East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 20, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Social and Club News
Of lot "test to the Pendleton frieudsl Mr. and Mm. Folsom
01 mim raye Moiumcu, lio Ik well ; whose mui'tingc was a recent event in
known hero where ehe has attended : Portland, arrived in Pendleton by nu
sevcral Christian Kndenvor nifoiinKs.li, yesterday from their home In Port
Is the following from tho Oregon Jour-j land. They took two days for the trip,
tin I concerning a reception for which j remaining overnight lit The Dalles!
Minn I'rntikle Coykemlall, formerly of but tiu.k only nine unit a half hours
IhU city, was hostess: for the actual travel. They will visit
An Informal farewell reception was here for about two weeks with Mr.
ncia inursoay evening irom s to I Tullmans parents. Mr. ami Mrs.
o clock lor Miss Fayc stemmed, tor-' Tallnuin, and
nier president of the Oregon Christian I rs nankin
Tallnu:n. j Tho faculty und students
of the
Ivndeavor union, at tho noma of the
parents of MIsk Krankle Coykendall,
12 Ito.wil Court. Miss Stoimnet will
Have Purtland for New York city to
become the national secretary for
young- people's work for the Women's
Hoard of Foreign Missions of the Pres
byterian church.
miss mi axgli: to wkd
An event In the social calendar of
Milton for next September is tho mar
riage of Miss rtnth Phangle, youngest
daughter or Rev. nd Mrs. H. S. Shan
Sle, nd Rev. Coy Sims of Spokane,
Wash. The engagement was announc
ed nt a formal dinner recently and
Miss Shanglc is expected to be the mo
tive for many delightful affairs. Rev. j
H. S. Shangle Is president of Columbia'
Junior college.
Rev Coy Sims, a graduate of Co
lombia college, is presiding pastor of
the Corbin Park Methodist church at
Spoksne. Wash.
Mir Dorris Bennett, who has been
visiting with friends in Ij Grande for
the past week lias returned to her
home In this city.
J. V.
Mrs. Tallman's mother,
Mrs. Tall man before
marriage was Miss Pearl llankin.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Durham, of He
met, California, are the parents of a
little daughter born yesterday, ac
cording to word received today by Mrs.
Durham's aunt Mrs. A. J. Owen. 'Mrs.
Durham was formerly Miss Ava Owen
and has visited In Pendleton. Both
she and Mr. Durham were students at
Oregon Agricultural College and have
friends among rendlctun alumni. The
new arrival has been named Avalee,
combining the liajnes of the two par
Mrs. A. M. Clark, of Athena, was
i honor guest at a pleasant at home giv
en for her Sunday afternoon at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. G- F. Ucengood,
Figuero street, where she Is a house
guest. The occasion was the 80th
birthday of the guest of honor and a
large number of friends were present,
among them being Mrs. E. Hunt an old
friend and neighbor when Mrs. Clark
tesided at Pntaha Flat near Pomeroy.
Walla Walla Bulletin.
Summer Normal School tiro anticipat
ing a ptcn'fc this evening at Mission,
for which the Pendleton Rotary Club
members will be hosts. Machines will
leave the Elks club at 5 p. m. today
and the party, including the honurces,
Uotarians and their wives, will num
ber about one hundred and flfiy. A
picnic supper will be served and games
and swimming wlll.be the diversion of
the evening. The committee In charge
consists of Roy W. Kit iter, chairman,
E. J. Murphy, I'hilo Rounds, Mark
llai'thol. 11. K. lnlow and It. E. Chlou
pek. '
r s t a i n s shop
July Clean Up Sale
Great Reductions on
Mr. and Mm. C. K. Slraub motored
to Deadnian's Pass Sunday and had as
their guests. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace
Sankey of Peru, Chile. The party
spent the day among the hills and
pines and motored back to Pioneer
Rest just as the sun sank Into the west-
The out of town guests were prut use
in their praise of tha scenic beaulv
and say that it is undoscribable. Mr.
Sankey Is an architect and has charge
of the new St. Anthony hospital that
is being erected here. They will re
main in Pendleton until fall and are
domiciled at 313 Thompson street.
Mrs. M. K. Hall and two daughters,
Miss Constance Hall and Miss Gwen
dolyn Hall, of Portland, are guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A.
Vurpillat, 30S West Court street. They
will bo In Pendleton for a month.
Mrs. VurpillKt and Sirs. Hall are sis
ters. ,
Miss Estehor Shea, who lias been
visiting for the past three weeks in
Pendleton as the guest of Miss Kath-
jerine Thompson and Miss Vera Tem
ple, expects to return to her home In
Portland the latter part of tho week.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Ryan were in
ii-cnuieton yesterday en route by mo
j tor to Seaside. They have been spend
ing three weeks at Wallowa Lake and
jwill return to Pendleton about August
1 1, after their sojourn at the beach.
I Mrs. Hugh ' Conley ami children,
j Alice and Hugh, have returned home
after a short visit in La Grande where
they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
R. W. Leighton.
Mrs. C. S. Jerard, Miss Leura Je
rard and Bert Jerard left today for a
motor trip to Portland and Cannon
Beach. They w ill return In about two
Mrs. Evelyn Lowell, who has been
a guest of Mr. and Mrs. It. W. Leigh
ton in La Grande has returned home.
Fresh Fruits
New car Water Melons, the best of the season,
pound 05c
New Shipment of Loganberries daily, crate ....$2.50
New shipment of Raspberries daily, crate $2.75
Yellow Transparent Apples, box $2.25
Canteloupes, each 15c and 20c
Peach Plums, basket 75c
Bing Cherries, pound 15c
Green and Wax Beans, pound 15c
Fresh Celery, bunch , 20c
Ripe Tomatoes, pound 25c
New Cabbage
New Beets
Green Peppers
Green Onions .
Summer Squash
Cucumbers '
Umatilla Peaches, box $1.15
Gray Bros. Grocety Co.
3 Phones 28 Only 1 Quality the Beit
July Special Reduction on
And if you conie right in, you will have
.first choice of one "just made for your
Silk Skirls, Wool Plaids, Wool Stripes.
All summer dresses at one fourth off
regular price.
The first Indian land Rile
s'nee last August is just un-
r.oum'td by Kut. E. L. Swam-
lander of the Jnd an agency. Ad-
vertisements are now being mail-
ed out to prospective purchasers
iuvitlns bids on 863 aires of res-
trvation land at a total apprals-
al of JSC. 820. the sale to be held
September 16. Fifteen parcels
of land are advertised, none
excelling 80 acres In ana, and
none less than 35 acres. The
land is nearly all wneat land, the
advertisement giving the quality
of the tracts, and their location.
A new feature of the coming sale
is that all except three tracts are
offered on the deferred payment
plan. Two and three years are
given in which to cojnpleto the
payments with notes at six per
cent interest on deferred pay-
V O X It r I, O O II T A Y 1 O K If A It U V A It K U 1 1 U
Strength and energy may be yours. Put iron in your
blood. Good red blood is essential for robust health. 2
There can be No Vigorous Iron men or beautiful rosy J
cheeked women w ithout iron.
Increases appetite, norishes, builds tissues
Restores health, strength, vitality
Liquid Nux and Organic Iron Combined with
Hypophospites and Extract Beef
Mrn. George Woodward of Heliy,
was shopping here this morning.
iruurvfTnv t,.i.- -m 11 -v- c
ITnrip S:im iu ilIhiiiI In priniM tit tho
aid of the farmer to the extent of $28,
000 000, has been learned at the offices
of the war finance corporation. Offi
cials there stated they expect to an
nounce within a short time loans of
that amount to the cotton and wheat
interests, to bu used for export of these
SAX F11AX1SO, July 20 With the
transfer of Captain Robert Morris, for
the past two years assistant com
mandant of the Twelfth Naval Dis
trict, to a post at the Naval War col
lege, Newport. R. I., popularly known
in the navy as "the preparatory school
for admirals," it became known that
Captain Morris Is tho discoverer of
the simplified method for finding the
latitude of a ship... The discoverer,
mado famous by the controversy that
raged following the announcement of
the method through observation of the
star Polaris and now universally used
at sea, remained unnamed until now.
Jt was while serving as navigator of
the battleship Kansas that Captain
.Morris made the discovery, worked
out and fully proved the system and
then submitted it to the navy depart
ment. At the time Captain Morris made
his discovery It was universally con
demned by astronomers, and Its advo
cacy by the navy department at Wash
ington started a controversy that was
bitterly waged between the "thcoret
icals" and the "ptactlcals" and did not
quiet down until it was suddenly end
ed by the substitution of Captain Mor
ris' method for the astronomers met'i-
in the Nautical Almanac, the au
thoritative guide book universally fol
lowed by practical navigators.
I "srd on S'rin Sea".
Today Captain Morris' method Is
employed by all sh'pmastors sailing on
the seven seas of the world to find
("where they are nt," Its merit being
Unit it "saves time," estimated to lo
jtal each day on all the ships nt .ea not
less than five working years for one
Scarcely nndi.'rstandahle lo the
7 'landsman, Captain Morris' discovery
I'lfly Agnlnt Two. It Is not reason
able to expect two weeks of outing to
overconio tbe effect of firty weeks of
confinecent. Take Hood's Sarsaparillu
along with you. It refreshes the blood.
Improves the appetite, makes sleep
easy and restful.
SACRAMKNTO, July 20. (I. N. H.)
California, known throughout the
world us th" land of sunshine, and
healthful climatic conditions, has a
practising physician of one type or an
other for every 200 inhabitants.
This was revealed by members of
tho State Board of Medical Kxumlners
here when they undertook the task of
checking up on members of their pro
fession. The medicos say that tho great num
ber of doctors and medical attendan'.sl
here do not actually constitute n, re-
flection on California's climate, how- i
ever, as many of these disciples of
medicine are finding It difficult to se
cure enough patients to eko out a liv
inC There are nmro than 14.114. li
censed physicians and surgeons In the j
State, 1,212 osteopaths, J03 nature-
paths. 214 clriiRlesa practitioners, 2.'. I
reciprocal drugless practitioners, 232 I
chiropodists., l reciprocal chiropodist I
and 127 mifwives. The aggregate to-!
tal is 1S,02H.
snakellko fish had been caught III a
nearby river, and the bird was carry
ing It away when it came In contact
with a live wire and was forced to drop
its prey.
sTi x.i:i) nv i-'ish
PORTSMOUTH, .V. H July 20. (I.
X. S.) Granville rtlake. of thin city,
was stunned when a fish-hawk drop
ped a three-foot eel on his head. TI-
Build Up Your Blood
When you are listless and have the
don't cores, it is because you lack
some quality that would fill you
with Tim and drive. Nine times out
of ten the sole cause is found to be
impoverished, weak blood. You
will find as thousands of others
have found in the past 60 years,
that S. S. S. is the recognized
standard blood building tonic.
For Special Booklet or lor indi
vidual.dvic, withoutch.r.,
writ Chief Mrdical Adviutr,
S S.S. O., Dnp't4), Atl.nlm, Ca.
G.t S. S. & at your dtuititt.
For Rich, Red Blood
The picnic lunch demands
sandwiches, the universal foun-'
dation for the outing supper.
When sandwiches are daintily
made with sufficient filling, les.s
bread crusts will be found on the
picnic grounds.
Hero are a few sandwiches
which are both nutritious and
Equal parts raisins and nuts
chopped fine and mixed with
salad dressing.
A filling of brown sugar mixed
with creamed butter is delicious
for either white or brown bread.
A filling of three eggs. 14 cup
chopped boiled ham, and salad
dressing to moisten.
K'jual parts of hard cooked
eggs and minced celery moisten
ed with dressing.
Chopped ra.is)ns and peanut
butter. It may be necessary to
add a little cream or milk to the
peanut butter.
One cup cheese and V, cup nut
meats moistened with cream.
Lettuce, nut meats and salad
dressing. E. V. D.
lili'KAI.O. July 20.-r. 1'.)
j Chivies K. Reynolds of Buffalo, en-
raged because Deputy Commissioner
Blatchley of the state industrial com-
mission, did not allow his compen-
sation under the workman's compen-
sation law. shot at the commissioner
three times, without effect. A stray
bullet struck Anthony Addaicc, a case
I witness, causing probably u fatul
01tiH.it is iti;.STori:i.
LONDON. July 20. ( I. N. S.)
j Many persons were killed and wound-
111 me ti&iii ijfLvrfii ine raseisii
and the communists at Leghorn in
Italy, according to a Home dispatch.
The troops finally restored order
after using machine guns upon the
rioters. i
At Newport
Phone Main 20
Pendleton, Oregon
PORTLAND. July 20. (A. TA !
Cattle are steady; hogs are weak
sheep are 25 cents lower; eggs and
butter remain steady.
If You Want to Buy
a Tent .
And buy it right, why not go to a place where they
make them.
A few prices for comparison:
7x910 oz. wall tent $10.80
10x1210 oz. wall tent $13.83
14x1610 oz. wall tent $22.23
We also have a line of auto tents and beds.
Gadwa's Store
Unknown Krlcnds i
There are many who have used'
Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea I
Remedy, with the best results, but who I
; are unknown, because they have not
' written to the manufacturers and told'
I them of their experience in the use of!
i tills rem xly. These people, however, I
are none the less friends and It Is'tb
' their personal recommendations that
I this preparation ones Us popularity
land extensive sale and use. It is a
good medicine to have in the house. It
) is widely known for its eurex of pain
I in the stomach, colic and diarrhoea,
j How to Avoid Trouble
I Vou may save yourself a lot of trou-
ble and suffering by obtaining a bottle
of Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea
lieiucdy. at once. It is almost certain
to be needed before the summer is
over and when needed. Is worth many
times Its cost, it Is thoroughly re
liable. Took n Neighbor's Adibe
"Two or three years ago, whatever I
ate distressed me. My liver was tor
pid and I lacked energy and ambition
A neighbor advised rue to take Cham-
j berlaln's Tablets. I was wonderfully
! benefitted by their use and have since
j enjoyed the best of health." writes
I Mrs. Frank I'elle.tt. Hannibal, X. V. If
troubled with Indigestion why not takt
I these tablets? Oct will and stay well.
I How to Hcmi Ii a Itljie Old Ak;
j If you would reach a ripe old a$e, do
, not worry, take out-door exercise
j dally, adopt a diet suited to your ajre
j and occupation, keep your bowels
i regular. When medicine is necessary
i to move the bowels, take Chamber-
I Iain's Tablets. They we mild and
h l
1 '
idiffers In its vital departure from the j
now obsolete methods of the nstrono- i
mer In this: It uses a table wtv'ch Is i
centered by using the local "sidereal ,
time" instead of tho "hour angle"
the latter being tho astronomers'
method a quicker operation by mnnv
'minutes and saving, it is estimated.
more than 748.800 minutes of work
daily for the world's navigators at sea.
Captain Morris has an Interesting
and enviable naval record. He was
graduated from Annapolis in 1000 and
has served actively in the navy in all
parts of the world. He commanded
three transports during the world
e iir notably the Siboney, which !
fiiusht the Herman submarines to a I
standstill off the coast of France on j
two occasions. j
Dccorati-d for Valor. j
For "exceptionally merltorlns ron
duot" on those occasions he was
awarded the. United States navy cross
and. by the president of France. Chev
alier of the Legion of Honor.
Captain Morris Is famed is the nnvy
as an all-around officer of engineering
ability a well as a practical line offi
cer. He was turret officer of the old
U. S, S. California for two years after
she was commissioned In 1900. He
j was executive officer of the naval
training station In San Francisco,
1 1010-191 1, and has letters of commcn
j dation from the secretary of tbe navy
: for excelling In engineering In 1914.
Every Telephone is a
Lon Distance Station
- The Pacific Long Distance Telephone lines
are the voice highways of the Coast. Every tel
ephone among the 1,060,000 operated by The Pa
cific Telephone and Telegraph Company and its
connecting companies is in potential connection
with every other and can be placed in actual con
nection when desired.
This vast system of communication is at the
disposal of the business men of the Coast States
for commercial use and for personal conversati
ons between far separated friends.
Reach out and get your share of the business
by the Long Distance way. Keep in touch with
relatives and friends over Long Distance. You
will find the results are gratifying.
Ask for Pacific Long Distance.
The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co.
CADIZ, Ohio., July 20. (I. X. S.)
(While James iullitck was riding a
I horse along a country road a black- '
snake leaped at him from bushes be
side the highway. Tiullook grasped
the reptile about the neck, choking It
to death.
On clear days an observer at the
top of the Woolworth Building. Xew
York, will have a view nf land and
water for twenty-five inlb'S In every
direction. '
This Is the Intent picture of Coun
ce" hztchenyl, forinerlv (Jladys Van
lierblll. It w taken on Bailey'f
Ucsvh. Xewuoi t, 11. t
Keep them in perfect,
shape with our Optical
Service. Preserve your
sight the modern way.
fUtbUinx OMGOH
Aincriian National llank
You Save Money
When you get your Refrigerator from us.
The balance of our Refrigerators will be closed
out at "
20 Off .
See us before you buy and save money.
103 E. COL11T ST.