SAIL? 2A2t 6a2fi6SIiW,tCttfi3r, CHEWS, TtJI!i3A7 SIGHT JACIS Social and Club News nt'ESTfl AT HIVOHAM Klngham Springs were visited hy corn of pleasure seekers during the week-end, many rrs motoring to the resort during Saturday and Sunday. Among visitors at the Spring were i Mr. end Mrs. Frank Oreullch. Mrs. At, Ught. Mrs. Untie Uvcrmore, Miss Evelyn Greulioh, Miss Ignore Oreu lloh, Miss Francis Cireulich. of I'en dlcton, tleorg IVIt?, of Oreenvllle, South Carolina, Mrs. Tulle. Mrs. Hone, land, Mr. Watson, of Valla Walm. Mr and Mm Dean Dudley of Athena, Mr. and 'Mrs. Iye Prake of Astoria, Mis Elsie Ralph, Miss Bertha, Mo Kern, Andrew Keen, Ralph, IT. Mntllcdorf, James Ilalph. Mr. and Mrs, T. A. Oilxel, Misa Iils Percy, Ar thur Rhodes, all of Hermiston, Mr. and Mra. Frank Kox of Walla Walla, Mr. ttnd Mra. W. I. Rayhorn of Weston, Mr. and Mrs. K. CK Williams, Mr, and Mra. Mason Thompson, Miss Edna Cook w inn, Mr. Anna Ptorie, Mts Marj' Tilt ' ner, Mr. and Mrs. Edwards, Mr. and EN' ROITE HERE, Mra. R, J. Green, Dr. and Mrs. F. W. Mr. and Mrs." S. H. Render passed Incent, Mrs. T. V. Arnreiter, Miss j through the citv yesterday in their car Oertrude MrConnell, Miss Merle Kins. I hound for their home in Pendleton. i,ucii iwnonnmt miss .Marjorie-t They have lust returned from an ex- ber of people are camping at Ring-1 ham Springs, anion them Mr. and Mrs. Will Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. IS. A. Didly, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Iehem, , Mr. and Mrs. f. Mclntyre, and . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ixickwood. MRa FAWCTiTT ItOXORED Of interest to the Pendleton friends of Mrs. Mary E Fawcett, who was In Pendleton for the Oregon Federation of Women's clubs convention Is the following- from the Portland Oregon lan: Mrs. Sherman T. Edwards was hos tess 4-eeently at a .luncheon at which sho honored Mrs. Mary JO. Fawcett, whose marring to It. C. Campbell will be an event of the. near future. Mrs, Fawcett was dean of women at Dragon Agricultural college for several years and made a wide circle of friends among the faculty members and stu dent body. Her friends In Portland nre nlnmilntr i n u nffuir frit- Yifw Tlta misb iimn iaior, ,r. ana Mrs. marriage will take place at the resi King, Mrs, U C. King. Mrs. Bert . dence of Mrs. Edwards. Sparks, aJ) l!roughton. of Pendleton. Miss Helen Miss Margaret McLachlin, Miss Francht Broughton. Faye Norris, hRender is the owner of K. K. Peabody, all of Dayton, .Miss Mabel 5tone. Miss Ruth Stone, both of Spokane, Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Tay lor, Bert McLean, Rmil Reed, C. H. Hervel, J. C. Turner, and Mr. and Mrs. E. J. I'rice. Resides the week-end guests, a num. tended trip through southern Idaho, where they visited with relatives. Mr. the Troy laundry in Pendleton. Baker Herald. ARE IX PORTLAND A group of Pendleton people ar rived at the Benson yesterday by ma chine from the Rotmd-Up town. The cnf contained Mr. and Mrs. I.. S. Rent- HOPF'S UPSTAIRS S II O : July Clean Up Sale - - - v ... , Great Reductions on SPORT SUITS COATS, DRESSES SILK SKIRTS and BLOUSES ALL SUMMER DRESSES AT GREAT REDUCTIONS ' ley, C. T. Rarr, Carl Cottley and H. B. Lamley. The visitors said that the road was In fine condition with the ex ception of 13 mlies, which was Tuther rough. The trip wna made in a day's run and without lncoivenience.r Ore. gonian. RETCRX TO PBXDLETOX " ; Mrs. James Johns rr, who has been visiting relatives In Brldgtwater, South Dakota, and her daughter. Miss Helen Johns, who has been in Brooklyn, New York during the winter and summer, returned to Tendleton yesterday. Misf Johns who is a graduate of University of Oregon has completed a post grad uate course at Pratt Institution and specialized In library work, In which she will be engaged this fall and winter, MRS. HARDIXG VISITS I Mrs. George Harc:ng and children, Robert and Jean, of Sprague, Wash ington, were in Pendleton today " en mute home after a trip to Yellowstone Park. Mr. and Mrs. Harding made the trip recently, Mr Harding returning home a short time ago and Mrs. Hard lug visiting relatives In La Grande. She formerly lived in Pendleton and will be remembered as Miss Maymu Relth. MRS. ROBINSON HONORED Honoring Mrs. Donald Robinson, a recent bride. Miss Blanche Moena and Miss Gabrielle Morns are entertaining a few friends most Informally this aft- according 'to another banker. All I debts wort't b paid, uVd"lhere Wai be' a ahortage of machinery on the i farms, this man thinks, but Mr. Aver age Farmers will be mighty close to freedom from debts. He will have to borrow to produce next year's crop, and of course, that will require a lot of capital before another harvest. So conditions can't be normal yet with hin rrnn in thict lmnbn.'b lint i- j ,tiij t, r ' " " " "-' i.r ...infill., i.uua i-nuioru i n tig stride toward normal conditions ernoon at the Moens farm home. The guests motored out for the afternoon and remained for tea. RETURN FROM LAKE Mr. ani Mrs. D. D. Hohart add lit- evening after a sojourn at Wallowa Lake. They enjoyed the trip' greatly and say that the weather was very cool, the temperature, reaching the freezing iioint at night. SF.COXD FIOOR TAYLOlt HARDWARE BIDG, Pay Nothing Deposit Nothing iVe will lend you this Valet AutoStrop Razor On thirty days trial. If after trying it for 30 days you find that it solves the problem of keeping a razor blade up -to its high est shaving standard, keep it and pay us its price, $5.00. -. Otherwise you may return it without cost or obligation. Any responsible party can arrange" with us for this free trial An offer of this kind has never been made in connection with any other razor and" is more convincing proof of the merit of the Valet AutoStrap Razor than any argument we could pre sent. Call at our store, borrow a' Valet AutoStrop Razor and demonstrate this merit to your own satis faction. ; TIN'S DRUG STORE VISITORS DEPART. T '.' . Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Shaw, who have been guests of Mrs. Shaw's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chaney, have departed for a trip to Salem and Corvallis. . Their home is in .Yakima, Washington and the visit here was a part of an automohHe tour. - MRS. MATLOCK RECOVERS Mrs. Gay Matlock who has been con valescing at St. Anthony's hospital) after an ot eration for appendicitis, has recovered and yesterday returned, to her home. ' MOTOR TO WALLA WALLA Mr. and Mrs. William H. Bennett and Mrs. Bennett's mother, Mrs. Eliza J. Burchill.f motored to Walla Walla this morning to spend the day. : RETURN FROM BINGHAM Miss Mary Johns-and Miss Kate Stanfled have returned from Bingham Springs jwhere they have been spend ing aew dayn. , . ..; . - '' GUEST AT HARTMAX HOME A guest at the home of-Mr. ahd Mrii George Hartman j is youni; Wesley Hartman, of Portland, nephew "of Mr. Hartman. . ' IS A BAKER 1 . Mrs. L. C. Campbell is spending a few days visiting in Baker. (Continued oa page 5.) H 0 M E DEMONSTRATION 4 IDEAS FOR HOUSEWIVES Our Furniture . is marked at the very lowest possible price and w solicit your closest inspection. We have been and are still doing good business regardless of conditions. Why? Because p have good stuff at the right price. ' ' We have a beautiful assortment of quarter sawed oak leather seat rockers ranging in price from $15.50 to $18.50. , Bow back Chairs, largest size, strongest built, saddle seats , for only . $2.25 2 inch post beds with heavy filler $16.40 35 lb. Silk Floss Mattress $17.50 45 pound Cotton Mattress $8.75 25 lb. Cotton Pad $7.25 We pack, crate and payfreight on all out of town or ders. Let us do your repair work. x Yours for service, Riley & Kemp Quality Our Watdiwunl Satisfiu-tloii Our Aim r. t i !: ! i: '' i i i: Following is the sec SHRDLU H' Following is the second and last of a series of instructions for canning by the eold - pack method, the first having been printed in Monday's issue of the East Oregonian: Fill with liouid Wipe around top of Jar wfh clean cloth, then put on wet rubber. Fill jar. with hot water and I' teaspoon salt to quart jar for vegeL-fbles, or with hot sirup for fruits. Adjust cover and partially seal. (1) Screw top jar Screw on tight and then reverse a quar ter of a tucn. (2) . Oiass top jar Fasten top spring only . Leave side spring loose. (3) Vacuum sedl jar Adjust cover and spring. Process Place jars on bottom in hot water bath, water at least one inch the top of Jars. Do not to count required time until wa ter boils. Water must boil all the time. When requlrd time Is up remove Jars immediately. ' Final sealing As soon as ta ken out of boiling water, exam ine rubber. Complete the seal false , have above begin by screwing cover tight or ad- justing shoulder spring. , Testi'g Invert to test the Joints for leaks. Storing Laber, protect from lii?ht io prevent fading. E. V. r. I -j ! t'M.vni.LA rorxTY j - " (Continued from page 1.1 j every place where he owes money that ,it will be Impossible for all debts, In ;cluding this $3,800,000 of " outside j money, to be paid In full. 1 "But the $6,000,000 will reduce the ! $3,500,000 of outside money to one: half of its present amount, I bellece. and It will enable the merchant to get the big part of what is coming to him. jWhat must be done Is to have con siderable co-operation practiced by all. "In the big commercial districts, fi- Unanclal Interests are figuring that five years will be required before con-. ditions can be normal. I believe that we can reduce that time by at least two years and maybe three. This year wtll jfive us an excellent start, and qext year will take us forward to ap proximate freedom 'pf Indebtedness.' Ho i figure Jhat comparatively our condition is encouraging:" Tlii Ycai-a Crop Helps. . The production of this year' crop is going to be sufficient to put thn farmer back clot to A normal bails Hojt Weather Lunch , 1 f0 varieties of Cheese ' ,. ' f15 kind of Sardine v Columbia River Salmon . . v Columbia River Shad . 1 , 23 variette of Canned Meats Clams, Oyter, Shrimp, Lobster and Crab. ; ' , Lobster a la Newberg ' '.- Chicken a la-King ' . ' . ' Boned Chicken ' Fifkebotler Spaghetti in Tomato Sauce ' ' Pork and Beans . Kippered Mackerel, Herring and Sardine Sardine Paste v . " Sardwichcla Cod Fich Cakes Finnan Haddie ' .' . v Complete Line of Fresh Fruita and , Vegetables ' .. -, 3'-' Gray Bros. Groceiy Co: j . 3 Phones 28 Only 1 Quality the Best 10 Day Sale v of Cut ' Glass-Ware-' ' v. For the next,ten-days cVe going o give a- dis count of 25 per cent on all cutfglass iq puf stoclt. Some of the principal items are : ; !- . Tall and lowfooted cut latar and cut Krkpe design shcrbits. ,' - ' ' ' ! " Goblets of the same cutting as above. t Water glasses, two shapes, same cutting. .. The discpunt is also given on all- needle etched ware that we have in stock. . , : ' . The season is at hand when the psage of the bet ter grade of gJaRsware is necessary. - : "You will pvpfit by the saving that we are offering 'vou- - : ;..'" , V., ' ": ' The BEE HIVE will have been taken. - . I'ohk. Years to I'ny. Another hanker inclines to the opin ion that .three Tears; prohably four, will be required to recover from the condUUons that have been prevailing for 'about orte yeaV. ' ' A big crop, is being produced this yeart and it will bring iiF a lot of money," he said, '.but the trouble is that all of this' money has already been spent. The wheat costs about $1 to produce, and a profit must he li- I Pendleton - ' Oregon i in-111 L -"'"'ft'O'tgr'"1 1 1 ki -i ; i M I kt l.l r. k . . - : . , V'vaJ - ..." r ' ' made by the farmer before he can quidate. "We were four years in creating the conditions that finally resulted in the depression that we now feel iand nave felt for quite a long time. My own opinion is that an equal length j of time will be required to get bark to a normal state. j . "One of the big difficulties that stands in the way of adjustment is the continued high cost of production as compared to the low prices Vecelyed by the farmer. It is true that littlo machinery has been purchased during the past' yeavs and. in my opinion it will be at least two more years be fore much more is purchased. The reason for this is that more 'equip ment was bought when machinery was highest than had ever been bought before, and now, under tl)e spur of necessity, the farmer will prac. tice economy. , Combines, binders, plows and wagons will last fipr years with intelligent care,, and I:matilla county farmers will see to It that theirs -last as long as possible. Little buying of equipment Can be expected- until machinery prices recede, or un til crop prices go up. " "Skilled labor usedbn farms ' wit It takes jihe tea to make a good teed ctr Ink TryHtlvilla -it's delirious when iced :a i -.;,,- have to come down, too. Help in harvesting is too high yet" ; Yerhatllity Help. Tho versatility of the county Is .a big aid In such conditions. as"exist at present, one of the men pointed out. The Tttllton-Freewater dKtMct' with Its million dollar income of fruit and hay, the west end with its diversified crqps, and the big wheat yield of the reservation section are all elements that combine to make the county for tunate. In addition, the livestock in terests are diversified and extensive. The et end of the county will he in better condition this fall than for a numHer of years, bankers agree. TJin very heavy crops produced otK the lighter lands will ofsist farmers to get on their rfeet to a degree thoylmve not experienced for several years. llssRed Crcmi Gasolim gor rower (ffiaMiieagfi p fix - - - i ft , 2 t ,-WSc3rf3 ,.- That your engne shall delivrr 'the maxhHum powr: w4 ' the maximum speed it was . designed to develop. The refining of Red Crown gasoline to make a high-quality motor fuel is based on a thor- r ough scientific knowledge of the fuel require- . . ments of the automobile engine. . These requirements have been met by the Standard Oil Company out of its years of experience and in accord with a policy of true service in its' field." t ' Look for Standard Oil Service Stations and for the Red. Crowo sign at service nations and other dealers. There you wine able to gt good service with Red Crown gasoline. I Vi? gasoline s&fF standard Every need for the Harvest Time ' v Sturgis & Stone V.V, - , ill 1 n ii' SHOW HER YOUR BANK BOOK The young woman who takes the chance of tying her future with yours has practical, sorious prob- lotno nhpnH Nn doubt VOU Want tO . proviue ior ncr cunnoii, ouu najji ness but good intentions will notpay for a vacation, a pleasure trip or comforts that mean so much. ' Show her your bank book be cause she has a right to know what you hare been doing wjth your mbney and what efforts you have made to provide for A home. ' Show her your bank book for your own good. ' It will bring home to youJ,he need of practical man agement of your income and time. It will strengthen .your resolution to save and provide for her.v , , jp You jSaye Money When you get your Refrigerator -ftDftnis.? ' The balance, of our' Refrigerators will be closed (out at x - ; ', : - ' ' 20 ; Off - 7 See U3 before yoU buy and save money. CRAWFORD FURNiTURE-CO v.. coi'nx KT. riIO.K 49H