East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 18, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Atlantic Fleet Changes Command i;
BPI ffiraSo' Called "Cheap" Merchandise is Sold with an "Al ways Rcadj" Apology.
thkt TWO
ba t liuttll I 5 Mlf- Ml'. llncl
Mr. Itinxm him! m rsii:et lt itiir
liMlnqm fur imiiil iMii-4ian" will
finnarthsl to llii'in.
z fiePeoples Warehouse
H 1iit tM ii.-..,:
AM MIM 5I WAUi: M A! K I'ltlC i:
Sp. cliil nlfcntiiVi ieiille.l In (Ills sale
1 in Tlii' I at'-fiu r.iwiiiint., It win!
prise Aluiionuni III li Pans, Idirjiv
ntitt Siiuttl: l.avjjo Presc-i-i iii Kettles
Puts mill I.iuki' Sumy I'nns.
Women sj and Misses' Summer
This is the place to come if you want full value
for every dollar you spend in'summer clothes. Not
only that, but every garment sparkles with style,
shows quality, is well made and perfect in fit. '
We have on display in our well arranged
stairs Ready-to-Wear departmen:
Beaut if ul Summej Suits of the Newer Materials
The Pret'ticst of Dainty Dresses.
The Finer Blouses Popularly Triced. .
Strictly Outing Togs.
Every price will please you and you may know
that you get the best for the priced no matter what
the price. m
i- . ,: . '.1
4--- Wit
V.t if 1 V?
rn fits
1 K
: "'.&si'4kiJEiSfc. - - '
Embroidery Packages
The entire stock of pack
age goods has been taken
Irom our art department
and sent to this cleanup shop
for a quick close-out 4
The lot represents stamp
ed goods of the very finest
quality ranging originally in
jiriee f ram ?1.00 to $3.75. ' "
Basement Sale Prices
Opened Packages 19c
"tinder $2, now ........ 49c
Over $2, now 9Sc
On sale until all are sold.
Canyon Brand Milk
Save a big round dollar on a
case. .
'We have too much milk on
"Canyon" Milk is one of the'
very bct so tou may. know that
you are getting a very good bar-.
gain.' : '; , -
Enough Olives for Three
Big Stores '
Help us to get rid of our sur
plus. We've placed a price on
every item that will surely rid
our stockroom of many cases..
Bulk Lard
Sweet and fresh, per lb
The Sale of
v Surplus
Some people will' tell you that
they never attend, sale?. Those
same people will complain of the
high cost of living. '
! Here is a Sale that will help
you to save.
A Big Surplus Stock of'
Canned -Fish, Salmon,
Shrimp, Clams, Oysters.
Offered in many instances at a
less price than you could pur
chase them at the canneries.
There is a big stock on hand. -
Seafoam at Half Price ...
Sounds good, doesn't it?'
Every body knows what a good t
washing powder this is. There
fore you know the value of .this
item. v ,
Kr C Baking Powder
We have on hand 4 tinies too
much. We've made the mistake,
vou can profit.
25c Size 20c
50c Size , 10c
80s Size .....70c
Here's a Good Saving
$1.75 Crackers, box S1.25
A Wonderful Sale of
Curtain Nets "
We are featuring a special
big lot of beautiful curtain
nets that have been trans
ferred from our up stairs
art department to the new
location in the Dry Goods
Dept., Main floor. '
These net's represent the
very newest designs and
materials and Irtar that
same high quality lhat is al
ways featured by T. P. W.,
The Prices 75e. 8Qc and
per yd."
f ' ,
s ' - i
, fif -
I ' Mtw .1 ir t v
11. ,
i "1
nm nktui- vfcowH Adihinil tknrv B. ttiiH.rti uvn ll.e tut-
iipI in' !:c A'.lsntiv Het t Aluiual iiiiary P. Joit. .
; silage is e
Attention! Soap Buyers.
24 bars Crystal White, 10 bars'
Roval White, at this saving price
$2.00. x.
1). M. Black Tea
An excellent tja, per lb... 50c
Bulk Coffee 25c
You save the price of fancy
containers, you save the cost of
extensive advertising:: ' You save
the real thing, "Cash.''
During this good sale: wejpf f er
you this exceptional bargain
42 Piece Dinner Set, j Regular
-825 j Specially Priced at $15.00
the sKifs, "A lil1:ir of -lnml Uy
llllitr of f Ijy nlnht."
!lrtt'k of tho nicini'r'itt a trr
m all will I'XtiMHl. n tlnnl f A mile
IcmK, fl:ml-iil ! trws. u'nl on rither
aide of tti'M 'tniill niiiltHnlal buliiUnp j.
( will l e eri'i'tfil f'i-m time t.) time unil
; ifl'ecti'ely tmitrtl in a soTiont! compil- ,
siliiin without distol ijlng tin- sweep of j-w ,,f f,,r faltcnlnc uttx'i" li"
: linos lKKlinflu th- im-morinl. 1 aaii'in-j f.ivur.ln 1'iistoni (irosron a'!i
Mr. .MaSonitrlp. i:i his capacrty "'f'rtvnlt of ftedhiK louts at the I'nloii
. archttwl. will wrvo as inivi.r in Jhe
lottins of tho oontrnots atil will sttpi r-
uTrmiivin rrrn
RHtlTO raui
x lso and Inspptt tho Work "of eontrnc
tiTK tts til iTTtlon iroootds. "Ho'
will put four or five yoar of Ills liff 1
Into the ln ojeot," one of tho momherg !
oC the memorial nssootation stated,
vj'iit when tho ctrat work Is com
Dieted a masnifiCMit trihnte to e
iieioes of the (treat W"rld sli ussle frill
!'!;inil forth In horok- ie. Tt sviU Iw
vlsihle from 'Sourly every point In the
ity'aml for mile;! aro'.iml, silently itn
I j partintj Its mcs"saffo of Inspiration to
the thoound who toil In thm thrivlna
. city of tho Midwestern Kmpire.
brunch expti'h'ient Htatlon. . Lnloii
county leads the district with Tdtt alloi
built since 1M 11, while Wallowa, has 7"
of which' 67 have been cfoistniete'l
since 1H17. l ake has 9 A.nl Klanmth
where silos were a mUu (pmntity In
119 has 9 aUo. Infiease i wild to In
rarifely dne to the work of the colles!
extension service through the county
itKf nt. '
"Slle nwnins Btnekmon con ftitten
i liteers
Interest -in Trip From Duluth
to Glacier Park Stimulated '
by Announce latcnti on. , j., , ,
: , 1
DCI.I.TH, 'Miiin..'-; 'July Us-tAI-J
,Hiu:nfiiii)iSl that Thfjodole nno-jVult,1;
Jr.. In -kiio-I(!-1 t( KUift the first- Wt
uic'til, uuiomohiiii tour over the fl'liH-
pre tioosevelf Inl'ernatloiml HlffltwuyJ
'rum iMtlinh tu (Huffier Nutloniil PuVN,
'uly 2.".. has resulled )n niuny iidOltlon-,
al , cut res Mor th's motor evcrft) jlote?
th:tn a h'liiiih-ed nutoinblliAi- arc!
nutititl 'itit'wh. Hit- raiiunA 'lettve'
he Zen ih Oty on u nine tluys' trip
tcross .M'.nnesolu, Ninth" Dukpta and -Aloiiiiuui.
The lour will end August i
it i'.lncler PiiiK Hotel, Oluulcr 'Ntt'tiiJiir
tl I'nrk. Montunu. I IkJ
This' 'n'mi ls tour to he rim
iver iiny section of the lireat Mein
rliil (liKhwity ivhioli mtendB u;rsn
h" northern portion of tho Vnlted,
Stales from I'urtlnml. .Ma ne." to I'ort-
,inil, Oregon. tuKSHKC trucks and
ereice trucks crr-ins -mehiinlcs ttnAx
tire experts will nocninpiiny the totir
for the ci iieiileuce f the truvuler:
,ery t'ity-NiloiiK the i-oiAe U intikim
txteiisive KiiMtiKeinenlt! to oniemiiii
he tourlstB . Indiutirt of the Olacler
National fuik will niasH' on the Mim
uiin ftitlrle n reception coinmltU't.
The reilnins will sculiur hucksliln
liufettl over 'the Uitt lap tof ?h' lrio
iorsts' Joni'iiov ua u welcomiiiK oitiun.
This e;;rly i-usiom f , the lilackteet
cilie, iii'lulKotl In whenever they wel
:oniod friendly mounted Indians, now
ih modernized as iippliiblo to auto
uioliiHsts nml the practice In jwcullUrly
flttlmr iiini it will nerve the deuhlu
lpurpo.-e of Knowing the way to the
motorist; s well an spreaUing tUe wel
come Klun of this trilie. ' v
A. W. Tracy. Ken era I aecrctary' of
he Theodore llooaevelt International
llluhway association, naya tho Inlthvl
lour over the Itoosevolt hltthway l)ida
folc f.. .i-t1 in miinv eennntM nriV all'
lomob to tour ever tal;en throURh tho
illiPl Itunut . . .-. . I " v a
.National l.caxue MaiulliiKs
,1 .
i I
I'lttsburg -55
Neiv Vork '. .SI . m
Hoston T 4 "
Brooklyn -. . .43 4 2
St. Louis 4 1 41
. t'hicitifo . . . ! 4 5
Cincinnati -0 e
I'hilarti-iphia 2 3 .
Ainri'ican lu'ui' Stanillius
Z 1
4 I
-Cleveland '.4
New York I
'Washington ........... 4 7
Detroit . ...... 4 2
! ItosLi.n' ,19
tt. Xouis !i
I fhlTOXo .' 3
! Philadelphia ..33
How tin Scries l'.iulifl
At Los Angeles, Portland S games.:
iVejiioii i Rama; At ati I-rnciHco. j
' Oakland 6 game.-;, Keatlle 1 game; At (
A'-ri'.niento 3 pmrs, .-an Francisco 4 j
Sanies; at Halt Lake 1 game, Los An-
Helen 6 f-'umcs. j
Vt'l....... Hi.. Xi.-imu ! Tlilu Vf'lf
l-,.rll,l ... i.n Pr,.nr.ser.. JWM,, j X"l '',is i'1!'-
lit I.os Anist les; Vernon at Sacramento;
Oakland at Ai!t ;ike.
Anuriian .XsMieiiitioii IU-HiiltM
St. I'aul 1-2, Columbus 4-2 (culled
ttui of fifth. I
at proximately' half what if
costs the stock raiser who feed only
hny.",nssirti-tl V. I., thillnrd, a-sistiiiil
fou uly aei-t leader )n churve of coun
ty atent work la ' eastern .Oreeoii.
"With -choice stm-rs sf-llins at J-S.r.u to
S7 on tho roitlnnd market introduc
tion of cheaper -lieef production meth
ods in eautern OrfBon l "f f inula tnent
al impoi tmice."
nther projects helns worked out hy
county lUenls in this district Include
that In pest control, curried on in co
operation with fanners ud th L'nitca.
sttcn blolotieal survey, for control ol
lahhlts and Riounil squirrels; purr
seed project Including llel.l eertiflca.
l turn or s'V'u crii o a s.--w hireuiu.
it.. ,n i i,Hf.tilt nr:il colleiret sill
;' l fur on alfalfa; and Orimm alfalfa seed.
'"'Til leased on experiment anil field re-
s F'Mts 1n etfll co-nlli-s one uppltcn
""';'! Hon of xi to mo pounds of sulfur to
"''''''tho aero will In-rease the yield n ton
!an acre. Ki stern (ireyon has more
-''"-I than lod.ii'i acres that can be bene
.63.1 fjtt. j. Nearly an euual gain can lie
'- I hud on ti somewhat utnaller area by
.52 f
the use if Crlmm alfalfa hardier
.4:3 ! (vpu than is commonly plantcit.
.47.. I ' i -.
.4 12
- ..-----.' i
HINSI'ALV:. 111., Julv IX. A bill
Irufted and fnih red 4.y Jd;i; Henry
Katiier of tho Motli-
ters' pension" system, has JumI been
! paused by the lower house of the Jlll
I nois k-k'islalure and is on final pas
isase, without opposition In the upper
I house.
Kansas City 42-12, Indianapolis 0-1. provides pension for mother. Vf
from di altar erected hiyh in the skies J was chosen as mojjt expretrsivo In art i
will Kise a pillar of cloud by !uu pil- of the desire of a outrageous people to !
lar of firo by niyht. . j show appreciation for a (treat service
! lijaolii Van Luien M..onile. oi anu-to emuiazun inrsi-iy relict a (freiit
v,.vi- .,, u-hi roor-iveu tne Itooerv ' lu'ai. f
(tutcriuulonal Nes Service h'taff
4 i Vn e-iiidiiii.t
BANJfAf: CJTV. Mo-, Jl'
Cruwniinr the hill In the icnler of tlr :
V.tf dully life, a great avwthelic fen- i
will ri-e iti malely. nianitude
'll.aa A&r' 'JMtMy eui i i,.l" .in
li iHe i.j tli.psf who wTvi-d i" 'h,-
J. nitmimoilttKii, a.
JJC? Vm. t- . i"i t..K .- .ii, .sA
j-, w-i .nh e.i-ic r..-'. y
IHtKflM. A I w - " I-" " w m
.HMiiM OH I U.l . I . Ci
iw.-w.-llr'l f-il.1 -.K. ,
Hssana's Transfer
R nut 378
'A'orld War.
, It will b ' doniinaii-d by a lofty ceti
; irai tow. i. r.s.ns 2S'I feel from the
I -1 !lfc ,:..e. j-VllllOICJ in ni
X; Fulton mehiorial nate for the Nuft; "The -Liberty M anorial" of Kuraa.
River in New Yuri; and who desife'iiea City will ctwt 2.VtJV) and will stand
the JloKiul'ey niemor:ul in Cincinnati. an i ne of Anieriitt's most magnificent
wa.i the architect whose design sub-Lti ibutes. I h this most tru)y Amer'can
mitti-il in ii mWHItion with many other j of cities, located In th very hetrt of
i.i-oiiiinent aicliitects, lias just been I America, "Get It Done'- is the mIokiui,
.-..cited by the memorial committee.
.Minneapolis 11, Toledo 2.
MilwauMe 1, Louisville 2.
Southern Amk lallou I U ull.s
Nashville 5, A'lanta ..
New Orleans -7, Little Itock 0-0.
Memphis 6, Mobile, 1.
Chattanooga S, Ulrmltr-iham 6.
Wiwtt'rn 1.can Kcsiills
Wichita 5. Omaha 8.
' .loplm I, fit. Joseph f.
Oklahoma Citv 7, Sionx City 2:
Tulsa i, lies Moines 10.
Pacific t:oast l.eiunc Staiullnss
W. U Pet.
iiispiiatioii '-atop of which -His t-oni-.-ikn.n oi a fitting inenional
Swatters Both!
l)r. Ii. AL liana van
AfciMuno i",bi'l' 'f of.n-ea oom
Tmi-1 UtnWtiia U oUe Uuuu
liMJId'". er HomJ 1'ivs. elore.
JLJ z;C. .
, l , . . SJJ' S
and with true American "push" it is
done. And wit'h the ' Libui'ty .Memor
Ih! it itas the same way.
To Coiilaiu iliiscum
An ideal site on a rise of ground
facing Hi . great SB.OUO.OOO Union sta
tion in the heart, of the city was select
ed. A plot of thirty-two acres of
land wus recorod by condemnation
pro''eedin;;s .on v-hich the memorial,
it I'd other buildln ;s from time to time,
will be Lullt. The people were asked
to contribute to tho memorial fund,
aiul no. sum ni-ct-..-yii y to "t'et it
i one," and i;et it flum; Pinhl , was sub
scribed. . j
Ti-day the design for the in'-moriul
has been n-li-cled and tin- work of
IraiiK'at.in- the fii.al coiice;tlon intoj
orklni; draM-in". aii'l t p'-cificutioiis .
is bH;iiiiin. i
The tsreiit c-i -utral lower will be!
I fifiiked by tivo iifi!idlni.'S, one a Mnoll
innteum f r neoi us anil he nioriabilla
."nd the othi-r ff-r the use of""lho:)C
v -Inj, carte h. c' ." n klml of fiHternily.
'h.M't'-r (iii'i.n-'for fetiiilon and redeili-1
ration to tne i- rvife of inqiikind. i
Thi- Imsc of Hit f-ecti-al tower v!l,
1 e. e-Khty ti t hied aiul cli'w'led In Its;
real front par.nel; w'.U lie the inscrip-j
t'on: " I
"To (or fver periietonto Ihe courage. I
loyulti jud' itiei -jjico of the patriots
San Fru in-iseo
.Sacramento . .
Seattle -. . ,
Los Angeles . .
Vernon ......
.Salt Lako . . . .
t. T- l(. -I,
(dependent children, when the father
i is imprisoned over a year or more.
-This law authorhux tho juvenile
court's to pay such mothers J3j a
'month for the f 1st child ami .$1.1 per
j month for curb, additional child liniler
i It years of ai?e. A special tax of 4-11)
! mill Is to be levied on all property to
; provide a .Mother's Pension Fund, out
of which tile prison pensions and the
I regular mothers" pensions arc tu be
; This fund, in Cook county (Includ
; ,ti ChictiKo, Illinois), Mould amount
j to $7,10, Dim a year.
. .liH 4 1 .!
...IS 44 Seven companies control 'seven'y
. .IS 44 .5S!l i per cent of the total output of autlira-
..55 45 .650 cite coal ill the United atates.- There.
...13 53 ,.1ui) ! tnaininK thirty per cent-comes from
..31 til .859 nitnes opcrati'd by less than one huii-
..21 11 .242 d'Trt corn paliles and IndlvldnalM.
Ambassador Off for Italy
Phone 772
'liahe ' Kuth riht. tink (jejiBe Cari-nuer for an nuiomobik" nd
on Lous Iflaml to impresa uimjo hiio that a cood h alibv lovut al the
pychoioiical iiuHaeiit m what Biakes (Jao vuUk Wol 'aleo lbs mvay
who (ufeted and who ijiive their si-r-vlce:,
thou Kies aiiif their all in de
fense of liberty and the nation's honor
ilur uk th- World War." '
To lie Wblc Mr; Mih
Four t'mures the eiiirts of Coiir
cue. Honor, Patriotism and Sacrifice!
will guard the "Flame of Inspiration,"
turning forever ujjon, the, alun Jjlgb, a
S- f Sv' tt
f '
. , t 4
' -4 ?
( '
ft - T" '
PAI'JS, July IS, (I. N. 8.) New
met hoila of collect Inff Income tax re
turns aro being discussed in parilu
incnt the majority of French taxpay
ers havlnir failed ' under the present
system to show any rrturna or iiay
my lax. For tho paft flnunrlal year
returns show that 3S lier cent of the
tuxible population of France failed to
prod live any atatement of tta lnconje.
Leon Ituliby. editor of Plntruiielpre
.4111. nuvKt-sta tliat some iiort of lottery
be ormintzed for the benefit of thoso
Laxpaycra who huve been honest
enowph to declare their revenue and
pay and to the disadvantage of thowi
who contliiuaHy evade paying1 tax
on their Income. He propone that the
population of France be allt up tnto
section of from three to five thou
sand people and that from ten to flftv
names in that number tie cliown t
random. If these have -declared their
il'veuuc and offend to pay their iti-
thev shall be exempted. Any
jf that number who- shall not have
rtiuwn any return shall have their
axes doubled or even tripled and In
oliiltion be aentenced ,to neveral
months' liitprisonnient. The um'
w-nuld apply to any taxpayer In the
5,0(10 who hud not made any returns.
M. liallby remarks that it would
cost little to Institute thla Control and
he thluks it would have the ailvimt
:itse of frighteninK would-be evador of
tio law. A
The Smlth-Ump'iua v Cow Tosllmc
assoiliiHon is tlio first in thu Ktate to
report ICO per rent In lee use of re
gistered dalrj sires at the head of the
herds. Kvcry dulrynmn In Tlie
dlitlon lias a rcKlstcred Jersey sire In
service. The association wan orfran
ir.eil in 1918 unil the member have
inailo conlinuniis progress In' breed
ins and fecrtin? their herds flnce tliut
time, ..-''"' i
The fivcruKe production per " cow
diirini? June wus 874 pounds of milk
twiil 41.31 polinds of butterfat.. The
honor cow was "l.udy," a itrailn Jer
sey, owencd by' lloburts .and Sons, of
Ileedsport, which produced 15t
pounds of milk and 8 M0 pounda of
butterfat. The blithest average yiolo:
in a herd waa 1103 pounds of milk
and fifi.03 pounds of buUcrfnt, nuidv
by the 19 Jerseys, also owned I- Hoh
erls and Ko,ns. W. A. Knilloy. of Ada,
Is secretary of . the awioeliitlpn, and
Millie Adams, treasurer.
(lien, me P.irhard Washburn Child, his wile and two children Anna
nml Constance, on the S. S. President Wilon.'l'hiiy are on the way to
Italy -when Child become United State ambusgudot. ,
A. C. Kocppen & Bros.
Tlie Dnig Store That
Toil UnU