East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 29, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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-W 'V . ,
J '-I
i t
Friday and Saturday Shoppers Will Find This Store Crowded With Good Bargains.
IT IS A .l(i:.T SATlsr.U"! ION I
To shop when yon knov ihul ymir
food has been kepi constantly cool,
free from the fllihy flies and tin- i"Kt
nf the mrrH, Tin' l"irr I'NhkI Mmp
la WllllUlJ, DM.I IMl Oli dll.
WNinnw Gw.o-ntr nr.pvi)Ti;NT stohk
.i.iMMi w Vol it.oiTiv; m:i.s
Xyiiythor It be a light lunch, drlvtmr
gloves, a on nip eookinp; vessel, or out
ing suit or 6. big lert-r-wlmli'ver you
need may bo The Rljr Store has pro
vided an immense stock of. this class
of goods. Let lis luip you with your
lYidav Slid Saturday Mi"l ls-v
Polka Dot Percales
36 iich light colors. . 21c
i, l"ridm ami hatnrdify Shoppers
S3.00 Iaiu:.Taf felas 81.90
, A beautiful Dresden Silk.
i it
lVtday imI SntnrdHy Mio!kt
Fancy Wool Plaid Skirting
, Highest Quality, 1-3 Less.
' lYiilay nml Saturduj Mi. m rs
. . Famy Neckwear . ...
Large assortment, 1-3 off.
I'rittay mid Saturday s!ipers
.wUlXace& Reduced .
Every Item Reduced 25 per cent
to 5q per cent. .
i '
I'l-hluy mitt Saturday SlupN'rs
..... . 11 Canvas Goods
, Reduced
Tents,Tarps, Sheets, Etc.
Friday nml Saturday ShniHrs
Dai iity Laces 5c
Odds and' ends, values to 40c
Friday ami Saturday Sliopiiers
Colored Silk Pongee SI. 15
, Sold regularly at $1.75. .
I'Yhlny anil Saturday Sliopers
Combination Cookers
Beginning Friday and Satur
day we will place on sale a limit
ed number of the popular "5
combination" cookers in pure
aluminum built up in a good wt.
with the. most approved vessels.
These vesels are true values at
the price asked'and on account
of the limited number they "will
go fast. Come get yours.
Friday anil Saturday Shoppers
Organdie Flouncings
, 'A limited, lot, 1-3 Less.
Friday ami Saturday shoppers
Drug Sundries Under
priced 'We 'sell this goods for less.
Friday and Saturday SlmpiM'rs
All Dress Voiles
Special at 29c, 59c and 7-lc.
Friday ami Knfurtlay Sut pei
All Straw Hats
One Half Price.
I'riilar ami Saturday M-opper-i
310.00 Silk Shirts 3493.
A wonderful sale.
Friday and Saturday Shoppers
Men's Dress Shoes 81,95
A big lot of Odds and Ends.
TOROXTf. (int.. 'July 2. (I. N.
?,) Invasion of Ontario by the vaca
tion1 army is In full swing. From New
York, ChteuKo, Detroit and scores of
other American cities anglers nro rush
ing Into the forested uplands that fire
studded with Kem-IIke lakes. Other
toui'iits laden wilh Rolf i-lulw, tenula
rackets, canoes and other ou'tliiK traim
a rp tuviiiu toward the mnny reaort
aloni? the U mud Trunk Railway, Moat
C these summer playgrounds are hid
drrln the heait of u wllilerness almost
untouchel hy encroaching civilization.
Hulletii'S from the fishing front. In
.llcnte the season's catch of muskel-
loime, black bass, trout, salmon put
anil pickerel will far surpass big hauls
of orcvlous seasons.
IScavlest retrist ration is reporieu i
l.'hkc of Hays, Kuskoka Lakes, Kawar
tha Uikes, CobourR. Jlideau Lakes,
Severn Kiver, Belleville, French Kiver,
Port Mope and Algonquin Park. In
the Uike of Pays, Knwartha. und Mus
Imka Ike:-t districts are scores of re
sorts. Lake of. Mays nas neen pupumr
fi r many seasons. It Is on an isianu
in the Lake of l'ays that Higwin Inn,
the newest, largest und most elabo
rately equipped of Canadian resort ho
tels has been opened.
one may lenve a Kimie of blllards In
tin hotel, light 1 cigarette, stroll out
over an Indian trail and before the
cigarette is finished be In a deep forest
Heaviest travel In years to these dis
tricts is reported.
wo haven't made an effort to secure
new members now for more than a
year." We are planning to got busy on
this work before long, and undoubted
ly, we will bo larger then than we are
now." '
I rememliered the complimentary
remarks I had heard from Pendleton
visitors to luncheons of this organlza-1
lion, and such an apology was alto
gether unnecessary.
Want nutter Creek llonil
One thing that la mighty Important
will strike a visitor here, and that Is
the fact that Hermlston business men
have a wide vision. They are not con
tent to remain as they are now, and
they arc looking for new places to go
and new problems to conquer. The
McKay Creek project Is one that is
of very vital importance, and they are
Intensely Interested In seeing the pro
duct realized. K'wlll mean a great deal
to the town,nd the men who are do
ing things realise this und are leaving
no stones unturned to make the dream
of water for many thousand acres tri
butary to their district come true,
They want to see a Butter Creek I the town.
Banking facilities for the town are
amply taken cure of by the First Na
tional of which V. B. Pwnyw Is prosl
Ort. The capital stock Is 2I,000 but
the surplus Is almost as great as this,
so the bank 1s In a strong condition. .
Mnliiwurlng In F-dltor
The Hermlston Herald Is edited now
by Bernard Mulnwarlng, an O. A. C.
man who has fcepn hero only a short
time. He came about six Weeks ago,
I believe he told us, and has got out
two Issues of the puper. He lias a
staunch friend In Prof. C. J. Mcintosh
who expects Malnwnrlng to do some
excellent work In the Journalistic field.
Ho likes .Hermlston, too, so that is a
combination that should lake care of
Hermlston from the point of view of
support from l)a own paper;. , " , ?
An excellent Carnegie library Is nt
asset to the community! that seems jiv
bo wll appreciated by theeommHnliyt
and the schools are good. A new build
ing Is now Under course of construction
by. the Mthod!st congregotion. T Ked
tile Is being used, and the jitructuM
gives promise of 4elng a real asset to
rmwl hnilt tail "m. nnH ri.iwn Flutter
Creek," they say. This will open up
a blg trading territory that will help
the town.
Then there Is the I'matllla Rapids
project that Is going to be realized.
some day, they feel sure, aijil accord
ing to theii way of figuring, such a
big project Is going to help Hermlston
a great deal. The future possibilities
of this youngest section In the county
are so big and so poorly defined as yet,
that It is Impossible to raining them.
The problem of a place to hold gath
erings In which tho whole community
Is Interested Is solved here by reason
of tho community hall. Meetings of
all sorts are held in the big room.
One of the chief sources of pride,
and Indirectly, of prom, to the town
and the farmers is the HVrmlston Hog
and lalry .Show. There Is" some
quest Inn rl:ht now as to whether It
will be held this year, , business men
told us. financial problems are rea
sons (riven for the doubt.
; , , An Excellent Opportunity for the Thriftv Friday and Saturday Shopper
. ' We are offering a limited number of. sets of the 'Beautiful Bijjou Pattern of that most excellent John
sen's English Ware that, regularly sells at $56.40 the set. An advantageous purchase allows up to offer
yo uthis special. ; ....-..
(Continued frnm page .)
Gane Sugar
Friday awl Saturday Shoppers
BoysV Hats Reduced 1-3
, Big. variety, Summer Hats.
r'rtday and Saturday Shoppers
Cliildrens Summer
Every garment tailored,
' v 1-2 Price.
Women's Fine Suits
""Offered at Greatly Reduced
' ' Prices. ' '
Friday ami Saturday ShopH'rs
High Grade Oxfords $4.95
A clean up of the very best.
Friday and Saturday Slaq jhts
Slightly Soiled Middies
Jack Tar Middies, 1-2 Price
One Lot Brassieres
. 85c Values, nowT 65c
Friday anil Saturday Shoppers
Fine Corsets 1-2 Price
Representing values to $10
Friday and Saturday Shopiiers
All Children's Gingham
Bear a Special Clearance Price.
Sale of Beads
$1.95 BeadStrings now 59c
Women's House Slippers 79c
Sizes 4 to 8, a limited lot.
. . Silk Skirts $3.79
Sizes 25 to 30, values to $9.50
Children's Gingham Dresses 79c
Mostly small sizes, values to $3.50
, : , Men's Good Caps 59c
Ranging in original prices $1.50
Men's Good Work Shirts 57c
Sold lower than the so-called
cheap stores. . "
Men's Straw Hats 19c
Only a few left up to $1.50
Good Weight Work Sox 10c
Rockford, made to wear. ,
Fine Kid Pumps $3.98
A clean-up of the fine wear
Palmolive Soap 7c
Big Enamel Kettles 49c
All Good Laces 7c
Dish Pans 33c
Camp Coffee Pots $1.29
Milk Can Spouts -23c
Old Fashionel Mouse Traps. 19c
S. 0. S. Aluminum Cleaner. . 39c
Excellent Women's Vests . . 29c
Toy Jumper Rabbits 69c
Jumping Frogs 5c
Alphabet Balls 29c
Canary Bird Whistles . . 5c
members to keep it that . way. Re
ports that the flag was a German one
was first circulated, and drew a great
PORTLAND. July 29. (I. P.)
Land memliers of the disabled veter
ans of foreign wars', led by Command
er VV. K. Hent, raided the building of .
she Portland Social Turnverein, a
(j-rman club, and raised the American in the town. This is a division point
flag, placed at half mast in honor of 'for equipment, dividing the business
Henry AIImts. who died
(Continued from page 1.)
.the top of the pole.
vfste-'Hv o
They told the
Orrios't Hither Implanon ol
Eignt Sitnouu Sewsiy Deptrftnents
For inform!! wnlf w lh SrrUlrw
Oregon Agricultural College
rhronio and Nervous Disease aft
liM of Women. X-Ray Electrii
. Theraputica.
TmpU Uldg. rtoora 1J
I'hon 41
( Kanavan's Transfer
' Ess. ftsx 378 J
with Kleth, and many men are em
ployed here in the big round house and
in the rt-paJr shops. A hip quantity or
coal h-is been shipped in by the rail
road for use during the winter season.
The bridge over the t'matilla River,
whii-h dnrinx high water do-s the sub
marine stunt nnd bei omes submersed.
Hint Is if the water comes hih enough
as it did this spring, is another sisht
that a visitor is usually shown. .Sev
eral of the abuttments under the struc
ture appear to the eye to tie weak,
though the bridge is aearcely more
than half a score years old. About one
hundred autos a day were taken across
I fcy ferry this spring during the high
water on the Columbia, the flood tide
I of which barked up in the fmatilla.
I A community hall with an auditor
i ium large enough to serve for public
I gathi rinvs is another part of Lrna
' ti!la' life that is worthy of notice. The
' Commercial Amm ialion holds Its se
; sions here. The local organization Is
not large In numbers for the simpb
I reason that there are comparatively
I iew business places here, but the spirit
j of the I'matilla association is all for
the county federation of commercial
A thing: of importance on which the
ti n is not neglecting to figure is the
advantage of tourist trulfie rrom
Washington, and as soon us the t'ma
tilla Rapids project becomes a reality,
l.'matilla expects to realize handtomo
ly from traffic from our neighbor to
the m rth to points In Oregon.
' C'l'i LI. MIsl'S, Ohio, July 2'J. Here,
tofore it had been generally assumed
that the practice was restricted to tho
lair sex.
' Hut it's not so.
A street cap load of Columbus" citl
f ns and visitors were witnesses to the
tact that mere man had adopted one
ij the boldest of summer fads.
It was on a northbound High street
car that a man, about fifty years of
ue, dressed like a prosperous business
man, attracted the attention of nil the
passengers when, seating himself, he
displayed socks rolled down neatly to
the tops of his shoes.
Snuff-taking Is still popular among
people who cannot smoke at.' tl.eir
work, such as miners, iarf:liousciiiCi,
and compositors.
tho JlSiind fin thnt was received dnr
ing the war time Wnom. but farmers
have known for a good many months
that there are quite a few rocks In
their Path, and one-half as much as
tho; received dorim; the time of fancy i
prices will make them teei preuy
(rood. They think they will get it, too,
so they are not losing much sleep.
Hussy" Is Popular
A lot of cows that disappeared
fri m this district while hay was so
hlph will probably get back. Into the
pastures and barns of farmers, too, If
.:ome eo mments we heard uro acted on.
j The fact that he esn raise corn that (
i violila nn enormous tonnage lor suage
ihnt he hns hay in abundance, nnd
I that his pasture question Is not a hard
1 one to solve are some factors that in
! .v.... )..,..,." will st.on be baci
n.u .lie mill.
Ill larger numbers than ever on farms.
More truck farniins? may be ex
pected, too, in the future than has so
far been developed here. One thing
that mak"s a fMrmer In nn irrigated
,.n,t..rrv feelyorettv secure is the fact
.i... i.;.. ,.ii iihnn he snroads water by ill
irrii'iition. gives him an opportunity to
diversify more than he could do in a
one-crop country, und if he makes a
mistake on one crop he can use his
head and figure out another combina
tion. Now it would noi oe sum mr mo :
to say that this thing is going to hap- j
p"n here, because I haven't talked with :
enough farmers to be sure of it, but I
1 I'm willing' to venture a long guess
that, just about this very thing will
como to pass. Anvone. who feels thnt ,
he ought to extend sympathy to these I
hay growers might just as well keep
his sympathy for himself, because the
chances are that out of this present
temporary difficulty they are in tney
will evolve some improvements that i
will bring them up to the head of the
column where the present situation)
will be reversed nnd the wheat farmer j
will be looking enviously toward the
irrigated district.
Tow i Is Proirrrwdvp
Hermiston is facing problems that
are common to every town In like cir-
cumstnnces, but these problems have
not, been so pressing that Improve- j
mi nts have been forgotten. F. C. Mc- j
Kenzie ie mayor of the town, and this,
year something like two miles of ma-
cadnm streets have been constructed.;
Bids have also been let for approxi- i
mutely three-fourths of a mile of side- j
walks and curbing, and a. part of this;
work has already been done, and the
job will probably be finished this full.
This improvement work fixes Hermis
ton up pretty well on street. and side
walks, and it adds a great deal to the
attractiveness of the place.
The Hermiston Commercial Assocla- i
tion gives a, mighty good Index to the j
real Hie and vitality of the town und '
community. K. P. Dodd is president
nf the healthy organization, and Dr. F.I
V. Prinre is the secretary. There are
40 members, and every Tuesday they
hold a forum luncheon and have dis- j
cussions that help materially in solv- ;
ing their probleniB.
"Maybe that membership doesn't I
sound very big," President Dodd said i
in talklm; about the organization, "but j
aw f
Swift's White Laundry Soap
20 BARS $1.00
San itary Grocery
'Germans Salute British Dead
New Victor
For August
Elaie Baker
Lambert Murphy
Peerless Quartet
"f IS
" sJ lr? y"' '
t 1 trig. r :t ' 1 ' 1
Tennis, badminton and rowing are;
claimed ut the best exercises fur girls, i
t 1
- 1
Cerman soldiers am thmrn 4ir(ng a salute at the grave cf a Rri'lub non-commissioned olBcerat Mun
steiUiyer Camp, nearjianover Toy also were mcludedjn the JunenU procawkiiL' "
J8762 Thinking of You
Carolina Lullaby
Albert Campbell-Henry Burr
KS774 All By Myself Aileen Stanley
Anna in Indiana Arthur Fields
18775 Down Yonder Peerless Quartet
Don't You Remember the Time
Louise Terrell-Charles Hart
1S776 Little Crumbs of Happiness
Charles Harrison
Springtime Charles Harrison
45248 Mother Machree Alberto Salvi
Scherzo in E Flat Minor ' Alberto Salvi
1 8769 Star of the Sea Reverie
Florentine Quartet
Meditation Florentine Quartet
U.Vi (19 Stars and Stripes Forever March
Golden Star Sousa's Band
18753 Canzonetta Victor String Quartet
In the Forest ' Victor Orchestra
18771 Drowsy Head Medley Waltz
Isle of Paradise Medley Waltz
1777 Cho-Cho-Ran Fox Trot ,
Song of India Fox Trot
Paul Whitoman and His Orchestra
1 S 7', S-Learn to Smile Fox TriU
Oh Mo! Oh My, Medley Fox Trot
Paul Whitoman and Ills Orchestra
ifl"'i ft Lauis Blues Fox Trot
Jar.r Mo Blues Original Dixieland Jazz Band
I'm Nobody's Baby Fox Trot . .
Listening Fox Trot
All Star Trio and Their Orchestra
f I f. r, 7 Clrornctta .Sophie Braslnti
T' m' Arrlcordo o Xapulel Knrico Cnruso ,
G4!M! Dream Faces . Emillo de dogorza
t Ml.'f Masked Ball Mono ma prima in gra.ia
Kmmy Dnstlnn
G49C8 Country Dance Mlsehn Klman
64ti8 Swing- Low, Sweet Chariot Mabel Harrison
87327 When the Roses Bloom Louise Homer
641170 Because You're Hero Edward Johnson
74692 Spanish Dance, No. 3 Krlka Morlnl
746S1 Tiio Young Prince und tho Young Princess -
Philadelphia Orchestra ,
64971 Valse in D Flat Major Sergei Rachmaninoff
88637 Falstaff L'Onore! Ladrl Tltta Uuffo
64S72 (Madrigal do Mul ; Ronate Konelli
10 $1.00
10 1.00
10 .85
12 ' 1.35
Economy Drug Co.
j . )