East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 12, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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iV5 Notes of Pendleton
June JT-Auguit I Summer
Normal School.
July 28 Meeting of Umatilla
and Walla Walla County wheat
September 19-24 Northwest
Grain ond Hay Show.
September 22, 28, 24 Annual
Pendleton Round-Up.
Cirta Grain Samples.
' Grain earn pi pi from the reservation
district were collected yesterday by
Fred nennlon. county agent. They
will be UHed In the Umatilla county
exhibit at the North went Gniln and
Huy Show, to be held here Septem
ber 1 to 24.
Illrllmiiy Celebrated.
Today mark the birthday anniver
sary of three Kant Oregonlan employ
es. They are .Forest'' Ilaker, Leslie,
Ql hue and Harold Wlssler, all of whom
celebrate birthdays ort August 12.
Mrs. Oholf Mere-.
MrR. Minnie 'chelf,
mother of Mrs. Uhre
Grande, who lout her
steamer Alaska, ' wan
of Mearhnm,
Pyer of I,a
life on the
In Tendletoh
yesterday. Mr. Dyer and one child
Arva Dyer, were saved. The body of
another child; Elaine, wn Identified
while the body of a third child, Puane
l missing;
facilities, G. M, Rice of the school
hdard explained this morning.
New Htngn Idiie Start. '
J. Applegule of the Tioncer Em
ployment Co. of Portland und Charles
Conr.er of the ( and M. mages were
here jesterday making .arrangements
for establishing a branch of the em-
idoviHi nt company in Pendleton for
Eastern Oregon. The first run or me
iiue f.om here to Portland was made
this iiomlng, Blartlme-ot 8 o'clock. It
Is the p-irpose of Ooi.ier to make one
ro-ii.d-trlp dally from Pendleton. The
stage will connect at The Palles with
another run. . Applcgate .'. has been
trying to secure a locution for the es
tablishment of an office for the em
ployment company, hut a search yes
terday for en available lace dlsnp
lOlnted' him. ' . ' '
Driveway BcIjik Graded.
The driveway over the high school
grounds from the High Htreet ent
rance Is being graded. The work Is
being done to Improve the drainage
Author Has Operation
Colonel Charlea Wellington Fur
long, author of "Let 'er Buck was ope.
rated upon this morning for tonsils.
, -" -J -A
Daughter ll"rn
Mr, and Mrs. Robert Wilson, West r
Webb street, are the parents of a girl
baby born Thursday night.
Use the Phones
Grocery, 2 Phones 32G
Other Depts. 78
Use the Phones
Grocery, 2 Phones 526
Other Depts. 78
Called Ity Jfc-ath ,
Jim Hill left yesterday for Olympln.
Washington, where he was called by
the death of Mrs. Hill's father, Mr.
Rankin. Mrs. Hill Is now in Olympla.
Food Sale Tomorrow.
The Salvation Rrmy food sale will
he held tomorrow at the Allcn-
Knlght store, beglnlnng at 10:30 a.
m Funds from the snle will he used
for"iocnl relief work.
On the offerings made by this store as being as represented in onr "Ads." Take ad
vantage of them and save money. We guarantee satisfaction or money cheerfully
101-101-101 101101101!
For Saturday
Also Lot of NICE FAT HENS to Roast.
,i From Hermiston and Irrlgon,
' 3c PER LB. '
Pendleton Cash Market, Inc.
301 E. Court Street
Phones 101 Private Exchange Connect
both Departments. ,' '
T 101 T01 101 101-101 101 101 IOMOI"
Hiehard Simla and Claude Gillette
are enjoying a say In Spokane as the
guests of Alfred Lockwood, son of
Rev. and Mrs. Alfred Lockwood. Rev.
Lockwood -and family are sojourning
at their summer place near Spokane.
Attend Funeral at Kcho.
Henry Taylor, It. Alexander, S. F.
Bowman and J. Halley were among
the Pendleton I. O. O. F. men
who were In attendance yesterday af
ternoon at Echo at the funeral of W.
W. Whitworth. pioneer resident. The
trip Was made In Mr. Taylor's car.
Col. J. H. Raley was present at the
services, and other old friends of the
deceased went from here.
Watch our window and seethe great values we are
offering you each week.
The very newest styles in Jewelrydom, each article
bears our guarantee if at any time an article does not
give satisfaction tell us, we can help you and if you tell
your neighbors, they can not and will not.
We are still offering you a big reduction on every ar-
tide in our line. Now is the time to make your dollar
which you have worked so hard for go almost twice as far.
Come in and look over our large stock. We are at your
Hansel's Jewelry Store
How 4
About that.
22. cal. for
rTi I SliSMMBJSJrfl'l?flSfl!5!KT
To Return to Ncwberg. ,
J. F. Traver, accompanied by Airs.
Traver, will leave tomorrow for New
berg where he will remain until he
recovers from the effect of an Injury
suffered here August 1. A quantity
of plaster and lime fell into his eyes
and he baa been In the hospital since
the accident. It will be several weeks
hefnrA his eves will be recovered, but
his condition Is satisfactory, according
to his physiciun.
Judge Take Vacation.
Immaculutely garbed In clothes
light and airy, suitable for summer
weather, and wearing a flower in the
lapel of his coat. Judge Thomas Fit
Gerald boarded No. 17 today and left
for Portland. He will Join Mrs. F1U
Gerald and they will enjoy a vacation
until September 1. During the ab
sence orthe city official John Hailey
will be in the office of the city recorder.
Mrs. Brown Returns
Mrs. D. C. Brown, head of the ladies
ready-to-wear department of Alexand
er's, returned today after a buying
trip to New York and other eastern
markets, including Boston, Philadel
phia and Washington. D. C. Mrs.
Brown says that black Is much favor
ed for suits and dresses and that coats
und separate dresses seem to be more
popular than suits. Skirts are slightly
li nger than In the past. Dresses show
trimmings of fringe, beads or fur. For
evening wear, sequin gowns are favor
ed. For suits, some of the coats are
the straight line models while others
show the ripple effect.
Dim Kats Chickens.
The feathers and torn bodies of 60
white Leghorn chickens greeted Rev.
J. M. Cornellson, Presbyterian mis
sionary when he returned yesterday
to the reservation after acting "a
scoutmaster for the Boy Scout trip.
Rev. Cornellson says that a friendly
dog owned by a neighbor Is responsible
for the loss and that the dog ha l
previously killed 89 chickens. The to
tal loss of the 99 is estimated by Rev.
Cornellson at over $100. He Is re
joicing, however, that seven chickens
escaped death. An Indian friend of
Rev. Cornellson'8 was 'in charge of
the poultry during their owner's ab
sence, t
Hoy Scouts Back Home.
Twenty-three Pendleton Boy Scouts
members of the two local troops, In
charge of Scoutmasters H. J. Kirby
and J. M. Cornellson arrived home last
night shortly after 9 o'clock after a
vacation of 10 days spent In cninp at
Immigrant Springs. The return trip
was made in cars furnished by Ro
tarlans, and the boys were not very
anxious to get back home, either.
They all report a fine time. Twenty
two of the boys were local scouts and
Hussell Lovell Is a member of Troop
IS of Portland. The scoutmasters de
clare that the affair was the most sue
cessful event In the history of the
local troops. Warm thanks to local
people and organizations who have
helped to make the trip a success has
been extended by the scoutmasters In
behalf of themselves and the hoys.
The hoys have voted to return to the
springs again next year, "whether
they can or not."
Have Rich, Red Blood
Weak, wornout blood it respon
sible for a host of Ills. If you
would attain ruddy health, a ro
bust body and muscular strength,
you must first hT rich, red
blood. Thousands have enriched
their blood with S. S. S., the rec
ognised standard blood building
For 5pcf'f Booklet or for indl
Vfcfulrfric, withoutchmrge,
writ Chimf Mediaml Adviaot9
S.S.5. Co., Ump ttJ, Atnntm, U.
Of S. S. S. at jroui dtuttat.
Navy Blue Dress Goods.
A Special Showing.
For Rich, Red Stood
WANTKD Fly cook. Apply The
Delta. .
1 -J
School will soon open, begin
now to get the girls' clothes
ready. Navy blue is such a good
shade, specially for school wear.
We have made an extra effort
to have plenty on hand.
Such materials as French
Serges, Poiret Twill, Wool Taf
feta, Gabardine, Satin Venetian,
Tricotine and the like. Buy a
dress length or two and make
them up now $2.00 to $3.50
Linen Damask
$2.50 Yard
A very fine quality pure Irish
Linen of beautiful pattern de
signs, 70 inches wide and of
heavy weight. We have Napkins
to match.
Table Cloths $1.35
Made of good heavy merceriz
ed damask with pretty floral pat
terns. They are hemmed ready
for use. Assorted designs.
Big Lot Hair Bows 69c
Buy the girls hair bows now
for school wear. , Offered in all
colors, light and dark plaids,
stripes and floral designs, of
best quality ribbons, 1 1-4 yards .
to the bow. They are ready
Percales 25c .
Full 36 in. wide in light and
dark colors and neat patterns
for house dresses and aprons, of
good heavy weight and of best
Men! Have that Round
Up Shirt Made.Now!.
and make it of . our FAIRY
SPUN SILK, Because it will
wear, and we have the colors
you want.' 40 in. wide and very
Bead Necklaces
$1.00 to $4.00
Bath Towels 20c, 25c, 50c
i 1 VV .13
tA m.
a. v f 4ira
r 4 .Si iriiXi
Offered in all colors including
the new red. Beads often give
the desired effect and finish to
blouse or dress.
Of the largest sizes, price and
quality considered, well made of
double terry; comes in plain
white and hemmed ends. Buy
your towel needs here.
Dress Ginghams 25c. Yd.
You know you can't have too
many wash dresses, forMiow and
school days, and our ginghams
is the one cloth that gives satis
faction because it washes and
wears. Offered in neat plaids
and checks.
Brighten Up With One of
Our New Collar Sets.
Just a little collar, a dainty
vestee or any one of the lovely
neckwear offering shown gives
the suit or dress an effect of
smartness surprising. Offered
in white and colors.
rORTI-ANr), Ore.. AiifT. 12. (Tly
H. T. Hopkins, I. N. S. Staff Corres
londent.) What professional man
makes the best Jurist?
"A lawyer,'.' might be expected to
be the usual response.
But that Isn't the way George Ross
man answers that question. Here's
his reply:
"A doctor."
No, Hossman isn't a doctor; he's
municipal judge of Portland, and be
fore he went on the bench he was a
Hut his experience as a jurist has
convinced him that a knowledge of
medicine Is more Important in dis
pensing justice than is an acquaint
ance with Rlackstonc.
Four-fifths of the law breakers who
appear In police court are deficient,
mentally or physically, according to
Rossman, and should be treated by
physicians instead of being thrown in
"The people who fall into the hands
of the law," he said, "are 'abnormal
people. They cannot live as their fel
lows. They steal, they use dope, they
are Quarrelsome. They drink, fight
with, their neighbors or allow their
vile passions to rule them.
"These people are subjects for phy
sicians rather than judges. Penalizing
these unfortunates by locking them in
jail does little good. It has a deter
rent effect .on the rest of society. Rut
it accomplishes no reform in the pris
oner. "Take the woman dope fiend who
came into my court. An examination
showed she was suffering with a can- nation of the prisoner,
cer and took the dope to deaden the' to be a physician myse
pain. A term in jail would not cure
her cancer. Medical science might do
something for her, but statutes and
ordinances would not.
J do not believe in the
f . I SOME- f
Ar J?Sr- jrs CAUGHT
slip-shod method of administering
justice. A judge should not be re
quired to spend all of his time listen
ing to rules of evidence, to precedents
and recent decisions.
"If I had my way I'd, never send a
man to jail until I had made a thor
ough examination of his case. I'd in
sist on a mental and physical examl-
I would like
physician myself in order that
I could discover the reason why the
prmoner could not live like his fel
low man. .
"I believe the time Is coming when
the- physician, and not the judge and
jury, will deal with the law breaker."
OTTAWA. Aug. 1 .-- V. P.) A
great portion of Aylmere, a province
of Quebec, is ill ashes, and over a hun.
dred families are homeless, as the re
sult of a raging fire. The body of an
aged grocer was found In his shop's
ashes. - Relief Is being rushed to the
RALE jr. Ore., Aug. 12. (t. P.)
The police are vainly seeking John
Siercks, an escaped Inmate of the state
Insane hospital. Siercks was commit
ted from Columbia county In 1M
when he confessed to murdering Daisy
Wehrnian and her child, near Goble.
John Pender, sentenced to hang for .
the offense was Inter pardoned follow
Ing a commutation of the death sen
tence to life imprisonment, when his
innocencpj was established through
Siercks confession. Siercks Is regard
ed as harmless.
A scheme Is on foot for acqulrint
Bunker Hill In the northwest district
of London, and the erection on the
'summit of the hill a monument In
1 scribed with the name of the reicl
ments and commanding officers of the
English and American armies who
fought elUe by iid in the lute war,
yey wW'iWigtl