $12.25 $20.00 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $14.00 $22.50 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $15.75 $25.00 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $17.50 $27.50 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $19.25 $30.00 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $21.00 $35.00 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $24.50 H $10.00 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $28.00 p $42.50 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $29.75 1 $45.00 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $31.50 j $47.50 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $33.25 M $50.00 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $35.00 M 5G0.0O Suits, August Cleanup Price. $42.00 H $70.00 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $49.00 tl $75.00 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $52.50 NOS. D, E & F ARE REDUCED 40 PER CENT $15.00 Suits, August Cleanup Price.. $9.00 $17.50 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $10.50 $20.00 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $12.00 $22.50 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $13.50 $25.00 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $15.00 $27.50 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $16.50 $30.00 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $18.00 $35.00 Suits, August Cleanup Price- $21.00 $40.00 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $24.00 $45.00 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $27.00 $50.00 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $30.00 NOS. J & K ARE REDUCED 25 PER CT. Which makes them sell as follows: $15.00 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $11.25 $17.50 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $13.10 $20.00 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $14.95 $22.50 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $16.85 $25.00 Suits, Agust Cleanup Price. $18.75 $27.50 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $20.65 $30.00 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $22.50 $35.00 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $26.25 $40.00 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $30.00 $42.50 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $31.87 $45.00 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $33.75 $47.50 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $35.60 $50.00 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $37.50 $60.00 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $45.00 $65.00 Suits, August Cleanup Price- $48.75 $70.00 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $52.50 $75.00 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $56.25 r bade tjmm ST PAYS imirmiMniuiiMlimni!lil''lll!ll!llllill!HI!liminiMHm! 1 1 M lit ; li 1 1 1 1 j 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 41 111 I i i.M i 1 1 1 . 1 M 11 lit I .i i ! lit 1 1 1-1 1 j : 1 1 1 imli!!il!!l!:ii:iiii!i!iiiimmiiiiiiiiiiuiii OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF DRESS GOODS AT ONE- THIRD LESS OUR REGUL R PRICE. Every section of this Great Store is contributing unmatchable saving opportunities. For dresses, suits and coats. Vou will find all the late and popular shades and cloths, serges, gabardines, poiret twills tri cotines, velours, broadcloths, silvertones, etc., at prices set for a final Cleanup. wmimMMMwmiimMiimB-'HmmHMiniHiniffliM Hft A l!HMill:U i!!li!lili!illlll!IHllll!llillll!l I lin ' II Ml M I Our AuL'ust Cleanup Sale Saves i on .W .! Silk Crepe de Chine, a yard SI. 39 A soft light weight crepe de chine with a very lustrous finish and crinkly effect; the width is 40 inches. Excellent quality for women's blouses, dresses and for undergarments; shown in all the leading shades. August Cleanup Sale a yard $1.39 Per Cent. Silk Poplin, a yard We 36 inches wide and a very ser viceable silk of very rich appear ance for skirts, coats, draperies etc. Splendid assortment of col ors to choose from. August Cleanup Sale, a yard 9Sc Silk Shirtings, a yard 9oV, and $1.29 They are neat striped patterns and light and dark colored back grounds, are very attractive and of splendid quality silk. August Cleanup Sale, a yard 98c and $1.49 Good Quality Satin -Mescaline, a yard $1.79 ost women know that satin messaline is similar to satin, very soft, light weight and easily draped and has a lustrous finish ; 36 inches wide and we show a full range of the new shades. August Cleanup Sale, a yard $1.79 . Splendid Qualilv Taffetas ayardSL9a ' Taffeta is a favorite silk for this season, in fact better than it has been for years and we are show- ing a good assortment of shades. ; August Cleanup Sale- a yard $1.98 Imported Pongee Silks, a yl.53c,9e,$l.f) These are all better grade ponl gess, all with the exception of the 53c grade are of a dustless fin ish, all am 44 inches wide, shown in natural color and in flesh, maize, emerald, peacock blue and rose. August Cleanup Sale, yd. 53c, 98c and $1.19 Fashion favors ("anion Crepe; a yard $.T.69 We show these Canton Crepes in the best qualities only and have a wide range of ali the new shades to select from, 10 inches wide. August Cleanup Sale, a yard $3.69 Opportunity knocks on everybody's door once in a while, but here is the great est aggregation of opportunities for out-of-the-ordinary savings you ever had presented to you. Our entire slock including all of the new fall silks that have ar rived, like kimoua fdlks, crepe salin, Skinner's satin, etc., go at 10 per cent reduction. MEN'S SHIRTS SACRIFICED 1' In'ordcr to ma ize the speedy cleanup 'that we must have, we have put prices on good new, desirable shirts that no sane man can overlook. All work shirts are reduced as $1.00 Work Shirts, Sale Price f f Sl.50 Wosk Shirts, Sale Price & , $1.75 Work Shirts, Sale Price $1.19 : SPECIAL WONDERFUL SHIRT IJAIMIAIN We made a big purchase of shirts a short ;mi. im wit them at a bartrain and .we're going to irivc vou the advantage of the Wonderful savings afforded. $2.50, M QQ $3.00 a-ul $3.50 values, Sale Price Come and have a look at these shirts, You'll want a half dozen oi them. S(i 00 87.311, $8.50 to $10.00 SILK AND SILK MiXEDSIlIRTS, $4.69 .'.Your Choice This is a cleanup of a wonderful assortment of'nWt attractive patterns and materials, mostly made by Manhattan Shirt Co. They are real quality shirts and every one is a bargain. AH Shirts arc Reduced. Come and get vours early. All Palm Reach, Mohair and Strict ly Summer Cool" Suit? are Reduced TO ONE HALF PRICE MEN S UNDERWEAR At Cleanup Prices One Special Lot of Men's Shirts and Drawers, fine balbriggan and Derby ribbed, white and ecru. - Kegular $1.00 and $1.25 values. August Cleanup Price 59c Lot 501 Elastic Ribbed Union Suits, a very fine suit, serviceable and comfortable, regular $1.50 -value. August Cleanup Price 98c (Jenuine Porosknit Union Suits in all styles. Regular $1.50 values. August Cleanup Price $1.19 AH Lewis Underwear is reduced 10 Per Cent. p , PALMOLIVE SOAP Mj Another Real Bargain i X IsP W Rargain Rasenient. . SPECIAL BARGAINS Special Bargains in Sox. Special Bargains in Gloves. Special Bargains in Neckwear. Special Bargains in Handkerchiefs. Special Bargains in Sweaters. Special Bargains in Leather Coats, Jackets. MEN'S HATS SACRIFICED Of all the iirticlosi of ppparel all have pome down in prjco morp thui liat. THrv'nre nearly us iiiffh in priof as last fall. 'I'll iiuality is possibly a little bettor, lint notwith standing tho in-t'Si'tif hlsrh wnolosale cost we nre ROing to ivt yon n lot of ri al Hat Jtaisuinii. All Staple Hats will lie re1tiei1 1(1 pef cent r.y staple we mean Colnmhias, Pakotas. His: 4, Australian, Carlsbad, Oraeoo, Smith, ets. (nr fanry' hats will be reduced as fnlUms: $5.00 Hats will go for . $6.00 Hats will go for . $6.50 Hats will go for . $7.50 Hats will go for . $8.50 Hate will go for . $10.00 Hats will go for $12.00 Hats will go for $13.50. Hats will go for $15.00 Hats will go for $18.00 Hats will go for $20.00 Hats -will go for . $3.95 . $4.65 . $4.95 . $5.85 . $6.45 . $8.65 . $9.90 . $9.95 $11.85 $13.95 $14.90 ! WOMEN'S SHOES Another Bargain , , Bargain Basement E CANT KNUMKRATK HKUE all. the good. bargains this sale offers, it will pay you to call ' id investigate yourselves. V -"-"-I ' MU .") .v-i r - ---' j.., t-- i , . ... MEN'S SHOES Reduced for our August Cleanup Sale. We are showinsr a wonilrrful stock of Men's Shns p.ooil makes sooil lasts choice materials an.l 'correct ly maile. TlM-y're tlie Uinri thiW irlve service and dur iiiK this sale we are piinK to tt'ive you real harsains. Ih'i-o are the IVrii-es: $7.50 Men's Shies, Cleanup Price.. $6.59 $8.50 Men's Shoes, Cleanup Price.. $7.49 $9.00 Mens Shoes, Cleanup Price. . $7.95 $10.00 Men's Shoes, Cleanup Price. $8.35 $11.50 Men's Shoes, Cleanup Price. $9.95 $12.50 Men's Shoes, Cleanup Price $10.35 $13.50 Men's Shoes, Cleanup Price $11.65 $15.00 Men's Shoes, Cleanup Price $12.90 - - J'ij bwu i ' ' try ! ! tyr v i si J -.'if $ fl I 4 - - v.. n ' I I 1 ; ... NO. L IS REDUCED 20 PER CENT. AMiich makes them sell as follows: $15.00 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $11.95 $17.50 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $14.25 $20.00 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $15.95 $22.50 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $17.90 $2o.00 Suits, August Cleanup Price; $19.85 ' $27.50 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $21.90 $30.00 Suits, August Cleanup Price". $23.65 $3o.00 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $28.00 $40.00 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $31.95 $42.50 Suits; August Cleanup Price. $34.00 $4o.00 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $36,00 $47.o0 Suit's; August Cleanup Price. $38.00 $oQ.00 Suits, August' Cleanup Price. $40.00 $60.00 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $48.00 $65.00 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $52.00 $70.00 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $56.00 $7o.00 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $60.00 NO. M IS REDUCED 15 PER CENT Which makes them sell as follows: $15.00 Suits, August Cleanup Price ; $12.85 $17.50 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $14.88 $20.00 Suits; -August Cleanup Price. $16.95 $22.o0 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $19.12 $2o.00 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $21.25 $27.o0 Suits; August Cleanup Price. $22.'S5 $30.00 -Suits; -August Cleanup Price. $25.4.5 $8o.OO Suits; August Cleanup Price. $29.75 $40.00 Suits, August' Cleanup Price. $33.83 $42.59 Suits, August Cleanup Price. S35.S0 ' $4o.00 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $38.23 $47.50 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $39.80. $oO.OO Suits; August Cleanup Price. $41.90 $55.00 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $46.75 $60.00 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $49.S5 $65.00 Suits. August Cleanup Price. S54.90 $70.00 Suits, August Cleanup Price. $59.50 $75.00 Suits,-August Cleanup Price. $63.23 DON'T MISS THIS SALE It's a wonder! You can save niort? here in a day than your "wages would amount to in a month: Come and save.