East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 06, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    . ' '. ." ' ; .,' .-. . 7
.daily ea3x oF.EGoirtAtf, pr.OTti!ios;noiii:ooN, r etoniDAYiPvnno; august" 6, 1931
People Here arid There i
1 ,-.,.,,, . , , ( ,' ii
i fi
Wade Shlller la In the city from hln
home In Enterpriae. '
Lyman B. Miller, a nheep salesman
of Fortland, woi In Pendleton yester
day. '. ' ' "
VJtldy" Ash of Jji Grupile wag In
Pendleton Friday. Ho returned to his
hom today by onto.
Ceorffe Hnzlrtt, who nan been Rpencl
In (im time In eaHtern cities, re
turned to Pendleton todny,
P. T. Te of the Woolwnrth Com
pany of Wnlla Walla, was a visitor In
Pendleton today, enronte home from
1m Grande, where he has been on litisl-
, in Pendleton yoRterday. r. Going is
terming a 10 acre tract and , ralHes
fruit and - alfalfa. . He, nays theroXjn
, Borne work connected with that ahar
actcr of farming.
F. W. McFarlane, of Baker, was a
Pendleton visitor this week. Ho made
the trip by auto but returned on the
train;. He met his daushter, MIbs
Florence McFarlane In this city and
she drove thrf machine to Spokane
ronklnir the trip In 10 hours.
Uoub Leslie of La Grande was a bus
iness visitor In Pendloton" Friday of
this week. , , ' . (.
John Adams, a farmer of the Ad
ams district, was here today taking
cure of business matters.
Jack Allison, representative of the
Holt Manufacturing Co., with head
quarters nt Bpokune Is In Pendleton
rr, Max Latllg Is iiow In the city
end will have charge of rr. Holt's or
flee during the absence of the doctor
on a two weeks vacation. '
P. JI. Partliolonicwa end Bob Lewis
of Kclio were here toduy. They vlHlt
ed the county court and tnTkcd over
(the possibility of securing sflrne roads
that are desired from Echo t JJutter
Creek. . I ; .
to fiu:k IltfSII FRIKO.VERS
PURLIN, Aug.f 6. (17, P.) It has
been announced at Dublin Castle that
all Interned and Imprisoned members
of the Pall Klreann except one under
conviction of murder will be released
Immediately. The release la not un.
expected. air-Pe Valera called a sen.
sion of Dall 'Elreann to consider the
terras of pence with Oreat Britain,
Mr. Farmer
Bring us your VEAL, CHICKENS
and PRODUCE,' we pay the highest
market price. .
739 Main Street
. Proprietors
Sues on Notes. i,
.Three notes which are sajd to be
past due and unpaid are the basis of
a suit that him been filed In circuit
court by r.tiley, Haley and Stelwer
and 11. 3. Warner for V. 8. Curl
against Joseph Craig. The amount of
the notes is 530. '
To Recover Wheat, , , V
That the defendants hold 355 sacks
of newly threshed wheat which they
secured possession of in an unlawful
manner Is the contentldn of. Fred K.
Ypung who has brought suit against
Andrew Allen and others. The value
of the grain Is placed at 710. Peter
son, Bishop, and Clark represent thu
Wife Seeks Divorce.
lillle Kuycr, who sets forth In her
complaint to seek a divorce that she
and W. H. Kayer were married in
1897, charges the defendant with
cr.uel and Inhuman treatment cover
ing a period- of years. Therefore four
children as Issue of the marriage three
daughters and one son. The property!
held ln common Is sum to amount to
about $7,000. The plaintiff Is rep
resented by Ralcy, .Jtaley and Stel
wer und H. J. Warner.
Planet Sub Tires
double your tire mileage and prevent all punctures, blow
outs, rim cuts and other sorts of tire troubles while on the
road. ', ..'
They practicajly cut your tire expense in half. For
sale by i- .....
Jewett & Dimick
809 Garden Street
Phone 486
Pendleton, Oregon
(Continued from page 1.)
WASHINGTON, Aug. 0. (U. P.)T
"Do not sell your oods until you get
your price," was the warning members
of the house and senate' sent to farm
ers all over the country air a result of
the senate approval of the administra
tion's farm credits bill, counted to
boost prices of all farm products.
"Hold cotton for 20 cents,'' was the
word sent, to the cotton states. West
ern senators told their constituents to
ask higher prices and hold their sur
pluses until the buyers meet the price
asked. The senators predicted this
move would cause a much higher gen
eral ton j to the agricultural market.
Safe-Wilft ' for cxens & muds
if- " v ASK FOR
Jlivi nvit
ine urigmai
ui Substitutes.
Thioripnal Food-Drink for All Age No Cooonr-N"h',,,t,0,
m I M I m 39
LOS ANGELES, Aug. . (U. P.)
John Kennedy, a wealthy local Insur
ance man, was killed Instantly on the
steps of his own home when an as
sailant, rising' from beside the path,
blew the back of his head off with
shotgun. Airs. Madeline Oberchaln.
Kennedy's companion, gave the ac
count to the police, declaring she was
Kennedy's flanse. The police are not
able to find an trace of the assailant
or any motive for the deed.
General Business Conditions;
' ' . By GEORGE E. ROBERTS : .
'(FJom th Monthly Letter Issued by The National City Bank of New York,
Distributed in Pendleton by The First National Bank of Pendleton.)
i-kBSERVlRS of pusmeM ire
I I aiw":'. nnimois in their as
aarances that there is a "better
feeling" about business.
Just lKactty what this recurring
flirase means is difficult to state.
t miirht be descriptive of any of a
' . dozen psychological changes that
could eiltef into the situation. If,
r it means that people generally have
- begun to realize the causes that
nave inruwn inuusujr vw ui
ancr, and to appreciate the things
that must be corrected before con-
ditions come into equilibrium again,
' then we should ay that the re
' ported "better feeling" constituted
an' important advance toward nor
malcy. If, however, the "better
feeling" means' simply that people
. are' merely smiling and waiting
- more patiently., rather than setting
themselves seriously to ine tass: oi
wage and price reductions and other
The following table, compiled by the Federal Reserve Bank of
New York ahowi calculation in percentage figures of the produc
tion in this country of eleven important commoditiei during tft first
half of thia year.
(Normal .Production 100
- Ian. Feb. Mar,
Anthracite coal mined...
Biturainoua " ...
Pig Iron production
Steel Ingot production..
Tin deliveries,....
'Cement production .....
Cotton consumption . ...
Wool consumption
Sugar meltings :..
Wheat flour milled
Meat slaughtered ' .'. 88.2
64.0 '
113.7 '104.6
101.1 96.9
readjustments that arc necessary,
then we fear that it signifies but evjdent'reason that the farmer can- industries and ,in transportation be
little. - .not buv as many c!thes at the fore this situation is reached. It
There is fresh evidence constantly t ' Drice, a. whcn his own has been contended, ami with much
that the readjustments are taking mnrlinn w,s on . par with force, that living costs should lead
aRC reuuciiuns,
the expense of
A similar problem faces the wage- the earnings of farmers and at t ie
to - -ii .1.- TK fvnense nf nro its cno diviacnns.
ma ke up their minds to give the "r" orkcrs j agriculture have but they have reached a poinvwherc
the situation before their eyes, and further price reductions are aepenti
; nrmnilv. The ent upon wage reductions., those
wages of farm hands have dropped reductions, however, will I
approximately one-half. Farmhands a loss of purchasing power
place. They are slow, but it takes em, of these people rather than follow, w;
urns for a knowledge of conditions m he js trading scrvices. and they have led at
to reach all classes and divisions of :,;,,, nrohlem faces the wage- the earnings of farm
- the . population, and lor them to
cooperation that is necessary to
bring industry back into balance,
vMeanwrnle, it will aid in the cultiva
tion ot patience to reaitgc inai cuir
not mean
to wage-
..w.. w- , - annrnximateiv one-nan. rinnimiiui ,v,-j i r , -
ditions ;are by no means so bad as pprXe enough to the situation -earners for the very reason that
they might be. and that considering were c lose e g nothing, wages arc now the principle factor
all the circumstances the volume of n?h!faJ," workers, railroad em- ia prices, and the cost of livin
DUSiness is rcaiur ui(,iimnki; i,k.. . ,r(,un u-nrkers eencra lv W
The fundamental difficulty upon P y
will dicline
rnerally speaking,
which a revival of business waits is mny,j " -T ,n fare the On the other hand if iurther re-
still the inequality of values as Ot- UnemDlovtilcnt ex- ductions are not made tn the in
tnd services. I
trade, between
us classes ol goous , because goods dwstries indicated, living c
'X anno? be sold, and.hcy cannot be likely to rise. Already the
people in dirTerent lh' jnH,.trinl situation are organizing for the ptu
cen disturbed, and .
pressure of. painful
indicated, living costs are
purp jsc ol
udustries 'has been ciisturoca, anu - balance Recovery will curtailine the production ol agri-
it is only by the pressure of painful " ;hMb'""c' rtst0red and cultural products. 1 he cotton crop
.Prie.,ce that the old relations are JZt otherwise his wi" be 25 per ,e,?w
restored. , , , t0 Uie credit of the the average amount required under
The producers of cotton, corn and . class that the normal conditions to meet the de-
' oats, ,ooL bides, sugar and food- jn'tiSm has pro- mand. Plans are being developed
stuffs geneVaily e tf-tt.ng no more P'wess ot re my usi m. Ph to curtail the production of food
for their Ubor than b.fore the war. Ztn&y ffs- These Ponies are Juttine.!
.Among the principa items of ex- ' willingness to make by the combination ot .wage-earners
pense to them !S clothing. They thjw has oe ,Kadvble that and others to miiMim wages and
Mrcuce the raw materia for it but lhouW "unduly the prices of town-made products at
unoer ine iuuuc... ... ... . jt ;j better to take more an uniair icvei aoove larni ..rouutis
form of garn
..nrlntirtn TriA
garment-workers " '' lower wagss are necessary: They conditions for those who practice it.
men by supplying food antf raw 'WY ad havinK t,e neces- When everybody practices it the
material to everybody. rcadiiistments made in order result is poorer living conditions for
All oi the people who haye a parfv sary read u m n Jhf r.slltsvi ob.
in the conversion of wwjl. xotton that "' V.? , . tainC(, ,or evfry RrMlrrof workc,
and hides for the farmers use are wil I s,ea"7 bv a fair attitude Inward others,
still getting IIW P pr o . i w ductions will have to go and by a common pohcy to prumgw
tWia Tt Vork for tht n.ucb'furUicr iu the manufacturing the general good. . , . .
Mtmuv.v an. T ,
..Mir ths mndprn svstem of indus-
nd buy it bacK in me i V""" ;. mp,ns that the The whole system of restriction is
form of garments, paying tne trans- Wr' (or ,he wage- wrong and in the end defeats the
C.r.ge.,t, I f mMdfi earners are entitled to know why purpose in view of bettering living
Applet To ne Jligl!
That tho good varieties of apples
will command a high figure this sea
ton la the belief of fruit men. The
Lamb Fruit Co. has already received
on offer of -S 2.75 a, box for five car
loads of Delicious apples, but they re
fused, bellevlna that when thp real
market Is established some time early
ln October, this famous variety of ap
ples will bring a better price. Early
apples brought from $1.75 to $2 a box,
depending on the variety.
Another itcrmthat is ln favor of the
fruit maj this year Is the lower costs
that' he hag to .pay. His packing
charges are lower, than they have been
for some tim, and labor sts are j
down some, all, of which help him to
get back on hln feet.
The prune crop will be Teady for
harvesting beginning the4atter part ot
next week or soon after, and it will
be heavy. TJie prices thai will be paid
the grower will range from $15 to $00
a ton, net to the grower, according to
Present Indications.; A great many
ftons have alreadyybeen contracted nt
good figures.
' ' Quality of Prunes Oood
. Jlilton-Preewater has an advantage
over many producing sections, too,
that means a lot to the industry. Lo
cal prunes "will . ship without beina
dried, and that very fact is a boon th tt
enables fruit that is produced here to
be shipped to Liverpool and Paris and
CoDenhagen lust as it comes from the
tree. The fact that It Is ripe earlier
than In many other districts is another
advantage that assures a good market
when the dried fruit goes begging for
buyers later In the year.
There ar four big fruit concerns
here, and they are all centers of great
activity now, the Lamb Fruit Co.; the
Milton Fruit C.rowers' Cooperative
Union; the Shields Fruit Co.; and H. S.
Dcnnisoft and Co; The Growers' Stor
age and Supply Co., a locally controll
ed concern, has .under construction
now a big storage 'warehouse which
will be completed and ready for ope
ration by September 15. The struc
ture Is of tile construction nhd will be
equipped with1 modern conveyors anc
fixtures which will make It one of the
most up-to'date plants of Its kind in
the West. The cost of the hmldinii
will be $75,000, and'lt will be used for
cold storage, packing. Loading of
fruit can he effected from the plat
form, a spur switch running to the
doors, t '
j ' Banks Are Strong
There are three banks proper here
In the two towns, but they occupy foui
buildings. The First National Bank
of Milton has a branch In Freewater
which is known as the First National
Bank of Freewater. The resources Of
this institution a.$f.l26,39T.7S. ac
cording to the statement issued June
30. Its eapltalstock is $50,000' and
theyiiirpW amounts to $75,000. Thf
officers are. H. U Frazier, president:
J. E. Davis, vice-president; Oenrge A
Price, cashiv: -E. J. Davis, T- C. Fra-
zler and Powell Plant, assistant cash-J
icrs. '!'.'
The Bank of FreewntRT is the
youngest institution in the two towns,
its age being less than one year: It hat
a capital stock of $60,000 and re
sources of $192,684.74. The officers
are J. R Saylor. president: JT- S.. Mur
ray,' vlcepresident, .and E. S. Rowe,
The other bank is the Farmers' Se
curity Bank of Milton. It has a capi
tal stock of $25,000, and resources ot
$1 91 ,382.4 2. " The officers are J. Hj
Coffman, president; F. M. Kent, vice
president; W. C. McKlriney, cashier,
and C. R. Samuel Jr., assistant cashier.
Farmers Will Liquklate.
That farmers in this district will hr
able to liquidate their debts to a large
extent witu.the proceeds of this year'r
crop was 'slitement concurred in by
officers of all the-banks. This liqui
dation will not be complete, but bank
el's expressed the belief that more
than fO per pent of the indebtedness
of their farmer customers can be
paid?" ' ' . ' -
At the Bak c Freewater this esti
mate was .exceeded, an officer of tht
institution stating that 75 per cent of
the borrowers of' the. bank would li
qCdatc, 'and that the other 25 per cen"
voulh como very close to a compiet
payment.1 This bank occupies an en
viable position, (however, due to the
fact that it was not in business wher
tlio heavy plunging characteristics of
post-war times was practiced. Its pa
trons arc mainly fruit ien, too, and
"iat business is the k:nd that -bringf
a sm'le.to bankers this season. 1
Healthy Commercial Chilis. ,
f Ths -rmniiiereial organizations 'of
the two towns have good memberships,
and 'hey are taking an active part in
tb work' that is being done by the
(V, 'i ted clubs of the county.
The 'Milton Commercial Club has a
monliership of between 85 and 90. W
It. rderson Is president and Jiruce
ShanMlo Is secretary. They meet every
tw.i weeks. One of the.r most atTtivo
ieribers. C. S. Cheshire, is their rep-
r cniatlve on nc ooara oi managers
ot the. fledcrated clubs and vice-presl-
rnt of the county organization.
The Frertwuter organisation' with
about ono-thir(l the population to
draw from that Milton has is well tr.
the It out with a membership of 54. K.
S. ftowe is president and Claude
Ii'.tihrtt is secretary. Their repre
sentative In the county fedeiatlon is R.
K Ben n.
Both organizations expect to ha
representatives on the tirant counts
tpur -vMch starts tomorrow. Mr.
I tan will go from Freewater and
llrnce Shangle will probably represent
- Towns Are Attract 'w.
Pnih towns are attractive in appear
ance. There are many blocks of pav
imx and a thing that strike the eye
t " " " " '
Or a i.,mnger Is the width of the
streets. The T.ghting system is an at
tractive one. loo. siin;:e globes rest
ing (M top of concrete finished posts
furisli.i g illumination. Thej-e is "an
abuinl nice of shado trees and many
beautifj"; homes are, to be seen.
. Tie Cnristlan church 'S recognized
fiS bilrg one of th) -Tnost beautiful
churches In a town of this size to be
found in the United States Then
there Is an attractive library building.
Miltor iilso boasts a imunielpally own
ed water system as well as light and
power plai t.
Two weekly papers, the Miltqn Ea
gle, owned and published by N. J.
Vii'isUko, and the Freewater Times.
edited tv S. B. Sanderson, fulfill In
aide style the functions that belong to
newspapers. Other business concerns
that n'1.1 to the activity of the towns
are Miller Pros! Flour mills, the Pea
cock Mill, managed by H. S. Murray,
the freewater Box Company's plant
and ll.e Milton Box Co. Each of the
box m.ikli R mills are Incorporated for
$50,000 The Farmers' Brokerage Co.
is an organization ot farmers which
id in the buying and selling business.
Bruce Khangle is manager of the com
pany. Want ltonil to FJjrln.
fine ot thPChief ambitions of this
cciiiinumiy is to have a good road
cnmiei ting the lown with Elgin over
J the present Toll Oate road. This is an
.improvement tnat lias oeen unaer
;ciiHld-riiilon for a Jong time, and
eventually Miiton-Freewater Is bound
'o have this oream of connections with
Rluir realized.
" Anniher feature of this district that
s well w... ih the time of any visitor
s the grnundt- of the Milton Nursery
Co. The company operates on 260
iVres of inch, irrigated land, practi
ally all f which is covered with eith
er i r-jhiud. shrubbery or flowers. The
farm is cno mile northeast of Free
water. One t'f the specialties of the com
pany f ;he production of peonies, sev
eral ncres of ground being given over
to the production of these flowers.
This year it is estimated that 50 00C
'-louom.i vere sold during blooming
irasoii, a '.1 a big business l the bulbj
'rade is also carried on. -
Eighty acres ?s In, prune orchard,
10 of which will edliie into bearing
next year, and another 4 the year fol- I
-wing. Hundreds of tliousanns oi
young seeuling tives and others which
ivill sooi be rea.dy for salo can be
een. VHt re are many f lowers, too,
.lit ugh the company does mot special
ze so much In flowers as in trees and
diruLs Twenty-four men are em
ployed on t'e farm now, and the nv
raee pavroll the year round includes
about 20 t.ien.
rrr ..;...Tr.T-,,,r.,
- ' ij
. 1
Good Quality
To those who know this means so much,
especially in jewelry. Our store is re
splendid with a wonderful showing of jew
els, silver, china and art goods.
-. .
But each piece Is of GOOD quality. You
can find here all articles, at as reasonable
prices as elsewhere and you know if. it
conies from "SAWTELLKS ITS GOOD."
The Largest Dlamoiv Dealers ln Esntiti trigm
m . . '
Pav Cash Receive More Pay Lew
Despain&Lee Cash Grocery
om v. r.nnrf Phone 880
Pay Cash Cash Pays
There's only one way to save on your grocery bills
it's a hard pull, and upstream at that, for the pur
chaser who merely says "charge it." .', ,
'. . .
Pay cash cash pay ypli big returns.
I Despain&Lee Cash Grocery
ortm? Pnnrf - rnone B6j
QUALITY PRINTING at Reasonable Prices
East Oregoniaii Printing DepartinenK
; . ..:?:.;'-,;.-;i;;!r.
mmmmmmammfttmm powr. 1 12-inch whmelbaim
X . .. J1335 1-O.b. South Bend N' .?
THE true measure of worth in the NEW
LlGHT-SlX is to be found in the enormous
demand that has existed for this car even in
the so-called period of depression. For
during the first six months of 1921, Stude-
baker produced and sold nore automobiles
than any other manufacturer in the country
with the exception of one manufacturer of a
well known and very low-priced car,
,This is a Studebaker Year
f.o.b. Factor, tfftctio June lit, 1921
Touring Can and Roadttmw