v wf Xmj u U 'J " " . . . , i ... , . . f , , , , r . I r f ''' ' '.'.". . t c . l . '. v PASS SSVEiT DAHY tlAST 6M0R1AN, frEfotEfOlt, MECON, TUESDAY EVtafl, JC1Y 16, 1M. twm pages CLASSIFIED ANT AD For Rent. Etc., "Classified for Easy Reference. Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals, Lost, Found S. r. i, CLASBlFlli'-lt ADVKHTlBlNQ ItATFS Bet In 8-polnt Counting six ordi nary woiua lu ino una. First, Insertion, per line vl.10 Each additions! Consecutive Insertion, per line ... One month, every Istue, e&cb Insertion, per line Six month contract, every M u. each Insertion per line Twelve month contract, ev- 4 pry Issue, each Insertion, P'ir line 4 Ad not rnn consecutively, each Insertion, per line...... No t taken for lees" than 2 line.. Minimum ehargo - WANTED Cook on ranch or uiuii'und wife. Phone oF2. FOR RENT 3 room furnished Apt. , 310 Aura. J'hone 242-M. WAfiTRI Woman to cook on ranch f no clilliirvTi I'honc 8F12. , FOIl HK. VI' N'lcc of rofjma hi Templn,. huiidinb'. See Vr 1. I', (inpli-. . ; . . i If Oil -(SAM-:.TTn-ij, '').- homes, in lllveisldi'. rl'rnik & Mi U'an, liSH Main 8t. aV'AXTHD Kniall fiirnl.shtd house or 3 riioin fm nUlii-U Apt. No chfldrun Phone !88-J. ' l.OKT "utch fob on silk ribbon two .lion claws. Bold moiind'd resem bles Hhrlner's enibli in. Itctunj to this office lor levvanl. V K MAKE'a specialty of handling- all IiIikIh of trades, call and see u. . H. pnidlcy, Phone T12-W, 115 East Webb Kt. WANTED Tu Iii;V Small Perfertlsn oil cook stove must bo in cood ondltion and reasonable. Phono H2-W. ' It) t(. SALE (iood paying business for quick sa!i Takes tea thousand to handle balniice terms, b'ea Funk & Mclxan. 839 llaln St, t Xnt'ee 'l have taken the agency for the t-'ttvorille Soap, Clouns hands quickly, removes Ink N'-h, paint, etc. Com f jiTrte stock carried. Anyone wishing same cull .locCCundllni lo, C21 Cottoni i nit lit., cil.". Prlfe v.'.e per can. NOTICES .Xolitv of Sam r Irrigation Hml The Fiiirmore lrritrulU'ji District," iii'.lMi.llieur Cjmnly,' 'Oregon, Will, on ,'tmust 20. 1921 at iiijO V- p" 2"--OOo.ilii i f 10 year, coupon G per cent bonds of said district,' uiul scald bids for said bonds will Iki received by Sec leiary of the district at Ontario, Ore fcon, up to tlu hour of said sale, j W1U. W. WHITE, '' , Secretary. T lloay ItiH-i-ipls Help T lArnyr Wlu'at Prh e.. 'CHICAGO, July 19. (A. 1'.) Hig receipts and prospects of cooler weath er, had a decided bearish effect on the wheat imirket. J'rlces rlosel heavy, t.4 to 4c not lower, with September 11,31 to"1.3l 1-4. Corn lost. I 3-80 to '-' T-4! 2 3-8c and oats 7-8'( lc to 1 1-2 It 1 5-sb, In provisions tho outcome varied hum 22 l-2c decline to lOe ad vance. "Hvith today's arrivals In Chicago es tirnated lit 1250 cars, . wheat prices tended dov.i'ward ' almost t'onstantl 'throughout the day. resides ndvie.es Were ut hand that although black r:ist 1'iif'ectlon Was general Jn Jlunlto" a, the crop there was t"n days e.M'er and cduld be harvested in tune to prevent serious loss. 'Vins'deiiib'e no' ee was takeii too. of assertion thn! t lie yield IHvklnhnmn would he 12 P'Mi.ttiui to IS, i00. 000 bushels more tlian the lnl esi' fedeinl estinale. Ita'us in Iowa, Nebraska and Kansas put the corn ' market on the down Ri&do. . liursh ri op rt (K rts carrld oats up to the highest point yet for December delivery and then a decline ensued, owli g to 1 Ijc weakness ft other grains. ' Irofit-l:f!iJr1f sales depressed the provision ijhrkct after a birlge due to higher guolaUons on hogs, , est Cyclist, w f vv-'- " - snr t ri"; fl !'lcl?.J i i in, 'ALA? , - t ("(ii'.''- J Mwm. Fsrneworlh. J. f 'Mu' - Cltv. lows". IVUWO he A the wi 'oldest bleycfiat.' And he only l.-vi to ride a yitir iv -! "W.tU.Ui":,.. u IfiUenuousr'. he'atiy . . 7new today ; 1 1 I 1 :::: Mitmm ZandontliG LOSTAND FOUND LOST 3ix4V4 Kllveitnwn Cofd tiro tihe, i-l in and tire cover, between Pen dleton and Pl'ot llock. Howard. Iyeavn at E. O. Office. LOSH-t-arge brlndle milch cow dr.v no brand visible long iiorns $10 10 reward If delivered to E. G. Soltmnrsh ranch, south of reservation. ESTIVAYED During fall or winter from Meacham creek ranpe: S heif ers branded S. B. with bar underneath also bole in ear. Liberal reward for return, of same to 8. C. Bittner Pendleton, Ore. USED CAR EXCHANGE FOR gy"LE King Eight csr m good shape . cheup for cash Pbvne tois-w. FOIt SALE CHEAP Chftndler car in . fine mechiinicai condition Lowell E. Kern. Rimpson-Sturgis Co. FOR SALE 1-ton Rcpubllo truck, Kood shape will take Ford in trade, easy trrms on balaiice.VOIdsm.obHc Co. FOR SALE One ton Republi-j truck, tt-ton KepubHc truck In good shape will sell vesy reasonable Call Fen land Bros., ''hone 83. , OAKLAND TOI.'HIXG CAR In first ' class Khupe bargain will take Ford lu trade. Ford roustabout, very reasonable. It will run. It. M. Tunti ler, phone S?0, 518 Willow St. you'U Find your EoTne JJicro FOR SALE one 2-ton truck Si0.0t 1 j,x,U IlK-NT furnished Apt., with gas will UM Ford truck or car In part ', jn(,ru su c'osbie. luivinent. llae iutiO surts wheat lni.i -J . haiil for party buying truck, staif hatillnir July Echo, Ore. Dth. E. T. Juvenal, FOR SALE FOR SLE Wl turnlsJied house -cheap Phone 627-J. Apt. FOR SALE OR TRA'dE 1920 truck-r J. M. Erysn; 810 Tustin Street. FOR SALE All kinds of Insurance. J. H. Eslcs, 614CMtiln St., Thone 604. FOR SALE1 6ron houso with bath and aarage dn north sine. For terms write Box 123 Echo, Ore. FOR SALE twoom nouse. A bar guln If taken at once For particu lars write Box 105 Adams, Ore. son SALK-ri rotvn houses eleeptMg porch end garage Btrlctly modem at 708 Marie Inquire 713 Marie St FOR SALE CHEAP, 10 down fruit Jars and II. II. goods. Call at 45 18 V4 Cosbio before 9 a. ni. or after 5 P-' m. FOR BALE OR TRADE Four 100 bu. bulk wheat' boxes for common wheat rack Phone 1F4. O. H. Hampton. FOR 'SALE 65 Caterpillar, over hauled In good shape for harvesv stationary attachment Addrese Box 7U0, Pendleton. Foil -BALK ilcCormnch combine wilh LeRoy engine, all in good shape. Bargain ut $500.00. Sue Dr. C. W. Lassen. FOR SALE Woodstock typewriter. This machine is nearly new and can be had at a bargain. Write "49" care East oregonian. Fdll SALE-r-HiOO acres good wheat hind, sale or lease most reasonable terms Pendleton Investment Co., 110 Railroad, Phono 55. BRINGING UP FATHER TS"9 oodne: VOO I-UHINT? 3 .. . i r. r-7 .... WMMUmtit m ai m w a m m mm m m m mwm w FOR SALB-Two Blewett Harve,r.l Phone i4Fll. FOR SALE Hatching (eggs from thoroughbred single comb - Rhode Island Iteds 800 W. Webb, Phone 884 - Foil SALE Apt. hduse on Thompson St., consistins of 5 two room- apis', completely furnished. Price $550U, address "50" this office. FOR SALE Nice five room bungalow ut llcrmtston, close In will s'll quick on nwnthly payments. Will take good llMht car, some terms. Box 417, Hernilston, Ore. . . ion S.AiK Peveral go?d snaps in houses in city, some on easy terms. 8 acres, best snap near Pendleton. 40 acres close in for dairy and chickens. Fino alfalfa ranches, some on easy terms. - Fine wheat riich and good outfit for sale, 6 year lease. ' George W. ' 'itu Si Kn 818 Main St. Phone 993 FOR RENT FO RENT Apartment "08-Oosbie. APTS. AND ROOMS ALTA APTS. FOR RENT Furnished; Apt. Phone J10-W, 1 a. . , FOR RENT Two room Apartment l'h(m 554. ' f ROOM AND BOARD for goritlemed f.j5 Post St. ROOM AND HOARD for men only 4(13 E.: Webb. ' -.FOR'RENT 3 ulte office room In- 1" attire Penland liroe. TOR REXT Ing rooms.- -S furnlsbed housekeep--Pbone 73'1-W. ROCMS WITH BOARD if desired 210 S. Main Phone 657-R. - : FOR RENT Furnished roome apartments. Phone 657-R. and FOR RENT 3, room apartment With sleVping porch. 502 Water St. FOR. RENT Two room cottage and 1 housekeeping room. I'honeJ67-W. FOR RENT Four room apt., 815 Vr month for 2 months. Phone 730-W FOR REHT two housekeeping rooms. Phone 730-W after 6 o'clock FOR RENT Furnished sleeping room and garage. S13 Mill or Phom 218-J. FOR RENT 5 tore for Balc-664-R. roomed house. -224 Thompson, Furnl Phone FOR RENT Houses turV.shcd tr un furnished. Inquire Mrs. NdTlsoni Rieth. Ore. FOR REXT-rWcll furtUshea, sleep .ing room with . bath. CWse In Phone 218-M. FOR RENT Two three foom fur nished apts., with bath on with gas close in. Also furniture for sale and house for rent Phone 3W. PASTURE tor horses, mules and cat tle $2.60 per month mountain range, good grass, water and salt will get them and deliver them. Ad dress E. B. Kidder, Gibbon, Or. WANTED WANTED Woman cook on ranch Call 32F2. . : . WASHING fine laundry and silks Phone-313-R. , , I aw: fO THE ' L LOVE OF PEACE -TOf THAT AT THE IRON DOCJ IN FRONT OF YOUR. LM-XHIN'- " "C ' I I W l- I I Handy Business Directory n.i ... i i." .ii,; nil- -"l--"".- the folUxing Hues. All are reliable, responsible Dusinem concern WANTED Stock hogs, 30 to 80 Ibs. Inintre S. C. Bittner. city. WANTBI) GOOD CLEAN II AOS AT The East Oregonian office. ! MAN WITH T KUC"K wants work.ad- diess C. L. Ilowland, I'ocdleton, Ore. . i i . - - EXI'ERIEXCED middle uKed woman wants ci oklni? on ranch. I'honelOlS. COOK WANTED on ranch ail sum mer Job Address Box 1338, Pilot P.ock. WANT TO BUY Five to seven room i moderate priced house. Coutts & Averill, liond Bids. GOOD CAPABLE woman will take 1 4 . laundry homd or go outside by the! jay.-lphone 730-W . ) ; j WANTED Woman for general house-1 to'0'?- '! gooicook. Phone 1148. NICELY FCKNISHED front room, 1 best negihborhood, -Jackson St. man only. Phone 68-R. CANDYMAr IXQ business Htsrt at home, evirythlng -furnished men, women; J30.00 weekly Bon Bon Co., Philadelphia, Pa. j WANTED Two ladles to travel, 830 week and expenses; 8 to work city and outside towns. $3 flay. Room 5, Golden Rule Hotel, Mrs; Jones. v MISCELLANEOUS PLAITING of all.klnds Phone. 688 Mr. Lee, 8oG Post St. - MRS. ADA FIELD Spirella'corsetlere Phone 324-W. Address 64 Jane. mj-:x'9 scm cleaned, $1.50 or IMII)"S, 107 W. Webb, phone 6S. ALL KINDS of patients ared for by experienced nurse gdo W. Webb-r Phone 884. HAG RUGS and carpets. All kinds of fancy work. Wheeler's, 1300 W. Railroad St. WE ARE TAKING CONTRACTS for wheat hauling. Phone' 468, Ore;,'on Motor jjarage. ' . s Brown & IJracly - Undertakers and licensed embalm ers, Calls night or day promptly at tended to. Lady attendant. - Phone 63. FARM LOANS We can make good farm loans in any amounts, any place. Geo. W. Elder & Sua, Phone 993, 818 Main St. . ' HOME WORK; experience unneces sary; everything furnished, $30 wkly., up. Send self addressed stnp ed envelope for free particulars. Bon Bon Candy Co., Philadelphia, Pa. ' HEMSTITCHING and pieoting attach ments, 82.00. Buttonholo attach ments 89. S5. Fit any sewing machine. Personal checks 10c extra. Lights Mall Order House, Box lit, Birming ham, Ala. ' MAKE $5.00 upward daily selling , Ilawleigh's 140 ' Products. Food products, Toilet Articles, Remedies. Is splendid business. ' Pendleton and other cities. . T. Itawleigli Company, Oakland", t'ul. , WE START YOU In the Candymaktng Business at home, or small room anywhere. Everything furnished. Ex perience unnecessary. Men, women. Earn $30 to $100 wkly Send self ad dressed, stamped envelope for particu lars. Roii-Bon Candymakers Co., Philadelphia, Pa. .. AUTO ELECTRIC WORKS WE tEPAIR anything electrical on an automobile. . W. E. Chase Co. AUTO TIRES, PENDLETON Cf CLE CO. Ajax, Re ,vere and Savage tirca. 828 I& Court Street. " " - U a BENTLEY & CO-GoodVar and Dinmnnd Tires Tire service, oils and accessories. Alia and Garden Sts. GERTSON & MARTY Oatfs Super--Tred tires 039 Cottoriwood. Vul canizing and repairing. ' PENDLETON RUBBER & SUPPLY CO. Barney Oldfleld, Goodrich Stl vertown Cord and Pennsylvania Vacu um Clip. SOS l' Court. r AUTO TOPS GADWA'S AUTO TOPS. Plate Glass. Backs, Side Curtains 201 East Court .St. Iieg. U. S. I CAN'T . That!? Tii-. - - mc i-UNNlEt THIN I'VE i... in r.iit.nf.tnmn reniler who 'J " 4 t i: TIME CAltI Wesion-Pendlctdii Auto Stage Leaves Weston for Pendleton at 7:30 a. tn and 12:45 p. m. Leaves Athena for Pendleton at 8:00 as m. and 1:00 p. vn. Leaves Adams for Pendleton at 8:20 a. ni. and 1:20 p. m. Leaves Pendleton (Allen-Knight Co. Store f for Weston at 10:00 a. m. and 4 p. m. O. II. McPHERRlN. Prop. 4. j 4 time r.nn Pljisl Ronk-Pendleioo Anto Wage Leavw Pendleton Hotel and French Restaurant 1:00 a. m.; Leave Pdot Rock tlotel 8 a. m. Leave Pendleton Hotel and; French Restaurant 11:00 a. mvt Leave Pilot P.ock Hotel 11 a. m. Leaves Pendleton Hotel and French Restaurant t:80 p. BLt Iave Pilot Rock Hotel 1 p. m. Leave. Pendleton Hotel and French Restaurant 8:00 p m.; Leave Pilot Rock Hotel 8:10 p. m. . We carry parcel and small ekpress. F1CHO STUB B LEF I ELD , Pendletnn-Umatllla Auto gtaa , Leave Pendleteo 6:00 Echo :15 Stanfleld 0:30 Hermlston 8:85 he. Umatilla 10:16 ' Leav Umatilla 8:00 Hermlston 8:20 Star.field 8:45 Echo 8:00 Ar. Vend. 10:11 12.00 1:16 . 1:35 1:68 1:16 4:00 5:16 ti:85 6:55 1:16 4:00 4:20 4:45 6:00 6:16 12:00 12:20 12:45 1:00 ' 215 Two Tripe 8nnday Leave Pendleton 8 00 a- m. asd 4:00 p. m. Leave Umatilla 8:00 a. m. and 4:00 p. m. Office Motor Inn Gafwge 722 Cottonwood Bt. Phone 888 PELL Sc DAWSOIf - Parcels delivered to all way point. . ' " . . - - e e e e e 4 e AUCTIONEER' COL. W. F. YOHNKA Auctioneer, Call at Sturgls & Storie' Implement Co., for sale datea AUTO TRANSFER C. E. WILLIAMSON Stand at Griggs1 Cigar Store. Phone 1075. FOR QUICK SERVICE Call Bud Cornfield, Phone 52, Crescent Cigar Store. Residence, Phone 1059-R. ATTORNEYS GEORGE W. COUTTS. Attorney at Law, Room 17. Bond Bldg. R. I. KEATOR, Attorney at Law. Room 24, Smith-Crawford Building. CARTER & SMYTHE, Attorney at Law. 221 K. Court St. . ' FEE & FEE, Attorneys at Law. fices in Despain Building. Of- SL A. LOWELL, Attorney and Counsel, lor at Law. Office in Dospaln Bldg. S. A. NEVVBKRRY, Fedcrul RulTd "K. Attorney at Law PETERSON. Bl: hop ft Clark,- At torneys at Law. 1 looms a and 41 Smith-Crawford Bldg. JAMES B. PERRY, Attorney at Law. Office over-Taylor Hardware Com pany. . .. .-..-' RALBY. RALEY & STBIWER, AWor- neys at T.ntv. ofitce- in Anicrkn t Nntlonnl Hank Itulltlrn;. FRED H. SCHMIDT, Attorney at Law. Room 21, 8niith-Cra wford Bhlg- t BATTERIES PHILADELPHIA DIAMOND GRID BATTERIES guaranteed for 18 months. W. E. Chase Co., 820 E. Court St. Telephone 209, Pendletoii. CATERPILLAR WORK . CATERPILLAR.-!, harvesters, gas en gines, automobiles and general blacksmithing. Round-Up Garage, Pnrks Xehergnll. 212 West Webb. Patent Office KEE'i ex:: TELL ME-Jl5t-V7HEN DO YOU FEED-THEt ? t- of Pendleton hiav Want the name am ,.M ...... b .rvlea. who ih.hu iuj 6' CARPET CLEANING WE WASH and clean the finest rugs satisfactorily. Reference given. We make fluff rugs from old carpet, Walla Walla RM and Carpet Clean ing CoPhotre7L CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS PARKER & BAN FIELD, Designing, Engineering, Constructing, 18 years experience lr. concrete and brichcon- structlon. 84 E. Tblrd M, Hortn I'on- lana, trcgon. 1 1 l CLEANERS AND DYERS PAVTOKltTM PHONE 473 CLEANING AND PRESSING MODEL TAILORS & CLEANERS Pressing n repairing. 8041 W. Webb St. Phone 321, Pendleton, Ore. FURNITURE NEW FURNITURE STO!?E It will pay you to come and see Fisher be fore buying new and second hand fur niture. 802 W. Webb St., PHnne 188. FARM LOANS SNOW & DAYTON, 117 E. Court St.. Real Estate, Fire Insurance. Farm Loans. See us about a loan. DENTIST ; Dr. H. M. Hanavan Dentistry Room 7. Temple Building. Phone 772 DRAYMEN WHO MOVES xOU is Just as import ant as where you move. We also pack- or store gooda-r-We do country hauling--Call 338, Penland Bros. Transfer, 114 W. Alta. , , MADE TO MEASURE ir JL Carl E. Fransecn, Elks Bldg. ' EYE SPECIALIST j j jBjpKtottrflS'iir""! lMiMtMjilWfclM1lW w 1 1 ' '" 83 Plehity Big Cherries s Apricots and : ' . . I. .' Logahberries v For Canning The Dean Meat Dept. OC Phone, 0 1 ' I : Cl EVERY Time: and Vicinity d address of responsible business men who epreent LAUNDRY EVERY Article Laundered lertectlr. There an agent in your iof" Troy Laundry, 08 Garden St. ' DOMESTIC LACNDRT 401 C Coart St., Phone 80. Wj maintain a com plete mending department, HEMSTITCHING KEM3TITCHING at the Singer snov Mail order promptly .attended tP. j HEMSTiTCHING Mail order Mr-. Halph Hassell, 417 Bush, phone 9-' New and Second Hand Dealers V. STROBLE, dealer in new and sec ond hand goods. Cah raid for econd band goods. Cheapest plc to buy household good. Z10 E. tuf8 Phone 271-W. - FURNITCRE. repairing, packing, cratingv opholsterhig. carpet elean ng 7 years experience Grand Rapid Mich. Furniture Co. All work guar- j anteed, 813 W. Webb St. v OSTEOPATH DR. G. E. KOLT Osteopathic, phyel- clan and Surgeon. Judd Bldg., Tele-' J phones. Office &08; Resklcwe ! Painting and Paper Hanging PAINTS, Wall Paper, Picture Fram ing; I McAU,"the Practical Paint Man. LoWe Bros. Pulnta. RADIATOR REPAIRING ; 1 ALTA AUTO RADIATOR WORKS 701 East Alta street. All make or radiators repaired. Work guaranteed. C. IHasberg, Prop. ' RESTAURANT THE QUELLE A good place to eat. SHOE REPAIRING vEW SOLES, Rubber Heels, Laaiea ' French Wooden iJeete-Repairing While You WaiL Hospital. -Pendletvo Shoe . THE most up-to-date ctul,Jed; ing science practised. E. I. "Df" P S T N. V. Room 12 Feebler Bldg.. PHOTOGRAPHER ----- : To introduce our kodak wora will finish Free one roU and Ml print each. Ward Studio. ' TAILORS ; - 647 Main Su Tatom Go. Grocery Dept. CQQ rhoneOOO By George McManus I biyMiA .aa a-A