East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 06, 1921, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE FOURTEEN, Image 14

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Id eluding Pendleton Pricei and Associated Press Reports
1 I r ms
mx Tone 11-rialU
On I 'ml land Market
(From the Oregon Journal. 1
1'lifiie llirhl hi-t nre firmly quoted
nt 111. an for extreme tnpK al Nor-.h
Porilund, while c.ittle tin1 strum and
hheep nomlimlly steady, tinly carload
arrival for lYiilay were cuttle ami
i bIvch,
Iti llif hog alleys nnlv 1 ri "f
wnpon Htuff wore muilnlilc fur the
J iidny morning trade at North Port
land, There a firm demand for
ffrrlnis and host quality ready buy.
rn nl the prices quoted. A sIlKht re
vision in this In .-hown for the day.
General hog market rsiif;
Prime lipid
hiin.nl h heavy,
pounclH . . .
liiinoth heavy,
"P ..
1'uiiKh heavy ,
Fat pirn
Feeder pi.i
250 to 306
3IHI lbs..
. J12.50SI 13.00
Conor fl.OO
i:.i(ii 12.00
n.oow 12.0C
Mhkb 5.00 it 8.00
General cntllo market ranee;
' Choice steers ti.5iiii
Medium to pood steers . .
Pair to mediiim .-leers . .
Choice cows and heifers
Medium to good cows and
Pair In medium con? and
Common cows, heifers ..
Ca nncrs
Hulls ,
Choice feeders
Pair to pood feeders . . ,
Choice dairy calves lrt..'iiHi 11. On
Prime Unlit dairy calves lO.OOii 10.T.C
7.00 y 10.00
i Heavy Wethers
.00 j Kwcs
i.r.o 1
i.oo'.i s.o.t
5.00 4 5.T5
4.25 9 5.00
3.::. a 4.25
2..".ofu s.r.o
l.Tf. W 2.50
2.75 W 3.75
4. SO E.Oo
3.50 (if 4.7: 1
Pti.fil Tuklne Cnitsosi
&iun On Excliuum1.
M.iV Vt'KK, Aug. 6. Further
lrol'h-tnkintr coupled with renewed
icll;r.sr for the short account ami
xu.ikness of various specialties caused
a iieiienil scaling down of prices on
the slock exchane.
Tbeie was no semblance of the
4. S0n E.Oo I sirenstlt which characterized deiiiinj-s
3.505f 41.7 r y rly in the week. Although the vol-
In the cuttle alleys, while there was ; Fair to Rood lambs
Med. liRht dairy calves..
Heavy calves
Sheep continue to indicate a steady
tone, latest sales in that division
which were made off cars Indicated
that killers were reentering the mar
ket generally and that their former i
surplus was cleaned up.
tieneral sheep ana h.ml ratine
East of mountain iambs $ 6.00 W
Post of alley lambs
110 chan-re quoted In the Friday morn
Iiir trade at North Portland, the de
iiiand 'nn excellent and the general
tone of the trade was
Meady tn stroiic.
Cull lambs
Feeder lambs . . .
Light yearlines .
considered Heavy yearlings
kifrht wethera . .
5.00 siii 5.50
4.50 at 5.00
1.50fi 3.00
1.30 I 3.00
3.00 If 3.50
2.50sr 3.00
2.50 3.00
I HC )
m x.- rr v - a -r
wm" v.
;s:lTHe otinA' f lost k,s
To miHy Willi all the do pes of cliildrcn is not only
foollianiy Inn in (lie c-nil will prove cruel. To fill up
a child on swivl and the like will or courx- mean
J'(Mr lM-allii. The lest daddy use good iiimmon
wiwc and lxik out for tl.e proverbial rainy day by
lajiiiK ty a cafh rtf-orve and having it earn interest
in a Savings Aex-ourit in til's strong hank.
One iHdlar or more will start mkJi au accotuit at Uiis
bank every day.
4 ,300.000 3oaoo
The AmcricariNaiional Bank
. Pendleton. Oregon.
'Strangest Sank in Castern Oregon"
time of otieiniKS was not large rnd
movements in most c;ises were Hin ted
to moderate propoitions, the recession
lOnlinued without interruption to the
close. Total sales were 460.000 shares.
' IMoflt-takinK was active anions the
niiir,.:i, stocks which were most
Jiromliicnt on the recent rise. Oils,
-..i.-, equipments and coppers were!
1 11 under pressure, and there was sell
iiV of motors and tires. .Vinous th-j 1
spceiait'es I'nited Drus was again
under attack and sold down to a net
low point for the year at 523-4.
Tiie snsrar group made little re- !
spouse to continued firmness Vn the ;
n arket for refined sugar, althoush !
these shares were comparatively j
s eady. Passins i f the nuarterly d:vi- i
dend of 2 1-2 per cent by llanati su- j
rar had been lurecast. The stock re- !
cmtly has been under steady pressure,
v. iiich forced it down to 32, as com-
pared with the year's high of 8! 1-2.
Call m'tey continued on Its higher
basis, rehevvinic and ruling at 6 per 1
cent; higher money rates are attribut
ed to withdrawals from New Yorf;
brnking institutions by interior points
r itl.er than to stringency in funds. A
'derable movement of this rapture
foil, wed the dip in the rate for call
fiii'tia Ja.st week to 3 1-2 and 4 per
' cm.
Killy stability in the bond market
vvu- replaced by a general sagg:ug
'en.b iicy in which losses running to a
point vere registered In issues which
h.-vr been strorhr recently. Liberty
:t l-2c rose to JSS.9S. but reacted lat
er, closing at a loss, as did other gov
ernment issues. In the foreign divi
sion. Pans 6s advanced to par.
THtS CAf? 1 S ' t
C KO ucpts-X, Dot r;S- :
I cmn rr to " j , " tiHtt
Movem. iit to Market
Cuus Wheat to Mump
CHICAGO. Aug. 6. (A
heat tumbled still lower in price
yesterday influenced more or less by
assertions that the present movement
o mm im is nmued only by tne supply ! i,est carding
o, (.iiiiuuu cars itvaiiaiue. 1 ne close
was heavy, 2 1-4 to 3 l-4c net lower. 1 ,,s Um ,,
with September 1.1S 1-4 to J1.1S 1-2 Cll1(.. slllvp, iB,M.r
and December $1.21 3-4 to $1.22.1 OMAHA, Aug. 6.-UnUed States
t orn lost 1 1-8 to 1 l-2c and oats. 3-4 1 h, ,,.., f ,.,, l-. , n,,,. ifn,.i,.t
Western buying proceeds slowly at
unchanged rates.
The goods market is in a healthy
frame of mind, the openings of light
weights thus far having met with a
very satisfactory response. Prices in
the primary markets remain fairly
steady, with good clearances reported.
Oregon Eastern No. 1 staple, 78
SOc; eastern clothing, 60 'y 65c; valley
No. 1, 65 'n 70c.
Territory Fine staple, choice, 8 Off;'
Soc; half-blood combing, GS!ji 72 3-8o:
blood combing. 4S W 54c; quarter blood
combing, 38':! 4 or; fine and fine me
dium clothing, 60'n63e; fine and fine
medium French combing, 65ffr70c.
Mohuir Dcst combing, 27 41 30c:
'i 25c.
to 1 l-!ic. Provisions finished tin- j
changed to 52c lower. 1
With country offerings in the south- I
west somewhat larger and with gos- '
sip current that spring wheat grow- i
ere would sell freely direct from
threshers, the wheat market faced
predictions that the visible supply to- I
tal Monday would show 3,000,nn(l to i
4,000.000 bushels increase. I'nder j
such circumstances a leading elevator ;
interest here was a persistent seller :
throughout the day and there was also i
much selling pressure from the south
west. On the downward slido of pri
ces, export demand broadened out.
but otherwise the market seemed to
be without any adequate support and
rallies failed to hold.
Corn and oats declined with wheat
and September delivery of corn touch
ed the lowest August price since 1907.
September oats was only a fraction
above the lowest level yet this sea
son. Sharp downturns in the value or
hogs weakened provisions.
70, Market 25c to 50c lower; close at
low point; bulk better grades, $9.50ift
10.2.",: top, $10.75; packing grades,
$8.50 i 9.00.
Cattle Receipts. 2500; beef steers
steady, handyweight, $9.00; western
steers strong; fat she stock slow, 25c
lower; canners, cutters, bulls and cal
ves steady; stockersand feeders firm.
Sheep Receipts, 12.000; killing
grades strong to 25c higher; bulk
western lambs, $10' 10.25; top lambs,
$10.40; range yearlings. $6.75; weth
ers $6; eives, $5.50; feeders steady;
early top. feeding lambs. $7.85.
iff '
In this store are not confined to articles that consti
tute big purchases. You'll find the same pr.oportiopate
savings on the little every-day necessities. A glance
over these prices will tell you where to buy if you want
to save. '
I)uro Belle Hair Nets, the double kind, cap shape....l0c
Society Sport Veils r. 5c, 10c
Dress Snaps, all sizes c, 8c card
Hair Pins, package 2c, Sc, 8c, 10c, 15c, 19c
Pearl Buttons, assorted sizes, good quality, card..... 5c
Shell Hair Pins, package 5c 8c, 10c, 15c
Safety Pins, all sizes, high grade pins, package 8c
Lead Pencils 2 for 5c and 5c each
Bias Tape 6 yard bolt, white or colors 10c
Kmbroidery Edging, 3 yard bolt .....10c
Pins, package 2 for 5c; 5c, 8c
Ric Rac Braid, white or colors, bolt 10c
Trimming beads, bottle 8c 5c
Darning Cotton, 2 spools t 5c
Clark's Sewing Cotton, 150 yard spool 5c
Coats Crochet Cotton, spool 10c
Colgates Shaving Soap, bar -5c
Djer Kiss Talcum Powder 25c
Djcr Kiss Face Powder, large : 98c
Djer Kiss Face Powder, medium ..: 69c
Djer Kiss Toilet Water ..$1.79
Djer Kiss Rouge ...49c
Djer Kiss Perfume, 1 oz : $1.79
Colgates Dental Cream, small 8c
Colgates Dental Cream, large 19c
Colgates Talcum Towders. all odors ; v.l5c
Mennens Talcum Powder , 19c
Air Float Violgt Talcum , - 10c
Mentholatum, large 89c
Mentholatum, medium . 39c
Mentholatum, small 19c
Packers Tar Soap - 19c
Cuticura Soap 19c ,
"Featheredge" Rubber Sponges, size 3 25c
"Feattieredge" Bath Brushes ! 69c
Prophylafetic "Penctrator" Hair Brushes 1 98c
Keepclean Hair Brushes 49c
Keepclean Clothes Brushes 49c
Tooth Brushes 10c, 19c
Pronhvlactic Tooth Brushes, each 33c
Fairly Good Demand
Shown for Wool.
I3OST0N, Aug. 6. The Commercial
riulletin says:
The demand for wool has continued
of fair proportions during the week,
with lliu chief call for three-eighths
grade and finer.
The government wool "auction
Thursday was rather unsatisfactory,
with less than 50 per cent sold at pri
ces which were a hit easier.
Win. iiice to Clias. F. Smith, $2700,
lots 3 and 1 in block 1, Kirk's Add..
At liena.
Carl S. McLaughlin to Mark 1!.
Oakes $10. lot 3, block 2. Hermiston.
J. K. Pinson to First Nat. Hank of
Pendleton, $1.00, lot 1, block 10.
Hou.-er's Add.. Pendleton.
Kdward K. Shaw to K. P. Dodd,
$10. mete and hound tract in sec. 14,
Tp. 5. X. K. 2:.
"In this play," remarks Otis Skin
ner. Just back from Spain and speak
in:; of "Hood and Sand." I shall ap
pear for the first time in the ciuirac
er of a celebrated Spanish bull figlit-cr--a
toicrn as they call him over
there. I have studied him at close
range and, believe me, he is an inter
esiing feiiovc. No. I would never be
'otiie an al'cionado."
Now. isn't that consoling.'
7-wall Alaska, cork filled, 3-door, porcelain
lined at $.12.50
40 lb. Ice King; $20.00
25 lb. Ice King $15.00
Beautiful White Enamel, 90 lbs $43.00
Apartment Refrigerator, 75 lbs $32.59
Cruikshank & Hampton
"Quality Count."
124-28 E. Webb , Phone 518
lour Old I'nniHurfi Tnk'-n In Fm'Immucp a Vmrt Par men t on New
fcieiu-de Agcou lu 1'cudleloii for Aurolui (No Whip) orcb
"I Spy You!"
N i s - i J ;
. t I t t " ; 1 ' 'i
lib ' 4 1 i 4 ' ' ft A
li i t Y . t ' '.I ''A ';' .:.,:.;::.'.
III 'I M Fi'n k
Krncst Crockatt, sa.vs that every
time he becomes reconciled to a lit-1
erary career, a circus comes to tow n j
and revives his boyhood umbition to j
be a steam calliope virtuoso. j
I n IK' Da'. Iji lie Da!
(Lamped on billboard.)
Th most astounding sensation since
"Three Weeks" and "Sappho."
In some seml-civillzed countries
married men arc reipilied to wear
wedding rings. How appropriate it
would be if lirnfireers were l-eoliireil
to wear em in their noses. !l
The 4', I'.' Ijillleiit.
Iird, w hen I die, and soon I 'must,
I pray the Iiesert may claJm my dust.
O'erhead the coyote's loud lament,
The wild winds there my requiem
Where I've lived there let me die,
And find that rest for whih we sigh.
Pi. -line Pool.
A I. mi he would a golfing go
. i d golfed with all his might,
He, golfed from morning till noon.
And then he golfed into tse night.
ite golfed his friends in evening
erafs -
j nd polled his wire to (ears,
He frifed the entire office lorce
I l fact he's golfing thro' his vpits
Pebecco Tooth Paste 35c
Pepsodent Tooth Paste, tube 39c
Hinds Honey and Almond Cream 33c
Palmolive Vanishing Cream, jar 39c
Palmolive Cold Cream, jar 39c
Palmolive Talcum Powder 19c
Palmolive Face Powder 39c
Palmolive Liquid Shampoo, large bottle 49c
Pompeian Talcum Powder, can 19c
Pompeian Beauty Powder 39c
Pompeian Massage Cream 39c
Pompeian Night Cream 39c
Pompeian Day Cream 39c
Pompeian Toilet Water $1.19
Colgates Shaving Cream, tube 29c
Colgates Shaving Stick 29c
Colgates Shaving Stick 19c
Gillette Safety Razor with 3 blades, leatherette case 83c
Camphor Ice, large size 15c
Vaseline, Carbolated or Pomade 10c
Powder Puffs, each 5c, 8c, 10c
Face Chamois 10c, 15c
Ivory Soap, large size ,....12c
J. C. Penney White Laundry Soap 4c
J. C. Penney Naptha Soap 4c
Lava Soap 7c
Palmolive Soap .......6c
Penn Olive Soap .......5c
Jap Rose Soap 8c
Creme Oil Soap 8c
Perfection Sanitary Napkins, each 5c
Ferns Sanitary Napkins, package of six 29c
xoria .vnii.FTi: xow coach.
r.OSTON, Aug. 6. 1. 1. X. S.) Mad.
Ison p. Jeffrey, Tufts '19, has been ap.
pointed head coach of athletics at the
school of engineering. Northeastern
Collese. Coach Jeffrey will have di
rect charge of varsity football and
basketball and will assist Coast J. B.
Piigsli v in busebnll. Jeffrey had a re
markable, career fat Tufts. He was
quarter and half back on the. varsity
football team for three years. Includ
ing the year when Tufts surprised
Harvard with a 7-2 defeat. He made
liis letter In baseball two years as a
catcher. Ho captained Ills class bas
ketball team and was the champion
wrestler of th college.
I ha Ui,l..i. . l - n ...
Id. .how performer. . t island IhZ .T lhe rcot l"
nd to .muse the kiddie. Kn The beach u io kcen -
Buy Your Winter BSupply of
Fuel Now and Save
Utah Gas Coke
6.00 Per Ton
(In Bulk at the Plant)
(5 tons or more)
Burn fuel this winter that is clean, smokeless and
soolless. UTAH GAS COKE is the only fuel that is
really clean clean to handle, makes a clean hot fire,
burns to a clean white ash.
"Use coke in furnace, slove and boiler" 1
Pacific Power & Light Co,
Phone 40