. . riilHli,IMI,,f, fttoNDAtf EVENINa; AtJfiUST'l, '0Art.riAST OftgCflgtAN, E&tPItf3fl o&gflOI, fctGST fAG3 - For : Rent, IStc., :- Classified for Easy Reference. Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals, Lpst,Found - v - - fl' '' - - i . . ' ...... . . ' CLAtSlVlED ADVEU'rilUa 4 - . IUTKO Bet-Is l-polntCountlng? ,1s erdl- t tnry werds to the lin. 4 flr( iMortlnn, pur line... $.10 if Eaeh additlonaf censeeuUv, 4 f ' iMMTtlnn, pit line --.... .014 On mmthv ererr leeue, eaoh 4 insertion, er Itn 45 4 ,? Q1H muiiuia Gvnirw.li v r i j in- sm, eaon Inaertion per tin, (twelve month! contract, ev- ery Isau. each Inaertion, p Iln, .......... 4 Ada not run cotsecutlvely, 4 each tneertion, pr line . f No da taken for it than 1 Ilea, mioiojuio cnarge. f 1 Fdtl RENT 2 room apartment 615 ' Willow Street.-, ; ,' WANTED AT JUNCK--Baby Phoue S90-W. " ' ' " R.KXT YnlotHy furulMlieii alep. ng ruun. Jlii Willow Ht. ' POlt It KNT 3 fUfnlKh!d huiiHCkccp lns room. 612, WYWi-ub St. v WANTRIA:rurnlh houi or tbo f '"'r auuiia oiiiy-r-ynuii tz. - lCKST A bunch of key In l-a.tiinr kc) t taMoI---Heword offoied, call 807. TWO UOS diHlrc ride to I'ortlund IH auto wllllns to aliarc expensft of trip. Plione S98-1I. CAPAIH.B wma ciiita worV, ood ook and housekeeper. Addrosrf St" Bast Orttonlan. 1XST M Union IToll or bettrwi h(l V nd French Itataurant. ladles wrist -aSch Reward, leavo at K. O. orflca.' U'ANTKD Apt. or amuH houa, fur f alilied wltfc modern coB-enleneo, by Sept. 1. T.. F." Italllurgeon, l'lronc ll-J." I'AtrKAOB FOUND on Lea St. erode v-'4wavr can tinv name by catling and MoTith.vtng conlentH. Cor. Clay and Wbb St.. Char. Weaver. ' WAXTBD Rooiu ftnd board for or 4" feontlemen for next aeven tnonth vrt kit Main ntreet preferred. Apply A. J. OtoeiW Hotel Pendleton. WANTED Three men to solicit or-'.-dera ece!ry to hn one man w1t!h jiiuchfcie. ChII between 10 anj 11 .Tti.; Room "i. Hotel Oregon. HTOTJiN Vuid lUfe Containing re Mjipts on Joow and Condoetom, finder ptatw, reiarn to E. C. Deldin, Spokane Hotel, Penilleton, and receive reward. FOR fJiLK. CHKAP Va moa1 ,ClH-vrlet. fltvrclnmi -condition and raachanlcujly ,A-l-r-iitj)(cd with vaeuum feed and , KOud tlrei. See Charley at llanile1. LOST AND FOUND lO.ST 5x4i4 Bilvertown Cord ttrt tube, rim nd lire cover, between Pen dleton a ud Pi'ot Rock. llewttrd. Lav, at K. O. Of fteoj LOST Large brlndl, milch cow dr BO brand vHlble long hom $1.C reward If delivered to 1. 0. ItDiorsh ranclt, aoulh of reservation. LOOT Betweea Xfe and Frank Jone ' pkt and lllot Hock on July lith.. a brown Indian blanket. VIII (my reasonable reward for Ita return. Mrs. R. M Jlamrti tllot Rook, Oregon. BASEBALL SUMMARY "TSationaf League Handing. Pittsburg New" York Huston . . Brookn . 40 sr. .632 .61!) .582 .w .M .432 27 .639 .613 .823 ,tS5 .468 .447 . . . 37 . .. 4U 49 ... 11 I J ...41 64 , ...41 56 . . .' 2 " Si Bt Louis ....' Chicafo Cincinnati lYUmuVlphln, ........ , Aim-Hum Loafuo Cleveland Now York'. WaMilnrtun Hctn.it St. l.oflis , . . ..'. Ii'.v. lioston ,. ' Chicago .-. KIhihIIiiR. . 87 . S3 . 4 .. 44 . 42 . 42 36 48 81 (0 CI C4 U .438 .375 Phlladvlplilu 56 .I-acitl nmst Ijromie Wandlngs. fiM ITran. lu.-n 7S 43 . .64 ijon Aiigclua ......,..... Uax-ameiil, outUo 6 yaklaud . . . 4 Vernvn : 81 Halt La ko .......... ..... 41 Portland. . i ..-.... . -8 48 i 61 Dl 63 59 74 8.7 .570 .467 .460 .547 .439 .356 .230 . Ytateetlay's llcmilta, . Al Portland 5. 10: Vernon 2. 2. ' At SeatU, 2, 7; Oakland 7, 2. . At Han Fruncisco 2. 6; Salt Luke 0, 8 At Los Augi'lcs. 3, -1: Pwcramcnto 1. 3Al , OLD PALS (Bringing Up iP THERE IF li TlPPlNO It ai-Ars fi i HArE I lmm' n"" - iiiiiMwinmn tig':r7F--JTXM'g "T'T- n-'"i ' T, "T" 4 -vr. x . rm vi. ForymrMomo USED CAR EXCHANGE Fun 8tLi; King Eight oar in good nhufi, . rlicup for , CMh--Phvne "Oft SALE aiaudli r cur will' tnk. Ford as port payment. Phone iJ, Hi V.. Court ft. FOR SALE Two ton Kab truck, good condition. Snap UV' taken at once. See Cliilds, Siinpann Autn Co. FOR KALH 1-ton Rcpublio truck, good ahupc will tulie Ford In" trade, easy U-rma on balance. Oldsmobllc Co. FOR AIJ7 Ford roadHter with de livery bed. Also Overland roust about both In good condition Phone T41-W, OAKLAND TOURINO CAR In firat class flinpo bargain wall . take ForoVIn trade. Ford rouslabout, very reasonable. R wtll run. R. M. Taro-T ler. Phone 870. F1S Willow Bt. NOTICES ix rocx Th, following aescribed animals have been taTeri up by the marshal of the City of Pendleton, to-wlt: On, blue stallion; t years old, Indian brand, right hip. ; One black filly,' white face,1 year, eld. branded lasy E right shoulder. Ono roan mure, & years old and colt, brand; lasy K right shoulder. ' One bay mare, t years old and colC brand, lasy E right shoulder. Ono black horse, 2 years old. white ftion, brand, lazy 12 right shoulder. If said animals are not claimed by the owners or those entiled to their posKession, costs and expetws iald and taken away within ten Qas from the date hereof, then at t o'clock 1. M. of the th day of August, 1021, the said animals will be sold to the highest bidder, at publlo auction,' for cash, at the City round, In wild City of Pendleton, tho proceeds of such ale to bo applied to the payment of such costs and expenses of making sole. Dated this 28111! day of July, 1921. W. R. TAYLOR. ' City Marshal. Notice of llltls for I'urnlsliliig Coal NoUre la hereby given thut sealed bids will b, received at the office of the County Clork, in Pendleton, Ore gon, up to 10 o clock A. M. on August Drd, 131. for furnishing to Umatilla County, F. O., B. Pendleton, 50 ton coal, to be either of Bprlng Canyon Lump, Pcaeock Rock Bprlngs Lump or Kemmercr Lump. Bids' to .sicciry price er ton and tlino dollvory can be made. The Court reserves the right to reject imy and all bids. . Dutcd this !Dlh duy tf J"b'. 1921. FOR SALE GOOD VoilK HOR!B for nale or will trade for cow. Call 742-J. FOR S8LE Well furnished Apt. house rhRp Plnni 427-J. FOR SALE OR TRADE 1920 truck J. it. Bryan, 310 Tustln Btreet. MEN"? SriTS Ct.TCANKD, 11.50 St Rt RlV. 167 W. Webb, Phone 686. FOR SALE All kind, nf Insurance. - 3. H. Estes, 814 Main St., Phon, 804. FOR SALE Modern bungalow-Inquire 1118. Main St., evenings after 5 o'clock. ' t?t. Joseph 0-4. Oklahoma City 1-6. Omaha 0-10, Tuhti 4-7. American Awwintlon Romilts. ,lH)Hisville 11, St. Paul 4. Txlcdo L Kansas City 3. lt;ianalis Minneapolis 2-4. Columbus 13. Milwaukee 1.' " Father Delayed in the Mail) '5 AHYrHlNO !5 MONEY. orEusmssSib) FOR SALE Two BUwett Barraatm Phona 14F1L ' - FOi 8ALB I. room houiio win. t n Vajld arag bn north slua For term, WrJe Box 123 Ecko, Ore. ' FOR SALE 8-room fiousa. A bar gain If taken at one. For parti ov lars write Box 10S. Adams, Or,. FOR SALE I room' house sleeping porch and arag strictly modern at 70 Mari Inquire 711 Marl, SL FOR BALE Hatching egg, ! from thoroughbred single cbmn Rhode Island Reds 104 W. Webb, Phone 8(4 FOR A LE 3 car loads Red Split Ce dar fence "posts 7 ft. S cents each, f. o. b. cans. Frank E, Blair, Lowell, Oregon. 1 .' i; ' ' FOR SALE A nice home Cheap If : taken at once; terms; alo'ttlirr lots cn,,,,P' Res. US Jane St. Phono S10-W. FOR SAHE CR TRADE Four 100 1 bu. bulkr wheat boxes for common wlieat rack Phon, 1F1. O. ' H. Hampton. FOR. BALE 88 Caterpillar, over ' hauled In good shape for harvest statlorry attachment Atfdres, Box 700, Pandleton. . FOR SALE 80 acrea timber, land lo cated near Parker Wells, Umatilla County, fjre. For parttailars address Mrs. Nora Vagelinor, oiWion, Orcaon. FOR 8AJJ3 -i-Portland prtorty I 8"000 term. Seven room- house, paved street. 4 lots,, garage, barn, chicken coop, and run, berries, fruit tret's, fine shrubs and roses. Address 709 Gerard St., Portland,- Ore., Uni versity Park. , j ' Bargain ....'.. 31200.00 buys 2 Iota and 6 room house. 1 80 acres river bottom land, small payment or house la Pendleton. Bal ance 6 percent, . PENDLETON INVESTMENT CO. 115 H. It. St. IImmicSA . For Sale . 7 room house, north aide, beautiful r home. S room bungalow, north side street paved. t Houses In all part, of the city,- some on easy payments. ' ' . : Large and small ranches hoth alfalta and nheat, also dairy ranch, well quipped. . i ' ' Ceo. W. Elder tt Son 818 Main h'L Phon 993 FOR RENT FOR RENT, Apartmejit, Plioiie 004. APT8. AND ROOMS ALT A API'S. -Phone 110-W, ROOM AND BOARD for gentlemen , 61 E Post St. : ROOM AND BOARD for men only I 403 F. Webb. I FOR RENT- 1 suit, offlc robm la- i qiilr, J'enlaud Broa . , FOR UF.NT 6 room house , days.-f Phone J43-R. for 90 FOR RENT Ing rooms.' -3 furnished housekeep -Phon, 73-W. FOR RWNT Furnished rooma apartments. Phone 687-R. and ROOMS WITH BOARD If desired 210 8. Main Phone 6S7-R. a FOR RrcNTSoeplne-room.' reason, able rate-Vllf MlslW.; rhpnc 246-J; FOR RHNT Four room ft?it., $13 per month for 1 months, 4'hone 7-W FOR RENT Two : housrteepmg rooma. Phoee 73-W after a'clock BARNEY t RE5PECTOBLE 0E66AR3 I CALLS En -HftLF OF 'CM COULD WRITE YOU Off A CHECK IN FIVE FIGURES THEY GET PEEVED IF rtXJ ClVt CM i i i . . . . n r- m , i . n,u i w . but, ... us , , . i , w-m j . w u , u i , THftT RATTLE3 Handy Business Directory Thf Directory la especially handy for lb, out-of-town raider who may want the nam, ana aaareae "j"'" the foU.wliur llnea. All ar, reUabla, reapor.albl, bualneaa eoncerna who itand ready to (Iv yon prompt men. , r FOR RENT Nice eulto of room, in Temple building. See Dr. 1. U, Temple. . ' ROOM AND BOARD for lady. In quire 124 Jeff-Davis; between 5 and 4 p. m. i FOR RENT Well furiilahed apart ments, close in 401 Aura Kt. Phone 243-MV FOR RENT Z light houHokecping rooms, down stairs, front 219 W. Court Ht. FOR'RtNT Two threa Worn fur- Dished apta., wltft bath on, with sclose in. Also furniture for aaio md nnuae for rent Phona li'-J. PASTORS lor horaea. mule, and cat . tl t.i0 a per month mountain rang, good grasa, water and salt - will get them and ellvor them Ad irMw E. B. Klddwr. Oihboa. Or . WANTED WASHING fin, laundry and ,llk Phone Sll-R. . , - WANTED--Work cooking In harvest by lady KL Elmo Rooms. WANTED OOD CLilAN RAO" AT The East Oregonlan office. WANTED Mar; team and' wagon to tui vna3'f on' shares. Phone 2F6. GCMD CAPABLE wema, will tas. laundry homo or go outald, by fh, jay. Phone 730-W ; -. . 2CICELT FURXISHEO rrbnt ' room, best nogihhortiood, -Jackson Bt t man only. Phone (S4-R. '' - CANDYMaF JNO hustnesav BUrt . at ' home, ri.rythlng furnished men, women, $30.00 weakly Boa Bon Co., Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED Two ladies to travel, 30 " week and expenses; 8 to work city and ootsido towns, $3 day. Room 25, JGoldea Rule Hotel, Mrs. Jones. L.VDY STENOGRAPH BR, bookkeep- ( er, severaj years experience, inciua- lS law, desires permanent position; meantime will accept temporary worts PhoneJ63-R. MISCELLANEOUS, PLAITING of all kinds Phono 688 Mrs, Lee, 3(6 Post St, MRS. ADA FIELD Bplrella corsetier. Phon, 824-W. Address 514 Jane. ALL tCINBS of patients 'cared for by experienced nurse BOO W.. Webb- Phone 884. RAG RUGS and carpcts.--AII kind, of , fancy work. Wheeler's, U00, W. Railroad St. u , WE ARB TAKING CONTRACTS for wheat hauling. Phone 468, Oregon Motor Garage. Brown Brady Undertakers and licensed embalm ed. Calls nlKht or day promptly at tended to. Lady attendant. Phone 61. HOME WORK; experience unneces sary; everything furnished, $30 wkly., up. Send self addressed stamp ed envelop, for free particulars. Boa Hon Candy Co., Philadelphia, Pa, KIHe Dressmaking; Gowns made to order. Evening gowns a specialty. Hand embroidery, braiding and lieading. - 310 Aura St. Wli STAUT YOU In Uie Caudvmaklitat ..Business at home, or email rootnj a"ttywhere.- Everything furmshea: Ex perience unnecessary. Men, women. Earn 130 to $100 wkly. Send self ad dressed, stamped jenve'.ope for r. art leu -lata., Ron-Bon Candymaker, Co, Phfladelphia, Pa. AUTO ELECTRIC WORKS WE REPAIR anjthing-electrical on an automobile. AV. tl Cua4Jo. AUTO TIRES PENDLETON CYCLE CO. AJax, Re fers and Savage tlrea. S18 E. Court Street. ''" Li a BENTLEY ft CO.i-Goedyear aad Diamond xlrea Tire eervlce, : oils and accessories. Alta and Garden Sts. GERTSON 4'MARTT Gate, Super-,-Tred tires 039 Cottoawood Vul catilvlng knd repairing. , ' i" ' :.: PENDLETON RUBBER A StTPPLY CO. Barney Oldfleld. Goodrich Sil- vertnwn Cord ana penasyivaeie w Cup. SOU K. Court. HASN'T MUCH USE FOR THE VKX1L0 A fW PIECES OF SILVER W TOR. rrJR TROUBLE ? - 1 r ,1. ii . ii TJ1U IX .11 UI.L7 ; I . I -J11H UU JLffIlUI ,3UN I r I 1 I II M.r.j 4 TIME CAflO ' 4 4 Weston-Pendleton Auto Stage 4 Leave, Weston for Pendleton at 4 4 7:1 a. m. and 12:45 -! m. 4 4 Leaves Athena for Pendleton at 4 4 :0Q a,, m. and 1:0, p, m. 4 4 Leave, Adams for Pendleton at 4 4. 8:20 a. m. and 1:20 p. m. 4 4 Leaves Pendleton (Allen-Knight 4 Co. 8tore( tor Weston at 10:00 4 a, m. and 4 p. m. 4' 4 O. H. McPHERRlN. Prop. 4 444 4 4 4 ,44 44 A 4 . . TIME CARD PAnt Rocb-Pendletoa Aato Mace 4 . LeavM Pendleton Hotel and . Franc-n Rcstauntnt :0 a. an.; Leave, Pilot Rock Hotel a a. ca. Leave, Pendivaa Hotel and Frtticii Restaurant 11:0 a. a.; 4 Leaves Pilot Roek ttotal 11 a. ax 4 ' ( Leaves Pend 1-ton Hotel and French . Restaurant t:It Leave, Pilot Rock Bote! 1 m. 4 ad -4 .: 4 t , leaves Pendleton , Hotrt and 4 French Restaurant S:00 P .: Le.vtM Pilot Rock Hotel tiM 4 s. m, - v ."".;.- 4 -. We carry aama, a 4 4apreas. " 4 .; FANCHO BTUBBLEFIILD 4- 4 4 4 4 ' Pendleton-CmaUlla A ate e 4 Atar Leav, Pendleton e:o 12.0ft Echo 6:15 1:18 Btanrjeld :80 1:18 ' Bermlaton t:6S 1:S Ar. Umatilla 10:11 1:16 4:00 1:16 1:86 6:66 4:16 4:00 4:10 4:46 (:00 1:11 Leave Umatilla . Rermtstoa 8tar.fleld , Echo ; , 1:00 ' 1:20 1:45 :00 10:15 IS. Ill 1!l20 13:46 1.00 Ar.- Vend. 1S . Two Trips Bnmlny 4 Leave Pendleton :nO t, m. 4- Md 4:00 p. m. '.. - 4 Lea, Umatilla 1:00 a, tn. 4 and 4:00 p. m. - 4- - Office Motor laa Garage , ". 721 Cottonwood at 4. Phone 861 ' . PELL Jt DAWSOJT Parcel, delivered to aD way points. v . 1 . AUTO TOPS GADWA'S AUTO TOpJ.. Plate Glass, Racks. Side Curtains So 1 East Court en. " ; AUCTIONEER COL. W. F. YOBNKA Auctioneer, Call at Sturgis b Etorie's Implement Co.i for sale dates. AUTO TRANSFER C, E. WILLIAMSON Stand at Grins' Cigar Store. Phone 1075. , FOR. QUICK SERVICE Call Bud Cornfield, Phone 62, Crescent Cigar Store. Residence, Phone IC69-R. ATTORNEYS GEOROE W. COUTTS, AttorneT at law. Room 17, Bond IUdg. R. l.,KEATOR, Attorney at Law, Room 14, Smith-Crawford Building. CARTER . 4SMTTHE, Attorneys at Law. 124 I Court St, FEE & FEB, Atrorneys at Law. fices In Pcspaio BulWrntT. - Of- . A. LOWELL, Atturney and Counael U at Law. Office hi Uespedn Btdg. S. A. NEWBERRY, Attorney at Law Federal Building. PETERSON. BlsTiop Clark, At torneva at Low.' Rooma 2 and 4 Smith-Crawford ntfar. JAMES B. PERRY. Attorney at Law, . Office over Taylor Itsirdwaee Com- fiawy. RALEY. It ALE Y STE1WER. Attor neys at Law.- Office W American National Bank Building. FRED H. FCUMTDT, Attorney at Law." . Room 184, Smith -Crawford Bids. .. ' v- ' BATTERJES PHILADELPHIA DIAMOND GRID . BATTERIES guarenteed for 18 months. W. E. Cliae Co., 110 E. Court St. Telephone 209. Pendleton. ; t7 WAITERS SLAts GATHER up FORKS AND SP0CN3 HAVE 'EM " ME TAKE -SILVER. of Pendleton ' . . a CATERPILLAR WORK CAltiUVli-LAKS, harvesters, gas en gines, automobiles ' and , general blackamltWing. Round-Up Garage, Parks Jt Nchergail, St J AVert Webb. CARPET CLEANING WE WASH and clean the finest ruga - satisfactorily. Reference, gtvan. We make fluff rugs from old oar pets, WaUa Walla Rug and Carpet Clean ing Co. Phone 1,77. PARKER "A BANFTELD, Designing. Engineering, Corartracttng, 1 jrears experience in concrete and brick con struction. 4 E. Third St., North Port, land, Oregon. - V . , EYE SPECIALIST CLEANERS AND DYERS fAVTORIfTM PHONE 473 CLEANING AND PRESSING MODEL TAILORS & CLEANERS 'Pressing and repairing. 844 W. Webb St. , Pbone 321. Pendlctna, Ore. FURNITURE NEW FURNITURE STOP.E-It will pay you to come and see Fisher 're fore buying new end second hind fur niture. 302 W. Webb St, Phon, 111. FARM LOANS i I SNOW DAYTON. II 7 E. Court St.. . Real Estate, Fire Insurance, Faro Loan. See us abont a loan. DRAYMEN WHO MOVES YOU is Just as Import ant a, wwere you move. We also pack or store goods. We do country hauling Call 429, Penland Bros. Transfer, 114 W. Alta. MADE TO MEASURE Carl E. Franseen, Elk, BIdg. CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS JlJflliG U FOR JhE PICNIC LWCH Butternut Bread Tlie bread made from pure, sweet milk, cuts nice, stayfc nice, will not dry out; The Dean Meat Dept. OC Phone ou youh mms, AND LET HIM SAYS HE'LL and Vicinity uUILIa ViladnaMam IOB who Br4MM a LAUNDrTY EVERT Article Laondsred Fsrfs. There's an - agent in your IK Troy LsamtrtT 0 Qawrdeii St. DOMESTIC LAOTEDR T 01 E. C4Br rnone 0. W malnUla a lnt- plete mending depart merit. .:;.. HEMSTTTCHIa HEMSTTrCHINO at the Sir.gr8h. Mall orders promptly - aCTWwletl if HEMSTITCHING Mall 4rderl-Wr. Ralph Hasseli, 417 Bash, thoS - New and Second Hand DcalcS V. CTROBLB, deaier 4W "d ond hand goods. Cash raid fo second band good. Cap to buy household goods, 310 E. Comn ni. . FURNITURE, rIalrinfc4X!tln. crating, opholstsrt-.ilt, trpt '" jng 7 years experience Mich.. Fwrnlture CO. m -All work uax- anteedl 81J W. Whb Bt. OSTEOPATH rt-. n b! uni.T O'steouathlc. physi cian and Surgeon.- Judd BU- Tele phones. Office amy, Restdeace Painting and Paper Hanging PAINTS, WaM Paper. ttr"r"! Ing. U J. JrtcAtee, th, Piractloal Paint Man. Low, Brea, Pl" . RADIATOR REPAIRING ALTA AUTO RADIATOR - WOBK8 ; 701 East Alta atreet. AU make, of .! radiators repaired. Worlt gruarmatsw. C. BUsherg, Pro. , : ' RESTAURANT ' THE QUELLE A nod place U eat. SHOE REPAIRING NEW SOLES. KOUDer - French Weodea eei While Too W art rw--; Uot.pl taL -. SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUTICa 9SBup-to-datre ectual m Ing science practisea. w . . P. S. T-5 N. D. Room 12 Peebler Bldg. PHOTOGRAPHER . . a .. ou Jtndak work wsj w1U flnleh Free on roU and ono ptw each. Ward Studio. - TAILORS 47 Main St. . Tatom Co. .GrK688 4 4ViI BVH. F. O'Neill MISS SLATS SE2 IDF. SOME OCCASIONS WE mVE TO PUT VERY LITTLE ON IN ORDER TO 6E WELL 0RE55EP : ' ' ' . . I ' . ' - .a, . .a. ejk. t eae !