East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 19, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    . f r ' f t t r t r i --
pahs rrT.
ptt'is-itf-v ngipft fumm
Pkople Here and There
la J0
p4 w. Falconer ! in . Enterprise
here he is making arrangements for
(blPPl"(T the tim lot of lamb" (or th
Cunningham Sheep Co.
W. H. McCormmach arrived In ro-
jiatnn yesieiuajr iiuuif ijkiiiiuui
(taring. He expects to return tomor-
r morning with Mrs. Walter Mc
mkimIi and family and (heir.
household goods. ,''- . " ' i ,',
prank' Ililhrrt of (Tklnh, the blgRcst
rattle breeder In that section of the
munty. was hre thin morning. 1
ha, Just returned from Portland where
he hlppeO came in me irainiouu iniu
left Pilot Rock Saturdny,'
Robert Johnson, young nephew'' of
Mm F Ilohlnson, iKho has been. In
pendlcton lit the home of hla aunt for
the pant several months, left today for
Portland to visit hi sister, Mrs, Fred
erick Ijcstoo (Harriot Johnscn).
W. A. Gilliam, well known miner,
came to Pendleton today from Pilot
Bock. He will leave tomorrow for
Orant county where he nan a promis
ing mine prospect. BHver-and gold la
found in the ore on his property, and
aome assays have shown silver running
M Mirh a tfiOQ a ton, "v
' Parsons Motanlc, Indian, farmer of
tlje teservalton and one of the, few
Indian owner who -farm hla own
land, Ih In the city today. In his youth
Motanlc was well known an an athlete.
He Is prominent In church work ar.d
la on elder In the Presbyterian church
at Tultillla,
A. B. Chapman has been a resident
of Umatilla county .since. 1886 und he
liken the country well enough that he
expects to he here for n Rood many
more yearn. Ho Ih In the sheep busi
ness, and his ranch Ih on flutter creek,
lie runs hla sheep on range near l.e
man Hprlngs during the summer
months. Mr. -C'ftapman waa here to
day taking care of business matters,
Pendleton weather seems warm to
f . w. :itor or tne I'ortiana forestry
office, who is here toduy and who Just
returned after climbing Mount Hood
with the Mnzamas. Mr. Clcntor nnd
MrB. Clentor were among the 165
mountain climbers who made the trip.
The party drove In machines to the
government camp and afterwards be
gan the nine mile hike to the summit.
After four and a half mites of trail
they reached the timber line where
they camped for the night, leavln? at
a. m. the following day for the sum
mit. A few of the climbers, Mr. fclea
tor relates, were unable to go on he
cause of the, fumes from Crater Rock
hut the others reached the top. some
arriving as early as 11a. ni. On the
steep slonps ropes and steps were re
sorted triih aiding the climbers. The
view Is beautiful, suys Mr. Cleator, nnd
the top afforded a fine view of the
Columbia, Lost Ijike, Bull Hun Iake
and the sevcinl mountain peaks. Mr.
Cleator remarks tlmt two th'rds of the
members of the parly were women
an;l Unit of this number, one In every
10 could equal the men In nccoinplNh
Ing the mountain climb,. Mr. Cleator
will spend three weeks In surv work
on the Umatilla forest.
show- you the way
Increasing numbers of people
who could not or should not
drink, cofFee and -who were
on the lookout for something
to take its place have found
complete , satisfaction in
Postum has a smooth, rich .
. flavor that meets everjr re
Quirement of a meal-time
beverage; and it is free from
any harmful element.
Economical-Made Quickly
i acres a aeason
rtade by Fbstum Cereal Company.Inc
Battle Creek, Michigan.
-j lL-t
Dr. W. I. Lytle, state veterinarian
is here today from SaUm on offic.al
business. ".
' ' ,1. , .
The United Htiites still has fifteen
thousand soldiers In Europe, chiefly on
the Rhine.
We Want Your
yin pay the top price for Chickens.
If you have any Hen; Broilers or
Friersx to turn off, call 187 or come to
the Tal)le Sii)py and get our price.
Phone 187
739 Main Street
(UveA Dlvftrce Ikax. v
A decree of divorce In favor of Delia
Smith against Oeorge .Smith has been
gr'anted by Jndffe O..W. Phel)s in cir
cuit icourt. Ey the terms of the do
croo the plaintiff is granted the cus
tody of two minor children, and a
property stipulation Is Included fts a
part of tho d6eTee. It. Is also provided
that the sum of $20 a month shall be
paid hyhe defendant to contribute to
ward the education of the two chil
dren. I
Traffic Violators Fined.
rive inline violators nave upjH-artMi
before Judge Thomas Fits Gerald
sine yesterday afternoon. J. C.
Johnson and It. C. Walker fell afoul of
Traffic Officer William Lyday on a
charge of driving a car not equipped
with tail lights. E. Cox was arrested
for driving over fire hose. Glen Theo
dore pleaded guilty to driving with his
lights out and-Anna Vey's car had no
tail light. The fines in every case were
Wheat advanced a cent In price to
day, July wheat closing at fl.2714;
September at Jl.28'4 and December
at $1.32. Yesterday's closing prices
were July $1.26 Vfc, '.September $1.21
and December $1.31.
Following are the quotations receiv
ed by Ovorbcclc & Cooke, local brok
ers; Wheat
Ball's Catarrh Medicine
Those who are In a "run ddwn" condi
tion will notice that Catarrh bothers
them much more than when they' are in
good health. This fact proves that while
atarrh.is a local disease. It is greatly
Influenced by constitutional conditions.
Open- High Low Close
July 1.25 .28 1.25 .: 1.27
Sept. 1.26i4 1.29 , 1.2P,4 1.28ft
Dec. . 1.30 1.33 V4 130 1.32
July .63 .64 i63 . .64
Sept. .61 .62 -61 .62
Dec. .60ft -62 . -61
Wheat A decided changv In the
character of the hews has taken place
of late and -while a few week ago In
dications were that' the world would
harvest a large crop, drouth and heat
In N'ortH America and Europe has
changed the situation. Iteported to
day a cargo of wheat was sold from
New York to Brazil, the grain being
wanted for mllllne purposes, and it is
fexrtOlTR TO CALIFORNIA understood that the quality of the re-
Ms. and Mrs. it. D. Sayres were I mainlng Argentine surplus ih of poor
hosts last flight for a tourist ' party.j
travelling from Wyoming to California.
The p:irty composed Mr. and Mrs. J.
H. Glllen, the latter a niece of Mrs.
Sayres. their little daughter. Virginia,
Mrs. Williams and Mr. Cole, the last
two residents of San Francisco. Mr.
and Mrs. Gilliam live in Wyoming and
are going to California after having
visited Yellowstone,
Fat Cash
t Despain&Lee Cash Grocery
209 E. Court Phone 880
Receive Blore Pay LesJ
Let Us Convince You
; I. v. ' ',..'..-
This is the logical grocery to shop. 'Price, Quality
and Service considered. We give you the best gro
ceries in the market at the lowest? possible prices
and aim to make our service ideal. We have done our
share to get the busines, and our cash prices are
getting it- If you are not dealing with- us, give us
an opportunity to show how we serve our customers.
Despain&Lee Cash Grocery
209 E. Court , ' Fhone 880
Mr. and Mrsc. Lee D. Drake' and son
Jimmy, plan to leave early tomorrow
mornlnir by auto for their home at As
toria alter having visited hereind in
the mountains for a veek.
Followed Advice of Her
Druggist's Wife and Took
Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound '
Chicago, m.-"I was in bed with a
female trouble and inflammation and
nao, I our doctors uui
none of them iid me
ood. They all
, would have to
have an operation.
A druffeist's wife
told me to take Lydia
' til table Compound and
cpinlity and mills needed stnong wheat
for milling purposes. If this is cor
rect with Argentine five months from
new crop It will mean more or less ex
port business -with that country from
time to time. The trade has scarcely
commenced to realize that the worlds
situation has become very acute, and
the slightest damage in Argentine and
Australia which harvest late in! 1621,
would reduce the surplus of exporting
countries to dangerously low ebb. Late
spring wheat, on both sides of the in
ternational Jine, is in danger of black
rust damage and It Is a race between
the grain lo maturity and the rust un
der prevailing conditions, higher prices
probably will be witnessed.
Cash Market
Tonic and Bteod Purifier, and acts through
the blood vpon the mucous surfaces of
Ih body, thus reducing the inflammation
nd restoring normal conditions.
All drueglats. Circulars free
. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio.
jjpim i i iwiii i Mr'.i-r ' : - ti..
' " : I : 1 I
I Hi
v;ater jug, tray Affi six glasses
Klnguarly complete and skilfully fashioned of finest
Klaus -this week's special is most attractive. The
iray Is f f the serviceable type, and commodious
croiigh to nicely hold the complete water set. Our
specials are nc-t sales, but unusual value that we
purchase to sell for a liyiited time only.
Pendleton ,
. Ore-
Tlie Largfs Diamond lxntiera In FMtii IntW"
remodeled and lmbu?d iith the sea
sons latest curves." ne declared.
"No longer does Aitoninette need
remain a back iiuml.er because .she
happened to be born with a :roo!;it
nose. She can take -i limousine to a
beauty hospital look through tho nose
catalog, pick out a Roman, Greek or
best American nose and in lem than a
week be back in the ope.-a box wi:'t ns
pretty a member as :vpv girl .in tho
house. Many, manv pi.-!s miss being
extraordinarHy beautiful simpl1'
through malformation of ona feature
of the face."
New noses cost from 1,500 francs
($150) up, he said.
Ill -
PIT A (PCftfPf 9
The Coal With No Regrets
You find Pleasure in its cleanliness and
ormous heat giving properties.
You hum it With Gratitude for its en
small amount of ash. ,
You take Pride in recommending its ex
clusive use to your friends.
For InfinU
V Invalids
The "Food-Drink" for At! Ages.
Quick Lunch et Home; Office.and
Fountains. Ask for HORUC1CS.
Iffl-A void Imitationt & Substitutes
- r "" "mi t
' FORD v . '
The Universal Car
Itcnvmlx-r that when ymi hrlnflr yoiir Vord erne to us for mo
Chan lea I atutitlon that you get the jrcoiulno Ford scrvhn, tna
lerlslH, pxpnieflnrtl workmen unci ftml factory prices. Your
. I Wil In tcM uwful, too valuable) to takp I'luinon with poor nie.
chanlc, with equally Knr quality nmtorltils, nrlng it to. us ami
save both tlm aiHt moni-y. .
s Wo aro authorized Forrt doalrrs, trusted by tho Ford Motor
Co. to look after the wsnts of Ford nwners, Tliat'n tho assurance
we offer. We are getting a few Ford cars and the first come.
first to receive delivery, s .
. Have yoti ttiotijfht about that Sedan or Coupe for this fall and
winter? They are mUrhty comfortable and cmy when tho wind '
blows ind the. rain Is falling. Come In and look them over and
place your order In ndvnnco so that we can be sure of ordering
". enough to BO.around. This will bo the closed car year. .
Simpson v Auto Co.
Phone 408 Water & Johnson St
. ! Service !;:;!: - '
any go
s5said I '
1 took 22 bottles,
never missing a dose
and attheendof that
time I was perfectly
well, l-huve never
had occasion to take it again as I have
Vw an well. I have a six room flat
and do all my work. My two sisters
are taking the Compound upon my rec
ommendation and you may publish my
letter. It is the gospel truth and I wtl
write to any one who wants a personal
Jter "-Mrs. E. H. Haydock. 6824
St. Lawtence Avenue, Chicago Illinois.
Because Lydia E. Pinkham s Vege
table Compound saved MrsT Haydock
from art operation we cannot claim that
all operations may be avoided by lt,
but many women have escaped oper
ations by the timely useof Unsold fash
ioned root and herb medicine.
1 htird white
1 soft white . . . ' . '.
1 white cluo ,1
1 hard winter
1 northern sprinR .
1 red Walla Walla .
. ; .$i.i2
.... $1.12
. . .$1.16
1 , $1.12
I YourEyes I
i i
Keen them in perfect
shape with our Optical
Service. Preserve yo.ur
siffnt tne mouern vuy.
mcrlnin National Ilank
- '.'
PARIS, (By Mail) '(By Edwin W.
Hullinger, I'. P. Staff Corresporident)
At'lust ladles, you can get a brund
new face for 3,000 francs (about $300
at present rate of exchange) in Paris,
made according to any of the most
approved styles ef beauty you may
Nor will it bo a makeshift or cam
ouflage Jtjb. Your features can actu
ally be refashioned, even If it be ne
cessary to remold the bony framework
of th9 face. .This curt be done by fa
cial surgery and without puln beyond
that occasioned- by the parting with
the $300.
Doctir Jack Brcttmoi, ono of tho
world's foremost expert i in fiu-lul sur
cerv is uuthority for this statement.
Doctor Hrettmon rewmtly opened a
hospital in Paris whei-tH lie does noth
ing but "make over" c'd faces, rean
dowing them with their Ust youth,
oi remodel young faces removing fa
cial defects' imposed by irth.
Jlanv Kuronean vdmcn and a tew
Americans have alreiiuy been opvrat
e upon successfully, according to
Koctor Brcttmon, ant many more aro
planning to obtain -now laces in this
vay during the suminer.
In the beautiful reception,, room of
his "Hospital .of -Aesthetics" on r i
Kivol; rr. Brettmon'tobl a corrospon
denl his experiences correcting the
sculpture of Nature unl combat tlnir
the Imprints of yeats. He Is also a
sculpturo of no men'ii nl.ility. Ji hs
studio were three of four plas!o' castj
done by him.
"Partly as- a rcslilt of experiments
with wounded men during tb war
fai-TTVI surgery has pi-.v reachint t
stare where the humnu faoe,- I'cloi in
ed by mai'formatioH si lirth or wea
thered by fuliftue 'r linn!, can o rr,
c,ut or rejuvenn(cd rtiuch as i service.,
able but out-oMiilp sjv.rmrni t un ' c
FL'HNISHKD HCJtl'SK for rent or fur
niture tor sale aim house for rent.
1000 K. Webb Kt.
Ktlt.ltKNT 3 room furnished apart
ment, closi In 7T7 Thompson St.
Phone 218-SL ' '
PURE CANE, 100 LBS . . . . . ...... $6.85
PURE CANE, 50 LBS $3.45 .
PURE CANE, 5 LBS. ..... . 82.05
GOLDEN C, 100 LBS. $6.35 r
POWDERED, 30 LB. BOX .... . :. $2.75
CUBE, 60 LB. BOX ... . . . . .... , . ' . $5.75
Special Price on Five
Sack Orders
inland Merc. Go.
Adams, Ore.
Cash Must Accompany Mail Orders.