THE ONLY SMALL DAILY IN AMERICA CARRYING REGULAR WIRE REPORTS FROM THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, UNITED PRESS AND TTTT I. u. & DAILY LDITiON Th Et Oregonl In Etfa Ore ton's gruatest newspuprr anrt oil ing force irlve to the advertiser of twice th gurnteed piit rlrnlllon In Pendleton and Umatilla count o( ny other newspaper, v COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER Cj VOL. 33 DAILY EAST OREOONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. Mnwrtiv wifwrap. .tttt.v ok iqoi NO. 9887 DROUTH IN EUROPE DAMAGES WfiEkT CRO DAILY EDITION ; -rr. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER " .y,Vv". : jHEfI ; ---- -r ," , ... , ; r - - -.. . : , . 'j . t 'C a- BRITISH TO ME Will Representatives of Britain's : Self-Government Dominions Will be in DelePatiOn.1 HUGHES WILL PROBABLY HEAD U. S. DELEGATION Elihu Root is Regarded as Cer tain to be Member of Ameri can Delegation to Meeting. WASHINGTON', July 25. (P. P.) The Brit IhIi Empire will have" one voice In the Washington Conference, the United Pre ha been Informed. .. Repreeentattven-of Britain' self- gov erning dominion will be Included in the delegation, but Secretary I Hughes, It I underatood I about to Inform the British delegation that Ihey will have but one vote. It I expected all the British dominion, Canada, Australia nnd New Zealand, will be represented. Premier Meighen, of Canada, and Hughe, of Australia, probably serv ing a member of the British delega tion. It I not known whether the rtouth African Premier Jan Smut will pome a a representative of South Africa or Britain Itself. Secretary Hughe will probably head the Ameri can delegation nnd Ellhu Root I re garded a certain to he a member of 1 the rutted State delegation.. WAKWXGTOX. July !5. (A. P. The Alaskan mineral production of 1920 amounted tot:J.303,noo or $3. GOO.OOO more than 1819, according to the summary by the geological nyrvey. Copper gained approximately 4,000, 000 and gold decreased more than 11,000,000. The total value of the mineral output In Alaska during 40 ear of mining- 1 Ml.iT4,7S9. Charge Should Tie Investigated (Washixotox, July sr.. u. p.) Senator Ijl Follette told the senate that a resolution should pais requesting the commerce committee to investigate the Charge that the shipping board policies have been dMuted by British interests and that the hoard I hostile to organiser labor. IjEMAXS, France, July 25. (A. P.) Jimmy Murphy, the Paelflo coast driver, won tbe Grand Prix automobile road race with a Deusenberg American car; Ralph DePalma wa second, driv ing a French Ballot. . DcPalmn necclreti Ovation IXMAXS, France, July 28. (IT. P.) fourteen "automobiles started a 521 mile Grand Prix race, your members ct the Deusenberg team were the only American entries, fhe French gave PePalma a great option as he reach ed the line in hi Vallot. Murphy made he distance In four, hour, ieven mhlutes and 1 11-2 sec onds', averaging 75 mile an hour. seattlttaIudriver in jail for kidnapping woman from weston Arthur Humphrey I In Jnll at Seattle on request of the office to- Sheriff idoeth Hoitser on a 'charge of kidnapping Mr. M. 'Humphrey daughter of Hov. Slorm of Weston, Oregon.' . fhe nrrest followed Jhe alleg- ed L'dnapplns of he weman from Weston Saturday when Humphrey, said to he a tnxl drlv- ei' cf Seattle, invited Mrs. Ald- rich to take a ride with him In a Dulck car. She i said to have been spirited away from the home of her father and taken to Seattle. Information on the case l to the clfect that Mrs. Aldrlch hns been in Seattle for several inonth, where he mode the ac- ni.iuHance of Humpnrcy, but a short time ulnce, she returned to Wesif r. The visit of Humphrey and the disappearance of the wc.niMi followed. I be woman' husband wn drowned about Id month ago. t, 11 mi hrey w II he brought here for Irinl on a charge of kldnnp- P'ng ONLY OHE VOICE R. COKM UPROAR BREAKS OUT IN COMMONS AS BRITISH ! PREMIER GIVES SPEECH IjOXDOX, July 25. (T. X. 8.) An uproar broke out In the common dur. Ing the Interpellation of Lloyd Cooi-rh on the I'pper Slleslan Hlttintion, Cup tain ftenn asked -the Premier If he were not aware that all faction; In IhA hmtuA nrnluta' nvulnat 1 ha Mftflnri nt French In delaying the supreme ii'uhcu meeting anu iruiiHiiiig upon u dispatch of allied, reinforcement to I'pper. Silesia. Th)s. was followed by shouts of dissension and It van ome time before order. was -restored, I I ll I Lots Estimated at $3,000; Or. iffin is Mystery; Lost All Clothes, False Teeth Burned. A loss of $3,000, with $1,000 of In surance was caused riaturnay nigm when a. collar and the house on the ranch of Gottlieb Miller, 6 miles south. east .of Pendleton on Tutlilla, were destroyed by fire of an unknown ori gin. - The owner, who Va the only per son in the tiouse, barely escaped with his life, and all of hi clothe, except what he wore on his back were de stroyed, lie is slill unable to talk, his power of speech having been tempor arily hnltfd by smoke fumes which he Inhaled before awakening. . An outside cellar, which was only a I jglso destroyed. and.Vllller thinks the i blftxe originated In the fcellar. Harls unable to account for the fire, how ever, a ho one t supposed to have been -In the cellar for several days. After awakening at.tttSO, he called t-o hired .men-who were sleeping in machine house, but their efforts to salvage atiy property were unavail ing, it Milled, besides losing his clothes, al so bad the mlsrortune to have a set of false teeth destroyed. He had a pair of overalls, a straw hat and a coat In his car In the gnrage. but he hod to borrow a pair of shoes and sock from neighbors before he could come to Pendleton this morning to make hts report on the loss. The barn and garage were saved, tlje direction of the wind roTiioving them from danger, and a field of wheat which was close to the house also was saved from damage for the same reason. ! CHICAGO, July 25. (A. P.) lorn- fly Klrnan, of Wl Paso, won the title or the best all-around cow-boy In the second annual championship conclud ed fcere. Yakima Canutt. of Ui Crosse. Wash., won the broncho riding ihnmplonship. JUDGES F( Geftrge P. Hyslop, professor of farm crops at Oregon Agriculture Col lege, and R W. Whltlock, of the fed eral'irrain supervision department, will be the Judges at the Xorthwest Grain nnd Hav Show to be held In Pendle ton September 19 to 24. according to ennoutnajment made today by Fred ilennlon, secretary of the association. Professor Hyslop, who is well known In this county where he has certified the crop of many prominent wheat growers, will Judge the threshed grain and bnled hny for which the $1500 in prize Is offered. Mr. Whltlock will act a Judge for the Intcr-Colleglate Grain Judging contest. All entries will he Judged and. tagged before the show opens so that visitors Will be able to see .the merits or me various prlr.e winning exhibits. I'ma tllla county growers hnvo already made 22 entries, one ot wnun if " h-i and the remainder for wheat. O r Fletcher, county agent of Latah countv, Idaho, of which Moscow Is the countv sent, -has notified Mr. Ilennlon that Latah county will make exhibits nf wheat, oat and barley. KxUlblls i j,e from Oregon wnsnmKu"'. BRONCO CINIPISf Idaho and Montana. Thirty-two ,e"jMliwourt river. Three men are known of apace have been reserved for tne i of federal grain exhibit. catle and hogs toppled into the deep The show will he housed In a im tent near the freight depot, and three carload of 'baled hay will be used In forming the ends and side of the framework necessary. 1 A- Hunt. manager of the Oregon im "-.rowers Association, and J. M. Price, of 'h''' Vashlngton Association, on Saturday aeaured Mr. Pennlon that the two asso- J elation would donate the bay. , ILLNESS OF ALBERS IS CONFIRMED BY REPORT OF GOV'T PHYSICIAN POP.TI.AXD. July 25 (A. P.) Re port of the serirtun Illness of J. Henry Albers, convicted fot, violation of the Espionage act, a mandate for whose retrial wn received from the supreme court of Washington by Lester W. Humphreys h.iH been verified by Dr. Joseph p. Wopd, a government physi cian, Humphrey announced today. Humphrey said the doctor's report would be Bent to Washington with the request for permission from the Attor ney general to postpone the trial. Should hi disability prove permanent Humphrey said he would ask dis missal charges. Albors Ik report i to be totally blinild and paralvzed on the left side. ' B WAKHIXOTOX. July 25. (P. P.) Federal taxes can Tednce a half to three. quarters of a billion annually If strict government economy I enforc ed. Chairman Fordney, of the house way and meno committee declared, following a conference at 1he white house, where he called to ask Presi dent Harding's suggestions concerning the next revenue law fordney com mittee I nuw framing. IJXDOX. July 2.-,. I. X. .) Tbe American steamship Porthian caught fire rnd sank off the north African, according to a news agency dis "h. All person aboard were sav ed but the cargo composed of silk and cotton was loft. MOPXT CLKMENS, Mich.. July 25. (f. X. S.) Early re-est.ihlishmenl of Selfrldge Aviation Field here to its wartime position as foremost aerial gunnery school In the world, is predict ed by army officers as the result of the sale of the field recently to the Government. The First Pursuit Group, compose-! of four aero squadrons of about 500 enlisted men and twenty flying of lioers, will be transferred to Shelfridge Field from Kelly Field, San Antonio, Texas, soon. Captain Jones, command ing at Selfrldge Field understands. Selfridgp Field is ideal for use as an aerial gunnery school. The large acre age and adjacent Lake St. Clair per mit neroplanes to sweep down from the sky on concerte houses, armoured iionts nnd other targets. IE . SAVAXX.AH, Gn., July 25. (I. X. S. ) Whether a policeman is a public offleler or an employe will be prob ably finally settled by the Supreme Court of Georgia. State Commissioner H. M. Stanley has Just decided Pollce mnn Barlow, who was killed by yegg men, was an employe, and that under the Georgia Workmen's Compensation law the city of Savannah must pay hi widow, Mrs. Mildred D. Barlow, .l.iiiu. i ne cuy nas announced its in. leiiiion or currying toe case tnrougn the courts, contending that a police man Is a public officer rfiid not an em ploye. " AT SELFRiDGE S00N DE VALERA AND CABINET I'he bnsi.-. on red and hard umansed je,l up to pay, a part of the expense of l'igts Pure Ill-ceding. to a trifle easier. Liquidation has been ' I, H ,ig ng the stallion here from Cnioo j "WeNnre not Just trviii'; to get pen KANSAS CITY, Mo., July 25. (I. X. l"nvv f(''' son,e lni '"'' lhe short In- i Oilier who w ish to sign may call at y'e to raise horses (or the army, nnd S.I--A freight train Jumped the truck I ,,rc!',s Increased as the market I the office of Fred Reunion, county tir no strings to the e of these stal- nenr Darby, Mo., and plunged into ther"'rl ' Jnls 111 "pinion leaves .. ,, - , Miner, i ne inesiocK was nrowneu. i Three Men Are Killed , KANSAS CITY, July 25. (P. P.) The engineer, fireman and brakeman wrre ki,,d wnPn thp Burlington freight train Tell from the track which were weakened from high water, into ,nn Missouri river five mlles'north of here, according to police report. SHERIFF WILL NOT USE ANY FORCE TO ARREST GOVERNOR Small Apparently Won Fight to Force Postponement of Ar rest Until Term Expires. STATE EXECUTIVE CANNOT YIELD POWER TO JUDICIAL 'He Cannot Abide by Oath of Office and Surrender Power of That Office' Says Official. BPRIXGHKLD, Ills., July 25. U. P. Governor Len Small has appur-( cntly won the fight to force postpone ment of his arrest and trial, on charges of Juggling $1"I,iXiH,(Jimi of state funds, until after his term of office expires. Sheriff Hester, of Shangomon County, upon whom the duty of serving the warrants will fall, told the rolled Press today he would use no force to arrest the indicted governor, state troops will probably he stationed In ."pringfield immediately for the pro lection of the governor. Hester's statement brought relief to the .state capital, which had hud vi sions of clashes between the peace and military forces over Small's arrest. Kheriff Hester said he would honestly try to serve the warrants andie might give the governor some worry. He sain he would use tact and diplomacy, but not force. Judge Smith tomorrow Is expected to decide whether Small is amenable to arrest and order Hester to take him Into custody. -I'nless the governor submits to tb4..rreiit. Hester will probably Inform him that he holds a "warrant for his arrest and the mat- ter will rest there, until Small finish-1 es him term. "It makes no difference what happen to Len Small." said the governor, "but the governor of the state cannofjield theaexecutlve power to the Jodloial. tie cannot abide by) his oath of office, and surrender the power of that office." Dublin, July 25. The peace propos als of Lloyd George will be taken up by De Valera and his cabinet today. T Vlieat shows an upward trend to day. July wheat closing at $1.2.1 1-4. Seyemhct at $1.23 3-4 and December at Jl.26 1-4. as contrasted with Saturday's-closing prices, $1.22 for July, Ji.22 3-4 for September and $1.25 1-4 tor December. . Following are the quotations receiv ed by Overbeck & Cooke, local brok ers. , Wheat. Open High Low Close July $1.21 K $1.23 'A $i.;0 $1.23 V, Sept. '"1.22 1.2$i 1.20 W 1.23 ; 1 Dee. 1.21'i 1.2 ',, 1.2,1'i 1.2P H i Corn. I July -6$J .fit's .iiav .01 .til "a .'i0 ' .04 SIX J Sept. Wheat Started easier. Prices av eraged one cent lower most of the day on selling induced by a run of 3100 cars for the leading five western and southwestern markets. 1n the final i,,,,,, Rh,.,, U!,tuis followed, advices b rge wheat export business at the .se.i'iounl and a smaller Increase in the visible supply than expected. Houses TAKE UP PEACE TERMS with eastern and northwestern connec-j the I'nited States in various localities ! out and count the poor horses you see. Hons were on the buying side., Ecet-t,, develop and faster the last, light land those that are fair, that you will lent (li'iuan.i reported at outside mar-! cavalry horse.' These stallions are ex- ' be surmised, of course there are still keis .did cash houses were good buy. I cellent lor breeding purposes and it Is good horses and al the Pendleton el's on mi dips. Country offerings to .the desire of 'local horsemen to bring! show you will see a licked bit. But arrive were moderate with primary one to Pendleton,. There is no cost jtake a check on them, remembering receipts of 5,4; l.riOi) bushels as com- ! iicyond maintenance, and it is hoped that this is the top horse gathering of with 1 TSl.aon a year ago. Cash horse could be brought here by next ilhe Northwest and see what your con prircs were off with the futures. withjiear. Several men have already sign-' i U nions are. i,ne nui'Ket In a strong position for an Inpiur.i n'th continuation of bullish h'' "ml n liul n,ore outside Inter .., Chicago Cash. 1 bard. $1.21 1-2. ? b ird, $1.21. 1 loo. 1.21 1-2. L ic.l. $1.20 1-2. J Xor'bern, $1.25. 2 n. :lhern $1.21. mixed corn. 6 2 1-2. ; yellow corn 62 3-4. FIELDS FROM ENGLAND TO RUSSIA CLASSED AS HURT BY LOW RAIN FALL WIFE AND DAUGHTER OF MISSING BANK PRESIDENT FLEE IN AN AUT0M0BILEiI,l'",, ! Tts tne f"reHt,, of north" HUIUm"Plt't'nrn Uiltnlii threatening whole forests I'lnOAOO ' July 25.-(lt. P.)Her-! !" ! !?'"" e man ISyler, Tinantee of Vivian Spnr- t Tinancee of Mvlan Spur- g'.n, daughter of fugitive V arren Hpur gin, president of th defunct Michigan avenue trust company told the United .Pre that the wife and daughter of the hanker fle'd In an automobile.The ne Heard trom tnem tnev ivere iily seeking work. They may be attempting to Join the banker in Cai)a luli. and try to escape to Europe. Regimental standards of the Xinety flrst division are to be brought to Los Angeles for the annual reuniop of the ori-nnizntion, to be held in the Movie t'ity mi September 2 1 and 25. SHERIFF'S POSSE IS JACKS' x. Ky.. ju-y 23. tu". p. i j - a snerui s osse composeo' oi x men with Moodhounrts, Is scouring the '..ill.i or Breathitt county In an effort to ciptuie nx men who cmhushed a prohibition raider party Saturday, kill i ing one man ana one ooy ana sen- om-Iv wniiiiw inr.::W man evnei i (.. ! arrest t.o men whose identity is be lieved to be known. P.OSEBPRG, July 25. ( TV P.W Dr. B. H. Shoemaker, arrived home and declared he saw Dr. Brumfield, ! charged with the murder of Dennis Itussel, on the highway between Cres- cent and Fort Klamath. , He wearing a beard and goggles. wa I ' r AGEE DEATH PENALTY! , POP.TLAXD, July 25. (I". P.) j The state of Oregon intends to nk 12 1 jurors to proclaim Mrs. Ann Louise Agee worthy of a death pentlty was indicated when the prosecution asked i each prospective juror if he objected o. capital punshment. Mrs. Agee is f charged with first degree murder fort slaying her husband, Harry, on Juno I 11. j Courtroom is Crowded. f j PORTLAND. July 25. A. P.) (The trial of Mrs. Louise Agee. charged with first degree murder of her hus band by cutting bis throat while he slept, began this morning. By stipu lation with tbe defense, the prosecu tion was allowed to ask each prospec- Itive juror if be objected to hanging a woman. The courtroom-was packed ami the crowd that was unable to gain admittance extended more thiin a block. RE As an impetus toward breeding bet-1 ter horses in t'malilla county, a group j of "local men are gioniiing to bring to IVu'iletnn for exhibition during the Rouiul-l'p the $40 0(10 stallion recent, ly secured by I'nion coinuy horse raisers from the government. The plan is to arouse Interest here in securing one of the thoroughbred 'stallions placed during the wa r by igent, in tbe federal building. Horses Not Good In response to a letter from Mr. .inion. Major W. H. Nelll, of the Re- mount Purchasing and bireeuing and , "i he present supply of good-oncom-llenibiuarters,, Idaho, says: !t,i! colls, of good mures rightly bred. ''The fact that good .Middle horse of is very small. Ranchers stopped 0. i. : it y and -suitable conformation are hrdding the good ones and the matur ret'inff scane should be realised. 1 lid horses were pretty well cleaned out v :.k at the Cody Slanipe.le July 4 and i i ling the war so that what there will i l:o lack of good horse f'.esh was ate i:i a few years hence, unless people enrrc. Horses In the buldogclng and 'stari breeding good ones, will not am- ' steer ropii could ndl outrun th stersjouut to much." I.OVDO.V, July 25. Europe is burn ing i.i ilrouKht, bringing forest fires, crop shortage sand plague danger. 1 - . . . . . . M . j in scattering area. Holland I suffer-, iuir from toreat fire and great force ct 'nc.. an- fighting them. German aclemlMs tire experimenting In dry fanning S '.f den I suffering. Russia is rog:i riled as dangerous, great field.; .me l li'?i;-ed and cholera and typhi- ore breaking out. Spain' crops are willed cm! the drought I causing fires in Italy. CEASE ON ACCOUNT OF Damage to Crops Will Not be Serious Unless Rains Contin ue Say Farmers, Grain $Ien. I While a continued rain of several . . . any would seriously damage Lmatiua rounty wheat crop by 'bleaching the grain, today's precipitation will not damage it, say farmers and grain men. It is not the first rain but the su-bse-lthe quent rains which usually damage 1 , i : . - .. 'nv. : wheat, according to growers. The rain, while it la continuous, it not heavy enough to beat down the grain. Harvesting operations are of course delayed by the rain, causing a consid erable extra expense to farmers. Even with the cessation of the rain, it will take eonsrdi rahle shit, to dry-it suffi ciently to permit resumption of har vest. The rainfall i general and ha stop. 1 ed machines all over the country. Ai len Thompson, of Butter Crecki who is in Pendleton today, says that the rain i in that region began last nighi and is i continuing steadily today. Tni is also j trueof the reservation district, accord I ing to Hnbart Peringer of the Periner Ranches Co. Aside from the delay to harvest, a large amount of hay is still on the ground and this will suffer because of the rain. The moisture will be an aid to the irrigation supply and to the! grass, and will also be a safeguard: against forest fires which are feared at I this time of year 11. U; . LONDON". July 25. (I. X. S.) The I'ritish foreign office is renewing its yressure on Washington for the pre. liminary conference of ambassadors of the Pacific powers in London to dis cuss the far eastern problems, it. has been learned. It Is understood that a new tommuniiation has been sent to Washington. WILL BE EXHIBITED AT 1921 ROUND UP aid they were a ftr cry from the well r - ' edt handy horses. They were hig- fooied. square hipped horses, with I ravy. thick necks and draft action belonged anywhere but at such a 'fhese are what you will find on the range and in many arenas. I be l'eve that if you check up , closely at our Pendleton show and actually cull lions. We want raisers to raise horses o" pond vomemrcial value. Xever (I u'.v really good saddle horses brought as nui h money as they do now and er hat e scrubs brought much less. PREMIER REFUSES TODWnill PEACLJIKSAGE Lloyd-George Said He Might Make Statement Shortly Re vealing - Terms Offered. LEADERS WOULD FORCE ' DISCLOSURE OF PLANS Motives Actuating Housf of Commons. Nervous -f Over Ulster Guarantees. U:r.ON'. July 23.-(1?. P. ) Lloyd Ceorae to.'ay refused ro violate the e creey sur'i undine thj Sino Fein Irish iieace negotiations. He announce t thai he ; make a statement bori ly revealing the term offered .to r Valera. I.tM)f X. July 23. The house of commons threatening the secrecy ot tbe Irish i-eace conference. Influen tial members of the house are plan. iiitg Id fi:rce Lloyd-George to di.iclos! of rrUaln' offer to De Valert. i, . . -notnes !-ci;iating the common are 'elided to I e: Nervousness over the guarantees to Deter; the desire to take at: i ctive part in the history making of coni'onnie; prestige gained when to settle the coat they gave help . : I . , . . trlke. end other important matter - TlK .Morning Post characterise Lloyd-George's conference with tht Sinn i'eir es a "surrender to the mur der gang." They may force the pfe n ier to oiiclRse hi negotiation par tially f. r the sake of preventing a ceo-, ferafive" revolt, following the With drawal of. sevnral uninnltei from the premier's coalition. t WHITE SOX BALL PLAYER - CHICAGO, July 25. tP. P.I Ed die Cicotte, once a White Sox prize, repudiated hi 'confession made with Joe Jackson anoW Claude .Williams, three of tbe seven former Chiram j players indicted for "throwing" the 1 1919 woi Ill's eerie to Cincinnati. Ci cotte claimed he was promised an lm- : munity for hi confession and then jwas indicted.. He .denied the charge .that he wept when faced With an ln jtfictment. The paper containing tbe ! confession made by "these three men !., J ..... ...1 . i 1 . , . (,:ru" iw ottvu oven stolen xrom the district attorney office and jiold 10 .tw mm gammers for $10,000.; h 1 WASHINGTON", July 25 (V. P.) Secretary of State Hughe communi cated directly to the Japanese govern ment the attitude of the United State toward the Japanese Inquiry regard- ' ing the scope of the Pacific discussions :r. the Washington disarmament con ference, it has been learned today. ihji.ict: chik.f si spi-moin. ' WEBSTER. Mas.. July 25. (I. X. IS ) Police Chief Patrick F. Canty, 'of this town was suspended bv the board of selectmen 'pending further, investigation on a charge that he had received money from rum runners. Canty has been chief of police for two years and has had an excellent rec ord. Shriff Richardson of Worces ter. Deputy Sheriffs Osborne and Dole and State Officers McCarthy and Molt were the witnesses aguinst Canty, THE WEATHER Reported by Major Lee Moornoipie, weather observer. Maximum, 9i. I Minimum, 51. Barometer, 29. HO. TODAY'S FORECAST Tonlu-ht falf and Fooler; Tiiesdaf f itr. f