East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 06, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    S PECIALIZ1NG and dealing
i extensively in he retail , coal,'
, business, we consider our-.
selves in tHe light of a public ser
vant, and as such believe it or duty
in every way possible to serve the4
fuel needs of the people of this
community in. the, most efficient .
manner. We feel it is our dutyto
acquaint our patrons of conditions
prevailing in the coal traffic in 'or- -der
that they may secure sufficient
coal to carry them thru the winter
months at the lowest price obtain
able. ; :
Fortunately we have back of us
the producer of the highest grade
bituminous coal in the west from
whom we secure the CELEBRAT
ED "PEACOCK" COAL, the qual
ity of which practically ev'ery dis
criminating buyer in Pendleton is
thoroughly familiar.
During the past few ' months
there has been a general disregard
to the usual practice -of storing ,
coal for the ensuing winter. Some,
feel there is little , advantage in
storing cbal. Others want to ascer
tain if there will be "any reduction
in price as a result of lowering of
freight rates or cost of coal at the
mines. , . ; , ,
Buy your winter's supply now!
Coal is plentiful now but will not
be later on coal cannot be cheaper
with existing mining wages and
freight rates. There is no prospect "
of a reduction of either. Qoal can
not be stored at the mines nor can
dealers store enough to protect this
community. It is up to you to pro
tect yourself. A small production
in summer necessarily means in
creased cost and a shortage and
higher prices late. This follows
the economic law applying to labor,
wheat, potatoes or coal. We can ;
serve you 'quickly and, efficiently
now, but cannot be expected to do
so later when weather conditions
ar.d abnormal demand handicap
Coal sufficient to care for the en-'
tire country's' needs- throughout
the Fall and Winter "months cannot
be mined or transported entirely
during those Winter months, but -must
be equitably distributed over
the twelve month period.
. To insure the United States
against a soft coal shortage, the
average production of all mines r
should be 11,000,000 tons per week
throughout the year. By reason of
a mild winter over the entire coun
try production began to drop off in '
November, 1920,suntil at the pres
ent time so much production has
been lost on account of "no de
mand" that if this condition con
tinues for another ninety days, not
alone our Fendleton community
but the entire country will face as
grave a fuel shortage as has, exist
ed at any time previous. '
' 1 1 ; : -i
0 O-T L E
Cleanest Coal
h :i 4." V
"At The Sign Of
- J. L w ft ' if,. Va-
1 mwifr&fr "Aifr&& 111
' Salt Lake City, Utah, July 15, 1921
We take this method of advising the good people of Pendleton that
we, as the exclusive miners and shippers of the original and genuine
"Peacock" Coal, have given the exclusive agency for "Peacock" to the
Smythe-Lonergan Company kwhich exclusive agency. they have, held for
the past six years, and any other person or concern- who attempts to sell
the "Peacock" brand of coal in Pendleton is an imposter and deliberate
ly misrepresents the facts to secure coal orders by fraud.
It is not hard to understand why unscrupulous persons in the coal
came m the northwest should seek to market inferior brands of. coal on
the strength of the popularity enjoyed by "Peacock" but we do not intend
to permit such practices. WTe have the trade name and trade mark-of our
product copyrighted and any person or concern other than the Smythe
Lonergan Company offering to sell "Peacock" Coal in Pendleton will be
prosecuted to the full extent of the law. " v '
The eminent superiority of "Peacock" over any other brand of coal
sold on the western markets makes it imperative for us to protect our
agents, the Smythe-Lonergan Comnany and the Pendleton Public against
illegal substitution, and to help the, Smythe-Lonergan Company sustain
and perpetuate the prestige and reputation they haye built up during the
. past several years for Service and Quality. . '
Yours verv truly,
-- Per T. E. .Mulhall, Sales Manager.
Hottest Coal
2 i '
The Peacock"
Th irn Ofc
THERE are at present about
400,000 idle cars in the coun
try of which some 200,000
are coal cars. These should be now
engaged in transporting coal f,or
winter use. This vast surplus of
idle cars now is going to mean in
. adequate coal transportation to
meet the emergency that is bound
to occur when the normal Fall and
Winter needs demand quick coal
transportation later on.
v All mines shipping into this ter
ritory inform us there is no possi
bility of areduction in present mine
prices, due to the peaking by idle
I time of already high mining; costs.
. Neither is there any liklihoocl . of
'any reduction in present . coal
freight rates, as evidenced by the
following advice from Mr, H. E.
Lounsbury, General Freight Agent
of the O-W7. R. & N. Company, dat
ed Portland, Oregon, May 6th,
1921: "Some time ago I advised
the coal dealers on our lines that So
far(as the traffic representatives
of the Union Pacific, System lines
"had any knowledge, there was no
prospect of reduction rates on. coal
and it was our understanding that
no other lines ii the Northwestern
territory were considering any re
adjustment of their rates on this
commodity." v
Therefore, coal storage early in
the year is an economic .duty of
every householder and industry.
Assuming that by some possible
chance there might be a brief per
iod of depression in price this sum-,
mer, despite our prediction to the
contrary, any such lowering of coal
prices must of necessity be very
slight and not sufficient to justify
your withholding taking your stor
age coal now andhaying that safe
feeling of assurance that you are
protected against any possibility
of a coal famine. Order your coal
today do not wait a serious
shortage is bound to occur this fall
and winter be among those pre
paredbe safe, not sorry. Phone
us today and give use your storage
requirements of the celebrated
"Peacock" Coal our watchword is
Service and Quality.
i "ii. in