East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 11, 1921, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Image 7

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    v-w r V r V w ,
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ra Fa SM (0
Reductions in Prices Proves
Key that Opens Purse of
Public and Makes Sales.
(International News Service
Correspondent. )
I'iKTHOIT, Auk. 11. The automo
bile Industry In coming back and by
lull It will have "arrived," Is the opti
mistic prediction made by officials of
tho lending automobile companies
Where months ago there existed a
feeling of uncertainty, if not fear for
the, future of the entire industry, today
there l nothing- but a feeling of se
curity, of confidence In the future, and
the courage to face It.
"The public is not buying." walled
thu uutotnoblle men last spring when
thei period of depression held them
firmly In Its grip and many were flght
liiK with their backs to the wall.
"We must get the public back In the
niurket," they all agreed.
Hut the usual remedies for a "sick"
business, un elaborate advertising
lainpalKn and the Injection of a little
"pep" Into the sales department fall
id to rouse public Interest, and the
unemployment altuutlon In Detroit be
came serious.
It reinulncd for Henry Ford to make j
thu move which Is slowly but surely
I ringing order out of chaos. i
lie reduced prices. And almost si-
multaneously -with the annuuncemeht
nun me price or xne tnvver nau
been cut came u flood of orders.
"Iluslness Is picking- up," the Kurd
company announced soon after the cut
in prices.
A general reduction In prices of all
makes of cars followed and as u result
the public Is buck in the market and
today the Industry Is well on its way
to the peak of production.
During August the Ford company
plans to turn out I o y , 7 0 0 curs mid
trucks, a new monthly record for that ;
corporutlon. I
The best previous record is July pro ;
(1 net mil. when lOy.ono cars were man-
bfuctured. A steady Increase In ont
I 'it Is shown in the following table:
May 101.401
June I8.l'2
July . ; i . loHnOO
August (estimated 1 109.700
Thoiisunds of men, Idle for months,
are belnir recalled and a general Im-
pruvement In the unemployment situ-,
I ution la noted. i
I Heveral thousand returned to work .
! In the Ford plant during July. J
I Stimulus In the business of the i
Packard company resulted In J ,0 no I
being ordered back. !
During the .present month 1.500 em- '
ployes were added to the working '
force of the Dodge Brothers, making j
the tutu I about i:t,000. ,
The I't'.ge company declares pro- j
ductlor, iius now reached normal uiid
sales for July were "short."
"We are now securing a maximum
production with about 70 per cunt uf
the. employes we formerly hud," de
clared Harry M. Jowett, president of
the compuuy.
The Maxwell company sees a steady
Improvement during the next few
Officials of the Cadillac, Ktudebukcr
and Hudson declare Improvement has
been noted during July and that still
better conditions are expected.
oltKCwX A ; I i I : I ' I -T I UAL col.-
I.l-MK, Corvallis, Aug. 11. Thousands
ot dollars are lost each year In i iregon
because of careless or improper meth
ods of storing potatoes. It Is well to
plan early for a suitable storeroom
for the potato crop.
fse of a cellar is suggested. It
should be made ill a dry or well drain-j
cd place and should be built under-
ground. The walls should be brick, ;
concrete, or stone. The ceiling should
lie nlastcred If a building is above it. !
t,u,!tn make a dead nir-Hpace between thei
plaster and the floor. Apertures
through' which to empty the potatoes
should be left at intervals in the sides j
of the wall. It is well to have a drive- !
way through the center with the bins
on eaeh side. j
Ventilation ami temperature are the
most Important considerations in'
building a storeroom. ' Thirty-five to j
4(1 degrees is a good temperature, if!
possible air should be lead through a )
deep underground drain-tile into the;
cellar. Its length should be sufficient
to warm the air a little i "inter. The
outside end of the tile should be cover- ,
cd to prevent the entrance of vermin.
A ventilator on the roof will remove
warm air.
A raised board floor should be in
each bin with a ventilator running
from it tii through the tubers at in
tervals. Have double doors at the en
trance and the shoots. The room
should be kept dark. A reliable, ther
mometer should always hang in the.
cellar. If the temperature gets too low
esc an ordinary oil stove. It Is folly
to have potatoes freeze to save a gallon
of kerosene.
iMore Than $12,000 in Prizes,
Offered as Inducement to:
j Speedsters to Make Records!
j i
National l.cugue Standing.
Pittsburg 5 Il.'i
New York ...64 41 .61"
illusion 57 4.1
Brooklyn f.6 f.l
St. IaiiiIs 54 51 .514
Cincinnati 46 61 .4 30
Chicago 43 60 .4 !'.
Philadelphia 31 7 1 .304
American lycuguo .Standings.
New Yotk 63 3D .6 IS
Cleveland 66 '4 1 .617
Washlngto 59 52 .532
St. IiOtiis 51 54 .46
Detroit 51 57 .4 72
Boston 4 It 56 .4 6 7
Chicago 46 60 .434
Philadelphia ,40 66 .377
Pacific (oast Ianikih! Slaiuljngs.
Sun Francisco Kl 4 .623
Sacramento 72 56 .562
Scuttle ... I ' i'i .560
Ixs Angeles 68 55 .553
Oak land 6 .57 .5tx
Vernon Vernon 6H 61 527
Salt Lake 46 so .365
Portland 31 'J2 .252
Yextcnlay'it llesult-'.
At Portland 0. Sacramento ,3.
At Seattle K-2. Salt I-tke 6-3.
iiCFKAI I. N. Y., Aug. II. (I". P.)
Speed boats representing all sections
of the 1'niti'd States and Eastern
Canada were entered In the interna
tional power boat regatta and
Fisher-Allison trophy races for thei
displacement hoat championship of'
North America on the Niagara river!
here, beginning today, under the joint I
auspices of the tuift'alo i.ailneli Club,
and the American Power lloat Asso-j
elation. j
Prizes valued at more than $12,000 ;
are offered in the various events, j
Three major events are on the pro-
gram. They will be run In three j
heats, one eiwh day of the regatta.!
The course lays off ltiversidn Park, a'
natural amphitheater accommodating)
200.000 persons. ;
The displacement power boat race
will be run In 50 mile heats for. tbej
$5000 gold trophy offered by Car! O. j
Fisher of Indianapolis and a $10u0j
merchandise prize offered by James
A. Allison, promoter of the Indian- '
apolls speedway. The hylioplane race;
in 311-mile heats will be for the I.en- ;
nos hotel silver trophy, and the ex-I
press cruiser race In 40-mile heats will j
be for the Buffalo "Yacht Club silver!
trophy. !
F.ntrles in the Kisher-Allison trophy;
Boat. Owner.
Aye Aye Sir Caryl ti. Fisher,
Adieu Webb .lay. Chic
Orlo II lien. Ixary, .It
Indian- ;
Miss Sterbng-
. New York.
I!. Clark, To-
At San Francisco 6, Iis
At Ixis Angeles, Vernon
Angeles 5.
, Oakland
American AxsiM-lution ICckiiIih.
Indianapolis 3-3. Columbus l-!.
IaiiiImvIIIv 7, Toledo 6.
WcMcnt lA'iigut KsultM.
Wichita 16. Tulsa 6. i
D Moines 4. Sioux City 2.
Oklahoma City 5, Joplin 6.
St. Joseph at Omaha, called rain.
Ituinbow II H.
Kugan. liuf-
Ha mil-
July 27th
Look over your bills or sales slips this is the clay
vc give groceries and meats away. Yes, absolutely
free of charge.
Look up this money saving event not a fly by
night offer, but a regular thing. .
frading Co.
ritonc 155 Ai the Sign uf Scrrlua
"If U'g on the Market We llave It"
"ter H.
U. Creeuing,
ton. out.
Kxpress cruiser race;
Vacuum ll-Wfbj Jay. Chicago.
tlreat l.-ikes V. C. Morehead, Milw.
Har Jr., II ("!ar A. Wood. Algnnas.
Sa Hoi se --James .A. Allison. Indian
apolis. Klghl o Ward A. Wickwlre, Buffalo.
Miss l.llietiy II Humphrey Bilge.
Hereld Paul A. Schoellkopf, Niagara
Betty M. Chris. W. Kotelnu-. Detroit
Miss IJbArty- ("has. Duffy, Buffalo.
Hydroplane r.Tce;
Baby Cure Cure Paul Strasluirg
i troit.
iMIss Chicago -Slieltoii Clark
' caro.
I Miss New Orleans Syndicate, N
Miss Dubbonet Clius. Ferran. N
!.Miss Peerless Kdw T. Orimin.
' Volger Boy III Fred W. Volger
! Portland, ore.
I Miss Mystery Buss Miller. Buffalo.
Miss Toronto Syndicate, Toronto
Arab lV-P.alph II. Sidway. Buffnlo
N. S.l
are iimv
miles a
CHICA'K), Aug. 11 'I.
'Indiana's famous sand dunes
iimr inland teverul hundred
j ear.
This startling, though scientific, in
' formation was revealed in the I-ake
ntv circuit court at frown Point,
'hid. It was said that within Hie last
Itwo w.-eks several carloads of the
! dunes had mov ed inland as far as
Davenport. In., where they were incor
I porated in new cement sidewalks.
A temporary order restraining the
jorcat Ijukes Sand Company, of Chi
jcagn. fn.m removing any more sand
fi i the dunes was asacu o mv ....r
of Indiana whose i-oniplaint charges
the company with taking l."0.on rti.
i.i.. vai-ds of sand from the
lj.u.. Porter and I-al'oit
thoiiieriiiff the natural action
sand and destroying the beauty of the
! dunes.
drifts in
of the
PoliTl.AND. Am;. 11. 1 1". P.) ,
According to word reaching here from
Mount Hood, a heavy thaw resulting
Irani the extremely hot weather, molt
ed tip' snow and ice and caused the j
great slides on Mount Hood, which the
guides thought was a lninature eruption.
M W I t)l!l ATION !' SI Vl'F.
WASHINGTON. Ana. 11. A. I'.) i
The formation in the senate of a west- ,
ern tariff bloc to fight for fair treat- I
meat for the west in the tariff bill has ;
1 n announced by Senator tiooding of
Idaho. It is composed entirely of re
publicans from the western states.
The crack shot uses U S Cartridges
He wants accuracy and sure
fire cartridges, but he knows
that a fouled or pitted rifle bar
rel will throw even the best
cartridge off enough to make
the difference between winning
and losing a match.
- All U S Rim Fires, including
the famous N. R. A. Long Rifle
.22s, which have been used by
the winners in so many con
tests, are made with a new
priming that eliminates most
of the fouling and wear in the
For the sake of your rifle use
U S Cartridges. They will add
thousands of rounds to its life,
and incidentally do all that am
munition can do to keep your
marksmanship in the expert
We sell all popular styles and
sizes for all firearms. Money
back if not satisfied. "
Pendleton, Ore.
ntors connected with the Krupp
in Cermany have brought forth
metal known as platinum steel,
Is being used successfully as a
substitute for platinum, gum mw
ver in the filling of teeth.
vol lis
a new
The Bov Who Beat Tilde'ri
The Universal Car
rtriuenilx'r that when you briiur your Cord car to tin for me.
clinnlcal attention Lbat you gvt the. irentitiui Kurd wnlcx, iui
IcrlnK ejiKTldicrtl workmen Hurt I'oid factor)' m-lce. Vour
ford In too UM-ful, too vuluuble tn take chances with poor mc
iilinnivM, wllh CMUiilly poor (iuUily iiiulerhiLs. ltrlntj It lo us anil
Kiie botli tlmu and money.
Wo re BtitJioricd l'ord ilcalcrs, tiuslcd by Hie IViiil Motor
t. to look nflcr the wants of IVird owiiirr-i. That's the assurance;
we offer. We are getting a few Ford cats ami tho first couib,
first to receive delivery.
llnvo you thought about that Sedan or Coupe for tills fall and
winter? They are mighty comfortable and cor.y when the wind
blow and the rain la fulling. Come In and look them over and
place your order In advance ho that we can be sure of urdoring
enough tu go around. Thin will be the dotted car your.
Simpson Auto Co.
Hume 408 Water & Johnson St.
v, ill
$ v tV kv. v.. T fe4
t v s x xr
f ' xr;xVv'
i Xx x 5S,
I'AKtS. Aug. 11 ti. N. S Tem
porarily dropping the uiper S 'les.an
issue the interallied supreme council
considered the Creek-Turkish war in
the near east but no definite action
has been taken. Mar.tuis Cuizoii. the
ltrltish oreittn secretary, opposed the
proposal that the allies intervene in
an ctfort jp restore peace. He recall
ed that jfexotis efforts toward medi
ation had failed and said he did not
consider the present moment propi
f ois to renew them, fury.on Pacini:
this afternoon, said: "Kver thins i
iroin fine toda."
Will Kcniain Xt-utr.il.
l'AltlS, .un. 11. tl". 1'. I Ameri
ca's att'tude toward commerce at the
beirinninu ot' tlie world war served as
a precedent when the allied supreme
council d.-eided lo stand strictly neu
tral in the Creeee and Turkish s.tiab-j
ble, givinc no military or credit
ance to crther side. Premier
lieore siiuListed such a
will allow private commerce l
die the r ow n affairs.
ass;st -
In X
a dining
I pre:
h liakota it
a hotel ilininu
care in a hich
under a law passed by
XKYV YORK, Aug. It. (U. P.)
.ioyd-1 According to reports circulated oy
e. They I friends of both Lu Tellegen ana oer-
1 -an- aldine Fitrar. Tellegen tarteu to gel
rough with the famous prima donna.
' He tried Turxan and caveman, stuff
illegal to (and she dldn"t like it and gave him
om. cafe, 'or ' the gate. They base the reports oa
women are 'the scene when Gcruldlne visited Tel
the last legeu at hs I.ons tsruncn iisuins
leuislatlll e
place and
Itotll the piopliet!
the smoker are It;
r of the j shack. The prima dumm was seen to
1 ble. for j depart in great anger anil drive to
iward Xew York at a breakneck sp"d.
Ov cvay slrcct
arA highway
From Mexico to Cnd, ZroUn has bn ttt""
tested in service. Zerolene conrv tngina powec,
betters engine petiornjnce and Ungthens tngine life
by giving Correct Lubrication.
Mote than half the motorists of Iht Pacific Coat
Zotoiene. They aprr,c'-- the advntt to then
of Zerolene's uniform high quality, tha itsult of an
effk-ienev in the manufacture of fine luftricants hard t
duplicate elsewhere in the world. Ajk for a Correct
Lubrication Chit for your car. There's a (fade at
Zcrolene especially suited lor your type of niDe.
Here's Vincent Richard In action acainst William Tddcn, world a
champion. lUchnrds defeated Tiklen three sets 111 four. One was a love
et It a Tilden'a tlral defeat to more than a year.Kicr.ariU M only
fbrciub type of eiigmt