East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 11, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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News Notes of Pendleton
imm. ..... I., i ... 1 " ", 7""i"7T TV"" -'' 1 , , '- . " 1 ' 'STTT.'.'" in-.. J
June t7-Auuit Mumrnw
Normal School.
July 28 Meeting of Umatilla
and Wulla Walla County wheat
September 19-24 Northwest
Grain and Hay Show. -
September 22, 23. 24 Annual 4
PendUton Round-Up.
No Council Meeting Hold
. Thore wan no meeting o( the city
council last night due to the lack of a
quorum. Mayor Mirtinan und Coun
ullmen Friedly- and Bond aro abBeut
from the city, and Councllmun Pen
lund and Ell were not present at the
Negotiations To lie 0K'Hm1
Thorc Ik a probability that a horse
shoe pitching contest "to the death"
botween Kcho und Pendleton play,
ers may be arranged It wan Indi
cated last evening when V- J. Me-
Monlcs, plenipotentiary extraordinary
of thn lfamlcv crew of pitchers lowaru
tho metal stake, was accosted with th
challenge that has been iMMiied by Bill
Esscistyii of the west-end town. Am
bassador "Mac" wants to know a few
little minor points, however, before he
accepts tho challenge. How fur to
the challengers pitch, what weight
shoes do they use and other questions
of a slinllur nature huve been pro
pounded by the diplomat of the Ham
ley crew. If the two outfits can agree
on conditions, It is likely that a con
test will be arranged. The Echo
players have expressed a desire to
pitch on Sundays, rather than on week
days. '
tent Judges will manage the awards,
says Mr. liaum.
Gets iluUdlng Permit.
C. Leslie lias been grunted a
building permit for an addition to Ills
residence which will cost 1175.
Prizes for lKtr Heads.
A contest to determine who has the
best deer head In Pendleton will be
conducted this week by Sol liuuin .lo
cal sporting goods dealer, wliu will
award three prizes for the best heads.
The deer heads will be displayed In
the sporting goods store on Main
street and all entries must be in not
later than Friday night, as the dis
play Is to be reudy Saturday morning.
Evergreens are to be used as a back
ground and the window display gives
promise of being very attractive and
Interesting. Mr. itaum has already
secured seven heads. Three compe-
30 Pounds
Small New
For 25c
While They Last
Pendleton Cash Market, Ina
301 E. Court Street
Phone 101 Private Exchange Connect
both Departments.
-101 101 101 101 tOI 101 101 TOT TOT"
'or Vugruncy.
Frank Hcush, arrested by the po
lice on u charge of vagrancy, was
given u jail sentence of three days
this morning In city court by Judge
Thomas Fit7. Gerald. '
Improvements At IK'Itu
itecent Improvements at The Delta,
Main trect confectionary and restaur
ant, Include swinging doors leading to
the kitchen. They were Installed to
facilitate quick service to patrons.
CoiMTCto Work Underway
The concrete work for the first three
floors of the new addition to fet An
thony's hospital Is finished and the
work on the fourth floor Is well under
way. The remainder of the exterior
is to be of brick.
Is Not ill Hospital.
Mrs. Minnie Chelf today nde a de
nial that she Is in the hospital here
on account of an operation. The wo
man who has been reported as being
Mrs. William Chelf, operated on Sun
day at St. Anthonfs. is the house
keeper for William Chelf, according
to Mrs. Chelf.
Stage Driver l'bicd.
Fred Preston, a driver for (he D.
and H. Stage between Pendleton and
Walla Walla was fined 235 yescterday
in the court of Justice B. B. Rich
ards' at Athena. The complaint was
made by a state official and Preston
was arrested by the sheriff's force.
The fine was paid.
Use thfe Phones
Grocery, 2 Thoncs 526
Other Depts. 78
Use the Phones
Grocery, 2 Phones. 526
Other Depls. 78
On seasonable goods. A big lot of high grade merchandise marked especially low.
These items picked at random from our immense stock of Dry Goods and Art Goods
to BE CLEARED OUT; Every one of these items is a money saver. Come in now and
get your share. ,
Sofa Pillows $1.26
Just 8 of them in this lot, dark colors, covered
with tapestry, good for the car, camping and the
like. Regular price $1.75, on special sale ...... $1.26
Big Selling Event
Wash Voiles
1-2 Price
Watch our window and see the great values we are
offering you each week.
The very newest styles in Jewelrydom, each article
bears our guarantee if at any time an article does not
give satisfaction tell us, we can help you and if you tell
your neighbors, they can not and will not.
We are still offering you a big reduction on every ar
ticle in our line. Now is the time to make your dollar
which you have worked so hard for go almost twice as far.
Come in and look over our large stock. We are at your
'8 J
Lots Arc ltcntcd
An Indication of the number of
"hot-dog" stands and other booths
which will be operated In Pendleton
during the Ruund-Up Is given by tho
fact that all the lots at the rear of the
Masonic Hall, with the exception of
two, have been rented for the days of
Round-Up, September 22, 23 and 24.
Iinln-ovemeiits Under Way
Improvements are under way in the
Masonic lodge rooms In the Masonic
building on the corner of Main and
Webb streets. The walls and ceiling
ure being redecorated and a new ma
ple floor Is being put down. The Ma
sonic and Eastern Star orders are plan
ning to have many social affairs this
year and dancing is to be enjoyed as
an entertainment feature.
About that
22. cal. for
'I i I iii iiiA'SM
County Get Publicity.
"I'idlcton and the Umatilla Coun
ty" Is the title of a 1500 word article
which appear in the August number
of the Pacific Semaphore, O-W. R. &
N. magazine issued by the passenger
department.. The article was provid
ed by the Pendleton Commercial As
sociation and leads a section entitled
Community Development," giving
brief reviews of cities, towns and
counties In tho Northwest which arc
served by the Union Pacific.
: '"' In order to clean these out for our
, 4new stocks that will be coming soon,
we are offering all our wash voiles
at one half price.
Remnants 1-2 Price
Big lot Wash Goods, all lengths from 2 yards to
4 1-2 yards.
$2.50 Tabic Damask $1.95
Made of finest quality yarqs,- double damask and
of beautiful floral designs, special, yard $1.95
One Lot Collar Points 26c Yd.
Made of organdie, embroidered and come in col
ors, regular 39c values, special sale 26c
That Wicked Steer
Quite a bit of Interest has been
aroused by the request that has been
sent out by the management of Happy
Canyon for a wicked, fighting steer to
be used here during the Round-Up at
the night show. Albert Peterson of
Ukiah has let it bo known that he
thinks there are several out In that
part of the country that can prove
their right to be called the onerlest
longhom fighters in Eastern Oregon,
and he Is busily engaged in lining up
several entries. On the recent tour of
Grant county, James Sturgis ran
across a cattleman who had just ship
ped a particularly pugnacious animal
to Portland. The search will be con
tinued. In the meantime, other vicini
ties are carefully going over herds to
see If they have something in the way
oi wicked steers that will add to the
Interest of Happy Canyon's Show.
Jail for Petty Thieves.
That the city authorities have clews
as to the identity of petty thieves who
have been taking wearing apparel.
money and Jewelry from lockers at the
Xatatorium Is a statement made to
day by Councilman Dick Lawrence,
chairman of the committee tliat has
tho conduct of the place in chaise.
Considerable . complaint has been
made about the disappearance of
stuff from the lockers, but so far. a
clear case against any of the suspects
has not been made. If evidence now
held Is further substantiated, accord
ing to Lawrence, prosecutions will fol
low and an effort will be made to se
cure Jail sentences for the offenders.
There is d possibility that locks may
be placed on the lockers, but owing
to the fact that the season is so far
advanced, such action may not bo ta
ken this year. In tho meantime, t
special effort Is being made to catch
some of the prepetrators of the steal
ing that Is regularly being done.
All Neckwear
1-2 Price
All women's neck
wear at reduced
prices. Just the
thing to freshen up
one's summer wear.
Prettiest of styles
and in dainty fab
rics and rich hand
work effects.
Lot Women's Vests 5 for $1.00
Big lot women's vests, comfy cut and shell top, all
sizes, 34 to 44, values 25c to 40c, special sale 5 for $1
Hair Bows 69c
Values up to $1.00 on special sale, offered in all
colors, 1 1-4 yd. lengths. Special Sale, bow C9c
mi !
Clean Away of All
Parasols 1-2 Price
All Parasols in the quaint
est of color contrasts, novel
ty handles and odd shapings
in the frame and cut of
coma, give you the daintiest
out door effects for becom
ing harmony to your sum
mer frocks.
One Lot Neckwear 25c
A limited quantity women's fine stylish neckwear,
values up to $2.50 to close out at 25c
One Lot Cretonnes 1-2 Price
Choice patterns of best quality to close out at 1-2
price. -
Lace Curtains 75c Pair
2 1-2 yd. lengths, white and cream, about 10 pair
left. Buy them at 75c pair.
One Lot Package Goods 1-2 Price
Includes baby dresses, rompers, women's gowns,
envelopes, etc. Special sale 1-2 price.
Wilt Visit Father ,
E. W. Draper, of Xenia, Illinois, is
on his way to Pendleton for a visit
with his son, E. O. Draper and will ar
rive here on Sunday. Mr. Draper visit
ed here eight years ago with his son.
Potato Crop Good.
Fred Bowers and Raymond Fergu
son of Weston mountain, were here
today on busines. They report that
the condition of the potato crop on
the -mountain Is excellent this year.
They have refused contracts for then-
crops on the basis of 11.50 per hun
WASHINGTON'. Aug. 11. (U. P.)
The monkey which bit King Alexan
der of Greece, causing the monarch's
death, Is alive and the pampered pet of
royalty instead of pickling in a sur
geon's vat, as claimed, according to
John Ptuilos, American Greek, just re-
i turned from Athens.
Let 'er Umfa Books Here, c 'luc' ,s ,iu"LE w'c".
th.,u,..,.l rnnir.K of lh "I.h1."u1" leal "eu le ti UB slui, l
er Beck book by Charles Welllnging-
ton Furlong arrived in Pendleton this
morning and aro being distributed
was killed.
) "Alexander died. Constantino re
turned. One day the reinthroned king
asked of the fate of the monkey which
had killed his son.
" 'He is caged in an unused room in
the palace, sire." informed a retainer.
" 'I will see him,' said the king. Ho
went and gazed silently at the monkey.
Maybe it was a flea on the monkey's
head that made him raise his hand
as though In salute to the king. Con
stantine thought not.
" 'The instrument of the gods,' he
muttered. -He shall live.' Then turn
ing to servants of the household, Con
stantine ordered that the monkey be
l ut In a more luxurious cage. He de
tailed a special servant to look after
its wants and ordered that no harm
summer drink
with that fine tea
from the office of the Commercial
Association. This Is the second and
final shipment of the book, the initial
shipment of 500 copies having come
several weeks sinco by express. Sub
scribers for copies should call at tlie
office of the association where they
will receive their u,uota. Many mer
chants have already sold their quotas
of tho original 500 and the demand
for the books Is keen.
At Aliunde City "
Hcuben Bcckwith, son of Mr. and
Mrs. J. S. Beckwith, and talented pian
ist, is now in Atlantic City where as
accompanist for Miss Ruth Budd, he Is
appearing in vaudeville. The follow
ing is from the Bill Board, theatrical
magazine: Ruth Budd, recently, re
turned from England, opened her vau
deville tour in this country at S. Z.
Poll's Capitol Theater, Hartford, Conn.
Miss Budd's novelty singing, dancing
und ring specialties assisted by Rube
Beckwith at the piano, scored a hit i
with Capitol patrons last week.
the simian regicide,"' said Poulos.
I'oulos said that the guilty monkey
was a Weeping Capachin. After it bit
the king is was turned over to a court
physicians for observation.
"The monkey was a little round
headed, human-faced fellow, and ex
cept for a moody eye did not appear to
be vicious," narrated Poulos. "When
the doctors called In consultation de
cided to kill the monkey to determine
if it was suffering from rabies. King
Alexander himself intervened and ask
ed that the life of his pet be spared if
possible. As the doctors were confi
dent their diagnosis of the king's ill
ness was correct, without further proof
and that he did not have rabies. Alex
ander's request was granted, although
tho world was told that the monkey
Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
Catarrhal Deafness requires constitu
tional treatment HALL'S CATARRH
MEDICINE is a constitutional remedy.
Catarrhal Deafness is caused by an in
flamed condition of the mucous lining of
the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is
inflamed you have a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing, and when it is entire
ly closed. Deafness is the result. Unless
the inflammation can be reduced, yo'ir
hearing niav bp destroyed forever.
through the blood on the mucous sur
faces of the system, thus reducing the in
flammation and restoring normal condi
tions. rirrulars free. All Druggists.
F. J. Chenev & Co.. Toledo Ohtn
should come to a single hair on ita
At the Greek Legatiun here it was
said that the monkey assassin was
An experienced travel
ing salesman to cover
Western Idaho and East
am Oregon territory by a
large western manufac
;uring concern. Splendid
opportunity for right par
ty. All applications held
Address, Box X care
Chronio and Nervous Disease! anil
Diseases of Women. X-Ray Eleclrlr
Temple Fldg. Koow. It
Photi 411
with care
vhere it
Lambs BriiiK tiootl Price.
About 4:100 head of fat lambs ship
ped two weeks ago by the tnnythe
Bros, outfits have sold this week on
the Chicago market at J10.50 the hun
dred, according- to returns that have j
been received here. The average ; J3
weight of the lambs wits 80 pounds, !
and on this basis, the returns are con- j E5E
sidered very good. Sixteen carloads i
were shipped last week, and yester-1
day a shipment consisting of 7.300 i s
head was shipped from Wallowa. Yes-1 53
terday's shipment comprised lambs EH
belonging to Smythe Bros, and to the j S3
Pendleton Sheep Co. Several train- 55
loads of lambs still remain to be sold,
and shipments will be made every
week until the young stuff is disposed
A Regular Income
From small beginnings, large fortunes spring for
tunes that pay regular incomes.
No matter how small, make your beginning immedi
ately with this bank and let us help you grow.
We pay 4 per cent on Savings Accounts, payable
semi-annually. We provide security and service for
you and our officers are ready to give financial ad
vice at any time.
Plant the seed of jour
fort lino In a liberty Bell
Bank at home vie Lino
one for you.
The Inland Empire Bank
r 3