. '. , ; 'Y.:"" -v . ' . - ' ' " . - ' . " t rOOVMCR PAQES - DAILY EA3T OREaOOTAK. PEITLLETOS. OSEaON. CATTOBAY EVEHIHO. AnanST. 6-1B21. " PAGS tiLEVEH' Peopled. IBM I.VO io w are going to b farm em coo tnd will you com and I vl ; u to w can hav aom advice about planting th far iin and so forth," read Koger. "Well!" he exclaimed, "Mai Cousin Oert say they've bought a farm fif teen mile t'othsr aid of Great Bar rlngtoa and they want me to vla'.i them!" "Fine!" cried Roger' mother. H wa that Gertrude and her brother might have been seen at the depot, a few wtek later, sitting lo their father car. With them were two city friends who, were visiting them. "Couiln Roger 1 a dandy fellow," explained Oert'a brother Joe, "but he's kind of a diamond lo the rough." "He Un't!" cried. Oeru "He' a real diamond!" Just then the train came puffing In and Oert and Joe Jumped out of the car to look for Roger. In a minute they saw him, "Hello there!" he cried. "Walt a second. I ve brought something for vou." Moth cousin looked pleasantly ex pectant while Roger went to the bag gag room. Boon he returned carry ing on end of a good-elzed crate while a man helped with the other. In i he crate wa something alive. "What la It?" cried Gertrude. "Look and seel" replied Roger. Gert did look and gave a cry of dismay, which she tactfully turned Into a laugh, to as not to hurt her cousin's feeling. "If Bella," (aid Roger, with pride. Tou can't 'farm up thl way without rawing pork." . The city visitor In the car put their handkerchief to their noses and did not seem a bit pleased whsn they Warned that they were to thar their ride with a big fat sow. Jo wa null dlsagreeabl and sulky too, but Cert took Roger's arm and aald: "It ia awful good of you to glv u such a fin pig." - "There' no ly or anything for a rig at our farm." remarked Joe. fAR away I hear the robin singing: la the west the shadow gather fast; All around are little voice springing, And the drowsy day it done at last. Mother toon will come and, bending o'er me, A lh early itari begin to show Come and lay her smiling face before me "Old Earth nods and soon to rest will go. ( PINEAPPLES ) SUM I What smell so good?" asked Jaml a he came Into the kitchen on day. Hi mother sat at on end of the table with a pan In her lap. fixing something from wblcb a dellclou fra granc cam, whll Jamie' Aunt Delia, who had )ut returned from a trip to Honolulu, was telling about tb dd thing sh had don and seen. Neither of them paid much attention to tb little boy, until he said again. "Mother, what ar you fixing f What ever it Is I hop It taste a good aa ll amella," 'It'a pineapple, Jaml. Do you want th cor?" And sh handed bim th lltU hard part that wa left after ant ouulda of en of th llc wa cut oft. ' "If you think that 1 rood, you ought to tat a pineapple that I Just picked, dead-rip." (aid Aunt Delia, watching Jaml smack hi Hps. "Ia It better than thlsf asked Jaml. "Ton would hardly know It for the sam thing a th pineapple that we get bar," his aunt told him. "In Honolulu pineapple do not need any sugar, they art so sweet. Th people thsr don't fix them a mother I fix ing thl on In little piece. They cut th plneappl down from th top to th bottom, Uk long thick finger. "Hut the barn Is good and roomy," put In Gertrude, "only the door's off." "Well," Roger replied, "l guess Bella can get along until we make her a sty. What she really like I to be out In a clover field." "Where'd you get her. Ro?" aiked Joe. "I raised her myself." wa the proud Eekl t k! He Fell reply, "and a sfhartsr, tamer pig you wouldn't find anywhere." "They eat most anything, don't they?" asked Mildred, one of the vis itor. "Sure," answered Roger." only Bella doesn't like oranre peel. She'll BEDTIME and eat It that way." ' "How funny!" Jamie laughed. "Do pineapples grow on pine trees. Aunt Delia V" "No." replied his aunt, "they grow on short, sticky plants something like a cactus." "How many grow on each plantt" Jaml wanted to know." "Only one." "Only oner Where does It grow?" "Right in th center of the plant," his aunt told him, "first cornea a thick (talk out of the ccuter of the plant, then a cluster of flowers grow around th (talk, and this cluaier or flowers finally grows Into a plneappl. On top of th pineapple grow an other littl tuft of leave lumelhio Uk th plant itself." ( . "Is this it?" Jamie tasked, picking up the short sticky lop that his moth er had cut off the plneappl. "Yes, that I it. Th plneappl grower us those tops to make new plants." "Doesn't a pineapple plant have any seed?" "Ie, but th eed Is not perfect enough to produce good plants, go th new plants are made from the lops oi from suckers." "What ar suckers?" Jamie asked. "Suckers ar shouts that spring from th main plant," hla aunt said. eat anything but that." The road was pretty rough and Bella grunted and snorted at every thank-you-ma'm, but at last it was over and they drove up to . front porch. "Welcome!" cried Aunt Gert, open ing the front door wide. "Weill What have you there?" "A gift from Roger,"' explained Joe, In a slightly sarcastic way. "Ob dear me!" his mother ex claimed, as Roger and the other vis itor, Paul, carried the crate to the porch. Square On Her Back "Get m a hatchet, please," aald Roger. Gertrude ran and got It. "Hadn't you better take It around back?" suggested Aunt Oert. "She's pretty heavy," panted Koger, wiping his brow, "and she won't hurt "Robin yonder in the wood it saying: 'Night it here good night, good night, good night ;' Daisies fold their hands, in slumber swaying; Heedless moths are circling round the light." Stars above, like angels' eyes, are blinking. When on mother's breast 1 lay my head ; While of them, in heaven above. I'm thinking, Morrvno comes and ihire m in bed' n - - nJ n il n :! Scew Pulley. adjust To 5uit With ChiCkIh Wine. BoTTOn To Be flADt TbtLuS Strips SpaClo Out half Inch apart Silt. Of Doom To Suit. It at Bt P:.Actp At One Cwo If Dcsirco. ANY ooy would like to keep plg-nns. or dovea, but limy think li requires a very elab ora:e fonipmrnt to care for ii.viu. The arrangement shown I tho drawing was made and used by a boy very succeMfiilly and It Is pre sented here '. Ith the hope that t! may answer the nfed of other boys who would like m k"ep pigeons. The drawing shows a working draw ing of the pun In whlrh the birds are housed, while perspective drawing i u d to show the frame which la at tached to It. To avoid the un of many lines, which would tend io de stroy the rlearnees of the construction fea'ures of the fmme. no wire ncreen Is shown, nor ! the bottom inrllrated. Cyprotis will be round tlie besi ma terial to ue for this construction though If tint ia not available, use1 any (rood wood. A single board may be used for th front and hark prrp of the prt in I "till, yes, our tomato plntns have suckers sometimes, uud daddy pinches thetn off." saia the Utile boy. "Why don't we hn some i.eapple pluuts In our garden, mother?" "1 am afraid ilitiy wouldn't grow very well, Jaine." laughed his mother "Why not?" demanded Jamie. "We hve nlc rich soil, haven't we?" "Yea, but pinrapples ned, in addi tion to nice rich su.t. .V.- et wrm wtathtr much more than w kav in anything, glie's awful tame. But w can tak hr around a right If you say o." "Never mind," replied his aunt, "she's too heavy for you boys to carry." Koger then began prying open the crate while everyone stood around and watched with interest. The noise of the prying and the Jar as each slat was taken off seemed to daze Bella, who lay still staring into space. "Now, you're free, old gal!" cried Roger, giving her a gentle prod. "Get up and go to the barn." Up went Bella's ear, while her lit tle eyes rolled around. "O-o-o!" screamed Mildred. "She looks kind of crazy or something!" For a moment Bella crouched there, then all of a sudden she Jumped 'up and scuttled out of the box, grunting so loudly that Jig. the dog, fled in terror. "This way, Beiia, this way!" yelled Roger, pointing down the steps. But Bella paid no beed. In fact she made a fierce dive in the other direction. Joe happened to be in the way. He stood with his feet wide apart and hit hands on his knee a favorite atti tude when he wa watching something Interesting. Bella must have taken him for an archway because she plunged madly between his legs. Kek! Eek! He fell square on her back. "Stop her!" cried Aunt Gert. "Oh my! She's in the house!" Everybody dashed after the fright ened pig, but Bella dodged them all and backed Into an open door. It was the door of a bed room which was on the first floor, and which Mil dred and Gert were using. Bella fouqd It quiet in there and so she de cided to creep under the bed and rest awhile. .Meanwhile there wa a wild search going on which was at last given up and Bella had a long nap in piece. The next thing she knew she was being disturbed by talking and laugh ing. Gert and Bulla were getting ready for bed. Luckily she couldn't understand what they were saying -o ut pigs. My! How hungry the poor creature was! "It ameils terribly musty In here, but, of course, it's a very old house and the plaster Is all falling down." remarked Gert, Just then Mildred began to scream. "Look!" she cried. "A snake!" So It was, curled up on the rug. The cries of the girle brought Aunt Oert and the cook, but Just as they all came in Bella, who was famished, spied the delicious morsel on the rug. Out she darted from her hiding place and before anyone could say Jack Robinson, she was trampling that snake. In two more shakes the snake was no more. It had gone down Bella's hungry throat. "Did you see that!" cried Mildred. "Th pi ssvd our lives I'm sure!" TbYS Rnd Useful Rrticles Thivr ft Boy Crn Mrk&. BY F-RPrNK I.50LRR iNSTRueTon.Dfcp'T Or nNom.TltwmiM,PuBLtcScnotOrtrT1toiT. At Stock Thick -r r -. .1 If . t i ny!i-n..aJJ Of aoouT . which tne pcvonv an- tiuueu, in. Brain, of course, running lengthwise It is dlvld d into five sections. L.ty out the openings with compass and cut to shape with a coping or turning saw. The construction of the frame will not be difficult. Only dimensions for width and height are shown, as the others may be adjusted to suit the material you will havt to work with. The frame do s not need to be made from heavy material. The bottom is to be made from trellis strips spared about one-hall Inch apart. .This will permit the birds io walk easi.; and also make It easy to clean th? inside. Th entire fij me Is to be covered with chicken . uu. Where it ruiu over the roof at the ends, secure it li such a maniicr that a small space wll! he provided for the removal of ma terial that may coll.ct on the roof a these points. this climate. How Ion does it lake f rvr a pine.ipple lo mature, D.ll??" bl mother utke.l, t':-r..i io his aunt. "A'ltuUl thirteen months," sh re plied. "Why, that's over a year. Isn't tt? I shouldn't think they could grow verj many at that rate!" "They plant three crops a year, sa that there are pineapples coming on almost all th time. And then the.. larv ttrVii t.i.d L,..es of pineapple "Why, she's quite a heroine!" ex claimed Oertrudev admiringly. "Good, pig!" said Aunt Gert. "I did think we couldn't keep her, but now we must If she destroys snakes. Rogerl Koger! The pig is found! Come and let's find a place for her." "She can stay here," said Gert gen erously, but it was decided that the barn was best for a pig, even a heroic one. A.V ANECDOTE ONE day as Tar Peter was return ing from a hunting trip he hap pened to loiter behind the rest of his party to enjoy the cool air. As he rode thus alone he saw a boy standing on the top bar of a gate look ing up and down the road. The Tsar rode up to him and said briskly, "Well, what are you looking for, my boy?" "Please your honor," said the boy, "I am looking out for the king." "Oh," said the Tsar, "if you will get up behind me I win show him to you." The boy did as he was bid and as they were riding along the Tsar said, "You will know the Emperor by seeing the rest take off their hate to him." Boon after they came up to the party who were much surprised to see their king thus attended and Imme diately saluted him. Whereupon the king turned his head and said: "Now do you see who Is the King?" "Why." replied the boy archly, "It is Is one of us two. but I am sure I do not know which, for both of us have our hats on." The king was o much pleased with the lad's wit that he took him Into his service, and' this same lad rose to be one of the generals In the Russian Army. WHEN ST Is always a good thing when you are on a ramping trip to know how to build a fire. Remember these simple rules, and you will have the knowledge to make yourself popular on that next camping trip. Never build a Are near any foliage or In a place where It is likely to spread to nearby trees or shrubs. It la always a good plan to build a small pit of stones In which you can In safety lay your twigs for the Are. Have a space around this pit cleared of any leaves or twijrs that might catch fire. The lirst thins to have to build a camp fire Is a good sized box of matchxa. The second thing to have Is a stock of dry paper to lay at the bottom of your fire for a good stnrL O top of the paper lay small dry twigs loose ly together so that a draft can get In under the twigs and then light your fire from the hotlom. If most of the Pove Cote. - tlATCffAL Cypress Prefix kid Small , Pvllly.s Adjust To Suit Shall Pope For Use In OPEmno Door. Fasten Wire With Sri all Space BcTwecrS It Aho Roop To Allow Fop Ci.(4WO. S 'I' ue Qoor may be of dimensions to :"i!t. If the outtlt Is to be used merely lo confine the birds, only a small door will be necessary, but If It Is desired to open It and permit them to fly in, the door should be about fourteen inches wide by eighteen inches high. The purpose of the small rope u to provide a means of opening and closing the door easily. The sir p running across the top to which the screw pulley is attached should ex tend far enough out to permit the Joor to open its full capacity. Adjuit this pulley so that the rope may run oack to the building at an angle in order that the pull from the ground will be nearly straight. If desired the door may ue placed near one end. The cote is lo be fas:ened to the side of a building or any other place desired, additional security being ob tained by the brace running from the frame to the building. ranches) the plants are stuck into all sorts of out-of-the-way places tha: we would probably let grow up In weeds. The plants have to be culti vated, though, for if they are allowed to grow wild, the fruit is not so Juicy and good-flavored." "This pineapple must have been a big tellow, mther," said Jamie, look ing at th largo dishful the pint-apple made after It was cut up. "How bvg io piasapple get. Aunt DellsT' slpa osqoitoes TNTIL- the Frost King's on , mnir II his throne, te No power the dreac mos- V.V quitoesown; vt 3ut on the garden's tiny seas Vjjf Of rain-drops hold high revelries. jnf5 Their legions pour from every Jj" Which serves as a mosquito- Where each small pest Is taught f fejj -'s beak for murderous deeds and I y YOU GO CAMPING twigs are wet from last night's rain, do not be discouraged, but look for a large fallen tree and the chances are that under its broad trunk you will find hidden some dry twigs and shreds THE JUNIOR COOK HOW TO SERVE If your family find whole or half slices of watermellon rather clumT to serve -at the dinner table try this fashion of serving. , Chill the mellon some hours before using. Just before dinner, cut the mellon Into inch slices. (If only a half of a mellon Is needed .cover the cut end of the other half with paraftlne paper and put back Into the ice box Im mediately. CONCEALED STATE SQUARE WORDS (1) 1. While at Rio Walter was very 111. 2. Please stop Alice from teasing me. 3. Mind you follow all directions carefully. 4. Vou are to call your sister up at eight. (2) 1. Ask the carpenter to put a hasp on. 2. Tell Mr. Hunt I never studied Italian. 3. I left my fan Ned, please look for It. 4. Give Jenny some of the apple pie. ENIGMA I am composed of 12 letters. My 1-9-4 ia a small horse. My 2-1-1 is a river In Switzerland, My 3 is a vowel. A. puzzle Corner'g ... FOLD BwOvCKWAiPlD ON THE DOTTEX LINES ftNO SEE" HOVJ t0&eE . . L.OOKEO EFOKtE HE GOT ALU fc.fc.OKE UP B'E-CftUjE' , HIS TEAM LOST'THE , d rvi r s . "Some i-f them welsh as much as twelve pounds," his aunt answered. "Vou would vtijoy seeing the big fac tori s in Honolulu where they can pineapples, Jamie. Every ship that satis from there has thousands of cans of pineapple as cargo." "Do pineapples grow any other place than in Honolulu?" Jamie asked. "Oh yes! They grow In the West Indies, South America. Asia and Africa, a'though they are natives of tropical Amrlra. They can be culti vated In iot houses In the colder climates. lut more as a curlosliy than anything else. Did you ever hear of plneappl cloth?" of bark that you can us for kindling. And now your fire la lit and you can gather around to toast your marsh mallows or broil your chops and you camping trip will ba voted a success WATER MELLON Trim the rind off the slices. Cut each slice crossways Into inch sized pieces. Pile the pieces Into frappe cup and set on a tray In the refrigerator. When ready to serve carry th tray at once to the table and serve. Wa termellon should be very cold when eaten. This make a very dainty, pretty company dessert and is very littl trouble. My 4-2-10-7 is a river la upper Cal ifornia. My 6-10-11 Is a word. My 6-2-4-9 is a gulf in Russia. My 7-12-12 is a stupid animal. My 8-3-10-11-12 Is a river in Oregon. My 9-1 Is an article. My 10-3-12-12 Is a young girt . My 11-5-4-4 is what boy play. My 12-3-2-10 Is a part of a boat. My whole la a .great natural curiosity. AVSWERS CONCEALED STATE SQVAR3 WORDS 1 2 lO XV A. VTAB OPAL TlNB TV' A L L . A N JV A A L LY UEAe ENIGMA Xaj Inn a Gila ATI RigoAtt fall An Lasj Lagg Sail, XU agara Falls. -UP "No. What is pineapple cloth?" "It is a kind of goods that Is mad from the fibres of tha plneappl plant, and is something Ilka fin white mi . lin. The fibre is used to mak fishing lines, too, and net and rope that are Intended to be used la water, aa things made of plneappl flbra kf not much affected by water,'' "Well. I had no Idea that fytntap pies were good for anything txcept to eat!" exclaimed Jamie' gsvther, hand Ing the little boy anoer piece. "Let" put this In the re.f.lsrerator now, wltb some sugar on It and a lltt! water to make more Jjlee. 1en Ann, Delia la going to tell us mora about tar trip," wj TW It?" JassHo Asked i ' ' ; j - ' . t .. i .. . 4 s.. ..... ..,..,