" . bAlt? EAST OREQONIAN, mStfiTON, PRECOX, SAtCSPAY tVfifflg, JULY 16, mi. TWELVE PAGES --! IK II tif el l Wl fo HO HI Pi 81 81 ft P U d C K F C c c c I c 1 c I s ) . 1 iMPnrA or im " 1 1 - , 1,1 jogkjonr Sunday NecdsTh.s3te Store is Prepared for You wMmaw -unjsisf DKKm.tiN'r ttKt'. "ij" ' ! 1:1 r,rj'r'1 .......... . . . . tuirl wi, tviu. voi it atti:vii t., Ilk- .illit li.) ,,c iiMiirrw Mumius (lie I inn) Ilia Htglmajr Idowiw Uuii n-ml in to t.rniit Xnmly. Iletiiiv r,Umn in mir lMpJa Wiii.hm. i:i:mi :.miu; to it. tiu Bnni. ti v. I'ostol'fU'p inula hied witJiin tlm bir lows' lluy flumps uiul nioiu'v orders. uuill your letter uiul ihiitcN mist UiK'kuitos, Wo wrun, nihil ess uiul fort ward your iwckiiRcs. 'I lie Saturday evening shopper will find these sales running full' blast. Since it is the spirit of the times to economize it behooves you to look well into these special events. ou may lie well assured that not a single item comes in the trashy, "take a' chance" class; but ALL uphold the high standard of quality material by the hi" store for the past forty years. , ( Sale of Collars Sets and vestees, xtra good val ues at 1-3 the regular price. Fancy Goods Seel Main .Floor. Men's Shoe Sale Offering a fine lot of dress shoes in values to $12.50. Sale $4.93. Men's Side. Rear Main Floor SheeU and Pillow Cases Replacement needs in good goods . . at real sale prices, Dry Goods Side, rear Main Floor. Art .Goods, Half Price Beautiful stamped pieces of ex cellent quality, A clean ub sale. Dry Goods Side, rear Main . !" Floor. Silk Underwear Sale Offering Kayser's fine quality garments in values to $5.00. . .. . Sale $2.98. Dry Goods Side, rear Main ' ' " ' Floor. " ' Sale of Dress Ginghams A truly meritorious sale of good . I materials. for good ging ham dresses. Dry Goods Side Center Isle. Men's Fancy Caps Offering big lot of odds and ends in values to $4.50. ' Now 59c Bargain Basement Women's Fine Pumps 'Sixty pairs of odds and ends in values to $14.50. Now $4.95 Shoe Department Balcony. Tissue French Ginghams ging- ReDresentin? the hpH-pr diams for the better gingham uresses. Dry Goods Side Center Isle. Children's Summer Dresses The very prettiest styles and the newest materials, 1-4 off. Up Stairs Ready-to-Wear Dept. Polly Prim Aprons Unbleached muslin, chambravs and percales, selling 98c to $2.7.1 Up Stairs Ready-to-Wear Dept. $1.65 Play Suits 31.00 Here is a good sale. Every little suit a substantial one. Not many left. Boys' Department Balcony v 95c Women's Unions 69c You'll appreciate this sale as it represents a truly good saving. Dry Goods Side, rear Main Floor. v - - Corsets; As usual "high grade." Odds . and ends offered in one fair , sized lot at 1-2 price. Up Stairs, Corset. Section. Children's Suuimer Hats Also boys'. Refreshing hats of excellent quality, 1-3 off. Boys' Department Balcony v Women's Vests , A clearance sale of knitted gar ments in values up to 35c. Now 18c Dry Goods Side, rear Main '' Floor. Fine Dress Voiles A fair sized lot of pretty voiles selling oridnally up to $1.25. Now 69c. ; - Dry Goods Side Center. 36 Inch Percale . An excelent grade of this servi ceable material, dark and light. Now 19c Dry Goods Side Main Floor. Men's Fancy Silk Shirts One of the best sales held this ' year, values to $10.00. Now $3.65. Men's Dept. Main Floor INESS E BY GOODYEAR CO. From March to July Growth in Sales Amounts to 475 Per Cent; Enlargement Needed. YOV LL BE AGREEABLY SURPRISED WHEN YOU LOOK CAREFULLY INTO OUR GROCERY "CLEAN OUT" S4LE. Item lfZrlf,iV (tC. VnUCr Pds) tha we have found on hand in our biS ma. Every item is a good bargain and the good quality of every i tern is guaranteed., -.. ... .... Duiliiij the week, four of the offl cUiIh f the (Jiiuilyoar Tir & Itulibi-i- i;oniiaiiy uf- California' left I.os Ar-' Hfles for. Akron, Ohio to confer with; President K. H. Wilmer uiul their offl- e.!als of the parent eompnny on the I matter of further Increases In produc tlon scheilnlea Unit -are . ncccwary in' order to meet the increased demind 1 for Uoudyear Tires which the western 1 factory Is expeiiencijiK. I This party, consisted of Vice 1'resi- i dent and (5ener.il 'Manager A. F. t)s-j tpfloh, Sales Maiuisfer J. It. Heilly, j Treasurer V. A. M. Vaughan, and C. j Sluysur, Factory Siipcrtntendeiit. On I the eve of their departure Vice I'resi-1 dent A. F. Osteiioh pave out tho fol- t lowinir facts concerning present bust- : ness of vhe western comiany, which has increased steadily since early f sprinK. "Indications as early as last March' j InrticatetK that tho Imrrier which has i iwieil holJlnr lntk tire sales was about 1 to break. At that time our I.os An- Soles factory was producing but 730 automobile tires per day. ''Step by step, however, production ; was BTadually increased until, twain-I nlng July l, our schedules cull for 3500 ' tires and 1709 tubes daily or art In-1 crease of 475 percent since last March. ."In Merch the Rubber and Text Us; Mills were'employimj only s.'i people, while todiy ntore thsn 1250 people are i rexmired to handle tho nresoht sohed- i 'ules of prodtictkm. Ill Juno'190, the! Goodyoar Tire ft Rubber Company of California sold to dealers here, in this ! western territory a total of 32.654 cas- j ings, while June 1921 thowed sales of i 48.266 casings an Increase of 13,612. j And it must be remembered, too, that ! June 1320 represented one of the high I Peak mo'uhs in Goodyear's career. I Dorm the fiscal year to July 1, 1910 a total of '!M.66li nutmmihth. I tires were sold in our territory, w hile (lotinlte sales to J ilv 1. 1'I21. includ- injr both dealei-s' and manufacturers' business, totaled 348,992 tires. "In dollars and cents the business for June 1921 in all departments of the California Company comprising auto mobile tires, truck tires, mechanical soods, accessories and repair mater ials amounted to over 11,300,000. Special to Automobile Owners ci ( ; ' . ; . 7 , Practically everybody before starting on a .trip with their car wonders (even tho their tires, are :&- parently in good condition) how. much tire trouble they are going to have on the road from punctures, blowouts, glass cuts, etc. If you will only allow lis to equip your tires, new or old; with t "1 PLANET SUB TIRES You will not have to worry any more. We guaran tee them to double your tire mileage, on 'either '"Cord ' or Fabric tires and do away with 90 per cent of . the inconveniences-caused by punctures; blowouts, etc. . For further information call. - Jewett & Dimick 809 Garden St. Phone 186 Sdie VUUC for INFANTS & IIIVALIDS ;' .-. - - ' : ASK FOR . rrsrr rmcf Hor icrs pKJ'jK Initio. u aubaHruta. Pprlnfnntfv!nva1ldtandOrowlniChit(lrra I Itleh Milk. Moltrd Oratn Rirtrwl In Powder The Original Food-Drir.k Kor AllAgco No Cookinc Nourihm DitealibU in July, whereas In July last year, the , combined production amounted to but, 18,000 tires. The decided increase In j production In both, these factories is explained by the fact that tire stocks are low for this time of year and must be immediately Itioaeascd to take care of Increased suiles to our dealers. And In addition to this, the sales to car manufacturers are showlne a marked PROCEEDINGS AGAINST SOLDIERS DISMISSED ,, ....u..,ui.,iv. .-I..,,. a u. nsui,iu. , JUiy 16. -(A. P.J ... ...r t,wvivi.iwii i ii,i.n.niiitiii niyii iiiu luuieaseu sine in f,.del-.l tiloeenilliiu. n rain id r- ,. the Ittibber Mill, the Ooodyenr Tex- of new cars." ' ' 1 UC -" "oce!5ln8 afcalnrt Cap Si of the Kutiber Mill, the CiMxlvcnr Tex ; tile Mills turned-out 2Ti6.706 po-lnds of fabric for August 1, 1920 to October SI, 1 a 20 and from Oftoher SI. 1920 to June 20, this year. HII5.783 nounds The consensus of opinion of all four Goodyear officials as they left for their eastern trip wns that they believed the tiro industry was once again on a I "led 'n "child pro- Were produced. To manufacture this ! .-.mind unit nhslnnH:,l h:iis enormous amount of cotton fabric, 3 108 bales of loner staple cotton, valued ' nt J'ldfi ft nn noio ,ni,.,..i ii nr..kih A rovnl (ioeree has been iTutnp from the Salt River Valley in ' ''fl'i'ii for the calllnc of mi intern , Arizima and the Imperial Valley In j itdli.il congress for the Pi'oij-cii.m kA California and every pound of which ! The OLestlon .f ostall-Wni,' was used In the making of Goodyear ;"' mifrnutional offico '., Tires at the western factory In Losttcci f n is to bo discussed I AnscleA i "Kstimated produclion of the Tex tile .Mills for July Is 2uO,noo pounds for August 250.N'0 pounds and for Si ptember 27,(I0U pounds. "The combined production of both ,the Akron and tho Los Angeles fac tories of the Goodyear Tire & Hubber Company will be over 30.000 tires dally The Di'rHct of Columbia is not a State and Is not represented by a star on the flat!. tain Robert ilosenbluth. of Now York. and Sergeant Roland Tothier, of Provi. dence, 11. I in connection with the shooting of -Major AtxartY.w Cronk- hito ut Camp lewls In October,. 191.S, tire to bo dismissed, Attorney General ' DauBlierty unnounccd ioday nfter iv -' personal invcstiSat!dti"'"lT6'"14ld Hit (vlitome withered by tho. department l. shnil bp sent to the jroenntlntf attor ney of l'lorce Coutiry, Wiish., for such uctiou as ho dccins' proiM!-. :, - Will llMllUillO rajHTM XACOMA, July IS, (A. P.l l'ro. yecutor Seidell said alt tho japers ho has In tho case hava nut H'onvinccd In Indli the Itords arc hunted fort him Itosenbluth and Uothlcr should be their skins. The skins when tanned I tried, lie said, however, li would arc made into women's and children's ' cxamlius all papers 'the .government shoes, purses and bugs. . ' wil turn over. , J!'i Monthly Birthday Book' Builders of our Nation why July is Celebrated 'die World Over 01 JCLV i. K25. Comta da Roehambeau 1, 1714. Oiock. tk composer a. H2i. Louis XI, of France , la4. .Nathaniel Hawthorne.author i. 1755. ttnratl Siddons, scirtta , 17W. John Paul Jooea 7, J95. Hlghard Dana, patriot t, 17. Pius-Greene Halleck. poet 8, 1777. Henry lUilam, historian 1.-10. Jolia Calvin, llieolosian 11. 177, rfrnrc v ncy Adams JS, lSiIiliii Tbortau, author tile lirsi suv L-n iTcsiJeiiia or i ilw nited States, lour uer- from Vir ginia, two from ilissachiiciiis. an one from Tenneuee. Three of the seven died on .July 4th. and tivo on tin same day and year. Two of tht-m w re on he committee of three thai (:.if . t ue Declaration of Indep njicif-e. ui.i-h two died on the same day and yeir. on the atln.veraar of the Declaration of lndependtnce. ( Hk- tliat live oui one had a tun. ui:il Uiut son became . lO'i'.mnj im one r!Jte iniiiaf. a. one Is he i;o stand mon m ; sreatnvM and the un.-Iio.ved udmim ition of Use world, (Jeorce Washington iio tiit oEt.ci' lutn Cr io.:t:. Tile iniiial letter of int Kicbard Cumberland. B;h- j -"i" tf mtsr of two out of lbs seven i op of Petersborough I the same, the initial of two ot.ics ihi- , 18 I fame and the initial of, r - ivii. ueraro iaogoaine. writer j .,h9 sani'j. Tiie . in, esir joinua lieynoias. painter stand i. ii. ur. iaac walls ' 1$. IK9. G'lferl White, naturalist .J IS. mi. John Martta. painter S, 17. f'orot. painter t-'l. 1664. Matthew Prior, poet ;: ii, 1G?1. Antboav At-bley Cooper, pol ., . . '. - Itieiaa -J3, lilt. Charlotte Cufhman. actress 2-t, IS!. Alexander Uuiiiils, per ?5, lSi. David Et;!aco , 26, 1456. Henry Vll ' 27, 124. Alexander Dumas, B' . 2S, 14i. Jacopo Sannazuro, poet , 2. J, 1763. Eamnel Rosers, poet .' St. ' ' - - .-.., - A.jjria .tieniiiij UeigiUm Hlu.l (iapdj China I'oloiii-tia France Hawaii rero .S'.ili.a fti I ppit'ie island I'Miiaina , I'ol'to It. to Illl ' 'I irk.-y i'roi.11 iv : "en ' ! J i. ; J l: J,l J:i y 2 ui J.ii). J-iiv J.i J.iiy J-i- J. I J til July l:'v Jil'v 2 I 1 I I I 20 1 I 1 2S. 23. it i iu .,.,. ..vlicc l.ay ' fl-e ul.i nl (lie l;.i.Tlilq I roi l. i,.a, .mi of National IndeptiiJecc Autioi:., i ln.u pcinlcncj Day l.,i,cr:, li..., t utii .i.L;i tJay Su:: hi. r Ho'iil.iys l.id' pt-ndeice Tie lull of the Bastille litdrpendeiicp Day N .nucal Independence Days The K irk's Hirtlnlay I tub ftendence Day t.iuTicuu lodepeudeiice Day ' ' h Urpt ndenee J):i Xitioni't l-'.je 'i h' day of I in- f'atron ,,unt of spall! I'l'm-'ninMiien of the Coiititurli."ii C'iH'!ltl'!on v.iv. .- - l".'-ii.iVri. n-iv TbYS fiND USEFUL RRTICLB Thrt R Boy Cbn Mrket., , BY F-RFVNK I.50LRR - iNSTBUCTOX.DftKT Of rirNym.UlIltIW.PWSUe ScHoataOrttTHOlt Do you kusw- were 7 John Ailaum ThoniH? JetTcrson Jaille .Vladlon J-'li.'ea AJonrut Joiin yuuU'y AOjiiis Andrew Jackuu Jnf,eion and Adam" dird nn ih"' ani day of tilt year:; July 4. I$I. Jlonroe .ld Ju'j' : IS The Junior Cock Hi f I tyueliter IWU'I? I - .iiu-i'u! of I'.uur st tej.-.puou .t'tli Mlit i tj. a.-im, iii;'u1 li'.kin poivdor i VYi;i! ii.,,- ;;p r u,e tins r- .iik in, 1 h-iel iiiii'!".j;,on Till iiird or :r of oil. V.'i.ili tlo.- in, Mure is iinm! lily uiixc-j md ' 1 I l;!!!!-"',,,,.,;.,,;- vo'.l e.;ter : ci liiiv Ol .111.4 I AIMS l ()i: nit I tH lini I'li.Mf UASKt.r Vork win, i!-.0 ntigir ir;w and bare:;. niiulie iik- Uoiii,ii niousir to ai tliL. vjici- mixed. . ' D.v ,ie into ten p.-n-ti. ' l.'uil out ol the pins into plcce '""" !:"-'iu'." in d.nine;cr and lit ii, n..i;in tins Kit neatly around tin .-;: ai',1 be sure thern i,no link-' In iii! -!ie:i llil-OUKh ii1.-b tlie jLlee nu; Pii77le Corner FOURTli OF TUUlf .... I t:i:i with pitted chei'i'if-i a a lablc-poji'iiHi to earn ! t.VIOMA ; 1 ui compot(e of li letters. My 6-4-J-ll-l.' mean honestly. Mf -7 is tha abbrwiatioa of a boy's! -,'uamo. '; iljr 1018 is a burt of anser. . 1 U as iclamuuon. K:( waoie is a nell loved holiday In ' July. i UI.IOUXAL l'1..l.r; t It Hie foliowum ait wiittea, oue be! , lew auolhcr, their diagonal tettvia. tw-' t iiiutii at the upper eft hand vol out and ending at ti,s lower rij(iit ban ivorucr. tpeil the name of something j , ceo In t'ouinh of July celebrations. I 1 1. To Chan; trom one position to unoUier, I. A union of p-nou in ona inter-1 Ml. i I. . . i . : To tiiU'.ecd the mind. Itlders of hore. t Email piece of anything. j A tentlnel on hrfback. K ef any kind. ! AX8WZBS i KMOMA-Tfe.J. Mug, 0. fourth. . Jul. - ! - P1AU0SAL niflfl Tsraffi ' 5 1. Jewa-a 1. Smeitlt. , J. icl 4. Jrkrgt k, if ";. i. te4ftle. "Kfc. .tlvi. iAaWaaawMaaiwaaaaMaaii " "'mm -mm.. . . I '"-N 'rf'S i P.: i - Kiuft J-lH.II ' ten ser.t'i'ou-iy The amount -"';'' will . depend - on 'be Kind irn rv t.ui you wiil r.ee.1 ui. p ' ii: e-u-h iij.iui Z lab. ft. I.' 1 til' i, Ay . . , ; sj 1 : ) v. ' v ' l ' ' ' 0 111 111! Il'l. i .i V.Hi u -.';i;:e p I' o; tier v;!b j i i. il IIM'I. I' pi.ier i-ii 'i "W i'li a fur,. i .ei in.eiit lor 'be top ol ti.. (I to make boats, ''C Some of (lit- CLOCKWORKS MOTOR dOAT) ' . . v; "'"' "" , Use A LlGHT -' , , ; f.V&Zmi ' i . ; ' ( (4) f'i ,,)iwi-AJ-i V 'JrjL Clock ,? ''- ', L LA ll i 0 - I ! 1 totfjMO() yjrrrz . U 1. ' y "i Jj Alam Clock O i i '"JJ I ' 1 1 v -' , Otmc Shall Clock? . "v y U $' J srcTion Pr.novt ALAPn 4 TunuxY ' SPmna Ano Adjust) ' i ' - ' J JmuvvV a ' 0i , ii, , NAIL 50LXflO ! i OR AMMO AnP NOTtX ' y- ' To Pncpi, tif, ...... y-N . 1 3WI Olf fY 1 1 ' y (NI '.Jn fiimtsiouM hay' y Vl . . I ' "3HALLT -v A ' Si NCCCSiAAY TO ?.? tJ,r'- ' i i lv" nrT ' ynaJklf Suit nrcHAw t r-lf STtnfoHAHts n '.CI Avail A0Lf mm-, k ' U .. L..'. So'-0' Tv" Xj I lit i Covim hull WrTX '"Mhi6lAO,- - 4' LJ, iL- ' .. ,. CAHQLt t,r. 1 To Gil Poe 1 . , ' . Pnnraw. L'StL! f '-ULt'J-, ' ' "; "' ' ' - ' .'' '' snuif III, 'Jlie propeller ahaft consiUf luS uuyltt lo pi'inc an Inieiestlrts tor any buy uhu like. .--ii 1 1 u - .'.) If p.p.-! Oil' III - f'l 0 II, nt. ! lid pick .' !. T'ie.-e M til, I .fully th , i ic v e;-y Mf. nil I ' '' U I il.lt i mi"-ii I snuif III,' 'J'lie propeller abaft consists or a nail .oidored lo the propeiicr, llien lo I )il nail I, aoldered a amU ililin iii:,,l f,, , m. . . Iraau-a m iy Have to Uo changed ,u e ' oi,l, , . ' " ? -lit Hi .i.M-i,.,n,.:,n you will have i ' ! !,, "'i . 1 i",UZ'1'- " .l:.l.l.- l,Mi,.l Hill l. u .e ...iv " '. " mi e.iutui mat II ditiiriiMbiii! ultown ! 'liirn to do. Tiie bout from whlrii this should not be soldered. !r-.wi,i8 niiide was sueewsfully I . " ", ' " '' i.e. fid. and .Im. one boy has done, I ' ' ,?fl "1 eU"'k fr' i, ,,, o.li.- ,n il.n An - I ' . ' " v' Periment. The iit-i teiiais rfiiiilred will be home :..,:lit wioii lor the hull, the -ork! rum j tin. ill cioi h a. id Mimic tin. i Let lis iiuku the bull Oral, al it ! I 10 t.'ie (iii usJ for winding 4h having a rectantular plecat ahaot iron toldered to H.'U"hls, ol course, la for winding the mechanism. i. No figure are hovn for tha amount the propeller blade are lo ba bent. Tha purport of the bendinit Ii evident' and the amount neecwary will have to be determined by trial, 11 To preaerva I ha boat It ahould ba P;bu4 or covered wltlt card! grease. The one from which tha drawing waa jus4e was Kivrn (he latter treatment, y t ut out rachvlv alm s Hie dott'd llii , mid e ulial Hobble Is tip to p Uia Glutlvua tuw lh. XUcu so and do liLewl.-.t. a . "A J: P S'jluliun Fourth ol July Vut (Jul J to tlie .i'ii, of i emming tlm ao'il ' tie ?:t .WI. 'u 1 1 -1 ' i 11 rj ilifm n-,i.,iiit I "' SH'fi for l.ij.iitf i) ill the HmII. I 'l'"l'i' iliiivvti nhiinld prove allf jrvy I lltiPliui v be .Used If dei-ed, bat ,f vaih . b.ni inly idniH of your on utiitvl I'll! Of lli) toy, use IIiriii 'i ftUl ; nf the bull in hollow, d out uaaboaia to 'lve added Hunt ni-o. to lh t,i4, A liln pi,..-e nf ivood pla,fd-- t-L iron! .or!on m a iei U. H Hi (lie tha eiui-d .rt,j ,v c.4-ai : 'print nhoiil-l be v, miil j,J.v-P'-1'ir U dri'en. .roiti the ito, Wi if liia hands. To thi aiem u tua propeller ahuft, inaklBj U S , The Fourth of July AA' :lli,vi"g 4fc jOii lJii (lie very ftneM day ' nil ant hvl ivajliing wnj! wilil aVp f to io!, J ,uiil Ijope! v frol i ,mi tumid j'i no! tiv w, Nwrl f .V.oititlt ' ;ip, K-.i' A ii -Fiwii La spi'!)' t) it -, . , li.ik .fi,1, i". Mm! lh Fourth of old1 !ulv! 4y lliry lore the chaini tway, And gave the battle cry . . Ilia! wunded to tlie1 iky( So I will rf (tie great parade, I a ilmw my loyally" Tu who were not afraid, 1 fip,ht (or you and rn And ict iltji country freeH""