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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1921)
,,. bAILY EAST 0REG0N1AK, PEKDLEt6h. OfcEaOfr, ; ' ttJESDAY tvistitOi, AtfattST 8, 1021. FAGS Ol CLASSIFIED For Rent, Etc., Classified for Easy Reference. Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals, tost, Found WANT ADS. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING , . HAIKU Bet tn S-poInt Counting tlx ordl- 4 nary words to the Una. Flfft Insertion, per line $.10 Each additional consecutive Insertion, dit line OS a On month, every lame, each 'l Insertion, per line Bit months contract, every la st sue, each insertion per line Twelve months contract, ev- ery Issue, each Insertion, pit tins Ads not run consecutively, each Insertion, per line No ads taken for less than 1 Unci. Minimum charge ii NEW TODAY - FOR HUNT Furnished room with ajtttli. I'hune 53K-W, call 410 Mudi vun Ht. WANTED A wik'sman for t'mntllla county,' No caiivuxalng. See Jlr. Llv liiMHton today und Wednesday. Hotel l'endleton. WANTED A 4 or li room huuxe or Apartment fur the winter. 'Fur ' nlnlinl or iinf urniKhecl, ty reliable pur ty. -Call ut Pendleton Shoe Shop. Surve theWj For your ffome or Business Sito Sr.. 00 PA II) by "Comfort Ideal Foot Powder Co." for uny cue of Pers piration, Odor, scalded feet If It falls io tutlsfiiciuriiy relieve. Auk your drug glut or xhoe iinin. CARED FOR BY CAT DETROIT, Mich.. Auic. 9. Who Was (inking where ho could find teh okl-fuHliloncd mother who stayed at homo and raised a large family? Matilda Is such a mother. Until a month ago Matilda was Just an ordinary pusay cat. Now sho Is taking care of three small Pomeran ian puppies, worth J 150. She loves them as much as her own kittens, who were drowned a few days ago. FlffJ, a pedigreed 1'omcranlan own ed by John Klein, of this city, died when her three pujipies were a week old. Matilda, also u mother of three, lost her kittens about the same time. Mrs. Klein tried feeding the puppies with a medicine dropper, but finally wjs forced to bring In Matilda. There was a puzzled expression on Matilda's fiice when the small puppies first started to suckle, but she made no objection. Site was still more puzzled when alio looked around and saw a short tail where her klttes had waved a much longer one. There was something wrong, but TUlie didn't ' know Just what It wns. So she Immediately started giving nil three a hath. Itetty. Kin Dodo und Flgl, the three puppies, were somewhat puKzled too. This wasn't mother, it was an Improvement over mother. Matilda doesn't rtin nway at meal times like their real mother did when tho Klein family oar started up. Their now mother doesn't want to go motor ing and permits them to go through dinner without Interruption. One thing even peaceful Matilda will not countenance. This Is Inter ference from Rubbles, father of the puppies. So Hubbies, mindful of domestic peace, watches from ufar while an alien paw and mouth care for his three minor children. LOST AND FOUND LOST 34x4 Sllvertown Cord tire tube, rim and tire cover, between Pen dleton and I'l'ot flock. Heward. Leave at K. O. Office. FOR SALE FOR 6 4LE Well furnished Apt. nome -cneap Phone tZl-J. LOST Large bnndle mllcn cow dry no brand visible long horns 110.00 reward If delivered to E. G. daltmarsh ranch, aouth of reservation. USED CAR EXCHANGE FOK SALE King Eight car in good shape cheap for cash Pbvne 1019-W. FOR SALE One pair young guineas, also 2 canary singers in cage. 21 w est court street. 1'OR SALE OR TRADE 1920 truck J. M. Bryan, 110 Tustln Street. ME.V3 SUITS CLEANED, $1.50 at KIDDS, 107 W. Webb, Phone 685. FOR SALE Chundler car will take Ford as part payment. Phone 651, 23 E. Court St. FOR SALE All kinds of Insurance. J. H. Estes, (14 Main St., Phone 604. FOR SALE Two Blewett Harvest Phone 14F11. FOR SALE 1-ton Republlo truck, good shape will take Ford In trade. easy tosmg on balance. Oldsmoblle Co. FOR SALE Ford roadster with de livery bed. Also Overland roust about both In good condition Phone 741-W. FOR SALE 1!C!0 Model 4 90 Chevro let, 1375.00 A-l condition, 5 good tires and equipped with vacuum feed. See Charley at Hamley's. FOR SALE 1020 Buiek, almost new mechanically perfect driven only 7000 miles. Spauldlng spot light, bumper, 5 new tires with cover. Phono 1029-R. OAKLAND TOURING CAR n first class shapo bargain will take Ford In trade, - Ford roustabout, very reasonable It will run. It. M. Tanu ler, phone 870, 518 Willow St. fOR SALE Modern bungalow In ' quire 111 3. Main St., evenings after 5 o clock. FOR SALE--6 room house with bath and garage on north side. For term write Box 123 Echo, Ore. FOR SALE 5 room bungalow mod ern. Small payment down, terms on balance. Call BIS W. High St. FOR SALE Hatching eggi from thoroughbred single comb Rhode Island Reds 800 W. Webb, Phone 886 FOR SALE S car loads Red Spirt Ce dar fence posts 7 ft. 8 cents each, f. o. to. cars. Frank E. Blair, Lowell, Orefron. FOR SALE A nice home cheap If taken nt once; terms; also other lots cheap. Res. 115 Jaiie St., Phone C10-W. x NOTICES COME IN and let us show yon how we make new shoes from old ones at the Pendleton Shoe Shop. Notice. We have taken over the house mov ing outfit formerly operated by James Cornfield and are ready for all kinds of house moving work. ' W1LSET BROS. Phone 224-J 512 Clay St. The Sain llrown belt, worn by offi cers of foreign armies nnd Americans who saw service overseas during the World War. Is now a flart of tho regulation issue uniform for officers of tho United States Army.- He's Cool I . r'U YA" J .--I I I hi mi 1 1 e. . ;a 3 IX POIND The following deserioed animals have been taken up by the marshal of the City of Pendleton, to-wlt: One blue stallion, 3 years old, Indian brand, right hip. One black filly, white face, 2 years old, branded lazy E right shoulder. One roan mare, 5 years old and colt, brand, lazy H right shoulder. One bay mare, 6 years old and colt, brand, lazy E right shoulder. One blaclt horse, 2 years old, white face, brand, lazy E right shoulder. If said animals are not claimed by the r.wners or those entiled to their possession, costs and expenses paid nnd taken away within ten dns from tho date hereof, then at 2 o'clock P. M. of the -Wh day of August, 1921. tho said animals will bo sold to the highest bidder, at public auction, for cash, at tho City Pound, In said City of Pendleton, the proceeds of such sale to be applied to the payment of such costs and expenses of making sale. Dated this 28th. day of July, 1931. W. R. TAYLOR. City Marshal. FOR SALE OR TRADE Four 100 bu. bulk wheat boxes for common wheat rack Phone 1F4. O. H. Hampton. . ' FOR SALE 65 Caterpillar, over hauled ;ln good shapt for harvest stationary attachment Address Box 700, Tendleton. ... FOR SALE Portland property $5000 terms. Seven room house, paved street, 4 lots, garage, barn, chicken coop, and run, berries, fruit trees! fine shrubs and roses. Address 709 Gerard St., Portland, Ore., Uni versity Park, Snaps 6 room cottage, small payment, bal ance monthly payments. Apartment house, $1500.00. Month ly payments. 1600 acres wheat land, sale or lease. Tent-house, a bargain. 80 acres river bottom land for Pen dleton residence. PENDLETON INVESTMENT CO. Phone 65 115 Railroad St. rinKici VP si:vi:iu:i) j-xkvt. DEFIANCE; O., Aug. 9. (I. N. S.I -Vt hen the mowing .machine lie wm For Sale 7 room house, north side, beautiful home. 5 room bungalow, north side street paved. Houses In all parts of the city, some on easy payments. Large and small ranches both alfalfa end -w heat, also dairy ranch, well equipped. ;o. W. Elder & Son 818 Main St. Phone 993 Handy Business Directory of Pendleton and Vicinity Thl- Directory Is especially handy for tbt out-of-town reader who may want the name and address of responsible business men who represeU v. m Mn iinaa in ratiuhia t-oannmitiU hi:aineM enncams who stand ready to srtvs yon prompt servlco. i ROOM AND BOARD for men only 40j E.: Webb. ' FOR RENT Cosy Apartments, quire 216 Willow. in- FOR RENT i suite office room In autre Penland Bros. ROOM AND BOARD In prWatc famiiy Phone 212-W, 405 Lewis St. ' FOR RENT Four room apt, 615 per month for 2 months. Phone 730-W FOR RENT Well furnished sleeping TIME CARD Weston- Pendleton , Auto Stag Leaves Weston for Pendleton at 7:30 a. m. and 12:45 p. m. .- Leaves" Athena for Pendleton at 8:00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. Leaves Adams for Pendleton at 8:20 a. m. and 1:20 p. m. Leaves Pendleton (Allen-Knight Co. 8torel( for Weston at 10:09 a. m. and 4 p. m. O. H. McPHERRIJf, Prop. room with bath $10.00 Phone 248-M. month. FOR RENT ATell furnished apart ments, close In 401 Aura St, Phone 248-M. ' FOB RENT Two tnree room fur nished apts., with bath one with Cas--close in. Also f nrniture for sole and house for rer.t Phons 169-J. PASTURE for horses, mule and eat tie $2.50 per month mountain! ;ni8,;t7h7manT'deHv.; them.". LT Rod, HrUl : W B rrlJ.. j-HHHjim Om P. fl V 4 TIME CARD ' PfW Rex.'t.-Pendle4oa AMo Stag Leaves Pendleton Hotel and French Rostaurant :00 a.' m.; Lenves Pilot Rock Hotel a. m. Leaves ' Pendleton Hotel and Freneh Resurrrt tl:t au .; Leaves Pilot Rock Hotel 11 a. m. Leavas PendlMoa Hotel and French Restaurant, t:80 P. m.; 4- I .eaves Pilot Rock Hotel lp,a Imih Pendleton Hotel and Frsncb Restaurant 6:00 . to. I CATERPILLAR WORK CATERPILLARS, harvesters, gas en gines, automobiles and general blacksmlthlng. Round-L'p . Garagev Parks' Ncbcrgail, 212 West Webb. CARPET CLEANING WB WASH and clean the finest rugs satisfactorily. References given. We make fluff rugs from old carpets. Walla Walla, Rug and Carpet Clean ing Co. Phone 1677. LAUNDRY EVERT Article Laundered Perfect!. There's an agent In your tova. Troy Lanndry. 608 GMe 86, DOMESTIC LAUNDRY 4t K. CoH St, Phone to. We maintain ft om - plete mending department. ' . ' CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS PARKER BANFIELD, Designing, Engineering, Constructing, 16 years experience in concrete and brick con struction. 01 E. Third St, North Port, land, Oregon. HEMSTITCHING HEMSTITCHING at the Binge Bhop. Mail orders promptly attended to. HEMSTITCHING Mail orders Mrs., Ralph Hassell, 41 J Bush, Phone 9J. EYE SPECIALIST dress E. B. Kidder, Gibbon, Or. WANTED WANTED GOOD CLEAN RAGS AT The East Oregonian office. WANTED Capable woman housework. Phone 228-W. to do WASHING fine laundry and silks- Phone 313-R. WANTED Sewing at home Phone 1028-J 120 Lee St. We carry arU and small ' asprens. . - r FANCHO RTUBBLEFIKLD Pendletoa-TJinatllla AstO Mam WANTED Capable woman to do house work, three in family. Phone F2, Echo, Ore. W AN TED Unfurnished sleeping room with bath close in Address 64- this office. RELIABLE woman wants cooking on ranch where there is no woman boss Address Alta Apt. 2, 702 E. Alta St. WANTED' TO RENT A furnished apartment building or house strict ly modern. Address "63" this office. CANDTMAKINO business Start at home, everything furnished men. women, $30.00 weekly Bon Bon Co., Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED Two ladles to travel, $30 week and expenses; 3 to work city and outside towns, $3 day. Room 25, Oolden Rule. Hotel, Mrs. Jonca. MISCELLANEOUS PLAITING of all kinos f hone 581 Mrs. Lee, 306 Post St. MRS. ADA FIELD Splrella corsetiere Phone 324-W. Address 514 Jane. ALL KINDS of patients cared for by experienced nurse suo w. WeDD 'hone 884. ii ; RAG RUGS and carpets.--All kinds of fancy work. Wheeler's, 1300 W. Railroad St. WB ARE TAKING CONTRACTS for wheat hauling. Phone 468, Oregon Motor Garage. OU CAN save money and time by let ting us save your soles. We use the Good Year Welt System Pendleton Shoe Shop. Brown S .Brady Undertakers ana licensed embalm- era. Calls night or day promptly at tended to. Lady attendant. Phone 63. FOR RENT APTS. AND ROOMS ALTA APTS. FOR U ENT -Apartment Phono 554. lriving cut off his left foot. James Sharpe, fifteen, picked up the lost member and drove his horses to the house before ho fainted from loss of blood. The accident occurred on a farm 12 ,M.a from here. The boy saul lie stepped out on the tongue: of the ma-1 chine to whip the horses with me reins iwum a.d buaku ror gentlemen vertown Cord and Pennsylvania vaca when he fell in front of tho knives. I r. Poet St. om Cup. SOS K. Comt. FOR RENT-Furnlehed; Apt.- FI0-W. -Phone CLERKSHIPS open to men. women, over 17. Postal Mail Service, Rail way Mail, Washington Departments, Typists. Salaries, $1400-$1800. Ex perience unnecessary. For free parti culars of examinations, write J. Leon ard (former Civil Service examiner) 94 9 Equitable Bldg. Washington, D. C. AUTO ELECTRIC WORKS Pendleton Echo Stanfleld Hermlston Lav e.o 9:16 9:8 9:55 12:09 1:11 1:85 1:M : 4:06 2:16 :S 6:55 6:1 Are. Umatilla 10:16 Leave Umatilla 6:00 1S.66 4:60 Hermurton :20 li:2 4:20 Stanfleld 1:46 12:45 4:46 Echo 9:09 1.00 6:00 AT. Pend. 10:16 2:16 6:1 Two Tripe Sanday . . Leave Pendleton 6:04 a. m, a&d 4:00 p. m, ; Leave Umatilla 6:09 0, tn. and 4:00 p. m. : Office Motor Inn Garaf 722 Cottonwood Bt, Phone 8(8 PELL DAWfiON Parcels delivered ta all way points. CLEANERS AND DYERS PANTORIUM PHONE 473 New and Second Hand Dealers V. STROBLE, dealer in new and sec ond hand goods. Cash raid for second hand goods. Cheapest pUcn to buy household goods, i E. 4 Phone 271-W. FURNITURE. ; repairing, .. packing, crating, upholsteriag, carpet clean ing 7 years experience Grand Rapid Mich. Furniture Co. AH work guar anteed. 812 W. Web St. OSTEOPATH DR. G. EJ. HOLT Osteopathic, physi cian and Surgeon. Jadd Bldg., Tola phones, Office 668; Residence 888-41. Painting and Paper Hanging PAINTS, Wall Paper. Picturo fram ing. L. J, McAfee, tne mow Paint Man. Lowe Bros., paint. AUTO TOPS GADWA'S AUTO TOPS, Plato Glass, Backs, Bide Curtains 201 Court St. AUCTIONEER COL. W. P. TOHNKA Auctioneer, Coll at Sturgis & Storle's Implement Co., for sale dates. AUTO TRANSFER . . - - - x-afa-u - C. E. WILLIAMSON Stand at Griggs Cigar Store. nx'rto 1075. FOR QUICK SERVICE Call Bud Cornfield, Phone 62, Crescent Cigar Store. Residence, Phone 1059-R. ATTORNEYS GEORGE W. COUTT3, Attorney at Law, Room 17, Bond Bldg. CLEANING AND PRESSING MODEL TAILORS c CLEANERS Pressing and repairing. 804 W. Webb St Phone ail, Pendleton, Ore. FURNITURE NEW FURNITURE STORE It will ' pay you to come and see Fisher be fore buying new and second hand fur niture. 302 W. Webb St, Phona 198. FARM LOANS SNOW tc DATTOX, 117 B. Court St, Real Estate, Fire Insurance, Farm Loons. See us about a loon. DRAYMEN WHO MOVES YOU Is Just as Import ant as where you move. Ws also pack or store goods. We do country hauling Call 339, Penland Bros. Transfer, 114 W. Alta, I MADE TO MEASURE uuu u w Carl E. Franscen, Elks Bldg. RADIATOR REPAIRING ALTA AUTO RADIATOR WORKS 701 East Alta etieet. All makes of radiators repaired. Work guaranteed, C. B'.asberg, Prop -'; RESTAURANT THE QUELLE A good placa to SHOE REPAIRING NEW SOLES, Rubber Heels, Ladies) French Wooden Heels Repairing While Tou Walt. Pendleton UoepltaL SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUTIC THE most up-to-date effectual lead ing science practised, B. . Oiww, P. S. T.; N. D. Room 12 Feebler Bldg. PHOTOGRAPHER To Introduce our kodak work w will finish Free one roll and one print each. Ward Studio. -jailors; ; 847 Mali St. Phone 104ht I. II. SCHANNEP, Attorney at Law Office In Court Mouse. R. L KEATOR, Attorney at Law, Room 24, Smith-Crawford Building. CARTER SMYTHE, Attorneys at Law. 224 E. Court St , FEE & FEB, Attorneys at Law. Of fices in Deapaia Building. 3. A. LOWELL, Attorney and Counsel lor at Law. Office In Dee pain Bldg. & A. NEWBERRY, Attorney at Law Inderal Building. WE REPAIR anything electrical on an automobile. W. li Chase Co. AUTO TIRES PENDLETON CI CLE CO. AJax, Re ,vere and Savage tires. 228 K. Court Street. L, a BENTLEY A CO. Goodyear and Diamond Tires Tire service, oils and accessories. Alia and Garden BU, GERTSON & MARTY Gates Super- -Tred tires 8S9 Cottonwood. Vul canizing and repairing. PENDLETON RUBBER SUPPLY CO. Barney Oldfield, Goodrich Bil PETERSON. Bishop & Clark, At torneys at Lew. Rooms a and 4 Smith-Crawford Bldg. JAMES B. PERRY, Attorney at Law, Office otct Taylor Hardware Com pany. RALEY, RALEY A STEIWER, Attor neys at Law. Office In American National Rank Building, FRED H. SCHMIDT, Attorney at Law. Room 31, Smith-Crawford Bldg. i , . BATTERIES ftHILADELPHIA DIAMOND GRID BATTERIES guaranteed for 13 months. W. E. Chose Co., 820 E. Court St. Telephone 209. Pendleton. Cantaloupes Home Grown Case $1.50 Buy a case. They will keep for several day. 12 and IS to case The Dean Tatom Co. Meat Dept. Oft Phone 00 Groccryp?-688 I BRINGING UP FATHER Reg, U. 8. Patent Office By George McManus Here's Brig. Gen. Charles B. Kaw yer. President Harding's physician, photographed .for the first tlmcf in his cool summer Uniform. Ho was K'laui'cd on tho president's yacht; Maj Uower, JUST THlttKim- IT BEEN A LONc; TIME "blNCE XDU UED XOOR WIFE TO THE AL-TER- "YE AN THERE Nf LEDE?tJHlP EfMDEO- I IHAMOjOKE LKO BOT VER R dAburoU i wuz. that, i REMEMSSESi IN f-iv EKOTE r-ietsT -1 CF The r iiNi-bTER P(V TO 1IVE HIIA F'FTf IT LOri TIME vvAt-TD to eivE. i t tq him rA ,.,.,.l, ,1lL.V, , ' I S'ssl' .IlT tTte SSi '!? t ffiflW c)itiM, r lau rt... sii, 1) I) u II , ,,jpLr,