East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 28, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    PACE TFtt
DAILY EAST 0REG0N1AN, fENDLfitttl, 0HE66N, TflltttSDAY EVENING, JW.Y 28, mi.
y f AGES
People Here and There
C. B. Mill ot Hermlston in here to-
Dr. J. Orlswo'tl ot Helix Is In tho city
a a. ift'i'61-"011 a noiinimun
' vhdt'or I" tne c',', 1"'I"S reentered lit
the hotel Goorso.
Harry C. I-niic, of tho firm of Lane,
Doll and QUI, public uecountiintH of
gpokunc, ling been a Pendleton vlHltor
- today.
Harold Abbott left luHt evening for
IiIh homo In Portland nfter a vlnlt with
IiIr undo and aunt, Mr. and Mrn. O. 1'.
Ituwmun who are HpnndiiiK the sum
mer at Meacham. Mr. Abbott visited
1'endlcton relative uIho, .
Rail's Catarrh Medicine
ThoM who are In a 'Yun down" condi
tion will notice that Catarrh bother
them much mora than when they are In
food health. Thli fact proves that while
Catarrh la a local disease, It Is greatly
Influenced by constitutional condition.
Tonic and Blood Purifier, and acts through
the blood upon the mucous surface of
he body, thus reducing triV Inflammation
and restoring; normal conditions.
All drtiKElat. Circulars free.
V. J. Cheney sV Co.. Toldn. Ohio.
C. J. Mcintosh, of tho Industrial
publicity department at O, A. C. wus
hore lust evening. He came from
Ilena where he hud attended the state
editorial convention and left laHt'niuht
for Portland.
MCUonrTurnniiMTV !l
. n
w. ....
l,OH ANGFXKS, July 28. (C. P.)
Hitting; beside Edith l.tindberg,
charged with killing; her sweetheart,
Krie Mulllcane heard Miss I.undbnrg
pronounced Innocent and then today
slood trhil herself for killing her baby.
The state charges Miss Mulllcane
strungled her newly born Infant with
a lace handkerchief and placed It In
a trunk which she had stored. Miss
Mulllcane'n plea Is the same an was
Miss lAindberg's, temporary insanity.
IMIi:SlllK.TI.r, M ATK.UIATi. !
T.1.YMI. Ohio, July . (I. X. S.)-'-Alil.oiiith
u bolt of llelitniiw. hltUn
Frunk Clark, tore his cap, short and
rants to pieces, Chirk wus not serious
ly hurt.
Big Finn, Juicv, Ripe Local Melons at
Order one in the morning and fiave us put it
on ice for you and send it out on the last delivery
in the afternoon and it will come to you as cold
as ice. . . . ' ;
Phone 187
739 Main Street
lined 8250.
John F. Smith, arrested some time
ago uii n whiskey making charge whs
fined i'ihO by County Judge I. M
Hi lmniHii yesterday, t'inlth s a res
ident of McKay creek.
Comity Clerk Jinn P.IiidU".
County Clerk Urown has received
from the state world war vcteranB'
slate aid commission blanks to be
fillod out by those noting as attorneys
and npprclpcra for the board.-
CittHlciiuialiun Sil ls l'ihd. ,
As Indicated yesterday condemn
Hon suits have been brought by the
county against P, Ii. Stanton and H. C-,
Cornell et al for right of way on the
Oregon-Washington highway.
Turn Over In Made.
A turnover ot J611.50 from 1320
taxes and $1005.1 1 from delinquent
taxes was made by the sheriff today
to the county treasurer. C. K. Cran
ston Is acting as treasurer in the ab
sence of Miss orace umiam.
T'Ved Klsk, who was under sentence
here and was allowed his freedom to
visit liia wife who was 111 in Idaho
was returned to Pendleton lust even
ing by Deputy. Sheriff Ftidgway. It t
asserted Visk iiad overstayed his leavf
and his return was demanded.
May N'ot 1'rctw Caw. .
Arthur Humphrey of Seattle,
charged with the kidnappinfc of Mrs.
.le'jsa Aldrlch from Weston, was
brought hero from Seattle this morn
ing. However It was Indicated today
that the case against Humphrey will
be dropped because of tho attitude of
the woman in the case who is the
daughter of Itcv. Storm of Weston It
Is feared she is unbalanced mentally.
Keep in Step With the Fast Growing
Popularity of
Golden West
Ice Cream
The lee Cream Loving Public is Quick
to Recognize
We Specialize on Parly Orders
llooks Art' fflHlritjirtrd.
All of the 5U0 copies of "Lct'er
Buck," Colonel Charles ' Wellington
Kutiong's book of tho Round-Up,
which arrived here by express yes
terday, w ill be distributed to tho vari
ous business houses of the city by this
evening. The distrlutlon is being
made through the Pendleton Commer.
ciul Association to 74 firms. Misc
Nellie Parker, secretary to Claude
Barr of the association, states thai
shouM delivery not be made at once
local firms may secure the books by
calling at the Elks building. The ship
ment of j'iO books is five per cent of
tho total, the remainder of which will
arrive here later.
Mrs. Iliiillcy firings Suit.
Sensational charges are made n a
suit for divorce filed today by H. C.
l-ryson and Fee & Foe for Mrs. Char,
lot'e Dudley against lEsirl Dudley. The
complaint sets forth tho two were
married in Walla Walla March 24
1912, and have one child five years of
ige. Cruel and Inhumnn treatment if
charged against the -defendant and he
is uccunvd of associating with other
women, gpecifle instances of alleged
misconduct being enumerated but no
names mentioned in the complaint.
The complaint nsnerts the defendant Is
w.frth from $200,000 to 22.000 and
Urn plaintiff asks for $23,000. for
tYot) a month permanent alimony, for
1150 a month alimony during the suit,
for trial expenses and $2500 attor
neys fee.
The Wholesome Butter
X lo- r..K Rnoofo Mnr PftV Leg! X
A a vooii . . . v .
I Despair. & Lee Cash Grocery
209 E. Court one eou
Today We Offer
A complete assortment' of fresh fruits and Vege
tables. Most every wanted berry for table use or
canning. ' . . ,
Tomorrow's Ad will be of vital interest to you.
Unless Fair Treatment is Ac
corded U. S. Board Will De
clare Open Market and Haul
LOXDOX, July 28. (A. P.) Tht
United, States shipping board 1ms de
livered an ultimatum to the British
shipping lines that unless its ships are
accorded fair treatment in contracts
for transport of cotton from Alexan
dria, Kgypt, to Britain and the United
Mates the' board will declare an open
market and haul anything anywhere
at any rule, '
Thomas Me'gnan tore two more
tickets out of his const -to-coast com
mutation book when he made a trip
to Xew York and back to the Iasky
studio In Hollywood, to film scenes
for his latest Paramount picture, "The
City of Kllent Men," which will lw
shown at the Alta Theatre today. This
was Mr. Mclghnn's fourth round trip
from coast to coast In 1020. The open
ing scenes of the new picture were
filmed In the east, and then the com
pany, directed by Tom Fortrmm, re
turned to Hollywood for several weeks
Wirk on western scenes. The se-ne
of tho story are laid In New York and
California, and the picture presents
the exac t locales. Dainty Lois Wilson
plays opposite the star.
Bit K jox i:s COM IX (J
William Fox's noted cowboy star
Buck Jones will be Feen at the Pastime
Theatre beginning today In a lively
Western picture called "Bunset
Sprague." The author of the story
Is Clyde C. Wcstover, who is forgln?
to the front as a writer for the screen.
Jones has made a big reputation
Jor himself as a daring horseman. The
story of "."unset Sprague" gives him
an opportunity to displny his best
horsemanship and In the midst of a
pretty romance.
Sunset Sprague Is a happy-go-lucky
cowboy looking for a job on
the range when he meets a man who
dm-ws him Into the quest for a stolen
mine which belongs to a plucky girl.
This girl Is defying the bandits who
killed her father and took possession
of the mine. Sunset starts after the
band, and when he finishes with them
they are glad to disappear and leave
the mine to the girl and the girl to
The hardest of all screen villains to
play, according to actors who have
undertaken such parts, is the bad man
who, the audionee is supinsed to be
lieve, is good. This sort of part Is
most capably handled by Arthur Xel
son Millett, in "Drag Harlan," William
Fox's latest starring vehicle for Wil-
Under .Thirty!
U i -JIT: X- ' TV
, - Ca j
"Little Pals" embody a number of dis
tinctive features. They are shaped as
Nature intended, have splendid fitting
qualities, plenty of toe room and the
maximum of flexibility. Strictly bend
soles and solid leather insoles are used.
In fact, only genuine leather is used.
"Little Pals" are made on the last thru
Out add are guaranteed to hold their
They've majt their way
tf the via j they're made
Pendleton's IxudlnU Store.
"Built forHard Use and Abuse
Little Pals
tut. mi, a
Ham Farnum, according to persons
who have seen the picture. .
Millett is seen in the role of a ranch-,
er who champions the caufe of a help
less girl under the guise o( friendship,
when in reality he la one of the most
despicable villains imaginable, even in
motion pictures. Naturally his por
trayal is unusually interesting to tho
"Drag Harlan" is the announced at
traction at the Arcade Theatre today,
and is said to give Farnum, the popu
lar Fox star, one of the most magnetic
parts he had had in pictures.. The
story was written by Charles Alden
Seltzer and directed by J, Gordon Edwards.
8. Parker Gilbert has been made
under-secretary ot the treasury,
ranking next to Secretary Mellon.
And h Is not yet 30 It's a newly
'rested Job. Gilbert was graduated
from Rutgers in 1912 and Harvard
Law School in 1915. He served on
.he War Loan Board during the war.
Crew's Feet, Wrinkly
Pellrhrrul Ntw
Mmt ,
Quickly Show a
or Hooey Dick
The first application of Howard's
Buttermilk Cream will arftonish you.
The dullest, most lifeless complexion
Is turned to radiant beauty snd red or
rough Imnds or arms made snowy
wlnte yet there Is not the slightest sign
of its use. It actually vanishes from
sight and the most heated atmosphere
w ill not produce the least shininess or
greasings of the skin.
No matter whether you sre troubled
with a poor complexion, wrinkles, puf
finess around the eyes, crow's feet or
lines around mouth, or just a simple
roughness of the fuee, hands or arms
caused by wind or sun, you will find
that these troubles will quickly disap
pear with the use of Howard's Butter
milk Cream.
To i rove this to your complete sat
isfaction, get a package today at any
first class drug or toib-t goods counter.
Insist on Howard's Buttermilk Cream.
i.o other Cream can take its place. If
..mi cannot obtain, send 10 cents silver
br stamps for generous trial package
of Cri am and Soup to Howard Bros.
Coinpanv, 457 Washington Street. Buf
falo, N. Vi All druggiEta can supply
The marvel polish for silvti' and metal
ware. Introductory Price
This Week
. - 'Vai
; j Vjyr ffi "0
No Delivery
Money cheerfully refunded if you are
not entirely satsified.
The Largess Diamond Dealers In EtMt't Vrt',n
' i ; - ' '' . ' '''' i ' -
. Mll 1 rt 1
Children, 5c
Adults, 20c
, ' r f
5? ''
J iA -
i in
William Fox,
taset Sprague
Story iy Clyde Cescover
NEWTON. Iowa. July 28. (V. P.)
Mrs. Idu Croucli Hur.lelt, a New
v 1 .t..llt u....uL-n WUH Virlll:illV
1U1H PW-iaur. , " . . . . ' -- .
mo fim tnwn." lells. jeers, tin
puns und other dlsturbunccs greeted
her court house yard uuk. fcvcrui
fiu-hta fM-riirrcd. Mrs. Haalctt was
forced to kiss the American flai? and
say she liked It. licfore her talk was
half over mob took her to ncr nr
tcl and told her to leuve town.
; Arcade
H ,.'!r. m"-&$M till
( 1
1 1 v iv mm i ! n
I r i m&Mz Mmu i S3
aft vi'rHiHJWfeP'::s mk
niffniT'inffTfimfitrmimiiiifiiffiffi f nnt ntrnirf!iiiiTiiTTifiiirTTiiTiTfiiifiTfiiiiifinTiTinfTfnttTfnfrtfifnTriTiiii rif mi
.llllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll"AMiillllilllllllllll IlllllillllllllllllllllliililllllllilllllllliilllillUIIIIIIIUUIIIIilllllllliUIa'
Children 10c
Adults 35c
A Breezy Drama
of the Old
When providence was on the side of the
man with the quickest draw.
I i
William Farnum
Dcspain&Lee Cash Grocery
. 209 E. Court ,rhone880
I.i'NDoX, July (A. T.) It was
slated In official ciivles today that a
i. ictma preliminary to the Waxhlns
ton dlf:innamrnt conference would be
l.eld wllhlii s'x weeka ut aome Cuna.ji-
,r. riiv or citv In the I'niti-d Mates
y Ii. i I han W.ir li'jinioii v ii.- virtual
ccrluin ullliough Washington s ttt
Ituro on fii. h tin arransi meat Is not
Drag Harlan
An amazing drama of the speediest two-gun wizard the gi'eat west ever knew.
A Romance of Feminine Charm and Masculine Prowess.
,. imimiiuiiM nininniinniininnMniifliiimMNnnmNtmmtnminmmirfrrfflimmiilN'minnnilllt I ! Ill 1 III I
iititii i mm i ii mt mm nniin'MMM iniiwBK v