East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 08, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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News' Notes of Pendleton
' Juno 7-Auguit Summer
Normal School. ;
July 10 to U EllUion-Whlte
.Beptomber 22, .S3. 24 Annual
Pendleton Round-Up. , .
For Driving on Sidewalk
John Humley paid a tine of $5 this
morning when he pleaded guilty to a
charge of driving- his car over the
Kidcwalk on the O. W. It. & N. cross
ing In the eurt end ot town. .
hearing at 10:30 tho morning- of July
18, at Salem. A notice to this effect
has been received by City Recorder
TliomaH FitzGeruld from the Public
Service commission. The Increase
asked by the company would make
private rates about 30 per cent higncr
and business phones woOld also cost
Funeral of Mr. Bates '
The funeral of the late Gordon
Bates, who died after Injuries received
when he Jumped while riding a horse
which was pulling' a binder, was held
this afternoon from the Brown &
Brady rhupel with Rev. George I.
Chirk, pastor of the I'resbyteilan
church, officiating.! Interment was in
tho Olney cemetery.
Hearing July 18
The application of tho Pacific Tele
plume & Telegraph Co. for 'authority
to Increase their rales hns been set for
traffic In time to assure excellent
traveling by Hound-Up time.
.Meetings on Tuesday
The meeting of (ho board of direc
tors of the Umatilla county Red Cross
Is to be held next Tuesday, July 12
The meeting was postponed because
Harold Warner, ohalrmah. has been
absent from tho city.
Pull Cars Out n-ee . . .. , . .
Arramiements'werc made this morn
ing by Ernest Crockatt, secretary of
the Eastern Auto club whereby cars
traveling over the highway between
Arlington "and Rufus -who get stalled
in- the loose sand where repairs are
being made on the road will be pulled
out free of charge. Complaints made
by touristB that they were compelled
to pay for getting out of the new road
ted caused the arrangoinent to be
made wilh the state highway depart
ment hcudcuartcrs at The' Dalles this
morning. Assurance, has been given
that the rock blasting being done now
between The Dalles and the Deschutes
River, which .necessitates a detour up
the hill to the south, wiil be completed
by Ki ptembar T. When this work 'is
completed, a through roud from Pen
dleton to Portland" will be ready fur
Weather Cooler Today
The weather Is cooler today,' the
maximum being 88, several degrees
lower- than yesterday. 'The minimum
last night was 59. The barometer.
savs Major Lee Moorhousc, weather
observer, registers 29.82.
Use the thoncs
Grocery, 2 Photocs 526
Other Depts. 78
JULY 10 io 1G.
101101 101 101 101 101 101 ioiioi
We Will t
Have Plenty Of -
CHERRIES next week.
Please Place Your Saturday Order
'. ' T-l 1 . V
: mriy.,.vVv.r;. ..
'You Can Depend a:: "IO!"
Pendleton.Cash Market, Inc.
; '' ... '
301. Court Street '
Phones 101 Private Exchange Connect
both Departments.
Nut Is Ponular
The warm weather is resulting In
Increased attendance at the Pendjeton
Nutatorium. Yesterday scores ot
aquatic devotees swum. The water Is
changed twice a week anu.tne neat 01
the sun helps to warm it.
Grass Is Cut
The grass on the Pendleton golf
links has beer, cut and the course is
now In good condition say golfors.
During the al senee of the-instructor,
C. C. Ji-fferf.on. Charles Albere is In
charge of the links and club house. Mr,
Jefferson and family are at Seaside
for two woekH stay.
7 Wl 101 101 I0II0I 101 101 101 I0l
:' W-
For The
Mr. jMan Let us fill your
harvest needs in the way of
clothes, shoos, hats, gloves
and the like. You'll like the
quality of goods, you'll like
the fit and wear. Bring in
your list and buy now! '
Are Arranging Exhibits
Fred Bennion, county agent, and his
assistant, Frank Groves,-are arrang
ing the Umatilla county threshed grain
exhibit which'will be shown at the
Northwest Grain and Hay show to be
held here September 1 to 24, , the
week of Round-Up. The exhibits are
being arranged at Happy Canyon. The
show is to he held in a big tent near
the O. W. It. & X. freight depot,
Mountains Get Know v
, Two inches of snow fell July 1 and
2 in khe higher altitudes of the Uma
tilla National Forest, says J. C. Kuhns,
forest supervisor who returned this
morning after spending several days at
the Government' Springs road ,camp
out of Dayton, where workmen are en
gaged In building the Godman Sprtngs
loiigate road. Mr. Kuhns says that
the cold weather frosted the huckle
berries and the forage plants. The
huckleberries are forming now, Mr.
Kuhns states, and will be ripe about
the middle of August.
The Harding Blue Satitolr and Bracelet.' This new novelty, oilgi
natcd b- the Klger Boyn have only been on the market three weeks,
but, O 15oy these three weeks !! .
If you haven't one get one now, ho In style with the rest and be one '
of the first in your town to wear a Harding Blue Ribbon on your,
watch or a Sautoir. Come In and see lis, we have Just received a big
selection at very little cost. ( Don't delay! Xmic now). Hanscom
always has the best and newest." ' " . .
Hill's THAT LAST "'
; . Hanscom's Jewelry Store
About that
22. caLVfor
i '
!Str'?t FliiMlier ltrokeu
Less flushing, of the streets of Pen
dleton during the pnst two days than
is ordinarily done has been caused by
two breakdowns to the big flusher,'uc-
cording to a utatement made at noom
by C. A. Crabtree, treet commissioner.
The machine had to go into the shop
for repairs Wednesday, and then again
Thursday is broke down. The Jrepairs
were completed today at noSn, and the
flushing of the streets was begun this
afternoon. It requires 16 hours for
the streets of the cits' to he covered,
however, so It will be at leasu Satur
day noon before all of the streets will
be watered :nain.
$1.00 to
Harvest iSox
15c, 25c
No better shirts made, as to
quality, style and fit. Wear one of
our shirts, you'll like it..
Buy them by the dozen.
Harvest sox of quality.
To Kutertuin Homoseckors
Plans have been mado by the Stan
field Commercial club to feed the
honicsoekers who arc expected to be
in Umatilla county July 5 on their
tour of the state. Announcement of
this decision was made, last night by
J. O. Zurcher, rftanfield representative
to the meeting of delegates of the
various commercial bodies of the coun
ty. The party will lease here early' In
the morning. Plans of the state
Chamber of Commerce under whose
direction the tour has been arranged
call for a tour of 125 Middle West
farmers who have a minimum of
$2,000 to invest In Oregon lands.
Canvas Gloves 15c to 60c
' Canvas gloves of all styles, quality of the' best.
. Buy them b'y the dozen.
; Khaki Pants
Offered in straight leg or lace bottom. Best of
quality used and made to give good hard weaiv
, ' Coveralls
Lots of people like I to v?ear these coveralls, be
cause they keep the dirt out. They are' made full
which insures freedom of action. ,V
, Leather Gloves $1.75 to S kOO
Don't hesitate, wear a pair of leather gloves, they
.4. -un v,r,A Woi-vpsr. lpather rlovee. all styles,
of best quality leather, best workmanship, fit and price of, suit
wear. "
Harvest Hats 25c to $1.00 ' . ". V
V 4-Vin Vinf rove nf S11TV from the face in one of
nr hats, offered in many styles. The prices aie
right. "
Of best quality, well made and cut full.
Harvest Shoes $2.50 to $4.00
You need to be well shod doing harvest work, so
wear a pair of our shoes. You'll like the way they
fit and wear. Be sure to try a pair next time.
Special Harvest Union Suits, Athletic
Style 75c
Back to the old price this
fine athletic style union suit.
We have lots of them, so buy
all you want at the special
Harvest Beddin
i' i I
Best of quality large size COMFORTERS and
BLANKETS $2.50 to $3.00
Pillows, each - $2.00 to $o.00
Xew Officers Arrive , '
Adjutant and Mrs. ,C. Av Peterson,
new Salvation Army officers, arrived
in Pendleton last evening to take
charge of the local S. A. post. Ad
jutant and Mrs. Peterson Ibave been
with tho Salvation Army for tho past
received here today. On the TennSle
Hros. ranch there is. wheat that now
looks like 40 bushels per acre. On
other ranches" In that section conditi
ons are equally good though there was
some damage by cold winds, home of
the land from which a 40 bushel yield
Is expected this summer often pro
duced but 20 buslic-.s or 25 to the acre.
To Take Vocation.
County court will not be in session
next week for the very good reason
that the members will be on their va
cations for a few days. Judge and
1 5 years and their experience has been I Mrs. I. M. Schannep and family will
varied. During the war they were at
Vancouver, Washington,', doing . hut
work. More recently they wore sta
tioned at Idaho Falls. Their little
daughter, aged three and small 15
months old son, are with them. Wel
come services for the new officers will
be held at the Saltation Hall tomor
row and Sunday evenings. Captain
Jennie Conrad, formerly In . charge
here. Is to have charge of thft work at
Wenatohee. Washington, and Lieuten
ant Myra Moys, her assistant, is to be
stationed n Hremerton, Washington.
Captain Coin-ad established the local
post. i
Same as S3 Wheat.
There are Indications that while
farmers will not get $3 a bushel for
their wheat this year they will get
such a yield that in some sections at
least the return will be equul to 1 2
per bushel for an average yield. En
couraging reports us to prospective
yields northwest of Pendleton were
ban's Transfer
Res. p&odb 378-8
motor to Seaside where they will spend
aweck. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bean and
family will go to Lehman Springs.
They will remain at the resort dur
ing the rest of the summer. Mr. and
Mrs. G; R.lunnlng will take a motor
trip through -Montana.
Other News of This
N Department on Page 5
Points the Wav
This wooden-headed young lady ii
pointing the way to Atlantic City.
For that matter she's all wood. She's
a sign-board one of the features of
the newly opened "White Horse
Pike." Dedication ceremo.iie were
held in Atlantic City, Egg Harbor
and other New Jersey towns. The
bathing girl below gives an idea ot
the siit of tise postsr ir
(East Oregonlan Special)
STAN FIELD. July 8. Stanficld
spent a sane Fourth, tbcre were a
number of small picnics, and a num-
nii.usiirB seekers motored to'
Pendleton to celebrate by utending
tho movies.
Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Buchholtz and
sons Lloyd and Vine and Miss Bessie
Atchcnson who have been spending
the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
G.-L. imnning. returned to their home
in Portland Tuesday. ;
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dunn and
Mrs. Loren Kennison have returned
front Pasco where they attended the
golden wedding of their parents Mr.
and Mrs. Dunn.
man loft Wednesday for a two months
mntnr trin throueh California and
will also go to the Yellowstone park
Mrs. Ernest Reynolds and young
son of Tacoma are visiting at the
home of Mrs. Reynolds' brother, Voss
Fulford and Mrs. Fulford.
Ed Heney Is employed in tho bank
during the absence of Miss Heggman.
Ernest Grealhouse has sold his
hoasc on Wood avenue to Late Ham
mock. Mr. Grealhouse and family
left Wednesday for Ashland, Ore.,
where they will make their future
Mrs. W. H. Freeze and Miss Effie
Pcnnlck of Portland are the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Reeves on Mea
dow View Farm.
Mr- and Mrs. F. A. Ripley left Sun
day for Portland for an extended stay.
Work on the new high school build
ing is progressing very rapidly.
Mrs. Karl Lund was In Pendleton
Mr. and Mrs. Don Pruitt and Mr.
and Mrs. James F. Lane were among
otored to Pendleton tore
Mr', and Mrs. W E. Smith and chit- f those who motored, t,
dren ncomoanied by Miss Julia Hegg- 1 evening of the fourth.
Miss Catherine Pregnitz is spend
ing a ten days vacation at L'kiah.
Mrs. Harry -Duvall has returned
from Portland where she has been in
St. Vincent's hospital for several
Mr. and Mrs. Vic Martin and Ralph
McCoy spent the Fourth with Mr.
Martin's parents at Richland, Wash.
Mrs. Emma Pregnitz attended the
funeral of the late Mr. Johnson in
Hermiston Wednesday.
Mrs. Chester Dupuis and Miss Ada
JVard were in Echo the first of the
' The Ladies Aid will hold a food
sale in Prtutt's store Saturday af
ternoon. W. H. Daughtry motored to Port-
land Saturday.
lxjs or Vitality is loss of the prin
cipal of life, and is early indicated by
railing appetite and diminishing
strength and endurance. Hood's tfar
saparilla is the greatest vitalize!" it
acts on all the organs and functions,
and builds up the whole system.
The Bee Hive
YOUR .More for Less"
Trade Compelling Bargains
worth your consideration
Paper Plates, doz. Ifc
Paper Napkins, per 100 15c
Wooden Knives and Forks.
per pair
Waxed Paper, roll 5c 10c
Blue Bird Pattern.
42 pieces $16.50
The very article for the fresh
keeping of foods and bread. -
J2.B5 to SB.OI)
Aluminum and White Enameled
One of tho pleasures of every commercial transaction is the
element of BUSINESS CONFIDENCE which enters into it. It is the
one compelling thing that substitutes a spirit of friendliness fur what
would otherwise become a sordid, cold, calculating procedure. It is
the inspiration leading to honest dealings from every standpoint and
therefore becomes the fullest measure of protection for everyone con
corned. That we enjoy the BUSINESS CONFIDENCE of this section
is our best causa for personal congratulation and we shall always hope
to merit the faith placed In us.
75c Dozen
Paper fiber jelly
tumblers, the most
ideal container for
jellies that has ever
been made; cheap
er in the beginning
and of as great
lasting qualities a
By the Dozen, 45c
Kept in the most
sanitary manner. .
Not handled b y
the'hands. Always
fresh. At
45c and 60c the
Special Sale of Table Glassware,
First Quality -
Milk Titchers, Creamers, Sugar" Bowls,
Spoon Trays, Celery Bowls, Butter
Dishes, three different styles of large
Fruit and Berry Bowls. Any one of the
above articles for