4 H '-4t'--i FACE TO pmiiiiiiiiiki im'fh k MONDAY EVENING ATTGTTST fi TEN PAGES THE OLD SWIMMIN' HOLE SI . : : 1 you Can Always Buy for a Little Less at The Peoples Warehouse, Quality 'Considered.. W omen's and Children's Hosiery at Money Saving Prices BOYS' HEAVY RIBBED HOSE 49c Sturdy hoys' hose, heavy ribbed, but very elastic and are guaranteed by the manufac turer to give splendid satisfaction. Sizes C 1-2 to 11 1-2. Priced Specially Imv, a pair 49c CHILDREN'S FINE RIBBED HOSE 29c AND 39c ' Perfect quality fine ribbed children's hose in white, black and cordovan. They are in sured against all imperfections. They wear with superior resistance and are made from high grade long staple cotton, dyed with the latest process; all sizes. Priced Specially Low, a pair. 29c and 39c 'MERCERIZED LISLE HOSE FOR CHILDREN 59c Extra fine ribbed, mercerized finish hose for children, colors, black, white and cordovan, all sizes. Priced Specially Low, pair 59c WOMEN'S FINE QUALITY HOSE 29c These are guaranteed by the manufactur er to vear and to give splendid satisfaction. Colors brown, black and white ; all sizes. Priced Specially IiOw, pair 29c WOMEN'S FINE COTTON LISLE HOSE 39c Women's fine cotton lisle hose wij;h the same guarantee for wear. Colors black, cordovan and white, all sizes. Priced Specially Low, pair 39c WOMEN'S FINE MERCERIZED - HOSE 50c Women's fashioned mercerized hose, are insured against all imperfections and guar anteed to give satisfactory wear, colors black, cordovan and white; all sizes. Priced Specially Low, pair 50c WOMEN'S PURE SILK AND FIBRE HOSE 7 k These stockings you will find, to he of su perior quality, and to give satisfactory wear. Colors, black and cordovan; sizes 8 1-2,9,912-and 10. - Priced Specially Low, pair 69c AJwayt Incvn for it J Clanlin A Am Mr piiOMtt O&tt 2' t.. i. ... , . . i . Delicious Watermelons from Irrigon Have Arrived They're truly the finest we've ever had. Sweet as su gar. The best flavor. TRULY GREAT CREATIONS are never achieved in haste. Time and experience are essential to the production of worth-while things. ROYAL WORCESTER corsets are the result of over 50 years' experience in the cix-ation of correct corsets for every type of form. N'aturally, they,eombine the maximum of' Style, Comfort, Service and Wear. The O-I-C clasp which does not pinch, break, twist, squeak and always stays flat is an exclusive feature in ROYAL WORCESTER CORSETS. The-- -1 fa f 'T F"8" 1 '1 1D FORMING GUN a; ' - I til .. '1 V I A l Delightfully Cool Place : To Shop And to say that we have hundreds of bargains would be but a mild assertion. Shop here to keep cool. -CLAUKSBfRa. W. Vn., Aug. (I. N. B. ) White, Black, lit in pail. N". this isn't it color scheme nir a checker tame. It's about, the Itov. J. White, S3' netfro preacher, of iteyunldsvllle. At P ltast, he Is entitled to prefix the minis H' tcrtal title to his name. ' The Jie,-. Mr. White was entirely too handy with his Sim. There is u dras tic anti-weapon statute in West Vir ginia, lamed far mul wide as the John son Anti-Plsud-Toting law. Anil the least a MiiBistrnte or Judso can fio un der it Is in line a man $" "'"l 1,1 P lm ; in 1a il for not 1ks than six -months. j The Iteynoldsville preacher was li leekv at that, as he drew the minimum U, sentence, which was imposed In Mag fij istrale T. (J. Nicewarncr's court. Mrs. HI liii na Taylor, nf Iteynoldsville. swore J I i hat ihu irev. J. While not i. nly "tot- . .1 the cimi contrary t" law therein mailt- and provided, lint that crew it upon her und thn a Kill Iter with It. BARGAINS IN MEN'S SHOES Come and See. WMMTOSS oRLtfK.'iT LFPMlTHtS'T SKlliT. I iioPeoples Warohous MEN'S BLUE SERGE SUITS $35.00 Wonderful values. he also d to I: if ci -mil no vnmv. lit vn:its CITIZENSHIP BUREAU WILL BE ORGANIZED ,,'JiT HARRY WARD (International .Vews Service Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON", Aug. 8. Reorgani zation of the Bureau of Naturalization In the pepartment of Labor is one of the pet plans of Secretary Davis. The plan is now taking practical shape, und prospects are that a great new forward step may soon be taken to make life different and better for the alien newcomer and the country a gainer by acquiring new citizens bet ter prepared for their new duties and '" privileges. At Secretary Davis's request a bill has been introduced in Congress which will change the title of this bureau to the Bureau of Citizenship. With the change in title the bureau will take on vastly broadened scope of activity. The old Bureau, of Naturalization has always been cha'nged with the respon sibility of naturalizing foreigners, but 'it is Secretary Davis's plan to have the new -bureau live up to its name. It will be more than a Bureau of Nat uralization; it will be a Bureau of Citi zenship and training for citizenship. It will train our alien arrivals by in struction in the public schools. It will provide for them guidance and protec tion. It will set up machinery to see to their proper distribution over the country, so ris to avoid the old evils of congestion of new foreigners in he larger cities. Many of these new comers, for instance, arrive here with lon; experience, w hich tb'-v ar" farced to discard for wur' in the cit'es be cause they na e no means i re.ieti-P3 the farms cr of ascertaining wa.-re their farming experience may be of value. "Among its other duties the new Bureau of Citizenship will spread knowledge of our American institu tions in such a way as to heighten re spect and inspire loyalty to those in stitutions," said Secretary Davis, in commenting on his plan. "It will besin n national campaign for bettering the physical and moral well-being of oiir foreign-born population. To this end the new bureau will undertake to pro tect the foreigner from fraud and im position. Tt will provide centers of in formation, vhere persons of patriot ism and character will offer guidance and advice. Where it is possible these advisers will be themselves of foreign extraction, in order to offer real sym pathy and understanding and so serve to bring the still newer aliens into wholesome contact with the people of their own race. Always the burden of advice will '-e respect for the Federal jovi rnment.'' . ' To tiuai'd Against I'ropauanila It is Secretary Davis's aim to utilize to the full the machinery of the new 'nireau to protect the newest ailen ar rivals from the evil influence of "Red'' and Communist propaganda. One of the chief agencies in this purpose will i e n thor.atr:h system of public school in:"tniction fur alie- s. The 'women will have the benefit of class at home. The instruction will in- irlven in places of' employment, or at other suitable points, as well as in the public schoo's These classes will be arranged for all adults and wage-earners. ''Each alien will be required to reg ister." said Secretary Davis. "This is not for the purpose of setting up a po. lice system, but in order to keep truce of each individual for his protection and guidance. Each .registrant will be given a certificate of bis registra tion, on payment of a fee not to ex ceed $10 for adults and $3 for wage earners who are minors. All the money from these fees will be expended in the payment of teachers for such for eigners as need schooling. Thus the alien newcomer, as in properjuys f;r his own improvement and lifts the burden of his care From the shoulders of the Government.' In addition to, these 'now functions, the new Bureau of Citizenship, as planned, will encourage States and communities to prepare teachers to teach the immigrant to speak, read i nd w rite the English language, to understand and value the privileges of citizenship and practise devotion to the institutions of our government. In all such classes of instruction the mo tion picture will be liberally used. The states will be askeii to adopt legal school terms of at least six months of each year for the benefit of wage earning children and adults. To this and compulsory school attendance will be asked for. To complete the instruc t:on, training will lie provide; m health and sanitation, n!om with Physical culture. The new bureau will seek the aid of all religious, civic, educational, com munity, fraternal and other nrgajiiza- ' I.AWKKNCE. Mass., Aug. K t. N. ' ;'. - -tnurinous auto hire bills ncou sn.'o'il by the extensive raiding activi ties of tlin liquor squad of the Lawr ence police department bus given rise !o an economic edict of l'olice Com missioner I'eter Carr that hereafter . link squad do ns "raiding afoot. Joy riding at. the city's expense has been Irhargcd bv the police bead, who be- j lieves that fuoliiij.' it" will I f fully as motion ofthis work of j effective. ' citizenship, i.o- Sineo ( 'omuiisslouer fare's eleouon i to office one taxi concern alone has t'agaTOTMIMIIMIBMEMq tions in the pn training the alien f cal agencies in each commur.itv will la encouraged to pool their efforts ami influence toward the establishment of citizenship classes 'and educational courses in the public schools. Itiil Tuh- to Be Cut Secretary Davis is convinced that the- present naturalization laws need to be "modernized in order to meet the actual conditions of naturalization. The bill now before Congress gives the new bureau authority to appoint ! efticers win shall have semi-imiielul power m preliminary naturalization bearings. This will have the effect of cutting much red tape and of saving much time on the part of Judges as well as the time of wage earners who desire citizenship. As naturalization is now managed the seeker after citizen ship and his witnesses are forced to lose much time from work in waiting at court for the services of the court cierbs in preliminary proceedings. 1 ecu paid nearly $7, nan in auto bills. HINTS MENDEITA W8RKI UK F m in the bituminous coal tiit Hocking vallry in (duo Lteu btu ninK steadily fur thiriy yearH, n-n during almost ujU fi(r!(lH have h til1 IT i f A ire : starting vv eanesaay POPULAR PRICES ! : 1 I entire 'oal depos. t, covering approxi Imalely seventeen square miles of ter ritory. The coal is of excellent grade I ami it is predicted that it will burn jforneHi'ly a century to come, as it is ! impossible to extinguish it. M'.MUXT, Texas, Aug. S. (I. N". jS.) A strange mystery Involves lieau I limit and Carlisel, Intl. The body or jo. W. I'eiry, Hiauinont contractoi-, i recently vs found in a swamp ne.w Lake Chai Jes, w ith a bullet wound ! in tbo neck. A mesMige was dispatched to his' ! uncie, James Latstiaw, at Carlisle. The message was returned, . wit h tliej intoiniuiion tnat i-atsnaws nooy, wtin a htrorq; cord bound securely aroun the neck, had been found in a stream near Carlisle. Absence of any available motive of laiiciile, ofl'ii.-ei'H deel.-iro, precludes the possibility of a strange "death pact.' Itnmor connects the death 'of both men with a secret order. Commoner Sounds Deniocratio Toscain for 1024 Election; Hails Coming Irish Peace. ST. LOfis, Ho Aug. 8. Ity Kent WhIsoii 1. N. H. KUiff Correspondent) Tin.' world should look .hopefully forward to President Mardins's pro posed disarmament conference, ac cording to William Jennings Bryan, erstwhile secrotury of state In the cab inet of former President Wood row Wilson. . "Those who have' been hoping1 and praying for universal jieace," declar ed Bryan, whllo here on a tour of the west, "luivo' hiore reason than ever to be hopeful today. l'roHitlunt Hard ing's proposed peace conference, If successful, wllkbe the greatest iriUlier- ing In centuries. Tile peace- confer ence t i 'acis dieted one i war. iTIils conference may end ull wars." Attacks Booe l aw Ijiloiccrs, When shown headlines In a local newspaper detailliiij the cupturo of two large whiskey stills, Bryan de clared prohibition has come to stay. "I'rohibltlon is permanent," he de clared uniphytlnully. "Before prohi bition went Into effect carloads of li quor were shipped into the cities, hauled h', drays to saloons on promi nent corners and displayed alluilngly on the shelves und In windows. , "Now liquor is brought in handlings at night by bootleggers who sneak through the ulleys. That Is soma change. Where the law is not enforc ed it Is mainly where the enforcliiff officers are not in sympathy with the iluw. An officer who sits down and listens to a debate between Ids appe itito and his oath of office, before starting on a ruld, Is apt to arrive too late. It's .something like allowing liorsethleves to elect a sheriff. "Besides those who aren't wllllnir to cut out tlieir own supply, we have those who uro. crooked: but wo have the same prublem to deal with In en forcing ull laws. Many automobiles are stolen, but no one suggests Hint the law against automobile thefts be repealed." The "wets," Bryan declared smil ingly, through the beer ruling by former Attorney Cieneral A. Mitchell Palmer W;s a ray of sunshine. I "It turned out to be a rny of 'moon, shine'," he scoffed, "and the "shine" will soon be taken out of It by an net of congress. "I don't see how beer can ever eouie buck. If it cannot come bark as u medicine, huw Is it going to have a chance to coine back as a beverage?" The "wet" parade In N'W Vork on July 4 didn't have "one-half ot one per cent kick," Bryan said. "The fnneral obsequies of John Bar leycorn are all over," he continued enthusiastically. "It was estimated that 31)0. utiu persons would-nmrxli In the New York 'booze coterie, but it turned out that only 14. "00 actually marched In the rarade. Nine hundred of those were musicians, paid by ore head brewery agents. The funeral services are sure over." Supports i:ii-w Profits Tax. The corpulent, many-times presi dential candidate ulso had a few re marks to make about taxes.. The great question is not so much reduc tion of taxes, he asserted, u the no tion of things to be taxed. "Ylio only tax repeal which has b-en veeif.-iously demanded," staled Brian, "is the exeoss profits tax. This ; should be the last tax repealed. It Is a tax collected only on excess (profils -that Is the tax that ought not to be 'taken from the purchaser. It is the only tax that one can repeal himself. Wonderful powers of memorizing facts are possessed by a Yorkshire la borer, who has menially stored away ol.eiiit items of general information. Hudson Maxim's "Best Chums" Ted El lands 1 Re !! Pep The ,OW iusica 15 PEOPLE 15 Jazz Gil Comedy lie Girl Sh ow Beautiful Costumes, Funny Comedians, Good Singing - and Dancing i 1 l:J ' . v - . J ". - " hi - , ''.: 1 i' X . ..." y ! : . !l " x ' . ' ! ' 1 . . J ' - A X - ' 'i'. '..'.vi-',.-.."-. N . . . ; -' j j- 1 A X T,t i v.- ' - - . . w -' " , " Vx I without seeking the aid or consent of anyone else. If he will stop stealing he will not have to divide with the govermnenf." The Commoner smiled broadly when I mentioned the Irish situation. "A new armistice day," was his de scription of the day Irish l'eaeo Is established. It is difficult for anyone not actually affected by the Irish situ ation, he said, to understand all the difficulties to be overcome. The en tire' world will rejoice, ho stated. It a basis of permanent peace in Ireland is reached. Mas the democratic party a chance to "come back?" he was asked. "In deed it has a very good chuneo to again gain control of the administra tion," he asserted emphatically. "The reaction against the republi cans already has set In," declared Bryan. "It is possible for the (lenio crats to gain control of the next con gress If they will stand on the side of the people on all questions. The democrats should select a pro gressive man In every district now represeuted by a republican und put him to work discussing public ques tions in his district, with a view to winning the next congressional elec tion; not a man who will make a bid for the vote cf the underworld, but a man or a woman who -will appeal to the consciences of the voters as well as to their Judgments, to women as well as to men a man or a woman who will ropresent the masses Instead . of the profiteers und privilege hunt ers." 'i 'lJktlH Hudson Maxim, the lainous Amerir-a.i Inventor, is snown here with his two "best chums" that's what he calls them Mrs. Maxim and their granddaughter I juris.' The picture was snapped at the Maxim home, Lake Hopatcong, N J- Most f,f Jvfuxim's time, when not workinir on ' IiiYciiiiiiiia. ; r-,t,e -.1111 imis. Itluxim afllj UOI'lS. AtartliiiK war tuvnaiUoom within tha nexi , t,-.e- lie predict many AYKit, Mass., Aug. 8, Vigorous op position ii the proposed abandonment of "amp levens by the government will lie made by the business men of this town. Isl by the board of trade, they declare that they fought hard to obtain the camp and will fight hard to retain it. "We are being discriminated against," said L. W. Ilerry, a member of the board, "We have Coolldge, Ijodge and Weeks In Washington from Massachusetts, and they can't Ret a camp for their own state. The towns within a radius of twenty-five mileH are up In arms over this outrage, "We intend to send telegrams of protest to Senators Lodn and Walsh and all the congressmen." General Clarence I. Edwnrdfl, com mander of the T'Mrst Corps area, is known to prefer retention of Devenf over camp Dix, N, J. - .