East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 25, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    acect: ; ' tiam tm oftfeooNUN. jendieton. omsAon. .: . mo&day evening, 'mir 2." ittl. fcidKT page3 r-
Social and Club News
Of Interest lo rciuili ton people who! Congialulatlons ure being extended
met Mrs. IHvida Humes Watson when over the arrival f a son, weighing
rhu wu the rueKt of Mr. Wlllard eight and throe quarter pounds. Wf
Hond In Pendleton In the 'following j Mr. and .Mrs. cliauncy mith, born
from the 1'ortlnnd Orvgonlan: j Si unlay morning at the homo of Mrs.
Tho encasement of Klvlda Uurncsa Smith's mother, Mrs. H. U Oliver on
Vton and Arch fudwrll Cleveland j rerkina avenue. Mrs. Smith formerly
of Minneapolis was announced Wcd-.tiraoe Oliver, hag been visiting nor
; motjn-r for some time and Mr. Smith
I is also herefrom their home nt 11 use m,
ncsduy at a bridge luncheon given liy
Mrs. William U Powell for tho brido
let and several frelnds. .including
Mra. James Hnrncss, Mrs. IV H. Hates,
Mrs. Ciifton Irwin. Mrs. ift U C.ibbon,
Mm. Krnest Crjchton, Mrs. Owen l)a
vt, Mrs. Victor Strode, Miss Dorothy
Thinner, Mrs. if. L. Temple and Mrs.
Vank Barnes.
-MIS. 8)1 KA IS (5 1" EST
Miss Irene Shea, formerly of Pen
dleton, now of Portland, is a guest at
the Thomas Thompson home. She ac
companied Miss KSJna Thompson t
Pendleton from Portland on Friday )
Heveral Informal affairs are being
planned for the pleasure of Miss ShcaJ
during her visit in Pendleton. j
1.KAVB OX MUTOli TRIP ... . ...
Mr. and Mrs. Richard May berry and
son-Hobby left yctcrtfay morning Tor
a motor trip to Portland. They will4
joined later by Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Ftaxier and daughter Jean, who will
motor to Portland this week, and the
party will' then fro to Seaside for
i-hort stay. a
Mrs. u. L. p.emiett, of this city, ac
companied -by Muss Agnes Collins, of
1-a Grande, left Saturday for that city.
MIms Collins has been the euest of
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Phillips ar th
j parents of a little son born on Satur
day cvflilng at St, Anthony's hospital.
The new arrival weighs seven und a
half pounds.
Dr. and Mrs. M. S." Kern have re
turned from an extended vfsit at Van
couver, B. C, where Dr. Kern took
A hnndiod members of the I. O. O.
P. and Dehckahs enjoyed a picnic yes
terday at the t'matilla Indian Agency
grounds. 'Iflie-merrymaKers moKired
to the shady spot and spent the day In
names -and swimming. A' bis; picu'.c
lunch was served d mi the dayT
Mr. and Mrs.- Cf. Jr. Ritehey, of La
Claude, arjl guests of Mrs. Tillle Wal
ters at her home, 207 West Court
street Mr, Ritehey was formerly
postmaster at La Grande and is now
owner of a music store in that city.
rtennett for the past three weefciO post srrndtmte work in dentistry..
3 j' ' 1 ffeffifo ill
6 ii iii i.-ti
Entire Stock of Novelty Skirts in Both Wool and Silk
S E C O X Q FLOOR T A T L O It H A ll 1 V A R E B L D G.
' ' 1 ' I
Z 1.1' Strenrth and energy may be yours. Put iron in your X
i . uoa. uooa rea Diood is essential for robust health.
There can be No Vigorous Iron men or beautiful rosy
cheeked women without iron.
GPl-rrS FOIt WBEK-EN'n . i"
Ouests at the W. D. Humphrey home
during the week-end were Mrs. Hum
phrey's, brother, M. FT. Coe. Irs. Coe
and theiivbtiby, of Echo, and Mr. and
Mrs. Prank Cote and son, Clinton Cote,
of Dayton, Washington. ''
Mr. and Mrs. Wtllard Bond and
daughter, Itetty Bond, will leave this
eventnic for Walla Walla. They will
Ko from thre to Seattle and will then
go to Alaska. Thetrip will last for
three weeks. , , , ;
Mrs. J. T. Richardson rcturiiad yes
terday from La Grande, where she
visited at the home of her son,, Harley
Richardson. Mrs. Richardson former
ly resided in the neighboring city.
Miss Mamie yey. accompanied by
her house-guest, Miss Mabel Schiller,
motored to Walla Walla this morning.
They will return this evening.
Mrs. Louis Sandheim left yesterday
for her home in Portland after a visit
at the home of her mother, Mrs. Wil
liam Eoothby. ' ' '
Other New of ThU
Department on Page 5
pf What are the irtne fnnnt tn
veKetaliles that they should bo
so scarcely considered in our.
food " program ? They contain
fibrous or rough material which
cannot be completely digested
and in consequence acts as a bal-"
last for the ever active digestive
system: 'Human ibeings reQulre
ruughago quite as much as does
a cow or horse and it should be
included in every day's menus.
The root vegetable, green leaf
vegetables," sfem vegetables, such
as cclerj'. are iinexclled for regu-
lating purposes.
'A woman said to me recently,
that she had learned that "bread
. Is. the staff of life.'1 she has
learned that "even a good staff is
"aU the butter for reinforcement.
The cereals from which bread
is made, do not supply lime in
quantity to meet the .daily need
of the body. For the limf we
need wo must turn to milk and
to vegetables. We permit our
children to refuse milk very ofJ
ten then, all the more must
they eat a variety of vegetable
food. Our bones are composed
largely of lime; so are our teeth.
The heart foeats recularlv .he-
l eause there is lime ind soda in
the blood. Clotting of the blood
prevents fatal results from cuts
and other accidents and clotting
takes place normally because
there is lime in the blood. Lime
as found in the tissues of vege-
. tables is easily taken up by the
body and utilized in building
teeth, bones and muscles. That
physicians and dietetians" pre-
scribe vegetables for daily diet is
not to be wondered at. E. V. D.
Increases appetite, norishes, builds tissues
Restores health, strength, vitality
Liquid Nux and Organic Iron Combined with
Hypophospites and Extract Beef
Bulk Hershey's Cocoa, lb. . . . . . .'. . .'. . ; Oc
Peach, Blackberry and Pkim Jam, , .
large tin . .,......... .... , 25c
.Peaches, Pears and Apricots, large tin. . .'. 2"c
Santa Clara Prunes, 25 Lb. box . ..... $2.50
Best Grade , Sliced Pineapple, 3 large tins $1.00
Butter Nut Cookies, 3 pounds ......... .$1.03
Bulk Coffee, run through our refine lb.' 25c
Columbia River Salmqn, 2 cans , 25c
Large Package Washing Powder, each..; 25c
American Sardines, 5 cans
Libby's Corned Beef, can
Complete assortment of gallon Fruits
Vegetables for harvest. trade. See us
prices. - . - ' , v
Gray Bros. Grocery , Co.
3 Phones 28 Only Qualitythe Best
Phone Main 20
Pendleton, Oregon
The Universal Car
i .
U-iiK-inlx!r tliat when you hri jour Ford i-ar lo us for 'iiie
iliajiii l nlK TUion Uiat im get tho genuine Ford -rvlwt ma
terial. pTi. iu I nri.mrii kiiG J onj factory prkTS. l our
l-Vn in too usi-ful. u (aluable take fhantxw with poor hip
cliuukn with Hually Ktr ijual.ty malirlai,-i. Jjrijig it to us and
naic both time uiid iikjiu ). '
i '
Wo an- antlioried f'oiil liiil(TH. tnv-li'd by (lie Ford -Motor
to look ulu-r (Ih- mhiik of I onl ouiu'. Thai's tlif awiiraiii'e
e offer. We are setting a few Ford cars and the first come.
, f.rst to receive delivery.
Uv you thouKht about that Sedan or Coupe for this fall and
winter They are iiiiithty comfortablo and cozy when the wind
blows and the rain is fullinir. Come In and look them over and
place your order in advance no that we can be sure of ordering
enough to so around. This will be the cloned car year.
Simpson Auto Co.
Phone 408 " Water & Johnson St
Sen ice '
Vnknown Friends '
There are many who have used
Chamberlain's Colic and " Diarrhoea
Remedy, with the best results, but who
are unknown, because they have not
written to the manufacturers and told
them of their experience in the use of
tms remedy. These neople, however,
arc none the lens friCnda and it is to
their personal recommendations that
this preparation ewes its popularity
and extensive sale and-. ue It is a
good medicine to have in thq house. It
la widely known for its cures of pain
In the ktomach, colic and diarrhoea.
'How to Avoid Trouble
You may save yourself a lot of trou,
ble and suffering by obtaining a bottle
of Chamberlain'sColic and Diarrhoea
Hemedy, at once. It is almost certain
to be needed before the summer is
over and when needed, is worth many
time's its cost. It is thoroughly re
Took a Xelslbor8 Advli-c
"Two or three years aso, whatever I
ate distressed me. My liver was tor
pid and I lacked energy and ambition.
A neighbor advised to take Cham
berlain s Tablets. . I, was wonderfully
benefitted by their use and have since
enjoyed the best of health," writes
Mrs. Frank Pellett, Hannibal, N. T. If
troubled with Indigestion why not take
these tablets? Cet will and stay well.
How to Kcaeli a Itine Old Age
If you would reach's, ripe old age, do
not worry, take out-door, exercise
daily, ,-idcjpt a diet suited to your age
and occupation, keep your boweh
regular. When medicine is necessary
lo move the bowels, take Chamber
fain's Tablets. . They ere mild and
gentle. 1
announces a change of of
fices from. Temple Building
to Suite 5, . Bond Building,
over Bond Bros.tore.
Phone 772
Itryjis FrciK Iiwoman-s- Iinpi-Csslon of
The authors of tlii book came' to
America on an officio; mission whlchl
carried them to every part of the Unit
ed States, They are relnted to Ameri
can families, and both iii'derstand and'
speak Kngllsh perfectly. They were,
not at the mercy of interf refers; their
impressions are direct, u w are their
ympressions mere polite statements;
uiey are intiia opinions, nu some
times opinions that disaporove of
things American, our Pullma sleep
ing cars "for Instance, our wowin mir.
workers in uniform, and so on. Th
book is ehnimlns, too in that K not
only tells us'"of ourselves, but tells Us.
at least Implicitly, of the French.
Fuhtf Household Plclihiiary
, At last a woman of ingenuity has
compiled a practical and worthwhile
book of wh:t the American woman !n
her home wants to know and presents
this Information In readable form, tn
this volume every little device the
' housekeeper needs to know, hints bf
every phase of household life are easily-
availabla. The. topics rnn?e from
removing inksputs fro mclothes, or oil
front carpets, to the best way to mend
lace curtains, it is all here.
i hesterton Superstition of Divorce
If the Peace settled some question,
it did not settle others, and none of
these is now more pressing 'and widely
discussed than the question of mar
riage nud Its place in civilized life, j
There is oin ious need for a book which
thall set forth the main principles on
which the orthodox position with re
gard to marriage is ba.-ed. Such a
book Chesterton has written. The
jrodern cult of Divorce Is here dubaed
'.Superstition," In that its attempts to
cure the ills of marriage by destroying
t marriage ana ov setting uo a nogus
irli.l ftf Tnirnl 1-i.unupl - lii I it i- in it u r.luri
Never has Mr. Chesterton allowed his
wit a freeaeign .than in this remark
able volume, whose pages sparkle with
epigram, scintillate with the cleverness
of your motif cunning advocatesus
Kellog ISobbiiiM of Helium'
This uniiiuely interesting book tells
the story of the Belgian lace indus
try, as it was before the war and as
it is now being reconstituted by a
faithful band of generous-liearted
women who are seeking to make, it
;'nce more one of the great handicrafts
of the country, and at the same time
to so improve conditions for the wom
en 'woriturs that their daily wage may
be something more than the mere pit
tance they have heretofore been able
to earn. The journeys into lace-land
which form the subject of this volunte
are described in simple but moving
language, colored everywhere by a fine
quality "of human interest, and the pre
sentation of the family and community
lifo out of which the work originate
may suRge-.it mure about what lace
reully is than a nioro technical and
formidable yblume. ,
iLiicklosli AriiriHal Uslit
This is an ciithu.'aastiq and absorb
ing interesting appreciation and expla
nation of the magical accomplishment
of artificial light, In this book Mr.
Luokiesh tracea the history- of the de
velopment of artificial light and de
scribes Its Influence upo'n human pro
gress. He begins with the primitive
man helpie-sly hudriled with fear ajid
coli Ih his c-avpffis. the last rays of sun
set are extinguished by BarknessT"
follows the progress made by"" man
when he discovers a method for kindl
'ing a fire and later when be allapts the
flro to Illuminate his dwelling. .Soon
man is able to create new ways of pro
ducing light, and a artificial light be
comes more abundant arid less cxpan
t'lve It isiput to himdreds of new uses
and dally becomes more and more es-
si rtial to the progress of civilization.'
This story of the achievements of
artificial light is written especially f'fi
the man in the street who is not in
terested in technical scientific terms
and formulas, but who looks with ad
miration upon tho huge Minns which
flash and siiarkle above the. crowds on
llh tlreat White Wfiv find wants to
know more- of their origin, who han'
re:id in the -newspaper despatches
about camouflaged ships, automobiles,
roads nd what not and wonders how
- j such inugic Is conceived, and who
takes a natural delight in heariiu
: about scientific discoveries when they
; are explained Jji the simple, vivid lull -:
Kuaf c he understands besC
; IVIIi-w Dyrij and Dyeing
I A new and enlarged -edition of a
j book which has for three years been
i an' imaluaHc text for tho home crafu
I men, the M injfcnt, or the man profos
'B'oimlly lutein ted. How ti dye cot
ton, wool, silk, feathers, leather, straw,'
'raffia, and other materials.' A corn
. piete discussion, of lye and dyeing
, methods, from the earliest times down
I to the present. ,
hollo drinks that have tickled the pal
ates of thirsty mortals, and, In addi
tion, many equally deleeatable new
concoctions. Mra. Htockbridge rfot only
teaches you how to brew all those
leverages dear the the palate of the
most fastidious, but shows you how to
serve most attractively.
Tbicbaiilt Vanished Friends -'
The first presentation to the Kngllsh
speaking public of une uf .the' moat re
markable Kuropean-iwychlo buoks of
recent years. The1 author brings to
gether the results of scientific investi
gation into the reliability of com
munications through mediums, auto
matic writing, and other means, pur
porting to come from departed but
still surviving human personalities. He
nirfaliuls an amount of proof that, to
more than surprising, and Introduces
instances of verification of details ob
served, the truth of which was abso.
lately Incapable of decision the ob
servers, but was established by refer
ence to community records in various
French towns and villages.
. Wuljfle Talks to Sunday School
Tewlu-rs ,
, In a series of informal talks the au
thor presents a concrete picture of out
atandlng jrtagea in the moral and reli
gious development of children and
people pud a suggestive exposition of
the newer pedagogical ideals for the
Sunday School, Parents 'as well as
Workers In the Sunday School and all
who have to do with the. trailing ol
youth will find here help m the solu-
r i
From plantation Tp tuf tlesg comfort.
Drop in and let us tell you why the Sealy
never 'groivs
I0S p. CO.l'T PT.
f nosre n .
lion of 'maii? of their moat vexliig
problem's and the IUHplratton which
comm fnuii contact with the mind of
a muster teachi'r.
liaxter Hoy I'.trd House Architec
ture. Bock Al!cu'sTcxt I lookout Cltintn
ship. - . . rf "
iiryce Light.
O'linus Island Sheep.
Center-i-Workrr und His Work.
Clafk High School ltoy and His
Fuller Typist.
Crenberg Violin teaching and Vlo
II It Study. J '
Hull Monroe Ixctrlno and the
Orcat War.
Jlainmond Modern Drilling.
Hanifan Coininiimty Center.
Hickti Now W orld tudur.
Jaiifeu Reclaiming the Arid West.
!iehards Man of Tomorrow.
Sheffield Kwiinniiug ShnplifUnl.
' Shin T'logiaphy of a l'aby.
Meetinga with Livestock clubs, for
consideration of livestor judging
teams will be held by Yonnty club
nt rNKCiKXcijTiorBi:D ihm
"I know I hnviJ done wrong, please'
forgive mefor"ot doing my duly and
writing yen-befia-n. I am thankful to.
Uod for the gmal remedy Ho gave yqu,"
nnd would not, take f '.U0 for tho good'
the first doso gave me. t have been
bothered for niany years with gaa In
my jstuniiich and' Indigestion, but tinea
taking Mayr'a WonderM Itemedy two
yfim ago, have had 'no such trouble, '
It Is a slniplo, hiymlesa preparation
that removes the catarrhal muciia
trom the Intestinal tract and allaya
the Inflammation which causes prac
tically all stomach, liver and In tea
tlnul ailments, including hppendinitis.
no dose will convince or money re-"
funded. Druggist everywhere.
leaders Hie last week of July.- A live
stock Judging team will represent each
club at the county fair. The liiah ulnt '.
Lteam at the county fair may choose to ,
go ui me stiue pair or me i-at-uic iu-i
ternatlomil livestock show. Tlie team ,
malfing' Mtoiiit place to have second '
E-n ' X CC? "flPTER.
fc 1 S EVER?
J jr mar:. '
n a j 10pob5- 'i
1 I l Lit afll
Li ' J NA fSXK
The nswsuar coated r
v which everybody JW) tZhJj f
likcsou win, r;ip
I -t jt laMn 1 4' r. 1 '! at rrr ,mm i
ii i mm a.-.-.-.w. i :. i ! . - mr r,tir . mm
' , ' '. ''''' .
delicious peppermint
flavored sugar Jacket around
peppermint flavored ctiewlaseusi
thaf will aid your appetite 2nd dlfiss-
flnt nnlIeS tiniii ath an1 MidaK
- tvu rmiw fvui Ikblil ,mvm witWMIIijl
y your tbrott. , V - Eto
imfiwQK tests
Famous Kelly's Comedians
Tonight and all Week
New Scenery
p New Costumes
New JUays
"RICHARDS' SEXTETTE' Sonjetliiiig Different in Harmony
, v There's a Reason. y
1 '.' : A show to please every one of t he family. " r
'25 and 50e POPULAR PRICES-25 and 50e
fytil rmrrWW:tyor Cfpen 7:4:
Curtain 8.20
" Pit lo DHiik
'lie recipeu 0
tile iavorttB H0n-lCQ
practically nil