A PAGE EIGHT DAIL7 EAST OHEOONIAN, PENDLETO OlfJdOJT, TUESDAY EVEKINO, JULY 10, 1621.. ' EIGHT PAGES DAILY MARKET NEWS, LOCAL AND GENERAL Including Pendleton Prices and Associated Press Reports Ho." ITftvn Howe" Srii-allonnl Ail uim "in (From iho (ih'udti Journal.) flogs wor source and sensationally ttlKticr. cattle showed a ! anil K pi-esscd tone while idieep started under pressure wllh a record run in the al leys t North I'm Hand for the week's opening. HenMil fiiinl price advance was scor m1 fur hoK In tin- swine alleys a"t North Portland when the, week's trade opened. Cencral rises of $1 to $1.25 were shown, hut one lot of hoes sold ecnls above the. pxiromp quotation or $14.50. This premium was paid bot I cause the stock 'was sold on tho shrink Inst, art of on th0 rill; the latter Wins i ness In Ill's division fur Iho week's tho usual custom of s ilin,- at Noith J opening. W ith u rim that was ex Pi rtland. U emcly heavy, showing head. Oeiiernl hog market range- jMllcrs were very slow In bidding. Prime ll-hl $11.00 61 H.2r j tjualily was not up to expectation and Smooth heavy, ;50 to 300 J there were few : teers ; imallty avail- pounds ; l.OtHt lS.titi ; a,!l"- Iniicatlons were for u general Smooth heavy, sou lbs., drop as first bids on niosi ot Iho. stuff op It.OiHi 12.11m; were 2u to 60 cent off. Rough heavy : T.t"i 11. on Pat pigs 18.0011 1 4.00 Feeder pigs 11. to) 11 12.00 aB 5.00 ft 8.00 While first sales In the cattle Alleys at North 1 'on hind Monday morning were on practically a steady price basis, there was an undertone of weak. Hi i ill hile cattle in general showei ; weakness there was a firm (one and libera! bidding for calves. Result was a general rise of tl through the list. Cencrul cuttle market range: The Broad of ' American Bull Service This bank is more than simply a phuo where money can be safely and conveniently left. Listed below ore some of the various facilities in which this bank can serve you: CHECKING ACCOVXT Safe, convenient: saves time, prevents errors, furnishes receipts, gives you standing. OOIXIXTIOXS Notes, drafts arid other items, local and for eign, collected for you. RYIIM IXJAXS FORKKiY EXCHANGE SAVINGS ACCOl'XTS For every member of your family. Encour ages thrift, teaches banking methods. sai-r'dkposit V.UXTS Yqur valuables kept safe from fire and theft. TKAVKI-irns' v: II ICC KS I.OAXS AXD iiscoixrs The American National Bank Pendleton, Oregon. 'Strongest Sank in Gas-tern Oregon" C hoiee : tcers Medium to good steers Fair to medium steers Common to fair steers . f Choice cows and heifers Medium to. good cows and heifers . Fair to medium cows and heifer Common cows, heifers . . Canners ..jr. 5.50 6.50 4.75 At . 5.50 S.uOff 4,75 5.50 6.00 4.5011 5.25 3.50 a 2.75 ") 1.501' 4.50 3.50 Mulls 3.00 m 4.00 5.50 5.00 Is Choice feeders 5.00 (if Fair to good feeders !. , . . 4.00 iff Choice dairy calves 10.50Wll.0ti Prime light dairy calves 10. 00(i 10.50 Med. light dairy calves. . i.OOifi 10.00 Heavy calves 5.50 7.00 Two loads ot exceptional quality lambs shipped in by Horace White of Oddendale, brought a premium of a d'mp above the extreme mark of last Saturday's closing at North Portland when the week's trade started. The sale was made at $7.85. Despite the most excellent showing there was considerable weakness In the general trade. Much of tho record run came on contract to killers and did not enter the open market. Bid ding for the remainder was extremely slow. General sheen and lamb ranee: i fEnst of mountain lambs J t.On ftj 7. 1 5 Hest valley lambs- 6.50tf 6.75 Fair to good lambs 5.00W 6.00 Cull lambs. 4.00 5.00 Light yearlings 4.00 W 5.00 Heavy yearlings T. . 3.50 Uffht weathers . 3.D CONROY'S CASH GROCERY V l flvPAY CASH AND PAY LESS. SOAP SPECIAL THIS WEEK 20 Crystal White, rcg.. : 12 Pcets Bath Tablets or Cream Oil Soau. FOR $1.40 .v 1.20 $2.60 $1.85 6 No. 2 Cans Van Caiuos Pork pnd Beans. $f.00 ,12 Lbs. Sugar $1.00 12 Lbs. Head Rice $1.00 16 Best Crepe Toilet Paper $1.00 Ojb'mpic Pancake Flour, large package, each. . 30c Wessons Oil 35c, 65c and $1.20 . . ll!IIIIt!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!l!l(IIIIIIIIIll!lllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIimilinil!lll' Heavy wethers . B.ves ... , 2.00 1.0i)Q 4.0 4.00 3.00 3 56 UUTIU JUSTS OF EVERETT TIME WHAT FLAVOR. 1" This ' Pooivj Vcv.. Mavs ' Just i3.i vfefM He ? iAJ hat T)o YOU fiEAM V , M(Ai IT.'S SO STICKY CAx HAt?r-V LET Qo HESEsEtT- f it!! 'ove re omg ' ese-T imca cast sessi ', z-X'Jj Alia Today. tiutsido loans were mace at 5 1-5 per t cent, both on call and timo. Liberty issues showed, mixed gains and were made at 5 1-2 per cent, both on call and time. Lflierty Issues shove'! 'mixed gains and tosses on small dialings and the remainder rf the bond list was eipiaHy irregular, including foreign flotations. Total sajes, par value, $7,400 000. ' OFFICE CAT ARIZONA MAN HAS BEEN APPOINTED NEW HEAD OF AGRI.CULTWRE O.A.C. trt'rman) Proves Heavy ' IJuyvr of London Wool. The heaviest buying at tho reccnl London wool sales was done by Ger mans. Commenting on the subject, the P.radford correspondent of the Pil'lls ledger said: "Nothing has called forth so much comment as the German competition for wool at the recent sales, and if mill operatives in the West tiding could have seen the keenness of Ger man buying there would have been great surprise expressed. Out of 104. 000 bales sold. 70,000 bales' were taken for the continent, and about 70 per cent of Oiat quantity 'ivas taken by Germany. "Germany apparently Is most favor ably situated in regard to having an adequate supply of coal, while her op- wu... nrcu iu um- K 10 i - courses in education. He will do ,.K".i,..i.ui. mufn investigational and research won:. HwIH publish material of general iig'rlcultuiiil Interest, particu larly in cooperation with the board of vocational education under the Smith Hughes Jaw. .' He -has. had broad edu cational and practical faun experience. OltfOGON AGRICVLTl IKAL COL IEGE, Corvalfcs, July 10. H. H. Gib son, irofessor of- viK-ational agricul ture ill tho Univers'ty of Arionxa, anil formerly director of agricultural edu cation in Vermont imivoi-sity. has been appointed head of the depart ment of agricultural education at the college. He jvlll relieve E. i. Doxsee, acting head, lo will devote his en- Mire time to ' teaching and Kniith- Hughes work. f S 1'rofessor Gil'son" w.'ll have charge of courses in preparation ot teachers in agriculture for vublic elementary and secondary schools. together with out complaint. This stands out in sharp contrast to conditions obtaining In this country and there Is no wonder at German manufacturers finding themselves in .a position to enter their pre-war markets. "frhile export houses In T'radforil are finding it almost impossible lo re sume business with their old custom ers on account of high conversion costs, France Belgium and Germany are all keenly interested in pushing their wares into eastern Furope, when ever they see the least chance" of get ting paid for their goods-' p Children, 10c Adults, 35c M aimce Tourneur Presents the Associated Producers Special T he Foolish atrons WITH Hobaft osworth AND ALL STAR CAST SPECIAL COMEDY BLUE SUNDAY BY JUNIUS PHONE I FIVE j FOR ! FUEL I . 1 CASTLE GATE I EGG COAL s THE RIGHT SIZE FOR THIS WEATHER CLEAN AND UNIFORM B. L. BURROUGHS He Has It! f TTSllIIItlIlf IIIIIIEIItltlllf llllttf llllllllllf Illtlltllf Illllllf tlllllf IIE11IJIXJ111II1I, Sternly m-iccs tuotcil l'r Kansas C"y. KANSAS CITV, Jlo.. July 19. (L'nited Slates Bureau of Markets.) "attle, 15,000; dry fed steers scarce, steady to strong top heavies, $x.35. rarly top yearlings, $9; some held' trouud $11.50; other steers plentiful, iteady to 25c lower; many Texas S8 6.50; some grasscrs $7.251 7.65: she stock steady to 20c lower; bulk good cows, $5.25&5.50; few at 6 and high er; many common ond medium kinds 13.50 .'a 4.50; best heifers J8.25: -can ners and bulls steady; most canners to shippers around J1.75; bulk bulls,! MOTION PICTURE NEWS Did you note a picture in Sunday' Oregonlun showing "Miss Mildred Ot ten, film star, and a Lucky Oregon Elk." If I'm not mistaken (tie L. O. E. (who in the picture is acting as picka back steed for Miss Otten) !snonj ether than our own Charley Vinier, who is in Los Anseles at tho Elks trand lodge convention. (Signed) Hill, care ot P.. F. O. E. -4- VV'orld war veteran:) nwaitlnir con gressional action on the soldiers' re lief bill will now kindly oln the con.' gfemtion in singing "In UnCSwcet llyci and Dye. , ' . . .Wiiuiit,. Aauiif There are Women Clubs undVVom en's Clubs, but after all the cuius the ladies prefer are broom bundles and rolling pins. ' Today Children, 5c Adults, 20c 4444444444444444 (liif I lu n '. V,.f(i ' "What's that hen making all the AltCADE TOD.W fuss about'" KAICJ, WHITE COSI1-S I . ' Mie s Jut t laid an egg." ' IX XKW l'O.V I'KTl'ltKl ' "Ht what's she running so for'.'" Domestic difficulties and martial' Mio 8 trying to beat It." mishaps have long been u favorite I subject with tho men w ho make the novel and tho drama. Big moments In I the home lite, of a man or woman al-j ways have a popular appeal. Tilings I that mirror their own ideas and emu-! tions catch the fancy of the uveragt theatre-goer. Ho. Jlo Mike 1 havo a new position with tho railroad. Weary Ithodes What is it? .viiKe tm know the fella that goes .7S4.50; calves steady to shippers, the Arcade Theatre today. Paul alongside, the train and taps tho axels to see if everything's all right? Wall, Such a drama of .realism is "Know! I help him listen. Your Men," a William Fox production' ' in which 1'earl White is starred and j Clnissifled At tMi , which will be-the feature attraction at There arc two kinds of men those July Clearance Sale And now is the time to get that Ice Chest that you have been waiting for. Don't hesitate, and shop early. Vi; are offering the l.vo best inakt s in America, tho '.ls-ka" ai'.i "ice King." al v:ry low prices. A', i kt, ! lar, iuO ..uiid.s, lop ... r. ii. v hilt e.i.iioel. This is a be iiii'f 4 un mil as a wry durable chest i-giilr J75.00; now J.Vi.'M) 'J'lus Ai.ka H1a-, 75 pounds, sole J"oi li:er Ask for It Higiiiot 152 50; n w 2iuii0c lower to packers; top vealers Js.SOS: Blockers and feedeis strong lo 25c higher; good 800-pound feed ers strong to 25c higher; good 800 pound feeders. $6.65; many stocke:s around 600 pounds, J5.25jjS.10. Hogs 70U0; draggy; mostly jjc to ioc oigner man tsuuruay s average; best l ghls and mediums to shippers. I0. 40ft 10.45; 300-pound averages 110.85; lights and mediums to packers. WO.VIIi 10.40; ttop. $10.50; bulk, I5'a 10.40; packing sows steady to 10c higher; stock pigs steady, J 3.75 paid. Sheep 4j00, killing classes steady; est ewes, J4.50; best Texas $5.10; Arteona lambs, $10; (9.50. II. Sloane, who picturized "Over the Hll" for the screen, is responsible for this intensely interesting photoplay which contains many little touches Huch as have caused "Over the Hill'' to enjoy a long and si.cehssful run on Uroad-. way. New York City. Miss While enac;s the rote of Ellen Schuyler, aweulthy girl. With the fi nancial rmn' of her father and deser tion by the man she loves, her fortune Is also wiped out. In gratitude, to an other man who sticks by her, she weds hiin. inn smouldering In her he.nt Is her flrtt love, that needs only tho wethers, , reappearance of the man to llamo natives, anew. ... When this occurs comes another who do what their wives tell them and those who never mnrry. Dr. H. M. IJanavan DENTIST Announrrs a change of offices from Temple Huildlhg to Suite 5, llond Liuilding, over llond Hros. store. Phone 772 IN THE WHITE HORSEM A THRILLING WESTERN SERIAL MARIE WALCAMP IN THE GREAT WILD ANIMAL SERIAL . THE LOST CITY ,. Ccmedy ' FOR SAL E PLATE LtJNCII RIETH HOTEL 50c Today Children, 10c Adult; 35c WILLIAM FOX PRESENTS PEARL WHITE V IN ii. J I A. M. ti) 8 I', T. SKADAX - - M. Kall.T. I'roprlelor DR. LYNN K. BLAKESLEE Chronic and Nervous Diseases anc Diseajtes of Women. X-Ray Electric TherapeutlcB. Templttllldg. Itooin li A DRAMA OF WOMAN'S WEAKNESS AND STRENGTH COMEDX . DON'T BLAME THE STORK , I'hon 111) is a wry exceptional buy. :!. A wry durable i best that w ill M.ay cooLls the Alaska, door I' t r. ' IU gnl.fr $45.00; now Ice Mm;. ( 0 pound side door leer, Is very popular. jtiiu $45.0"; now 50 pound side f&l.M I tegular :;.."o Aliothr ! King. 50 pound side door h.er, is a very good buy. Itegulur $3!t.i0; now ' flH.T, Another Ice King top door, tui'ioind size, was $:i2..'.0; now $T'M An Ice Kinf jou. can put In your kitchenette and Just the thing, 25 pound top icer. Regular $25.00; now SI7..50 A Kood shade with a good roller 75,. A hand oil with a guaranteed roller $1.25 Two colors, cream, green. Cmlksh&nk & Hampton "Quality Counts" 124-28 E. Webb ' Phone 548 Your Old lurtilliirp Taken In ftxcliciiu as I 'art uyiiH-iit on New lCxiSuWte Asenu III Pendleton for Acrolux (Xo Whip) Porch bhadea. Summer lfh rrevalls On .VH k .Market. " " NEW YORK, July 19. (A. P.) ! Miismess on the stock market yester day totaled scarcely 335.000 shares Irregular price movements revealed weakness in certain specialties and comparative steadiness in seasoned is ues. Atlantic (lulf, under constant pres uire In connection with litigation In volving the company's finances, made m extreme decline of 3 1-4 points. Mexican Petroleum" gained three polntn it one time, but reacted sharply on heavy offerings, f dishing at a loss of ! 1-1 poiuu. ' i Ji ireseiit;ttve steels. C'lUipinonlp imi motors resisted pressure as well m spec'alties In the leather, textile and sugar groups. Hulls moved within -.-on traded limits, some leaders being iniUoled. Foreign exchanges were more tin icttled. Demand sterling registered a new low iiuotation for the scar at 13.59 3-8. French, Italian, SwIks. Dutch and German rates fell four lo 10 points, with losses of 17 to 50! points in remittances to Denmark,! Norway and Sweden. Last week's hiss of cash reserves bvl clearing house banks failed to disturb (local money rates, un the exchanite' all call loans Vere made at ( per cent and the little time money available was ottered at the same figure. HomeJ tragedy, for Kllen Is turned 'from her home when she confesses to her lius hand that she stiM loves this man. Still more drama follows when her old sweetheart wishes her to return to her husband while divorce proceedings are pending. The last blow brings ti Illen a relaizatlon .of Jier husband's true worth and "a. reconuiliation fol lows, u . " Hauling Phone Hainan's Transfer Res. Ptione 378 R Dr. 0. 0. FIclchcr, Jr. iiinoroiMsr and foot i svi:ci aust Ingrown NaTs, Ci Houses, Corns, Rontons, Hioliiii Arrhes and all kindred allnii nts quickly and pain lessly relieved. . Pallors m .Vje-Wui'J Shoe Co. I'lioiie TtH TYPFAVIUTERS Have you ever seen the latest Improved Woodstock? ""Wli: M'A.MIAIII) OF T..I).KI.S" Our prices are lowi-rand terms easy. Ask for lieiiloi.niralliin . A. L. IFT Hotel SI. (a-orgL When the Emergency Demands the Unusual There come times in the life of every car owner when 1he instant readiness of his car is the most im portant thing in the day, perhaps in a whole life. - "Keady lo go, able to1 get there," should be the unfailing answer of the car in such a. crisis. Valuo of car performance at such times runs past any money estimate. In that connection bear In mind that only the dealer whu sold you the car can guarantee,!! constant roadablllly. We have equipped ourselves with tho many things necessary to dlscharg- this dealer-obligation. - BUICK ' ' i Oregon Motor Garage Distributors BUICK AND CADILLAC AUTOMOBILES Goodrich and Goodyear Tires and Tube , Phone 468 " A..(,i,,'"n t