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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1921)
TEN PAGE3 DAILY EAST DRE0OK1A2V, PEHDtETOH, OftEflOT, THURSSAY EVEmiJg, JtJIT 2fr, 1921 For Rent, Etc., Classified for Easy Reference. Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals, Lost, Found . in i i ! i mm , ' ' .-. ' .), m -t ....... II WA1N1 AU UA33ir ILL : ,: . ; y a mi mm d.AlSlFIK AUVICHTlBinU V M1TUI Bet Id g-point wimum i urm- 1 airy word to the Un. Flmt InnTtlon, pur line .10 additional consecutive Insertion, per line .OS e) On month, every issue, each Insertion, per line .05 Bis month contract, every la- a, cue, each Insertion per line .14 4 Twelve months contract, ev a cry Issue, each , Insertion, p-sr line ....,............. e) Au not run consecutively, . each Insertion, per line , No ada taken for Ire than 1 line. Minimum charge - WANTED Cook fur ranch. (i t once. Phono 21 1-J. -Inquire .WANTED by luily- -Work cooking In hurvcst -St. Klmo Rooms. FOR. RENT 2 littht housekeeping room, down stairs, front 219 W. Court HI. 4 ROOM BIW'iJALOW, modern except bent, waul In irad fur 6 nr 7 roum huiiHi. C. R Bradley, Phone ",1'i-W, 115 li. Webb St. 'illiv To IhililUi After Annum 1st. the offices of Dr. II. S. MoKim.le, eye, ear and now b' clallxt, will lip located In Kuonm 1, 2, 3 Inland Empire lluildlnK. ix I'oi xo The following uncniied animals have heen taken up by the mnrahal of lh Cirv of Pendleton, to-wlt: One blue Htulliun, 3 years old, Indian I'lu nd, i if hi hip. prie black filly, white face, 2 years oli), urunuVd lazy E right Hhoiilder. Out roun mare, 5 years old and colt, brand, lazy K rihl shoulder. One bay mare, 6 years old and colt, brand, lazy K Huht shoulder. One black horn, i years eld. white face, brand, la.y K right shoiilder. If said aulnutls are not claimed by the r.wners or those entiled to their possession, coals and expenses paid and taken away within ten days front the date hereof, then at 2 o'clock P. M. of the. th day of August, 1921, the said animals will be sold to the highest bidder, at public auction, for cash, at the City Pound, In sold City of Pendleton, the proceeds of such saje to be applied to the payment of such costs and expenses o ifakiiiR eale. Dated tli ii 2Slh. day of July, 1921. J W. It. TAYUIIt. City Marshal. USED CAR EXCHANGE FOR 8LE KniK Eight car tn good shape cheap for cash Phone IOIS-vV. FOR 5ALr-iS!5.00 'FUrd Runahout ,in fine shape. 627 Pino .St. Home evenings. FOR SALT) CHEAP Chandler car In fine mechanical condition Lowell E. Kern. Btmpson-Sturgia Co. FOR BALE Two ton Nash truck, good condition. Snap If taken at once. See Chllds, Simpson Autt Co. FOR PALE 1-ton Republic truck, good shape will take Ford In trade, easy teros on balance. Oldsmobile Co. OAKLAND TOURING CAR In first class ' fhnpe bargain will take Ford In trade. Ford roustabout, very reasonable. It will run. R. M. Tarn ler,. Phone 870. E18 Willow St. iiMXTnocm:!) nv phonr mtlSTOU Tenn., Jul- 28. Captain W. D. Hnynea, well-known, conductor on tho Norfolk and western Railway, was electrocuted when he attched a portable telephone to an automatic block win mistaking It r r the tele phone wire, nour tilude Springs, Va. Jlaynes was trying to communicate nvith the dispatcher at Roanoke. To Africa! in '"tmz' " """"1 V fits, I Bjwiiiww.wwiiim e Alice Bradley. 6, of Chicago, is gc Ing40 take her dolly wlih her when she accompanies her father and mother on an excu-.-km Into the gorilla country of - i Africa. Most of her traveling; will be in a ham mock swung between native bearcra The expedition la under tho direction of the American Museum of Natural History and wlU be uparvieed ky t&l !8iV . - 1 1 I 1 J- ff It Survm the For your Some NOTICES Not lee of Rids for Furnishing Coal Notice is hereby a-iven that sealed bids will be received at the office of the County Clerk, in Pendleton, Ore gon, up to 10 o'clock A. M. on August 3rd, T921, for furnishing to Umatilla County, F. O. B. Pendleton, 50 tons coal, to be either of Sprint Canyon Lump, Peacock Rock Springs Lump or Kemmercr Lump. Bids to specify price per ton and time delivery can be made. The Court reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated this 2Gth day of July, 1921. R. T. BROWN, County Clerk. IN BANKRUPTCY In the DlHtrk-t (lourt of tho United States for the Iiri of )re(ron In the matter of Owen McLaughlin and Mike McLaughlin, Individual and as Partners as McLaughlin & Mc Laughlin, Bankrupts. To the Creditors of Owen McLaugh lln and Mike McLaughlin, Individualy, and as Partners as McLaughlin and McLaughlin, of Gurdane in the County of Umatilla and District aforesaid Bankrupts. Notice is hereb'y given that on the 21st day of July A. D. 1921 the said Owen McLaughlin and Mike Mclaugh lin, Individualy and as Partners as Mc. Loughlin ft McLaughlin were duly adjudicated Bankrupts, and that the first meeting of their Creditors will be held at tho office of the undersigned Referee in Bankruptcy in Pendleton, Oregon, on tho 10th day of August A. D. 1921 at 10, o'clock A. M. on said day; at which time and place the Creditors may attend, prove and file their claims, examine the Bankrupts, e)ePt a Trustee, and transact such other business as may properly come before such meeting. Done end dated at Pendleton, Ore gon this 27th day of July 1921. ' THOS. FITZ GERALD, Referee in Bankruptcy. LOST AND FOUND LOST 34x4 K SUvertown Cord tiro, tube, rim and tire cover, between Pen dleton and Pi'ot Rock. Reward. Leave at E. O. Office. LOST Large brindle milch cow dry no brand visible long horns 110.00 reward If delivered to E. G. Saltmarsh ranch, south of reservation. FOUND Two grey horses, shod all around, weight 14G0 lbs., one brand ed quarter circle cross left shoulder and the other PL left stifle. W. A. Cates, Meacham, Ore. FOR SALE FOH SALE Two Blewett Harvester Phone 14F1L FOR SALE Well furnished Apt. house -cheap Phone 82T-J. 4 " FOR SALE OR TRADE 1920 truck J. M Bryan, 810 Tustln Street. MFTN'S SUITS CLEANED, $1.50 at ltl'DD'S, 197 W. Webb, phone 635. FOR SALE All kinds of insurance. J. II. Eates, 614 Main St., Phone 604. FOR- SALP! 6 room house with bath and garage on north side. For term write Box 123 Echo, Ore. ' FOR SALE 8-room house. A bar gain If taken at once. For particu lars write Box 106. Adams, Ore. (UK OAi-C 0 - - - porch and garage strictly modem at 709 Marie inquire no t.i FOR SALE 3 car loads Red Split Ce dar fence posts 7 ft. X cents eatu, f. o. to. cars. Frnnk E. Blair, Lowell, Oregon. FOR SALE 1 good vice and . band .,, . cmnllnr tools. Will sell Ullll, . n tnopiher or separate. Rargain II taken at once. Phone jR- BRINGING UP FATHER SBSayfl Ml I- ai COLVi -I'M 0 mi HUNCRX'I CCULO . jOliT" ' EVEN EAT WrW,T Mffl ft MACiCIE COOKb- ' IZ-X . . Vy '. ijsam I I P . t II orUusiness Site ' ' -' ' -' t . - ,- OR BALE Modern "bungalow auire 111 8. Main St. -In- FOR SALE Hatching eggs from thoroughbred single comb Rhode Island Reds 800 W. Webb, Phone 881 FOR SALE A nice home cheap If taken at once; terms; also other lots cheap. Res. 115 Jane St., Phone 510-W. FOR SALE OR TRADE Four 100 bu: bulk wheat boxes for common wneat rack Phone 1F4. O. H. Hampton. - - - - - FOR SALE (t Caterpillar, over hauled In good shape for harvest stationary attachment Addre Box 700, Pendleton. FOR SALE 80 acres timber land lo : eated near Parker Wells, Umatilla County, Ore. For particulars address Mrs. Nora Vagellnor, Gibbon, Oregon. FOR SALE 6 year old team, good leaders; J Mitchell wagon; set of harness. Can be seen at Roach ranch, 1 raile east, of Mission. J. B. Steven son. Bargains, ' $1200.00 buys 2 lots and i room house. 80 acres river bottom land, small payment or house In Pendleton. Bal ance 6 percent. PENDLETON INVESTMENT CO. 115 R. IL St. Phone5 For Ralo 7 room house, north side, beautiful 'home. . . I 6 room bungalow, north side street paved. Houses In all parts of the city, some on easy payments, Large and small ranches both alfalfa and wheat, also dairy ranch, well equipped. Geo. W. Elder & Son - . 818 Main St ' Phone 993 FOR RENT FOR RENT Apartment, Phono 654. APTS. AND ROOMS ALT A APTS. ROOM AND BOARD for gentlemen 615 Post Bt. - ROOM AND BOARD tor men only 403 E.: Webb. . FOR RENT l suite office room In quire Penland Bros. FOR RENT 5 room house for 90 days. Phone S43-R. HOUSE FOR RENT and furniture for sales. 607 W. Bluff St. FOR RENT 3 furnished housekeep ing rooms. Phone 7S0-W. ROOMS WITH BOARD if desired 210 S. Main Phone 667-R. FOR RENT Four room apt., 115 per month for 2 months. Phone 730-W FOR RENT Two housekeeping rooms. Phone 730-W after 4 o'clock FOR RENT Nice suite of rooms in Temple building. See Dr. I.'U. Temple.' ROOM AND BOARD for lady. In quire 1121 Jeff-Davis, between 5 and p. m. FOR RENT 3 room furnished apart-" ment, close In 777 Thompson St. Phone 248-M. FOR RENT 1800 acres summerfal lowed land, one half to tie seeded to fall wheat, balance to spring, together with 2flQ acres joining in alfalfa un der irrigation, and other land to sum merfallow next season. Applicant must have sufficient means and equip ment to handle same, terms available tor hire to do fall seeding. Good deal for term of years to responsible party. J. W. Hays, Idaho Falls, Idaho.' WELL-'WHAT) GOOD WHM WOULD VOU -UiET OH 1lE BILL OF FARE? i Handy Business Directory of Pendleton -Thl plrectory i especially handy for the out-bf-town reader who may want the name and address of response uaine m . the following line. I All are reliable; responsible buslnes eoncerna who stand read to five you prompt aervlce. -n ' a i i " FOR RENT 1 10-w. -Furnlihed; Apt. Phone REMABI..E girl wixhea work, city prefered, addresn '12", E. O. FOR RKNT Furnished room apartmentB. Phone 667-R. and FOR RENT Furnished Apt. with gas Inquire 216 Willow SU, Phone 1027-J. ' ' FOR RENT Apr., 'fllno Bleeping rooms with board. Parkview Apt. House, Phone 360. FOR RENT Two three room fur nished apt,, with bath one with gas close In. Also furniture for aale and house for rent Phone 3f 9-J. PASTURE tor horses, mules and eat " tie $2.50 per ' month mountain range, good, grass, water and salt will get them and deliver them. Ad dress E. B. Kidder. Gibbon, Ore. ' WANTED WASHING fine laundry and alike Phone 313-R. . . WANTED GOOD CLEAN RAGS AT The East Oregonian office. WANTED Man, team and wagon te haul chaff on shares. Phone 2F5, ' WANTED Woman wants work cook- , Ing on ranch. -Inquire Court St. ... t 812 W. WANTED Young girl to help with cooking and house work on ranch. Phone 16F21. GOOD CAPABLE woman will take laundry home or go outside by the day Phone 780-W NICELY FURNISHED front room, beet negihberhood, Jackson St. man only. Phone 686-R. CANDYMAFJNG business Start at home, everything furnished men, women, $30.00 weekly Bon Bon Co., Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED Two ladles to travel. 30 week and expenses; 3 to work city and outside-towns, $3 day. Room 25, Golden Rule Hotel, Mrs. JoneB. MISCELLANEOUS, PLAITING of all kinds Phone 688 : Mrs. Lee, 3i6 Post St. MRS. ADA FIELD Splrella corsetlere i Phone 324-W. Address 514 Jane. ALL KINDS of patients cared for by experienced nurse 800 W. Webb Phone 884. RAO RUGS and carpets. All kinds of fancy work. Wheeler's, - 1300 W. Railroad St. WE ARB TAKING CONTRACTS for wheat hauling. Phone 468, Oregon Motor Garage. - . Brown Brady Undertaker and licensed embalra- ers. Calls night or day promptly at tended to. Lady attendant. Phone 63. HOME WORK; experience unneces-( sary; everything ' furnished, $30 wkly., up. Send self addressed stamp ed envelope for free particulars. Bon Bon Candy Co., Philadelphia, Pa. ' WE START YOU In the Candymaking Business at home, or email room anywhere. Everything furnished. Ex perience unnecessary. Men, women. Earn (30 to $100 wkly. Send self ad dressed, stamped envelope for particu lars. Bon-Bon - Candymakers Co., Philadelphia, Pa. . AUTO ELECTRIC WORKS , WE REPAIR anything electrical on an automobile. W. II Chase Co, AUTO TIRES PENDLETON CYCLE CO. AJax, Re- ,vere and Savage tire. 228 E. Court Street. L. S. BENTLEY ft CO. Goodyear and Diamond Tires Tire service, oils and accessories. Alt and Garden St. GERTSON ft MARTY Gates Super--Tred tires 63 Cottonwood. Vul canizing and repairing. . PENDLETON RUBBER ft SUPPLY CO. Barney Oldfield, Goodrich SU vertown Cord and Pennsylvania Vacu um Cup. 305 E Court. AUTO TOPS GADWA'3. AUTO TOPS, Plate Glass, Backs, Sid ' Curtain 201 Court St. Rg. U. ft jORR'f iR - I DONT EM HERE - i ONLV I r-r ' ' K ... "iA fd' ')' TIME CAIID Wcmoii-PendlKton Auto Stage Leaven Wenton for Pendleton at 4 ' 7:30 a. m. and 12:45 p. m.' ' lave Athena for Pendleton at ' :00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. ' Leaves Adams for Pendleton at 8:20 a. m. and 1:20 p. m.' Leaven Pendleton (AUen-Knlght Co. Store ( for Weston at 10:00 a, m. and 4 p. rn. O. H. McPHBRRIN. Prop. TIME CARD Ffiot Reck.Pendletoii An to Stage " LeaTce Pendleton Hotel and French Restaurant 9:00 a. m.; Leave Pilot Rock Hotel I a. m. Leaves Pendleton Hotel and French Restaurant 11:00 a. ro.; Leaves Pilot Kock Hotel 11 a. m. Leaves Pendleton HoteJ and 0 French Restaurant 8:30 p. tn.; leaves Pilot Rock Hotel 1 p. m. I .eaves Pendleton Hctel and French Restaurant J:00 p. ra.; Leave Pilot Rock Hotel i:10 p. tn, ' - W carry parol and small excress. " FANCHO STUBBLEFrELD ' Pendleton-Umatilla Anto 8tm Leav Pendleton 8:00 Echo v:li Btanfleld :3 Hermiston :65 Ar. Umatilla 10:15 Leave Umatilla 8:00 Hermiston 1:20 Btanfleld 8:45 Echo 9:00 Ar. vend. 10:16 12:01 1:36 J:6S 1:1 12:00 12:20 12:45 1.00 2:16 4:00 5.15 : 5:65 :li 4:00 4:29 4:46 5:00 1:11 Two Trips Sunday Leave Pendleton :0 a. m. ad 4:00 p.m. v , Leave Umatilla 1:00 a, m. and 4:00 p. ra. " . . Office Motor Inn 3aifa 722 Cottonwood Bt. Phone 88 .. PELL DAWSON Parcel delivered to ail 'way point. AUCTIONEER COL. W. F. TOHNKA Auctioneer, Call at Sturgl ft Storte'a Implement Co., for aale dates. AUTO TRANSFER iL.i.. . . . -i -- - t-t-v . q- C. E. WILLIAMSON Stand at Griggs" Cigar fctore, I'hono 1075. FOR QUICK SERVICE Call Bud Cornfield, Phon 62, Crescent Cigar Store. Residence; Phone 1Q59-R. ATTORNEYS - GEORGB 'W. COUTTS, Attorney At Law, Room 17, Bond lildg. - R,- L KEATOR, Attorney- at Law. Room 24, Smith-Crawford Building. CARTER ft SMYTH E, Attorney at Law. 224 E. Court St. - ' ;' FEE ft FEE, Attorneys at Law, fices in Despain Bunding. Of- S. A. LOWELL, Attorney and Counsel, lor at Law. Office la Deepatn Bldg. S. A. NEWBERRY, Attorney at Law Federal BuUding. PETERSON, Bishop ft Clark, At torneys at Law. Rooms 2 and 4 Smith-Crawfrrrd Uldg. JAMES B. PERRY, Attorney at Law. Office over Taylor Hardware Com pany. " RALEY, RA.LEY ft FTEIWEK. Attor neys at Law. Office In American National Bank Building. FRED H. SCHMIDT. Attorney at Law. Room 24, Sniiih-Crawford Bldg. I BATTERIES PHILADELPHIA DIAMOND GRID BATTERIES guaranteed for 18 month. W. E. Chase Co- 320- E. Court St. Telephone 209. Pendleton. CATERPILLAR WORK CATERPILLARS, harvesters, gad en gines, automobiles and general blacksmithing. Round-Up Garage, forks Nehergall, 212 West Webb. Patent Offic DO VOO feERvE CHICKEN?) HERE i r- .v-.,' i - i t v x a i . M7i M T H ii r ' . f yy .. v " , ' d CARPET CLEANING WE WASH and clean the finest rags satisfactorily. . Reference given. We make fluff rngs from eld carpet. Walla Walla Rug and Carpet Clean ing Co. Phone 1677. . . . " CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS PARKER ft BANFIELD, Designing, Engineering, Constructing, It years experience in concrete and brick con struction. 64 E. Third St., North Fort, land, Oregon. ' EYE SPECIALIST XLEANERS AND DYERS ANTORITJM PHONE 473 CLEANING AND PRESSING MODEL TAILORS ft CLEANERS Pressing and repairing.'" 804 W, Webb St. Phone 831, Pendleton, Ore. FURNITURE NEW FURNITURE STOP.E It WlU pay you to come and see Fisher be fore buying new and second hand fur niture. 302 W. Webb St.. Phdn ISj. FARM LOANS SNOW ft DAYTON, 117 E. Court St, Real Estate, Fire Insurance, Farm Loans. See us about a loan. DENTIST Dr. H. M. Hanav&n Dentistry Room 1, Temple Building. Phon T7J DRAYMEN WHO MOVES YOU is just as Import ant a where you move. We also pack or store goods. We do country hauling Call 339, Penland Bros. Transfer, 114 W. Alta. MADE TO MEASURE in -1 Carl -R. Franseen, Elks Bldg. - : j. " it -J Fresh Arrivals TOMATOES' - ' 1 CREEN CORN STRING BEANS CELERY LETTUCE 1 The DeanTatom Co. Meat Dept. OC Phona OU 'I. A 11V1IV WELL-1 jHOULOi St WE Do- it a ) i . -1 121 sr Iwr-tL ru VC. IMC. and Vicinity LAUNDRY EVERT Article Laundered Perfectly. There'a an - ngent In your town. Troy Laundry, 08 C.ardm Si. , VJJ. t DOMESTIC LATJNDRT 401 C Cor St., Phone CO; - We malntaid a told' plete mending department '" HEMSTITCHING HEMSTITCHING at the Singer Shop. Mail order promptly attended to. HEMSTITCHING Mail order Mr. Ralph HasseM, 417 Bush, Phone 9. New and Second Hand Dealers V. STROBLE dealer in new and sec ond hand goods. Cash ; raid for second hand good. Cheapest place) to buy household goods, 210 1 Cowl Phone 271-W. - FURNITURE, repairing,' 'pack1n . crating. uDhoistering. carpet teaa Ing 7 years experience Granil Jtapld Mich. Furniture Co. All work eTUT" anteed, 312 W. Webb St. OSTEOPATH. DR. G. E. HOLT Osteopathic, physi cian and Surgeon, Jadd Bldg., Tele phones, Office 00 r Residence tS-J. Painting and Paper Hangina PALNTsTwall Paper, PUur-FriB-w Ij. j. McAtee, the Pra.ctlil Paint Man. Low Brot. Pafot. '. RADIATOR REPAIRING ALTA .AUTO RADIATOR WORKS 70t East Alt street. All make ox radiator repaired. Work guaranteed, ;. Blasherg, Prop. . ? , -i - RESTAURANT THE QUELLE A good place to at- SHOE REPAIRING NEW SOLES, Rubber Heelv toie French Wooden tHeele-Kepaarins; Wail You Walt. rencursua Hospital. ,. 'iw- -- ' : - SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUTIC THIS most up-to-daie effectual -a Jng science practised, -Ki F. GibeOB, P. S. T-; 17. D. Room 12 Peebler. Bldg. ; PHOTOGRAPHER Tn introduce our kodak- wont will finish Free one roll and on print each. Ward Studio. - TAILORSw--"-.? 47 Man St Phone 10 J ,1 f .. r ... V t PEACHES RASPBERRIES BLACKBERRIES . 4 CHERRIES RED JUNE APPLES CRAB APPLES . .v grocery Dept ggg M. ilVIIV By George McManus 1" WHEN OO VOO EXPECT THEM?