East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 19, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    tAOZ TW0 v
1 - . .
',-.ii i...
iijbii nmni( me Kintvhii'lln'
aflordid tij tin- ItKtiK li I'iiM OttUv
Yria4l-d within -tlir. Nltr 4N. he
nt tHtn four (imiaRw for shipment
boples Warehouse;
ESTwtKwe"1 it ay to i iiAnr ty-rntft-qar
We1 call jmii' attention to tlio "Siir-'
plus ;rK-ry Sale" wt are comlm-lin;;'
.it the . '-unitary ('merry. vTlit mviiuis .
arc numerous Take, ndvnuiao (if
P SMlC S.-2H,V.-- , i tf- ir;
. v v;' . f
W T'-jS- ' j,:'
Good Aevvs for the Summer Shopper
,. hoinhiIiiiii-v uilh mr linis stanlinc cnstoinV ttu- I'.ii; Store' is now
fferUg M Hest f.w (lie Frlv no .Matter Wlmt tlio I'rkv.
, a .i.itv
Free from the nflial fllUni. n iM-ueec tliat ou may fwl Hisri.l (o
l-xe ytnir uriful. ialnlnkliiK vrk n tht lu.'iKlns tip oC so iiiiiny
nefo RMrnii nls. - ,
1lt:ni: utK Tin: i'iiw fs: s . ; ; '
12 Moimiic (a good weix;Iit).vai(l! , . .
l4Monime (a heavy weight) yWJ . . SL19
Keep your Feet WelL
Wear 'Arch Preserver'
Slioes. 1
, '.,.t. ;i.,
.. . .....i., j. ... ,
our new arrivals.
0 fords as sliowu in ilture. are ainoni;
hrov anil bliwk.
BroVvn, the pair .
Black, the pair .
New in Color and Design
tircj Nu'bnek 6xfmls, lilaek trinimiiiRS. military Iieels, ioHlear
. . eM wiles , , S9.00
Se Tan Iinmin- S rjeK-t oim-h throat effert, weltt-4 soles, lnilitiiry
heel . -. . . r'. . S7.50
Tali i Strap (alf i.iri luni)s. military liceLs. (;MKiycar nelt silli-s. the
pair S7.50
' If 'jron liave' ftait troubles iimie in iiiul us. We aru in-epaml to
(jive you "Foot Cunifort" service. '
- . .
Tom Sawyer Washwear for Real Bovs
ts tifreretl in doz ns of tlie prettiest little f;arnieuts that you could
wish. They're made up just the way you"d make tiiem and they'll
save yon the tennlite of niakinc them. '
We, are show ins Komiters, Midilii -. Xorfolk Suits anil ltutcli gar
m(Wits in the front dfsplay window.
.. , Take Advantage of Our Surplus
Grocery Sale .'-V
Plums, fresfr per lb. y 8c
Blackberries, per crate $2.75
Peaches, per crate $1.10
Loganberries, pter' crate . , $2.23
Tomatoes,, fresh, per pound ..... 15c
Watermelons, per pound '. r. . .. VAz
Canteloupes; each 15c
Eresh shipment of Ti-u'Blu Cookies af rived.
Along with our big Grocery Sale we are giving 25
per cent discount on all dishes, glassware? Hot
.Point Electrical Appliances and Universal Percola
tors. See the special display in our Grocery window
J y.
m:iTUTi. nisiM.AY .or
In the prevailing fashions and
the popular color "gray."
Though our ihvssos are 1neiienv:e!y
lirh'til, they posr-ess many eomnieiidalile
features which tlie fiishlnalile woman
v!U aiii'iH'iate. (.'lever in modeling luid
finished with that peculiar smuitness of
trimmiivis, they have all the nnxlisliuesM
you would evM-et to Tind in much lusher
in iceil models.
A most beautiful display is
shown in the Ready-to-Wear
window. - '
, .i
This Et'onomy Shop Offers You the
Greatest Savings
Huimalow- Aproiis, up (o S:!.0(i. uovt SI. -19
SS.r.O andl2.5U Silt Skirts $3.79 and Sl.fIS
86.50 licst forsets : Sl.4!
S:S.25 i:ml)it)idery I'lM-kases 4 . ; . . . OS.'
I'alm Olive Soap, all you want, liar 7c
Polly I'rim Aprons 5u
Silk Auto Cups l-: ji'ular piiitr. v i ,
H'sides the lumdmls or other ood tliiuss on display, we offer yoii
Slioi-s at prices you like to pay.
Sale oi Nets s
We call your attention to our most popular sale-of
beautiful curtain nets, in figured and plain materi
als. Priced 75c, 80c and 85c
On display in the big center window.
. .
' ' '
To the Man of the Finer Tastes
We are displaying (in the men window)
tractive showing of general wear for the
dressed man. "We ask you to look it over.
an at-better
'4 3
National l eague Mand:i gs.
W. I
11tiBl.nr-; t . i ... S3 2'J
j New Vurk' .
.St. lA'U.H
(.'hicagu ....... . . -.
'iiK-iiinuU :
J'hiladel; h a ii .',7
Amcrhan I.caetie .Standings.
33 ,5S
31 .
.63! I
.45'J i
.4 4A
.655 CiPVf'aint
.641 j
Per lb. Pern ( Per can
60 , ,30c - 50s .
San itaryGrocery
And your order will
be promptly filled.
We carry the Dia
mond W Brand of Can
ned good -there i
none better.
S'ew York , . . . .
Washingtt-n . . . . .
..'.OD ; Detroit :.
.44 Hoston ,
.54 4 j .St. -Louin . . .'
.3S0 i r.'li Icii k i
,2SS ! I'liilauelphia
AuuFi'ican .i:'Ocfatii.'U lt-stilts.
.VUWutigee y, Iruiiaitapoli 2.
II 'iiiu1hiKh f.. (.'olimilaix 1.
KailKaa City 7, I.ouisvilic frr
M. Fa'uk.:,. . Toledo 6.
Soiithi'iii: Asjoelat'ou llcsiillH.
-Muljile u, .j;lnr,i!iKli:im 1 2.
Atlanta ll. m Naliyille 0.
Nw York 1, at .Memphis Z.
Little Kuek r, t.'liattunooffa 3.
Wolern Leauiie KcsultH.
Wlclla 2. St JuKeph,3.
Tulsa J, HU ux.Ctiy (.' 4
Oklahoma Oily tvl'.s MoineH 5.
Jo lin li. Omaha 12,
I'acil'iol Coast I,eayii' Stand iiks,
. W. L. I'et
ft s -wr w.
: Pendleton 'and Umatilla County
! ' on Itinerary of Federal Meu:
' ' Wlio Are Collecting' Facts.
I I'tiliTLANI', Ore.. ; July '19. K. X.
I Kavamtlih, in chan'.e of Urasslnn In tilt
j Forest Service "i fl'ioi n liere. aiui tlraa
I ho; Inspector C. K. llaehford, from
! Washini'.lon. (.'., left here on July I
' 16, for six weeks Inspection of the .N,a
; lion.1l Frial':v.3!liis ransea in Wash-
liuston ami Oregon. Their trip will
I take tlu'in tliric.ijjli this cattle tuid
kheep country t.f .eilntern. Oregon ami
1 WiishlnKton, and has for Us purpose
gathering iluta on the ground rcsard
j inc the actual value nf- the forage re
' sourcen of National Forest ranees. s
Ale iiciifoi-il i makimr a eeneral
1 trip throughout tlio natlonnl foreata of J
i the West on ; two-yesir study of this
I iiuestion of raiiKe valuation ond now
comes to the I'neifle. Northwest on a
preliminary tri. Tlie results of this
whole study of ntngo vuluat'oii fif the
Forest ranites has l)?en promised to
i Consress by the Forester, t'ol. Oreeley,
j and Mr.' KavamiiiKhs ofl'lee will lo re
I sponsible I'er this work as far as the
j Oregon n.ifil Washington Forests are
I concerned.
Messrs. lU'.ehftrd anil KiwnriaKh
! will BO first to the Itainier Forest,
then through the Yakima Indian .Ucs
' e.rviJlion into the Wenatehee Forest, on
j to the Mcthow and OkaitliBan ValleyV,
1 io Spokane. From Spokane they will
j 80 to I'lilljiovn, SVash., to'confer with
1 men at the YVuKhiiu'ton Kutte Attrieiil
i taral Clcue, then to l'mdlcton, and
i to this (.re!on State llxper tnent Sta-
tion nt Virion. From I'nion ihey will
: proceed to the Whlrmii'i National Kor
; est at Haker. tl.in south t the John
I fay country on the Midheur Fonht,
then to Hie ot-hoeo, and Deschutes
Foit'sis. j.i ol aldy oinj; aaiir south as
LakevieW. "
I Throushom the trip they will confer
' with rei'i".'Keiuuljvc' of the aerlcultui.
I nl colleves of both states, with owners
and ucrents of prtvalo vun";e lands nifd
' r'presentative stockmen in hoth states,
the aim hoins to inspect typical ratifies
! and to secure the advice and sug?es-
i tions of interested pajties. The final j
I object, Mr. Kavanaxh says, is to find I
' the best' method of determining tlie I
1 1 proper, value 'a terms of the j;ni7.inis
I fees of the -fonure rewurces of the na-
I ! ttonal forests within the two states.
The Best Goods
Lowest" Prices
i A." FliANCISCO, July li). (t. ,V.
;A) (ni a mission of mercy to the In-
riian tribes of Northern California, an
elaborately coulpped medical am!
dental clinic, mounted on a powerful
motor truck, has left here fur Ccddiug
j Cal.. where a route will lie laid out to
i reach even the most remote rancherlas i
: ef the iiiimoouH. tribes in Shasta, 1-as-:
sen and Modoc couiu'es.
j Followinar completion of the mirth
icrn California vitiation, the truck
i.will proceed to other parts of the state
i inhabited by Iiuliuns.
j In receiit years the fudians have
beeu rav.'it;ed by pestilence and fre
j qunnt fdmines. Only recently the
jSiuiHta Indian made a (ilea thit i
i be allowed to kill deer out of season in
i order to provide themselves with food.
I Tills clinic, provided by tlie Indian
board of cooperation and the depart
ment of the interior, will cany a pliy
! sieiau and a dentist. ' California state
departments have provided two nurses
j to visit the California Indian tribes,
i 24MMW Need Aid.
There are about 2,I0U Indians seat
1 lered through forty counties of the
j Htate In 30M bauds and groups. H i
i n nticipated by those arraiiHliii? the
I itinerary of the clinical parly that the
; work v ill take many months.
i Word will iji! sent to all Indian
! bauds, in the eountyii which tile clin
ic i-eiigaKed that they may be expect
! ino; a visit from the party. The head
men of each bund will, be asked to ar
'range for the treatment of all ielr
1 pedplu who need medical aid and den
ital work, so that the work of the clin
ical staff may be done promptly up.
on arrival at each community,
. The leaders are all ('ally being urg
ed to encourage their sick friends and
neigtiburH to uccept the alii of the
"white,'man'3 doctors and nurses, and
to nluke known to their people that the
mission of the bi white automobile, is
one of friendliness.
linvin.r lir is si easv. You
tliat you 1)uy QUALITY for wc luivu no
"Sales," no Left-over" stocks to dis
pose of; no larketiDown" goods. 'You
feel satisfied with .vluit you buy at these'
prices. . ,
Iluying for cash, in large quantities,
direct from manufacturers, ; diiMinatin
middlenien's profits, we effect suhslan
tial saving for you. The utmost in Style
and Quality at Lowest Prices is your
when you huy. here.
v ' THESE.
t . , ;
voiles -
40 -in. Dress Voiles,
' good array of pleas
ing colors, yd.. 23c
' 40 in. Dress Voiles,
"novelty and plain,
yard . . , 39c
40 m. Dress Voiles,
finer quality, fancy,
novelty and plain, -yard
. 49c
40 in. Organdie, flor
- at conventional and
checked patterns,
yard 39c
40 in. Imported Or
gandie, solid colors
tne wanted
in all
PONGEE 69e. t
33 inch, 12 Momme weight, import- "
ed all silk Pongee4 natural color.
An extraofdinarv lvalue, vard. 69c
' y 1 ' '
borders, and alloy.er
36, in. Scrims, colored
floral and' bird pat
terns,' yard 19c, 2ac
29c, 39c and 49c.
36 in. Marquisettes,
white ancTecru, suit
able for curtains and
fancy work, yard 39c
36 in. Marquisettes,
hemstitched borders,
yard . . . . .... . . 49c
36 in. Filet.Nets,' floral
and conventional, pat
terns, yd.' 39c and 79c
4 tin. Filet Nets, cluster
'design, yard .... 9Sc
40 in. Filet Nets,' dainty
designs that appeal
for exceptional drap
ery, yard $1.19
36 in. Madras, for side
drapes, forest, bird
arjd rose, and flower
patterns in gold, "old ,
rose, emerald and
Copen, yard 98c
36 in, Silkfjlines, plain
San Francisco
fNiVr.ncuto , ,
jis Aimeb'S .. .
ernoli ; .
Salt UMke . . . .
Portland ......
i t
1 J
' rviakes Food
Taste Good
Creates an t appetite, nids dly
(Ion, pin iflc, the bi'j-jd, pio::.oii..i
assimilation no as to ccurc full
nutritiva value of food, and ij
jive strength. to th whole ejstem. rtii'n.
i -
ii.ijuh. ftii n.iii twiiuj. 'in." i tti ' - i inn' - ntffi
XliW YOUK, July 19. (A. I'.)
Torn Oibbons of St. I'aVl inuf been
: matched to meet Georges Carpenlier in
j October for tlie world's light-heavy.:
iweight championship,
j Articles were signed by Kddie Kane,
jfiibbons inailager and Promoter Itick
:aids. The bout will 'be either in the
arena Jif Jersey City in which Carpen
tier lost to Dempsey or in 0udison
fiuare Oarilen, The weights will be
, ITjiiounds or under. Klckurd did not
1 e riiiotinecliie oilier Serins.
Kane agreed to have Oibljcns on
the .scene of battle three weeks before
.the match. CarpcHtlor signed article's
two weeks ago, agreeing to meet any
man Iliekutd selected, but epressed a
des re to fight (Jibbons. Citi pentier
i sailed Inst' Thursday Cor France, lie
.Vl!l,!s expected to return about tlie mifdle
" or ri p '.fin bw. Thu ob' training (i,ar-1
', . "' 'uninsset nave been rcaiivrd.
i.iooi.ns. a brotiier of "i'hantom
rMiie" Oibbun.s of middleweight fame'
.is 31 years old. He fouglit myny
' boujs froAi ym to Jills,-but rtiowed
up considerably and was seen in few
i matches during 1 y 1 and I !L'U. He re
tuiiieil lo the ring this year uml Won
'most of his bouts by knockouts.'
! Caipentier tipped the Kuui'-a at 17T
; i'r ti-e I & ry bout.
A wealthy Chicago man, tlio owner i
,"lf. a chain of restaurants which bear
ills name, has offered one thousand
dollars to anyone 'who will give him
ono good reason fertile private manu
facture of revolvers In America and
for the use of the Cnited Wales malls
by die miinofacturers.
i-'iii'.. it-ssc;:s plant cllsease such as
ro,i. smut, and clubroot. and It also
makes avuiiahlo for plant e.rowth
s'li.-b food elements, as' piit.issiuiii.
pboi pliorus, and other .mineral ele
ments in nejii Huila nv;iiable for plant
;;iowth. The lime also increase tip.
moisture contest of the top layers of
heavy soiia. O. A. C. Experiment ata-
....... ...... I
and figured, yard 25c
40 in. all silk Crepe de Chine, all the leading popu
lar shades, serviceable aftdTfeeasoinable, yd.($1.09
Nothing is , mor;
delightful .than oiir'
assortment of bead
necklaces. Exquisitely
'fashioned in round,
ovel and 'fancy cut
glass, agate and coral.
Some come with pen
dants. Assorted col
ors, each C9c and 98c
Tan calf,-two strap pumps, trimmed with
browji calf tip, ball strap and vesting, low
heel, Goodyear welt sole. The newest in
Tumps, alf sizes and widths.! Pair.'. . $7.90
' 1
l"jMS ' '''7
mm . y
THH I,AI!(.I1ST CHAIN lli:r,ll!TMIlT.
"E4ssznaTn:i: oih-anizaxiun "i..'i'iii: -tv(i:i.i!exiaraaaiaV
Quality PRINTING at Reasonable Prices
. Eatt Urcgoiiian Priming DepailujcuU'