East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 08, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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    .VI"; .. ", V . 1
: z 'ju- Trr syaae
The Kant Orrgonlan la Eni""i Ore-g-on'a
rl."t newspnper n1 a a oil
ing force glv to the dortlsf mar
t iv Ira the gimrsntfti paid circulating
In Pendleton and Umatilla eouat ef ,
any other newspaper. ,
The net press run of Saturday's dally
TM paper Is memTier or md audited
by the Audit Bureau o( Circulation!.
VOL. 33
NO. 0808
I .i ii ii.,iii, i. ,. urn ,. i ,u ,,, ,., tgSZZrB- 0,mim i ill
, a. .&&L
There is Chance That Sufficient
Reclamation Money May
Come in to Purchase Site.
Davis Impresses on West End
Settlers Need of Raising
Both Livestock and Alfalfa.
"The McKay creek project will not
be sidetracked for anything.
There Is even a chance that suffi
cient reclamation money may come
In this winter no that by December
Menu may be taken to go ahead with
purchase of the reservoir site."
These very welcome statements
were made ot Hermiston Saturday
evening by no leas a personage than
A. P. Davis, head of the reclamation
service, to a group of west end people,
gathered to meet with him. Mr. Da
vis reochqd Hermiston Saturday
evening, accompanied by F. E. Wey
mouth, head of the Denver office of
the service.
Naturally the arrival of . the two
reclamation officials was of Intense
interest to those who have been work.
i tor .the McKay reservoir. An In
formal gathering was held ' and the
reclamation head talked very frankly
of the situation.
"The money Is appropriated for the
project but we do not have the dol
lars and we cannot go ahead with the
work unless we have the money. Oth
erwise It means the penitentiary, end
we do not want to go to tho peniten
tiary." Mr. Davis, according to K. P. Dodd,
who brought news of the meeting
here yesterday, seems convinced that
sufficient money will come Into the
reclamation fund during the winter so
that a start may be made on the pro
ject here. However If the Borah bill
providing for remission of cahrges for
a year on projects is passed there will
be no hope of funds for another year.
During the meeting Saturday Mr.
Davis Impressed west end settlers
the need or raising both livestock and
alfalfa. He said the alfalfa regions
of the west are generally In better
shape than other regions. He spoke
very highly of the alfalfa producing
powers of the Hermiston country.
During the evening the officials
were entertained by Hermiston folk
end Bundny morning they left by auto
for Yakima,
An advance In the price of wheat Is
apparent in today's market, September
wheat closing at 1.22 and Decem
ber wheat at 1.2B U . Saturday's clos
ing prices were September 1.20 and
December $l.!2i.
' Following are the n'tnlRtlons receiv
ed by Overbeck & Cooke, local brok
ers: Wheat
Open High I-ow Close
$1.20 H $1. i $1.20tt $1.22 '.i
1.24 1.2514 1.23 1.2514
.r,7 .D7 .rH .r.71,4
.U .67 -GST, 67 tt
Wheat A moderate Improvement in
outside buying power was noticeable
today and the market was more re
sponsive to bullish news than has been
for aome time. The only set hack of
Importance took place about midday
coincident with the publishing of the
visible aupply statement showing an
increase for the week of nearly 10.
000,000 bushels. Spring wheat In Mln.
neapolis was Inclined to weakness, but
all other markets' were decidedly
stronger, with the milling demand said
o he the best this year. At the same
Jim, exporters were competing for the
grains and Inclined to pay higher
prices. The seabo'ard estimated 600,-
000 bushels sold for export and mes
sages from New York Intimated that
a large business was done In a quiet
way, it was also announced that Ger
many has arranged in New York for
.$10,000,000 for purchase of grains.
Russian import said for the season are
estimated at 8 to 10 million tons of all
grains. In other words the former lead
ing export country of the world Is to be
an importer. There Is no doubt in the
strength of wheat position from long
distance view point and the situation
will be felt In the market as soon as
there Is some indication of Europe
starting Its buying program.
Benjamin Franklin spent but two
years In school, between the ages of
Ulit and ten, . ,
: y . '
f , : "II
A s f mti-
Secretary Hughes' "vacation" this summer consists of what rest he can
Mihtch between Jmg days nt the state department.- Secretary and Mrs.
Hughes are shown enjoying a qulel hour at Oreysione, the Hughes summer
home at Hock Creek Park, nVnr Washington, So minutes from the stale de
Charles Irwin with 20 cow-
hoys and cowgirls and a string
of horses, will be at the I'en-
dleton Round-l'p September
g S2, 23 and 24. according to n con-
tract Just closed with the Pen-
dleton Round-Up hoard through
H. W. Collins, president. This
will be Irwin's third year with
the big local show.
Eddie Mccarty and in row-
boys and cowgirls will be nere
also and negotiations are now
under way to secure the fmnous
J. A. Parsons string.
Prairie Hose, popular Round-
fp rider, and her husband,
Johnnie Judd (this being a ca.w
when the man Is known as tt
mere husband) will He here.
Yak and Kittle Canutt, Frank
McCarroll and a score of others
I'll will he here to compete In
the eve of track and arena.
s. r,
P )
Americans Imprisoned in Russia
will probably reach the border today,
the officials elleved. The state de
partment understands the prlsom-rs
are en route to the frontier.
The work of A. rhlmlster
Proctor, well known sculptor
whom Pendleton claims as an
adopted son by reason of his
stny here while studying Indian
and buckaroo types, is praised
by George Palmer Putnam,
member of the firm of G. P.
Putnam's Sons, In a letter re
ceived In Pendleton today.
In his letter, Mr. Putnam says:
"At a luncheon given recently
here In New York, attended by a
group of editors, art critics and
Iho like, Proctor's sculpture
came up for discussion. I un
derstand that -tt Is possible he
will do tho Til Taylor memorial
for Pendleton. 1 had heard of
this possibility hut had quite
forgotten it. Proctor's work was
highly praised and certainly he
has a very splendid natlonnl
reputation and it seems to me
that there is perhaps no one In
the country better qualified to do
the work for Pendleton. Per
svmally I admire his creations
tremendously and have always
felt that he has contrived to set
he real spirit and punch better
than anyone else I know.'
Jack Wichman, an accountant In
Ihe employe of Whitfield, Whitcomb
and Co., certified public accountants,
arrived In Pendleton this morning and
has begun his work of making an au
dit of the county road hooks.
He was closeted with Deputy Dis
trict Attorney c. Z. Randall during the
morning and the check of the bool.s
has already started. No idpa of the
t n'le that w ill he required to make Ihe j
rherk could be given hy Mr. Wlchman. i
"I'll stay until the Job is completed, j
and how long that will require I have
no idea." he said ill talking about the I
rudit. ' '
The audit has been undertaken by
the county as a result of charges that
were recently brought against K. C.
Amann, bookkeeper In the office of
the county rnadniaster. Amann Is
ehnrged with having embezzled money
frnrn the county and Is at liberty under
bonds of $7,0(10. Officials have made
no public statement of the amount
thought to he missing.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 8. (U. P.)
he senate increased the' scope of the
nntl-beer bill, empowering the prohi-
ition commissioner to stop importa
!i,n of wines whenever he believes the
w lies produced In toe united States
are cnugh for medicinal purposes.
ihe fight over the Willis-Campbell
ntl-nieriiclnal beer bill Is fierce, the
senate "Wets' declaring their inten
t'on to test the bill in the courts if
It should pass.
Unless Operations are Hindered
by Rain Remainder of Wheat
Will be Garnered Saturday.
A third of Umatilla county's hig
1H2I wheat crop is harvested and by
next Saturday night, unless operations
are hindered by rain, the remainder
of the wheat will he garnered, says H.
W. Collins, local grain man.
Farmers are well pleased with the
yields and the close Of harvesting op
erations shows that crops which
promised well at the beginning of the
season met expectations. Among
farmers who have finished harvesting
are Herbert Thompson, Elmer Moore
William Duff, W. R. Wyrlck, Clell El
gin and S. R. Thompson.
Although a considerable amount of
the year's crop has been contracted
for, no sales have J-een reported dur
ing the past, week, i
City With Neighboring State
Would Solve Road Problems.
Spirited Meeting Was Held at
Ritter Last Night Presided
Over by Grant Co. Official.
(East Oregonian Special.)
CANYON CITY, Ore., Aug. 8.
Shortly after noon today the 41 per
sons representing the federated com
mercial organizations of Umatilla
tounty making the tour of Grant conn-
ty In the Interests of good roads were
ready to proceed to Heppner wheTe th?
night will he spent.
A Pendleton-to-California highway
Is the solution of the road problems
that confront Umatilla, Grant, Harney
end Lake counties, sentiment of Grant
county people Indicates;
A spirited meeting was held at Hit
ter last night which was presided over
by County Commissioner Caverhill of
Grant county, and sentiment expressed
at themeeting overwhelmingly favors
the construction of such a road. That
ihe state will be asked to assist in such
a prograniwas the idea that was ex
pressed by several speakers.
Among those who were called on for
speeches during the course of the
evening were Mr. Caverhill, the three
members of the Umatilla county court,
James H. Sturgis of Pendleton, E. P.
Dodd, of Hermiston. Mayor George A.
Kartman of Pendleton and others.
Grartt county people made it plain
that they are interested in a north-find-south
road above all others, and
they are willing to go the limit in order
to sep such a highway built, tying all
four counties together and furnishing
connections with California on the
' Opinions exnressert on everv hand
hr re In Cain on City to members of the
junketing party indicate that Canyon
city is heartily In accord with this
-phe party was Joined at'Uklnh by
Mr rhumhrrtnin. Tbc nroeram hm
j been csrried out as planned, and no
I accidents of any kind have marred the
trip. It is expected that the return
to Pendleton will be made
Tuesday. '
Loaded with representatives of the
federated clubs of .the county nine
autos pulled out of Pendleton yester
day morning on the swing over the
southern end of Imntllla county and c
into Grant county where they are to-1
They are out to get an idea of the
roads that connect the two counties at
present and to confer with Grant
county offiriuls and bus ness nieit'oii!
the possibilities of building a road!
over the John' Diiy grade which will
make traffic on a big scale possible
into Umatilla county.
It is expected that the men will re
turn by t'miomiw noon or shortly
thereafter. Those making the junket
County Judge I. M. Schannep. Com
missioner (i. 1.. Dunning. Commission
er R. K. Pean. County Roadniaster
l.ee Shannon. County Clerk 11. T.
Ritnvn. U C. Scharpf. Fred Stelwer.
James H. Sturgis. Robert Simpson,
Marshall Spell of Alexanders, Robert
Tuttle, 1). H. Thompson. L. J. Rreslln
i f the Pendleton Auto company, E. R.
Aldr'ch, editor East Oregonian, Alger j
Fee E. P. Dodd Hermiston, George
Ferguson of the Peoples Warehouse, 1
Sheriff Zoeth Houser, F. B. Stewart,
Stanfield. liana Pah I. Mayor George
Hart man and Mis. Hartman, Fred
Bcnnlon. C. I. Pair. Rex Ellis. Dr. II.
A. Schneider Pilot Rock, W. -V. Royer.
Pilot Rock, Ward Stanley, Pilot Rock,
Charles Pracher Pilot Itnek. Kenneth
Warner, pilot Rock, C. .1. Miller. Pi
lot Rook. C. W. Paulus. Fred Mi es, i
Helix, F. M. Cast, Umatilla. E. P.
Itetii'ek Umatilla, A. C. Rogers, Athe
na, E. M. Siniih, Weston banker and
Chas. W. Furlong and J. C Clemens.
Sl'ltlNtin ELD. Aug. 8
C-overnor Small returned
field and went to
stnte capitoi. It ii
his office in the
i undersUHid" Sher-jtl.t
if Mester is making arrangements to;tborities maintained he i ouM not b"
seivo the warrants and have the gov- Mierated due to a char;:.' of niurdoi
t-nor post bail. - Small hits been rpuinst him.
touring the Illinois roads since his In- I
d'etment, under charges of jiiggl ii& Horned tonds. a specie of lizards,
he state funds, while he was trets-jenn squirt a fine Jet of blood from the
,ier. I I corner of their eyes several feet.
Pob Burk, 13. 339 Cook ave-
nue, and Romuald Gansneder,
If,, also of Portland, two young
tourists who have been here
since last Wednesday, and who
returned home today on the
train, need training in the art
of swapping horses, according to
John Hniley, Juvenile officer.
The boys hiked most of the 'j
way to Pendleton. Aftfr look-
liiB over the town they decided I
It would be des'rable to have a
borse to ride back, so they pur
chased an animal from Joe Al-
lenj paying therefor the sum of
t8. N'ow, according to Hniley,
the nnimal had only recent
I me a voter, and the boy
i about J7.75 on the deal,
ly be-
1, so he
took the old horse back, got the
boys' money, and gave them
some fatherly advice on horse
The boys declare that they like
to go on . hikes and that they
have made several trips during
vacation time. Young Rurk's.,
father sent money to provide
transportation for the young
PARIS. Aug. (U. P.l The en
tente of the iiiture was declared at
stake when the allied supreme coun
cil met in the most important session
since the war. France and England
were found to be , diametrically op
nosed to each other on every iiuestioi,
The first sale of sheep in Eastern
Oregon to Idaho buyers to be madi!
this season so far as is known, whs
consummated Saturday when Scott
Anderson of Boise purchased i!,600
head of ewes and lambs of John Cun
ha, Kcho Sheepman, one of the big
gest operators In the state.
Included in the lot were 1,230 six.
year-old ewes and 1,350 cross-bred
Iambs. The ewes, some of which "were
younger, were Rambouillets, and are
said to have been in excellent shape.
The price that figured in the deal
was not given out but it is said to
have been satisfactory to both buyer
and seller. Other Idaho men are known
to be figuring on purchasing lambs
snd breeding stuff from the flocks of
Eastern Oregon holder, nnrt th. next !
few weeks Is expected to see quite a
lot of sheep change hands. Idaho's
nay crop is a heavy one, and owing to
high railroad rates, it can not be ship
ped out profitably.
From September 25 until June 1
even.- year Dawson, Alaska, is isolated
from the outside world.
.1.0DO, .
Cist end ai. I
policemen i-
restore order.
Vug. 8 (I. N. S.) I'r.
riots bt oke out iu the
It requhed SOO mono'.1!!
disperi" the rioters t vl
. Three thousand (Mo
men, being refused work, stormed tl"
lumber j mis. The, office was w
led and much timber was burnct'
i ,
Lloyd George Sent Orders tO;;', "
Release Member Sinn Ftinj
Parliment Held for Murder. I
LONDON. Aug. 8. (I. Ni S.)
threatened break off in the Irish peace
negotiations and a renewal of warfare j
in Ireland was averted bv Lloyd ,
George. The premier sent oniersi!ear so far are:
from Paris to release Immediately Charles Pehne. chief steward of Se
John McKcown. a member of the Sinn utile
'Fein ivaiiiinenl. When the ltrltisl,
. U. P. ) announced last week t'ney would re
to Spring-i lease the imprisoned members of the
Sinn Kent parliament. MeKeown was
only exception. T'i? liriish au-
Local Girl Was Passenger on lllfated Steamer Alaska Which
Struck Blunt's Reef Saturday Night During Dense Fog;
Believed Real Cause of Wreck Will Never be Learned.
Harold Perry, 18 Year Old Wireless Operator Stuck to His Posit
Until Last; When Vessel Took Final Plunge Left Instrument
and Plunged Into Sea; Rescued by Steamer Anyox.
No word regarding the fate of Mis3 Ruth Hart, of Pendleton,
missing since the wreck of the steamer Alaska off the Coast of
California Saturday night, was received in Pendleton today-,
A.query from the East Oregonian to Mrs. Frank Rechlin, of
La Grande, sister of Miss Hart, brought the response that since
Mrs Rechlin received word that her sister was missing1, no word
has com'.- that she was found. T. F. O'Brien, station agent for
the O. V. R. & N. by which Miss Hart ras employed as tele
graph operator, received a telegram today from F, N.. Finch,
general superintendent, that all efforts to locate Miss Hart
have been unavailing. :
Miss Hart is weli known in La Grande and in Pendleton
where she has for the past seven years been employed by the O.
W. R. & N. Mrs. G. W. Phelps of this city, who is now at Sea
side, Mrs Rechlin and Mrs. Julia Metzger, of La Grande, are
sisters 01 Miss Hart.
j Miss Kart left Pendleton a short time ago for a month's va
j cation. She sailed from Portland Friday morning and. planned ..
to f-'pend some time in California. - " ' . r "
Seventeen Ittxiles Recovered
EUREKA, Calif., Aug. 8. (U. P.)
Seventeen bodies have been recovered
and nine Identified. The exact num
ber of passengers and crew aboard the
steamer AlasKa Is not known. But
they are estimated at from 210 to 216.
fne hundred fifty seven survivors have
landed and the missir.g will probably
reach from 4 2 to 36. Attempts to
check the lists are now being made.
The explanation is that the Alaska's
navigators lost their way In the heavy
fog, and got too close to the shore.
They changed their course several
times but it was unavailable. They
heard the Blunts Reef foghorn, hut
were unable to locate it. Then the
crash came, the vessel sinking in 30
minutes. , Many of the survivors float
ed for hours with their lifeboats and
boats before the rescuing steamer.
An"C thfm "P- A CT
ls Pa-'tla"y blamed for the loss of life.
I'wo uienoais upset as iney were ueing
launched, throwing their occupants
into the sea.
The steamer Anyox saved all the
survivors that have been hrought to
shore. The passengers are in a pitiful
condition. They were picked from
the wreckage, where they had floateo
for hours, many covered with fuel oil
from the vessel's bursting oiltanks.
The women's hair was matted as with
tar. The tug, Ranger brought in 12
dead and a fishinsr smack five more.
The cutter Venturesome, combing the
waters around the reef failed to find
I tfte others, and they fear the sea has
I claimed them for their own.
I Captain Hovey. it is believed, went
di'wn with his ship and two wireless
jrperators also. The wireless sent out
calls for help until the vessel, with the
stern holds well filled slipped front the
; reef and plunged from sight. Captain
: Hovey was on the bridge when last
; .een. Following the crash the startled
j passengers overflowed the decks, clung
j to the tilting rail and tore at the can
Mas covered life boats. A green crew,
j setting the boats launched, allowed
j two to become fouled and upset,
i ihnuving the occupants into the sea,
j crushing them between the vessels
sides and the swinging lifeboats. Most
I of the persons that were lost died In
this way. Practically all the persons
on board lost all their personal effects,
people of Eureka hurried to the wreck
and disaster, clothed, fed and warm
ed the survivors, many of whom went
to San Francisco Sunday night. Others
re awaiting to go on a special train
ItiHlics Identified.
Aug. 8. U. 1M An
jinuuest over
bodies lying
17 swollen, blackened (
In Humboldt county f
be concluded following!
!uor---ue will
further efforts to identify eight whose:
identity are not known. The know n
I.nrseii, suitor of Portland. 1
Frank King, a waiter of San l'ran-i
Ralph Moekett of Red Cliff, Colo, j
Thomas Johnson of RrookUn, N.Y.j
Alvln Hutchinson, of San Francisco, t
Frank Comni of Vancouver. H. C. I
C, I'iekell of Los Angeles.
Kunaxawa. a Japanese.
An investigation into the cause of
the wreck will be made Immediately.
The charges that the members of the
' . .
crew were inefficient
oughly probed.
will be thof-
Ixx-at f-irl Among Miing. :
EUREKA, Aug. 8. A. P.) Forty'
seven names from the passenger and
crew list df the Alaska, which found
ered Saturday night after striking- th
Blunts Reef, have definitely been
posted as missing. This includes IT
known dead whose bodies are in the
morgue here. Of the missinr IK -are
passengers and It are the crew. The,
fatalities were caused by the explosion
of the boilers as the vessel sank and
by capsizing of one boat. The Alaska
carried 132 passengers and 8! creir.
The steamer Anyox rescued 166 and t
brought them here." The tug Ranger ,
recovered. 17 booies. Among- the sur-'
vivors are Mm. M. J. Aibera and lira. '
J. Stone, both of .Toledo, Oregon, and
H. Dyer , and daughter Irene, aged S
of Iji Grande. Irene -drifted in Ae
wreckage with a life belt for -eight
hours. She was found unconscious
and soon revived. Sirs. Dyer and
twins aged six are missing. Among
the missing are Ruth Hart of Pendle
ton; Joan Fitzgerald of Marshfleld.
Captain Harry Hobey It is believed has
gone down with his ship. A dense
fog prevailed. Excellent discipline was
EUREKA. Aug. P.) K. F
Bonnewell, of Portland, hitherto re-
ported missing, is reported safe. Oth
erwise unchanged. Twenty-nine are
unanvountel for.
Captain Sticks to. Stiip
The real cause of the wreck It It.
believed will never be known, as Cap
tain Hovey. some of the passengers de
clare, was absolutely drowned. They
saw him on the hridge. at the, last, .
where he directed the work of the re,
cue and launching of the llfelHiats. .
None were able to tell the exact num
ber of passengers and crew aboard
when the vessel took the final plunge,
lot it was evidently a large number.
Harold Perry, is year old wireless npe.
rator, stuck to his post until the last.
When the vessel took the final plunee
(Continued on page l.l
Weather reported
Mux'iMiun, 8.
Minimum. r-.
' Pcrt.n-eler. it.f.i.
by Major I.
Tonight and
Tuesday gen
erally cloudy.