mm t-wrr ffff f f f H' T f V V I T IP t ft t " ' r 401 PAGE TTStES PAG2S DAIL7 EAST OBEGOITIAIf, PEOTLETOK, OREGON, TETJKSDA7 EVENING, JTJL7 23, 1921. 1 . tTMMMMtMMtMM News Notes of Pendleton CALENDAR OP EVENTS June 7-AuBUrt Summer Normal School. July 28 Meeting of Umatilla and Wlla "Walla County wheat growers. September 19-24 Northwest Grain nnd Hay Show. September I J, JS, 14 Annual Pendleton Round-Up. To Rrtorn Homo Soon. Hay Ilurgln who him been at Camp I.ewlM for the pHt month taking training with the C. M. T. O. will re turn home August 6. During his work there he him been practicing wllh the V. M. T. C. bond. on a charge of Bpecdlng. Both cases came up for trial yesterday. Mown to Now Office Dr. H. H. McKenale, eye, ear, none nnd throat specialist, hue moved from his offices In the Rond building to quarters In the Inland Empire Hank lulldlng. Is now In the city. Mr. Cornwell reached here last evening expecting to find a tropical city and was overjoyed to find his mistake. Before going with the Journal Mr. Cromwell was a Ilaker resident, his father being mining mun In that region. Caitlit HIiiMIng Plate. When Charles I.. Wllllums was caught running a Page car on which he had llconse plates taken from nn Oakland car, Justice Langley of Free water fined him $25. The arrest was made by Traffic Officer William Ly dny. U. W. Rrhem was fined $10 and costs by Justice Richards ot Athena Autographed Copy TtooolvWt The first copy off the press of "Let 'er Puck," Colonel Charles Wellington Furlong's book of the Round-Pp, was received yesterday by Miss Effle Jenn Frostier from George Palmer Putnam of Putnnm & Sons, publishers of the book. The nutograph, written by Mr. Putnnm, rends: "To Miss Effle Jean Fraaicr, than whom there never was more enthusiastic booster for the Itound-Up." Miss Frazler is mention ed In the hook in tho list of acknowl edgements from the author. Will Build Porc h Mrs. Minnie M. Harvey will add a porch to her residence In Block 105. Wie secured a permit today from Judge Thomas Fltz'leraid and the new addition will cost $40. Surprised at Cool CUmp. "What (surprised me most was the cool weather 1 found here," says Wal ter F. Cornwell, assistant circulation manager of tho Oregon Journal who IQllQl 101101 101 101101101101 The teason on Apricots is about over. We re ceived a shipment today large solid fruit. 10c pound Pendleton Cash Market, Inc 301 E. Court Street Phones 101 Private Exchange Connects both Deoartments. I C 101 101 101 101 I0X 101 TOT 101 TOT- THE SEASON'S NEWEST NOVELTY The Harding Blue Sautolr and Bracelet. This new novelty, origi nated by the Klger Boyn have only been on the market three weeks, but, O Boy these three weeks !! If you haven't one get one now, be In style with the rest and be one of the first In your town to wenr a Harding Blue PJbhon on your watch or a Sautolr. Come In nnd see us, we have Just received a big selection at ery little cost. (Itanrt delay! Come now). Hnnscom always has the best and newest, GUTS THAT LAST Hansen's Jewelry Store Fishing Tackle That Brings Results Jg How About that Winchester 7 22. cal. for Squirrels? In In Hospital Miss Grace Garrett, of Helix, la a patient In Bt. Anthony's hospital where she was operated upon this morning for nppendicltl. She was brought to Pendleton this morning from Helix. Weather Is Warmer The weather Is warmer today, the maximum being 80. Tho minimum is 49 and the barometer registers 29.00, says Major Lee Moorhoiisc, weather observer. Son la Named. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Ira H. Brown has been named James Ed ward Brown. The new arrival was born lust Thursduy at St. Anthony's hospital and weighs 7 1-2 pounds. Crime On the Wane Police business has been most quiet this month says Judge Thomas Fitz Gerald, recorder. Not for months have their been so few cases, and the majority during the month have been In regard to violation of petty traffic laws. Wheat Selling at $1. Iteports in circulation here today indicate soino wheat sales at $1 per bushel. Though the market has not been lively of late It Is said some wheat has been sold almost every day the prices ranging around the dollar mark. Books for l ibraries. Twelve copies of "Let'cr Buck" have been purchased for the Umatilla county library system. Two volumes will be kept for the Pendleton library and the others will be sent to the 10 branch libraries. Later more copies of the book will be found at the library. Trainload Each Week. From this time on until September 25 Kinythe Bros, will have a trainload of luuibs once each week on the Chi cago market and Dan P. Smythe is now enroute to Chicago to attend to the sale of the sheep. After the last trainload of lambs has been sold he will go farther east before returning, lie will be in Buxton fur a time. .Mule Bite Prove Sorbin. Most people know that a kick by a mule is likely to carry sorrow with it but Clarence Porter of Long Creek ran testify that a mule bite is some times as bad or worse than a kick. He was bitten on the heel by a mule some time ago and the injury is troubling him so much that he came out from Grant county to get treatment. Young Porter is accompanied by his father, Allen Torter, prominent Long Creek rancher. They left for Portland on No. 17 today. lightning Causes lire The lightning during the recent storm caused several small fires in the Umatilla National forest, says J. C. Kuhns, Umatilla forest supervisor. The blazes were quickly quenched. Mr. Kuhns returned this morning from the Tupper ranger station. He visited the ranger headquarters of the Spray dis trict 30 miles south of Heppner and inspected the look-out system. He re ports a light rain in most parts of the western division of the forest. B. A. Bottcher,, assistant now Inspecting the Mt. Emily look-out in the grnnde Ronde vicinity. LOS ANGELES, July 28. (I. P.) Jack Dempscy, denying his marriage to a Hollywood film star, says he wants a home girl, able to wear ging ham as well as silk. She must have a ready smile, pleasant Instead of a pret ty face, be able to cook and keep her brain occupied with making a home happy. He don't want a girl follow ing a "career." Use the Phones Grocery, 2 Phones 526 Other Depts. 78 QUALITY SERVICE PENDLETON'S LEAKING BFORE Use the Phones Grocery, 2 Other Depts. 78 Phones 526 A Special Clearance of Summer Goods In our Dry Goods Section. Note each item, you'll recojrnize them as being extra values quoted at very low prices. Buy, now and save. Special Table Cloths $1.85 A lucky purchase of these fine heavy weight mercerized Table Cloths enables us to sell them at the above price. They are worth more than we are asking for them, but we are making it a special to pass it on to you. They are full size and of beauti ful floral patterns. Buy one or two for every day use. We are making a "Clean Up" on all our Summer Voiles 1-2 Price Come in now and buy three or four dress lengths, the patterns and colorings are good looking and there's no other material so ser viceable for summer wear. ONCE MORE! We Have REAL LINEN DA MASK AT $2.50 YARD The patterns are beau tiful and the quality is fine, good heavy weight damask. We also have an extra quality double damask at $4.50 yard. Napkins to match above damask. Special Sale Women's Athletic Underwear f ill FUTURIST JheSAkwSumnicr- juuua wxit ytr Mswati FUTURIST $1.85 Quality : : $2.00 Quality $1-6 $2.25 Quality $1-89 $2.50 Quality $2.15 $3.00 Quality .... : $2.43 $3.50 Quality $2.75 Dress Ginghams 19c, 25c A big assortment of fine Dress Ginghams in plaids and checks, splendid lot of colors, for dresses and aprons. , . .jlx&AsI Hair Bow s 69c One Lot Veiling 1-2 Price One Lot Neckwear 25c Values up to $1.00 on special sale, offered in all colors, 1 1-4 yd. lengths. Special Sale, bow 69c To clean out this lot we're going to sell this lot at 1-2 price. A limited quantity women's fine stylish neckwear, values up to $2.50 to close out at 25c if ;oit GiTTS APPoivrsn-:xT WASHINGTON. July 28. (A. P.) Colonel Guy D. fioff, an assistant to the attorney general will be assigned as head of the department of Justice special bureau for investigation of the government wartime contracts, Attor- r.ey Creneral Dougherty has announced. llSTRlKEJjf Purchases for the balance of this month go on August account and payable September 1st. WASHINGTON', July 2S. (A. P.) An executive order, coordinating pur chasing for the army, navy and the shipping board and permitting the transfer of supplies from one agency to another has been signed by tho president. The order originated with Budget Director Dawes. Cigarette No cigarette has the same delicious flavor as Lucky Strike. Because Lucky Strike Is the toasVed cigarette. 1 ijLltzie- GENERAL LEE'S HOWIE AT IS e GETTYSIU'RG, Pa., July 2S. The old stone house on the edge of this town which whs General Lee's head quarters during the Uattle of Gettys burg has leen purchased by Ohas. Daley, who will convert It Into a mu seum. T.eo ate and slept In this bouse. but went to the cupola 'f the seminary ii slinrt distnnee ::vay to m;ike obser vations on the progress of the battle. Included In the sale is the little white house across the roud where John Hums, aged citizen hero, was carried when woiindetl. THE BEE HIVE "Where. Quality and Service IrevaH" THERE MAY BE LARGER STORES BUT NONE WITH SMALLER PRICES THE BEE HIVE "The store of Koonomlral Merchandise'' An Enthusiastic Response T!k splendid response of the public to our policy of seiiirg QU.VLITT MERCHANDISE for LESS MONEY is a source of great satisfaction to us. It shows inclusively that the people appreciate our ef fort to save thorn money on their purchases at this store. With your continued support we shall continue this policy A POLICY OF GHKATEli SALES AT LESS PROFIT THAN USL'AU SPECIALS Medium weight fluted Ice Tea Glasses. Per set of 6 fnr $I.2S RARE MERCHANDISING OPPORTUNITY Pest quality St. Dennis Cups and Saucers, heavy harvest ware, in plain white, $1.50 per lloien SPECIALS Three dozen bers Fruit Jar Rnh- 1 Ho A member of tho lettuce family cul tivated In I'pper Kypl is a new source of edible oil. It can he grown with profit In the Sudan, the seeds yielding under pressure from 3T to 3S per cent oil. The oil Is of a beautiful light yel low color, odorless, nnd is very suitable for the miimifacUirc of soap and simi Win home. MAKE THIS STORE YOUR HEADQUARTERS Iber you purchase anything or not makes no difference we want you to come In and Meet your friends here and take advantage t f our store serv ice in every possiblu manner. feel at New shipment of Market and Auto lunch baskets. Priced from !k' to :t.oo Large Gins Fruit Bowl six glass dishes. The set 11.40 Gold band Cups and Saucers, rcg. $2.75 pet. Special ....$1.75 THE BEE HIVE "Mow Tor pi'.xwjrroN oi:i(;o Coveralls for the ....kiddies 79c I lar products.