i ... TIIE ONLY SMALL DAILY IN AMERICA CARRYING REGULAR WIRE REPORTS FROM THE ASSOCIATED FRESS, UNITED PRESS AND THE L R S DAILY EDITION DAILY EDITION Tlio net press run of yesterday's Dally 3,2 10 Thin paper In a member of unU audited by tlio Audit Bureau of Circulations. The Et Oreronlan In Kteri Pr gnn's (treatest newspaper and s'!i inir force gives to the advertiser over twice the sruarsntoed pnld circulation In Pendleton end Umatilla eountjr f any other newspaper. , ' COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER NO. 9880 VOL. 33 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING, JULY 16, 1921. , , y IAPAII (PITCH II EACH jiti mi vi i vuuvr I DISCUSSION OF PACIFIC PROBLEM "Japs Fear Talking Over Far East Problems; Would Make Settlement More Difficult. PREMIER'S STATEMENT CONFINED TO DISARMAMENT Believes Question Has no More Place; in Coming Conference! Than Mexican Situation. WASHINGTON', July 16. (A. L. Bradford) V. P. Staff Correspondent. ) Japan accepts the Invltutlon to the "disarmament conference," withhold ing her consent to participate In dis cusdrons of a speclflcTjticstrorn sueh as the far east, from a standpoint . of broad ventral prlnclplcr. She Is will ing to discuss things generally, but not particularly. 1'remlor Haras' statement to tho Vultcd Press carefully avoided uny mention of the l'aclflc discussion, con fining Itself to the congratulate prin ciples of disarmament. It is known , uow that Japan opposes taking the Paciflo problem Into the nation's con- j fab. Jaoan s position Is mat sue fearful of discussing the Fur F.usl prpblem wlthi five nation because It wduld make these questions more dif ficult of settlement; because of the "special" far east situation, Japan be lieves the discussions of the Pacific questions have no more place in the coming conference thun questions be tween the United fUUes and Mexico und other t-ftlhVAmericnfi countries. Japan also fears the Chinese position with regard to Shantung. Mneretnrv Hughes told Ambassador ttrndeharu, thore would be discussions belweeu.trte luiltow to-reuJl an agree ment on the subjects the conference emtnldofs. Japan must first accept or reject the proposed' Pacific discussion In tho principle before an agenda cou fcronce.ls decided upon. Politicians Aro I iiscnsy TOKIO, July 16. t Henry W. Kin ney, U. Stuff Corre-pondunt. The, Japanese foreign office declared n favorable answer to President Hard ing' conference Invitation and for warded It to Washington. The Japan ese press and politicians, however, are uneasy because the invitation was ex tended also to China. Ituly and France. They feel tho scope of the conference Is too broad, as It Includes all the Paclfio problems. They believe here tha other powers will support the American view on Pacific matters und believe Japan should proceed cautious ly. Some characterise America's stand on disarmament Inconsistent, because of her altitude toward the league of t:4 tons. PARIS. July 16. (1. K. 8.) The French foreign office sent notes to London and Homo saying it would be Impossible for the supremo council to meet to d.'scuss the Upper Silcsian question until complete order had boon restored In Silesia. President. Harding's disarmament move Is highly praised by members of the commission. The speakers united in lauding tho Initiative of the Ameri can executive In his attempt to eml wars. "SLDl JIM" LltXi;i! Today's pnper Is without tho humorous feature "Slim Jim," and the cause ,of the absence of the long, hungry boy Is that the matrix was burned while stereo typing wm In progress. He'll be back next time. MINISTER READS BIBLE WHILE WIFE ELOPES WITH HER PARAMOUR GnOVEViLLE PARK, N. Y.. July J6. July - 16. (U. P.) Hov. Clark Uurea, pastor of th8 . Church of tho Nuzurene, calmly red thu Bible -while his wife elopedWvith Karl Van Noy, also married, ."When a man is no longer able to hold his wife's love and when his wife yearns for the lovo of another man, her ' husband should step aside," Is his phllusophy. . ''1 will make no atL-mpt to win my wife back." he told tbe United Press. "She 4 wont Come back. Shu took tho two children with her. She can have them. This has been brew ing for a long time. Van Noy led her from home before my eyes. I have no right to stop hor, since the man won her. 1 will not apply for a divorce. 1 pray she will commit no sin in the Lord's eyes. I would rather see her In Jail- The authorities must take the case themselves. 1 w'lll aupply any Information they nesd. ily wife wrote me asking 'how the scandal came out Dure to a tall, weary-eyed man attending campmeeting and seems broken by the occurrence. EOFNAJW 'AK1S, July 10. U. strong movement to allow tliu United States to maintain the Iniliutlvc in world disarmament developed when the disarmament commission of the League of Nations met. Rene Ylvlani head of the commission, in opening tho meeting, said It was quite likely the disarmament activities of the leugue would be held in abeyance until America could participate actively In the debates. TACOMA. July 16. (Ul I'.) The police aro rrtaking efforts to locate a Seattle private detective believed to' be one of the two men who attempted to assault Genevieve Dell, a Portland girl, Friday. Miss Dell Is In a Tacomu hospital, suffering from a severe ner vous attack. She wua discovered un consciuus in an alley "Where she was dumped following a struggle in uh automobile when most of her clothing was torn front her bod.". E BIG UNI ! . SAX FUAXOIKC& Jul 16. U. I'.) Formation of "one big union" for seuincn 'Is under way, according to un announcement of the "marine transr Port workers union of the Pacific Coast," the official title of the new or ganization. The organization has been started In all Pacific coast cities, ac cording to the announcement and will embrace all- classes of workers con nected directly or Indirectly with sea manship or sea Industries. Sixty thousand members are ..eluimed al ready. Headquarters will- be In Sail Francisco. ' " . ,-i-i- Itliinur of Wheat lire. A rumor to the effect that a 'enter piller tractor being operated on the farm of George La Fontaine, cast of town near M ssion, overturned this afternoon and ignited ripe wheat, per sisted on the streets of , Pendleton shortly after noon today. Nothing definite could be learned to verify the report. ItlOSOI.lTlOX IS LOST. jfOHVALLIS, July 10 tf. P.) -Itesolulions unltinK Albany college and Pacific University were lost through a vote at the Presbyterian synod. Itaislng I'-'uo.uUu for Albanv collcge through the trustees would ulso effect the iflft of f 100,000 from the general education board It was announced, following outlining I lie trustees plans. SKK TWItSTV KNAKKS VINIXGS, (la., July 16. "Wow Walt till I kill this biij snake." yelled t W. 11. Kinney, third trick block tele grapher of the W. & A. railroad, at the dispatchers' telephone as he was re porting a train. His eyes registered horror as a four-foot rattlesnake came writhing tliroUKh the door into the of fice. Kinney bombarded the' reptile with about everything movifble In sight, finally smashing the snake's head. Lour continued drouth has em boldened snakes, who are desperate In I their hunt for water. WASHINGTON. July 16. (A. P.) The house refused to strike the dye embargo provisions from tho Kordney tariff bill. CHI'S II KI) IN HI .11 CRANE. 1)1 KS OOBI.K, Ore.. July 16. (U. P.) W. It. Hurt Is dead following: t he crushing under u crane yesterduy when Kdward Krlekson was killed. -9 - ST. JOSEUH. Mo.. July 16. 1 1. N. S.) A posse of 600 men are scouring tho country for an unidentified man who entered the homo of George My ers, a farmer near here, early today, drove Myers and his wife from their home, shot Myers to death and fired I the house. Mrs. Myers declared she ' never saw her husband's slayer befor. lOMMNT DESPITE TRUCE (Tn PTATTP Tfl MIIUTAm , - I iituMiw u yiAiiiiMin u WAUhnuh i INITIATIVE IN WORLD DISARMAMENT; jjj POLICE GAZETTE BELT TO BE TROPHY FOR COWBOYS FOR 1921 ROUND-UP The $1011 Police Gazelle Belt, much coveted by cowbovs each year at the Pendleton Hound Up, will again be offered us a trophy for the all around cowboy championship at the lHlil show. I (according to word received today oy ne Pendleton Round-Up As- soc atlon from Charles J.; Fox, of the Fox Publishing Co. Fox's father, itlchard K. Fox, gives the belt each year. Tho belt will be handsomely tooled leather and will be made by Haniley & Co.. local saddlers, and will be finished with a large solid gold engraved buckle bcur- ing the words "Police Gazette All Hound Cowboy Champion." Last year the belt was won by Yakima' Cunutt. The winning of the trophy Is a premiere event umong cowboys, not because of the intrinsic vulue but" of the honor which is attuched to the winning. Tho winner's picture will this year, as usuul, be prlnt- ed In the Police Gazette. SENTENCED 10 4 YEARS LEIPZIG. July 10. (t. X. S.I Two German submarine commanders. Lieutenants Dittmar und Boldt, have been sentenced to four years penal ser vitude In the war criminal's court fur firing on life boats dining the war. The lifeboats were from the British hospital xhip. A oh of from 1 to cents a bosli el In the pi-lee of whnt was resister cd today on the Chicnco market, the greatest hrlnkaKe cuniini? in Septem ter wheat. Today's closing prices were July l.29Vi. September $1.30 ami December $1.35 against $1.304, $1.3J and $1.37 for yesterday. Following Is the report received by Overbeck and Cooke Co.: Wheat Open HiKh Low Close July $1..1U'4 $1.32 $1.2',4 $1.29'5 Sept. 1.32 1.8314 1.304 1.30 Uec. 1.37 1.37S 1.34i 1.33 Corn July .65 "i" .6I 4 .6,', Vi S-pt. .62 .61 f .62 .64 Uec. .61 .62 .61 Outs I i' I " I .Inly ,,!'( ,4014 .3t .40 14 Sept. .41 4 .42', 41i .42 Dee, .43 '4 -45-i .43 4 .4514 Wheat The upward trend of the market was halted temporarily tm'ay by realizing selling und less Inclination on the part of outside buvers to take -,,ilB siraie 1 noma!, r nx oe.a.u, iw.i.i ..v..- ih -ni, rt Thi. m.,.iltlce of the peace, when Smith was nr- scattered h'dgiiig pressure more con spicuous, although considering every thing, the undertone was very strong. One bullish factor which came to the notice of the trade and may have quite an Influence en prices next week was u vable from Russia reporting crops In central and southern' part of the coun try badly cried up and predicting fam ine conditions next winter. The do mestic situation Is showing marked improvement with milling: interests ac tive buyers of ca.h wheat and a much belter demand for flour. Stocks of tire latter are known to be at very luwiehb throughout the countrv. Practically all European governments have abol ished war lime policies of concentrated buying of grains which mean thai competition of iudividuu! dealers will bo more keen and likely to be far more influential in the market. Two-thirds of the w rids gold sup-. ply Is concentrated in the States and more Is coming In. United ASTORIA, July 16. (A. P.) 1; U W. Hyde of Mlllshoro Is siuted for coininumler of the Oregon Spanish American war veterans at their an nual encampment here. W. C. Wad- dell of Roseburg Is unopposed for .tumor vice commander. Tbe contu for senior vice commander is between S. S. Hawker of Albnny, and Elmer It. Lundborg of Portland. A resolu tion was adopted censuring the nati onal administration for their attitude toward the soldier bonus bill, and urg ing the Oregon delegation to work for Its Immediate passage. They asked that the loan feature of the bonus bill apply to Spanish was veterans. ! : ! Death List Since Sunday Totals . 20 and Hospitals Are Hous ing scores ot wounaea iTO EFFECT PEACE ULSTERS MUST MAKE CONCESSIONS Premier Craig Will Consult Cabinet .Before Replying to Lloyd George's Request. BELFAST. July 16. (U. P.) War fare between the Orungemen and Sinn Feineis continued des))lle the truce. One man was killed and five seriously wounded in street fighting, the snipers "8hdTitIn'K'fri7'm windows nnd roofST Deaths , nee Sunday total 20 and the hospitals are housing scores of wound 4, : ed. A number of groceries and sa loons are ablaze. If fllilandcrs Arrive oil-Scene. BELFAST, July 16. (I.. N. S. ) A battalion of Hichland"rs arrived here f tn fiHHiKf tlii, ffiirrison .yi maint:iln or der. Incendiaries were active during the night burning a .lumber of gro cery stores. It is estimated the total deaths in the present outbreak will number at least 21. v licuulur Conference to Sturt. LONDON. July 16. (U. P.) .Mem bers of the Ulster Cabinet en route here, will be informed they must make concessions to the Sinn Fein to effect a permanent Irish peace. Pre mier Craig will consult the cabinet be fore making a reply to Lloyd George's reuueft Immediately following Lloyd George's receipt an agreement be tween Craig und De Valera regarding the proposed mutual concessions, reg ular peace conferences of Brit'sh, Sinn Fein and Ulster will be Started; Ulster Pnnes Obstinate. Ulster is understood to have proven more obstinate than the Irish Sinn Fein section so far. Lloyd Georee iwas untroubled in conferring with Pe Valera, but Ulster takes the attitude of not wanting to surrender to the Sinn Fein. Both the Pr'lisli and the Sinn Fe n declare negotiations arc making progress. Sixteen Sinn Feiners in Liverpool have been sentenced to three to 13 years for treason. John Smith, resident of the .McKay creek district, arrested yesterday aft ernoon on liis ranch, about 20 miles south of the city, on a charge of man ufacturing and having Intoxicating li quor in his possession, was held for the action of the county court and nis bail was set at $300 this morning by ratgned before him. His hearing was set for Tuesday 11101-r.ing at 10 o'clock before County Judge L. M. Schannep. Several attempts to secure his liberty tills morning failed. The largest still taken dining toe past few mouths was brought into cuptivity" yesterday afternoon as a result of the raid made near Smith's place. The brew .utfit had a capae t of 50 gallons, and 30 gallons of whis key und ubout 400 gallons of mash that was in fermentation were found. Most of the liquor was thrown away by tire authorities when the outfit was haul ed to town in a truck. The cooklin vat for the mash was of wood with a lining made of sheet metal. Included In the raiding party were Deputy Sheriffs E. Li. F. UUIgw.iy, U'es Spears and William l.vduy. Major E. L.' Swartitlander and Sheriff Lee Warnick of Union county. The st 11 was cleverly hidden in a dense thicket. ....i a n search was necessary be fore the aiding place was rcxcaicii. "We could smell the odor of tli boor.e as soon as w-e g;i: on the place." one of the officers said this morning. ' but' the thicket was so dense that it required quite a while to make the dis covery of the still itself. We were wtihln .10 feet of It several times be- j fore we walked into the outfit." Relief ihnt this still might have1 been the same one that was taken'! from the court house yard more than j a year ago was dispelled this morning ' when the statement from the sheriff's office was made to the cffeVt that Ill's still was a wooden one, nnd the one stolen was a copper outfit. LEGALfZE MALI BEER WASHINGTON. July 16. ( l P.) A grain dealer and farmer, represent atives from Volstcud'8 home state. M'nnesota. demanded congress to le galize 2.75 per cent of barley malt 'beer as a means ot aiding the barley growing districts. TAFT BECOMES CHIEF JUSTICE. -A 1 Here is William Howard Taft achieving his life ambition. Associate Jus tice Hoelilin iff the district supreme court is administering the oath of office to Taft as chief Justice of the United State supreme eourt. This was in the Di'fics of Ally, ffenural Daugherty, Washington. , .... CATARACTS REMOVED ! RESTORES SIGHT TO TWENTY SEVEN PEOPLE SEATTLE, July 16. (U. P.) Full sight has been restored to 27 persons through surgical op cratii ns to remove cataracts from the human eye. Dr. Hen ry Smith, attending the Pacific -..nut Atii-flntthultmiloL'icul So- 1 : i 1 cietv convention performed the ! operations before scores of doc- tors. Dr. Smith is from Amrlt- j zar. India. Each operation re- , quired a scant ts.ree minutes. j tli L1TTI.H HOCK, Ark., July 16. (I. N. S.) For the first time In the hi- toiy of his administration Governor!"" evmeme. uccoru.ug to u.e P'e - T. C. JicRiie has evercised his pan! of) power by commuting the sentence of j .M K. Jackson, sixty -eight y ear old , slaver, who during 1911 served tw ,,, weeks of a ten year sentence, escaped and remained unmolested on his Mis sissippi county farm for ten years. Jackson was convicted of slaying John Holland, "bad man." in Decem ber. 1910, being actuated, he contend ed at his trial, by the motive of :-eir defense. Public sentiment apparent ly favored the old farmer, as no at tempt was made to arrest him follow ing his return home after he had es caped. . Due to a persistent desire of his landlord to sell the farm on which Jackson icsided. the aged tiller was taken into custody und returned to the penitentiary. The sheriff of Mis sissippi county wrote Governor Me- Rtt.e a letted explaining his reluctance j in arresting Jackson. He. would not ; make the arrest, he said, unless or-I dered to Mo so by the state. ' i Following Jackson's return to the penitentiary the governor's office was 1 beseiged with petitions from slates- j men and citizens throughout Arkan sas urging the chief executive to par-, don the old mini so that ho might j spend his last few years with his pen- i pie. ; DECISION OVER ME LOS ANOK1.ES. Inly Ui. ( U. lA Walter Miller of the Los Angeles, athletic club was given a decision over Ted Thye. of the Multnomah club. Portland, after two hours of wrestl ing. Miller is the more aggressive, lack Dempsey and Jim Jeffries were introduced to the fans und given an ovation. WASHlf HONOLULU. July 16. tl.'. P.5 Former Japanese Prime Minister okuma is quoted In the newspaper J jl as follows: "Japan s future de pends upon the Washington disarma ment conference. Failing in purpose to cuib Japan at the Paris peace con vention. America is attempting to check J 11 pan at the Washington con ference. Should Japan find the con ference treating her unjustly, she will have the right to withdraw." j Prince William, son ot the king of I Sweden, has trapped, single-handed, twenty-four gorillas, fourteen lions and many other animals which hu is 1 taking to the Stockholm museum. . f, st I P. T. Russel Says That Remains are Those of Brother Den nis; Bullet Wounds Found. KOSEBUHG. July 16. L P.) .Mrs: l'rumfield issued a statement de- i during the charred body is that of her husband, despite the insistence of J. T. Russell that the remains are that of his brother Dennis. A thorough arcn t"r tsnjmiioia is carneu on hi the. viei.iitv of liose . uu.. ' f""t - I believe the mystery will clarify only !when one of the two men is found alive. Little doubt is expressed but that Frumfieid murdered Itussell. AH I tho evidence, according to the police. i""m " '""" ,.S were found In the charred corpse .and Erumfield s actions the night of the,a supposed murder were htghly sus- ,piciou. .i i.mue.,u ... p.v., ; held Monday. I 1 Was SuiM iintciHleiit of School. EVANSV1LLE. Ind., July 16. Dr. I , Ilrnmflelil the Rosebuig dentist was,lree veins a uusiiei iiiai w puuuu , formerly superintendent of schools at j lOwensville, lnd.. and is an Indiana j I'nivei-sity graduate and a litOB grad- ;uate of the I niversity of Illinois den ial college. A telegram from Mrs. Hrumfield to her father, ' Dr. G. B.I Ueresford of Owensville Tuesday said Hrumfield' had been killed in an au- tomoblle accident. He and his wife and three children left Indiana 12 years ago f O 111 I II f IIV, I VII .Uiil I, II. ! W. AND IS MURDERED! ' ! unit., s. r.. m 16.rA.. William P. Henderson. 23 years of j K'.e. of Austin. Texas, was shot and ! killed last night, at olsey, S. D., by ; a member of a band of 3U0 Industrial 1 workers of the world, on a freight j train when he refused to take out an 1. W. W. curd PHO'I l T KOOSTKK CLOCK. MALTINS FKHKY. Oliio. July 16. l. N. S.) Residents of one suction of Martins Ferry are protesting against a "two o'clock rooster." The bird, a thoroughbred, begins crowing at i o'clock each morning, much to tho. disgust of the protestants. The owner sa the bird is so progressive it goes on daylight saving time, and then some. mo 5 IIC1FE 10 START NEXT TUESDAY) WASHINGTON, July 16. I U. P.I The Ueigdoll Investigation will be op ened next Tuesday. A special house eomniltlee is probing the slacker's es cape, it is announced. 1,1 l"l'tCK KKMA1NS STEADY PORTLAND. July 16. (U. P.) Livestock Is steady, eggs are firm and butter Is steady. WHEAT GROWERS TO TEST VALIDITY OFDIOTiTLAW Umatilla and Walla Walla Coun ties Farm Bureaus Call Meet ing Here for Next Saturday. FARMERS REACH DECISION t AT MEETING HERE TODAY Whitlock Says State Laws in no Way Conflict With Federal Laws; Use Own Discounts. If grain buyers of Portland, Seattle, Spokane and Tacoma do not attend the meeting called for next Saturday ty the Umatilla, county Farm Bureau tor discussion of the Oregon and Wanh- 4tigto train nlu iHW w)J tet Casta v to ascertain the validity of the lawn will be instituted at once through tho Umatilla county Farm Bureau and tho Walla Walla county Farm Bureau., This decision was reached this morn ing at a meeting of farmers from the two counties, held In the Commercial Association rooms with P.. W. Kitner , presiding. .., Action lVUows Protest.. , The action follows a rigorous protest ! of the decision of the Northwest MU lers and Grain Dealers' Assciation to . disregard the discount law of the iwb , states. Invitations were sent to tliu Merchants' Exchanges of . Portland, , 1 Seattle, Tacoma and Spokane which replied with a request that tite farm-.,, ers come to Tacoma for a meeting. -Mr. Kitner, who sent the invitations, re- ' plied that , farmers had not time or money to go to Tacoma. No addition al word has been received and farmers . believe that they are being ignoVed by ' the dealers. '". . t ;. The legislation about which the con- ,.,.,,. .....i , .1, ''I. !(,rt,u - .,n tiriKl,, tiv K.. Oregon legislative sessions of 1821 and -is known as the Kitner bill, and similar i legislation was passed also in Was It - I ington. It provides that there shall I be no discount on 58 pound wheat but that for each pound bOve it poandR of one per cent premium shall ba For. each pound OT.fr poun(, be,oW 6g pouuUlJ thcre Bhal, 1 41scuunt of ot t0 Mceed , Kvt". 1Jlle per cent and on poorer grades the u.scount is slightly larger. ' i i.- D.rrercnUals Wen Tliree Cents.. I During the war, differentials were a w heat was tho standard for each grade before the three cent (discount was made. Farmers agree that, this was; fair when wheat sold for more than 111 bushel but that With wheat at 11 a ousnet tne aiuerentiai is too great on the old basis which the Northwest -Miners ana unun Jjeaiers seen 10 re- lain despite the new laws. ; Senator D. H. Con ,ot Walla Wallop, made the motion today that test coses be instituted. ' It was unanimously ap proved after the second by Fred Stei w-er. local atorney. who gave his opln- ion that this would be the best course for farmers to follow if the laws are to be upheld. A committee of Farm i Bureau members from Walla Walla and Columbia counties is to be ap- I pointed and will meet here with the Umatilla delegation next Saturday in WV- . Question Is Settled, ' i The que8tlon of conflict of tlie state ,aw wh the fedcral taw wa8 settled ,odav wnen B w whKlock. - oftii Pt,dera Grain Supervision Depart- nwnt decIareJ that contrary. to the." opinion of the Northwest Millers and Grain Dealers, the state laws In no I way conflict with the federal laws. Mr. Whitlock added that the grower and i dealer can use any scale that the)' ,' may desire as this is a matter of pri vate transaction. There was considerable discussion at today's meeting regarding grain grading. In response to a, question from S. K. Thompson us to the am ount of wheat which actually mot the 60 pound test for No. 1 .wheat. "Mr. (Controlled un page I.) THE WEATHER Reported by Major Lee Mourhouiia. weather observer. Maximum, 8b. ! 1 j ! Minimum, 60. ' ' . ' Barometer,- s.70. , ' - 1 7 TODAY'S FORECAST Tonight Mil Sunday , fair;, warmer fckia- day. O