East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 12, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    '(ii :,""ihi, 1 'itv "if (i" ij) H'.AHA'xfiw; -I. -vw.v : , is
our At
tention Please : . .,
to pages 7, 8, 9, 10, of this issue
,i r "V A
Tie Great ibmual Event
Opening Satoi
Offering the Clean-Up of a $500,000 Stock
pM4novi GRLvrrsT oepart.hfnt stont ' .
3oiJes Warehouse,
(East Orogonian Special )
WatMlSTO.Y, Qrc. auS. 12. Her
xutston will have a union high school
result of the school election hold
in Westland a 1J to 14 vole was rc
corded against it. Since 3$ people
signed the petition asking for the
election in Westland district it is
thought that a majority of the peo
ple there were inavor of it but were
too busy to vote.
The marriage of Hiss Leah Isabell
rercey to Raymond Longhorn occur
red at the home of the bride's mother.
Mrs. Ella B. I'ercey here Wednesday.
Eoth young people are well known
rotuloe growers of Weston Moun- ;
i tain and the Heed and Ituwlcy Moun- I
i tain districts are evincing Interest (in
certified seed potatoes and on Sntnr- '
i day night Will hold n meeting at Wen- !
ton Mountain to discuss the certified ,
I product, says Fred llennlon, county j
1 nsent. . !
i After a recent Inspection made hv i
' O. IT. Hyslop, of the O. A. C. farm ;
crops department. S6 out ot 45 fields I
I Were 'found to be sufficiently free j
from disease to pass the first tnspec-,
Itlon. In these free fields what few
' plants were diseased were destroyed. 1
In September, before the vines diei
down, another Inspection wi,ll be held
and the potatoes which pass will be
I subject to bin Inspection later. All :
tubers passing the final test will be
. labeled "Oregon Certified Seed l'oln
i toes, drown on Weston Mountain," or
I (n Heed and Hawley Mountain, with i
the name of the-grower.
1 Demand Is (irent i
I 1
There Is great domnndi for certified
I seed potatoes among Yakima growers
! who have ordered two or three times
i the amount of seed potatoes than are
; grown in the Weston region. A recent
: order wis for loo cms, while the total
; production will not be over H curs, '
i says Mr. Reunion, which will sell ut a 1
j premium. ',
i "While the i(ountain prtatoes are in
j the main free from diseases which nf-'
I ttet the tpiality," said Air. Bennion lo
i tlit.v, "some have diseases which affect !
the yield. To the grower, the yield 4s j
i most Important and this was stressed
! ut the two potato schools held on Wcs
! ton Mountain.
! Had Trust Necrosis
I "t.ino disease from which the moiin
I tain potatoes suffered lust year !e
1 cause the potatoes were left iu tie'
ground was frost necrosis. This leaves
a brown ring on th stem end and af- j
' fects the quality. While this disease :
affects the quality, guch potatoes can i
be used for seed as the disease does '
not affect the yield. It would he 1
necessary however, to secure the cr- j
tificates for them before they eould be !
sold for seed."
Your Best
.The test of salesmanship comes when orders
lag antl you have to go out after business. Then
is the time to look to your best salesman to keep
'. up your volume of trade. Then is the time' you
arc e!ad when your telephone rings. '
It means business coming' to you, when the .
operator says "Long Distance is calling you."
Meet your customers ovei; long distance, en--
courage them to call you when occasion requires'
it. Long Distance is your best salesman and re
sults obtained from its use will be gratifying.
Ask for Pacific Long Distance.
.. v..
The Pacific Tclcpfione & Telegraph Co.
There is pending before Congress,
Miss ."ff explains, i lull seeking to
force foreign-born women coming Ju
tlie l ulled Mates to take out paper
similar to tlmse'iequlred for their hup..
There are many unmarried foreign
'UOmcn SCCKIHg position III mm vw....-
u; to August 10. Six prizes are to be Wednesday at tho home of
awarded to the people who have done
most to beautify their homes during
tho year. Jt. D. Scroggs and Thonuis
Fraser are in charge of the contest.
aere i uesday. Three districts voted i here. They left for Portland and the
on the proposal. Hermtston, Colum- ! beaches after the ceremony.
. n1 Westland. two out of the The home beautifying contest will
three endorsing it. In Hermtston the i not close until September 1. The
vote was unanimous, in Columbia committee feels that mure people
only four voted aeamst union, while ' plan tn enter h-it OM not eef to do so
The Ogden jewelry store will move
from its present location to one three
doors east of the post oftice. The
transfer will life mado Monday.
Mrs. Frank Stone is ifow employed
as stenographer in the office of the
Oregon Co-operative Hay Growers.
"Farmer" Smith, the well known
agricultural man of the Union Pa
cific railway, was in Hermiston this
week. ,
' Mrs, Ktlzabt-th " CvvJ. i f.4. died
her son
Iioy tloodo In the Columbia district
near here. Paralysis of the brain
with hemorrhage of the brain was the
cause of death. She had been sick
several days.
Ir. It. O. Gale was colled to Pendle
ton Wednesday.
Fred H. Hinshaw, district engineer
of the U. S. geological survey, was In
town this week. He looked over the
VmutilUi water supply situation.
J. M. Smith has gone fishing into
Central Oregon.
J. I,, t'urkholder of Denver, drain
age engineer of the reclamation ser
vice, was a visitor at' project head
(liifirii'iN this week.'
(Uiileii for the International News
ST. LOl'IS. Mo., Aug. 12. "Makiiu
Americans" is the work of Miss Mar
guerite Zot'f. only woman n.-itur;ili,.i.
t on examiner In the United Slates,
'ivlui has charge here of tho Federal
I iireau of Nat uruljwitiou. Her ui
po.'ntmetit to the position was made
foliowlni; her graduation from Wash
ington University in 1918.
With women in possession of the
try. Miss Zoff explains,
making the
uttmiion complex and mure easlll.
h. imili-d by women because they nl'ii
better qualified to umuvel the com
plexilics. "...
Miss Zof;VoJk- I miieh dem ind-
i. hi (ikl.ilioma. KaOft'ts. ' ArknuwiA
. i-.u. oa und Illinois, espei tn.lv
where n ilnraliKatViti problems of
women are concerned. Women me
lauldly ailv.inelng. to the need of tak
ing out papers ' w protect thoinwK .s
as eiti.ens, deelaies Miss .off.
"My work has lis humorous xi-,"
said Miss Zoff. "I'-ubr tho four-
vole and with more women of all na
tionulities coming to America to take teentb amendment the t lit of cltlen
out first and (.eeond n.ioers. the Im- i.b!u I. irrmls to all chti'lren burn h'ir
. portance of Miss Ztf duties is grow- of foreign p. Hen's. Their is ens
j Ins. k pending now nw.inlne the deulsion of
SALK.M, Aug. 12. (I.. P.) Accord-! Through efforts of the St. I.ouiK the father to Ui'.ic out bis niilornH.u
ing to reports received here, the Ore- Lwimic of Women Voters the foreign Hon papers. Three children t n
gon plane forest patrols will resume j born women are awakening to their 'household dhlded' wire born nbr'ui l.
next Monday, following the receipt of responsibilities and privileges as eiti- while three oilier were born In th
high test government gasoline today j ens. From St. Louis' melting pot of courtl y. The nucstloii'1 hthor the
and Saturday. The height of the dan- I ItnsKian. Polish, Cierniun and fireek three Core.gii-liorii .vfUlhs wll k f'Ht-
i er from forest fires is regarded as up-1 wtoneii obiIii many aililcut!m e.l .t.j UK f ut aheir plr latOtCiC
ior loiniraiiiiiroq pnprs. . -..iiiir-'r
Irf'ahinr no.
r " , s
fwt J f ' -
' 1
ii :
TrrrTT .v d
; " ;: . v. . -r x., -".-!
"One a Minute" -The Newlywcds- "Keeping Up With
Lizzie" - America's Most beautiiul blcr.de -.
'Peggy Puts ItOver"- Popular Lecoin j kin.
"V NK Minute" u MacUean
n nt comotiy. Jimmy Kr.glit. a
U y young luyer wiihu a practice.
liilierlui a dru mre trona hi
father. When h rcvnoii to Centre
fUl to take over lu property, he
nds the utore early run down, lie
Uvsa Uirlam. tua hcsutifui ci..ugbter
W 611 P. liogers, fcl busioeu rivil
mirCUIOUS CuV9 ale
V'.li.b a.
The s;.r. jjca;e c--u.-.(.s Jiioiji's arro: -for
Violating tile pure iuud sr.u tiiat.
I'Jl, and ut (be lr.4 . J.m:uy is r' on
couilej. Tr.e juoe i iui.tr. riuc.Kii.
lit MGd J.uilli t.its iilui a o.'.c o
iwo of "Kn.aa.'r ' w..a :b ic - .
lit l J i - , , f ti
.'....":. . :.. t . :.... I '; ' ,i -. .- .J ,..-(
- '. v i ' j , ,. . . , il
L . t 1 4t - - . ' t
,r " ' , ' - , t , - ,7 " i ii
". . ; --t'-.: .;..-;. 'n'-.v.V"'...';-'.-.-!
, ' JJ . . , t . i r -i"- -y - 1
;-cte-? -v r ; ; w;
T j ' ' ; ! h u f - "
n ici -''1 b( - ;r : L 4 i
lyyyyyyyyyzr- l.t", f - .J
Ins. " ' 1
i.riugli e.e:i. fo th bi ides und br
rouiiM of 1::1. fixnleiiiu'.ly, Itu
wotk'ii on 1 up. rtaytiuu.-'C,
t conic Jy.
.Natlille Ij; p if'-rtly tiiipnv .10 riei. up
'h screen and be a good tiitle Iiouse-
Slii iiln-vn'l want a lot of maid.;
irourd -becaie site pacticu la ' ly
A'.;n'. to mjoU Uuit:r's food h':;clf.
p. :e die I;n t 1h.1t. her Jrou.-.-. aa
.....i la.i ly bu.s.BS w.iii lovt.y 11
it . iod .iii .ooAiuif i.ule "ui'uiitwu.it
iu 10 u" 17.,-' jn'.t eouu, N Italie ue.s
j vko hadi syndicate which :brti.t-1 a,, j.i.,-. ...... u j.o.ai,
j o to put Jimiiiy out of busine tojr j acguiur-i. Iu: 1-1 n. t m.-ituj
I pfniuj A bun iore opposite. ! btg J i.iiny to rum il.e linn I:.-
Umnr I boul to nit wbea he ; crodicnt of his decociioa. ut.- Uiur
; cllt Mlrium'e Ktaleiiieot to him that i o' bers bc.n;: known to uiui. ai.d lu
he liked n!jr ucS uien overcame coinpl.e. l i. iii, :i o: the town,
cttitarlM. He refuse to e;l and on i con 1 ir. ed of h. Knuiiivwi lowm-
; reeding F, T. I.iri)um' famoue mnf man. elect him miyar end .Miriam ilu.ier
" ,
w syyZk. z
lr. An.l .;r
Ilu'.. r Keion
lliilii;e-Ke.l '01'. v.
regul.if 0 ..-i' t-ii.
lnf "there's a fool bora every minute.
he decldet to put out a patent medi
cine and advertise H extensively. Thu.
""Ye'l tlt'f f " reerhra the market end
comes hlf brub
tijuglas .Maclen ikc :i;
Jiinn-.v Knight 'ed Marian
playe as SKrum lioqtre.
' V-Vu
j j ir
1 Olet
liu-ter Ki alii
and .aiaiie
i -rff.td ilo'l :j.o
i-.iil liiljie-l.i'i')
c- Eo d'niu-r evcy
iucci h lii al tur
ii' e.tiiy ,i to be early-ior a u rn
..iir', ,ra k."j..- tit.;., on tt tiappy In-.
1 ei... . iv . : 1 c iJ -ri :ii.iiiii aprou aau
.10 k-ii a.-il lij ee til.il i lie
.1 on luu.u aie Juiit r.iiir.
' 1;. c. l. t in- totei u coined. an bail.
:u js; iii.poitaut," aii;ounci' in
;.. jiU s riou..:' enoujia. ' Hoa
, rj 4 1 1 1 be Ii.' iuiiiiy 1 lie b.iu a p .n is
a. ".uniii:T'
"Ii- pi i Tp Will; l.lzIC
I.....- i i. 1! -Ot.J b'iie Ui I '0.11. V it: .V
4 !M.j,i Cjuji. 'o..:i, lo u
1 1 x-
lr.;. li i- U.iii.l bu
QUI t;'Jl
Uio.r l .iii.i
mi. t- - dild lil.'y al
1.1 .'I'o.u .1 ;ni
aiia uiv.
me ':uil.' ee
IS fc'iuii I 1UJ tO
b r.vaiiib;:.ouA
1)1- .5 I'ilak. Pel
- I., .in 1 01 Pjii. 1, z.t '.
"'it 10 be oi.idcne sends
rv'ard. And tbvu both of
on Die io:in't iwo 1 ydlnc grocers!
nji; 10 Oftfi lilfir IillCeS to IlilV
for t'lKir ehiU.'reii's schooling. Allcr;
yia'h.ation.- I.:?.7.;c tours l.'urupe with '
onie wealthy friends und then re-'
luiiis lo l'oinii'ii w wiili a Hock of lofty '
I,., und i.xpc ii!i. e :ile :i, tlud aceoin;iannd
iy Count I.otiii- kolind. who s.es in
her an opportunity lo in ii iy we .'.ill. ;
"He iiiiine'Ji.iie.y seis a ataiidiiid of;
tiii-.-.-i ai.d luotie of l.vm liijt siaris a.
pci .jil Ait Ai.n and tu.'.(iu.i i'eiidiuj I
'ii i'P pai't of l'o.n v'l.'W, win,. 11
ii.rei.ciin 10 ruin, everybody. Poor'
I'.iu. .Q sp.le oi bi.i liirvaMl buck-'
1 1 round, p.eya eVond ii brie in tne
; Count. 1. . 'r ".lair, uujb.e lo hold'
i 1 he pjee, eunf. ..es be tuoke ihu
ii.'oun; r'rrii'.vi to get on -li.t; upun re
! e- ,v ing a iI iAiy of llu.utiu agrees to a
h is: y weda.iig. tin tin- w'iiy 10 the
i.ii:i..-!t.r be f.ike- a f Iiitu k slow n, and
' wu n tltey ail g-' ou; of elie car; the
tiu. 1' jumps In ::ml pftds aAay vc m n
'..e ttiony. sir inwiiiie, D.in. sus-
.i.eiou-. of l.'uunt l.oi i has d scoviri d
that .be an liupoter, and Willi,
"Sue" potter, tlie vill-ige lawyer and
ever, one's friend. Jumps I11I0 a ma
chine lo nop the wedding.
As til y speed down the ro.'id, thty
come upon the stranded weildmn
Pariy. Iian exiiiains the situalion. and
')ppenheim s relihraied story. "Pnc!
eiby. ' 'Ihe name of tho plcluro wilf '
:e clumped upon trlrH.'.c us a prrvloiM
production Py anobcr uuihur haa al
ready empiovrd tpe title.
Mis do lieincr will be surrounded'
by an all-stir cast, which Include
Lew atone, Raymond Hatton, Walter
Jl -tir.ill, Kathlc n Klrkhain, William
V. Moi.g and Frank LelghA ' "V
Alice ( ulhoiiii In "IVgcy Puis It 0rr"
In "Pcssy Puia It Over," AUcJ
Calbqun p!as the purt of a young girl
who eirivca to put life into tho eleepy
town of her birth, where, the tovrns-
peoplc. weie siill driving oxfin tcam.i
and talking in the b'gosh lingo. It
was "a bard uphill task but "Peitgy
puts it over," even affntnst Ihe wishoe
or the man she loves, who would have
opiiown reinaln as It la and not br
eome modernlzqd. The Iory 1 a.
Sib ndid vehicle., or Misi Calhoun
whose beauty and ecnao of fnm.dy
IitmI a gruteffil .outlet In "Peaty Put
U Over." The charming star Is now
busily at work on hex new pcoduf.
tioil, "Tho Matrimonial Web."
Waller .McCruil
Walter McOrail la one of tho nryiH
popular and most capable leadihtf men
In pictures. Ilia first elHge appear-
Hnre was In "Pinafore." In which be
nan? a bit and walked about the stage
but contends that he was ot no Im-
they all euntlnuo the pursuit, la his! portance whatever lo the production.
mtsic to get away, the Count takes K . After eeverul year In. dramatlo
turn at loo hixh a rate of speed, the! play and comic operas Mr. McOrail
'ar leaves Uic- road, and plunges ever j rei timed to Now York from a, on
1 bank into u l ike. Afier pulling blm . night tour to find that activities in
10 shore. Pan forres him to reiurn Ihe thesplan line wero' not all they
the money, and Hun releases him on j should be. A ehnnco' to play In a.
Ins promise 10 leave, the country. After j picture waa offered him. and. In a
such a rude awak ning, tho Umpie life! disinterested sort of wav. be accented
h'is a stronger eppeal for l.toie, and
Imii continues with her lo the nun'
n lei 's instead of ih't Count.
Kn.d lennelt and I'.divard llearn
'ike the prtnclp.il p. iris.
Itiilie ili- Pi'iner
"Aiuerii-a'a M.it ll.ain iful tiionde,"
as liLbe di Itemsr ie-designated by
ir. in sereen performance was no
salbfaclory ihut he continued and hi
cliitib to fame-began,- ;
Vlorn Dnnjel
Vlora Daniel has Just rraduated
from playing leads with male star Itv
feature piciuree to hpualnr the -esr
In comedies. ,"?r latest are "Let Me
will soon be seen in K. Phillip j Explain" and "In For Life."
' . '