, " , : DAILTT EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON, FRIDAY EVENING, AUGUST 5, 1921. page EIGHT "V"" TEN PAGE'S " , , , i ...... ;:INTERST why riNCHeo W WtfoLE 'boy. of 'eW.f HI m S P ' 1 L ; I . L ' I ' v , UTTLE C0NVENeE5 jilt T S9 rtU$ WITH viO- SPtfvEO WHflS W1A.D CC DICE (OR RIDIMC IN SAND . SQUIRE EDGEGATE- When' This Member of the Firm Is Away the Plant Runs Full Capacity Regardless! BY LOUIS RICHARD MON- r XV &-' L -nnm you - JJ' court i voic JojtTv--, V 1 1 ft - ZSi... 1 Cor So Tnr SHE VotS FILL RiCH T MO OUT tZ yvjrcHin Hi., VOulK BEDTIME PENCIL PICTURES o SI 3 3J IS- ' . It 17 ,0 . V w .t8 I oiml. ihoufh jrou may not hare thought at mt m thai a-ajr. 1 cooaider my Kit the grraieit Of Xb aoimalt. I lira Id ercrr country ia tbo worll, kowtvrr, la kNa of tbm I'm a different color I try to do all I can to make lift a pleasure fcjr food Ktrla and bora. N'o, wait a minute, I'm not a pony, monkey or a chicken tak another gueaa! 1 like II tblnae toot to eat. tbe aame aa you do and in fact well, I Biuatnl tell, li t up to you to fled out. Juat lake a pencil and atarting at number 1 dra a Una to J. , 4 and ao on. to number 33, until yo i aea wto I am. Then you'll know roe micbty well Coma oa let hurry and And me. W foW Priming Ca., Si. PAST and PRFSRNT ftlM fOR ,4CT'N& UlF A MAN PAST an PRESENT PAST PRESENT VAS. vfttC'NATfD OS THE kEOr SO IT &IE" WOT n H I TRUE TO LIFE 1 ' 'in ana uaJ ''UT NOW "E !) A MAN NO 70 ACT LE A 80V THAT'S .CL iaiNOOAUottTER ON nfR. .l"l';A '.46 'aTx I K ' WON I --iaer.-.. ; I I ,v TllF PAYS ARE kONO-CR 1 But .STiil thf y AR HORlfR Tbe Cook la the Comira. Coadjntant. Lady (to applicant fur R tuation as cook) Have you been accustomed to havp a kitebpn-maid unrler you? Took In tbi'sfl dayi v, p never spi'r.k nf having people "linger t:a." But I havo bad cfjlIpaguoH. The JSon-Thafs bere papa h't rr.e E;Ia. v, t!lat y.M flcj Ma Oil- porn" t:ouveau ni' ' eo ogry wun ounviii u. lUB hm.h- ronlan a!) Ci)vr,,x, jn frni3 and rnf- you7 inciic c:a's. It aeems that the cook she lured -O iway irom me M not aatiafactory." B ggs - V bit did the undcrtciifr do 0 . .. wb'-n they a.ked bin Vt pe fjr m m I ren'. 'I'm K'iusIi. ' h piano? The coal j,robt.!:- tinaid be -.n rk-d Parenole-riat Vour eon has a pro- Jig; Played the "Dead March." of ui o tbe j.ek of cl pric?s r.rjd lousced mithematirtl bump. oiir.'". What else could be do? il rowpi if. JfA fAM FejM t MICA 60 SA-T M ,'AS ILUNQ'S . JF ITS THE. MiilSS- lP kHv do THerCAti. tr rte PA THE R CJr WATERS IP Resident Citizens NEVER PULL A PUN ON A FELLOW WHEN HE HAS A GUN BEN ! 5oborlT Safe. Butcher - And what else, pleaB? The mo.it dangerous thing about a Mr. Newlywedd And and torn widow Is her predilection for marry- gravy. Ing the Inno.-ent byntandcr. 0 0 ,,, a ,t ( , (.-,, t Mrs. N'ewlywed (GiviiiK first onlur to Another aura run for aeaslcknaaa butcher over 'phone) - Please send ma has been discovered. Current Bteam a pound of steal;. sli ip rateg are an excellent preventive. BY CARL ED ICaOtW GOOD LBV CRKL-J I HER.C ' HtBE' I STOP THAT.' ill"''"' ' If VQuRfc OLLV K5:0-V;U l , To Die WH I K.i TELL N'-O I C- BETTER TC rVIC. I O1 IWM feHOOT'Al -.i s all ou ool tp Po j tr How is 1 of& - - DEQB WILL rslLL. ' pop.' p ; -... a Tool ThwT t I kl I c I 1 4 --SV ; ;j Suppose it wa: i-.CH DAY , AMO XilNMER WAS RCADY YEp. But too HAD NO DlMnER GOKG, VAIHAT V5MLD ??? ?? I civE Op! vwA r 3JLfc THE - i Y"9'l . .twjl1 7'CJ do " A t. A 1. A CMP BlLER MEN PeCat,