'Ml uf Kf "Hf If ft ' 1ACK ETCHT DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETOlt, OREGON, ' f SATJJRDAY EVENING, JULY 9, 1021 twelV'b pages iii VRe j(J..S. Trade Chief PASTIME Sunday-Mbn,x ton. treadle Stum. lv AI-TA Kl'MtAY AND MONIUV tlie leading woman, ha a highly sym pathetic role. The picture was direct-' d by u verge D. rtakcr from Ills own, scenario based upon the story by 1'iank II. .Vilnius. r.vvriME'TonAY W IIY IS A C K M AX? VNSWI .llKD IX XHW YUM MAY MoAVOY MXMil.S AtJUY AVhcn Uialurl determined In cell I'liile their second anniversary with a ppwfal production, they combed 111'' Industry for someone - to f:t;incly c upy the star part in the story which Whii written by lienor Tnrubiill. It tm ro4 mere chance th:it Miss Mc- - Acoy was chosen In play the role of ' the petltf FrcnrTi maid, Jeanne Mil- tin man finht against the tenden- . .lettc. in A I'rlvntc initial," coming ' cies vi heredity aad environment to the lta Theatre Sunday and Mon ;Thut in the question Jacques Jaccard day. ' ' seeks to answer in-'"Honor Bound" ' the stoty he wrote and produced star- AlU'AltR TOIAY rng Frank Mayo and his answer Is -"I'UOXIIV rNVKV 1. PHOTOPLAY The story deals with two types of men who nTe lifted out Of civitantion Unusual, novel and appealimi is end dropped into savnjrery, and shows "Proxies," the now Cosmopolitan- their relictions when face to face with Paramount picture, which will ha primitive emotions to which only the jfhown at the Arcade Thoitre today, instincts of forgotten ancestors could I'lie story has to do with a foi mr con- respond. vlct who lives stralirht. hut finds it Just what this throwback" Is Jae- hard to do so and who actually com- ones Jacoard explains at. the proper mits a hold-up and risks imprisonment time, hut concerned In It are three to nave his benefactor from falling women. T1ri there is the vivacious "victim to ihe wily schemes of wnothtr little fiance of the younger man: sho man to simultaneously make a fortune is portrayed by Helen Lynch. Then ind to hreak Into society. there, is the business man's wife, play- - There are many thrills throughout ed bv, Irene riackwell, Finally comes the action which takes place in a pala- the most disturbing element the half- n i Dr Juaus Kluln, of California, la le new din-ctor of forelBn and do lestlc I'oninierce l-e left a Har i d limfessoi shlp to succeed Dr. H, 2bu;tSlwe ua bureau chief. .ti.il home in which Peter, the hero. Is breed Koree, as savage and unasham-j 'h"('s rer rood gravel road with he butler. As a result of highly dra jimtlo circunistanrvs, Peter proves himself a real man despite his prison ieeord which la raked up for the pur ,4iose of riilnlnit him. This role is play-. d hy Norman Kerry, who tj;is nppcar id Jn support of npni',"'is - "-d who la well known to raramount picture-audiences. Zim Vt . td in her passions as an animal, and very lieaiftiful. Nick de Kuii plays the brutal mastei and "husliand" of the half-treed girl. Uordon Packville is seen as "the rub ier kins.'' and Max Willing as an effeminate young English nobleman. "HVmor Hound" will be saen at the INst'iti theatre today. BE COATED W GRAVEL Columbia Hiver Highway, ton to Portland Pendleton Pendle to the Saie 71UUC for iHFAifrs a ifivauds " xir rno ASK FOR The Original Avoid Imitation awl Substitutes. Fef!r!frrt.fovlliniJOrowtneCW!3reB I RlchMI!li.MahetGrlnBrtrrttnPowlr The Original Food-Drink For All Ages No Cooiiiiur Nouruhmff Digeatibl CHILDREN 10c SUNDAY MONDAY ADULTS 10c VAUDEVILLE . . J ' CA RL ROBERTS TRIO Thrte Wise Fools in Melody, Mirth and Motion. LEON LOONE oveltj'' Ventriloquist. BILLY MURRY .-..), . In Song and Monologue. REALART PRESENTS May McAvoy -IN A Private Scandal ' : , . . - The story of a little French girl, a terrible perdica nient, a wonderful sacrifice, a fitting reward. INTERNATIONAL NEWS exception half mile sandy to be com pleted soon. Deschutes river to The i Dalles take hill detour owing to con struction. Rough up hill remainder fair. The Dalles to Hood Hover over new highway. Paving near Mosier, time schedule for passage; after 5 P. m. until 8 a. m. at noons, on Sundays and on holidays. Hood River to Port land paved. Oregon State Motor Ass'n. and Oregon Tourist & Information Bureau for coast points. Old Oregon Trail, Pendleton to Salt Lake PenJleton to Grande 26 miles good. Kemainder from crest ot mountains into I.a Grande rough ow ing to construction, numerous small detours. La Grande to Baker fair to f excellent, at Hot Lake tkc foot hill detour well marked and good. Baker 'to Nelson good. Nelson to Huntington j under construction, two detours well I marked. HuntliiKton to Weiser, Idaho ' good, ferry at Olds. Keep Idaho side, ! load to Poise good. At Nampa, Idaho Sttte Motor ASs'n. for roads to Salt Lake. Utah state Motor Ass'n. for roads out of Salt. Lake. i Oregon Washington Highway Wil lows to Walla Walla via Pilot Rock and Pendleton Willows to Heppner mmd dirt road. Heppner to Pilot Rock fiir dirt road. Tllot Rock to Pendle- ton to Walla Walla paved. Tri-State i Auto Clufl for Eastern Wushingtop. I La Grande Enterprise Highway La ; Grande to Island City paved. Island City to Wallowa hill fair stme rough i stretches. Wallowa hill to Wallowa i lake under construction roads fair, de tours well marked, preferably day drive. Enterprise Flora Highway In fair Condition and traffic steady. Baker Uiity Highway In fair con ditiqn. Baker Cornucopia Highway Gen erally good, first stretch good. Pendleton . John Day Highway J ; Open through into Grant county but : rough and rocky past Ukiah. J ! Pendleton Cold Springs Highway X . Good dirt road by way of Holdman or South Cold Springs canyon to Cold T Springs Landing. Other I ton tcs from Pendleton j! Pendleton to Spokane via Walla 5 Walla and Central ferry good. Small -) detour in good condition, Colfax U J Steptoe. Inland Automobile Ass n. at , Spokane for roads north and east. l Pendleton to Seattle via either Port j land or Walla Walla and Yakima good. Pendleton to Heppner via Echo Highway to Echo. Take red, white and blue road to Heppner. Pendleton to HWix good. Leave J Oregon Washington Highway at Ha- ! vana. Pendleton to Lehman Springs fait J Nye stage road best. Pendleton to Bingham, fair to good. Ti People traveling between Pendle-1 ! ton and Portland will be glad to know that the small sandy stretch between ij The Dalles and Arlington will be cotn X.pletely gravelled within 12 days. The lock work which is holding up the traffic between the DeschuteS river and The Dalits will necessitate the hill detour until the first week in Septem ber. The Old Oregon Trail construc tion between Nelson and Huntington ill the extreme east of the state is be ing rushed to early completion. ALT A Today Children 10c .4 Adults 40c VAUDEVILLE Carl Roberts Trio THREE WISE FOOLS MELODY, MIRTH & MOTION " Glenn & Walsh CITS OF VARIED VAUDEVILLE Burdened for life with the promise to avenge his father's murder, fate sU'ps in and removes the obstacle to a happy mountain romance. . Comedy Oaurk Pirates tj CONWAY. Ark., July S ( t. X. S.) J I Moonshiners have com down from jthe hills in a sort of a piratical effort ttn i:iit th nrovlsorv oeiiallies for Lnon-observance of Volstcadlsm. The -v latest is a complete liijuor-making de yVvice on a floating raft, secureb fcliairmd to a cypress "knee" In a dense ciincbrake on Grassy lake is miles south of here. Revenue officers rowed far out into the canebrake and confiscated the booze plant, along with 41) gallons of mash, while the thirsty patrons of the I cache-owner are aw aiting delivery of the "next consignment." FATTY ARBUCKLE in -FATTY AT CONEY ISLAND" Labor's Man ft ; . n V. , "Ac ' , . f " - ' - v. w i in a rousing outdoors romance laid in a land that knew not God nor Law u ussy iNi''',!; IN a land where nature tnocks at rlvllixed conventions, two men. fcoth loved by noble women, found themselves face to face with prim itive emotions to which only in stincts of forgotten ancestors could respond. Yet there was a third woman as beautiful as the tropic jungle that gave her birth-r and as fatal to the two men of the North. See how she tangled five lives to the point of catastrophe and you'll see a marvelous picture- story, now ruiisu. J! Comedy "ZULU LOVE j l'layrtl "KximIils'- W ithout Keys CADIZ, Ohio, July 9 (I. X. S. Wultir Scott, of Alliance, . played i steadily for several idays ti an organ I placed in the corridor of the county 1 jail by the Salvation Army. j One morning Scott and Clcnrse ; Reed of Byesvillo were not to be i found. j An invest'gation by the prison of ficials disclosed that the organ had been utilized to deaden the noise cro- itod by using a section of a radiator in digging through .the Jail wall. The missing prisoners escaped through the hole In the wait CHILDREN 10c ADULTS 35c .J- i'V-'.v-- wftiRfi i - I tit ,;V -?W RIMw -K,'. ' fa . WWaW if: IfMtl ' - - H FAMOUS PLAYERS.: y', M$f$i LAS Ky CORP. Prr.wr, J.). A COSMOPOLITAN PRODUCTION CCQaramounlQ;dun PARAMOUNT MAGAZINE HHICHESTER S PILLS W . THK KB A Nik A l.adlil Ami jnue vrnmrnlu fat fi 1.1-fht-vVtfr Iiamn JTlrnrtV I'llla in Kp4 and (inI4 ni-tallicV I leaieU witb Blue RiWxjn. V j Tak m lhi. Huf f iM " IMAMONIt IlftAMf Fll.l,H,fT5 yn knuwri M Birt, bfsl. Always KcliaM I SOLD BY DRL'QGISTS EVERVWHERf I Phone 507 hours 9 a. m. to 1 p, m. DR. OIBLRT .Modern Dciitlstry lu All lira m he. . -r-.mi-r-r-rm rn UK. O. O. rLfclUlfcU.Jtt. Chiropodist and Foot Specialist Ingrown Nails, Callouses, 'Coras, ; Bunions, Broken Arches and all kindred ailments quickly and painlessly relievpd. , , . , ., , ... Parlors at Nye-Ward Shoe Co. .Phone 58 -- - Your GliaBC' o f , TO SEE THE WONDERFUL WAR PICTURES. L ; Presented to You by Pendleton Post No. 23, America n Legion. OFFICIAL WAR FILML See the U. S. soldiers in action. If you were in the waAou will; enjoy this if you were not your heart will thrill with 'excitement; ' J J -e'. REMEMIBER T011I girt i baSor's representative on the U. t Chipping Lioard Is T. V. Connor o Buffalo, N. Y. ,pres!3ent of the It ternaUonal Longshoremen's Union rrwueni Harass. W Arcade - In Only eaijrc 1 Admission: Children 25c; Adults 55c, Tax Inchlded. - f