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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1921)
fill ;r READ THE EAST OREGONIAN SPORT PAGE AND RECEIVE THE NEWS THAT IS FURNISHED RX THREE SERVICES, A. P., U. P. AND I. N.& TEN PAGES SECTION TWO PAGES 7 TO 10 . TEN PAGES ' SECTION .TWO PAGES 7 TO 10- I DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 9, 1921 'Round the Sport Circle I i -Ci HI 11 J : . Tixtp&r v. - iz WITH JACK VEI0CK, International News Sport inK J kliltr it Tommy Milton and Roscoe Sar.' les Expected to Drive to Fin ish iu Races; $10,000 Purse SANTA KOSA, Calif.. Aug, i.ievcn atitomobtlo race drivers, most of them well-known for their work au the nation's noted speed trucks, will compete Sunday August 14 In the first registered fuce on'the new North Buy onntics speedway ut Contatl, noui Cunta Rosa, Tommy Milton, who Is leading nil nutomohlle race drivers this year for tho American Automobile Association national championship, and Kout-oe Bartes, who is second to Milton In tho year's running, will be at the wheels of two of the cars next Sunday. As-, the ace will count toward the champion ship, It Is expected the two will ntake a hard fight for first place. Other drivers entered ure Jtfldlc Ilcarne, Joe Thomas, Eddie Miller, Tom Alley, Alton Koules, John- A. Thlele, Ira Vail, M. J. Mosaic and. Jim Croslile. A prize of $5000 goes to the wliincr, I3.UU0 to the second best, fZ.UOfl Id the third, 1.000 to the fourth, $1.,00u to the fifth, $800 to the sixth, 80 to the seventh, "00 to the eighth, 6UU I to tno hlnth and t,'00 to the tenth. Tho Contatl bowl Is located forty-six mile .north of San Francisco and hun dreds from the buy cities are expected to attend. It is the third automobile racing track to be built iu California, the others being at Hcverly Hills, Los Angeles, and Fresno. Drivers say the Contatl bowL is one of the fastest in the failed States. 'In prellnlary speed trials some of the drivers mude 112 miles an hour, us tallied speed, for ten miles and the drivers predict records will be broken lu competition. NEW YOIIK, Aug. . Gene. Tun-1 The wrecking of the riilllies sturted ney, the "battling Marine" of tlreeii- with the sale of Alexander and Kllli- wveh Village, opines that ho wouldst nilnglo with the winner of the coining ciibbons-Carpentler swatfest, united for the second week in October. Tunney is ambitious. Ho has tho height, Weight and reach necessary for a serious foraging cxpeditiou Into heuvyweight pastures, but ho lacks cno very important thing experi ence. . Shortly after the war Tunney mail.' quite an Impression in several bouts In New Jersey, He 'wan hulled as a very likely-looking battler, und, phy sically, ho is still thut. Then he hint his hands so badly in a bout with a tough third-rater that he was forced to lay off for nearly a jeur. On July S he made a comeback, meeting Soldier Jones, of Montreal, In a preliminary to tho Dcmpsey-Carpen- ner wcrap. i ins Hoiijier Jones may be a bad man in u free-for-all, but us a professional fighter he is an awful spectacle and Tunney should have dis posed of him In Jig time-, which he failed to do. taking things easy and doing much languid gazing at the big crowd. No doubt Greenwich Village Gene is sincere about 'wanting some of the good ones, but If he will take sonic! friendiy advice he will do well to steer i clear of such unanglers, as. Gibbons and Curpcntlcr for a while. , IN ENGLISH CIRCLES ! ! fer and has continued consistently Fans AcroSS BnnV DcCT) Think ho iiiucn so. in laci, inai even ini Athletics have been unable to lose moi u games. Yank Who Beat Wilde Has the Wide World Topped. What an arrogant outfit those black White So:; have turned out to lie, l)p splte. the revelations brought to Hunt regarding their crooked dealings in the l'J I a world M.-1-ies, they have had the audacity to presume that the base ball public Is still interested In them and they are about to attempt u barn s' rming tour. ine tun uwn some or an oi the in- I about him. Thev had never Keen unv dictod players succeeded in their fight thing like before, they sa'd. Of to steer clear of the hoosgoiy mea ns course, the little Welsh boy was giv nothing to the baseball Tans of thejB weight away and his hands were country. In the eyes of random the j 11(Jlln m,t still Herman out- eight players are very black sheep, I hixid him! ana in me lace oi their alleged con- I fossions they are not deserving of pub- J lie patronage. Any tour arranged bv Py DAVID L, liLCMK.Vl-ELI). ! ( 1.' nltcd l-'rtsB Staff Correspondent.) ! Nl-JW YOlth", Aug. . -When I'ete ! Kill Herman stood up in his boxing limits at tile Albert Hall. London, some months ago, ami calmly punched little Jimmy Wilde round the ring for sev enteen rounds, the fans went cr.-izv Men who a team including these players, there fore, is doomed to dismal failure un less the baseball public has gone stark mad. Pittsburg "flatties" have been giv en the air by Harney Dreyfus because, he says, they have failed, to prevent gambling ut Forbes Field. We lin ugine that what applies to Pittsburgh applies to other major league cities. Looks like it is time to dig into that J10.000 anti-gambling fund, commis- wloner. Michael Kelley, genial and capable manager of the St. Paul (American Association) club, probably utters many a chuckle of satisfaction these days when he lamps the National league standing und remembers that he turned down the management or i the Phillies lust winter. National Ia-ih Pittsburg New York Hostou Brooklyn .St. Louis Cincinnati Chicago . . , Philadelphia American League Cleveland New York Washington Detroit St. Louis Hoston Chicago UC SIIIIKlillg'S. W. I 84 37 61 , uti . . ;:i 44 4: 4H CI r.o 4 y Ct) 60 Standings, . . Cti 31) 61! i,9 :,' 4!i 47 4.". i Philadelphia 3 LONDON". "AuY Cholera deaths In . (!. NTT?.) ltnssia to the end of July totijlcd 1 .10,000. according to a Copenhagen dispatch. ... ., I'a.illc cim league iiot ufter Kelley. during tho Joint mn- r ... Seattle '. . . Ijos Angeles Sacra mento jorjor-mlnor league conflub In Kan sas City and Mike took the offer un der consideration, finally deciding i iiul me iiiuiluK"1 "o M' ul fcouu uouoi I (' )-t ) a nd league club whose owner was w llliiig.jj,rmirt,,4 '"' to spend the money for players If nee- ij;rit i.'p essary was ueicer man oeiug a goal on big time. Stand n: 7 II 4 H .".3 l so QUALITY SERVICE SANITATION Del icious Meats Tender, Juicy Western Meats our specialty. Nowhere is it possible to procure better Roasts, Steiiliji, Chops or in fact anything in the butcher's line. , : s The .more, you know about meats the more you will appreciate what you get from us. But you get the best here, whether you know how to select or not. Pendleton Trading Co. rhonc 455 I Portland . . I Y., 1 At Se-Utle I No. other 7 (I lis 70 s . 67 4 1 7:i .11 !ol Icrday's KcmiIIs. 5, Sacramento I. :ume.s, teams traveling Pet. .6 31 .616 ..",66 S4 .4 7 3 .423 .41J .307 X2V .6 JO .'ill .476 .476 .461 .433 .36". ! K. I .17 . r, ; ;t ; In tlie opening rounds the Ameri can boy showed himself to be a mitt artist of the first degree. ' He made Jimmy miss, and he measured him at will, crossing his right like a piston rod whenevcr he wanted. Jimmy Wilde certainly showed wonderful pluck. That's all he did show, other wise, he wasn't in the picture. jj Herman has become a rage over j( there. He hit our bantam champion. iiJim lliggliur. with everything except j;the bottle the other day. I Oils Platts. Pnal'sh middleweight, is 'over here. Well, Platts Is a good boy. ! nut he is all III. He will put up a good enough show with Johnny Wil i sou to keep him on his feet. 1 think. I hut thai will be all. Plaits has lost his punch, as was demonstrated the other .day when ex-welter champion-, John- Iny Hashnm, out-pointed him over JO j rounds the night Frank Gnddard gave jan elephantine dance with George, jCook, heavyweight champion of Aus- ' trulia. j I Two years ago Platts stuck out 1S j ! rr. uudw with Ted Kid Lewis, hut too 'much credit must not be given to that performance. The two are great pals, and I think Ted let him down lightly, and gave the Sheffield fans a treat for the Kid can box as well as fight when he is in the mood. I.w s of course, is an anomaly. In the rinsf he looks like a tiger. He is e-d ami cairn and he never takes his Camels are made foi Think for Themselves Such folks know real quality and DEMAND it They prefer Camels because Camels give them the smoothest, mellowest smoke they can buy because they love the mild, rich flavor of choicest tobaccos perfectly blended and because Camels leave NO . CIGARETTY AFTERTASTE. . f Like every man who does his own thinking, you want fine tobacco in your cigarettes." You'll find itv in Camels. And, mind you, no flashy package just for show. No extra wrappers! No costly frills! These things, don't improve the smoke any more than premiums or coupons. . . . But QUALITY! Listen! That's CAMELS! ' ..6 At the Sign of Scrrtoe "If It's on the Market We Have It" Southern Asportation Kestihs. New OrlKins 7. Mfmphi.s 3. Ndshvilk- !t, Atlanta 3. That t;t rtooy:a 1. liirmingliam 1 ft. ;icm l'jifur Kt'Mihs. Omaha 11, Simtx City l. lfM Moi ni's 1", St. Louis 7. Tulsa S, Oklahoma (My 1. Wichita 16, Joplin , American Assmvat'on Kcstill.s. Milwaukt'o (i. Minneapolis 1 ;i. Indianapolis S. Columbus 4. Uotiinvillc 7, Toledo s. A proposition 1m on foot to movn a laro part of the Missouri river from its pifsvtit ImmI nti'I semi the Ntiratn tour hum! roil miles west of It present loeation aloiurslile t he BJark l IMIIh ami through Western Nehraska ami Kansas, emptyinyr it into the Ar kansjiM river near Garden I'ily, Kans as. One hundred and sity million acres of land which today are pnic tieally worthless would he irrigated. The ret;trlar flow of the present river would not he disturbed, since only the flood water will he utilized. rG'' nrl jtos off his man from pony to gong. ;,4fiif'anf him on the me and he .'-.till 5l7,:stare3 at you and eomeH hack for fir.s , more. Hut outside.' The Kid is a reat. Rf-nerous ha by. Tie spends; his; money likt a rallroail kinfcr with to months to I've. ' The last I saw of Ted lie was sitting 'in n I.uidon taxicab wi'h the hiost ! basket of fruit 1 have eer seen. The baslcet was tied up with a blue ribbon and the Kid was taking it out to a sick friend down with the grippe. Lewis js popular wherever he noes in bng land. although the referees are none too k'nd to him. Thev -won't let him j lnfuvht to his satifuction. i About ten days before T left Kn. land 1 saw him driving down the Strand. He was in a speed model Siutx with the letters "Kid Lewis" painted all over it. A policeman pull ed him up just by Ludfcate circus for not sounding his horn. j The Kid grinned at him. "That's all t along and ask me ut my j right, " he told the cop, "you come along and ask for me at my hotel. We'll sound I no horn, all right at the bar!" ; Geologists Ikivo foil ml I lie. n-iiiiiins of a linia1 ircliistorii' animal in Mani tolia.' Thi'V ure unable to siiv to wlmt Hush of nnininl Die Imni-M Inlonp. Tlioy lire i!iM'omnM't''il loit in alifrn- nionl and nicasiirc forty feet in lciiKth. FORD The Universal Car " Rntcniber tlmt wIipii you lirint; your l"Vrn1 t-nr to u for ihp. rJiniilral iittriitlon Unit you get the (cnnulno lYird wrvlo inn liTlnlsi ririt'.m--tl orkturn nun l ord factory nrlir-i. Your rml ta liM-rul. tK Milimlilo to IjiKo rliamiw viih MMir tui. I'linnkH wHh ruuiilly poor (fuullly inuturliulK. JU-luj; U to uh mill tuve both time Mini inoncj. We aro autlioriml I'ord dralcrs, triiMecl ly Hip lrd Motor CV. to look after tlio wants of l V)rd owners. Tliut'n lite Bsnriiiic n wo offer, . We are getting a fow lord cura and tlio first como, first to receive delivery. Hav you thouglit about that Sedan or Coupe for this full mid winter? They are mighty comfortable and coy when the wind blows and the rain is full Ins-. Como in and look them over and place your, order In irdvunce so that we can be sure of ordering enough to go around. This will be the closod car year. Simpson Auto Co. Phone 408 ' Water & Johnson St. . ' Service Roval Bather I h f if 1 For a cooling drink try Hibilla iced n I ill; fill Orciion'a Highrr Institution of TECHNOLOGY F.i(ht Schools; Seventy Departments FALL TERM OPtNS SKrT. 19. 19:1 For intnrmaiiM whit to ihr Rptutoir Oregon Acriciiltural College CORVAI.L1S ft K V'4-1 : ;...'.. ;H. . . Nsx :. vvs y mi -I.. A. HEUMISTOX. (He., All.' Hunt, the new nianager of the Orcson Hay Growers is now located in Her niiston and is doins business from the n.soclatinn's new offices in the West ern Land buiklinp. Ailventists are holding camii nieet ini; services every evening in a tent lo catevi on cilaiiys avenue. Klder ".. F. Wafson of IJoKeiiinii, Mont., is in eharge of the work. He is assisted by Mr. and Mrs. H. Kudy of College l'lace, Wash. The meetiiiij will con tinue indefinitely. Tin. niarriace of Raymond T. Long- horn to .Miss l.eall Isabidl Ferccy will's occur here Wednesday. ! S Mr. and Mrs. Cllas. Knsseii of 1'etl. s 'ileton visited friends here Sunday, j S Both at e graduates of the Oregon , r AKricultui al college in the class ot c lMJ'.l. Mr. r.ussell is a niember of the ; S Alpha Tau oniona fraternity ami Mrs. ! S Itussell w ho was fornievly Miss Alta i S Meut.ej- is a mem'.u r of the Sigma S j Kappa sorority. 5 Mr. and Mrs. S. C I.ochrie have left j - for their vacation. They will visit the ''caches. Mr. Loehrie is cashier of the First National Bank here. Sunday broke all records for heat. Everybody that could get away went swimming und the others sweltered. The official temperature at the Uma tilla project office was 101. Mr. and Mrs. Y. A. Leathers have left for the coast in their car. A ten pound hoy was born to Mr. and Mrs. K. V. Jones of Irrigon last Thursday, August 10. Mrs. t'athryn Durfey, proprietor of the Herniiston hotel returned Sunday evening from a trip which took her to, Arlington and then to I'endleton. Sh reports Arlington swamped with tour- Sullivan last Thursday evening. Games and dancing furnished the entertain-', ment of the. evening. .' . ' ' George Lindsley, who came here a short time ago from ; Lebanon ' has bought the Fred I. ijanford place two miles northeast of town. The proptrty. includes 22 acres of improved land. Mr. Sanford plans to locate In Mon. tana. Elmer Beach and family have mov ed here from Lebannon and plans to. locate. ... i. The tree planting contest iSlltVend' Wednesday. Six prizes - are to "te awarded by the commercial club for the best work done this year in plant-' lug trees or in other ways beautifying ones premises. The town and country- ists. A surprise party in honor of Zona arc separate, three prilea being up lu f Lucyle ' each case. ' v.- Pcnsel was held at the home of 1 iMiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiiiiMiiiiiiiHiiniiiuiMMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiniinimiim CASTLE GATE COAL PHONE 1 FIVE FOR FUEL 1 THIS WOMAN'S EXPERIENCE Brings a Ray or Hope to Childless Women s I ho coal that meets your requirements..' See-.that you jrot the Konuine for storage. '" .' f Cleanest, Hottest and Most Economical " ! B. L. BURROUGHS He Has It! I riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuiiiiiiii th Pi A X Si Lowell, Mass. " I had ancmin fron tline Lwiis sixteen vcars old ami was very irrepilar. If I diii any house cloaninc or washinc would faint and have to bo t bed, my liushand tliir.kinu every lnin u te was it iy last. After rending your toxt-lwok Tor women I took l.vrlia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound and used th'? Sanative 1 fit . The Prince of Wales, coming out -f the surf after a dip at Brighton. jKnglaad, where he has been spend-k-K n iitiiel summer vacation. Thf Vrince is an expert swimmer. Wash, and have never felt better than 1 have the last two years. I can work, ; eat. sleep, and feel as strong as can be. : Doctors told mc t could never have children-I was too weak but after . taking Vegetable Compound it strength- : oned me so I gave birth to an eight, pound boy. I was well nil tho time, did ; all my work tin to the last day. and had , a natural birth. Everybody who knew t:ie was surprised, and when they ask me , what made me strong 1 tell them with (Treat pleasure, 'I took Lydia K. J'ink liam's egetalilo Compound and never elt better in my life.' Use this testi monial at anytime." Mrs. ' :;mrt, 142 W. Sixth St., Ivowell, Mas.", i This evnerienee of Mrs. Smart is surelv ' a strong recommendation for Lvdia EL ; D:,.!.!,..1. CnM,nKI ',,nJI ' Tfr 1 I only one of a great many similar cases. For Sale 1921 Ford Sedan GOOD AS NEW Wallace Bros. ElksBIdg.