East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 06, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    pw 41"' ' ' ' " ' ' ' '
faqs nvl
People Here and There
Mr. and 5Ir8. D. E. MarKh of Pa
louse, Wash, ure Pendleton visitors.
P. C. Schnnder la in MlHHoula, Mon
tana, whore he spent the Fourth of
July with friend und relatives. He
expects to remain in Missoula for two
L. I.. Itogors and family arrived
at the Imperial yesterday. Mr. ltug
cr hJ one of the big wheat growers of
Umatilla county and registers from
Pendleton. Portland Oogonium
Imbler celebrated tlio Fourth of July
in fitting fushion and Rev. George U
Clark, pastor of the Presbyterian
church of thin city, was speaker of the
day. Rcv Clark returned to Pendle
ton today.
The thinning of fruit has come to
play h important part In ftuccesful
fruit farming, nay Fred Hcnnlon,
county agriculture agent. Mr. Ueii
nlon left today for HormlKton to give
thinning demonstrations. Similar
detnonstratlons were conducted lout
week In the cunt end of the county.
Hob Lee of EntcrprlHc. Wallowa
county, la registered in Pendleton to
day. Likewise Mr. and Mrs. H. M.
Tlcrncy of the1 namo place. ,
Dan P. Rmytho. who has been in
Portland for the past few dayii op
business, will return to Pendleton, to-morrow.
The youngest superintendent on the
Elllson'-Whlte Chautauqua circuit is
Don Orput, who is in Pendleton In the
Interests of tho ldil Chautauqua
which opcrm hero Sunday. Mr. Or
put will bo remembered by University
of Oregon alumni having been promi
nent in student affairs on the college
campus. He is a member of Phi Gain
ma Delta fraternity. '
During the coal strike the change it
the atmosphere of London has been
noticeable. The air is clulr and coal
and coal dust has ceased to settle In an
ulsly gruy on clothing. Medical mci
have joined with architects In de
manding that there be legislative re
pression of the uses of soft coul.
Cow Sells for $10,000
IClmloii Warrants Ilcudy
It was announced at tho county
clerk's office today that the warrants
for Judge and clerks at the special
election will be ready for distribution
Sue for t:i.8
K. L. Smith and M. D. Smith have
brought suit against CI. W. Johnson
and wife to collect $358.40 alleged due
the plaintiffs. The complaint was (li
ed by Peterson, Bishop & Clark.
Uank Brings Suit
Suit for the collection of $ 1000 al
leged to be due the First Iiank of
Pilot ltock has been brought by the
bank, through Haley, Haley & Htelwer,
against A. McLaughlin and others.
Professor Budlong
Puts Tarilac To Test
This ooir, said to bo the (Incut ever bred in New Jney, his bwn aoM
flat S10.00&. A. Quj of Bhrevcport, La., tout-lit h t from UtriJai ,rU,
it, jr. ' ,
A. double economy
in this food
Caving in cost
Oand gain in
nutrition pro
vide unusual
economy in
tle compact doodness oP
: tvteat and malted barley.
Naturally sweet, crisp and
delightful to taste.
The hody Quickly assim
ilates the essentials For
huilding strength and vion .
from this scientific Pood.
Grape Nut8 is ready to
eat direct from the package
with cream or gooo; milk
'There's a Reason for Grape-Nuts
Sold by Grocers Everywhere !
Madefy Postum Cereal Co,'7rcBaftlcCreelcMicli.
Want Sloau WUI Irolaled
A petition asking that the will of the
late J. R. Sloan be probated and that
IT. M. Sloan be appointed as executor
of the estate has been filed with Coun
ty Judge I. M, Behannep by Carter
(imythe, attorneys for the estate.
1 'oreHosure Suit llrouglit
C K. Kpence has brought suit
against Wesley R. Grovcr to secure
jurgment for the sum of $8500 alleged
due on notes and to foreclose a mort
ragt insuring the Indebtedness. The
complaint was filed in the circuit by
e. l. Peterson.
War PK-turca Tilts WcVi.
A chance for Pendleton people to
sec the 1st, id. 3d, 4th, and 91st
dlvisluns in action during the recent
war will be given Friday and Satur
day when the official war films will
bo shown at the Arcade theater under
the auspices of the Pendleton post of
tho American Legion. The pictures
'were taken by the United States army
Kiguul corps, on the battle fields of
Kurope. Actual battle scenes of Cha
teau Thierry, Soissons, Aisne, Marne,
St. Mihlcl and Mouse Argonne will be
shown and many thrills are anticipat
Ttils Week
Ice Tea
the So t
n n W eek
In) T
tlio Kct
Each week during July and August we will have
one special. Thing we have purcnaeea w ,u
an extra value for your dollar.
Ice Tea Tumblers
s $1.75
Ice tea is a popular drink these warm days. The
tumblers are of char cut glass In an attractive
wreath design.
The Lsrgvst tllamonl Dealen Id Eattiin Uren
PJtor. C. 3. BIDI.ON ti. lanchetcr, X. H.
Well ItMby ( link; Held.
Mrs. .Kditli G. Van Dcusen, home
demonstration agxnt, Mrs. Alexander,
nurse at the Vmatllla Indian Agency,
and Ir. T. W. Johnson of the State
Hospital, conducted a "Well Baby"
clinic yesterday at the Tutuilla mis
sion. Sirs. Alexander, before an in
terested uudlenco of Indian mothers,
bathed and drcsstd a baby and Dr.
Johnson examined H. Yr. Jnlnison
explained why the Indian cradle it
Injurious to babieK, causing their
heads to become flat and their legs to
bo bowed. Mrs. Van Deuscn spoke on
child feeding and the correct kind of
bottle forMisc. She told the mothers
about iceless refrigerators which can
be used for keeping milk sweet. Oat
meal cooked with figs was served all
tho children present, and with it
uwect milk. , .
"It's an actual fact. I'm In good
health for the first time in thirty
years and I owe my present spic nu.u
condition to Taniac ana m.i.""b
was the emphatic statement of Prof.
r J Budlong. well-known aiid high
ly respected citizen of Manchester, N.
If., residing at 4 2 School street.
"Practically all my life I had had
rheumatism, and when I say rheuma
tism I mean every word of it. It ja
all over my body and especially bad in
mv feet and legs and there were times
when I couldn't get from my bed to my
chair without Help. Ami
time I was a boy I couldn't sit down
und eat a good meal wunom dh.r ...
misery afterwards and I would have
trrihla DalnB around my hmu
frequent attacks of palpitation and
"I had n stubborn c;ise of constlpa-
WASHINGTON, July 6. (A. P.)
Because six senators refused to accept
the house action In reducing some ap
propriations in the naval bill, the sen
ate returned tho measure to confer
ence Thero was no objection to the
llorah amendment authorizing thc
presldent to call a disarmament conference.
tion, was troubled awfully with Wind
ing headaches end hardly knew what
sleep was. My suffering had almost
made a complete nervous wreck of me
and I was so weak I wasn't worth a
nickel as fur as work was concerned. I
thought my troubles had a life-lins
grip on me and was about as discour
aged as a man ever gets. ,
"Well, before I had finished my
first bottle of Taniac I realized It was
different from anything I ever tried
H suited my case exactly. And nnn
for utmost the first time since I c:m
remember I can eat anything 1 wunt
and digest it, I haven't an ache or a
pain and have gained fifteen pounds
in weight. I Just feel good all over and
am full of life and energy these days.
Everywhere I go I talk Taniac. It
hasn't an equal."
Taniac Is sold in Pendleton by
Thompson's Prutr Store.
UTTLE KOCK. Ark.. July 6.-U.
X S,)CunacIem'c iuis urnun
t.'. 4v.t-.noi ritv mai'Hliul iit Wal-
nut Ridge, back to h:s cell in the Ar-
i,nnuu aintA nrison where ne
spend tho rest of his life unless grant
ed gubernatorial reprice. !-'
caped from the state prison farm 18
months ago after being sentenced U
life imprisonment for murder.
Weary of the life of a fugitive, the
mountaineer convict walked Into Gov
ernor McRae's office, introduced him
self and told the chief executive that
he was ready to go back behind the
u... T ui-rnrterinc he was keeping
a promise to officers at Walnut Kidse,
...i..m,.i" him when he came out
of the mountains to visit his wife, who
--rillnnllv ill. Hi WOUld gO tO tllC
slnte orison and give himself up, he
said, if permitted to stay a lew ci.t
unmolested with Ins wue.
W 4
Pay Cash . RecciTe More ray lsi
Despain&Lee Cash Grocery
209 E. Court Phone880
Apple Butter
Famous Phez Brand
4 Jars 95c
WASHINGTON, July 6. (U. P.)
Investigation of the resolution Intro
duced" In the senute by Senator Ken-
yon, governing the Inniiiiy of the Min
go. W. Va., mine war, takes effect in
two weeks. Investigations will be held
in Wa0"ii8tou and may extend to Min
go itself.
PLYMOITFT. Mass., July 6. (I. N.
P ) A mammouth parade on August
1 in honor of President Harding is
planned by residents of towns neai
here. The President Is schedules to
viot Cnp- r.. l on that date.
The Table Supply
Now ia the time. Do not put off your berry can
ning any longer. Logan Berries, Red Raspberries,
Black Caps, Dewberries, Black Berries. We have
si me Gravenstein apple8 for jell. y '
Now is the time to begin trading at this store.
You will be like hundreds of other satisfied custom
er i here. We buy and sell always to your advantage.
Phone 187
739 Main Street Pendleton
. Proprietor -
Quality PRINTING at Reasonable Prices-
East Oregonian Printing Department
r.MOt'K WILL Itl.TlHi:
PASADENA, Oil.. July G. d". P-)
I'addock,' tlic holder of ten world's
champion sprinting records, announc
ed his retirement from track running
following an all around champion
ships held toiluy. .
ALBANY. July 6. tlT. P.) U. W.
Cooley, Involved In the attempt to rob
the Halsvy state bank last week, lias
been released on a fli00 bond. Gene
Tortora, his bondsman, who pities
the man because of his wife and child
will glo Cooley employment.
Despain&Lee CashGrocery
S08E. Court ThoneSSO
Kl.'iKNK. July G. (T. P.) Lionel
Harris, 13 yenrs of age. Is held In cus
tody with his parents following his ar
rest lust night on a charge of robbing
the confectionery store and an elec
trical sloro of the University Y. SI. C.
A. bungalow. Two other robberies
are laid on the youthful yegg.
MAN Ar Wipf. mrih wrk in Ivir-
us., . t piuHii to eocl,. man to noik
. out In harvest. Call Oregon Hotel.
Calling our
to the Facts
The only food ho craves three
times daily. Ask for the best
demand the best get the best
It has the flavor-the food
value the keepliiB nualitlos.
liny a Pcrtinct f "- O'ffcc
..... BAKERY
320 East Court Street
Liberty Bonds Absolutely Guar
antee Your Oil Investment
The New Way of Developing Fortunes in Oil
THE DAY OF THE GAMBLE IS PAST Oil Investors need no longer "take
a chance." RELIABLE oil operations should now be just as safe as preferred
industrial stocks. DEMAND IT! .
If you are at all interested in making money in oil, take advantage of
THIS opportunity, wherein the element of chance is so simple and reliably
eliminated. i ' -
Wc Offer Every Investor the Squarest Possible Deal and Ab
solute Security
Our syndicate has lwna fide leases on over 8.000 acres of deeded prospective oil land in the great
Utnue Creek vicinity, adjacent to Lusk, Wyo. Leases are in Kirst National Bank of Lusk.
We want to a well and haven't the necessary money. You help us get It, and share In the Im
mense profit:; Cat arc assured. And you are not goini,- to be permitted to Buffer loss, for
Here's Our Safety-Guarantee Plan:
bsolutely the most unique and careful financing plan yet introduced into oil pioneering. For
every dollar subscribed and deposited with our Trustees (we receive no moneys). Liberty Bonds of equal
fucc'valne are purchased by them and held In trust as security for your money. At the end of a yenr.
when wc 1'KOVK that there is oil on our holdings, you shall then decide between accepting stock in our
company or demanding your bonds. Isn't that about as fair and square an opportunity of participating
in the great wealth daily being earned by oil, without risking the usual percentage of loss, as you ever
heard of?
You Simply Cannot Lose!
Only sufficient monty to do what is actually necessary ia wanted. Tho fewer in, the greater pro
rata profit And wc want the profit of those who co-operate with us to be something worth while. If
VOL' have the courage of a pioneer, YOU, TOO, shall be one of the fortunate ones, if you
Kighl is reserved to return oversubscriptions.
Send No Monev to Vs. All funds go into the Kscrow IH-paHmont of the Hellman Commercial Trust
& SiviiiRS Piink of l.os Angeles. Newspaper space prohibits explanatory justice being done this remark,
able plan for wifely developing oil fortunes. Write TOKAY for complete data and details of how you
can win in oil development without taking the usual big chance.
Here's the key to success, and the Insurance against loss. Ilccall Mr. rockefeller's beginning nd
mail this col'vox today
Luuiornia-w yoniing I'll i-yinncaiu,
333 O. C. Chapman ltldg.
Los Angeles, California. .
Send me further information In detail regarding your safety-guarantee plan
for developing oil lands.
I srrow nrswlmrnt. VMlman Commcrrtal Tru.-4 (bating Waiik, I Angeles, lKJbrj (or all
fuiwls and refeccme as Icglilmacy niitl rcllabrtilj of this r'"t
.i 1
Jr ffl k 1