East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 26, 1921, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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' irrn
Including Pendleton Prices and Aiioclated Preia Beport
1 I i
l ; f S-X&c "SOCD MY fLAC C I
Horn Again, Mkti
Off mid attic Mow
(From The Orernn Journal 1
Total rein nf livestock included 12A
for the opening, cnmpr.red with
lf,& lBt Monday and 116 curs a year
Ko. Horn were scare and shout Jfic
hiKhcr; rallle cre steady to ;,nc low
er, while hp were depressed with no
early tmnsaci Inn.
With only about (inn full load !n the
nlleyrt, the innrkct for hops was nom
inal for tho week's openins. Sales were
Hindi" Bt slron prices for the very
limited t nf n I nnd transactions in M-n-rnl
wer n nnartcr hiRlier. Tops sold
rnrly nt 912.75.
(leneral hog market rnntre:
Trim Until 1 2.00 f? 1 2.75
Smooth heavy, 150 to 300
pounds 10.nnrll.00
Fmooth heavy, S00 lbs.,
up , S.OftfllO.OO
nonuh heavy 6.00 ST-10.00
Tot plR 12. 00f 12.50
1-Veder JiiSA I1.00f 12.00
StnifS - R.OOUji 8.00
Cattle were In very liberal supply at
N'orth Portland for the week's opening.
Arrivals in the alleys totaled 2SS5
head, a week asm.
Killers were inclined fo "lay down"
at start of the day. rcsnltinp in general
losses of 2TiC to J rip in the better class
i f vteers, cows nnd heifers. No
rhanpe was shown early in the general
rnnfte for the poorer steers or in simi
lar class cows and heifers for the very
pood reason that if priees nre farther
reduced shippers must pay the freight
out of their own pockets.
One lot of steers shipped by R. W.
Miller of Pilot Rock sold at 17.00
early in the day.
General cattle market rantre:
Choice steers .n .50
Medium to good steers . . 5.50 W 6.00
Fair to medium steers .. 4.75ST 5.50
Choice cows and heifers 4.7 5 V 5.25
Medium to good cows and
heifers 4.00f 4.75
Fair to medium cows and
heifers S.OiKf 4.00
I Common cows, heifers . . 2.25 W S.00
iCanners , 1.50 4? 2.25
I Hulls - 2.50471 S.50
Choice feeders 5.00 ft 5.5tl
Fair to good feeders .... 4.00f 5.00
Choice dairy calves 10.50 f 1 l.Olt
Prime light dairy calves 10.00 j? 10.50
Med. light dairy calves. . 7.00 4? 10.00
Heavy calves .7T 5.50HJ 7.0o
Depressed tone was shown In the
sheep and lamb alleys for the week's
opening at N'orth Portland. There was
total showing of 4607 head, compared
with the record of 12,928 head last
Monday, hut even this great decrease
in the supply failed to stimulate buy
ing. Killers were adverse to taking
hold unless they could punch a hole in
values and this receivers were unwil
ling t j allow at the opening.
General sheep and lamb range:
East of mountain lambs $ .00f 6.50
Best valley lamhs ...... 5.60 W 6.00
Fair to good lambs n.OOf? 5.50
Oill lamhs 4.00? 5.00
I-iKht yearlings ,. S.5O1S?
Heavy yearlings S.00J8
Light wethers S.OOitfi
Heavy wethers , . . 2.00 4?
Ewes 1.00 if?
CIimp ohsorvers of nature know that animals have
loaders, strcwrth and running keeping them at. the
lii-ad of the weaker ones. Kven in plant life there Is
Ciinj on continually a process of crowding ami eli
mination. This is exactly what is happening with mankind,
tin-re are and always will be leaders ami others who
irail. lie. wlm saves his earnings, will be in a much
bettor position to take the lead.
Savings- counts a-e opened at this bank every
The AinericanN5ional Bank
Pendleton, Oregon.,
. a 0) 1 f .v
More. (H Money
tnTereil at Ijowor llnte
NEW YORK. Juply 26. -(A. P.)
A far measure of activity and strength,
especially among steels, equipments
and rubber, sugar nnd tobacco spec
ialties. marked the opening of the
week on the stock exchange. Part of
this advantage was concealed In the
idle drift of the later dealings, the
market closing Irregularly. Sales 285,
Failure of a prominent brokerage
house with local and Philadelphia con
nections suggested that certain weak
features in the market's technical post
tion were in process of further read
justment or liquidation.
Offerings of call money at 5 1-2 per
cent, later shaded to 6. were larrer
than since the disbursement of July In
terest and dividend payments. Time
rates held firm, hut Interior banks
again bought liberally of merchants
pa per.
Foreign exchange was the one
branch of the financial markets in
which reactionary conditions prevailed.
The London rate for demand bills fell
to a fraction under J3.57 and contin
ental quotations yielded variably.
Trading In bonds was moderately
active, industrials and rails adding
fractionally to last week's gains. Lib
erty Issues closed mostly at higher lev
els 'but internationals were mixed. To
tal sales par value, J16, 875,000.
Foreicn Situation
Causes Wheat Itiilgo
CHICAGO. July 26. (A. P.)
Wheat priees bulged at the last yester
day because of reports that wheat
bought by Belgium in Australia was
being received out of condition. The
market closed firm S-4 to 1 1-4C net
higher, -with September 11.234' to
$1.23 3-4 and December $1.26 1,; to
J1.2SV4. Corn gained 3-8 to 5-So, oats
lost 1-2W3-8C to 5-8c, and provisions
finished unchanged to 15c lower.
Late strength of wheat was em
phasized by gossip that exporters could
not ohtain their requirements In the
market -here. Renewed attention was
thus drawn to a statement from Secre
tary Hoover putting stress on a fore
cast that United States surplus grain
would be in demand for Europe. Un
til ruled heavy owing to continued big
receipts here and to a likelihood that
the total primary receipts this week
might exceed any previous record. Be
sides, hedging pressure was such in
evidence during the morning and
premiums for fancy spring grades were
i.hot to pieces, tumbling 25c in some
cases compared with Saturday. On the
other hand, a decided falling off in
hedging sales took place in the Inst
hour, shorts covered freely and com
mission house demand was said to be
of a good class.
Export sales of 500,000 bushels ral
lied corn from the bearish effect of
rains, but hedging sales kept oats
Lower quotations on hogs acted as 1.
weight on provisions.
Every need for the
Harvest Time
Sturgis & Storie
Hogs Slow, Cattle
And Sheep Active
KANSAS CITT, July 26. Cattle-
Receipts, 16,000: yearlings steady to
1 strong; half load $9.25; dry-fed steers
steady to 25c higher; top heavies, 9;
other grades steady to 25c lower; best
Texas, $7.60; Texas yearlings, $8; best
Kansas grassers, $7.75; many grass
and cake-fed, steers $6ifi'6.75; canners
and bulls, steady to strong; bulk can
ners around $2; most bulls $4.25ii5;
calves steady to 50c lower; practical
top, $8; many calves ttH; other
classes uneven, but mostly steady; best
cows, $7.75; medium to good, $4S 5.25;
best stockers, $6.50; good feeders $6.
Hogs Receipts, 6500; better grades
barely active; others slow; mostly
steady to 10c lower; best lights and
medium to shippers, $10.35; top,
$10.40; bulk of sales, $9,305? 10.30;
packer top, $10.30; throwout sows and
pigs, around steady.
Sheep Receipts, 5000; western
lambs steady; Idaho, $10.50; native
lambs steady to 25c higher; old bunch-
I es. 19.75: load. $9.65: Kheen. 25'S50c
higher; Idaho ewes, $5.50.
A late Paris style is feather shoes.
For the fall trade evening shoes are
to have toes tipped with little plumes
and paradise feathers are to be on the
. f . t xX to novcr im iw I
J$2k ' Tfik DOCfK TO YOU. I
f sL yjlj we AS GOING II
J' jjjj T0 ns ,GMBR5' II
HAVS 0O OT A LAWN riotLe? 1 1
;anP CVOfvfTHtKia. . r c?52 P SS. I
' ' I
A girl twenty years of age recently
swam around Manhattan Island, forty
miles. In less than sixteen hours. In
1 9 1 r. another woman preformed this
feat in eleven hours and thirty-five
minutes. '
July Clearance Sale
Among the odds and ends we have many very attractive patterns in linoleum of
the most desirable colors. Linoleum and Feltex in room sizes:
A beautiful Mission Library Table, fum
ed finish, and solid oak. Former
price, $65.00; now $35.00
A large oval shape Library TaLle, solid
oak, in the golden finish. This one
slightly used, at only $25.00
Another Solid Oak Library Table which
has been slightly damaged in snipping.
Kegular $25.00; now $13.50
A handsome genuine quarter sawed Oak
IJbrary Table, size 26x42. Regular
$;!8.00; now $20.50
A gorgeous period Library Table in Wil
liam and Mary ana genuine mahog
any. Very large. This is a snap. Regu
lar $68.50; now $42.50
Inlaid in the regular grade, former price
$2.50, now $1-89
Printed Linoleum in the best grade, for
mer price $1.50, now 99c
Feltex remnants, best quality, former
price $1.00, now 69c
Cruikshank & Hampton
IJ4.2H I- Vchh . Phone 54
l our 4lld lliniHnre Taken In r4iangr Part Payment on ew. Kxcluxlve Auents In Pendleton
for Arrolux (No M hi ) Porvli Klmle.
WASHINGTON, July 26. (By T. N,
Sandifer, I. N. S. Stuff Correspond
ent.) America's submarine fleet is
to be as powerful an.l i-lficient as that
any nation in the woi'M.
Eighty first class "sea panthers"
are now In operation, and the navy
department is planning the addition
o.' thirty S-boats. the latest and most
improved typi of une'er the surf lie
' V. hen these ne-v craft are le
ni ec" and piepared for aei'ivo vr
we will have a good suhmarino fleet,"
Secretary of the Nay Denny i;atd lo
lay. Persistent rumors have prevailed
ncently in congress M:d in n-.i- a! ci' -oles
that the subsea fleet of tho A-n-3i
ean navy wus "on tho bum," Iki
pi-cretary Denby's dmial or 4',i-se
Tories and his expressed de:i.-o !
nr.ke the navy's I'-'icat flotilla a for.
miclabie arm of the nation's tire'-iine
jf defense has quited rome of the most
aggressive of those who have attack
ed the department's policy and build
ing programme.
Plans for greater development of
submarines were among the features
of the recent discussion in congress of
the navy appropriation bill for the
next fiscal year, and much of the cri
tfcism levelled at the navy depart
merit's subsea policy and the alleged
poor condition of the submersible
fleet was brought to a head in a reso
lution introduced in the senate by
Senator King (D), of Utah, directing
an investigation of American subma
rines by the senate naval affairs com
mittee. No action has been taken on
this resolution since its Introduction,
ind it Is regarded as unlikely that the
proposed investigation will be con
ducted. I.ate-4 Flotilla in Pacific.
One of the latest rumors concern
ing the condition of the submarine
fleet had it that a number of U-boats
were tied up at the Panama Canal
and that they were of no use except
as Junk, ''iI
Secretary Denby declared that cer
tain divisions operating in tropical
waters have encountered difficulties
due to the climatic action on engines
and gear and that experiments are
now being eonducted to eradicate
these troubles.
A flotilla of the latest type of sub
marines made their way recently to
the Pacific and are now operating- in
those waters. '
High officials of the navy depart
ment dismiss most of these rumors as
propaganda and go right along with
their work of developing the under
sea flotilla, with the belief that this
arm of the navy is to be "as good as
the best."
The trouble with some laundries is
that instead of cleaning the collars
they only sharpen them.
A woman who marries a man
younger than she is will soon age him.
Speaking of discipline in the navy,
have you noticed a better Instance than
when Mrs. Sims told the Admiral he
had talked enough. We'll say,. If Mrs.
'ere on the quarterdeck more, the Ad
miral would foul his anchor line less.
Willi. Mebhy "rts
"It's paradoxial. Is It not,"
Said Uncle Abner Skittle,
"That a woman kin talk such an aw
ful lot
An' say such an awful little "
Extra Girl "I wonder why they call
Hiss Screene a Star?"
Leading Man "Oh, because she is
so cold and distant."
Quick, Watson, the Gas Masks
. Those who heard Si Reetz, as a
member of the Apollo Quartet, sing
"The Knd of a Perfect Day" at the
band concert little knew that It was
almost the end of the evening ns well
for Si. For in taking a deep breath he
gathered in a well-developed gnat of
such proportions that S'l just escaped
That Massachusetts man who was
caught making synthetic nlckles prob
ably will be sent to an Institution for
tho criminally Insane.
A prison newspaper The Messenger
with the "Golden Rule" as Its mot
to, published and edited by prisoners
at the South Dakota penitentiary, in
the latest plana to make men, rather
than ex-convicts, out of inmates.
WASHINGTON, July 26. (V. P.)
Secretary Hoover reiterated the gov
ernment's attitude toward the Russian
relief when he messaged Maxim Borgy
of Petrograd. that the I'nited States
could extend no relief while Ameri
cans were held prisoners by the soviet
government. Hoover, as secretary of
the American relief association,
months ago -pointed out the associa
tions willingness to give relief.
By Stanley
n it . nil i m FBI (a-Ti retry piw
. - I WSJ
Is a Sacred Trust
We never quote "compnriitlve pi' -e4," nor stutc that wo lire
sclllnu Hoods nt a fraction of their rr No customer In Olid town
or anv other ever worries nrwut "sales." ever has to wait for (roods
to lie "innrkeit down" or womlern why mcn-haiKUse. wdil at ono :
price today should have to lw advert Ised lit a l.nver prli-e tomorrow
us "vnltics up to".
llonesl Meri-liaiiiliKO Mid Truthful Advenlxlnir creates Confi
dent. Tim linearity or Hie KiMiken and written word of tho J. ft
PKXNF.Y COMPANY Is now as it lias always been, a sacred trust.
The plnln straight-forward statement of our ability to buy In
rreat qualities quality nicrvhaiiillne lit low priced Is taken by mil.
lions of iieople as an honestly stated fait worthy of confidence.
lu this Miey of not quolins wnuratlve priees" we have been
leaders for years.
Others now follow our k-alerslilp numlier of the Itrenter
stores of the West and Mlildle.Vca recently announced In their
newspaper advertising that "tho use of comparative prices would
liereafier lie tlloiitlnued because It is mMcadinir, exaggerated and
desimctrte of public eonfldeiii-e."
From the betrlnnins. our policy has been a simple, sound Golden
Jlule policy and every iern oonneeted with the J. C. PKN.VHV
COMPANY take Jw- prkle an MiMiilnhqi a k-odcrijiip tliat la and
always will lie a wu red trust.
14x24 Barber Towels,
98c doien
14x26 Huck Towels 8c
16x32 Huck Towel,
Fancy Red Border.... 15c
18x36 Huck Towels,
Fancy Red Border....l9c
18x36 Same as above,
heavier quality 23c
18x36 Hemstitched Cotton
Absorbent Towels ..23c
14x19 Turkish Bath
Towel 2 for 25c
17x36 Turkish Bath Towels 19c
18x34 Same as above 25c
22x24 Turkish Bath Towels, good heavy w eight 39c
72x00 Sheets, good quality $1.39
81x90 Sheets, same as above $1.49
72x90 Pequot Sheets $1.69
81x99 Piquot Sheets $1.98
42x36 Pequot Pillow Cases 43c
45x36 Pequot Pillow Cases 49c
White Mercerized Cotton, col
ored cuff tops, pair 35c
White Mercerized Cotton, a
quality you'll like, colored
cuff tops 49c
Fine Ribbed Cotton Stockings, black and Cordovan.
Size 5-91- ; 25c
Fine Ribbed Cotton, black, white and Cordovan. Size
5-10 '. 49c
Pure Thread Silk Hose, grey only, all sizes 69c
Ladies Fibre Silk Hose, grey only, all sizes 49c
Ladles Cotton Hose, black nnd
white 2!o
Ladies' Mercerized Cotton Hose,
black and Cordovan, all
sizes S3e
Ladies Fine Mercerized Cotton
Hose, black nnd white . . . .-IHc
Same as abo'e, ribbed top . ,4e
Same as above, better quality,
black and white 59e
All Silk Pongee, yd. 49c
Usona Silk, suitable for
undergarments. All
the desirable shades
yard 39c
Meritas and Sanitas Table Oil Cloth. New attractive
patterns and plain white. Yard 33c
Quality PRINTING at Reasonable Prices
East Oregonian Printing Department
SPIOfclc THAT rELLUUi i" ou."
We have in our stock standard makes of 2V-
ton Pneumatic and Solid Tire Trucks and are
offering at this time for the benefit of prospect
ive purchasers, a substantial discount in price
and exceptionally easy terms. It will pay you
to investigate, if you contemplate purchasing a
Truck. , . . . .
Oregon Motor Garage
119-121 West Court St. ,
Phone 468