ft (' t " T"' 11 jfe' " f F m DAILY EAST OEEGOJTIAIf, PENDLETON, OftEGOlT, FRIDAY EVEKETG,' JUL" 22, 1021 TETf ?AGE3 , BOD , r Friday and Saturday Stoppers Will Find (he Eijr Store Well Prepared for You. OITriT YOt'R R1 in mir Itcys' l'-nlntiv hIhtp m uill fiml tfiilciitly nrrnngetl WMHI.TON.S bRi:.VESr DFIVVfiTHtNT .STUK cm department f4 f X 1 TiT 1 TUl'MiS. lt.VCS 3he Peoples Warehouse, rzxn.r itnutit t com- r - -- .- Itwiiielo luKUuge nt roi wtgy??! wHrif u rws to nunc ffiffi'jV- TUl'MiS. lives AN I CASKS M r mute it n viiitv ISKST. ALL MEN'S ST AW HATS Yes it is a wonderful sale just the sale that every man has been waiting for, because everybody knows the high grade of hat carried by this fine lil? stove. There are none reserved, every hat goes, Panamas, straws and all This sale for Friday and Saturday. Attention Friday ad Saturday Shoppers! . Saturday is the Last Day of the Surplus Sale of Groceries.. There are still loads of these good things and the Friday and Saturday shopper will not be disappoint ed. Buy a big lot and Save ! Attention Friday and Saturday Shoppers! The Men's Department is showing a very fine as sortment of choice new style CAPS. The new pleat ed backs, soft bills, new materials and patterns. The smartest caps we've ever shown. Priced from $2.50 to U0. We invite your inspection. SATURDAY AT 9:00 A.M. SALE OF CHILDREN'S HATS Here's a sale that will bring put every woman in the whole neighbor hood who has a little kiddie that will appreci ate a Real Quality Hat. We are placing on sale Saturday morning at 9 o'clock: One big lot of Madge Evans Hats in velvets, , velours, felt, beaver, pique, fancy straws and colored Milans former ly selling at the high price of $16.50, will now be put ori sale ' ' ' AT 23c ON THE DOLLAR Think of this price then see the elaborate display in the Ready-to-Wear window. None sold before 9 a. m. Saturday. No refunds, no returns, no exchanges, none reserved. Sale to be Held 2d Floor X ' Friday and Saturday Shoppers, Attention! BUNGALOW APRONS Bungalow Aprons in all the new models and ma- terials. Black sateen, unbleached muslin, percale and gingham, stripes, plaids, large and small polka dots, dark blue percales, all sizes 15 to 52. Prices $1.89 to $2.75. Ready-to-Wear Dept. 2d Floor. Friday and Saturday Shoppers, Attention ! . LAMP SHADES REDUCED ONE-HALF ' .You'll find a very complete assortment to choose from in all the most desired styles and shapes; trim mings and shades to harmonize with every cozy home. Entire Stock Reduced ONE-HALF. "Royal Society" and "Columbia" Mercerized Cro chet Cotton Reduced to 8c ball; 2 for 15. O. N. T. Luster Cotton Reduced to 3c ball; 2 for 5c. Dry Goods Side Main Floor. Friday and Saturday Shoppers, Attention ! HAND EMBROIDERED MODELS REDUCED TO 1-2 PRICE s These articles are all hand embroidered and were used in our needlework department to show custo mer's how the different pieces of stamped goods look ed when worked up. Entire Stock Reduced to Half Price. Entire stock of novelty braids, fringes, cords, laces etc. Things that are used with art goods. Now re duced 1-4 less regular price. Dry Goods Side Main Floor. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SHOPPERS We call your particular attention to our recent advertisements of Sheeting, Pillow Tubings and Pil low Cases wherein we are offering the best, reliable merchandise at the fairest possible prices. Friday and Saturday Shoppers Will Find O ur Down Stairs Bargain Shop Briinming Full of Wonderfully Good Money Savers. Bargain Basement Bargain Sll.li MifKTS $a.70 AMI 4.9S We have fillet! one rack full of. excellent rash savers in very pretty skirts in mesca lines and taffetits. The original Values ran an hisrh as $15.00 Special Sale $370 ami $1.98. Hartrain Basement Bargain MCU MI.K A.M fOTTOX KKM.VAXTS Always good news for everybody, for everybody knows our practice of marking thise items at ridiculously low prices. There are many excellent lengths, AH at i-4. 1-3 aial 1-2 Pricv. Bargain Basement Bargain SMS XRSKT SAM: i.4 Kverybody who has seen this good sale pronounce it a "Real Money Saver" be cause the corsets offered are good, service able corsets and the price Is reasonable I'raiercs 29c, 49c and 79c Camisoles, special '-39 Bargain Basement Bargain WOMEN'S HIGH TOP SHOKS S5.4S1 Here's an item for the woman who con templates the springs and the mountains. The foot part is of good supple Kussian calf and the top is of 0-ojs. leather or a very light unfinished calf. They are 14 inch shoes and come in lace, sizes 4 to 7. Ixii at tin: Price $.1.49. $3.25 JCmlirolderf Packages , 98c $2.00 KmlirohJcry Packages 49c $3.50 Women's Ires Shirts Ofte Children's Sun Hats . .': 29c ;l Turk Towels 19c Sti ro Hi nt, .tin 13c $1.00 Slilrting. yard 49c Pretty Petticoats -. $1.09 Children's Gingham Dresses . 79c Bis Bungalow Aprons $1.49 Children's Purses - . (;(i; Men's Silk Ties .!( Palm Olive Soap 7c Hair Nets, human hair, large size 10c Oxfords for women, all sizes, pair , $2.98 Men's Caps as high, as $4.50 all sizes 59c Good Hose for women, color black 29c uk uwntu HI M CUM CATCHES FIRE ; (East Oregonlan Special.) I WESTON, July 112. H. U Keyimud ihas sold his barbershop on Main street I to Hubert Uuzehvood. The deal 'completed on Wednesday anil Mr, Ala 'kcIwihhI limit Immediate- pusscssion of jthe shop. It. Is understood that Mr. Ilteynaml will move to Portland where he will enter a chiropractic college. i.Mr. Heynaud bus been hurbering in I Weston for (piite a numher of years and has made many friends here who 'will regret to see him and his eatim- abl family leave us. Sim J. Cnlley, who Is a wheat grow !eV in various places in this sestion of the county, is continuing his run ot j hard luck.. Uist winter a new nia ! thine shed which he h:td built on the Definiw ranch south of Weston, hurn- lod, together with nearly all of his I farm machinery, w hich included I large Best tractor. Iist spring he i bought another tractor. About two j weeks ago while this new tractor was being' driven along the county road near Blue Mountain station, it turned over, badly wrecking the tractor and seriously hurting Harry Schick, the engineer, Last Monday Mr. Culley got his outfit renaired and started threshing when a back-fire from the engine on the combine set fire to the machine and before they were able to extinguish the flames it had burned most of the workable parts of the In side of the combine. The frame of the machine escaping any serious I damage, he expects to soon he oper lating again ns'if nothing had happen I ed. i A. W. I.undell of Pendleton, is vls Iiting his son. rx-on I-nndell, on north Water street. ' J. H. Key and M. W. Hanscll, two farmers who opu-ite a few mile: northwest of V.'e-ton, both began har- 1 vesting last Monday. The exact yield that they arc getting has not yet been ascertained. They are both harvesting white hybrid No. 12S. samples of which welKhs nearly 61 pounds to the I bushel. ' Jlnyor IT. A. Barrett of Athena, was llinnsnrling btuunvM- in Woston Wed I nesday. 1 I S. A. Barnes, agent of the Pacific Coast l-.'c vator. compiny, wns a husl i ncss visitor to l'endlettm Tuesday aft ' urnooii. ! llich.'.td Ma.. bcrry who recently sold I hi:' land he Mings on the Walla Walla river, has iurehas-ed a brick residence en r.orih iater Ktreet from tho heirs of the lull' Mr. Handy. . J jhn Can ner, Jr., who farms near Smeltz rtu'in::. was in town Tuesday :f ir the rcip'-sc of hiring some harvest hand:;. 4 PERSONS DIE IN WHAT IS THOUGHT TO HAVE BEEN SUICIDE PACT Cl.lOVrXAND, July 22. (T. N. S.) Mrs. Kllisa Mozlmun, "(I years of uge, her daughter, Tilllo uged 37 and two children which had been left In their SON VIS BOUT; F AM 2. (V. I'.) t Deputy Marshal John i it', l'.l Deputy iut'Hhal John care, were found burned to death In Jninun ,!,,,,.,) ,lH tha reault of extreme their home. The women are believed ( (,x(,,tonlK1)t mU(.(i ttt a boxing match to bave entered Into a suicide pact. wn,.n ids son, Jack Inmun. defeated Docked in their arms were the twoJm j1oorfi f ,0s AngeU..s,,lii a four otol hf,rli'KH cbilih-en Thu wonlnn bad! ...... ' rot desired to ive up the children, j 'J. bout. SUES FOR DWORCEis l I'nknown Mlends i There lire many who huue used i Chamberlain's Colic ami Dhirrhnea i Itemedy, with lite best rtmulU. but who lire unknown, because they have not. itten to the inHiiufucturers nd told them of their experience In the una ot tills reni Hly. Theme, people, however, ure none, the less friends and It Is to their personal recommendations thnt thlH preparation owes Its popularity and extenslvn sale and use.. It Is it rood medicine to have In tho house. It PACKAMKNTO .Cat., July S3. (U, P.) The disillusioned ending of a liicture bride's romance was reveal-; ed here when Mrs. Toyo Kamtiro filed widely known for its cures of pain .mil tor divorce rrom lu r luisnanu, ci. h, the stoinacn, cope Him vniiiiura, Kamuro. Mrs. Kamnro's complaint tells the story of her nuiritul relations from the d:ty she met her husband, whom she had never seen before, at the Immi gration station In San Francisco un til February of lu.st year, when her husband told her "to get out in the fields and earn a living." Mrs. Kamuro alleges that her hus band drove her from Jior home "o that he could marry a woman who would work and bear children who could work later." r S. DVAfiK TUOP1IY SOIOONKlt HADIFAX, X. P., July 23. ( I. N. 3.) Work Is being continued in the attempt to salvage tho trophy winning i ctioonev Esperanto,' which foundered off sable Island. The vessel had been partly raised when she slipped back onto her resting place on the bed of the ocean. ! 1 iousi:-si:si: to iti-wn-: I Sl'Kl.GFli:i.l), 111.. July 22. (I i X. S.) Tired and exhausted frotr ! hauling a dray wagon for many a day 'Old Dobbin dropped Ids weary bones in a heap across a public park drive ; here and refused to breathe, any more. Stretched in full Ienth across i the drive, he blocked traffic via the : road lie bad selected for his demise. I Being outside the city limits, local Authorities refused to remove the car cass and it remained there three day:'. Then spuri'e.d by the decomposition , of the iiuadruped's body, pitisens in jthe vicinity prevailed upon the owner j of the drjiyln? concern to remove the obstruction i-1 ill frive it proper burial. iTrafflo has been resumed as usual in i the park. Matutinal Promt of Paris Polled PARI, July 22. (I. X. S.)-The Paris police have taken up basketball as a sport best fitted to keep them In physical trim. Dressed only In bafhinn trunks and slippers, one contingent of "nRients" exercises an hour every morning. How to Avoid Trouble You mny save yourself a lot of trou ble and suffering by obtaining, a hottlo of Chamberlain's Colic und Dlarrhoen Remedy, at once. It Is almont certain to bo needed before the summer Is over and when needed, is worth many times Its cost. It Is thoroughly re liable. , -. Took a Xclglilsir's Advice "Two or three years ago, whatever I ate distressed mo. My liver was tor pid nnd I lacked energy and ambition, A neighbor advised mo to take Cham berlain's Tablets. I was wonderfully benefitted by their usejind have since enjoyed tho best of health," writes Mrs. Frank Pellett, Hannibal, X. Y. If troubled with indigestion why not lake these tablets? (let will and stay well. How to Tleacli a nip td Agw If you would reach a rlpeold sge, do not worry, take out-door exercise dally, adopt, a diet suited to your age and occupation, keep your bowels regular. When medicine la necessary to move thc bowels, take Chamber lain's Tablets. They 'fire mild and genile. , -" - . FliOiiLIS: . ; Vow Is tho Time to (Jet Hid of These I'gly Khim There's no longer the slightest need of fueling ashamed of your freckles. is Othlne double strength Is guar-j interd to remove these homely spots. ' Simply get an ounce of Othlne double strength from any druggist mi apply a little of It night and morning and you should soon seo that jven ttie worst freckles have begun to ii.-iappear, while tho lighter ones have vanished entirely. It Is seldom that' more than an ounce Is needed to com pletely clenr the skin and goln a beau 'Iful clear complexion. ! liu sure to ask fur the double j itrength Othlne. as this is sold under '. ,'uarantee of money back If It fails to i Kimn e irecKies. KOEPPEN'S PRESCRIPTION DRUGSTORE ir'.v;;,vT,: I STii.i, rtimii.fr. ski.k sm:aks i'OPU.Alt lll.l FF. Mo., July 22. ! (I. N. S.) Turn alout is fair play. j.Stoddl'ard county ofrii'frs have been j defied by pocsons who believe that axiom. The officers confl'cateiD a 'large copper still from the Ozark mils. i lie poozc-nrewing paraplier-i jnalia was too bulky lor entrance into I tho jail building. It was placed on ;the porch of the "hcosi gow." Quite Ipeaved, the officers are searching for the parties who stole it. A. C. Koeppcn & Bros. Tho Drill Store Ton Pest. i That Kerres 1 ? u ! MANY (VIOTOR TOURISTS i i Bifocal.! that combine invisibly the correction for near and far night, jj Hav them titted here. jM wain A'tn if tv tu Ulini Hauling i Phone- . flan's Transfer u r.-a 370 1 I t PonTLAND. Cn-e., July 22. (L P.) one are the slow-moving vans, the moth-eaten wagons with their worse moth-eaten steeds, the canvas-covered Ipt.ilre schooner. The tourist of ys- itr-y-ar has been relegaied to the lim- I bo of obiivlon with the advent of the flivver and the paved highway. i The m -lern gypsy is here: ' I'ottiaod is the clearing house for WE WILL GLADLY Call for Trays v Left at your place, w ith no charge to you. Just phone The QUELLE hundreds of tourists each day at this time of the year. -And these tourists are in a class by themselves. California or Canada bound, they are pouring over the highways r.f the Xorthwest an animated, good-natured, Goth-like horde, rov.ng of eye, cheerful of countenance fand amiable of disposition. In vehicles of all sorts they come, 'from touring cars with neatly arrang ied cases containing baggage to big 1 1 1 mhersitm. tmpfa mfllnf.rl r.n "fliv. ver" chassis, in which whole families live day In and day out, and fron whoKe windows the eager faces of chi ldren peer and from, whose sides float Jstring-loads of varicolored "wa.ch." I No weather cj:n deter them, nc (hardship can casi them down. Th'-v. (are out for a fcood time. Some parties jhave leen on live road for months, others have Just started. In the auto camp here license tags jfrom as many as thirty Rtates have minglod their colors and their combl ; nations of numerals. Along the hlgh : ways drifting smoke betokens the ' precen e of campers along meandering creeks itnil beside cool rivers. Th-y aie going somewhere. Where? They don't know. "We're ree ng the country," thev say. "We've worl:ed hard for ynr- and now we're taking our vacation. I it's a great life." , It Is no uncommon sight to see the puny radiator of a cheap car puffing steam through tho water vent as the puny engine beneath the hood battles valiantly to hurry alonif a barn-like tonenau with a family of a dozen. The carmaraderio of It all! "Oh, dad, look, there's the people we saw near Yosemite," a youngster will cry. Or, ncoo, niihs. iiaven t seen von since we pulled through Fourth of July canyon.' How's tricks?" "Or, "Ry Oeeigc, we'd sure been out "of I Hick If you rniks hadn't loaned us that i gasoline there in the desert." j The whole northwest is pervaded wilh the spirit of the modern gypsy. (And here, where their .Vle'-rn s-eins to 'be. the lon lines of them stretch back into the Middle Western "Wains, up in Ito the mountains of Canada, or down Into the rice bottoms of California. " Make wy for the migratory Ameri can." mutters the traffic cop. as he jawing h:s semaphore to watch them .chug past. " . Missoi pjAv. nr.. diik pooi: I POPIXAK HI.I VF, Mo., July 2:". (I. N. William Able r Ilii hep. I .Missouri's oldest resident, in ,i,.ad at tlie age of IIS. He lived leng enoiirli to attend the fonenHii of Us wife end (all his children, though he himself THE ALTA BAKERY Now opens its doors 'to the public, and span. We carry special intf spic HOME MADE PASTRY, CAKES, PIES, COOKIES, , FRENCH PASTRY.' WEDDING AND BIRTHDAY CAKES MADE TO ORDER. : : We also carry Harvest Bread . THOMAS Prop. ifj ,.- -' f ! ' !t ' i . . " " " ' - ' 4 1 (l N h" . '-i i ii ... V. 1 w !.; . '.. , . M' K ' pasted bl iut Ua on a pour farm,1 , New York's fast-growing prestige ' fashion center is Justified in tha advance glimpse of fall fashions by Hickson, l-'IXth Avenue. The Mrcel costume la if brick wool volour trimmed in bands of skunk. A novel skirt is curved upward in front and "at the back center. The skirt end the large bell sleeves also curved are outlined by two rows of skunk. The "choker" collar Is also of this fur which is used to catch the sash effect at the sides. The large black velvet hat, slightly turned bark in front, is outlined with Jet at the edge. A large black Jet ornament falls to the rigU 6hfruWr fioia be neath ILt Lruu. Will Buy 23 Bars Lenox Roup . or ..; -. 8 cans corn ' or "v : 8 Cans Milk ' , ' . or 2 1-lb. jars any kind of Jam or 4 large cans Apricots', Peaches or Pevr8-x-v- ' or ' .'. V.y-3f: "!': 7 cans Peas' " or 13 bars P. & G. White Naptha Soap or 1 4-lb. can Apple Butter or 2 4 lb. Aunt Jemimma Pancake Floup or ' v ... ' 5 1-lb. Aunt JemimmaPancake Flour ; '' -s or .,; i . 7 cans Salmon or ' ' . 5 No. 2 1-2 cams Asparagus ' . ;Si V Sanitary Grocery