East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 12, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    .- f r-r N ri f tfTi: ? rr :
I. .
i ' t ?
J ultj
at gains
From our, Dry Goods Section, offerings of importance to'the tlirif ty shopper bringing splendid savings "on
seasoiiable merchandise of all kinds. YOU WILL FIND SPECIAL BARGAINS FROM DAY TO DAY DIS
PLAYED INOUR DRTGOODS DEPARTMENT. Why Not Share in the Economies we Offer Now.
' profit by ) these
Deductions in
wash goods, do
mestics, bedding.
19c Yd. foi' Good Qual
ity Percale in 36 inch
width, both in light and :
dark 'colorings, in many '
different ' patterns f or
vou to choose from. ' ;
2 k Yd. for Best Quality
Percale ! in 36 inch
I width,: a varied assort
ment of styles to select
from in licht and dark
23c Yd. for 32 inch Dress
Gingham of splendid
quality in a large as
sortment of plaids,
checks . , and , nurse
39c Yd. for 40 Inch
Fancy Voiles, the large
assortment of pretty
- patterns " wiii ' suieiy
please you. They ' aie
regular values from 65c
to.tfoc yai-d.
69c Yd for Better Grade
Fancy Voiles that sell
regularly up to $1.25 yd.'
40 in. in width of splen
did quality, patterns are
of the new floral and
conventional designs in
all the fashionable color
combinations. x
98c Yd. Buys NoV Any
of Our Higher Quality
Fancy ! .Voiles up to
$1.98 per yard. 40 in.
in width and all the sea
son's fashionable de
signs and color combi
nations to choose from.'
69c Yd. for -Beautiful
Tissue Ginghams and
Fi'cnch Ginghams, 36
and 32 inches wide,
handsome patterns in
plaids, stripes and
checks; some of the tis
sue ginghams have silk
over plaids and are reg
ular values to $1.00 per
yard.., ., ,,j
49c Yd. for English
Nainsook and English
Long Cloth; 36 inches
wide, an excellent qual
ity for fine undergar
ments, baby dresses,
etc. We advise you to
put in your supply now
at bargain prices. ; -14c
Yd. for 36 in. Nain
sook and Long Cloth,
soft finish, white only,
good for making of un
derwear and petticoats.
Save and buy now. V
Jl ' ":
49c Yd. for Beach Suit
ing; 36 in. wide, and we
show them in a good
range of shades. They
are especially suitable
for making summer
suits and skirts; our
regular low price on
these suitings is 60c yd.
54c Yd. for Splendid
Quality Unb leached
Sheeting, 81 inches in
width and of splendid
quality, smooth, even
weave, washes easy cr.J.
will stand hard wear.
3 I i -j" i v :
. ; 1 i . ' '
59c Yd. for 81 Irich
Bleached Sheeting, full
bleached, smooth; even
weave, excellent qual
ity sheeting and will
give you satisfactory
39c Yd for 42 Inch Pil
low Tubing, 42 inches
wide and of stai:d;vrd
quality and the price is
less than it has been for
years and lower per
haps than later.
S1.39 Each for Empire
Bed Sheets. 81x90 in.
in sizes, good medium
weight, smooi.ii, v even
weave. f " . ; 1 -
$1.49 Each for Dream
land Quality Sheets,
81x99 inches in size ; a .
good kind for hotel,
apartment or lodging
house .use, large, size. .
$1.59 Each for Queen of
the Home Bed Sheets,
81x90 in. in size, excel
lent quality, smooth,
even weave, fine for
home or. hotel use. .. ,
34c Each for Queen, of
the Home Pillow Cases,
42x36 in. in size, made
from, good wearing
quality . muslin, well
19c Yd. for Warranted
half Linen Crash Towel
ing, 17 in. wide, .war
ranted half linen,
smooth even weave,
bleached and unbleach
ed, good for all kinds of
uses. : - .
$3.48 Yd. for Sport
Silks, priced regularly
to $5.50 per yd. They
are 40 ,m. in width,,
shown in plaids, stripes
and broche patterns.
$1.79 Yd. for Sport SUks
that Sold regularly up
to $2.98 yd. A good as
sortment of 'shades and
patterns to choose from
and 40 in. in width.'
A complete clearance of
our entire stock of ART
at exactly one half the
original prices..1 Don't
fail to supply , your
needs now, even to your
Holiday needs for it
will pay you handsome
ly.. ; ' :
f 5 Which means that you can buy a
$1.00 Straw or Panama
now for 75c
$1.50 Straw or Panama
. now for $1.15
$2.00 Straw or Panama
now for $1.50
$2.50 Straw or Panama
now for $1.90
$3.00 Straw or Panama
now for $2.25
$1.00 Straw or Panama
now for $3.00
$4.50 Straw or Panama
now for S3.35
S5.09 Straw or Panama now for $3.75
$6.00 Straw or Panama now for $4.50
$6.50 Straw or Panama now for $4.85
$7.50 Straw or Panama now for $5.60
$8.50 Straw ,or Panama now for $6.35
$10.00 Straw or Panama now for $7.50
$12.50 Straw or Panama now for $9.35
yvv a
Blouses of Unusual Beauty Priced
With DcMded Economy.
Blouses of voile, georgette, crepe de chine,
satins, and other fabrics in tints of peach,
qrchid, rose, henna and various other gay
colorings are just a few of the many ap
pealing fabrics and shades that are here and
ready to solve your every blouse problem.
Some are with lace collars, others , are col
laiiess, but all show in some way or other,
dainty embroidery touches rarely seen in
blouses offered at this price $2.50 to $22.50.
Original Cost are Not Considered lu This
; Department
We Are "Kicking Out" a Big Lot of
We are getting rid of a big lot of oddv and
ends from our men's department; we're liter
ally kicking them out xince we're not looking,
for much of a cash return. Tlio muin Idea Is a
"clean up" so that we can offer, you & good
clean, new stock.
Here's the "kick out" price:
&;.& t aps go for , , so,.
K3.S0 t aps (to for , (,,,
$3.00 CanN go for , , 5,,
$3.50 Cap go for , '. 5t!
' Visit the
v- TT1 where, It pays to trade lm7Zn"m
Visit the
, MM' t t t U i
PARIS, July 12. (By Newton C,
Tarko. I. N. 8. Staff Correspondent)
Old inaldM are going to rule the
world with in another generation and
w I) i'ii that happens nil sonsinlo men,
looking for happy exlstnucoa, will try
to floo this earth and try out the
planet Wars,
Tills Is the opinion of Profossor
Ulrault, probably the best known
Kreneh authority in political economy
who hus Just addressed his beliefs to
the University of 1'oltlois.
"AVomen are going to UKiunie lead-t-rshlp
particularly In Europe, for
the next hundred years." says Pro
fessor Girault. "This does not mean
that civilization Is becoming, effemi
nate, nor does it result simply from
the fact thut women will be numeri
cally strongeT. Hut " there .' are too
many women for he tilafrlugeuoie
m.lia ntt.t Itiiii.lcA.lu nf thnllanitiiri of'
them aro being compelled to make 111-
ussoriea mn.ri iigjH jil .wniun, vp
In nearly, cvory case, is .ihe,, iroaker
' "In that way women arc gaining tha
' i I '.. .....l..t, tfvf
any society ruletl. by women" will lack
intellectual' courage, logic and initi
ative.. Women" married to men who
are, their Jnfurlors 'will become em
blttorcd with life. Their perlcnco
will dlrn'ouiago other wome'11'' who are
thtnklnc of luarrlase..-.I'resejitly we
will find a whole body of -women,
with a large and active majority of
'inmarrled women controlling things,
and melt wffll liaya a very unhappy
vlmo." ' .
Rules of Game as Practiced
l m Eastern Isle Prevents
Yanks From Raking in Coin. ;
" ji.c is what they call wres.ling
11! japji.. According i' ir nlts-ul
V w , .. . I ni.-tt American wre are far
IUIA riUIII nctMliy III UWIIU "! r 10 more or Jxrv.n, u-i.-. ec-
jr.-"' J - . icov -irji ;i. Sumo rultf. Duck and toe
3 COLfMIilA. , J5o., July 13. (Kent W tarred no . and Web-j
. ffrtwu. 1. X. H. CorreBiMn Uent.) )' tv hH of luck wii -n thev bucked
V.'uerloan wreetlers come homo from the champions of Japanese rings."
Ji.pH.i with k'ss inon.'y.; miiri: cxyeri-l Jp :-e wrestler, jnli ;o the aver, j
" iiy 'il'd no 1 1 fur Juyiii-.-w proino-j a e .lap ure giants of n-en, Jclitisonj
t&tt. u.i.Otrd.n; lu A'" 11 : .'olniKii, I dnliiM t-' Tlu-y are Tjmi.nViin of j
fv'JKi' fnltrd Htates ti.vu cor.im- i '.i';"'(ili, fut and muscu'ir, wi;h ecn-j
; :il iii,tt :o.Jnuuii and ii-iw vwine 'ted t ual -M-i and, he dw..ne-. for the'
'itl. u Wai iifw t)atif- j 1 "'t f sensual Ituoils. They.
'" li Kk-ilttrl and H1.n1 Wiber, Am- allow t!,iir hair to gro until it can bo '
4. -u'y liaci to Oifci c-jiui:i fruiiij Vh'.w if their followln;.; who att j-i: J
i 4 r il . Vchnff f"; .: . tliv lutti'loM-lii of t:ut- umm'ly ;
Oiai of lospaotior 4apt.ase f estlerti "' " e daughters of v-rrtittig di-v-;
-V4-4 . , j tttief 1 wi tiitu live a fasl Wfe -.hat n-nds
'llOMMIHIMMMtMIMt tun to 1 11 early gra"'i. .Ie!j.iu-.h;ti, !
.1 onsen. 1
flmx- Dcwn. Offejuil. ;
tr apiii mug cuuie ui ine ueiaus 1
cJi.10. ,'i hn.H.ii fays only forty-eigli!
fi.'ls coiiiKU.ig of twelve throws ;
2 t vle lift, twelve twists and twelrej
tI.i-.Ks ov-r the back are permitted.
J The Tnatches are staged lo sanded .
r iiif. encircled by rice-straw balos:
the u rentiers enter the arena prarti-
cim.v imnvu, vuaniig ujuj .a Kuy uojcr j
eu ui 1011. ,in umpire emyt in i.ie
ring to n.o that the rules arc stKcty
obicrcd. Jlc Is dressed In the latent
stvW of l inif.no and carries a fan.
J ipnnf je nresllmg ueldum result In
a fall, as a fall is known In Amern-a.
as no attempt Is xnaoe to touch the
ihoc!ltf3 of ais cfpoaeot to the'at
A wrestler Is down if any part Of his
body touches the lhat, or If he steps
over the boundary line of the ring.
The te'umo men being giants, the Jap
anese wrestling contests are mostly,
pushing contests.
"Years, ago." explains . Johnson,
"American, sailors tried to mix Amer
ican wrestling auci Japanei-fo Sumo, but
always with disastrous resplts, for the
sailor would tear In for a ci.tcli-a-catch-can
and upset the Jap. That
v.asn't the way It was done in Japan.
. "The last big Sumo match I saw
was between a Jap and tt giant? negro
sailor. The sailor was warned not to
'niues him up too much," and for a
time thins wwil well. Suddenly the
Jap pushed a little too hard to pleat
-The old home town
By Stajiley
You are invited to !!
f ): the '
t, ..... . , , .
at Helix .
NV'ctIiic(Iay JiiJy 13
Cf7 j) ""S
.... .....-s,. n a aiu nrT z."
j the negro, and the black torgot his
, instructions, grabbed a 'half-S-elson'
land threw the Jap so hard that he al
most cracked. It broke up the game.
and that night the sailors were afraid
Ho take shore lcavct That ended Su
mo contests between Japs and Amcri
can sailors, .
WrostKuy, Royal .lrt.
"Santel and Weber understood tbi'-i
Sumo rules when they started their
(tour of Japan. Thoy signed contract?
wnn promoters at Dal Nippon and
fluked bouts in Kudan Park, Toklo,
j where they were bested because of
certain Interpretation of the rules of
coinlilnrition matches. After five iley.
wristlln. before crowds of from 6.O0O
10 twiin ftmiPi and Wchcr asked for
1111 urcotintlng: they ncdcd monoy.
jThey were told the prof ts had been
'only 196 yen JW. as the expense
'. had been very heavy.
htlll arguing over this, they went
to Nagoia and staged two bouts. The
still received no pay. At Osaka they
lefuscd to wrestle unless paid In ad
vance. This ultimatum finally
brousht them sumo money. They H'V
cepted some checks also, but tho banki
reported they had Ho accounts with
!tne signers. The promoters who
I brought them from America had dla-
j appeared."
ooiiiu 11. euiiiiueieu uy Japanese nis
torj'l Johnson says, with the royal
family of that country. ,The Japanese
throne, he aaja, oncq was a Sumo
priw;. ' " ' . ' ' '
"In t!i nliuli coiitury," deelarei
Johnfion, "the mlVado d ed and lif'
ti-o cons. t?oth tt lioin c'almtd tht
throne. They committed their claims
to a Sumo match rather ' than real
rjriare." '
Hundreds of Navy Men are Cor-
rcspondence School Students
Aim for Best in Ship, Life.
(International News Service Staff
. Correspondent. )
IIAIlMOIt, Cal., July 12. It w:is
learned lit the World War that care
ful education and up-to-date training
were two of tho biggest assets In main
taining the morale of the men tu the
r.uvles of the allied powers, . ' .
: The correspondent found during his
stay aboard the Xcw re.xlco that the
American Navy has Indeed Vccoine 0
great national university In so fur as U
Is a factor in nut only training inch,
but teaching them the value of right
At the conclusion of! a Sunday morn
ing service, attended by several hun
dred of the New Mexico's row, and
most of Its officers not on duty, Chap
lain R W. Scott, tho flagship's relig
ious officer, made a statement to the
correspondent in which he emphasised
the alms of the welfare section ot the
"We want to send the meu of the
navy back to their homes In such form
that they can become substantial Influ
ential citizens," said tho Rev. Mr.
Scott. ono of the most Important
features of the welfare work aboard
our ships and nt our naval stations
ashore g4to teach the ncws"oiu,r he
must accept definite responsibilities.
"Morally the men of the Taclflc fleet
measure up to the standard of any
similar body of the American , men.
They come from all-sections of the
country, from all conditions of society,
But once they get Into uniform nnd get
tho spirit of thinxs they gradually
mould themselves Into different Sorts
of men from wheat they were.
"The navy and the army are not re
formatories In any sense. They do not
want men. who will not oley. But a
great deal can be dono by naval offi
cers In. helping men to overcome bad
habits, to recognise the need of disci
pline, of punctuality and of honesty In
their ovory day lives. ...
Many lursu; Ttx.-lmk.til KluUiett
"It is a dcliRht to me to be able to
help backward men, to correct faults
which can le overcomo by a little
moral presusslv power. Many, let
tors are written, each year by anxious
mothers, sisters, brothers, fathers
sweethearts and other relatives of men
In tho navy to the captains of the
various tdilps orid- -turned over, to the
(haplaliii'. -' . ,
"Komelnies the complaint will ,con
ern. lrregujaf, reiirljtnnijes of money
to tho folks at home, or negligence In
answering letters, or llttlo Infractions
of discipline which have come to tho
notice of someone who has the wel
fare of tho one mentioned at heart.
"When I have to perform such little
missions aboard tho New Mexico I
usually find that a word or two suf
fices. The offenders tuke thoir 'lec
tures' in a good-natured way,, and In
most cases do not have to bo so ad
dressed again.
"References were made recently In
a Los Angeles Mayoralty campaign to
ollcgcd vlcc in various parts of tho
city, b'o Tar as I know Los Angeles Is
one of the cleanest -big cities in the
Far West. In connection with the
same references allegation mere made
that the men of the Pacific fleet wore
frequenters of vice dons. JLf course, no
check Is made of What our men do
when they go ushore, but I am sure
such charges are not true Of the men
of the Pacific fleet as a class. -"I
have found that most of the
American naval men are .anxious to
obtain as much educational training, a
possible. Home 'of tho New Mexico's
crew are students, In correspondence
courses and send their papers regular
ly to tho h- adiiiartcr of I hcsf various
schools;- Others aro coached by offl-
cers when they- make occasional re
quests far aid in their pursuit of tech
nical studies. , ', (
V CoimyilHin lor Annapolis Ke. . j .
'""jcinie-inbii Of thc-JHiOlflo.niiet at.
tend the night high school here at'Loi
Angeles Harbor, or San Pedro, aa It
Is known,- Part of these men trf to
win places at Annapolis, as there aro
men of the navy to go to tho Nvl
Academy. , , . -
An important lesson' of the war
wan obtained from the welfare war
which the American people know tai
done ao well by theToung Mens Cli?l-
toln Association. ' Jewish Welfare1
Hoard, Knights of -Columbus, Snlva''
tlon Army, American Library Asso
ciation, Young ..Women's 'Chrlstalu,
Association, Red Cross and War Camp
Community Service. - , .
"A division of tho Navy Department
generally -eff-rred to as the Sixth IMvl-'
Iou 1s doing in a way lots' 6 f things
the patriotic organizations performed-
A welfare officer on each ship Is th'
ultimate objective of this movement."'
The correspondent '.ran across totrf
0u minded students In many out ot
tha a- places on the yw Mexico'
while being shown about the. super-"-dreudnatight.
Once he came across a'
many studying a book on mathematics
in 0110 of the fourteen-lnch thrrenW.'
Ho was lying on the sfeel floor and
was ,o engrossed In hie calculations"
that a lieutenant climbed ,OVer him
without causing him to even look up.
'. ' In, hni'ther Instance a pair of sto'
dents were found In one or Ih'e tin-'
used furnace , rooms 'working out
problems to be gent to ft correspond
ence Hchool. In the -reading ' room
silent men made frequent ' hoi6.;
Bvei'ihere one .moved - iheto
found, aa Chaplalii Scott pointed: out.
-the rngernesa of the men to obtain a
good education wfiite aboard. ', ' ' ,' -
, . ' ; , . '- '
. : Afflicted with paralrtlc nerve dhocK
due to an automobile accident and
without the use. of bit right arm, a
Chicago man has trained his left
hand to. handle a bruh and has turn
ed to palntlsg. His paintings brinff
a g'tod price lu tlio market.
In 1920 almost six million barrels
of Chinese flour were slipped to Eu
rope. Now mills are to be built In
the wheat growing sections.';' ' '
-" .'"ir " 'I '' m . 'l f -1 4
. ' bALTON". Oa., July'lS tl." k,
One Los Angeles druggist
'ls going to operate 'a compara-
tlvcly dry store, for a few months
according' to Jndgo M. f. Tnrver,
Yoo Won't. lose fp'7
amv Moac Money M , -SJ
"JHeMlaeTVoutt iJr '$
Who has ordered seized and h'eM
"'U'cmfoBd -of whrs-.msig'nd
from Keutuckey to the Los An-
gcles merchant. ' The druggist
wanted the liquor for "medicinal
purposes," but the railroad com-
pany made the mistake of rout-
Ing tho ear through ; Georgia
where a Plate law.operates with
considerable vigor.
At tho first hiarln Judm
Turf cr ordered' tho whiskey "nut
4 In lull' fnr' uufa iAn,,l: fk.t a
sheriff had been uslog up his
supply of deputies guarding the
seized .car when thla order was
J mndo,' and he', at lenst, breathed
a sigh ot reilef. "The Judge first
ordered tho whiskey destroyed,
but everybody concerned made
so much noise that the order was
modified. Now It Is ordorep thAt
another hearing shall bo held
irnd 'the car held , for possible
confiscation.1 , 1 . . . , ,
'. ., The whiskey Is growing bitter..
"j- 'a JJegS3g.A i.. 11 1 ii 1 i.n-naji,
Cf tho men Is of JToorl'u SoraaparilU
RVtho standard ilood puriflcr. tipp
tizer and todic. . Onjrlnuted in
famous physician's pmsi'riptioa moro
than CO jeans n. Adopted ns tbo
rffrular family laodieina in thonsaiiilu
tf Anicrioau Logics. Hns m.t tha
testa of a hlf-eetitury witK universal
tiucccss. Undo from tho. Wsl knowa
foots, h"rb3, barks Bnd ))crrics named
iu tho Dispensatory. Will provt its
merit to you iH you will give it a trial.
A4 a fcaod oatliartio, Hood'g Pilbv
Dr. H. M. Hanavan :
dentist:;.:. :?. V
Announces a change 'of nffir.- r-.
Temple tlulldlng to Suite- 6, - Bond
Building, oi er Bond Uros. ttOrc'
. 1. i 4 , I f I -
I, It ill!