East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 11, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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People Here and There
. .rsefa
,,r, C. Clemens 1 f t liiKt evening furl M. R Aldrlch, editor of the East today. In Home of t lie fields there Is
,.hIc to Join MIh family there.
Orcgonlan, If ft lust night for Astoria wheat that in still too green to thresh,
nr. .1. K. Sharp returned today n
Vancouver, Washington, where hi' al-
inided the funeral or nts minor, j. n.
"" " business trl), Hp will lie away! he says.
for several days.
I Maurice Tomllnsnn in spending some
, time in Portland. .
NEW YORK, Aug. It. It
Harvest Ih II little alow In Home )o-
(.Imrp who died hers. TStO funeral wa culilics h round Adams according to
held vveunesuay am-moon hi o , .1. ... mohqiihi wnu was in rciiuicton narry j,eeuy, rormeriy a i.,a uranue , hrtifht. This seemed to he especially
Itian, now living In Pendleton, Is vls.lt- - , h iw,., v talent Was In-
lijil'itlillliB'in llilmii!ii;iiMitM irwillis'ltiaw 'lilS'fliiM llllltllilliB;lii;,iH
Keep in Step Willi the Fast 'Growing
Popularity of
Golden West
Ice Cream
The lee Cream Loving Public is Quick
. : t . , , to Recognize
We Specialize on Parly Orders
used to iclsss'c:.
he an old saying that the huHhnnd and After all the scenes were shot sne
wife couldn't both be Inordinately aecmpanled her nusnand to a .-vew.
York studio and with him is now titl-
i UK and transacting business
In La
I'Vttrik Sitleor upl Otto Piker were
In Pendleton hint night, guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs.-. William Sheer.
They hud Just returned from Seaside
wiu'ie they spent several days. I'hey
left this morning for their homes In
I'uola, 'Kiiiih.
The Wholesome Butter
Bleached Muslin, 6 yards $1.00
Soft finish and good quality.
Another good bargain.
Bleached Toweling, 5 yards $1.00
An excellent linen mixed crash.
Bleached Toweling, 7 yards 1.00
An excellent coton ci'ash of good weight.
Thick Towels, 7 for $1.00
Bleached, good size even hem, fine weight.
1 luck Towels, 4 for $1.00
Extra size, weight' and best finish.
TurkiJi Towels, 7 for $1.00
Good size for face towels-and a great value
.MeavyTurkii Towels 2 for $J.00
A great big size and heavy weight, extraor.H
' nary value.
Madras fo Curtains, 2 yards $1.00
Hose color and' brown, , inches wide, a
splendid quality.
Curlain Senilis Bleached and. Un
bleached, 6 yards $1.00
3(5 inches wide with border.
Curtain Marquisette, 4 yards $1.00
Pure white filet mesh, and fine quality.
Handkerchiefs, Silk and Printed Ba
I isles 6 for $1.00
Embroidered I landkerchiefs,
II) for $1.00
Extra good values.
Children's Scho(dlblkfs,20l'or$l.0()
Embroidered in white and colors
Men's White Cotton Handkerchief
10 for $1.00
Big size, soft finish, good quality.
Women's Piilk Cotton Crepe Bloom
; ers, 2 pair $1.00
While Voile Waists Trimmed With
Laces, each $1 .00
Silk Camisoles, each $1.00
Wade of Wash Satin trimmed with laces, all
s;'",s. limit 3 to a person.
I hindkerchiefs, beautifully embroid
ered. 50c to 6.re values, 3 for $1.00
KANSAS CITY. An"., 11 '". V
i Habeas Corpus proceedings 16 effect
the release of two men and a woman,
I arrested with IWiis Gordon and i-.a-j
ward I'atton, whom it Is aliened, oon
; fesHed partleipalton in the Seattle
i hank messenger holdup when $2a,i0
was stolen, is scheduled for today. The
police are contesting the release of al
! leijed confessiirs companions. Patton
and Gordon, according to the police,
confeseed to the robbery, statins that
they had held tip the wrong .messenger
due to tliu delay In stealing an auto
mobile. '
volved. .
But Mra. Oeorye Randolph Chester
has proved that there Is noili n t
that notion. Kor the last 9 years Mrs.
Ulllnn K. Chester has collaborated
with her talented husband in all of
his books and stories. It Is the only
ease on record of an International au
thor working in complete collaborn-
tlori with his wife.
Jt will probably be of Interest to
'thousands of readers to know that
Mrs. Chester aided her husband in
writing the famous Walllngfnid stor
ies. It now develops that Mrs. Chester
put many twists Into the very original
character of "Hlackle Daw."
In one of her husband's stories
there was a wealth of detail regarding
the girl's dresses, and many readers
probably remarked that "no mere
man could write all these details
about a pretty girl's clotlws." And it
now develops taht It was Mrs. Chester
who supplied. the femrnine touches.
When George Handnlph Chesfer de
elded to plcturize his stories several
years ago ami .learn the technical part
of the silent drama Mrs. Chester de-
editing and cutting their films.
".Mrs. Chester and . I work together
as one person," saye her distinguished J
husband with enthusiasm. "We makei
an Ideal combination, for we really!
collaborate, and she should have the I
credit for it." j
.. ', 1 ' ;
Returns From Portland
U A. Cruikshank has returned from
Portland, where he attended Buyer's '
Week. Mrs. Cruikshank will return
next week. . . . !
Our North Window
displaya this week's Summer Special
Car And lllcj-rlp Collide. '
Mrs. KIsle Pnvage was bruised last j
night When she rode her bicycle In
front of a car driven by Mrs. M.
tlraybeal and the wheel was hit. Mrs. i
SavaKe was thrown to the pavement j
by the force of the collision and was ;
: unconscious for several minutes. The
Sugar and Qreamer
S2.00 '
A beautiful 'ligHt cutting on clear crysr
tal blanka, worthy of the name of
ti.ioiHunt ftnciwmA nt f hp PnrnPI" OP I
elded also to take up scenario writ-, )(a Aura gtreet The accldent
w.i.t unavoidable, witnesses declare.
) If ' '. J
' ... "1
and no blame attached to the driver:
of the car.
tyiakes pood
Taste Good
Creates an appetite, aids diges
tion, purifies the blood, '-promotes
iiMniinllation so as to secure full
nutritive value of food, and to
y'ee ptp'-Prrfh to the whole system.
ing and the making of movies In the
studios. Uke her husband she he
came a pupil in screen and studio
technique, and they have several
screen successes to their credit.
While American, women are enter-. Veteran Infantrymen believe that j
ing all fields of activity and enrollingl p,-jVate John McGregor, of the Second j
i, in
, ut;
flkvnmbi. that.. ihe- men. deculed that
mining could be done profitably.
in nosltlons formerly held sacred to
mere men, it has been . left to Mrs.
Chester to set up a pew record for
women In motion pictures.
In'colla Wiration with Mr. . Chester
she recently wrote the story and re
naiio of the final episode of the Wal
linuford series.
T.hen she accompanied her husband
in n California studio and with him
r.MKonallv directed th screening of
the story. Mrs.
Chester carefully
CHILLrdotHEi, O...Aug. IJ.Wif-
Division, has established a new world
record for hiking with a 4 5-lb. pack
The official report shows that he cov- iji . Smalley. of Hainbrldge, and
ered the last 500 miles of the march In jThomas Goode, of Greenfield, have
14 days, on average of more than 3 "i t jfaKed 150 acres of land In Hainbrldge
miles a day.' The entire distane cov- j ,ownHnip and purpose to begin placer
ered was 1,1'HI miles, from San An- ; m;ng there as soon as the necessary
tonio to Denver, and was made in 4 .'machinery can.be installed,
marching days. The, alleKed discovery of the yellow
metal-was made while hunting Indian
As a means of checking up on p'e.
ers, a device has been Invented by a
Los Angeles man which consists of an
attachment secured to the front of the
car, which Is supplied with three
lights. When running slowly, a white
light shows, which continues until the
rate passes the limit of the city ordin
ance, when a areen light comes on,
showing that the country rate is t.eliK
used. A red light indicates the next
rate 'of 'speed. ...
The average oyster produet-s about . relics In the creek bed. which adjoins
' . i tit i.w. naa n.. nroa nvntDF I I1H lailU It?IlrU. ' rdlll ilV.1 "1. ?nni
guarded every dfetall as it ne were - w.pre assaVP1, nm1 the report was so' .Inly 1. Ah Inch of snow fell
rearing a child insteail i n cenuioio. - , , '
A snowstorm followed a drop from
2 degrees of heat at Ifeise, Idaho,
-1. e . .;' I ' . . ' ' ' '.
Hair Nets, 10 for $1,00 , ... , .
Made of human hair, single or double strand, g
fllThere will be two of them
Friday and Saturday
These Dollar Daj's will be a periodical event with us when, in
order to call your special attention to the fact that this store does
sell for cash "Better Merchandise at Lowest Prices" and to ac
quaint you with the superior merits of our standardized lines of
"Quality" goods we will offer SPECIALS that we have been for
tunate in buying at prices much lower than present market quo
tations. Remember that all our goods are new, fresh and clean,
all bought on new lpw markets and that everyone of the 50 items
advertised here are Genuine Bargains worthy of your consider
ations. THESE SPECIALS are only characteristic of the' low
prices prevailing throughout the entire store. Why not try pay
ing cash at this store of QUALITY GOODS at Lowest Prices.
Parcels delivered promptly. ' .
Turknit Wash Cloths, 8 for $1.00 1
White Outing Flannel, 7 yds. $1.00 m
A good quality and special value for the money g
Heavy White Outing Flannel,
5 Yards for $1.00 1
1 " The best standard quality.'" """
Unbleached Sheets, each $1.00
Size 81x90, seam in center, a good quality.
Daisy Pillow Cases, 4 for $1.00
Made of soft bleached muslin, a great bargain 1
Indian Head Muslin, 5 yds. for $1.00 j
Bleached and 36 inches wide.
liargain in Laces, 10 yards $1.00
Vals, Torchons. Crochet Lacesextra good for
this price.
cIm cco Tooth Paste, 3 lubes $1.00
" Tax extra.
Hind? 1 loney and Almond Cream,
3 for $1.00 '
Tax extya.
Sample Line Women's Handker
chiefs, T for $1.00
Embroidered in white and colors, regular 25c
to 35c values. '
Prelty Printed Percales, 5 yds. $1.00
New designs and colors, 0G inch.
Corduroy, $1.00 Yard
Sapphire blue, rose and gold, for dressing
gowns, children's coats etc.
Black Sateen, 3 yards $1.00
3(5 inches wide, for children's bloomers; etc.
Dress Ginghams 7 yards $1.00
One lot of checks and plaids at this low price.
Pag lings 2 for $1.00
Small size for bathroom, etc. :
Whhe Muslin Night Gowns, a Speei
: ; . ai Value, $1.00 Each
Handeaus, V lesh Color, 2 for $1.00
Extra good.
Athena Union Suits for Women,
. Suit, $1.00 ; .
Made of fine gauze, summer styles. .
Coverall Aprons, each $1.00
Made of percales, pretty patterns.
Bleached Muslinr8 yds. $1.00 'm
An excellent quality, free from dressing.
Cotton Batts 3 lbs. stitched, ea. $1.00 1
Cotton Baits, Plain White Cotton,
3 lbs., $1.00
Cotton Baits 4 for $1.00
Pure white cotton, long fibre, extra quality.
Comforter Covering, 5 yds. $1.00
Pretty patterns, fine quality,
Barber Towels, 16 for $1.00
Wash Goods, 2- vds. for $1.00 j
Voiles selling in a regular way at" our close g
prices up to eoc yard. m
Women's Black Ribbed Top Cotton fj
Nose, an unusual value, 4 pr. $1.00 f
Women's Brown Cotton Hose, extra j
good, 4 pair, $1.00
Silk Hose, black and colors, best val- j
ues i ntow n, the pair $1.00 p
Toilet I'aper, Best Quality Tissue,
10 Rolls S1.00
Crepe Toilet Paper, Uig-Rolls
12 for $1.00