East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 25, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    TJ -U U LJ z UJ U
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K--s-aea, raufJMiLJij BmrTimi'i.-j i.wp'TTIJ'IJ'J " ' '" T" ! 1 ! 1 '
" ' ' ',, , ' '' '' ' ' ' ' ' J '..' ' '"' ' ''','' 1 - - " , ,
V PeoZcf Here and There j
S n 1 'III T-rlLZZZZZZZ r u ' ,
; II. M. MeCiary Ih spending a
days vl.'iltlii(f In Urando.
truest Goodman of I'mulHiu Wa In
Pendloton today on business.
: ' ' .' J
A. II. l.eedy, it farmer of the pilot
lluok district; spent tlia duy In Pendleton.
, Itev. James Dickson, of I.ttpVl,
Tdahb, an Indian minister, Ih here the
guest of his old frltmd, Parsons Mo
tanlc ' - ; f
John Young, who has becu.at the HI.
Anthony hospital whero ho wan ope
ted on for appcnillctjls. has returned
to I'la liume at Echo. '
Five of over cna. hundred men In
Kurope uro'ln the army, npoordlng to
the British war secro.tury. , The na
tion leant able to supVuit uiniles are
thot having tli largost.
offices and officers j
ir-r-r-rr r r-J
Iti'tiiriiH I'rom Vacation
..Miss C'arlotta Hlckox, stenographer
In the office of the county clerk, has
returned to Pendleton after a Vacation
of two weeks spent at the home of her
parents at Murahflold, Oregon.
sontenco of 20 d iva at his trlut held
w-urllcr In the wee,
Grain Thieves Kciiirnct-d
k John Kennedy and Jim Osborn were
fined 50 each and Riven. Jail soli
tenceg of 10 day in tho comity jail
Baturday afternoon when their , caws
came up for trial before County Judge
S. M. Bchannecp. They were charged
with the theft of wheat and barley, and
their arrest were made Saturday night
by members of the sheriff force, rob-
lowing a thrilling chase.
ISooth'tUfcr Hiitoiic'd
Victor Parkin, who claims his home
Ih ut Holso, received a scnlenco of 30
flays In Jail Saturday afternoon when
ho was tried before Judge I. M. Schan
ncp. Ho was wlth O. C. Brown, on
other young fellow, who was given a
Get your order in early as'tliey are
going fast . '
, : 5c PER POUND. ;
.' . - .' . .. 'K
California Melons 4 l-2e Per Pound.
Phone 187
739 Main Street
- i . Proprietor
It's time now'to go down and hear old
Plunge into the tturf, dig darns, fisrf, hunt, play, rest,
and get the real joy that only a beach vacation can give
Just remember what a week or two will do for you at
, ; or! NEWPORT
.If there is any doubt which one to visit ask our agent for
"Outing in tho Pacific Northwest"
' and "Oregon Outdoor." 4
They tell the whole story. Then pafik your trunk and
purchase a Round Trip Summer Excursion Ticket via,
Union Piacific System
Insuring that most wonderful trip
down through the Columbia River
Gorge. Let, our agent tell you all
about it. arrange your itinerary and
make your reservation.
T. F. O'BRIEN, Agent, !
Wnt. SUMiirraj, mrl I'lissengir iVm-nW-rurtlaiMl, Oirgoii
iSlie DiVnkk. lie Clulnis
Clalinliig that his wife drinks Intoxi
cating llijuor and runs around with
other men, "and that her treatment of
lit m is cruel and Inhuman, ChrlHt Nun
tas Imh brought suit for divorce from
his wife,. Mary Gross autn. A man
referred to as Kcott In the complaint
Is wild to be the recipient of the wom
an's love. An absolute divorce and
costs of tho case are sought by 'the
plaintiff. His attorney ore Fee and
Fee. , '
Divorce Is Kouirtit
Cruel and Inhuman treatment to-
h rd her Js elm reed bx Georgia A. Mc
Klnnon in a suit for divorce that has
been filed In which J. 15. McKlnnon Is
named defendant. The complaint re
cites that the couple married in 1893
and that there are four children, two
of whom are of age as issue of the
marriage. The plaintiff declares that
during- the past four years she has been
compelled to support herself by work
ing the homes of others, although her
husband is said to be able-bodied and
eulo to work and maintain her.
Failed To Make Point
"Come on seven, bite 'em, snake
eyes," and other similar remarKs prov
ed the undoing yestorday of four young
men who are said to have been staging
a little game of "craps" in the Colum
bia rooming- house. A complaint to
this effect telephoned to the sheriff's
offlco drew Deputies Wcs Spears and
Dave Lavender to the scene and thy
found (18.10 In the jackpot on the bed
and John Reynolds of Portland, Oval
Ilogard, 23, of Welscr, Hodson Kid, 22,
of Ashton.and I B. Hogard, 20, were
in various lively poses near the bed.
They were arretted and taken to the
county Jail td enjoy the hospitality of
the sheriff until their cases can foe
tried. , ,
By Stanley
. r "
Summer meetings of the club nre not
being, held, the meeting Saturday be
ing a special one
Mr. and Mrs. .T.. J.
.McAllister mid
iss Leona Bowman spent yesterday
Mcacham visiting- Mr. and Mrs. t.
P. Bowman, Miss Bowman's parents,
and their son and daughter-ln-lew,
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Bowman. Mrs.
Hugh Bowman is the daughter of Mr,
and Mrs. McAllister.
Uniufail One Inch.
i I'.ainfHll lost night and today reuch
'ed a total of one inch, says Major Lee
I ..lii ir'nii ti-, wocthcr observer. The
lijiiixlln-m lei.iperature Is 2 and the
injiiiinum last night was 60. The ba
. rometef registers 29.60. Yesterday
j the Mercury readied 9K. The rait vas
I preceded l y a typical Eastern Olwgon
i durt storm. ...
Mrs. Hans Ktruve and two sons, Gil
bert Etruve and Dletlof Ktruve, are now
in Tia Juana, according to word reeeiv.
qd today by Pendleton friends. They
left here a few weeks ago for a motor
trip to California. ,
Miss Adele Gindraux, of Portland,
arrived In Pendleton this morning and
with her sister. Miss Antoinette Gind
raux, left on the afternoon train for
Spokane. They will visit their parents
for a wceek.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Ackerman and
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Temple formed a
motor party which spent yesterday at
Meacham. ' ' . r
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. McCook have re
turned from their vacation. They have
been on a motor trip tytainicr Park.
Miss Effle Jean Frasuer returned
yesterday after a mouth's visit in New
Tork. N
Mr. and Mrs. Charles McFall
Hermlstnn weri hem todav.
To introduce this wonderful polish wc
are making it this week's special.
1 1
On Delivery
Here is the ideal cleaner, easy to apply,
contains no acid. No mater how tarnished
or dirty your silverware, Shi-nup will re
store its brilliancy..
If not eatisfied your money
will be cheerfully refunded.
The Lartcest Ulamou-i iualcrs In Kt U 1 1 tw
Some Fields Make More Than
50 Bu. and Averages arei8'"""'1
I of ' wo
ttign with Good Wt. Tests
v.-as proun on the Taylor place neir
tVelon, and the yield Is thought to be
nil nii.g between 4 5 and 50 bushels pel
acre. Threshing was In progTess this "week
on the J. H. Key hom- place nor n-
j west i f tow n. The wheat is down In
jno snailerea ci;e Da ny, a i"s i
or three bushels per were fron.
this cause being extliunlcd. Nevertbe
Inua tl,.. vilrl 1 thnni!lit n be arntiml
With Ideal weather conditions the
big machines are nipping away at the
largest wheat crop ever giuu in l"ma
tilla county, so ull reports indicate.
With only one week gone of the pe
riod of the harvest season, an exact es
timate of the average per acre in the
kikthena-Weston district cannot be
made, but there are a number of 50
bushel reports, with better than 45
bushel yields bcin,? the standard in
this immediate vicinity.
Thut the crop is nlso of excellent
quality is guaged from the fact that
numerous samples o" white hybrid
have sealed the test at 60 pounds.
Threshing cond tions were never
better. The grain ripened even, with
the result that when the machines
started up Monday, iliire were few
fluids that weie notrvady for thresn
Ins.. Only a few outfits were laid over
until next week on account of unripe
gram. i
fiarvvMl Notes.
Marion -Hansel! shipped the first
oeiits of the harvester, "Ifch'' M'ntts is
In his clement at the Watts hoiwrtend
ok ! creek, which is making a bet
ter yielil tha never known before. - In
f ict, the Watts Eros, estimate ' that
their ..-rep from thJs place wi'l eikceed
that of any former harvest by a hoti
md iiuci s. Tho what is No. JiS
hybrid, and is averaging 22 sacks from
ifio ucrgsr
lister Wilsey, and Fred Greer , are
harvesting the Wilscjr crop eas; of
We.-.ton with a new 12-foot Harris
combine. The yield is good, but tho
a,ver.ipe has not yei been determined.
f. p. J-ieuallen hits imisneu mnuuiv
hbi crop in the foothills ana uccceoca
tlf saving nearly all of It de-:pite the
e.-ir 'f new wheat out cf Uepton Joly
1'Uth. It goes to the Prcsion-Partoh which was put In commission again.
of ! Mill'ug Company -.Athena, and is pan aiT i cms nouseo auring iaii se.-un.
of a I II. 'Hill hiishel order. The wheat
the wheat, a hybrid lariety,
better than 61 pounds.
II. A. Earrett. who recently lost a
mall separator by fire qauted by ex
plosion of smut, lias purchased a new
mufhifie It is tn migration on- the
.Pine treek ranch where . wheat fi w.i fnun ana me uiu.mr,
yielding 20 bushels per acre.' , Thiefhint. on the 4onn McP.ac n ld-
Th.eshing was begun this week In Ings near Helix farmed by Bert War
the Charles Kirk field just- cast "of rcn. under way. A Jicld of 'Titer
Athena. The wheirt is of fife quality than 40 ttihhels per acre is .) ted.
and is thought to be yicld'inc around Combina Saved from Frc.'
r,u bushels per acre. The combined harvester of Kim J.
Georfee S-heard thn-shed 50 acres tf Culley caJght fire Monday afternoon
hvbrid wheat at his place southeast of while being started at the Price Bro.
Athena that made 114?. sacks an av- farm on Dry creek and narrowly -craw
cf better than -i bushels . per caped deslru.tion. "By the Active use
acl0. of wet lacut! Mr. Cullty and his men
An aver ice yield of 15 bushels is re- exc eeded In saving the machine u,nd
mined from SO acres of Hugh Mcln-1 prevertlnc the fire from getting mta
tyre's southwest of Athena. . ' .the 'v-c-at. He and his separator tend-
Adavi Schwsndt is threshing on the'er were both burned about the arms
Robert Lee place north of Weston, in tif 1 -roc-ess. The blaze resultel in
with an Oregon Special com'.hne. bacufire from the engine which ignlt-
The Price brothers began threshing; ed some gasoline usea .n pnmm,. mo
Prtco oKtnto no.ir machh-e was insured, but
--n "v th a aelf-Dropelled combine scv--al days in beginning harvrt
v e:.r!i
the time-honored habili
delav of
sulted while the necessary reualrs
were i ii.de. A new start was mado
pt r.i'ny. Weston Leader.
(Jertsoii lHineral Tli.'s Afternoon.
Tho funeral services for Haryey G.
Gertson who died suddenly at Helix
PaiOi-day were held this afternoon at
1 o'clock at the Brown and Brady
chapel with Rev. G. h. Clark In charge.
The young man was 23 years old, and
he hi . thrived ly his parents who re
side at Hare, Mont. George W. Gcrt
son, Pendleton businessman, is a tiroth
Farmers Do Shopping
Of course there Is not a week duy In
I the year when Pendleton merchants
do not sell a lot of goods to farmers,
but business today has beert exception
ally heavy, merchants re"p3rt. The
steady downpour of rain whkh pre
vents harvest or caltivuting work is
responsible for the heavy Inflow of
ranchers and their wives who are tak
ing this opportunity to stock up on
needed stuff before harvesting is re.
M 4444444V
Paj Cm " Receive More Pay esi
Despain&Lee' Cash Grocery
E09E. Court '. v Phone 880
AgeiK'j Is FurmciL
htfi Pavely, of Echo, amf F. L Jew
ell of Hermition, Were apolnted as the
two membcis of tho Oregon Hay
Grcwers and Waslllngton Hay Grow
ers directcnjl for ' the Joint sales
agency of "till, two assclutes at a meet
ing held here Saturday. The Wash
ington directors are to bo appointed
this week. The agency will provide
for direct selling' of hay to tho con
timer, and will handle tho 100.000
tons of hay under contract by the two
todies. By thcrolnt agency, hay
grower j expect to eliminate any fric
tion or competition between the pro
duccr b' the two states. The plan Is
to benefit both consuriicr' and produc
er by the elimination of waste in In
tormedlnto'dlstrlbutlou of hay be
tween producer and consumer.
Selected with care where it gfows -
Small White Beans
4.75 Sack
"V,i t
Deapain&Lce Cash Grocery
209 E. Court Phone 880
he 'delicious flavor of
Fplger's Golden Gate Tea
is by no means accidental.
SevAity-one years of experi
ence, coupled with most ex
acting care in selection and
grading, are the reasons why
you are sure of a delightful
beverage when you use
Folgcr's Golden Gate.
Either black or green you'll
enjoy that fine tea: flavor
whetheivyou drink it lpt or
; Compare Folgcr's Golden
Gate with other teas.' Just tell
our grocer you want it.
SanTratxhco Seattle . Kansas City Dallas
Shizuoka, Japan
How To iMake Tea
never boil rr
Warm an earthenware tea pot.
Use one tespoonful of Tea for
each cup. Pour in fresh boiling
water. Allow it to steep 5 minutes
and then serve at once. If nor
used immediately, pour the Tea
into another pot.
Dr. M. K. Hall, daughter Miss Con
static Hall. Mrs. 1 W. Damon and
daughter, 'Miss Janlco Damon, arrived
yesleiduy by motor front' Portland. Dr.
Hall left last night, by train for a busi
ness trip to Montana, and Mrs. Damon,
Miss Damon. Mlts Hull, with Mrs. Hull
and Miss Gwendoline Hall who have
been visiting here at the home of Mrs.
Hall's sister. Mrs. O. A- Vurplllat, left
by ntotOr today for Dayton. Washing
ton, where they will visit Mrs. Dumon's
sister. Mrs. Damon and daughter who
are coue'us of Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Vur
plllat, will remain In, Dayton for a time
but the rest o(tlio party will return
to Pendleton to visit at the Vurplllat
home. ,s
Miss Thclmu. Meyers, who is attend
ing the SummecXormol Vschool, spent
the week-end with Mentis in tenter-'
prise. . ,i
Tentative plans for club work next
fsll were tnHe at a meeting of the
TAnftletnn Wrunaii's Club on KatlirdaV.
The club members discussed various
projects which will be taken up as a
art pt the fall a nil wtntor program,
r . .