East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 05, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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fiT ' i ,
News Notes of Pendleton i
June 27-Auurt Mummir
Normal School. ,
July Jg-Meetlng of Umatilla
nd Walla Walla County wheat
September 19.i4Northweat
Grain nnd Hay Show.
September i2, J3, 14-Annual
Pendleton Round-Up. .
Archie TwIU'hell' Ilocovere
U E. Twltchell and eon Sharon
Twltchcll will leave tonight for Seaside
where Mrs. Twltchcll and their eon Ar
chie have heen for several week. The
smaller eon wae taken to the con at In
a very serious condition following a
tonBolitlg operation. Jle Is now much
Improved however.
To Rco Morrow County Also
The Umatilla county party visiting
Grant county next week, starting from
hern at 9 o'clock Sunday morning, will
hlso have on opportunity to traverse
a considerable portion, of Morrow
take their care will prove especially
welcome, according to Secretary C. I.
Barr who is lining up the detail of the
trip., v
On Drunk Vl Today k
George Smith, drunk and disorderly,
was the Hole attraction In police court
thla morning. lie was fined $10 by
Judge FltzGernld.
Clark Is Itanovprliur. "
Leonard Clark, son of Mrs. R. Clark,
who was recently operated on nt at
Anthony's hospital, Is reported to ho I county, with a stop at Heppner Mon
getting along nicely, I day night. One purpose of the trip
home through Heppner Is to note what
sort of road connections exist between
firant county and the Morrow county
metropolis. Present Indications are
thpt between 30 and 40 Umatilla coun
ty people will make the trip. Among
late additions to the lint of those go
ing are the names of Cop J. F. Me-
Naught and E. P. Dodd'of Hermlston.
at present
Use the Phones
Grocery, 2 Phones 526
Other Depts. 78
Grocery, 2 Phones 526
Other Depts. 78 ,
Shnmwny at Mooting
A. R. Pi-umway, Umatilla county
farmer Is reported as having attended
n meeting at Spokane of Northwest
Wheatgrowers association. Others at
the meeting were III J. Herman, Gen.
"i Idaho; R. V. Perlnger, Oakesdule.
v.ash.i . J. Robinson. Pomerov. There 1 soma difficulty
Nethprland PorWds Firearms
It Is not possible to send firearms hy
parcel post to the Netherlands, accord
ing to the post office bulletin receiv
ed at the local office today. Kvery
thlng else but narcotics may be sent.
Narcotics can only be sent to druggists
and physicians.
and J. Fisher, American Fulls, (Over securing enough cars to carry the
party and local men wno can ko and
J, -101 101 101101101 101101 101101
Grandma's Cakes
Comes by express every Monday, Wednesday
and Friday. Always fresh and sweet. In four,
flavors. WHTE, ANGEL FOOD, GOLD with rai
tins, DEVIL FOOD, a dark cake, FRUIT CAKE,
real flavor. One trial will convince. Try one with
your next order.
EACH, 20c
Pendleton Cash Market, Inc
301 E. Court Street
Phones 101 Private Exchange Connects
' both Departments.
-101 101 101 ioi ioi xoi tox iox 101
' The Harding Hlue Sautolr and Bracelet. This new novelty, origi
nated by the Klger Boyn have only been on tha market three weeks,
but, O Boy these three weeks !!
If you haven't one get one now, be In style with the rest and be one
of the first in your town to wear a Harding Blue Ribbon' on your
watch or a Sautolr. Come In and see us, we have Just received a big
selection at very little cost. (Don't delay! Come now). Hanscora
always has the best and newest
"; "' GIFTS, TIUT LAST " ' f
Hansel's Jewelry Store
Girls Taken to Portland
.The four girls arrested at Rieth sev
eral days ago and held here by the
police on suspicion of having ecaped
from The Cedars at Portland, were
taken to Portland by an officer today.
A car was sent up from Portland to
convey the girls back to Portland.
McVabh Lost No Foxns
Dr. D. C. MeNabb, proprietor of the
fox farm at 2214 East Court Street
says that he has SO foxes at his place,
15 of them being this year's baby
foxes. He has been very successful
with his young foxes and has lost none
this year, he says In repudiation of an
Item In the East Oregonlan- yesterday.
Palm Beach
$5.50 and $7.50
Government Men Here. '
Special Inspector A. L. Rush of the
Bureau of Markets, accompanied by
one assistant: arrived in Pendleton
this morning from their headquarters
In Portland. They are gathering data
regarding conditions here and are
visiting all of the elevators In the
county, with the object of studying
bulk handling of grain methods used
Italy Opens Parcel Post
The Italian parcel post which has
been closed to nearly everything ex
cept money, has again been opened. It
is now possible for Italians In this
country to send almost anything home
that will comply with the postal regu
lations of this country. The announce
ment was received today by Postmast
er Cronln.
Officers Were Too Karly
A local party headed hy a state pro
hibition enforcement officer captured
600 gallons of mash In the timber near
Hidaway Springs yesterday. The
party was evidently on the scene too
early to make a complete capture as
the still had hot yet arrived and no
one was on the scene when the party
arrived. The mash was destroyed.
Thinks OH Is Certain
Karl Kupers, who has been very
active in drilling for oil near Attalla
Is confident the move is going to suc
ceed. Ho says there is no question
about reaching oil and that the ques
tion is only one of "when." There Is
now such evidence of oil in the well
being drilled that Mr. Kupers is satis
fied of success if the work Is continu
Searrlied for Gunmen
Acting on word from Baker authori
ties, Chief of Police Jinks Taylor made
a search of the city and Immediate
territory this forenoon In hopes of
picking up the three men who fired at
a Baker officer yesterday. It was be
lieved the men were headed this way
but no characters answering the de
scription were to be found by the po
About that
.af 22. caL for
Post Office Building Examined
"This building is In fine shape. In
fact It 1b one of the best I have exam'
lned on this trip." So said E. R. Put
nam, inspector for the building de
partment of the V. 8. Postal Service,
after going through the local post of
flee building yesterday. The inspector
was frankly delighted with the manner
in which the occupants of the build
Ings and the janitors are caring for the
Grand Jury Meets August SO
According to present plans the Uma
tilla county grand Jury will meet on
August 29 for the purpose of taking up
criminal cases Including the case of
K. C. Amann accused county road
bookkeeper.- In the meanwhile the
audit of the road books of the county
will be started the first of the week
when an expert auditor from Spokane
in the employ of Whltficld-Whitcomb
& Co. will arrive.
Boys! keep kool this
summer by wearing
one of our Palm Beach
suits. Comes in good
range of colors and
patterns, of good, firm
texture and finish.
They are tailored to fit
and wear well. Select
one today.
Boys' Underwear $1.00, $1.25, $1.50
Summer underwear, Athletic, B. V. D. style and
Poros Knit, just like daddy wears. They will Keep
you cool and comfortable.
' Boys' Hats 85c to $400
A new hat for the bow is here. The newest styles
of cloth and straw. Bring him ify we can. fit him.
Boys' Blouses and
Shirts 75c to $1.50
Let your boy wear one
or the other of our blouses
or shirts. They come in
plain colors, neat stripes
and patterns. We can ut
r m ,' "X.
Boys' Wash Suits 1.50 to. $12.50
Water Wont Hurt Them. Fast colored clever
clothes for little folks, in fabrics that will wash fir
mer and fresher than when new, of such materials
as devonshire, linen, beach cloth, gabardine and the
like. They are shown in styles that are the last
word in attractiveness. Bring the little fellow in
and let us fit him out in one of these splendid wash
Boys' Ties. 50c, $L00
In Windsor and four-in-hand, plain colors and
fancy. ..Of very best quality silks used in these ties.
T. T. Kelson Revisits City. ...
T. T. Nelson, who formerly owned
blacksmith shop on the ground where
the "Pr'ultt building now stands across
from the federal building on Alta
street, is now in Pendleton. Mr. Nel
son left here 16 years ago and since
then has been located at Vale where
he has succeeded well in business. His
son M. T. Nelson Is now an interne in
a hospital in Oklahoma but after a
years experience there will take train
ing In a Chicago hospital. Mr. Nelson
Is visiting here as a guest of his father
In-law H. M. Sloan while onroute
home from Portland. While there
they adopted a little girl from the Boys
& Girls Aid Society.
SJisTT"? , i . II
To Makn Braw Bar Tests. ...
Prof. W. J. Gilmore, instructor In
farm mechanics at the Oregon Agri
cultural College will be In Pendleton
early next week. lie is coming to
cooperate with County Agent Bennlon
In conducting some draw-bar tests In
connection with harvesting outfits.
The purpose of the exerlments Is to
determine the amount of horse power
necessary to effectively take care of
certain makes and styles of combines
in any given locality In tho county.
Tho question Is one of Importance to
farmers and Implement men.
Slmilav t-'Sts wero conducted last
spring and the spring before on plow,
lnjr outfils. It is now known exactly
how much horsepower is required to
draw the different plow rigs in the va
rious Loll types of the county and at
the various depths to which the soil
is usunlly plowed. These experiments
created a great deal of interest and
the teats to be made next week are the
result of the Interest manifested In
the plowing -experiments. -
Coal burns out faster on a frosty
Many Gather to See Executive
When he Covers Himself
With Sand; Keeps Temper.
International News Service Staff
WASHINGTON, Aug. 5. Warren
Gameliei Harding is the nation's great
est golf attraction.
"Chlck'V Evans, "Jock" Hutchison
and "Bobby"' Jones notwithstanding,
Warren G. Harding has a bigger gal
lery each time that he plays golf than
any other golfer in the United States.
If the president saw fit to charge
"two bits" per for each person in his
gallery every time he weilds a '"bras
sie" he would net a neat little sum
that might run a lose second to the
salary cheek that the treasury depart
ment sends to him twi e a month.
All Washington likes to watch the
president golf, and to date most of
Washington has seen him at tho game.
No one has heard him, which speaks
well for his tempter.
The president plays most frequent,
ly on the nine-hole course in East Po
tomac Park, which is maintained by
the government for the . public of
Washington. Whenever he appears at
the first tee he Is immediately sur
rounded by a half hundred golfers and
all of the way down the course has an
Increasing "gallery." Most of the
golfers let the president "go through,"
while they stand on the edge of the
fairway and watch him, and it doesn't'
seem to feazo him a bit.
AVarren G. Harding's collective golf
cards may not look well enough to be
framed, but he Is a rare golfer, for he
never displays extreme Joy or chagrin
over his game. Like most of the gar
den variety of golfers, he spends a
good bit of his time in the bunkers
and raises much dust, but, unlike most
golfers, he doesn't raise "Cain" with
the dust Ho Just shoots away until he
is one of the hazard and back on the
fairway, and never a word or even an
ugly look.
Ikirrows Mnteh from Bystander.
Some two score or more old-time
golfers stood by in amazement a short
time ago and watched the president
drive into a .sandpit 100 yards from
the tee, on a par three hole. The pres
ident watched his hall sink in the sand,
walked to It very deliberately, chose a
spooa and tried for an "out." No
luck, but plenty of sand in the air and
all over the presidential golfer. One
more try with the spoon, and the same
net result. On the third shot the little
old ball went shooting into the air and
carried twenty yards over the green.
The president switched his cigar from
one corner of his mouth to the other
and. without even muttering, walked
When the chief executive was out
of. hearing, one of the old timers who
was standing by exploded. "Hell, he
can't be human! Three dubs and not
a single word!"
The old timer followed along to the
green. The president drew a six on a
par three hole.
"Nice work, Joe," said the president
to Senator Frelinghnysen. his oppo
nent, who holed out in three.
Turning toward the next tee, the
president Btopped in the midst of his
"gallery" and asked a youth for a
"Hell, he is human .after all, eh,
wot?" croaked the old tinier.
This was but a fair example of the
presidential control at golf. The chief
executive doesn't always hit them
where he would like them to go, but
he has perfect control of his temper
and tongue, and one bad hole doesn't
ruin his game, for he goes after the
next hole harder than ever.
Believes in Comfort Before Style.
The president may not have the best
golf form In the land, but it's
wager that he has as good golf temper
as any player now extant, unless some
of the characters In those old Sunday
school books have taken up tho an
cient Scotch game.
The executive is not a star golfer,
nor Is he a bad golfer. His scores run
under and over the 100 mark for 18
holes. He plays golf for the sheer Joy
of it, and to win. Whatever he plays
he plays to win, but he plays with an
extreme fair-mindedness and takes no
advantage over an opponent, nor does
he gloat over an adversary's misfor
tune. It Is 'often said that a man's true
character is shown In his gilf. If this
be true, AVarren G. Harding is a gen
tleman and a true sportsman, and
then some.'
Those who make golf an excuse for
wearing dashing, "tweedy" looking,
sport clothes may be Interested to
know that the president doesn't spend
much worry over his golfing clothes.
He wears light linen "knickers" In
summer, with a pair of the ugliest
brown golf stocking ever seen on any
course. Like Ambassador Harvey, he
sheds his coat whenever the weather
warrants it and doesn't care what the
golf fashion books may say about this.
His shirt is of soft white linen, with a
soft collar attached, and his blue bow
tie Is generally somewhat awry. He
alternates between a tweed golf cap
and a white linen hat that flops In an
uncanny fashion over his face. ,
The president is no Adonis in- golf
habiliaments, but he looks like a real
golfer, and you may take it from his
constant gallery, he is.
Among fossils found in the lime
pits at Torrance, California, was a
tooth of some prehistoric fish so large
as to indicate its owner's size was
larger than any animal now living.
With one-third of the tooth missing
the remainder weighs nearly two
pounds, is five inches long, four Inch
es across the base and nearly two
safe Inches thick.
LOS ANGELES, Aug. 6. (I. N. &)
In a collection of wild animals and
Jungle creatures of the South 8ea Is.
lands, declared by experts to be the
largest lot of rare specimens of the
kind ever brought to America, D. B.
Raab, of this city, has transported to
Los Angeles a jiew world's heavy
weight champion, a SOO-pounrt orang
outang, said to be the largest in cap
tivity. The collection gathered by Mr.
Raab, accompanied by hia wife and
one assistant, in the wilds of Java,
India, Borneo, Sumatra and Celebes
Island is valued by experts at more
than ttO.OOO. While some of the
larger specimens have been sold to
the Lincoln Park Zoo, of Chicago, and
the New York Zoo. many of the rarer
animals will be kept In Los Angeles.
In the Raab collection are a palrtf
rare Hawaiian geese, a cage of Chi
nese blue magpies, two otidiphas no
blis, beautiful pigeons the size of
pheasants, palm civets, five huge py
thoAs, a Bennett's cassowary, rare
cockatoos, six pairs of black-headed
ibis, sacred pigeons, several black
panthers from Jahore and Siamese
fireback pheasants.
Mr. Raab expects to return to the
South Seas in September' for other
rare animals and birds.
Chronic and Nervous Diseases mnl
Diseases of Women. X-Ray Electric
' , Therapeutics. ,
Temple Bldg." R00m lt
Phons 41
For the best iced tea
buy Hilvtlta Black.
Make it according to the
directions on the box.
Then pour off into a
glass half filed with
coarse ice, sweeten and
add a slice of lemon.
The Policy of Economy
This is' a subject of interest to everyone and we wish to impress upon you the
splendid saving which this store can accomplish on purchases made of us. We ask for
the opportunity to prove our claims of selling the BEST MERCHANDISE FOR THE
NO. 1 NO. 2 NO. 3 NO4
Gold band cups and tVest Electric Curl- '
saucers, ers- 5 on a Lare 'as3 "uit Aluminum Perco-
.. 6 for $1.75 card 23c bowls 33c lators $1.89
on the basis of giving you FULL VALVE
for your money at all times. Should
there bo any dissatisfaction on any pur
chaso at any time please accord us the
privilege of making an adjustment meet
ing with your satisfaction.
lust received, a new ship
ment of English tea pots.
Several decorations. Priced
fl.00 and $I.2V
Coveralls for the Kiddies 70c and $1.39 I Baskets for picnics, shopping and babies
I play things 90c to $3.00
"Sloro for Ix-ss"
night than upon snz ctnir.