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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1921)
... , f bAILT? EAST OHEGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 0, 1921. TEN PA023 ADAMS YOUNG PEOPLE -,iP '- f. '"' (East OrcRoiilan Special.) ADAMS, Ax. . The regular Adams young people meeting and en tertainment km held on the lawn nt the home of Mr. end Mrs. Charles rhall on Saturday evening t 8 p. m. The lawn was illuminated with China lantern. After a special business ses- ajioa dainty lunch was nerved. Those; ho attended were Perry Baker, icon Ilaker, Uyod Inmun, John Purr, Irene Uuputs, IXrlii and Den a IJeuallen, Ilah and Helen Blake. Louise Dcvors In Mm. Jj. L, Lleuallen, Mis. Shall. eorgle Bradley, Harry Crawford, Lawrence Parr and Helen Boycr. Malcom Mclntyre of Helix was In Adami Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Morrison and Children motored to Bingham Springs Eunday. Mr. and Mm. John Pierre and chll Bren drove to Adams Tuesday. Ora Holdman, Mrs. Dr. McPall and daughter Kathlene of remlleton mo tored to Adams Sunday and were the RUCKts of Will Holdman and sister Mrs. C. Bowling. P. M. Whlteley was a Pendleton flsltor Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Mclntyre of Helix ere in Adams Sunday. Sheldon McCollum who is ill is still pretty low his condition remains about the same, a trained nurse from Pen dleton Is attending the patient. Arthur Wilson of Pendleton was the guest of Miss Helen Blake Sunday. John Olson Cf rendleton was the guest of MiM Bertha McFarland Sunday. LANCASTER. O.. Aug. . Saved twice within a year from death on the railroad tracks. "Daddy" Cnger, seventy-five, of Carroll, was instantly killed when lie was hit by a Hocking Valley passenger train here. He was deaf. Elx months ago trainmen saw him on the track In time to stop the on rushing train and remove him. A year ago he saved himself by lying flat on the track, permitting the train to pass over him. RYE ACREAGE "IXCKEASKS. ET. LOUIS, Aug. 9. (I. X. S.) While two factions of St Louis county officials are engaged in the bitterest "liquor war" In the history of Mis souri, farmers are going complacently on their way of planting the where frith of "white mule." The rye acreage in Missouri, ac cording to statistics made public by the census bureau of the department of commerce shows an increase since ISO of S7,21 acres. WHAT IS A REPirTATlOX WORTH 7 ST. LOOS. Mo.. Aug. 9. Alleging that his reputation was injured, J. A. Johnson ask a court to decide what a reputation is worth. His arrest as caused, he charges, by a shoe com pany, and he was forced to make bond and pay 150 attorney s fee for tils false Imprisonment. His petition asks the court to make the shoe com pany pay him 15000 actual damages aud J5000 punitive damages. LKGIOX m:n fixkj max. BEXTOX. 111.. Aug. 9. (I. X. S.) Andrew Utile, dishonorably discharg ed soldier has learned to salute the American flag. It took a good fog King to teach him the lesson. Follow ing the burial here of Stanley Mc Collum. who was killed in the ."Son ne Little according to members of the American Legion, refused to salute the flag. The Legion men flogged him. Now he salutes. The Lo Angeles Chamber of Com merce Is planning a "forest of the State' for Exhibition Park. It Is hoped to obtain a tree representative of every state in the tinion, as well as Hawaii, Porto Ilieo, Guam, the Phil ippines and Alaska. They will be cared for by the Lr;s Angeles munici pal park commission. Box Coat 6 ''is 111 , S l' 'r if on "C-48'Totiring Other Models Reduced Proportionately The makers of Westcott, the Car with a Longer Life, propose to take the lead in value-giving 1 The new prices are astonishing in themselves the value in the car makes the new prices almost beyond belief! For example, a great big, roomy, luxurious seven passenger car of 125-inch wheel-base equipped with Continental, Timken, Delco, Fedders, War- ' ner, Borg C&, Beck, Gemmer, Willard with every possible comfort and convenienceall this for $2090.00! A "wonderful five passenger touring similarly complete, for $1890.00! Other models correspondingly reduced. ' Do you know of any other such values? Do they not demand your immediate inspection, comparison and personal judgment?, To further understand the startling nature of this price reduction, consider again the "C-48" 7-passenger touring which one. year ago was $3190. At present it is $2990. The new cut will bring it down to $2090 a saving of $900, and a total reduction of $1100 in one year! The "C 38" 5-passenger touring was $2690, is now $2290, and on September 2 will be $1690 a sav ing of $400 and a total reduction of $800 in one year! Other savings are proportionate, running up in size to a cut of $1100 on the"C-43" Sedan, which makes a total one-year decrease of $1300 on this wonderful car! These Are Bottom Prices! No man can study the car at these figures with out deciding that each and every model through out the list is to be greatly underpriced. He can not fail to conclude that these are rock bottom prices that he can in fact buy with full assuranc? that he will get as low a price s he would secure by waiting. These quotation's will be possible only because of a most fortuitous combination of circumstances, that are far from likely ever to occur again. If you know automobiles, the quickest way to show yourself that Westcott is the great buy of the day is to check over every other car at anywhere near the Westcott in speci fications, size, power, equipment and finish and just compare the prices! A Better Car Too! Far from being a depreciated car, brought out cheaply to make a showing, the Westcott today is a better automobile than the famous Westcotts which have been so much advertised by their appreciative owners. Steel, leather and other materials are of higher quality, and labor is able and willing to produce better results, than has been the case for a long time past! Not a nickel's worth of quality, nor a single item" of equipment, has been taken off the West cott. It still includes thermostatic control of motor temperature, radimeter, electric cigar lighter, clock, spot-light socket, windshield clean er, gasoline gauge on dash, cowl ventilator, ton neau light, etc. It is the same distinctive, long lived, dependable car that it has been for a dozen years only more so! Standard Units Westcott owners know that Westcott always has built and always will build quality cars. Every body knows that no human power could induce Tim!:en to make poor axles, Continental to cheat on their motors, Delco to reduce the quality of their electrical systems, and the other makers of tried, proven, standard part3 to agree upona program of deceiving the public. It couldn't be donel It is utterly inconceivable that a car con taining these units can be anything but depend able and satisfactory the best of its kind. And in this connection there are two points of extreme importance to remember! They are: (1) that Westcott does not use just one or two of these standard units for talking purposes, but all of them, big and little, in every part of the car; and (2)' that, to honest units, Westcott adds twelve ye.s or cxperienco in combining these parts into a completely satisfactory car that lasts long and performs wonderfully during all the years of its long life. May We Demonstrate ?v Any man would be proud to have the hand somely distinctive Westcott seen standing at his door. It is an uncommon car. It bespeaks the taste and discrimination of its owner. If you are not thoroughly familiar with the Westcott or if you are! we should like to give you an early demonstration A phone call or a personal visit will be appreciated whether your interest is active or casual. We shall be glad to give you any information. A call today will put you under no obligation and may lead to your driving the most satisfactory car you ever had, at a price that will not be bettered for many a season to come. V WELLER MOTOR CO. loth and Washington Street, Portland, Oregon - y i ii i i ii m i Miiwiaii iinnimiiw nniima mill I intirw " n' in.M.nwmrnwiwi w'"" Preient Sent. 1 W Price 1921 U Elective September 2, 1921 7 W ICE'S n.ifitlc", Ohio t -i.- end r re'sht "LIGHTER SIX'' C-38 5 -pass. Touring " 2 " Roadster " 4 " Coupe " 5 " Sedan " 4 " Sport "LARGER SIX" C-48 7-pass. Touring " Sedan . " " Limousine-Sedan One Year Ago $2690 2690 3890 381'0 $3190 4790 4890 $2290 2290 3390 3390 ! 2390 $2990 4590 4690 $1890 1890 2890 2890 1990 $2090 3490 3690 .MT'l.R rirrnrr Av,ir.iii.K ! WAHHl.VGTO.V. Auir. (I v R 1 Ample credit will lie available for c-ruTi- marketing of this years crops, Governor Wrone of the federal reserve bank of New York told the joint con gressional commission Investigating agricultural conditions. TH handwimel nvy blue Moim ,the. th new wuo4 f.hne. Im ih new flnr Ux cwit. J'l.nU Irum tne iHMiUlvr the rse(ul awinc Th tt It handed Hltt'tnole Mn the name fur Un uivd in the hl xbvkvt The kkut tra-fai Ilw;' COMMISSIONERS REPORT of cluimK allowed by the Coun. ty court at the August 19;'l term, ex ceii certain claini allowed hy statute I'ac. Tel. & Tel. Co., telel llione, all office $ G. I.. Diinninjj. inikuse It. K. Heun. do I. M. Fchannep, do , Pendleton Tribune, advertia- ln l't Oregonian, brief ; Keator & lundall, one-half ! of fice expense V. '.. Itundail, clerical services I J. K. teekwith, reporter .... Zoeih Houxer, expense acc't. ! Zoeth Houser, do Eowman'8 Studio, rojue'a gal lery . t Pendleton Cycle Co., repair Penland Hrrt., carta j It. t. liruwn, I'oetaKe. ull of- flceti Ryder Ilrothere. printing .... Interstate Carbon & itibbun Co.. supplies . Clin. It. Hadley Co., itupplle Pilot Hock Hecord, do Giant att Prudhonime Co., do C. K. Cranston, deputy trea surer If"). 00 1'. T Ujrbour, jcy'ly awcsTor 1J.U0 94. If 4X.1-, 37.40 44.40 62.32 20.00 111. 70 to. 00 4.5 n.9 21. hi 12.00 io.oo 40.00 4.11 .DO l.f Ot 1 liKht for Hamley & Co., hiiH-s W. T. McLeod, de puty assessor W. W. Green, express Pearl E. IJroxson, widows pension Ida E. Stewart, do Katie AVright, do Winnie Fox, do ltha J. King, do Mrs. Jacob Kinnard, do 7ary E. Wilson, do Mm. James Bannon, do .... F.lsa Cambridge, do Winifred Marlow, do Carrie Goyen, do Minnie K. Frost, do Flora Wilder, do Maude Boyee, do Inrf. Citv scav.. haullns Pac. Power & Lisht Co. Murphy Pros., supplies . Pendleton Water Works, ter Dcspaln & Lee, (supplies poor Table S'ipply. do Geornc Ac Miller Co., do McCllntock & Simpson, do . . Boys' and Girls' Aid Society, charity Coutts & Avcrill, InsiiiaiK e. .. K. K. Kurlson Co., Legbrace, Kobert Knaiiton lYuitland Grocery Co., sup plies for poor Tiybee & Mai key, do I.'rown ic Erady, burial of pauier W. f. Anderson, supplies for poor Thomnj Jtis 'o., do Castecl A Stanley, do Peoples Warehouse, do Table Supply, supplies for county hospital High-way-Service Station, do Geo. C. P.aer & Co.. do Van 1'etten Lumber Co., do . . A. P. Burgiii, bluck-uniUiins - 18. 8r, 12. on 11.21 10.00 25.00 10.00 23.00 25.00 17.50 40.00 40.00 25.00 10.03 25.00 10.00 10.00 40.00 1.00 40.00 4.03 32.05 35.00 S.25 ft. 70 25.60 10 00 17.00 60.00 15.00 21.49 r.0.00 40.00 20.20 20.00 15.00 86.20 3.42 15.00 5.75 for county hospital 8.00 J. A. Horn, cash advanced for harvesting 357.10 A. C. Koeppen & Bros., poor 30.29 K. H. Parker System, profes sional services "00 Alexanders, supplies for poor 14.95 D. D. Phelps, repairs 15 05 Zoeth Houser, board of pris oners 252.11 Peoples Warehouse, supplies for prisoners 4-95 J. A. Best, examining Insane 10.00 Victor O. Hess, watermaster. . 215.2s Aubrey E. Perry, do 2iil.90 M. H. Burrus. do 2.50 Thompson Drug Co., library 20.25 J. K. Gill Co., do 197.UO 1 G-. Frazior, do 4.B0 J. 1j. Vauirhn, do 3.15 Charles Milne, do , 2.10 Benson & Wlckland, do 2.25 I j. J. McAtce, do 71.20 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co., do 2.C5 Pendleton Water Works, wa ter 4.4 5 Service Transfer & Storage. freight and drayage 11.12 S. I Nusun, library 17fi.1i; Freda Glover, do Mary Ifnrtnett, do 20.00 Xorborne Berkeley, do 40.00 C. If. Crnndail, election 2.00 P. M. Griggs, supplies for poor 10.00 Clemens: Kbert, do 25.10 G. W. Dickson, election 5.00 Joseph DyVes. do 8.50 O. K. Goodman, do . 5.00 Zella Finch, do 5.00 8. P. Iutchinon, for Ind. sol diers : . . . . 8 5.00 i O. Eldora Kagon, county I training school 10". 00 K. L Keezel. do 300.00 Ur. C. W. Thomas, board of health 25.00 John iralley, Jr., Juvenile of- - fleer " S9 " j. D. AVaghorn, cow condemn- I ed I V.. E. Graham, do W. II. I.yday, traffic officer Oral, sealer of Cha. Ii weights I,. G. Frazler. supplies Zoeth Houser, expenses Zoeth Houser, do Western Tnlon, telegrams . . . Nona H. McFaul, deputy sher iff D. F. Uivender, do V. S. Spears, do .". r:. F. IS. Hldgway, do .S. M. Turner, do C. C. I'roelwtel, deputy clerk Caiiolta Hicks, stenographer Claire Burroughs, deputy re corder n, W. Ayers, deputy assessor P. C. Hawks, do Lula B. Green, deputy school supt. . .'. Guy Cook, janitor J. A. Horn X- Wife, poor farm American Bed Cross, paid St. Anthony's hospital for the care of Mrs. Whlttenbtirg and Wesley .like '. I load Funil Ilotnl S. H. Barbour, ct al, Pendle ton I'uion V.. Kenny, Havanna-HcMx . I!. H. Pecker, rt al, Pendle- ton-Pilot liock Cnrnen Bros. Mi re. Co., do . . Alexandirs, supplies Carl Jensen, hay Collins Flour Mill, feed Geo. C. Baer. supplies C J. Carlson, estimate of Hie vann-Heli- " 12 I'llof Bock Meat Co., nv at . . Blackburn & Wilson, meat . . I: R. Itoy. blacksmlthing .... Sullivan Machinery Co., re pairs 4 Taylor Hardware Co., sopi'lles 17.50 17.50 62.50 76.80 8.75 36.99 39.35 63.14 150.00 130.00 130.00 130.00 Security Construction Co., re pairs 18 96 Oregon Lumber Yard, lumber 22.25 Clayton-FarriiiBlon, board of men 43.00 C. M. McCaughln, removing bridge 38.80 Portland Flouring Mills, luiy 18.20 Murphy Paint Co., paint .... 4.00 Hartman Abstract Co., owner ship Pilot Hock to Butter Creek General I toad I'll nil S. II. Harbour, et al, Mission bridgo reek 163.50 463.46 96.57 722.78 460.32 3.00 162.40 6M.05 130.00 Geo. Burr, et ul, McKay C 130.00 ) bridge 105.00 H. M. Bennett, ct al, Sunquist road 130.00 ! W. G. Phelps, et al. engineer- 125.00 Ing 43.00 1 Ed Miller, ct ul. Tracker & Blado crews .00 I it. T. Tuttlc, et al, warehouse 100.00 P. B. Simpson, ct ul Vklah 200.00 district. Cecil Dickson, et al, grading. . L. J. Shannon, roadmuster . . Aubrey 1".. Perry, surveying road A. (1. Hall, viewing road .... A. C. Denny, do Th Van Puymbroech, hay P. B. Simpson, et al, general supervisors J. P. Hughes, et ul. do Mis. YVemm, et al, board of men Taylor Hardware Co., supplies Presl-O-Llte Co., do Jones A Jones, do I.. J. Shunnon. expense hc. count First National Hank 'check, E. E. Gnlat Oregoii Lumber Yard, lumber A. E. Gullickson, estimate Suniiuist road 2.50 831.14 1 11.37 12.52 49.03 5.91 time 5.00 727.69 510.63 4 20.11 599. 9S 430.19 515.77 1 14.50 359.6 7 219.69 15.00 8.00 8.00 2.00 680.93 679.80 122.20 10.00 4.10 2.25 3.07 6.98 91.01 I 6713.00 11.750. J. Curlaon, etuiuute Uelix- 1 Havana 1129.22 J. K. Shotwell, Standfield De- spuin Gulch 4674.88 Standard Oil Co.. gas and oil 687.68 J. F. Snider, blacksmlthing . . 20.03 If. W. Ireland, printing 26.00 Frank Neagle, repairs 12.00 Liberty Auto Co., supplies . . . 8.67 II. L. Burroughs, lumber .... 11.52 H. Q. liecklus, drayage 16.00 Murphy Tnlnt Co., paint .... 7.26 J. Clarke, supplies 69.25 Simpson Auto Co., repairs ... 18.28 Slmpson-Stur:;ls, do 20.10 Geo. c. Baer & Co.. supplies 63.31 I. I Whitman, do 2.70 Collins Flour Mill, feed 36.75 I. . G. FraJer, supplies 1.80 Milton G a ruse, uuppllos 3.25 P. A. Caw. drayutto 36.70 Funk & McLean, rent 20.00 Win. . Chase & Co, stippllcu 8.16 HturgiH & Btorle, supplies .... 1.67 . Hermlstort Cement Pro. Co., cement pipe 62.40 Penland Bros., ctrtago und rent 21.75 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co., telephone 33.80 Grace A. Gllliuni, freight ad vanced v 62.87 Hotel StnpftuM, board . 87.20 Central Welding Works, ro- Pairs 1.50 Liberty Auto Co., repairs . . . 36.6 Casey Lumber Co., lumber . .'. 34.80 Pendleton Storage Battery, supplies 44.46 Cheshire Hardware Co., do . . 16.04 Allen-Knlsht Co., do 12.03 L S. Hentlev Jt Cn.. Ho . HQ 4S Oregon L"mber Yard, lumber 276.10 Geo. K. Burr, cash paid for board f men 132.15 Pac. Power & Llgl.t Co. power 147.10 W. O. Phelps, expenses 15.75 Burns Machine Works, re pairs 20.00 ITum-A-lAim Lumber Co., lumber 186.00 G, ij.. Jil Ins, blacksiniililna J 7.5 II