East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 18, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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4 U M
4 U44
News Notes-of Pendleton
Juno" t7-Auguit 6 Bummer
Normal fWhool. '
July Si.-Mocting of T'malilla
and tVulln Walla, County, wheat
X rowers, , '
-September 19-24 Northwest
drain nnd Hny Show, v
September it, u, U Annual
Pendleton Round-Up, ,
: , v
H'rtH ig Wheat Yield.
I One of the heaviest yields of Vheat
reported so far this year comes from
the Itnlph Tachella riineh. Harvest.
Ing on The pine which Is near Snxe
Mntlrm, begun Thursday, ami the crop
In turnlnirroit ft th rate of 65 bushels
an acre according to the report.
can be Been thrown In place on the
darn Bite. The beaver hits been mak
ing his home' In the mill race for the
pant three, months. . . .-. ,
A Itm Tor Pendleton ,
Pendleton's beaver', which byi the
way Is absolutely no relation to the
Portland 'Heavers, evidently Is ambiti
ons to give the city another darn,, be
cause ft recession of the water In the
Walters- mill race has disclosed .thej
iai ini inn nine animal is rapidly
perfecting a lnni acres the race. .Sev
eral limns, n log or two and other trnsn
I Caterplllur OK'rlnriicdj
When a bi(f cnterplller tractor at
tached to a K-lmblne wheat thresher
was overturned Saturday a fire was
Hturted in a wheat field on the place
of (leorfte La Fontaine which for a
time threatened to cause heavy dam
age. The hhiae was extinguished wnn
lh loss of about four acres' of Kraln.
The tractor was badly u.-naged, and
(he comb' wns afltf. but slight dam-
a was ilorte to it. Hard work (or
several hunt's) by -harvest: hands ripd
neighbors resulted tn control ',or tlH
rrrfl neing seeuru onouc a o i-hum - .-
..' : : .
May Ho Ufwl Man . "'
Whether or not the 'C. IT. Bishop"
mentioned in a Saturday news dispatch
in the I'orUand" Oregonlan as having
been hurt In an automobile accident Is
Chsunrey lllshop of this city is uncer
tain. His hrolhcr, Clarence Bishop1,
says he has not yet had word from the
Pendleton man who left recently with
his two sonr. for a motor trip to Crater
Luke. The man' mentioned In the
paper Is "C. II." whlleChauncejr Bish
op's Initials are "C. H." The news dis
patch related lha,t a diminutive tor
nado ienve'oped a car which was be
ing driven from Bend to Redmond,
lifting the machine from the ground
for an Instant, tearing off the top and
then dropping the cur, The car fell
back on Bishop's face cutting a gush
which It required H stitches to close.
I'Viloinl Is llwlil.
The tunt'i'i! of the Into S. (,. Wilson
oi this Viiy'.tvus held this mor-mg ft:
St. .Alary' Catholic church, Mr wl!
-en mod . ii Friday lr 1' n.'lunil and
bcal-. j.as shipped her,: for b.iri il
ji101-.1011011Q1101 iQi 101101 101
arid Royal
1 Ann Cherries;
Pendleton Cash Market, Inc.
v :''"-'.-' '-','
" v " 30UE. Court Street , .
Phones IOIj Private Exchange Connects
' ' ' ' -
both Departments.
I0t 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101
Thi Harding l)!u Pautoir anl Hracolet. This new "novelty, origi
nated by the Klger Itoyn have only been on the market three weeks,
but, O isoy these three weeks !! '
It you haven't one get one now, be in style with the rest and He one
if the first In your town to wear a Harding lilue Ribbon on your
watch or a Hautotr. Come in and see us, we have Just received a Mg
.selection at ery little rost. (IXm't delay! . Come now). Hanscom
"always has the bestind newest
', ' ' . OI1TS THAT LAST v . ;
; Hansconi's Jewelry Store v
, Fishing
'That '
: Results
About tfiat
22. cal. for
With Fast )igonJui
Mihs Iva Mirhsel of this city hno
tak a position as stenographer In the
ICnst f.h-cgonhin. busiir-ss office. Miss
Michael will replace Miss lxona How
mnn who has reslghed, to take effect
In August.
On mai
can use
ic 'hones
l hones 52(5
D?ts. 78
Use the Phones
Grocery, 2 Phones 526
Other Depts. 78
V lilllS 111 OIU JJlil jJJJo aim ivixi uii uuiuiiii a sicciiuii.-w niuuj uit
sccome early to get iirst dioicc neau each one over, there are a numher
you?U 1 1' i tcrqsted in, Each one a "money saver" and they are timely bceatise you
thin NOW!
inkvent, Wash 'Voifcsr 1-2 Price
XcwHpniwr Sinn Here
Will Kvans, accompanied by his
family, left J'endleton this morning
for his home In llalier. The Kyans'
are on the last lepr of a trip through
California tind Orefrou. Uvmis Is nn
owner of the Morning Democrat ai
Tinker. I
Sltms Iiit fp
Wsns InvitliiK vi -ltors In, Tendlcton
to njtend lm'al churches have been
placed at the auto tourist camp j
grounds by severaf Pendleton denomi
nations. Those represented are the 1
Baptist, Kpiscopul, Palvatlon Army, jj
Methodist, Presbyterian and Chtistiun It
churches. V .
' : ' ' .
. .. if
iniy nn iinv f
The second crcp of alfalfa hay is
being cut and harvested In the irrigat
ed district in the western part of the
county. " The crop Is exceptionally
heavy, hut the increase over normnl
production will not make tip for the
low price that Is beinff offered for the
hay, farmers declare. ,
Big Sel
In order tclean these out for our new stocks that
will be cmU in soon, we're offering all our wash
voiles at ttaejxlf price.
Big lot
sizes, 34
5 for . . .
omen's Vests 5 for $1.00
ivoen's vesta, comfy cut and shell top," all
o t, values 2ac to 40c, special sale,
; ....... $1.UU
Remnants 1-2 Price
Big lot jVtsh Goods, all lengths from 2 yards to
4 1-2 yards.!
Hester Is Rifled '
A small amount of money was miss
ed from tho each resister of Riley &
Kemp store on Main street this morn
Ins and investigation shows that the
irforo was entered by unknown mar
auders lut night. Entrance was ef
fected thrmiKh the transom window
of the back platform nnd tho visitors
reached the store via the basement.
Merchandise in the store was left un
touched, only the money being miss
y $50 Table Damask $1.95;
',-.- s " .
.Made ofi nest quality yarns, double damask and
t)f beautifiiloraly designs, special, yard. . : . . $1.93
OnLol Collar Points 26c Yd.
Made ot rgandie, embroidered and cpme- in col
ors, regulifi9c value, special sale .'. 26c
yvcrtumi-d )i Hittliway
i That there is danger 01 sKinmng on
the loose gravel recently placed on the j
fre?on Trail ne.-rr Dead man Pass wns!
shown yesterday when an Overland car
planned over the irrade while poln?
entt near where the rock crusher is
stationed. The car bore the license
No. 52.219. Oregon and is listed as , To Visit Wallowa
owned by the Pecurity Construction Arthur Kudd,
Hair Bows 69c
Valuesui to '$1.00 on special sale, offered in all
-yd. lengths. Special bale b'Jc bow.
colors? 1
-One Lot Neckwear 25c
A limited quantity women's fine stylish neckwear,
values up to $2.50 to close out at 25c
One Loteilhi" 1-2 Pric
, o
To clean out this lot we're going to sell this lot at
1-2 price. " ' ' 1
One Lot Silkoline 13c ,
'Make up comforters now, use our silkofinesV of
fered in a good assortment of patterns and colorings,
36 in. Special sale, yard 13c
One Lot Cretonnes 1-2 Price
Choice patterns of best quality to close-out at 1-2
price. , y
Lace Curtains 75c Pair
2 1-2 yd. lengths, white and cream, about 10 pair
left. B.uy them at 75c pair. . '
, Sofa Pillows $1.26
Just 8 of them in this lot, dark colors, 'covered'
with tapestry, good for thenar, camping and the '
like. Regular price $1.75, on special, "sale.... $1G
One Lot Package Goods 1-2 Price
Includes baby dresses, rompers, women's gowns,
envelopes, eto Special sale 1-2 price. ' .
Co. of La Oramlij. The car skidded i man, left
while pafHng another carimd turned
on one side. As far as is known nn
one was injured. . ;
this eWit for
Charley AVill Stay r 1
The usual thins for Charley Bennett,
Indian, to do when arraigned in the
police court on a charge of drunkei
ness ..Is to wait until friends pay-his
fine and secure his freedom, but he
can't do thai now, because when he
appeared this morning for tho 'steeijth
time during the past few months,
.ludee Thomas Fitz Gerald handed him
a Jail sentence of 15 day's. Nominal
fines were awarded Joe Dalev, F. Hen
nett, Willtnm riarnhnrt'ond Frank Mi
ler on charges of being drunk.
in tbe September
I 3 and 24. He exi
week in Waljo
where he will woi arouse interest
hus Septemix-r
Otto spend about
di canty and from
iher will eo to Et'er' HSs work will
lid rum? in tne ui-
dtp. He opened
the campaign at liKpCanyon. Satur
day night, when
include speaking
terests" of the Rofi
before the Chaut
in? Pendletonian
friends in other
of the ltoiind-l'p
s peels I!ie Yield
Just about twice the crop he secured
Inst year will bo taken from his 7" 0
seres of wheat on his big- ranch near
Athena l the way I. B. Bannirter
fiirures his prospects. He wr.s here
this mornin?. He evpects to got an
average yield of 4 5 bushels to the acre.
Harvesting will besrtn in the nwrnins
on the Bannister rnnch. Kven with
the lower price that Is boinsr secured
this year, Mr. Bannister fiffures that
the increased yield will In laree men
sure make up for the lack of income
that has threatened farmers.'
I.oirves for SeattH
. Dr. Guy Boyd
for a business fl
Portland. He wl
in the week- fori
fllLI W
iude a short talk
rfqv, program, nsrc
lore that , their
(efwere informed
leaving for Por
entered Into a
Frank Kistner.
Ift on Saturday
o Seattle end
eturn here later
nort stay beforl
nd where ht bus
jjtership with Mr.
Map Is Mnk
A strip map.
from Pendleton
mileage and the
par'M by Km eft
the Vast em Ore
Four thousand
ndng the highway
fUiise. Idaho, tne
es, has been pre-
loika'.t, secretary ol
ir Auto Association.
1 of the map are
tributed at the
auto supply shoi
thousand opies
Selmnneps Tteturn l-Yowi Visit
Judse and Mrs. I. M. Schanivep and
familv have returned from Seaside
where they spent a week's vacation.
That clams are plentiful is a statement
for which the Judge vouches, and he
declare he got his share of them.
Pendleton still has more to do in order j
to get a camping ground for tourists i
that, will be un to the stajidnrd of -
Oregon, the-Judge says. Our grounds
are better than the place provided by
The Dnlles. he sayS, but they "pre not
up to the standard of many other
camp grounds between hero at Sea
side. . ,
be distributed t
FOR BENT B roomed house. F.nrnl-
ture for sale-
-24 Thompsotti Phone
FOrj KENT Two room Apartment-
Phone ?.r4.
l vl.lhil to lie
The Federal
fice at porllan
at. the Norlhwes
to-be held her
snvs Tt. . Wh
supervisor who
The exhiltit wi
various grades,
ciockese, an
well as dents
flour will be
(Kast Oregonian Special) .
ATHENA. July 1 S. The Warren
Construction company has finished the
hardsurfacing of thetreets In Athe
na. In addition to its state high
way work' the construction company
has paved a total of eighteen blocks
in the city.
Mr. and Mrs. John Ogle were in
the city Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dickey visit
ed relatives in .Pendleton Tuesday
Mrs. S. C. Stone who has been very
ill is improving.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dudley have
returned home, from a trip to Seaside
and Portland.
Mrs. Henry Koepke and son Henry
were visitors in Pendleton Friday.
Mrs. ('. E. Fisk was ill the city from
Weston Thursday. . '
Dr. ifnd Mrs. ('. H. Smith and chil
dren Ernest and Ruth have returned
from a trip to Portland and British
Columbia. t
Mrs. John Harder, Jr., and baby
daughter left Saturday for Milton
where they will visit relatives.
Mrs. Henry Booher and daughter
Thelma were in town from Weston
Mountain .Thursday.
Mrs, C. U McFadden spent the
day with relatives in Weston Wed
nesday. Miss Blanche Johnson has been vis
iting her aunt Mrs. Jim Lieuallen in
Adams. '
Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy ot Weston
were in the city Friday.
W. W. McPherson has completed :i
new garage at his residence, corner
of Third and Adams streets. 1
Mrs. Thomas Lieuallen of Adams
was the guest of Mrs. W. O. Bead
Tuesday at her home near Athena".
Chris Thoeny and daughter Kmma
le nullities of various: were in Athena Saturday auernoon
from Weston.
being printed tK and will he dis
Bent ley Co.
Alta street. Four
u a second map,
Khowvn:; the Peitren-fpoKane iu.vn-
wav veill he l.rillLsOon (111' will IllsO
pin Supervision ot-
II make an exhiit
rain and Hay Show
ptember 19 U 24,
k, federal grain
us line tiaiuru.iy.
nsist of wheat of
e methods of deter
mining snides, pules to determine
tdvnr.tage. MifVlitlock slated that
tboW how growers
an use grades to
ittel from different
n'fi.i vn4nH end wm oahe
bread to show
kinds of when
Edward Woody is in the city visit
ing Ms sister Mrs. Cass Cannon and
Mrs. Theo. Rush.
George Banister was a visitor in I
College Place Tuesday.
Hamp Booher was in the city from
, Weston Saturday.
I Mr. and Mrs. F. A. I-attin are here
from Stockton, California, visiting at
the home of their son Oeorge l.altin.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Dudley are
camping at Bingham Springs.
Lowell Rogers of Pendleton was in
the city Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. t'narles Morisette and
children are visdting in Portland and
Watts Brothers started their har
vest operations Thursday.
Miss Charlotte Gross left Thursday
morning for Portland where she will
be the guest of Miss Dorothy Berlin.
She will go to Long Beach, Wash., in
company with the Berlin family for
a few weeks' outing.
Mrs. MHtfha Mays has been visit
ing at the home of her son Grant
Mays at Waitsburg, Wash.
Leon Kidder is up from Newmnnf
California, and will work for Neil
Lieuallen during harvest.
Mr. and Mrs. D. 8.-Fisher and dau
ghter Charlotte have returned fram
Milton where they have been visiting
The young people of the Baptist
church Sundnv school enjoyed a party
! in the ehureh hnsement Tuesdfiv eve
Charles Kirk has purchased the
lease and farming outfit of Lee John
son on the ViNHiris place north of
Athena. Mr. anH-.Mrs. Johnson .Will
move into town soon to reside.
Mr. and .Mrs. W. P. Willahy of
Portland are visiting friends and rel
atives in Athena.
Mrs. A. M. Johnson accompanied
her daughter- Lois to Portland where
tbe little girl's foot was, operated on
to be straightened, the condition of
which resulted from an atack of in
fantile paralysis." ' ' ' ' .
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Taylor returned
evening: from Vale
SvherB I
jthey visited their daughter Mrs.. Del,
most comfortable and
o-ivps'nrlrlerl r.intfe of vi-ll
. r - --
sion. .
Have, them fitted
American Nnt:pnal llank j
i:ntiti Are stole
Three pistol of I. total value of
about $70, weistien Saturday night
from the Tar lar.tware store on
Main street, fie ntolR were missing
yesterday moling; Kmrunce to the
store was ma' though the skylight.
Besides the r ohvs, nothing is miss
ing from the re. "d other merchan
dlse was left itouhed.
dlse was left itouhed. Deputy Sher
iffs UidKwaNii'd Uvender made an
examination f th room and of the
office of JoWi. Prkes over the store
which was o rrtsooKen. t.xcenein
spectmans ofiURC- prints were secur
ed and photfinph of foot prints were
taken by f otfiers. Entrance was
mado thrcMfi tht skylight.
s M.v.-JJulv IS. (A. P.) ine re-
hearinK I the telephone rate case
opened Jay. Attorneys representing
the nunif'us nunictonlitie are seek
ing to rjirn to the rate of Bcale ef
Xectlva fore March 'lrst- '
Enrsch Your Blood
'Why b sallow, thin or weak
vrhen thousands hava improved
their condiUon by taking S. S. S.
Build up your blood. S. S. S. is
the recognized general tonio
and system builder. It is also
used successfully in the treat
ment of rheumatism and skin
diseases arising from impover
ished blood.
For Special Booklet or tor indU ,
yidualadvire, wtthout charge,
write Chief Afrdicai Advisor,
S.S.S.Co..Ltip't 437.Attar.ta.G.
Get 5. . S. at your dru$ist, A
For Rich, Red
bert Clore during the past two wW-ks.
J. H. Samuel has purchased tic:
real estate business land Main street'"
property of Mrs. Laura Counter. Mr:.
Counter and family will soon move tj
Bert Maslin who has been employ
ed at the Thompson garage has-
cepted a position with the SUrplnil "
oil company. ' He has assumed his
duties. .
Miss Belle Mclntyre left Satifrd.rj
evening for a two weeks' vacation in
Mrs. E. McPherrln joined her daughter-in-law
at . Camp McDougul la.st
week for the summer. -.
W. L. McLeod was a visitor in Pen
dleton Saturday. -
Misses tfatheryn Froome and kazi I
Sanders Tiave returned from La
Grande where they were the gueti of
Miss Dorothy Meyers.
Millard Kelly has returned from
Montana where he has been shearing"
sheep. t
H. A. Barrett was a business visitor
in Pendleton Saturday.
Mr.- and Mrs. John Harder. Sr . '
were 'in Athena Saturday from Mil
ton. Mrs. C.'Kindig of Vancouver, Wil
is visiting friends in Athena.
Mrs. Bert Vaughn of Homestead,
lire., hns been visiting relatives in the
Charles Towning and daughter
Myrtle were In Athena Saturday from
Miss Adah Pe Freece, manager of
the local telephone exchange, has
been presented with an emblematic
gold pin for five years' service byjjlre
Pacific Telephone and Telegraph
company for nine years. .
Mrs. J. T. Lieuallen, Jr., wVs up
from Adams Saturday.
11 A. M. to 8 r. M. Daily.
H. T. SHAMAN ... Proprietor
10 Day Sale of Cut
Glass Ware
For the next ten days we are going to give a dis
count of 25 per cent on all cut glass in our stock.
Some of the principal items are :
Tall and low footed cut star and cut grape design
Goblets of the. same cutting as above.
Water glasses) two shapes, same cutting.
The discount is also given on all needle etched
ware that we have in stocje. '
The season is at hand when the usage of the bet
ter grade of glassware is necessary.
You will profit by the saving that we are offering
you. ;
I. ; '. "- ....