East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 08, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    rM-.- - -.Wt. i V V", T V
PA02 H71"
20 'Minutes!
People Here and There
( ;
s X ,
J. T. nrown hag returned from La
'Grande where he itpent ths Fourth,
Kimi jonnson, amy cicrK at mo io
tel Pendleton has gone to Portland
for ft few days.
E. L..GHson hsR opened at cafe, St
Echo. It wilt he known as the Cosy.
'He wn In Pendleton hlR morning on
il business mission.
'" PurdV CVirnellxon hns arrived from
I Valla Walla to be the guest of hi
father, Uev. ' J. M. Cornellson during
the summer vacation. He will hlso
visit hid uncle, Frank Purdy, at the
Indlnn agency a part of the time.
' Lvman O. Woe,, one of the members
nf the commission which In to handle
the soldiers' bonus In Oregon, arrived
at the Benson yesterday from Pendle
nn. Mr. Rice in In the banking busi
ness In the round-Hp town- and is a for
rneC service mnn.Oregonlan. '"
oi'Aiutrci ra
kixoe wkdping
!AY "
My stomach and liver trouble mnde
iv regular grnich of me. I was sore at
everyone. Including my wire, ana we
oiiarreled every day since the wedding.
he Is a dear little rl and I know It
aa my fault. Mayr's Wonderful
Remedy wan recommended for m
j"irmorh t-ouble, and since taking It 1
have felt like a new man. My wife
ind I now get along beautifully." It In
sroiuje,, harmless preparation that
rejjjoves the catarrhal, mucus from the
Intestinal tract and allays' ine innam-
trnulon which causes 'practicnllly all I
1 stomavh, liver and Intestinal aliments,
including sppenoicuis. one nose w in
convince or money refunded, Drug
l':t!i everywhere, p
f'nrl Perlnger .left last night for a
few days' business visit In' Portland.
S ' .
Motors tn Milton
Miss Rather Kelly, sodrtl service
worker for the Umatilla Red Cross,
motored to Milton yesterday on official
business. -
MiM'tlng at lYcewalPr ;
The care ot bees will be explained
tomorrow afternoon at the apiary of
Christian Rogers, at FYeewater, by H.
H. Scullen, 'bee keeping enpert
Taken to VwiUmO, ' -
Rill Hart anti William "Ourtey" Wii
lls were taken to Portland today
where they will be held for the action
of, the federal court. . . !
Sue on Note. " , ,
Ed Gillette and others are made
defendants in a suit on a note that has
Fred I heen Instituted "In circuit "court by
Bennlon,-county agent, will speak also. George W.'Klder... The suit is for $300
- ' l ' ' , and costs. Fee & Fee represent the
lyeuvo on (imln Tour plaintiff. '. f
A group of Umatilla county wheat- : ' . - , ;
men who grow Jenkins Club wheat ! DupiilR Is Ftnrd. '. ' ,
left this afternoon on "a grain tour tol A fine of $100 was assessed agalrisl
visit the clean fields of Jenkins Club Jim Dtipuls yesterday afternoon Ib
wheat. The.tour Is under the auspices .the court of Justice Joe H. Parkes
of the Umatilla County Farm Puread. .'following a trial In which he was
The clean certified wheat Is In demand ound guilty of a charge of having In,
for seed. toxicating liquor In his garage. The
defendant claimed the liquor was
Colored1 Man ArrrstrO. "
. Frank Hrown, colored, was arrested
lust night as a result of an alterca
tion between himself and two white
men following a dispute In which he
was on the defensive. The white men
claimed that th negro Insulted a
white woman, and armed with stones
they followed the negro from Alt
street down Garden to .Webb. The
nnitro waif armed with a beer bottle
placed there by another man. J. I
Perry, attorney for the defendant, haf i
given inonauon u;ar an appeal will t
taken to the circuit codrt. j
Diamond Arraigned.
Jack Diamond, charged , with th
theft of five sets of harness, was ar
raigned this morning in the court of
Justice Parkes. He entered a Tlea of
not guilty, and' failing 4o put uo-the
and two brickbats," and he held off! $500 bail required by the tourt, he.
his pursuejs until tne arrival oi was remanded to the custody of the
members of the sheriffs force who ar- jsherlff. The case against A. E. HiirJ
rested the colored man. rie is neni low, cnurged witn larceny or, some
for action of the courts. jgruln at Adams, was dismissed by the
l 1 ' , court when the state's witnesses had
. i-
f ? If
Portland Child W Weak and
Puny Is Now the Pic
ture of Health
,"Ta nlac must be wonderful medicine
to do wbot It has for my little lx-year.
oldlrl," said Mrs. 8. p. Temple, who
resides at 4C4 Fast Clay St, Portland
Oregon, .recently.
"Maxine hud been suffering from
loss of appetite for a year or more
.Vothlng seemed to agree with her ojid
it's n mystery to me hw Bhe lived prl
the little she would eat. Her kidney
were disordered and weak, too, and
she was so thin, pale and puny looking
that I was uneasy about her" all the
time, f he was dull and languid all the
time and never wanted to get out and
Play like other children.
"Well, my dad had heen helped so
much by Tanlac that we all think It
the grandest medicine in the world. I
didn't know of course how It would act
on my little girl, but I had her take
a bottle anyway and It is simply' aston
ishing how it has brought her out. She
rats like a pig, everything agrees with
her an she no longer looks or Bets'
.r- inr rniitj cnuu. ner Kidneys are
In much better condition, too, and she
is-just bubbling over with, energy.
Why, she's out at play all the time., f
lust can't keep her In the house. I am
so thankful to see my little girl so.
healthy and hearty that I Just Can't
praise Tanlac enough." Tanlac is sold
In Pendleton by Thompson's Pruir
been examined.
I For Saturday Shoppers
Tomorrow will just about wipdfup the berry
season. If you contemplate doing any ' berry
canning you should buy now while a full stock .
awaits you and prices are low. .
In the Meat Department plenty of fries and
hens, luncheon goods for the outing.
Phone 187
j JM-HUN. July .!. 'K. ' .)'
draft pf a lelter from Kamonn Ijh Vut
Jera to Llloyd George' citing the on
'dltions upon which the "president of
I the Irish republic" would go to Ixm
jdon to attend the peace parley has
been submitted to the Sinn Fein uni
I'onlst conference here. ;
i It is understood the unionists agreed
to the main points of the letter. Th
(meeting Is said to have been harmoni
Dresses ilke the above arc niJe In
20 minutes by git-is In the dressmak.
lng classes of the K. of C. schools
In Kcw York Cltjt, They will be
worn at graduation ceremonies and
exhibited at tha K. of C. convention
t Ksn.FranJuviin Auffiist:
I vVheat showed added strength In i
rtobhers 1iat Willi Virtims '
PORTLAN-0, July (A. Pj-Tluee
masked and armed robbers raided the
home of Francis Weist carby today,
awakening and chatting with the oc
cupants 'while rannackihg. They
force dtwo women to give up their
diamond rings.
i - . . . '. .. i
Ice Tea Weather
,Cool beverages are nost refreshing during this 'lot
season. Every hostess appreciates the utility of
special glasses to serve cooling drtnks. We carry an '
unusually large assortment ' of appropriate, glassi
spoons -and trays. '.
A set of sx
Cut Gloss It Teas
vZ7 lite. v-
Tlie Largest Diamond Dealers in Etm
Wheat showed added strength In
the Chicago grain market today, July
wheat closing at. $1.22, September
at $1.21 and December at- $1.24.
Yesterday , Jujy wheat closed at
$1,204, September at the same figure
and December aV $1.23.
Following . are the quotations re-
739 Main Street
ous. The opinion expressed by those I'1'1 by Ovcrbeck. & Cooke, local
close to tne conrerence is mat an
$oea well with the peace movement.'!
Itohlird Ihirlng Prayers (
SEATTLB. July g (I. X. 8.) While
kneeling in prayer In the Methodist
church, Florence Shafer ws robbed
of a gold watch and chain, she told'
the police'.
Wheal Vlpeij. High' Low, Close
July; $1.21 $1.2214 $1.1914 $1.22
.21 1.22 1.18 1.21
. 1.23 J.24
COOK WANTS position for a crew .of
, men "4W this office. '
1.21 1.24
.60 ;
Foil ItBNT Four room apt., $15 per
month for 2 months. Phone 730-W
Owing to the absence of many mem
hers there will be no rehearsals otTh
United School Band until further no
tice. ' .
' ' A. W. MTNTEU., Director.
Despain .& Iee. Cash ; Grocery
Phone 880
209 E. Court St.
Special Saturday - Special
12 pounds $1.00
100 pounds 37.50
5 lbs. M. J.B. Coffee. $2
5 lbs. Gold Shield $1.90
6 lbs. btilk' :y; U $1.00
10 lbs. Armour
Lard . ....... $1.85
- 5 lbs. Armour
Lard 95c
8 lbs. Snowdrift.. $1.60
1 galloj; dark '. . . . 80c
1 gallon light . . . .,85c
2ibarsW. Wonder $1.00
; mazolaoil
1 quart can . . . . '. . ! 60c
1-2 gallon can $1.15
. $2.2t)
We will have some
Raspberries, Loganber
ries for Saturday. Order
(Jarlv1 L '-n
Raspberries crate $2.25
Loganberries, ct. . . $2.00
8 cans Corn ............. . $1.00
6 cans Peas ... ........... $1.00
6 can's Kraut $1.00
6 cans Hominy ....... $1.00
7 cans Salmon $1.00
6 cans mcd. Pork and Beans $1.00
6 cans Clams ,. $1.00
4 cans 'Peaches' . V.' :;' .. V! $1.00
4 cans Apricots ... . . . .
8 cans Campbell Soup
14 lbs. Small White Beans
12 lbs. Red Mexican
1 gallon can-. . .
10 lbs. lama Beans ......
12 lbs. Head Rice ........
4 lbs. Calumet Baking P..
14 Bars'Talmolive Soap. . .
24 Bars W. Wonder Soap.
12 lbs. Macaroni . .
. ' s.
5 lbs. Armour Lard . . . , . . .
4; Jars Apple Butter, 22 oz.
3 Large Packages Crax..
12 lbs. Sugar H:
4 pkgs. Citrus i ;
12 lbs. Sago
12 lbs. Tapioca ... ...
3 pkgs. Snow Flake Crax. .
Sugar Advanced 20c Sack
100 LBS. SUGAR $7.50
Saturday Only
WHBAT It was an erratic market
most of the day, but at the same time
there was an undercurrent of strength
apparent and prices responded easily
to scattered buying, , led by the. ship
pfnfc Interests. The seaboard reported
about 500.000 bushels worked for ex
port overnight and while they did not
confirm any business done today, t
was said the -demand for cash wheat
was very good. Country offerings In
the aggregate. were only fair, although
there was some increase from Illinois
and Iowa points. Local receipts in
cluded five cars of new wheat from
N'ebraska which tested 6 1. to 63.
pounds. , Spot offerings , sold readily
j at yesterday's average. Numerous
; black rust reports were received from
the Canadian northwest, . but other
messages were of a contradictory na
ture. It Is quite apparent that do
mestic millers will be compelled to
compete with exporters for new crflp
offerings, ' which will undoubtedly
mean that increase will meet strong
resistance. 1 ' . ' '
The government crop report Is as of
July ir
The condition of winter wheat is
77.2, spring: wheat 80.8. all wheat 78 2.
Corn acreage.' 10S, 901, 000; condition
of corn, 91.1. . .
Oats condition, 77.6..
Barley, SI. 4. Itye, SO, 9.. - ,
tAVintrr wlvu-t production, 674 mil
lion; sprins wheat, 25 million; all
wheat, S09 million. Crn production,
, 3,123,000,000; oats.- 1.32!.O00,O0O.
Wheat , on -farm July 1. about 51
million. '
un a tuann summer .
day there is nothing :
so cooling and re
freshing, as a glass
of tuell made iced tea
To make this delicious .
drink you will need the .
tfest of tea.
....-. -
You Surely Will Like the
Quality of Our Groceries
i f " V n4 Theif Reasonable Price .
Tillamook Cheese, lb.
Carnation .Milk," 2 ior.'......,.
Caroline Milk, can
Tomatoes, can ...... "i.'. '
Corn, can
Quaker Rolled Oats, pkg...; ...v.. ..
Medium Van Camp's eans, 5 for."....:....,
California White Bean 14 lbs. for...,......!
Tru Blu .Cookies, 23-oz. pl;g
Peaches,-Pears and AproW, can
:. ..2Sc
.... 95c
Ifandard Irocory Co.
8 II
230 E.' Court St
Phone 96
C. L., Bonney, Pres.
East Oregonian Printing Department.
Quality PRINTING at Reasonable Pricey
. . ''...L.M .
i ' iA
' if I J
Let Government Bonds Abso
lutely Insure Your Investment
;The'New Way of Developing Fortunes in Oil
THE DAY OF THE GAMBLE IS PAST Oil Investors need no longer "take ,
a chance." RELIABLE oil operations should now be just as safe as preferred
industrial stocks. DEMAND IT!, . -' , .i ..
If you are at all interested in making money in oil, take advantage At
THIS opportunity, wherein the element of chance is so simple and reliably .
eliminated. -' N ' ' ' . ,'
We Offer Every Investor the Squarest Possible Deal and Ab
' solute Security. . . .
Our synfllcatn lias bona fid leases on over 6,000 Wes of deeded prospective oil land in the great
I.nnce Creelt vicinity, adjacent to Lusk, Wyo. Leases are in First National Bank of I.nsk.
We want' to sirk a well and haven't the necessary money. You help us get It, and share In the Ira- ,
imnte profits tl.ut are assured. And you are not going to be permitted to suffer loss, for
Here's Our Safety-Guarantee Plan:
new ptrture A. D ' Lasker.
w lu-ail uf -Ut4U. .S. Slililn
iaiiwil as he awivnl al his
rr -A o. Milton. Uncla Sum Ue
tla ot h'1 lo buiU up roeiuhluu
.il.w,' '" "
Absolutely the most unique and carerul nnancing pian yei iiiirouui-ru imo
ovpry dollar subscribed and deposited with our Trustees (we receive no moneys), Liberty Bonds of quat
face value are purchasecr bv them and held in trust as security for your money. At the end of a year,
when we IMtOVK that there is oil on our holdings, you'shall then decide between accepting stock In our
company or demanding vonr bonds. Isn't that about as fair and square an opportunity of participating
in the ureal wealth daily being earned by oil, without risking the usual percentage of loss, as you ever
heard of? .. . - :
. You Simply Cannot Lose!
Onlv sufficient monty to do what is actually necessary Is wanted. The fewer In, the Rreater pro
r,ti pru'fit And we want the profit of those who co-operate with- us to be something worth while. If,
YOU have 'the cuurase of a pioneer, YOU, TOO. shall be one of the fortunate ones, if you
Right is reserved to return oversubscription
Fend No Monev to Us. All funds go Into the Escrow Department of the Ilellman Commercial Trust
K- S-ivings Hank of l.os Angeles. Newspaper space prohibits explanatory justice being done this remark
able plan for safely developing til fortunes. Write TODAY for complete data and details of how you
can-wiu in oil development wiuioiu wining mw usuai uis
Here's the kev to success, anil the insurance against loss.
A;T! .
Keeall Mr. Rockefeller's beginning ,and
Callforiiia-Wyomlnfe Oil Syndicate,
333 C. C Chapman Rldg. ' ,
lxs Angeles, California.
Send me hirther Information In detail regarding your safety-guarantee plan
for developing oil lands. '
rjwrow IViartnnwit, Ilellman Commercial Trust & Saving Bonk, Los Angeles, depository for all
funds and reforonce as to legitimacy and reliability of this plan