s y-f- ' TEN PAGES DAILY EAST OHEQONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 26,1021. PAGE THREE 2 Afezew Afotes of 'Pendleton . CALENDAR OF KVENT8 Jun 27-Auguit I flummtr Normal Schppl. ' July 28 Mooting of Umatilla and VY'ulla Walla County wheat growers. Beptomber 19-24 Northwest Grain nnd Hay Show. September 22, 29, 24 Annual Pendleton Round-Up. Cor of Gm Arrive. A curloud of gusoline tir rived In Pendleton tot'uy for distribution uni ons farmer of till k section. It it lug unloaded by Fred Jlennlon, coun ty ugetit und . his usslstunt, Flunk Orovca. hoii Hays that ft Is prohuble thut har vest can be returned by thlH afternoon. Wheat on his nncl Ik averaging very '.veil, Rome of It fjointf 40 bushels to the uerc, he stutcs. To Take Training. Lester .Norman, advertising man for the Tribune, will go to 1'ortland to night where -he will study udvertlslii fur four montliH under the direction of the Vocational Training Board. Sanest Much belayed. because of yesterduy's rainfall it will b two weeks before harvesting eun bo resumed during the morning hours tuya David Nelson, who farms near Pendleton. Mr. Nelson says that the moisture will be notlceube during the morning hours and It will be afternoon before the grain dries out aufflctently to bo threshed. Mr. Nel- l.ubor C'ouinilmloiipr Hem C. II. Oram, slate labor commissi oner, Is In Pendleton today for the purpose of checking up on tho work done by his department, ltouti.ic mutters required his attention, he sail this morning, 11W headquarters uie a: tulem. Ur, Kturgls to Ix-avc. Dr. Cyrus Sturgis, who has been here for several weeks as the guest of relatives, will leuve tomorrow morn ing for Hokanc on the first lap of his return trip to Boston. Mrs. Sturgis and son will not return cast for sever al weeks. They expect to go to Long lleuch before going home. ' . IIu'l 'IVmslls Itcmovcd. Cyril Procbstcl, deputy county clerk, is nnablo to be ut work today follow ing tin cperutlon Saturday evening for the lemovul of Ills tonsils, llu expects to be tack withJn a short time. flange Conditions Improved. The heavy ruin that fell yesterduy over L'mutllla county and Eastern counties was of vast benefit to the livestock Industry, cattle and sheep men declare. The range will be very much Improved by tho precipitation which amounted to 1 inch in Pendle ton and was general In Its Bcopo. t 101 -101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 o I r-t I "Jelly Time" We have a good supplyof : Crab Apples Rc4 June Apples Striped Astrachans Currants Loganberries Blackberries Sugar Jelly Glasses and Para wax YOU CAN DEPEND 0:1 "101' Pendleton Cash Market, Inc 301 E. Court Street Phonei 101 Private Exchange Connect both Department. -101 TOT IOt 101 TOI TOT TOT IPX T0I- Ci-up-shootcrs Fined. son Kid and"! B. Bogard were fined JliO and costa each yesterday after noon In the justice court at AUama on charges of vugrancy. Xhoy were ap prehended members of the sher- ifC'a force Sunday wnen mey were uis cvercd participating In a "crap" game. Ceti IlecorU Yield. The best yield that the runch on which ho Is farming hus ever pro duced has been secured this year by William Kid ridge, young farmer who operates northeast of Helix. He lias 340 acres of wheat which turned off about 40 bushels to the acre. He was here today taking care of business matters. Use the Phones Grocery, 2 Phones 526 Other Depts. 78 Use the Phones Grocery, 2 Phones 52G Other Dcpts. 78 PENDLETON'S LEADING STORK MONEY SAVED! On seasonable goods. A big lot of high grade merchandise marked specially low. These items picked at random from our immense stock of Dry Goods and Art Godds to BE CLEARED OUT. Every one of these items is a money saver. Come in now and get your share. 4 BIG SELLING EVENT, WASH VOILES 1-2 PRICE. found Jtouds Slippery A motor trip from Lena to Pendle ton yesterday afternoon disclosed the fact that the roads were rather slip pery after the rain of Monday morn ing, John Urosnan reports. He Is a livestock man and he gets his mail at Lenu which Is a stutlon between Heppncr und Pendleton on the upper part of Butter Creek. (f ' ' ' THE SEASON'S NEWEST NOVELTY Tho Harding Ulue Sautolr and Bracelet. This new novelty, origi nated by tho Klger Boyn have only been on the market three weeks, but, O Boy these three weeks !! If you haven't one get one now, be In style with the rest and be one of tho first in your town to wear a Harding Blue Ribbon on your watch or a Sautolr. Come In und bco us, wo have Just received a big selection at very little cost. (Don't delay I Conic now). Hanscom always has the best and newest. GUTS THAT LAST ansGoms J GWGIiy Store Fishing Tackle That Brings Results How About that Winchester 22. cal. for Squirrels? it (iocs AfUT Prisoner Deputy Sheriff K. B. F. Rldgway has gone to Caldwell where he will secure l' H. Bisk who is under arrest there on request of the sheriffs office here. Flsk made a getaway from Umatilla county last fall. Tried on a charge of stealing a diamond ring, he had been found guilty, and while awultlug sen tence, on a visit to see his wife, he slip ped away. A quiet search has been made for him over since. Injured By Truck. Abraham Showaway, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Showaway, was serious ly injured July 4 when a truck driver drove a truck over his body at White Swan. Washington, during an Indian celebrutlon on the Yakima reservation which the young man was attending. He was internally injured, und his back was hurt. Mrs. Showaway, his mother, has been at his bedside since the accident. Young Showaway was unconscious for 10 hours, but he Is much better now. HuiiNts People Visit. Flunk Schccr and Otto Piker, bro ther und brothcr-ln-luw, respectively of Policeman J. W. Sclicer arrived Sunday to be the guests at the Scheer home. The brothers had not seen each other for 10 years previous to the reunion here, und It had been 20 years since Mr. Piker and Billy Schccr had visited. Both men are rrom Paola, Kans. They aro returned from a tour of Yellowstone Park. They drove as far as Baker and took the truin into Pendleton. They expect to remain a week or ton days. Agreement to Hold. Suit to set aside a contract between the officials of the John Day Irriga tion District association and John I. Lewis, former state engineer, brought by the Northern Pacific railroad, Siuylhe Bros., and other land owners, lias been denied by Judge Gilbert W. P'iclps in a decision that was render ed Saturday afternoon. Another an gle ot tho case has been settled in the tieolMon, whereby the election of two now directors whose names were writ ten In ut a recent election is declared legal, und the directors, who have been refused places on the board by the old loan!, ure declared Justified to be seated. y Lot Women's Vests 5 for $1.00 In order to clean these out for our new stocks that will be coming soon, we are offering all our wash voiles at one half price. . Remnants 1-2 Price Big lot Wash Goods, all lengths from 2 yards to 4 1-2 yards. $2.50 Table Damask $1.95 Big lot women's vests, comfy cut and shell top, all sizes, 34 to 44, values 25c to 40c, special sale, 5 for $1.00 Made of finest quality yarns, double damask and of beautiful floral designs, special, yard . $1.95 One Lot Collar Points 26c Yd. Made of organdie, embroidered and come in col ors, regular 39c value, special sale 26c Sofa Pillows 81.26 Just 8 of them in this lot, dark colors, covered with tapestry, good for the car, camping and the like. Regular price $1.75, on special sale ! . $1.26 Hair Bows 69c Values up to $1.00 on special sale, offered in all colors, 1 1-4 yd. lengths. Special Sale, bow 69c One Lot Veiling 1-2 Price To clean out this lot we're going to sell this lot at 1-2 price. One Lot Neckwear 25c A limited quantity vomcn's fine stylish neckwear, values up to $2.50 to close out at 25c One Lot Silkoline 13c Make up comforters now, use our silkolines, of fered in a good assortment of patterns and colorings, 36 in. Special sale, yard 13c One Lot Cretonnes 1-2 Price -Choice patterns of best quality to close out at 1-2 price. left, Lace Curtains 75c Pair 2 1-2 yd. lengths, white and cream, about 10 pair Buy them at 7oc pair. One Lot Package Goods 1-2 Price Includes baby dresses, rompers, women's gowns, envelopes, etc. Special sale 1-2 price. To Take Vneutton Miss Grace A. Crillluni, county trea surer, plans to enjoy a vacation. She will leave Pendleton Thursday und will go to Portlund where she will spend three or four days. Her Journey then will be to points in Southern Cali fornia. During her visit she will be the guest of her sister, Mrs. T. II. Ag ncw of Pasadena and Miss Esther South, formerly prominent In musical circles in Pendleton. Miss Gilliam will be gone a month. It is her first real vacation since she took the duties of county treasurer. During her absence, tho office will be in charge of C. K. Cranston. Other Newt of This Department on Page 5 taw "ADAMLESS EDEN" FOUNDED BY CORNELL WOMEN GRADS WHO "MAN" THE NEW PARADISE Intensive Farming Engaged in ' by Members of Fair Sex Who Believe in Unpolluted Air. Miss Fischer, who permits nothing but purebred Barred Kock pullets nnd roosters Jo peck food from the gravelly pen in which they live and produce. While Miss Peck has been busy, during two years of residence on tho lurm, in Influencing De Soto farmers to introduce modern methods into their farm work. Miss Fisher has fhown housewives the latest and most modern methods "of cinhing and dry ing vegetables and fruits. Diversity al ways is preached by the two women. The detail of farm labor is perform ed by the two young women attired in army trousers and regulation shirts. After the chores of the day have been completed, Misses Peck and Fisher take "Elijah" and go for a ride. "Elijah" is their Ford car. Nature Is the hallmark of good health is the philosophy of the "lady farmers.'' They serve then-meals un der the canopy of heaven and sleep on the front porch throughout tho year. "Joy comes from healthful work," declarer Miss Peck. "There is no leth. orgy here next to nature. My health was poor when I decided that I would live longer on a farm. Nothing suc ceeds like profiting In health." LUCKY STRIKE CIGARETTE BY KENT WATSON" (International Xews Service Staff Correspondent.) DE SOTO, Mo., July 26. Tho "Adamless Eden," fifty. five acres In area, hus been created near here. "Manned" entirely 'by Miss Alice L. Peck, of Latavia, Xcw York, and Miss Anne P. Fisher, of St. Louis, Ceder brow Furm Is becoming famous throughout the great Southwest. The novel idea of having an utterly "manless" farm was born at Cornell, of which university the owners of the place ara graduates. The science of tanning is bringing dividends with good health, both Miss Peck and Miss Fisher declare. Out over their vast expanse of un polluted air. the two women look with pleasure upon growing crops that yield up young fortunes each year. Located in a valley at the foot of the Ozarks, tho "Adamless Eden" Is one of the most fruitful sections of Missouri. Berries ami fruit esueciallv thrive in the soil of the Ozarks. Money gullied ' from such crops, the two young wom en have proven to pioneer farmers of the section, rolls up a larger bank ac count than would ordinary crops. Miss Peck, u trained horticulturist, is tho "man" of the place, she super vises the work of growing the crops, while Miss Fisher, a specialist in do mestic science, does the canning of Jams and Jellies that bring shekels lolling Into the coffers of Cedurbruw. Ten acres of the little farm are giv en over to the growing ot fruits and berries, eighteen acres lire of wood land, with fifteen sowed in oats and corn. The remaining twelve comprise pasture and a yard for the farmhouse, i A small dairy is the prido of Miss Peck. Thefe hold forth the denizens ; of tested purebred Jersey stock. Wear Army iuhjips ii The care ot the poultry yard fallu to THE BEE HIVE 'Where yuality mid Service Prevail' THERE MAY BE LARGER STORES BUT NONE WITH SMALLER PRICES . THE BEE HIVE The Store of Economical Icrcliuiidiso" An Enthusiastic Response Thj splendid response of the public to our policy of sellirg QUALITY MERCHANDISE for LESS MONEY is a source of great satisfaction to us. It shows conclusively that the people appreciate our ef fort to save lliom money on their purchases at this store. With your continued support wc shall continue this policy A POLICY OF GKEATEU SALES AT LES PUOF1T THAN USUAL, SPECIALS Medium weight fluted Ice Tea Glasses. Per set of 6 for $1.25 RARE MERCHANDISING OPPORTUNITY Pest quality St. Dennis Cups and Saucers, heavy harvest ware, in plain white, . . $1.50 per down SPECIALS Three dozen Fruit Jar bers Uub . I Ho MAKE THIS STORE YOUR HEADQUARTERS Whether you purchase anything or not makes no difference wo want you to come In and feel at home. Meet your friends here und lake advantage of our store service In every possible manner. New shipment of Market and Auto lunch baskets. Priced from IHH1 to Jli.iW Large Glass Fruit Bowl six glass dishes. Tho set $ I. IV Gold band Cups and Saucers, reg. $2.75 set. Special '....$1.75 THE BEE HIVE 'More for Ia'ss" VKS lUJJTOX Coveralls for the ....kiddie 79c